884 resultados para local-global principle


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Examples of global solutions of the shell equations are presented, such as the ones based on the well known Levy series expansion. Also discussed are some natural extensions of the Levy method as well as the inherent limitations of these methods concerning the shell model assumptions, boundary conditions and geometric regularity. Finally, some open additional design questions are noted mainly related to the simultaneous use in analysis of these global techniques and the local methods (like the finite elements) to finding the optimal shell shape, and to determining the reinforcement layout.


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Small changes in agricultural practices have a large potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the implementation of such practices at the local level is often limited by a range of barriers. Understanding the barriers is essential for defining effective measures, the actual mitigation potential of the measures, and the policy needs to ensure implementation. Here we evaluate behavioural, cultural, and policy barriers for implementation of mitigation practices at the local level that imply small changes to farmers. The choice of potential mitigation practices relevant to the case study is based on a literature review of previous empirical studies. Two methods that include the stakeholders? involvement (experts and farmers) are undertaken for the prioritization of these potential practices: (a) Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) of the choices of an expert panel and (b) Analysis of barriers to implementation based on a survey of farmers. The MCA considers two future climate scenarios ? current climate and a drier and warmer climate scenario. Results suggest that all potential selected practices are suitable for mitigation considering multiple criteria in both scenarios. Nevertheless, if all the barriers for implementation had the same influence, the preferred mitigation practices in the case study would be changes in fertilization management and use of cover crops. The identification of barriers for the implementation of the practices is based on the econometric analysis of surveys given to farmers. Results show that farmers? environmental concerns, financial incentives and access to technical advice are the main factors that define their barriers to implementation. These results may contribute to develop effective mitigation policy to be included in the 2020 review of the European Union Common Agricultural Policy.


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El desarrollo rural/local requiere personas capaces de asumir la gestión de sus actividades integrándolas con una visión global de desarrollo del territorio que habitan. La escuela constituye su primer ámbito de formación y por tanto es el elemento clave en el desarrollo futuro de las personas. Ésta ha perdido terreno como constructora de significados en los últimos años; ha asistido a la sistemática destitución de sus condiciones de generar capacidades de simbolización, lo que provoca una anomia constante en su conjunto. La realidad se le presenta de manera fragmentada y no es capaz de reconstituir un orden lógico y simbólico que contenga y retenga al alumnado ni tampoco se encuentra con capacidad para estructurar el cambio, factor fundamental del desarrollo rural/local. Se presenta propuesta de acción conjunta aplicable a la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina), con un instrumento integrador: el huerto familiar. Con ella se pretende dar un salto cualitativo a las dificultades diagnosticadas y aportar elementos para la reconstrucción de una representación compartida de la realidad basada en una educación que a su vez sea emancipadora y productora de conocimientos que preparen para el protagonismo activo del individuo.


