996 resultados para monolayer


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With the increasing interest in two-dimensional van der Waals materials, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has emerged as a promising material for electronic and energy storage devices. It suffers from poor cycling stability and low rate capability when used as an anode in lithium ion batteries. Here, N-doped MoS2 nanosheets with 2-8 atomic layers, increased interlayer distance, mesoporous structure and high surface area synthesised by a simple sol-gel method show an enhanced lithium storage performance, delivering a high reversible capacity (998.0 mA h g-1, 50 mA g-1), high rate performance (610 mA h g-1, 2 A g-1), and excellent cycling stability. The excellent lithium storage performance of the MoS2 nanosheets might be due to the better electrical and ionic conductivity and improved lithium ion diffusion which are related to their structural characteristics and high concentration N doping. The possible mechanism of the improved performance is proposed and discussed.


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Desde o início da história taxonômica de Relbunium, muitos foram os trabalhos que enfatizaram sua autonomia e posição taxonômica. Atualmente, alguns estudos sugerem que as espécies pertencentes a Relbunium devam ser incluídas em uma seção do gênero Galium. Porém, recentes estudos moleculares na tribo Rubieae, destacam Galium como um grupo parafilético, e Relbunium como um gênero independente e monofilético. O problema taxonômico referente a Galium e Relbunium é de difícil solução, devido à ausência de estudos que integrem caracteres morfológicos, ecológicos e moleculares. No presente trabalho objetivou-se adicionar informações para o conhecimento básico das espécies de Relbunium e Galium para o sul do Brasil, a partir de caracteres morfológicos e moleculares, buscando responder a seguinte questão: “Relbunium pode ser considerado um gênero ou apenas uma seção dentro de Galium?”. Para atingir os objetivos, foi analisada a morfologia das espécies, com ênfase nas folhas, flores e frutos para duas espécies de Galium e treze de Relbunium: G. latoramosum, G. uruguayense, R. equisetoides, R. gracillimum, R. hirtum, R. humile, R. humilioides, R. hypocarpium, R. longipedunculatum, R. mazocarpum, R. megapotamicum, R. nigro-ramosum, R. ostenianum, R. richardianum e R. valantioides. Chaves de identificação foram geradas a partir dos resultados das análises morfológicas. As folhas foram analisadas quanto à forma, ápice, padrão de venação, tricomas, estômatos, distribuição de idioblastos secretores e vascularização do hidatódio. Esses caracteres não evidenciaram a separação entre os gêneros, auxiliando apenas na individualização das espécies. A morfologia das flores e frutos auxiliou na diferenciação dos gêneros e espécies estudadas. As flores são comumente bispóricas, a exceção de G. latoramosum. Brácteas involucrais, ausentes em Galium, estão presentes nas espécies de Relbunium, de duas a quatro; nesse gênero há presença de antopódio, ausente em Galium. A corola possui tricomas glandulares unicelulares na face adaxial, e na face abaxial os tricomas, quando presentes, são simples e idioblastos secretores estão presentes apenas em R. gracillimum. O androceu tem quatro estames alternipétalos e exsertos, com anteras dorsifixas e tetrasporangiadas, de deiscência longitudinal. O ovário é ínfero, bicarpelar, bilocular, com um rudimento seminal anátropo e unitegumentado por lóculo. O desenvolvimento dos frutos, a estrutura do pericarpo e da testa foram descritos. Os frutos são do tipo baga, em R. gracillimum e R. hypocarpium, ou esquizocarpo, nas demais espécies. A consistência do pericarpo pode variar de carnosa, nos frutos do tipo baga, a levemente seca, nos frutos esquizocarpos. Entre as espécies, observou-se uma variação com relação ao exocarpo, que pode ser liso, piloso ou com idioblastos secretores. A testa é constituída por apenas uma camada de células, que em R. hypocarpium mostra-se descontínua. Além das descrições morfológicas, foram realizados estudos moleculares das espécies, através do seqüenciamento de fragmentos do DNA nuclear (ITS) e plastidial (trnL-F). A partir dos resultados obtidos formam elaborados cladogramas com base nos dados morfológicos e moleculares. O cladograma construído a partir dos dados morfológicos (vegetativos e reprodutivos) evidenciou a distinção dos dois gêneros, ou seja, sustenta Relbunium como táxon independente. Nesse cladograma observa-se que a VI presença ou ausência de brácteas foi determinante, e proporcionou a separação dos gêneros. A uniformidade dos caracteres morfológicos vegetativos entre as espécies auxiliou apenas na distinção das espécies de Relbunium. Com relação aos dados moleculares, os fragmentos de DNA utilizados mostraram-se pouco informativos. A análise do fragmento ITS, em especial, contribuiu para confirmação da relação entre algumas espécies (R. hirtum e R. ostenianum, e R. humile e R. mazocarpum). A análise combinada dos dados morfológicos e moleculares não caracterizou Relbunium como um clado monofilético, sendo sua manutenção não sustentada, isso, principalmente, devido à falta de diferenças moleculares entre as espécies. Conclui-se que para o grupo em questão as análises morfológicas, das folhas, flores e frutos, foram suficientes para destacar Relbunium como um gênero autônomo e monofilético na tribo Rubieae.


