888 resultados para indoor sources
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The use of sugarcane bagasse and grass as low cost raw material for xylanase production by Bacillus circulans D1 in submerged fermentation was investigated. The microorganism was cultivated in a mineral medium containing hydrolysate of bagasse or grass as carbon source. High production of enzyme was obtained during growth in media with bagasse hydrolysates (8.4 U/mL) and in media with grass hydrolysates (7.5 U/mL). Xylanase production in media with hydrolysates was very close to that obtained in xylan containing media (7.0 U/ mL) and this fact confirm the feasibility of using this agro-industrial byproducts by B. circulans D1 as an alternative to save costs on the enzyme production process. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several factors render carotenoid determination inherently difficult. Thus, in spite of advances in analytical instrumentation, discrepancies in quantitative results on carotenoids can be encountered in the international literature. A good part of the errors comes from the pre-chromatographic steps such as sampling scheme that does not yield samples representative of the food lots under investigation; sample preparation which does not maintain representativity and guarantee homogeneity of the analytical sample; incomplete extraction; physical losses of carotenoids during the various steps, especially during partition or washing and by adsorption to glass walls of containers; isomerization and oxidation of carotenoids during analysis. on the otherhand, although currently considered the method of choice for carotenoids, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is subject to various sources of errors, such as: incompatibility of the injection solvent and the mobile phase, resulting in distorted or split peaks; erroneous identification; unavailability, impurity and instability of carotenoid standards; quantification of highly overlapping peaks; low recovery from the HPLC column; errors in the preparation of standard solutions and in the calibration procedure; calculation errors. Illustrations of the possible errors in the quantification of carotenoids by HPLC are presented.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Three Latin American oilseeds obtained from native fruits: nopal (tuna) (Opuntia ficus-indica), cherimoya (chirimoya) (Annona cherimola), and papaya, Chilean variety (Carica pubescens or C. candamarcensis) were studied for their fatty acid composition and bioactive compounds, such as tocols and phytosterols, looking for new sources of special oilseeds for this region. The results indicated that each species represents an interesting possibility. Nopal oilseed is a good source of linoleic acid (62%), with a good balance between SFA and MUFA (1: 1.3). Cherimoya oilseed presents quite a different composition, with 24% SFA, 43% MUFA and 33% PUFA. Palmitic and stearic acids (15% and 7.6%, respectively) are the main SFA. A good balance between oleic acid (42.7%) and linoleic acid (31%) was observed. Papaya oilseed is a highly MUFA oil (72% with 71% oleic acid), with a very interesting composition, according to the new nutritional and technological recommendations.With respect to bioactive compounds, the main tocol in these three oilseeds was gamma-tocopherol, with 136, 300 and 317 mg/kg for cherimoya, papaya and nopal oilseeds, respectively. According to the total tocol content, papaya oilseed presented the highest value with 384 mg/kg. The total amount and distribution of phytosterols was different, with values of 3092, 3554 and 5474 mg/kg for nopal, cherimoya and papaya oilseeds, respectively, with beta-sitosterol forming 47.6%, 65.0 % and 78.7% of the total phytosterol fractions, respectively. From the results obtained, Chilean papaya oilseed can be considered as a very promising new source of special plant oil for different applications, followed by cherimoya and nopal oilseeds.