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La propuesta del análisis de la figura de Parque Agrario en el ámbito español surge ante la constatación de que un nuevo paradigma está aconteciendo a escala estatal. Diversos focos se encuentran trabajando en paralelo, y de forma participada, en pos de la reformulación de las políticas públicas relacionadas con la agricultura periurbana. Estos focos ven en la figura de Parque Agrario un instrumento territorial que permite mejorar la sostenibilidad y cohesión territorial a través de la defensa de la gobernanza alimentaria local, sin olvidar la necesidad de conservación de los recursos naturales y el patrimonio paisajístico, junto a la prestación de múltiples servicios de los ecosistemas de estos ámbitos a la ciudadanía. Complementariamente, se empieza a vislumbrar el papel que esta figura puede desempeñar como herramienta de desarrollo territorial de los sistemas agrarios periurbanos, clave ante los efectos de carácter local que la globalización ejerce en estos territorios. La figura de Parque Agrario es una estructura que actúa bloqueando la base territorial, favoreciendo el desarrollo de la actividad agraria. Su mayor potencial es el de convertir el factor “proximidad urbana” de una amenaza a una oportunidad de desarrollo local endógeno que permita la continuidad de la agricultura, de los agricultores y del espacio agrario. La peculiaridad del Parque Agrario es que no es una figura al uso, estructurada y reglada por una legislación, sino que se trata de una iniciativa ad hoc, específica para cada caso, orientada a cumplir determinados objetivos de dinamización agraria, protección urbanística y valorización territorial. A pesar de la existencia de diversas definiciones y aportaciones sobre diferentes aspectos de la figura, no existe un análisis complejo de la misma en todas sus dimensiones, ni una tentativa de descripción de un modelo global y unitario del caso español y de sus potenciales resultados. Tampoco se han analizado en profundidad sus “invariantes” que se muestran como los elementos estructurantes del proyecto, capaces desarrollarse de forma diversa, de alcanzar diferentes niveles de complejidad, y de materializarse en función a las posibilidades que permita el marco normativo y legal. Por tanto, se plantea como objetivo principal de la tesis la definición de un modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario español, capaz de ser articulado e institucionalizado mediante un proceso de gobernanza, y que, como condición sine qua non sea duradero en el tiempo. Para poder llegar a describir un modelo colectivo se realiza, en primer lugar, un análisis genealógico que permita analizar sistemáticamente las propuestas desarrolladas en el ámbito español y los casos para establecer la existencia de una continuidad en la idea de Parque Agrario en las propuestas desarrolladas durante los últimos 25 años—sus invariantes—, y analice todos aquellos elementos que han ido enriqueciendo la figura en cada experiencia —sus variantes. Este análisis, además, ofrece como aportaciones el árbol genealógico y los mapas de dispersión de la figura y el primer catálogo de propuestas de Parque Agrario materializadas en proyecto. El resultado de la inducción de los datos obtenidos en el análisis genealógico es el modelo conceptual de Parque Agrario, que se define como una estructura orgánica de planificación-gestión-gobierno del territorio capaz de adaptarse a las necesidades específicas de todo sistema agrario periurbano que requiera la articulación-institucionalización de esta figura en él. Una vez descrito el modelo, se contrasta su fiabilidad mediante su aplicación como metodología de caracterización y evaluación de dos estudios de casos: uno exitoso, el Parque Agrario del Baix Llobregat, y uno frustrado, la propuesta de Parque Agrario de la Vega de Granada. ------------------------------------------------------ ABSTRACT -------------------------------------------------------------------- The proposed analysis of the figure of Agrarian Park in the Spanish sphere arises from the awareness that a new paradigm is happening at the state level. Different focuses are working in parallel, under participated programs, after the reformulation of public policies related to urban agriculture. These areas understand the figure of Agrarian Park as a territorial instrument for improving sustainability and territorial cohesion through the defense of local food governance, considering the need for conservation of natural resources and landscape heritage together with the multiple ecosystem services provided by these areas to the public. Additionally, the role that this figure can play as a tool for territorial development of peri-urban agrarian systems, which are key to the local effects that globalization has on these territories, is staring to be envisioned. The figure of Agrarian Park is a structure that works by blocking the territorial base to encourage the development of agrarian activity. Its greatest potential is to convert the threat of "urban proximity" into an opportunity for an endogenous local development that allows the persistence of agriculture, farmers and the agrarian space. The uniqueness of the Agrarian Park is that it is not a standard figure, structured and regulated by legislation, but rather an ad hoc initiative, specific to each case, designed to meet certain objectives of agrarian revitalization, urban protection and territorial enhance. Despite the existence of several definitions and contributions on different aspects of the figure, there is a lack of a complex analysis of it in all its dimensions, missing any attempt to describe a global and unitary model of the Spanish case and its potential outcomes. Its "invariants” have neither been evaluated in depth, shown as the structural elements of the project able to be developed in different ways, to achieve numerous levels of complexity, and to be materialized according to the possibilities allowed by the regulatory and legal framework. Therefore, the definition of a conceptual model of Spanish Agrarian Park able to be articulated and institutionalized through a process of governance, and durable over time as a sine qua non requisite, it is proposed as the main aim of the thesis. To get to describe a collective model, a genealogical analysis that systematically analyzes the proposals and cases developed in the Spanish field is undertaken to verify the existence of a continuity of the idea of Agrarian Park on the proposals developed during the past 25 years -invariants-, and evaluate all the elements that have enriched this figure in each experience - variants. This analysis also provides as inputs a family tree, maps of dispersion of the figure and the first catalog of Agrarian Park proposals materialized into projects. The result of inducting the data obtained in the genealogical analysis is the Conceptual Model of Agrarian Park, defined as an organic planning-management-government structure of the territory able to adapt to the specific needs of all peri-urban agrarian systems that require the articulation-institutionalization of this figure in it. Having described the model, its reliability is tested by applying it as a methodology for characterization and evaluation of two case studies, one successful, the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park, and one frustrated, the proposed Agrarian Park de la Vega of Granada.


