995 resultados para infecção por pseudomonas


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O Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Citros da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura vem gerando híbridos para utilização como porta-enxertos, que necessitam ser avaliados em relação ao comportamento frente à infecção natural por isolados locais de Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) e à presença de sintomas de descamamento eruptivo (BahiaBarkScaling disease - BBS). Este trabalho apresenta resultados da avaliação do comportamento de 141 híbridos (sob a forma de pés-francos ou enxertados) estabelecidos na área experimental da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura, no Recôncavo Sul da Bahia. Foram avaliadas a presença e a severidade de sintomas de caneluras e descamamento por meio de escala de notas. Para detectar a presença do CTV, foi utilizado o método sorológico de ELISA indireto e RT-PCR. Os híbridos avaliados foram classificados como imunes, tolerantes e intolerantes ao CTV. A maioria dos híbridos que apresentaram sintomas de BBS tem uma tangerineira como parental.


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Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli validoida kosmetiikan laadunvalvonnassa käytetyn mikrobin, Pseudomonas aeruginosan, osoitusmenetelmä. Menetelmä validoitiin Tullilaboratori-on mikrobiologian jaostolle, joka tutkii elintarvikkeiden lisäksi myös kosmetiikkaa. Se käyt-tää kosmeettisten tuotteiden tutkimisessa amerikkalaista menetelmää. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko jo käytössä oleva menetelmä toimiva kyseisen bakteerin suhteen ja voidaanko se akkreditoida. Validointia varten valittiin erilaisista kosteusvoide-ryhmistä kolme matriisia, joihin siirrostettiin kohdemikrobia sekä taustaflooraa. Ensimmäiseen matriisiryhmään kuului tuote, joka sisälsi vähän säilöntäaineita, toinen matriisi oli luontaistuote ja kolmas matriisi päivittäiskaupan tuote. Näytteet viljeltiin pintalevityksenä spesifisille Pseudomonas Isolation Agar -maljoille. Menetelmän toistettavuuden laskemiseksi tehtiin seitsemän toistomääritystä ja uusittavuuden laskemiseksi viisi toistomääritystä viljelemällä rinnakkain toisen viljelijän kanssa. Tuloksista laskettiin standardipoikkeamat käyttäen kaikkia saatuja arvoja sekä poistamalla raja-arvot. Menetelmän toistettavuus ja uusittavuus olivat tyydyttäviä, sillä standardipoikkeamat eivät olleen kovin suuria. Spesifisyyttä varten varmistettiin viisi tyypillistä ja epätyypillistä pesäkettä kaupallisella kitillä. Menetelmä oli spesifinen, sillä kohdemikrobi pystyttiin toteamaan kaikista näytteistä, häiritsevistä taustamikrobeista huolimatta. Menetelmän toteamisrajan selvittämiseksi näytteisiin lisättiin kolmea eri bakteerisiirrostetta, joiden pitoisuudet olivat melko alhaiset ja lähellä toisiaan. Pseudomonas aeruginosa pystyttiin toteamaan alhaisimmalla tasolla. Tuloksien perusteella voidaan todeta, että menetelmän validointi onnistui


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Bacterial-fungal interactions have important physiologic and medical ramifications, but the mechanisms of these interactions are poorly understood. The gut is host to trillions of microorganisms, and bacterial-fungal interactions are likely to be important. Using a neutropenic mouse model of microbial gastrointestinal colonization and dissemination, we show that the fungus Candida albicans inhibits the virulence of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa by inhibiting P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine gene expression, which plays a critical role in iron acquisition and virulence. Accordingly, deletion of both P. aeruginosa pyochelin and pyoverdine genes attenuates P. aeruginosa virulence. Heat-killed C. albicans has no effect on P. aeruginosa, whereas C. albicans secreted proteins directly suppress P. aeruginosa pyoverdine and pyochelin expression and inhibit P. aeruginosa virulence in mice. Interestingly, suppression or deletion of pyochelin and pyoverdine genes has no effect on P. aeruginosa's ability to colonize the GI tract but does decrease P. aeruginosa's cytotoxic effect on cultured colonocytes. Finally, oral iron supplementation restores P. aeruginosa virulence in P. aeruginosa and C. albicans colonized mice. Together, our findings provide insight into how a bacterial-fungal interaction can modulate bacterial virulence in the intestine. Previously described bacterial-fungal antagonistic interactions have focused on growth inhibition or colonization inhibition/modulation, yet here we describe a novel observation of fungal-inhibition of bacterial effectors critical for virulence but not important for colonization. These findings validate the use of a mammalian model system to explore the complexities of polymicrobial, polykingdom infections in order to identify new therapeutic targets for preventing microbial disease.


