987 resultados para idrocarburi non convenzionali, shale gas, approvvigionamenti energetici, olio non convenzionale
Some results are obtained for non-compact cases in topological vector spaces for the existence problem of solutions for some set-valued variational inequalities with quasi-monotone and lower hemi-continuous operators, and with quasi-semi-monotone and upper hemi-continuous operators. Some applications are given in non-reflexive Banach spaces for these existence problems of solutions and for perturbation problems for these set-valued variational inequalities with quasi-monotone and quasi-semi-monotone operators.
Women have lower iron stores than men because of iron loss during their reproductive years. However, variation between women could result from differences in iron loss, aspects of iron homeostasis common to men and women, or a combination of both. We compared the effects of age, menopause, menstrual blood loss and the number of pregnancies (sex-specific factors), and the effects of genetic variation, on markers of iron stores. We assessed how much the same genes or other familial factors influence iron status in both men and women. Data from 2039 female twins who participated in studies of reproductive health and iron status were used to estimate the proportions of variation that could be ascribed to genes, environment and measured factors. Significant effects of age, menopausal status and magnitude of menstrual blood loss were demonstrated, accounting for up to 18% of variance in serum ferritin in this sample, but number of children had no significant effect. Genetic effects were more than twice as great as sex-specific effects. The within-pair similarity of ferritin values in dizygotic female twin pairs was greater than for dizygotic opposite-sex pairs, but this difference was not quite significant, consistent with a minor role for sex-specific factors; and the opposite-sex within-pair differences did not diminish significantly with age. We conclude that the contribution of genetic differences between women to variation in iron stores outweighs the comparatively small effects of interindividual variation in iron loss through variation in menstruation and number of pregnancies.
Certain glycosidase inhibitors possess potent antiviral, antitumour and antidiabetic properties. Glyconic acid lactones, the earliest glycosidase inhibitors identified, have planar anomeric carbons that mimic the transition state of glycoside hydrolysis. Other classes include lactams, glycals, epoxides, halides and sulfonium ions, the latter based on the natural product salacinol from an antidiabetic herb.
An 8 1/2-year-old neutered male Beagle was diagnosed with acquired myasthenia gravis associated with a non-invasive thymic carcinoma. The thymic mass was surgically excised and the dog was treated with pyridostigmine, prednisolone and azathioprine. Serial acetylcholine receptor antibody titres were increased initially but slowly declined to normal values over a period of 24 weeks. Improved exercise tolerance was seen following therapy, however, oesophageal dysfunction persisted. The dog was euthanased 26 weeks after initial presentation due to a complicating illness. A necropsy showed no regrowth or metastasis of the thymic carcinoma.
Based on the refined non-conforming element method for geometric nonlinear analysis, a refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is constructed using the Total Lagrangian (T.L.) and the Updated Lagrangian (U.L.) approach. The refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is based on the Allman's triangular plane element with drilling degrees of freedom [1] and the refined non-conforming triangular plate element RT9 [2]. The element is used to analyze the geometric nonlinear behavior of plates and the numerical examples show that the refined non-conforming triangular plate element by the T.L. and U.L. approach can give satisfactory results. The computed results obtained from the T.L. and U.L. approach for the same numerical examples are somewhat different and the reasons for the difference of the computed results are given in detail in this paper. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background Wide testing of the aldosterone: renin ratio among hypertensive individuals has revealed primary aldosteronism to be common, with most patients normokalaemic. Some investigators, however, have reported aldosterone-producing adenoma to be rare among patients so detected. Objective To test the hypothesis that differences among reported studies in the rate of detection of aldosterone-producing adenoma (as opposed to bilateral adrenal hyperplasia) reflect differences in the procedures used for diagnosis of primary aldosteronism, and the methods used to identify aldosterone-producing adenomas. Methods In the newly established Princess Alexandra Hospital Hypertension Unit (PAHHU), we used procedures developed by Greenslopes Hospital Hypertension Unit (which reports that more than 30% of patients with primary aldosteronism have aldosterone-producing adenomas) to diagnose primary aldosteronism and determine the subtype. All patients with an increased aldosterone: renin ratio (measured after correction for hypokalaemia and while the patient was not receiving interfering medications) underwent fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism; if they were positive, they underwent genetic testing to exclude glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism before adrenal venous sampling was used to differentiate lateralizing from bilateral primary aldosteronism. Results This approach allowed PAHHU to diagnose, within 2 years, 54 patients [only seven (13%) hypokalaemic] with primary aldosteronism. All tested negative for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism. Aldosterone production was lateralized to one adrenal in 15 patients (31%; only six hypokalaemic) and was bilateral in 34 (69%; all normokalaemic) of 49 patients who underwent adrenal venous sampling. Among patients with lateralizing adrenal hyperplasia, computed tomography revealed an ipsilateral mass in only six and a contralateral lesion in one. Fourteen patients underwent unilateral adrenalectomy, which cured the hypertension in seven and improved it in the remainder. In patients with bilateral primary aldlosteronism, hypertension responded to spironolactone (112.5-50 mg/ day) or amiloride (2.5-10 mg/day). Conclusion When performed with careful regard to confounding factors, measurement of the aldosterone: renin ratio in all hypertensive individuals, followed by fludrocortisone suppression testing to confirm or exclude primary aldosteronism and adrenal venous sampling to determine the subtype, can result in the detection of significant numbers of patients with specifically treatable or potentially curable hypertension. (C) 2003 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
The two steps of nitrification, namely the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate, often need to be considered separately in process studies. For a detailed examination, it is desirable to monitor the two-step sequence using online measurements. In this paper, the use of online titrimetric and off-gas analysis (TOGA) methods for the examination of the process is presented. Using the known reaction stoichiometry, combination of the measured signals (rates of hydrogen ion production, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide transfer) allows the determination of the three key process rates, namely the ammonia consumption rate, the nitrite accumulation rate and the nitrate production rate. Individual reaction rates determined with the TOGA sensor under a number of operation conditions are presented. The rates calculated directly from the measured signals are compared with those obtained from offline liquid sample analysis. Statistical analysis confirms that the results from the two approaches match well. This result could not have been guaranteed using alternative online methods. As a case study, the influences of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrite accumulation are tested using the proposed method. It is shown that nitrite accumulation decreased with increasing DO and pH. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The design of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) affords for, and itself produces, non-response situations that are not possible in FTF or telephone interaction. These system-occasioned nonresponses produce almost isomorphic stimuli to participant non-responses. Situations thus arise in which non-responses are interpersonally accountable despite agentive ambiguity. This study explores four intersections of participant-action and system-occasioned non-responses. An extension to Pomerantz's (1984b) 'pursuing a response' problems/solutions is proposed. The impact of IRC's design on its popularity is discussed in contrast to more recent chat systems. Suggestions are made for active and passive presence and non-response accounting features in future chat systems.