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Esta tese tem como tema principal o discurso ambiental local. Trata-se de uma proposta de análise, que pode ser aplicada a este tipo de discurso em qualquer localidade, e um estudo de caso, que aplicou a análise proposta na tese. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa foi analisar a informação local sobre meio ambiente veiculada por meio dos discursos jornalístico, político e empresarial, estabelecendo relações históricas, sociais e ideológicas do discurso ambiental que permeiam as três áreas em questão. A metodologia incluiu três fases: pesquisa bibliográfica e revisão de literatura sobre os principais conceitos levantados no trabalho; levantamento de discursos locais disponíveis na mídia para análise no estudo de caso; análise dos discursos a partir de protocolo elaborado com base na Análise do Discurso de linha francesa. O estudo de caso traz a análise do discurso ambiental no município de Frutal-MG, onde hoje estão em andamento várias pesquisas e projetos na área ambiental. A principal conclusão do trabalho confirma a hipótese da pesquisa de que a informação ambiental fruto dos discursos político, jornalístico e empresarial em âmbito local tem caráter predominantemente situacional, mercadológico e propagandístico, pouco focada em conscientizar e educar e com ênfase em interesses comerciais e eleitorais e na resolução de problemas emergenciais.


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In the last decade, two tools, one drawn from information theory and the other from artificial neural networks, have proven particularly useful in many different areas of sequence analysis. The work presented herein indicates that these two approaches can be joined in a general fashion to produce a very powerful search engine that is capable of locating members of a given nucleic acid sequence family in either local or global sequence searches. This program can, in turn, be queried for its definition of the motif under investigation, ranking each base in context for its contribution to membership in the motif family. In principle, the method used can be applied to any binding motif, including both DNA and RNA sequence families, given sufficient family size.


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In the cerebral cortex, the small volume of the extracellular space in relation to the volume enclosed by synapses suggests an important functional role for this relationship. It is well known that there are atoms and molecules in the extracellular space that are absolutely necessary for synapses to function (e.g., calcium). I propose here the hypothesis that the rapid shift of these atoms and molecules from extracellular to intrasynaptic compartments represents the consumption of a shared, limited resource available to local volumes of neural tissue. Such consumption results in a dramatic competition among synapses for resources necessary for their function. In this paper, I explore a theory in which this resource consumption plays a critical role in the way local volumes of neural tissue operate. On short time scales, this principle of resource consumption permits a tissue volume to choose those synapses that function in a particular context and thereby helps to integrate the many neural signals that impinge on a tissue volume at any given moment. On longer time scales, the same principle aids in the stable storage and recall of information. The theory provides one framework for understanding how cerebral cortical tissue volumes integrate, attend to, store, and recall information. In this account, the capacity of neural tissue to attend to stimuli is intimately tied to the way tissue volumes are organized at fine spatial scales.


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La comunicación persuasiva del siglo XXI ha establecido un nuevo modelo de actuación. Las campañas de comunicación persuasiva de los medios de comunicación de masas y las redes sociales así lo demuestran. Si en los años 80 y 90 los mensajes utilizados por las empresas y organismos mundiales para el logro del cambio de actitud de los sujetos eran diseñados desde estrategias de comunicación global, con mensajes prácticamente iguales para todos los públicos objetivos del planeta, hoy se puede comprobar la preeminencia de la implementación local. La estrategia ha evolucionado, del imperativo de internacionalización de los 80, a la globalización de los 90, hasta llegar a la realidad económica e informativa de un mundo global del siglo XXI, en que el sujeto parece no aceptar ser uno más. En este trabajo reflexionamos sobre esta realidad para tratar de establecer los aspectos que configuran el nuevo perfil del receptor de la comunicación y que propician el cambio en el modelo de acercamiento al sujeto por parte de los emisores de la comunicación social para el logro del éxito en la persuasión. Es objetivo de esta investigación esclarecer y delimitar los aspectos sociales y humanos que han propiciado un cambio en las preferencias e implicaciones del sujeto del siglo XXI...


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This study examines worldwide usage of over 600,000 e-books from Ebook Library (EBL) and ebrary. Using multiple modes of analysis, the study shows that there are variations in usage by geographic region as well as by subject. The study examines usage in relation to availability of titles, different types of usage per session, usage of the top ten percent of titles, and intensive and extensive use. These patterns can be used for benchmarking and as a model for local e-book studies.


