941 resultados para low level laser therapy
Em diversos estados do Brasil, foram relatadas epidemias de infecções causadas por micobactérias de crescimento rápido (MCR) desde o ano 2000. A maioria dos casos foi principalmente associada ao clone BRA100 de Mycobacterium massiliense, recentemente renomeada para Mycobacterium abscessus subsp. bolletii, isolado de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos nos quais os instrumentos médicos não foram adequadamente esterilizados e/ou desinfetados. Sendo as quinolonas uma opção no tratamento de infecções por MCR e sugerida para esquemas terapêuticos para esses surtos, foram avaliadas nesse trabalho as atividades in vitro de quatro gerações de quinolonas para cepas clinicas e de referência de MCR através da microdiluição em caldo. Também foram analisadas as sequências peptídicas das regiões determinantes da resistência a quinolonas (RDRQ) das subunidades A e B da DNA gyrase (GyrA e GyrB) após o seqüenciamento de DNA seguido pela tradução da sequência de aminoácidos. Cinquenta e quatro cepas de M. abscessus subsp bolletii, incluindo o clone BRA100, isoladas em diferentes estados do Brasil, e 19 cepas de referência de MCR foram caracterizadas. Todas as 54 cepas clínicas de M. abscessus subsp. bolletii foram resistentes a todas as gerações de quinolonas e mostraram o mesmo resíduo nas RDRQ, incluindo Ala-83 em GyrA, Arg-447 e Asp-464 em GyrB, descritos como sendo responsáveis por gerar um baixo nível de resistência a quinolonas em micobactérias. Porém, outras espécies de MCR apresentaram diferentes susceptibilidade e padrões de mutações contrários aos classicamente já definidos, sugerindo que outros mecanismos de resistência, diferentes de mutações em gyrA e gyrB também possam estar envolvidos na alta resistência a quinolonas.
Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) from the Gulf of Alaska were screened for temporal and spatial genetic variation with 15 microsatellite loci. Thirteen collections were examined in this study: 11 from Southeast Alaska and 2 from Prince William Sound, Alaska. Although FST values were low, a neighbor-joining tree based on genetic distance, homogeneity, and FST values revealed that collectively, the Berners Bay and Lynn Canal (interior) collections were genetically distinct from Sitka Sound and Prince of Wales Island (outer-coastal) collections. Temporal genetic variation within regions (among three years of Berners Bay spawners and between the two Sitka Sound spawners) was zero, whereas 0.05% was attributable to genetic variation between Berners Bay and Sitka Sound. This divergence may be attributable to environmental differences between interior archipelago waters and outer-coast habitats, such as differences in temperature and salinity. Early spring collections of nonspawning Lynn Canal herring were nearly genetically identical to collections of spawning herring in Berners Bay two months later—an indication that Berners Bay spawners over-winter in Lynn Canal. Southeast Alaskan herring (collectively) were significantly different from those in Prince William Sound. This study illustrates that adequate sample size is needed to detect variation in pelagic fish species with a large effective population size, and microsatellite markers may be useful in detecting low-level genetic divergence in Pacific herring in the Gulf of Alaska.
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The 1987-1995 length composition of quarterly catches of Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede 1800) was analyzed to determine various biological reference points for management purposes. These include: fishing mortality producing maximum yield-per-recruit in weight (F sub(max)), fishing mortality producing 50% relative mean mature biomass (F sub(50)), and fishing mortality producing recruits that would exactly replace their parent stock (F sub(rep)). F sub(max) provided misleading suggestions to increase fishing mortality on the stock which is currently at a low level. On the other hand, both F sub(50) and F sub(rep) provided acceptable results, suggesting reduction on the current fishing mortality by 17-40%.