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O endotélio corneal é uma monocamada de células poligonais. A integridade e saúde dessa camada são essenciais para a manutenção da transparência corneal normal. Este estudo reportou pela primeira vez, de forma detalhada, a morfologia ultra-estrutural e a morfometria do endotélio corneal de suínos adultos mestiços à microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). A superfície endothelial corneal apresentou um padrão regular de células poligonais, com predomínio da forma hexagonal e de bordas celulares nítidas. O núcleo foi observado como protuberância arredondada no centro da célula. Também foram observados os cílios (2-4) em apenas algumas células da região periférica da córnea, as aberturas das vesículas pinocitóticas na proximidade dos cílios, as microvilosidades, as varas da borda e as bordas celulares em formato de zigzag. A área celular média foi significativamente maior (P<0,05) no centro da córnea do que na periferia, com um coeficiente de variação menor no centro da córnea. A densidade celular média foi significativamente maior na periferia (P<0,05) e 43,9% maior que os dados reportados por outros autores na microscopia especular, o que demonstra o efeito da retração celular durante o processamento das amostras. O valor médio do número de lados das células (pleomorfismo) foi de 5,9, o que evidencia um predomínio do formato hexagonal. A percentagem de células hexagonais foi significativamente maior no centro (P<0,001). Os parâmetros obtidos nesta pesquisa servirão de base para estudos futuros sobre o efeito de medicamentos, cirurgias intracamerulares ou soluções para armazenamento de córneas para transplantes no endotélio corneal do suíno.


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Langmuir films have been fabricated from poly[(2-methoxy-5-n-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] (OC1OC6-PPV). The stability and the area per monomer for condensed films indicate the formation of true monolayers with a very small extent of aggregation, which is unusual for polymer films. This is attributed to the linearity of the alkyl side chain. The Y-type Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films produced from Langmuir films of OC1OC6-PPV have distinctive features compared to those of cast films, probably due to the organization in the LB films whereas the molecules are randomly oriented in cast films. Infrared absorption spectra recorded for both transmission and reflection modes indicate that OC1OC6-PPV molecules are anchored to the substrate by the lateral groups. This is confirmed by the Raman spectrum, in which a distortion of the vinylene group was observed, and by surface enhanced fluorescence (SEF) on an LB monolayer deposited onto Ag nanoparticles. The more homogeneous nature of the LB films in comparison with the case of cast films was demonstrated by optical microscopy and fluorescence measurements where the emission spectra were essentially the same for different regions of an LB film but showed dispersion in cast films. The LB films also displayed reversible photoconductivity.