The utility of 16s rDNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis for the partial genomovar differentiation of Burkholderia cepacia complex bacterium is well documented. We compared the 16s rDNA RFLP signatures for a number of non-fermenting gram negative bacilli (NF GNB) LMG control strains and clinical isolates pertaining to the genera Burkholderia, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter (Alcaligenes), Ralstonia, Stenotrophomonas and Pandoraea. A collection of 24 control strain (LMG) and 25 clinical isolates were included in the study. Using conventional PCR, a 1.2 kbp 16s rDNA fragment was generated for each organism. Following restriction digestion and electrophoresis, each clinical isolate RFLP signature was compared to those of the control strain panel. Nineteen different RFLP signatures were detected from the 28 control strains included in the study. TwentyoneyTwenty- five of the clinical isolates could be classified by RFLP analysis into a single genus and species when compared to the patterns produced by the control strain panel. Four clinical B. pseudomallei isolates produced RFLP signatures which were indistinguishable from B. cepacia genomovars I, III and VIII. The identity of these four isolates were confirmed using B. pseudomallei specific PCR. 16s rDNA RFLP analysis can be a useful identification strategy when applied to NF GNB, particularly for those which exhibit colistin sulfate resistance. The use of this molecular based methodology has proved very useful in the setting of a CF referral laboratory particularly when utilised in conjunction with B. cepacia complex and genomovar specific PCR techniques. Species specific PCR or sequence analysis should be considered for selected isolates; especially where discrepancies between epidemiology, phenotypic and genotypic characteristics occur.
A Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas (2.190 ha) é um dos maiores remanescentes de Mata Atlântica do Estado do Espírito Santo, Sudeste do Brasil. Nós amostramos tetrápodes não voadores nessa área entre maio de 2007 e abril de 2008, utilizando armadilhas de queda, armadilhas de isca, armadilhas fotográficas e buscas oportunísticas diurnas e noturnas. Além disso, nós compilamos registros de vertebrados não voadores ocorrentes nesta área disponíveis na literatura e através de espécimes em museus. Nós documentamos 52 espécies de anfíbios, 24 espécies de répteis não voadores e 39 espécies de mamíferos não voadores. Do total de 115 espécies, 47 configuram novos registros para a área e seis outras espécies tiveram sua distribuição geográfica ampliada com os resultados do presente estudo. Além disso, apresentamos o registro de predação da perereca Hypsiboas faber pela serpente Chironius bicarinatus. Cinco das espécies registradas são listadas como ameaçadas no Estado do Espírito Santo e muitas outras possuem estado de conservação incerto. A Reserva Biológica de Duas Bocas é um importante refúgio de vida selvagem, principalmente quando consideramos a expansão de áreas urbanas no seu entorno.
The maintenance of arterial pressure at levels adequate to perfuse the tissues is a basic requirement for the constancy of the internal environment and survival. The objective of the present review was to provide information about the basic reflex mechanisms that are responsible for the moment-to-moment regulation of the cardiovascular system. We demonstrate that this control is largely provided by the action of arterial and non-arterial reflexes that detect and correct changes in arterial pressure (baroreflex), blood volume or chemical composition (mechano- and chemosensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes), and changes in blood-gas composition (chemoreceptor reflex). The importance of the integration of these cardiovascular reflexes is well understood and it is clear that processing mainly occurs in the nucleus tractus solitarii, although the mechanism is poorly understood. There are several indications that the interactions of baroreflex, chemoreflex and Bezold-Jarisch reflex inputs, and the central nervous system control the activity of autonomic preganglionic neurons through parallel afferent and efferent pathways to achieve cardiovascular homeostasis. It is surprising that so little appears in the literature about the integration of these neural reflexes in cardiovascular function. Thus, our purpose was to review the interplay between peripheral neural reflex mechanisms of arterial blood pressure and blood volume regulation in physiological and pathophysiological states. Special emphasis is placed on the experimental model of arterial hypertension induced by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in which the interplay of these three reflexes is demonstrable.