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L'élément génétique intégratif et conjugatif auto-transférable de 103 kb qui se trouve dans le génome de Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confère la capacité de dégrader le 3-chlorobenzoate et le 2-aminophénol. L'élément ICE c/c peut être transféré par conjugaison de la souche B13 à diverses bêta- et gamma- protéobactéries. Seule une sous-population de 3 à 5% des cellules transfère l'élément, les cellules dites "compétentes pour le transfert". L'acquisition de la compétence pour le transfert est vraisemblablement la conséquence d'une régulation bistable, conduisant une partie des cellules au transfert de l'élément ICE c/c tandis que, dans les autres, l'élément reste quiescent et ne se transfère pas. À ce jour, les mécanismes et les acteurs moléculaires qui régulent l'activation bistable de l'élément sont restés inconnus. Mon travail de doctorat visait à identifier les éléments bistables du régulon de la compétence pour le transfert et d'analyser les fondements moléculaires de la bistabilité de l'élément ICE c/c chez P. knackmussii. Le premier chapitre introduit le thème du transfert génétique horizontal avec un accent particulier sur les éléments intégratifs et conjugatifs (ICE) et ICEcIc. L'état actuel des connaissances sur l'organisation génétique, la régulation, l'intégration et le transfert de différents modèles de ICEs est exposé en détail. En outre, je m'étends sur les phénomènes d'hétérogénéité et de bistabilité phénotyplques, qu'on peut distinguer dans une population isogénique dans des conditions de culture homogènes, et qui sont susceptibles de jouer un rôle dans le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c, dans la mesure où il ne s'active et n'est transférable que dans une très petite sous-population de cellules. Dans le chapitre 2, je présente une analyse globale des régions promotrices minimales des gènes appartenant au régulon de la compétence pour le transfert de l'élément ICE c/c. Nous avons étudié les caractéristiques d'expression des promoteurs et, s'ils s'avéraient bistables, leur activation dans le temps par comparaison avec le mutant lntB13. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilisé des fusions de promoteurs avec des gènes rapporteurs et testé l'expression bistable chez P. knackmussii par microscopie à épifluorescence. Pour six promoteurs présentant une expression bistable, nous avons employé de la microscopie temporelle pour déterminer la chronologie de leur expression par rapport à Pint et PinR. Parmi eux, nous avons identifié deux gènes exprimés précocement et trois gènes exprimés tardivement dans le processus d'acquisition de la compétence de transfert. Dans le chapitre 3, j'expose une analyse d'expression génétique pour l'un des groupes de gènes dont la transcription est la plus élevée dans la région conservée de ICE c/c, les gènes orf81655-orf68241 contenus dans une région de 14 kb. Nous montrons d'abord que cet opéron fait partie du même régulon bistable que intB13 et inrR et analysons les caractéristiques génétiques qui conduisent à une transcription élevée. Nous étudions les fonctions biologiques de ce groupe de gènes par des délétlons ciblées et montrons que certaines d'entre elles empêchent le transfert de l'élément. Nous approfondissons la caractérlsatlon de I'orf8l655 en construisant une fusion transcrlptionnelle avec le gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (egfp) (en utilisant le système minl-Tn5). L'expression de Vorf81655 dans des cellules individuelles est comparée au signal mesuré par hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH) sur le ARN messager du gène. En utilisant FISH, des délétlons du promoteur et de l'analyse directe de transcription, nous avons localisé la région promotrice du groupe de gènes. En outre, nous avons utilisé des mutations dirigées pour comprendre la bistabilité de cette région promotrice, caractérisée par une transcription très élevée et une traduction lente de l'ARN messager.  Dans le chapitre 4, nous nous efforçons de comprendre comment la bistabilité est générée au sein du régulon te de l'élément ICE c/c. Pour ce faire, nous avons tenté de reconstituer une expression bistable, dans un hôte qui ne présente pas de bistabilité naturellement, à partir d'éléments génétiques individuels. L'hôte choisi est Pseudomonas putida dans lequel nous avons introduit une copie unique de Pint, PinR ou PaipA fusionnés à la egfp, construits qui permettent d'observer l'apparition de bistabilité. Nous avons ensuite construit différents assemblages de composants génétiques de l'élément ICE c/c, en nous concentrant sur la région parA-inrR. En effet, nous avons pu démontrer qu'une expression bistable apparaît dans P. putida grâce à ces éléments en l'absence de l'élément ICE c/c complet. À noter que la plupart des construits génétiques