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The influence of small amounts of bovine serum albumin (BSA) (nM concentration) on the lateral organization of phospholipid monolayers at the air-water interface and transferred onto solid substrates as one-layer Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films was investigated. The kinetics of adsorption of BSA onto the phospholipid monolayers was monitored with surface pressure isotherms in a Langmuir trough, for the zwitterionic dipalmitoylphosphatidyl ethanolamine (N,N-dimethyl-PE) and the anionic dimyristoylphosphatidic acid (DMPA). A monolayer of N,N-dimethyl-PE or DMPA incorporating BSA was transferred onto a solid substrate using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of one-layer LB films displayed protein-phospholipid domains, whose morphology was characterized using dynamic scaling theories to calculate roughness exponents. For DMPA-BSA films the surface is characteristic of self-affine fractals, which may be described with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation. on the other hand, for N,N-dimethyl-PE-BSA films, the results indicate a relatively flat surface within the globule. The height profile and the number and size of globules varied with the type of phospholipid. The overall results, from kinetics of adsorption on Langmuir monolayers and surface morphology in LB films, could be interpreted in terms of the higher affinity of BSA to the anionic DMPA than to the zwitterionic N,N-dimethyl-PE. Furthermore, the effects from such small amounts of BSA in the monolayer point to a cooperative response of DMPA and N,N-dimethyl-PE monolayers to the protein. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The synthesis of a poly(azo)urethane by fixing CO2 in bis-epoxide followed by a polymerization reaction with an azodiamine is presented. Since isocyanate is not used in the process, it is termed clean method and the polymers obtained are named NIPUs (non-isocyanate polyurethanes). Langmuir films were formed at the air-water interface and were characterized by surface pressure vs mean molecular area per met unit (Pi-A) isotherms. The Langmuir monolayers were further studied by running stability tests and cycles of compression/expansion (possible hysteresis) and by varying the compression speed of the monolayer formation, the subphase temperature, and the solvents used to prepare the spreading polymer solutions. The Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique was used to fabricate ultrathin films of a particular polymer (PAzoU). It is possible to grow homogeneous LB films of up to 15 layers as monitored using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy. Higher number of layers can be deposited when PAzoU is mixed with stearic acid, producing mixed LB films. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) absorption spectroscopy and Raman scattering showed that the materials do not interact chemically in the mixed LB films. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) and micro-Raman technique (optical microscopy coupled to Raman spectrograph) revealed that mixed LB films present a phase separation distinguishable at micrometer or nanometer scale. Finally, mixed and neat LB films were successfully characterized using impedance spectroscopy at different temperatures, a property that may lead to future application as temperature sensors. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to correlate the data.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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An increase of the reports involving mimetic systems has been observed. Briefly, these systems use biological phospholipids to exploit specific interactions between membrane-models and drugs. Here, the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) and Langmuir techniques were used to investigate the interaction between cardiolipin (CLP-negative phospholipid) and a cationic-like drug methylene blue (MB). Supported by a cationic polyelectrolyte (PAH), LbL films containing PAH/(CLP + MB) and PAH/(CLP + MB + AgNP) were grown up to 14 bilayers. The optical microscopy analysis revealed a decrease of the CLP vesicle sizes in the presence of MB as a possible consequence of the MB action onto the mechanical properties of the CLP membrane. From FTIR spectra, changes mainly related to peak position and band intensity and shape were observed in the spectra from PAH/CLP when in the presence of MB. The latter supports that the interactions between the phosphate and amine charged groups from CLP and PAH, respectively, established during the LbL film fabrication, besides the CLP hydrocarbon environment, are influenced by the presence of MB. Using the micro-Raman technique, a chemical mapping was build based on MB spectrum by resonance Raman scattering (RRS) and surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS). The later phenomenon was activated by Ag nanoparticles (AgNPs) trapped within the LbL film allowing collecting spectra for a single bilayer of PAH/(CLP + MB + AgNP). A rough estimation showed a SERRS amplification of 10(3) in comparison to RRS spectra. As a complementary approach, Langmuir films of CLP in the presence of co-spread MB were investigated through surface pressure vs mean molecular area (pi-A) isotherms. The results showed that for concentrations of MB below 100 mol%, the drug is expelled to water subphase for high values of surface pressure (condensed phase). For concentration at 100% and higher, the MB keeps bound to CLP floating monolayer. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The piezoelectric quartz crystal resonators modified with oligonucleotide probes were used for detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in serum. The gold electrodes on either rough or smooth surface crystals were modified with a self-assembled monolayer of cystamine. After activation with glutaraldehyde, either avidin or streptavidin were immobilized and used for attachment of biotinylated DNA probes (four different sequences). Piezoelectric biosensors were used in a flow-through setup for direct monitoring of DNA resulting from the reverse transcriptase-linked polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification of the original viral RNA. The samples of patients with hepatitis C were analyzed and the results were compared with the standard RT-PCR procedure (Amplicor test kit of Roche, microwell format with spectrophotometric evaluation). The piezoelectric hybridization assay was completed in 10 min and the same sensing surface was suitable for repeated use. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic order of bylayers composed by a ferromagnetic film (F) coupled with an antiferromagnetic film (AF) is studied. Piles of coupled monolayers describe the films and the interfilm coupling is described by an exchange interaction between the magnetic moments at the interface. The F has a cubic anisotropy while the AF has a uniaxial anisotropy. We analyze the effects of an external do magnetic field applied parallel to the interface. We consider the intralayer coupling is strong enough to keep parallel all moments of the monolayer an then they are described by one vector proportional to the magnetization of the layer. The interlayer coupling is represented by an exchange interaction between these vectors. The magnetic energy of the system is the sum of the exchange. Anisotropy and Zeeman energies and the equilibrium configuration is one that gives the absolute minimum of the total energy. The magnetization of the system is calculated and the influence of the external do field combined with the interfilm coupling and the unidirectional anisotropy is studied. Special attention is given to the region near of the transition fields. The torque equation is used to study dynamical behavior of these systems. We consider small oscillations around the equilibrium position and we negleet nonlinear terms to obtain the natural frequencies of the system. The dependence of the frequencies with the external do field and their behavior in the phase transition region is analized


