932 resultados para land conservation


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This paper discusses the particular contribution of the SSSI (Sites of Special Scientific Interest) as a way of nature conservation for rivers. In 1989, the Nature Conservancy Council proposed a dual selection system for selection of rivers; either (1) "Whole river" SSSIs representing the main types of river, or rivers which show classic and representative transitions down their lengths, or (2) "Sectional" SSSIs which are shorter stretches of river with high nature conservation interest. The NCC has recently classified all SSSIs with a river interest into 4 categories: - river SSSIs, river valley SSSIs, river adds interest - where the river clearly adds biological interest to the site, and rivers of incidental interest. The overall length of river SSSIs amounts to almost 1000 km.


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Pond Action is an independent freshwater conservation project which was started in 1987. It is based in the School of Biological and Molecular Sciences in Oxford Polytechnic and has five full-time staff with two senior advisors. The main aim of Pond Action's work has been to promote the conservation of ponds by creating a sound, scientific basis for pond conservation. An essential aspect of this work is the need to make the results of scientific work available and understandable to everybody concerned with pond conservation.


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This paper summarises a meeting which discussed the ecology and conservation of Llangorse Lake in South Wales. The meeting was organised by the British Ecological Society (Aquatic Ecology Group), in association with the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW), Brecon Beacon National Park Authority (BBNPA) and Environment Agency Wales. It took place on 22 October 1998.


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More than 4000 ponds have been created or restored in Denmark since 1985 as part of a large-scale pond-digging programme to protect endangered amphibians in particular and pond flora and fauna in general. Most ponds are created on private land with public financing. The programme was triggered by, among other factors, a drastic decline in amphibian populations in Denmark between 1940 and 1980. However, in recent years there has been an increased awareness in Denmark that temporary ponds are important for the conservation of some of the most rare amphibian species, such as fire-bellied toad Bombina bombina, natterjack toad Bufo calamita and green toad Bufo viridis. Other rare species such as moor frog Rana arvalis and European tree frog Hyla arborea also benefit from temporary ponds. The last 15 years of work on the conservation of endangered species and their habitats has resulted in a last-minute rescue and a subsequent growth in the size of most Danish populations of fire-bellied toad and green toad; some populations of the relatively more common natterjack toad have also increased. The creation of temporary ponds plays an important role in the success of these three species. The creation of ponds to help restore viable populations of the most rare amphibians has not been easy. To study the conditions that may need to be created, Danish herpetologists searched for areas with temporary ponds that had good water quality, natural hydrological conditions and a management regime influenced by traditional agricultural methods. The paper gives an overview of pond creation and restoration projects in Denmark and Poland and their significance for amphibian diversity.


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Northern Ireland has approximately 1670 lakes, which cover 4.4% of the land surface. However, most of the water area is accounted for by the large lakes such as Lough Neagh (385 km2) and Lower Lough Erne (109.5 km ). The majority of lakes are less than 100 hectares in area. They tend to be distributed towards the south and west of the Province, where extensive drumlin swarms are rich in small waterbodies. In 1988-1991, 610 of the 708 lakes between one and 100 hectares were sampled by the Northern Ireland Lake Survey. The objective was to assess their conservation status based on their aquatic macrophyte flora, but in addition to extensive plant surveys, the water of each lake was analysed for a range of chemical variables. This article reports on a full-scale survey carried out in early March 2002. The survey was taken with help of two helicopters. The authorise summarise the results of the chemical analysis of the survey.


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Royal Visit. The Vice President of Ecuador in the Galápagos. The Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve. The Charles Darwin Foundation Endowment Fund. Repatriation of Captive-bred Land Iguanas. The 1987 Flamingo Census. Experimental Plantations to Provide Building Timber. Visitors and Events at the Charles Darwin Research Station.


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There are many ways of practising freshwater nature conservation: from strict legislative protection of individual species considered rare or threatened to protecting whole lakes or long stretches of rivers; from practical conservation management at a local scale to integrated catchment management at the river basin scale; and from the encouragement of better habitat management through codes of good practice to statutory control of pollution or abstraction. Whatever the mechanism, an essential pre-requisite is a way of choosing where to put the effort, especially when resources for nature conservation are severely limited. The aim of this article is to review the contribution from four specific international measures to the task of assigning priorities for conservation. The 1990s saw the introduction of two European directives (the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Water Framework Directive (WFD)) and one international convention (the Biodiversity Convention (CBD)) each with the potential for influencing, to a greater or lesser extent, the conservation of freshwater habitats and species. This article also discusses a much older convention – the Ramsar Convention – adopted in 1971 specifically to help tackle the conservation and management of wetlands and aquatic ecosystems. Although the authors have focused mainly on the UK, the subject is relevant to other parts of Europe and beyond. The article explores the degree to which these measures help in identifying the most important fresh waters for conservation, and asks whether or not they present the right conservation message to a wide audience.


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Conservation problems and programmes. The giant tortoises. The land iguanas. The Hawaiian petrels. The penguins, cormorants and gulls. The fire ants. The control of introduced mammals. Botany. Marine biology. Galapagos cave faunas. Rare twin births of giant tortoises. Visitors and events at the Charles Darwin Research Station (CDRS).


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The object of this report will be to make a complete study of the water that is wasted in the storm drains of Pasadena and determine if there is any practical way of conserving this water.


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Na perspectiva ambiental, o Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos (PARNASO) é o Parque Nacional mais pesquisado no Brasil e configura-se como uma importante Unidade de Conservação inserida no estado do Rio de Janeiro, devido à sua importância ambiental para o estado. Localizado em quatro municípios da região serrana: Teresópolis, Petrópolis, Magé e Guapimirim foi constatado que essa área tem passado por alguns problemas, relativamente recentes, de ocupação desordenada devido à expansão urbana em sua vizinhança caracterizada por pressão antrópica. Através do processamento de imagens digitais, mais especificamente as etapas de segmentação e classificação, foi possível ilustrar o processo de ocupação humana por meio de documentos cartográficos. Além de estes processos possibilitarem a geração de mapas de uso da Terra e cobertura vegetal, com o intuito de auxiliar e dar fomento à execução de atividades, o mapeamento digital configura-se numa importante ferramenta para a análise ambiental, contribuindo para o posterior zoneamento da área de estudo. Adotaram-se classes temáticas de uso e ocupação da Terra com o propósito de permitir a classificação das imagens digitais trabalhadas. São elas: afloramento rochoso, área urbana, agricultura e vegetação. Estudos foram feitos no sentido de indicar e explorar as funcionalidades das ferramentas SPRING e DEFINIENS e resultados foram comparados a partir do uso de imagens LANDSAT, CBERS, SPOT e IKONOS chegando-se a resultados de que no sistema SPRING, os melhores parâmetros a serem escolhidos foram similaridade 10 e área 400. Já para o sistema DEFINIENS, constatou-se que o processo de segmentação multinível permitiu o alcance de resultados mais rápidos, do ponto de vista computacional, do que o processo de segmentação único utilizado normalmente entre os sistemas de processamento de imagens digitais como o SPRING. Já sob a ótica do processo de classificação de imagens, a pesquisa constituiu em avaliar este mecanismo por meio de dois indicadores: o de exatidão/acurácia e o índice Kappa. Neste sentido, observaram-se tendências de melhores resultados no sistema SPRING.