activent PaipA ou P|,,R, mais qu'un seul recrée la bistabilité de Pint, ce qui suggère que la région parA-inrR permet à la fois d'engendrer la bistabilité et d'opérer la transition entre les promoteurs précoces et les promoteurs tardifs du régulon de la bistabilité. Dans le chapitre 5, nous concluons sur une discussion de la pertinence de nos résultats et sur de futures perspectives de recherche. -- The 103-kb self-transmissible integrative and conjugative element (ICE) of Pseudomonas knackmussii B13 (ICEc/c) confers the capacity to degrade 3- chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol. ICEc/c can be conjugated from strain B13 to a variety of Beta- and Gammaproteobacteria. Interestingly, ICE c/c transfer is observed in a subpopulatlon of cells (3-5%) only, the so-called 'transfer competent' cells. The formation of transfer competence (tc) is thought to be the consequence of a 'bistable' decision, which forces those cells to follow the developmental path which leads to ICEc/c transfer, whereas in others ICE c/c remains silent and does not transfer. So far, the mechanisms and molecular partners generating this bistable transfer activation in cells of P. knackmussii B13 remain mostly unidentified. This thesis aimed at understanding the extent of the tc bistability regulon and to dissect the molecular basis of bistabillty formation of ICEc/c in P. knackmussii. The first chapter is a general Introduction on horizontal gene transfer (HGT) with particular emphasis on ICEs and ICE c/c. The emphasis is made on the current knowledge about the HGT gene organization, regulation and specific integration and transfer aspects of the different ICEs models. Furthermore, I focus on the phenomena of phenotypic heterogeneity and bistability (the property of two distinguishable phenotypes existing within an isogenic population under homogeneous conditions), which may play a particular role in ICEc/c behaviour, since ICE activation and transfer only occurs in a very small subpopulation of cells. In Chapter Two, I focus on a global analysis of the different core promoters that might belong to the ICEc/c tc pathway regulon. We studied both expression patterns of ICEc/c promoters and, once being identified as "bistable", their temporal activation compared to that of intB13. In order to do this, we used promoter reporter fusions and tested blstability expression in P. knackmussii using epifluorescence microscopy. For the 6 promoters that showed bistable expression, we used time-lapse microscopy to study the timing of promoter expression in comparison to that of P,,,t or PlnR. We could establish two "early" and 3 "late" phase promoters in the process of transfer competence. In Chapter Three, I focused my attention on analysis of gene expression of one of the most highly transcribed gene clusters in the conserved core region of ICEc/c, a 14-kb gene cluster formed by the genes orf81655-orf68241. First we showed that this operon is part of the same bistability 'regulon' as intB13 and inrR, and analysed the genetic features that lead to high transcription. We studied the potential biological function of this cluster for ICE c/c by making specific gene deletions, showing that some interrupt ICEc/c transfer. We further analysed the orfdl655 promoter by constructing transcriptional egfp fusion reporter strains using the miniTn5 delivery system. Expression of the orf81655 promoter in single cells was compared to signals measured by Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) on orfSl655 mRNA. We localized the promoter region of the gene cluster using FISH, promoter deletions, and by direct transcript analysis. We further used site-directed mutagenesis to understand the bistability character of the promoter region and the extremely high transcription but low translation from this mRNA. In Chapter Four, we set out to understand how bistability is generated in the tc pathway of ICEc/c. For this we tried rebuilding bistable expression from ICEc/c individual gene components in a host, which normally does not display bistability. As host we used P. putida without ICEc/c but with a single copy Pint-, PlnR- or PalpA- egfp fusion that enabled us to verify bistability formation. Subsequently, we built different assemblages of ICEc/c gene components, focusing on the parA-inrR region. Indeed, we found that bistable expression can be build from those components in P. putida without ICEc/c. Interestingly, most genetic constructs activated PaipA or PlnR, but only one resulted in bistable activation of PinT. This suggests that the parA-inrR region acts as a bistability "generator", but also as a bistability "relay" from early to late promoters in the tc pathway hierarchy. In the final fifth chapter, we conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the present thesis and the resulting perspectives for future studies.