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T. gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan and the main cause of retinochoroiditis in humans. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the antipsychotic drugs haloperidol and clozapine on the course of infection by T. gondii of cultured embryonic retinal cells. Embryo retinas of Gallus gallus domesticus (E12) were used for the preparation of mixed monolayer cultures of retinal cells. Cultures were maintained on plates of 96 and 24 wells by 37°C in DMEM medium supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum for 2 days. After this period, cultures were simultaneously infected with tachyzoites of T. gondii and treated with the antipsychotics haloperidol and clozapine for 48 hours. Treatment effects were determined by both assessing cell viability with the MTT method and evaluating infection outcomes in slides stained with Giemsa. The treatment with haloperidol and clozapine cells infected with T. gondii resulted in higher viability of these cells, suggesting a possible prevention of neuronal degeneration induced by T. gondii. Additionally, intracellular replication of this protozoan in cells treated with haloperidol and clozapine were significantly reduced, possibly by modulation of the parasite s intracellular calcium concentration


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In this work, chitosan was used as a coating of pure perlite in order to increase the accessibility of the groups OH- e NH2+the adsorptionof ions Mn2+ e Zn2+.The characterization results of the expanded perlite classified as microporous and whose surface area 3,176 m2 g-1after the change resulted in 4,664 m2g-1.From the thermogravimetry(TG) it was found that the percentage of coating was34,3%.The infrared analysis can prove the presence of groups Si-OH, Si-O e Al-O-Siresulting from the perlite and C=O, NH2and OH characterization of chitosan. The experiments on experiments on the adsorption of Mn and Zn were performed in the concentration range of10 a 50 mgL-1and the adsorption capacity inpH 5,8 e 5,2 was 19,49 and 23,09 mgg-1to 25 oC,respectively.The adsorption data were best fitted to Langmuir adsorption model to Langmuir adsorption model for both metalionsisindicative of monolayer adsorption. The kinetics of adsorption were calculated from the equation of Lagergren fitting the model pseudo-second-order for all initial concentrations, suggesting that adsorption of ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ follows the kinetics of pseudo-second-order and whose constant Speedk2(g/mg.min) are 0,105 e 3,98 and capacity and maximum removal qe 4,326 e 3,348,respectively.In this study we used a square wave voltammetry cathodic stripping voltammetry to quantify the adsorbed ions, and the working electrode glassy carbon, reference electrode silver / silver chloride and a platinum auxiliary electrode. The attainment of the peaks corresponding to ions Mn2+ and Zn2+ was evaluated in and electrochemical cell with a capacity of 30 mL using a buffer system (Na2HPO4/NaH2PO4)at pH 4 and was adjusted with solutionsH3PO4 0,1molL-1and NaOH 0,1 molL-1and addition of the analyte has been a cathodic peak in- 0,873 Vand detection limit of2,55x10-6molL-1para Zn.The dough used for obtaining the adsorption isotherm was 150 mg and reached in 120 min time of equilibrium for both metal ions.The maximum adsorption for 120 min with Mn concentration 20 mgL-1 and Zn 10 mgL-1,was91, 09 e 94, 34%, respectively


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The contamination by metal ions has been occurring for decades through the introduction of liquid effluent not treated, mainly from industrial activities, rivers and lakes, affecting water quality. For that the effluent can be disposed in water bodies, environmental standards require that they be adequately addressed, so that the concentration of metals does not exceed the limits of standard conditions of release in the receptor. Several methods for wastewater treatment have been reported in the literature, but many of them are high cost and low efficiency. The adsorption process has been used as effective for removal of metal ions. This paper presents studies to evaluate the potential of perlite as an adsorbent for removing metals in model solution. Perlite, in its natural form (NP) and expanded (EP), was characterized by X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction, surface area analysis using nitrogen adsorption (BET method), scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The physical characteristic and chemical composition of the material presented were appropriate for the study of adsorption. Adsorption experiments by the method of finite bath for model solutions of metal ions Cr3+, Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+ were carried out in order to study the effect of pH, mass of the adsorbent and the contact time on removal of ions in solution. The results showed that perlite has good adsorption capacity. The NP has higher adsorption capacity (mg g-1) than the EP. According to the values of the constant of Langmuir qm (mg g-1), the maximum capacity of the monolayer was obtained and in terms of proportion of mass, we found the following order experimental adsorption: Cr3+ (2.194 mg g- 1) > Ni2+ (0.585 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.515 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.513 mg g-1) and Cr3+ (1.934 mg g-1)> Ni2+ (0.514 mg g-1) > Cu2+ (0.421 mg g-1) > Mn2+ (0.364 mg g-1) on the NP and EP, respectively. The experimental data were best fitted the Langmuir model compared to Freundlich for Cu2+, Mn2+ and Ni2+. However, for the Cr3+, both models fit the experimental data


