973 resultados para intraseasonal oscillation


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In the last 50 years several studies have been made to understand the relaxation mechanisms of the heavy interstitial atoms present in transition metals and their alloys. Internal friction measurements have been carried out in a Nb-Ti alloy containing 3.1 at.% of Ti produced by the Materials Department of Chemical Engineering Faculty of Lorena (Brazil), with several quantities of oxygen in solid solution using a torsion pendulum. These measurements have been performed by a torsion pendulum in the temperature range from 300 to 700 K with an oscillation frequency between 0.5 and 10 Hz. The experimental results show complex internal friction spectra that have been resolved, into a series of Debye peaks corresponding to different interactions. For each relaxation process it was possible to obtain the height and temperature of the peak, the activation energy and the relaxation time of the process. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports the surface activity of phytase at the air-water interface, its interaction with lipid monolayers, and the construction of a new phytic acid biosensor on the basis of the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) technique. Phytase was inserted in the subphase solution of dipalmitoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPG) Langmuir monolayers, and its incorporation to the air-water interface was monitored with surface pressure measurements. Phytase was able to incorporate into DPPG monolayers even at high surface pressures, ca. 30 mN/m, under controlled ionic strength, pH, and temperature. Mixed Langmuir monolayers of phytase and DPPG were characterized by surface pressure-area and surface potential-area isotherms, and the presence of the enzyme provided an expansion in the monolayers ( when compared to the pure lipid at the interface). The enzyme incorporation also led to significant changes in the equilibrium surface compressibility (in-plane elasticity), especially in liquid-expanded and liquid-condensed regions. The dynamic surface elasticity for phytase-containing interfaces was investigated using harmonic oscillation and axisymmetric drop shape analysis. The insertion of the enzyme at DPPG monolayers caused an increase in the dynamic surface elasticity at 30 mN m(-1), indicating a strong interaction between the enzyme and lipid molecules at a high-surface packing. Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films containing 35 layers of mixed phytase-DPPG were characterized by ultraviolet-visible and fluorescence spectroscopy and crystal quartz microbalance nanogravimetry. The ability in detecting phytic acid was studied with voltammetric measurements.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of the use of high-heeled shoes on static balance in young adult women. Fifty-three women between 18 and 30 years of age and accustomed to wearing high-heeled shoes participated in the study. None of the participants had any orthopedic or neurologic alterations. Static balance was assessed using a force plate. Oscillations from the center of pressure in the mediolateral and anteroposterior directions were measured both when barefoot and when wearing high-heeled shoes [7 centimeters (cm) in height and 1 cm in diameter] under the conditions of eyes open and eyes closed. Two-way analysis of variance was employed for the statistical analysis, with the level of significance set at 5% (p < .05). The results revealed statistically significant differences between tests when barefoot and when wearing high-heeled shoes as well as with eyes open and eyes closed (p < .01). With the use of high-heeled shoes, there was a significant increase in mediolateral oscillation with eyes closed (p < .01). The present study demonstrates that the use of seven-cm high heels altered static balance in the healthy young women analyzed, increasing the oscillation of the center of pressure, regardless of visual restriction. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The performance of 36 models (22 ocean color models and 14 biogeochemical ocean circulation models (BOGCMs)) that estimate depth-integrated marine net primary productivity (NPP) was assessed by comparing their output to in situ (14)C data at the Bermuda Atlantic Time series Study (BATS) and the Hawaii Ocean Time series (HOT) over nearly two decades. Specifically, skill was assessed based on the models' ability to estimate the observed mean, variability, and trends of NPP. At both sites, more than 90% of the models underestimated mean NPP, with the average bias of the BOGCMs being nearly twice that of the ocean color models. However, the difference in overall skill between the best BOGCM and the best ocean color model at each site was not significant. Between 1989 and 2007, in situ NPP at BATS and HOT increased by an average of nearly 2% per year and was positively correlated to the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation index. The majority of ocean color models produced in situ NPP trends that were closer to the observed trends when chlorophyll-alpha was derived from high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), rather than fluorometric or SeaWiFS data. However, this was a function of time such that average trend magnitude was more accurately estimated over longer time periods. Among BOGCMs, only two individual models successfully produced an increasing NPP trend (one model at each site). We caution against the use of models to assess multiannual changes in NPP over short time periods. Ocean color model estimates of NPP trends could improve if more high quality HPLC chlorophyll-alpha time series were available.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Measurement-based quantum computation is an efficient model to perform universal computation. Nevertheless, theoretical questions have been raised, mainly with respect to realistic noise conditions. In order to shed some light on this issue, we evaluate the exact dynamics of some single-qubit-gate fidelities using the measurement-based quantum computation scheme when the qubits which are used as a resource interact with a common dephasing environment. We report a necessary condition for the fidelity dynamics of a general pure N-qubit state, interacting with this type of error channel, to present an oscillatory behavior, and we show that for the initial canonical cluster state, the fidelity oscillates as a function of time. This state fidelity oscillatory behavior brings significant variations to the values of the computational results of a generic gate acting on that state depending on the instants we choose to apply our set of projective measurements. As we shall see, considering some specific gates that are frequently found in the literature, the fast application of the set of projective measurements does not necessarily imply high gate fidelity, and likewise the slow application thereof does not necessarily imply low gate fidelity. Our condition for the occurrence of the fidelity oscillatory behavior shows that the oscillation presented by the cluster state is due exclusively to its initial geometry. Other states that can be used as resources for measurement-based quantum computation can present the same initial geometrical condition. Therefore, it is very important for the present scheme to know when the fidelity of a particular resource state will oscillate in time and, if this is the case, what are the best times to perform the measurements.