Objective. To evaluate the effectiveness of the color change of hybrid light-emitting diode (LED) and low-intensity infrared diode laser devices for activating dental bleaching and to verify the occurrence of a color regression with time. Material and methods. A total of 180 specimens obtained from human premolars were immersed in a coffee solution for 15 days for darkening and then divided into eight experimental groups (n = 20 in each) as follows: G1, bleaching without light; G2, bleaching with halogen light; G3, bleaching with a blue LED (1000 mW/470 nm) and a laser device (120 mW/795 nm) simultaneously; G4, bleaching with an LED emitting blue light (1000 mW/470 nm); G5, bleaching with a blue LED (800 mW/470 nm) and a laser device (500 mW/830 nm) simultaneously; G6, bleaching with a blue LED device (800 mW); G7, bleaching with a green LED (600 mW/530 nm) and a laser device (120 mW/795 nm) simultaneously; and G8, bleaching with a green LED (600 mW). Three measurements were performed (at baseline and 14 days and 12 months after bleaching) using a Vita Easyshade spectrophotometer. The data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and a Tukey test. Results. All groups showed significantly higher Delta E values than Group G1, with the exception of Group G8. Variations in the Delta E values at 14 days were significant when compared with those obtained at baseline and after 12 months. Conclusions. Light activation of the bleaching gel provided faster and more intense bleaching than use of the bleaching gel without light activation. Combinations of low-intensity diode lasers are ineffective as a bleaching gel activator. Color regression was observed after 12 months of storage.
Suppose we have identified three clusters of galaxies as being topological copies of the same object. How does this information constrain the possible models for the shape of our universe? It is shown here that, if our universe has flat spatial sections, these multiple images can be accommodated within any of the six classes of compact orientable three-dimensional flat space forms. Moreover, the discovery of two more triples of multiple images in the neighbourhood of the first one would allow the determination of the topology of the universe, and in most cases the determination of its size.
We examine the recently found equivalence for the response of a static scalar source interacting with a massless Klein-Gordon field when the source is (i) static in Schwarzschild spacetime, in the Unruh vacuum associated with the Hawking radiation, and (ii) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime, in the inertial vacuum, provided that the source's proper acceleration is the same in both cases. It is shown that this equivalence is broken when the massless Klein-Gordon field is replaced by a massive one.
We study and look for similarities between the response rates R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) of a static scalar source with constant proper acceleration a(0) interacting with a massless, conformally coupled Klein-Gordon field (i) in de Sitter spacetime, in the Euclidean vacuum, which describes a thermal flux of radiation emanating from the de Sitter cosmological horizon and (ii) in Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime, in the Gibbons-Hawking vacuum, which describes thermal fluxes of radiation emanating from both the hole and the cosmological horizons, respectively, where Lambda is the cosmological constant and M is the black hole mass. After performing the field quantization in each of the above spacetimes, we obtain the response rates at the tree level in terms of an infinite sum of zero-energy field modes possessing all possible angular momentum quantum numbers. In the case of de Sitter spacetime, this formula is worked out and a closed, analytical form is obtained. In the case of Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime such a closed formula could not be obtained, and a numerical analysis is performed. We conclude, in particular, that R-dS(a(0),Lambda) and R-SdS(a(0),Lambda,M) do not coincide in general, but tend to each other when Lambda-->0 or a(0)-->infinity. Our results are also contrasted and shown to agree (in the proper limits) with related ones in the literature.
It was shown recently that in four dimensions scalar sources with fixed proper acceleration minimally coupled to a massless Klein-Gordon field lead to the same responses when they are (i) uniformly accelerated in Minkowski spacetime (in the inertial vacuum) and (ii) static in the Schwarzschild spacetime (in the Unruh vacuum). Here we show that this equivalence is broken if the spacetime dimension is more than four.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We analyze the dynamical coupling between energy sources and structural response that must not be ignored in real engineering problems, since real motors have limited output power. We present models of certain problems that render descriptions that are closer to real situations encountered in practice.
A practical problem of synchronization of a non-ideal (i.e. when the excitation is influenced by the response of the system) and non-linear vibrating system was posed and investigated by means of numerical simulations. Two rotating unbalanced motors compose the mathematical model considered here with limited power supply mounted on the horizontal beam of a simple portal frame. As a starting point, the problem is reduced to a four-degrees-of-freedom model and its equations of motion, derived elsewhere via a Lagrangian approach, are presented. The numerical results show the expected phenomena associated with the passage through resonance with limited power. Further, for a two-to-one relationship between the frequencies associated with the first symmetric mode and the sway mode, by using the variation of torque constants, the control of the self-synchronization and synchronization (in the system) are observed at certain levels of excitations.