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We report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic phases and hysteresis of exchange biased ferromagnetic (F) nanoelements for three di erent systems: exchange biased nanoparticles, exchange biased narrow ferromagnetic stripes and exchange biased thin ferromagnetic lms. In all cases the focus is on the new e ects produced by suitable patterns of the exchange energy coupling the ferromagnetic nanoelement with a large anisotropy antiferromagnetic (AF) substrate. We investigate the hysteresis of iron and permalloy nanoparticles with a square basis, with lateral dimensions between 45 nm and 120 nm and thickness between 12 nm and 21 nm. Interface bias is aimed at producing large domains in thin lms. Our results show that, contrary to intuition, the interface exchange coupling may generate vortex states along the hysteresis loop. Also, the threshold value of the interface eld strength for vortex nucleation is smaller for iron nanoelements. We investigate the nucleation and depinning of an array of domain walls pinned at interface defects of a vicinal stripe/AF bilayer. The interface exchange eld displays a periodic pattern corresponding to the topology of the AF vicinal substrate. The vicinal AF substrate consists of a sequence of terraces, each with spins from one AF subalattice, alternating one another. As a result the interface eld of neighboring terraces point in opposite direction, leading to the nucleation of a sequence of domain walls in the ferromagnetic stripe. We investigated iron an permalloy micrometric stripes, with width ranging from 100 nm and 300 nm and thickness of 5 nm. We focused in domain wall sequences with same chirality and alternate chirality. We have found that for 100nm terraces the same chiraility sequence is more stable, requiring a larger value of the external eld for depinning. The third system consists of an iron lm with a thickness of 5 nm, exchange coupled to an AF substrate with a periodic distribution of islands where the AF spins have the opposite direction of the spins in the background. This corresponds to a two-sublattice noncompensated AF plane (such as the surface of a (100) FeF2 lm), with monolayer-height islands containing spins of one sublattice on a surface containing spins of the opposite sublattice. The interface eld acting in the ferromagnetic spins over the islands points in the opposite direction of that in the spins over the background. This a model system for the investigation of interface roughness e ects. We have studied the coercicivity an exchange bias hysteresis shift as a function of the distance between the islands and the degree of interface roughness. We have found a relevant reduction of coercivity for nearly compensated interfaces. Also the e ective hysteresis shift is not proportional to the liquid moment of the AF plane. We also developed an analytical model which reproduces qualitatively the results of numerical simulations


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This study describes the influence of incubation temperature during initial development phase on the morphology and muscle growth characteristics in the pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). Pacu eggs were incubated at 25, 27, and 29 degreesC until hatching. After day 5, fish from each temperature were transferred to 5001 tanks. At hatching and after 5, 25, and 60 days, muscle samples were collected, some were frozen in liquid nitrogen and others fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde or 2.5% glutaraldehyde. These samples were used for morphological, histochemical, immunohistochemical, and morphometric analysis. At hatching, we observed a superficial monolayer of small diameter fibers, lying just beneath the skin surrounding several round cells. From day 5, we observed two distinct populations of muscle fibers distributed in two layers: (1) red-in a superficial region with aerobic activity, and following acid preincubation, high mATPase activity, and 2) white-with anaerobic activity, and following alkaline preincubation, high mATPase activity. Twenty-five days after hatching, an intermediate layer and cell proliferating zones could be seen in the dorsal fin muscle region, with intermediate characteristics. Throughout the experimental period, there was an increase in muscle mass due to new fiber recruitment in the cell proliferating zones and between the more differentiated fibers in red, intermediate, and white muscles. This was more obvious from day 25, and at 29 degreesC than at 25 and 27 degreesC. Fiber hypertrophy occurred from hatching to 60 days and was more evident from 5 to 25 days. The number of proliferating nuclei (PCNA-labelling) increased from hatching to 60 days, and was more obvious in the 29 degreesC group at 60 days. Our results show that at incubation temperatures of 25, 27 and 29 degreesC, hypertrophy was predominantly from hatching to 25 days, after that muscle growth by hyperplastic mechanism increased. The interaction of muscle hypertrophic and hyperplastic growth processes in the 29 degreesC group produced the largest fish at the end of the experiment. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.