Em junho de 2009, deflagrou-se oficialmente o processo de formulação da Política Municipal de Alimentação e Nutrição (PMAN) do Rio de Janeiro. Liderada pelo Instituto de Nutrição Annes Dias (INAD), órgão da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SMS) e Área Técnica de Alimentação e Nutrição desse município, o documento foi finalizado em dezembro de 2011. Foi então encaminhado à aprovação pela SMS, o que ainda não ocorreu. Este trabalho analisou o processo de formulação da PMAN, buscando caracterizar o contexto político-institucional de sua elaboração. Partindo de uma visão construcionista sobre ciência, foram realizadas análise documental e entrevistas com atores inseridos nesta trajetória. Os documentos analisados foram diários de campo, advindos da participação da pesquisadora como colaboradora deste processo; registros de reuniões; versões do documento nas diversas fases de sua elaboração; entre outros. As entrevistas incluíram gestores do INAD e da SMS, profissionais de diversas áreas e representantes da sociedade civil e dos Conselhos Municipais de Saúde e de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (SAN). A análise revela o reconhecimento da singularidade do INAD como área técnica e de sua consolidada trajetória na área de alimentação e nutrição, protagonizando ricos processos de discussão no município. Aponta, ainda, uma relativa autonomia decisória para implementação de suas ações. No entanto, paralelamente, as entrevistas revelaram que o INAD parece enfrentar, especialmente na gestão atual da SMS, certa fragilidade institucional, expressa por possíveis mudanças em sua inserção formal no arranjo institucional da Prefeitura; pela atual posição no organograma da SMS, aquém de suas atribuições, e também pela morosidade na aprovação da PMAN. Este contexto político-institucional não foi um fator determinante para a formulação da PMAN, embora as entrevistas sugiram que foi considerado para pensar o processo de construção no sentido de fortalecer uma rede de apoio político. Apesar de a opção inicial do INAD ter sido por um processo coletivo de participação, as entrevistas revelaram baixo nível de informação sobre o documento final da PMAN e sobre o andamento de sua aprovação, o que parece sinalizar que o processo decisório sobre as propostas apresentadas pelos atores centralizou-se no INAD no decorrer do tempo. Apesar da demora na aprovação da PMAN, não parece haver uma rede de pressão pela sua assinatura por parte dos atores envolvidos, dependendo exclusivamente das mediações internas do INAD na SMS. A análise desta experiência permite identificar dificuldades e tensões que instituições com caráter intersetorial podem enfrentar, tendo em vista o limite setorial no qual estão inseridas, num dado contexto político-institucional. Além disso, aponta as estratégias políticas que atores sustentam nos processos de militância e os desafios para fomentar a participação social.
Tendo como pressuposto teórico a regionalização das questões de segurança internacional no pós Guerra Fria, esta dissertação objetiva realizar uma análise comparativa da Política de Defesa de três potências regionais, quais sejam, África do Sul, Brasil e Índia, identificando percepção de ameaça no âmbito das suas políticas de defesa. Para fazê-lo, fez-se necessário ter em consideração as capacidades materiais (inspirado no neorrealismo e realismo neoclássico), e os aspectos relativos à percepção de ameaças, numa dimensão ampliada dos estudos de segurança (inspirados pela Escola de Copenhague). Com isso em mente, este trabalho lida com a literatura sobre a segurança regional e as potências regionais, a qual se baseia em vários pressupostos teóricos Neorrealistas, Realistas Neoclássicos e da Escola de Copenhague. A proposição heurística que guia este trabalho é, dado que a percepção de ameaça externa vem de uma leitura, feita pelo Estado, do seu contexto regional, um Estado com baixo nível de ameaças externas tende a vincular de forma mais intensiva de segurança com o desenvolvimento. As fontes utilizadas são dados quantitativos (Composite Index of National Capabilities do projeto Correlates of War), que permitem avaliar a distribuição de capacidades materiais em três regiões (América do Sul, África do Sul, e no Sul da Ásia) e, principalmente, as políticas declaratórias de defesa, os documentos que carregam percepção dos Estados em relação à segurança. Na comparação dos casos, dois aspectos são o foco para a análise do discurso de segurança: as percepções de segurança sobre as suas regiões, o nexo entre segurança e desenvolvimento.