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Os autores relatam um caso de paciente do sexo masculino, 38 anos de idade, motorista, soropositivo para HIV há oito anos, sem acompanhamento, com quadro de tosse produtiva com secreção acinzentada e episódios intermitentes de dispnéia há 15 dias. Informava dois episódios pregressos de tuberculose pulmonar (1983 e 2001) tratados. A radiografia de tórax evidenciou áreas de hipotransparência nodular e broncogramas aéreos bilateralmente. A tomografia computadorizada de tórax evidenciou vários achados inespecíficos, dentre eles áreas esparsas de consolidação, cavitação, bronquiectasia, opacidade em vidro fosco, espessamento intersticial e broncogramas aéreos. A lavagem broncoalveolar evidenciou numerosas hifas com raros septos bifurcados sugestivos de Aspergillus sp. e a cultura foi positiva para Nocardia sp. e Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Foi instituída terapia com anfotericina B, sulfametoxazol-trimetoprim e anti-retrovirais. Após 20 dias, recebeu alta sem queixas pulmonares. Decorridos 15 dias, retornou com diarréia, febre, disfagia e emagrecimento importante. Foi a óbito após cinco dias, por sepse estafilocócica.


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The production of beneficial public goods is common in the microbial world, and so is cheating - the exploitation of public goods by nonproducing mutants. Here, we examine co-evolutionary dynamics between cooperators and cheats and ask whether cooperators can evolve strategies to reduce the burden of exploitation, and whether cheats in turn can improve their exploitation abilities. We evolved cooperators of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa, producing the shareable iron-scavenging siderophore pyoverdine, together with cheats, defective in pyoverdine production but proficient in uptake. We found that cooperators managed to co-exist with cheats in 56% of all replicates over approximately 150 generations of experimental evolution. Growth and competition assays revealed that co-existence was fostered by a combination of general adaptions to the media and specific adaptions to the co-evolving opponent. Phenotypic screening and whole-genome resequencing of evolved clones confirmed this pattern, and suggest that cooperators became less exploitable by cheats because they significantly reduced their pyoverdine investment. Cheats, meanwhile, improved exploitation efficiency through mutations blocking the costly pyoverdine-signalling pathway. Moreover, cooperators and cheats evolved reduced motility, a pattern that likely represents adaptation to laboratory conditions, but at the same time also affects social interactions by reducing strain mixing and pyoverdine sharing. Overall, we observed parallel evolution, where co-existence of cooperators and cheats was enabled by a combination of adaptations to the abiotic and social environment and their interactions.


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There is an increasing interest to seek new enzyme preparations for the development of new products derived from bioprocesses to obtain alternative bio-based materials. In this context, four non-commercial lipases from Pseudomonas species were prepared, immobilized on different low-cost supports, and examined for potential biotechnological applications. Results: To reduce costs of eventual scaling-up, the new lipases were obtained directly from crude cell extracts or from growth culture supernatants, and immobilized by simple adsorption on Accurel EP100, Accurel MP1000 and Celite (R) 545. The enzymes evaluated were LipA and LipC from Pseudomonas sp. 42A2, a thermostable mutant of LipC, and LipI. 3 from Pseudomonas CR611, which were produced in either homologous or heterologous hosts. Best immobilization results were obtained on Accurel EP100 for LipA and on Accurel MP1000 for LipC and its thermostable variant. Lip I. 3, requiring a refolding step, was poorly immobilized on all supports tested ( best results for Accurel MP1000). To test the behavior of immobilized lipases, they were assayed in triolein transesterification, where the best results were observed for lipases immobilized on Accurel MP1000. Conclusions: The suggested protocol does not require protein purification and uses crude enzymes immobilized by a fast adsorption technique on low-cost supports, which makes the method suitable for an eventual scaling up aimed at biotechnological applications. Therefore, a fast, simple and economic method for lipase preparation and immobilization has been set up. The low price of the supports tested and the simplicity of the procedure, skipping the tedious and expensive purification steps, will contribute to cost reduction in biotechnological lipase-catalyzed processes.