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Action-research is a model of scientific investigation which is not widely used in musical teaching, even considering its relevant application in the social sciences. David Tripp (2005) classifies it as a type of action-investigation which is used to define any process that follows a cycle where the practice is improved by the systematic oscillation from acting in the field of practice to investigating into it. With the approval by the Brazilian National Congress of Law 17,769, on August 18, 2008, and with the supplementary legislation, we understand that its use in the musical education would be beneficial. This justification has motivated the writing of this article, which approached the characteristics, functions and usefulness of the action-research. The consulted authors were, among others, D. Tripp, M. Thiollent, Maria A. Franco, G. Morceau, and Maria G. de Miranda. Two examples of Master's dissertations which adopted this type of research were mentioned.


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We discuss the impact of recent experimental results on the determination of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters. We use all published results on atmospheric neutrinos, including the preliminary large statistics data of Super-Kamiokande. We reanalyze the data in terms of both vμ → vτ and vμ → ve channels using new improved calculations of the atmospheric neutrino flux. We compare the sensitivity attained in atmospheric neutrino experiments with those of accelerator and reactor neutrino oscillation searches, including the recent CHOOZ experiment. We briefly comment on the implications of atmospheric neutrino data in relation to future searches for neutrino oscillations with long baselines, such as the K2K, MINOS, ICARUS, and NOE experiments.


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We model the heterogeneously catalyzed oxidation of CO over a Pt surface. A phase diagram analysis is used to probe the several steady state regimes and their stability. We incorporate an experimentally observed 'slow' sub-oxide kinetic step, thereby generalizing a previously presented model. In agreement with experimental data, stable, oscillatory and quasi-chaotic regimes are obtained. Furthermore, the inclusion of the sub-oxide step yields a relaxation oscillation regime. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have reanalysed the atmospheric neutrino data including new results from Super-Kamiokande and Soudan-II experiments, under the assumption of two-flavor neutrino oscillation. We present the allowed region of oscillation parameters for the νμ → ντ channel. In performing this re-analysis we also take into account some recent theoretical improvements in the flux calculations.


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Flavor changing (FC) neutrino-matter interactions can account for the zenith-angle-dependent deficit of atmospheric neutrinos observed in the SuperKamiokande experiment, without directly invoking either neutrino mass or mixing. We find that FC ν μ-matter interactions provide a good fit to the observed zenith angle distributions, comparable in quality to the neutrino oscillation hypothesis. The required FC interactions arise naturally in many attractive extensions of the standard model. © 1999 The American Physical Society.


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The present work deals with a family of simply periodic orbits around the Moon in the rotating Earth Moon-particle system. Taking the framework of the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem, we follow the evolution of this family of periodic orbits using the numerical technique of Poincaré surface of section. The maximum amplitude of oscillation about the periodic orbits are determined and can be used as a parameter to measure the degree of stability in the phase space for such orbits. Despite the fact that the whole family of periodic orbits remain stable, there is a dichotomy in the quasi-periodic ones at the Jacobi constant Cj = 2.85. The quasi-periodic orbits with Cj < 2.85 oscillate around the periodic orbits in a different way from those with Cj > 2.85. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Gross-Pitaevskii equation for Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) in two space dimensions under the action of a harmonic oscillator trap potential for bosonic atoms with attractive and repulsive interparticle interactions was numerically studied by using time-dependent and time-independent approaches. In both cases, numerical difficulty appeared for large nonlinearity. Nonetheless, the solution of the time-dependent approach exhibited intrinsic oscillation with time iteration which is independent of space and time steps used in discretization.


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Measurements of CP-violating observables in neutrino oscillation experiments have been studied in the literature as a way to determine the CP-violating phase in the mixing matrix for leptons. Here we show that such observables also probe new neutrino interactions in the production or detection processes. Genuine CP violation and fake CP violation due to matter effects are sensitive to the imaginary and real parts of new couplings. The dependence of the CP asymmetry on the source-detector distance is different from the standard one and, in particular, enhanced at short distances. We estimate that future neutrino factories will be able to probe in this way new interactions that are up to four orders of magnitude weaker than the weak interactions. We discuss the possible implications for models of new physics. ©2001 The American Physical Society.


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We explore the features of neutrino oscillation which are relevant for measurements of the leptonic CP violating phase δ and the sign of Delta;m13 2 in experiments with low-energy conventional superbeams. Toward the goal, we introduce a new powerful tool called the CP trajectory diagram in bi-probability space which allows us to represent pictorially the three effects, the effects of (a) genuine CP violation due to the sin δ term, (6) CP conserving cos δ term, and (c) fake CP violation due to earth matter, separately in a single diagram. By using the diagram, we observe that there is a two-fold ambiguity in the determination of S which is related with the sign of Delta;m13 2. Possible ways of resolving the ambiguity are discussed. In particular, we point out that an in situ simultaneous measurement of δ and the sign of Delta;m13 2 can be carried out at distances of about 700 km, or at the Phase II of the JHF experiment provided that sin δ ·Delta;m13 2 < 0, both with a megaton class water Cherenkov detector.