Through research aimed at understanding the coastal environment, surveys designed to help manage the resource, and national programs to monitor environmental condition, we see a picture of a dynamic ecosystem that is Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge (CRNWR). Currently, there are efforts underway to protect threatened species; monitor fish populations; and quantify the biological, physical, and chemical characteristics of this environment. The potential impacts to this system are just now being understood as ecological responses to human modification are observed and explained. As a starting point, this document compiles existing information about Cape Romain NWR in five topic areas and addresses the potential impacts to the Refuge. This review is intended to serve as a stepping stone to developing a research agenda in support of management of the Refuge. There are various sources of information on which to build a framework for monitoring conditions and detecting change to this environment. For instance, information on basic ecological function in estuarine environments has evolved over several decades. Long-term surveys of Southeast fisheries exist, as well as shellfish and sediment contaminants data from estuaries. Environmental monitoring and biological surveys at the Refuge continue. Recently, studies that examine the impacts to similar coastal habitats have been undertaken. This document puts past studies and ongoing work in context for Refuge managers and researchers. This report recommends that the next phase of this resource characterization focus on: • compiling relevant tabular and spatial data, as identified here, into a Geographic Information System (GIS) framework • assessing the abundance and diversity of fisheries utilizing CRNWR • delineating additional data layers, such as intertidal habitats and subtidal clam beds, from low-level aerial photography, hard copy maps, and other sources • continued inventories of plant and animal species dependent on the Refuge • monitoring physical and chemical environmental parameters using the methodology employed at National Estuarine Research Reserve System (NERRS) and other coastal sites, where appropriate • further definition of the potential risks to the Refuge and preparing responses to likely impacts.
Tag release and recapture data of bigeye (Thunnus obesus) and yellowfin tuna (T. albacares) from the Hawaii Tuna Tagging Project (HTTP) were analyzed with a bulk transfer model incorporating size-specific attrition to infer population dynamics and transfer rates between various fishery components. For both species, the transfer rate estimates from the offshore handline fishery areas to the longline fishery area were higher than the estimates of transfer from those same areas into the inshore fishery areas. Natural and fishing mortality rates were estimated over three size classes: yellowfin 20–45, 46–55, and ≥56 cm and bigeye 29–55, 56–70, and ≥71 cm. For both species, the estimates of natural mortality were highest in the smallest size class. For bigeye tuna, the estimates decreased with increasing size and for yellowfin tuna there was a slight increase in the largest size class. In the Cross Seamount fishery, the fishing mortality rate of bigeye tuna was similar for all three size classes and represented roughly 12% of the gross attrition rate (includes fishing and natural mortality and emigration rates). For yellowfin tuna, fishing mortality ranged between 7% and 30%, the highest being in the medium size class. For both species, the overall attrition rate from the entire fishery area was nearly the same. However, in the specific case of the Cross Seamount fishery, the attrition rate for yellowfin tuna was roughly twice that for bigeye. This result indicates that bigeye tuna are more resident at the Seamount than yellowfin tuna, and larger bigeye tunas tend to reside longer than smaller individuals. This may result in larger fish being more vulnerable to capture in the Seamount fishery. The relatively low level of exchange between the Sea-mount and the inshore and longline fisheries suggests that the fishing activity at the Seamount need not be of great management concern for either species. However, given that the current exploitation rates are considered moderate (10–30%), and that Seamount aggregations of yellowfin and bigeye tuna are highly vulnerable to low-cost gear types, it is recommended that further increases in fishing effort for these species be monitored at Cross Seamount.
Low level aqueous radioactive wastes from the nuclear complex at Trombay are discharged into the Bombay harbour. Of the 6 principal radionuclides comprising the discharge, cesium-137 is most predominantly taken up by silt from the sea water. Isoactivity contours show that activity levels just off the point of discharge, and further south to Pir Pau, were between 50 and 100 pCi/g. Activity in the main channel of the harbour remained below 10 pCi/g, while further north (below the Thane Creek bridge) it was around 20 pCi/g. Activity in the top 6 cm of a core off Trombay naval jetty was <5 pCi/g, reaching a maximum of 178 pCi/g at 14cm below the surface. Thereafter, it tapered off to 5 pCi/g down to a metre.
This paper describes two applications in speech recognition of the use of stochastic context-free grammars (SCFGs) trained automatically via the Inside-Outside Algorithm. First, SCFGs are used to model VQ encoded speech for isolated word recognition and are compared directly to HMMs used for the same task. It is shown that SCFGs can model this low-level VQ data accurately and that a regular grammar based pre-training algorithm is effective both for reducing training time and obtaining robust solutions. Second, an SCFG is inferred from a transcription of the speech used to train a phoneme-based recognizer in an attempt to model phonotactic constraints. When used as a language model, this SCFG gives improved performance over a comparable regular grammar or bigram. © 1991.