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Introduction: Patients with Cystic fibrosis (CF) are more susceptible to pathogens like P. aeruginosa (PA). PA primo-infection requires particular attention as failure in eradication is associated with accelerated lung deterioration. The main aim of this study is to assess the rate of PA eradication according to our particular protocol with inhaled tobramycin and oral ciprofloxacin, as there is no consensus in the literature on what eradication protocol is optimal. Methods: Retrospective single centre study with data analysis from June 1st 2007 to June 1st 2011 of patients with PA primo-infection exclusively treated by 3 x 28 days of inhaled tobramycin and oral ciprofloxacin for the first and last 21 days. Success in eradication is defined by ≥ 3 negative bacteriologies for 6 months after the beginning of the protocol. If ≥ 1 bacteriology is positive, we consider the eradication as a failure. Results: Out of 41 patients, 18 followed the eradication protocol and were included in our analysis (7 girls (38.9%) and 11 boys (61.1%)). Boys had 12 primo-infections and girls had 8. Among these 20 primo-infections, 16 (80%) had an overall success in eradication and 4 (20%) a failure. There was no significant statistical differences in age between these groups (t-test = 0.07, p = 0.94), nor for FEV1% (t-test = 0.96, p = 0.41) or BMI (t-test = 1.35, p = 0.27). Rate of success was 100% for girls and 66.6% for boys. Conclusion: Our protocol succeeded in an overall eradication rate of 80%, without statistical significant impact on FEV1 % and BMI values. However, there was a sex difference with eradication rates in girls (100%) and boys (66.6%). A sex difference has not yet been reported in the literature. This should be evaluated in further studies.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever as alterações na tomografia computadorizada de tórax de casos comprovados de infecção pelo novo vírus influenza A (H1N1). MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Três observadores avaliaram, em consenso, nove tomografias computadorizadas de pacientes com infecção pelo vírus influenza A (H1N1) comprovada laboratorialmente. A idade dos pacientes variou de 14 a 64 anos (média de 40 anos), sendo cinco do sexo masculino e quatro do sexo feminino. Quatro pacientes eram previamente hígidos, quatro eram transplantados renais e uma era gestante à época do diagnóstico. Foram avaliadas a presença, a extensão e a distribuição de: a) opacidades em vidro fosco; b) nódulos centrolobulares; c) consolidações; d) espessamento de septos interlobulares; e) derrame pleural; f) linfonodomegalias. RESULTADOS: As alterações mais frequentemente encontradas foram opacidades em vidro fosco, nódulos centrolobulares e consolidações, presentes em nove (100%), cinco (55%) e quatro (44%) dos casos, respectivamente. Derrames pleurais e linfonodomegalias foram menos comuns, ocorrendo em apenas dois (22%) dos casos estudados. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados mais comuns nos casos de infecção pelo novo vírus influenza A (H1N1) foram opacidades em vidro fosco, nódulos centrolobulares e consolidações. Estas alterações não são típicas ou únicas a este agente, podendo ocorrer também em outras infecções virais ou bacterianas.


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OBJETIVO: Investigar a relação entre a espessura cortical medida pela ressonância magnética em regiões frontais e o desempenho em instrumentos que avaliam funções executivas em pacientes com HIV positivo. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Participaram deste estudo 22 pacientes HIV-positivos, com déficits em funções executivas, sob terapia antirretroviral, idades entre 45 e 65 anos e escolaridade entre 3 e 20 anos. Foi realizada ressonância magnética com sequências convencionais, T1 3D, processado pelo Freesurfer para verificar espessura cortical. Instrumentos de avaliação das funções executivas: Teste de Trilhas, Wisconsin, Hayling, Dígitos (WAIS-III), fluência verbal ortográfica e Stroop. Para análise da relação espessura versus cognição, utilizou-se coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. RESULTADOS: Correlações significativas foram encontradas entre escores de: Wisconsin e espessura das regiões pré-central e orbitofrontal lateral à direita e pré-central esquerda; Teste de Trilhas e espessura da área pré-central direita e cíngulo anterior caudal esquerdo; e Teste Hayling e espessura da área lateral orbitofrontal esquerda. CONCLUSÃO: As correlações existentes entre medidas de espessura cortical pela ressonância magnética e desempenho cognitivo sugerem que os déficits executivos em pacientes HIV-positivos relacionam-se a uma redução da espessura cortical das regiões frontais.