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In recent times the Douglas–Rachford algorithm has been observed empirically to solve a variety of nonconvex feasibility problems including those of a combinatorial nature. For many of these problems current theory is not sufficient to explain this observed success and is mainly concerned with questions of local convergence. In this paper we analyze global behavior of the method for finding a point in the intersection of a half-space and a potentially non-convex set which is assumed to satisfy a well-quasi-ordering property or a property weaker than compactness. In particular, the special case in which the second set is finite is covered by our framework and provides a prototypical setting for combinatorial optimization problems.


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La tendencia a la concentración de flujos económicos y humanos en las principales aglomeraciones ha generado unos polos de atracción global en detrimento de las opciones de desarrollo del resto de territorios. Sin embargo la recomposición territorial está siendo más compleja y afecta también al territorio no metropolitano. La introducción de elementos de creatividad en las economías urbanas es un ejemplo de la relativa dispersión territorial de nuevas actividades productivas. La localización de actividades económicas creativas ha sido analizada para el caso de ciudades medias, periferias urbanas y espacios rurales, pero no para el de ciudades turísticas. El objetivo del trabajo es analizar, a escala local y partiendo del cálculo de un índice sintético de creatividad, el comportamiento de dicho índice y en qué medida la clase creativa se localiza en los destinos turísticos del mediterráneo español y las Islas Canarias en comparación con otros tipos de municipios y entre municipios turísticos según su grado de especialización. Los resultados obtenidos permiten formular la hipótesis sobre cómo contribuyen los espacios turísticos a la reorganización productiva del territorio y valorar sus posibilidades de competitividad basadas en la mejora de la tolerancia, la innovación y el emprendimiento, proporcionando oportunidades de desarrollo más integrales y diversificadas en el momento de crisis actual.


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The high concentration of the banking sector is a cross-border phenomenon that has high impact on local and global economies. This paper's main goal is to analyze the factors that impact concentration in the banking systems around the globe. The innovation of this paper is that we combined economic, "economic environment", and culture variables as explanatory variables for this analysis. We found among other things that regulation in the banking system is helpful in order to keep it competitive. We also found that when the society has more individual values rather than collective ones, its banking sector is less concentrated. In the second part of the paper we focused on the Israeli case, showing that although recent indicators of the Israeli banking system indicate a higher level of concentration and lower level of competition, it seems that the recent trend is moving toward less concentration and higher competition.


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Chinese investors are welcome! Germany’s Federal Minister of Economy, Sigmar Gabriel, made this clear at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Berlin in January 2014. His words were not only meant as an invitation to Chinese companies, but also as a piece of advice for Germany’s business community and broader public. Chinese investors are often perceived to be going on a “global shopping spree” with a “political checkbook”, not only in Germany but everywhere in Europe. Some observers even suggest stricter controls for investors from specific countries, such as China. The German government is right to pursue the principle of a free trade and investment regime, while insisting that China’s government should level the playing field for foreign companies, too.


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Hodiernamente às finanças públicas e municipais portuguesas enfrentam grandes desafios. Os municípios são confrontados com fortes restrições de financiamento, mormente das suas fontes tradicionais; dos impostos, das transferências do Estado e do empréstimo bancário, incrementando assim a deterioração da economia municipal. A crise financeira a nível global veio demostrar a necessidade de se diversificar aquelas fontes, demostrando as fragilidades dos sectores públicos e privado da economia portuguesa, agravado com da exiguidade do crédito bancário concedido para o investimento em projectos de desenvolvimento. Acreditamos que se perde uma grande oportunidade de se combater esta crise ao não fazermos devido uso, do potencial que o mercado de capitais interno nos oferece, com vista a financiar projectos de longo prazo. Pensamos que há espaço para que se adopte o uso de obrigações municipais, não como alternativa mas como fonte complementar ao financiamento local.


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Effective policies combating global warming and incentivising reduction of greenhouse gases face fundamental collective action problems. States defending short term interests avoid international commitments and seek to benefit from measures combating global warming taken elsewhere. The paper explores the potential of Common Concern as an emerging principle of international law, in particular international environmental law, in addressing collective action problems and the global commons. It expounds the contours of the principle, its relationship to common heritage of mankind, to shared and differentiated responsibility and to public goods. It explores its potential to provide the foundations not only for international cooperation, but also to justify, and delimitate at the same time, unilateral action at home and deploying extraterritorial effects in addressing the challenges of global warming and climate change mitigation. As unilateral measures mainly translate into measures of trade policy, the principle of Common Concern is inherently linked and limited by existing legal disciplines in particular of the law of the World Trade Organization.