This talk describes a new version of the Multivariable Frequency Domain Toolbox for Matlab. The intellectual issue which arises here is whether there is a role for Matlab-4 GUI facilities in a Toolbox which provides relatively low-level functionality, with a correspondingly random pattern of user interaction. My belief is that there is a role, but it is very restricted: in effect only for providing convenient 'viewing' facilities for low-level objects (which are multivariable frequency responses in the case of the MFD Toolbox). There is a more obvious role for a GUI with higher-level functions, such as frequency domain identification or parametric controller optimisation.
We examined protein polymorphism of Chinese pangolins (Manis pentadactyla) from Yunnan Province of China, including two forms of three brown and nine dusky Chinese pangolins. Sixty-two genetic loci were screened; 12 loci were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci (P) is 0.194, the mean individual heterozygosity (H) is 0.078, and the mean number of alleles (A) is 1.258. Furthermore, we calculated the genetic distance (D) between the two forms and found a low level of genetic divergence (D = 0.0206) between them, which indicates an almost-indistinguishable divergence at the level of proteins.
The taxonomic position of a novel Gram-negative strain, designated Sy1(T), isolated from a farm-soil sample obtained from Jiangsu Province, PR China, was characterized by using a polyphasic approach. The cells were non-motile, non-spore-forming rods. The organism grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and at pH 6.0-8.0. Based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, strain Sy1(T) is a member of the genus Sphingobacterium; Sphingobacterium multivorum JCM 21156(T) was the nearest relative (98.5% sequence similarity). The predominant fatty acids of strain Sy1T were isoC15:0 (32.90/o), C16:0 (10.9%) and summed feature 3 (iso-C-15:0 2-OH and/or C-16:1 omega 7c; 24.1%). The DNA G + C content was 38.5 mol%. The low level of DNA-DNA relatedness (2.2 %) to S. multivorum JCM 21156 T in combination with differential morphological and biochemical properties demonstrated that strain SY1(T) (=KCTC 22131(T)= CGMCC 1.6855(T)) should be classified as representing a novel species of the genus Sphingobacterium for which the name Sphingobacterium siyangense sp. nov. is proposed.
The study was undertaken to understand the rural women's (i) extent of participation in some selected aquaculture practices and (ii) extent of empowerment through participation in aquaculture program. Data were collected from 200 selected rural women of two districts - Sherpur and Kishoreganj. Each of the families where the selected rural women who were involved in aquaculture under the supervision of two partner NGOs of DSAP, namely- Foundation for Human Development (FHD) and Center for Rural and Environmental Development (CRED). Both conventional and participatory methods of data collection were employed where structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) were used as the tools. The data collection procedure took five-months spanning from September 2004 to January 2005. Appropriate scales were developed and used in order to determine the focus variables of the study, while most analyses regarding women empowerment were done using 'before' and 'after' method. Empowerment of women was measured by five dimensions such as decision making ability, spending ability, social participation, cosmopoliteness, access to assets and resources. The ten selected aquaculture practices were: fish feeding, eradication of aquatic vegetation from fish pond, disease detection, application of fertilizer, liming, harvesting of fry and fish, fish stock management, pond excavation, use of insecticides, and sale of fry and fish. The study also aimed at determining some selected characteristics of rural women and determining relationship between their extent of empowerment and the selected characteristics. The characteristics of rural women included: age, personal education, average family education, family size, family farm size, area under aquaculture, extension media exposure, training exposure, knowledge in aquaculture, and family income. The findings revealed an overall low level of participation by rural women in aquaculture activities. However, significant level of improvement was identified regarding overall status of empowerment during the course of participation in aquaculture program under DSAP.
In 6 Chinese yak (Bos. grunniens) populations including 177 yaks, 34 blood protein loci were studied by horizontal starch gel electrophoresis, four of these loci (AKP: ALB, LDH-1, TF) were found to be polymorphic. The percentage of polymorphic loci(P) is 0.118, the mean individual heterozygosity(H) is 0.015, which means a low level of genetic diversity in the whole Chinese yak population. The coefficient of gene differentiation (G(ST)) is 0.0625, which indicated an almost-indistinguishable divergence among different populations at the level of blood protein electrophoresis.