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Boletus edulis Bull. is one of the most economically and gastronomically valuable fungi worldwide. Sporocarp production normally occurs when symbiotically associated with a number of tree species in stands over 40 years old, but it has also been reported in 3-year-old Cistus ladanifer L. shrubs. Efforts toward the domestication of B. edulis have thus focused on successfully generating C. ladanifer seedlings associated with B. edulis under controlled conditions. Microorganisms have an important role mediating mycorrhizal symbiosis, such as some bacteria species which enhance mycorrhiza formation (mycorrhiza helper bacteria). Thus, in this study, we explored the effect that mycorrhiza helper bacteria have on the efficiency and intensity of the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis between C. ladanifer and B. edulis. The aim of this work was to optimize an in vitro protocol for the mycorrhizal synthesis of B. edulis with C. ladanifer by testing the effects of fungal culture time and coinoculation with the helper bacteria Pseudomonas fluorescens Migula. The results confirmed successful mycorrhizal synthesis between C. ladanifer and B. edulis. Coinoculation of B. edulis with P. fluorescens doubled within-plant mycorrhization levels although it did not result in an increased number of seedlings colonized with B. edulis mycorrhizae. B. edulis mycelium culture time also increased mycorrhization levels but not the presence of mycorrhizae. These findings bring us closer to controlled B. edulis sporocarp production in plantations.


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O rim em bolo é uma rara anormalidade do trato urinário que pode ser diagnosticada em qualquer faixa etária. Durante investigação de infecção urinária recorrente em criança de 12 anos, foi revelada em tomografia computadorizada contrastada a presença de rim direito ectópico, com fusão renal, drenado por dois ureteres. Foi iniciado tratamento profilático com nitrofurantoína e o paciente se encontra assintomático.


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OBJETIVO: Calcular as frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal em pacientes menores de dois anos com cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA com primeiro quadro de infecção do trato urinário em hospital universitário brasileiro, comparando com dados da literatura internacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram revisados laudos cintilográficos de crianças menores de dois anos de idade que realizaram cintilografia renal com 99mTc-DMSA em um hospital universitário no Rio Grande do Sul, entre 2006 e 2009, para pesquisa de pielonefrite aguda/cicatriz renal. Revisaram-se a presença de refluxo vesicoureteral, o uso precoce de antibiótico, e a presença de comorbidades que constassem nos prontuários eletrônicos. Calculou-se a amostra com base num estudo de revisão sistemática e obteve-se um mínimo de 147 pacientes. Excluíram-se pacientes sem registro eletrônico. RESULTADOS: Cento e cinquenta e sete crianças preencheram critérios de inclusão do estudo, 48 tiveram pielonefrite aguda e 8 destas apresentaram cicatriz renal. Nem a idade nem o gênero dos pacientes apresentaram associação significativa com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,405 e p = 0,124, respectivamente). Não houve diferença estatística nas associações de refluxo vesicoureteral e pielonefrite aguda (p = 1,0) e outras comorbidades (p = 0,470) e em relação ao uso precoce de antibiótico com pielonefrite aguda (p = 0,130) e cicatriz renal (p = 0,720). CONCLUSÃO: As frequências de pielonefrite aguda e cicatriz renal obtidas concordam com os resultados da maioria dos estudos publicados.


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This study presents the bactericidal activity of titanium dioxide photocatalysis, using as model Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas sp. cells. It was observed that the process efficiency is related to initial cell concentration, light intensity, UV irradiation exposure time, TiO2 concentration increase. The ultimate removal efficiency was above 99.9%.


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Paclobutrazol is growth regulator of plants that has low mobility in soil and therefore has accumulated. The objective of this study was to investigate the paclobutrazol biodegradation in two soils from the São Francisco River Valley. The biodegradation experiments were conducted in batch using paclobutrazol and paclobutrazol added glycerol. The experiments were performed in sterile and nonsterile conditions using a mixed culture of Pseudomonas. The concentration of paclobutrazol was determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The biodegradation reached 43% in 14 days of experiments with only paclobutrazol and 70% in 28 days of experiments that contained glycerol and paclobutrazol.