947 resultados para household recycling
This paper examines gender differences and trends over time in the age of initiation to heroin use. Data from two large surveys: the Sydney component of the ANAIDUS, conducted in 1989, and the ASHIDU, conducted in 1994, were used to examine this issue. Together, these studies contained information on 1,292 individuals who identified themselves as heroin users. Results indicated that, while there were no significant gender differences in age of initiation to heroin use, there was a significant (p < 0.001) time trend in the mean age at which heroin was first used. Specifically, the mean age of first heroin use among individuals born during the interval 1940-1949 was 20.5 years while among those born during 1970-1979 the mean age of first heroin use was 16.5 years. These findings were confirmed by analyses of the National Household Survey. Further analysis of the ASHIDU data indicated that younger age of initiation to heroin use was associated with polydrug use, overdose and crime after the effects of duration of heroin use had been statistically controlled. These findings suggest that there has been both an increase in the willingness of young people to experiment with heroin and an increased availability of the drug over this time. In combination with evidence that there has been an increase in the amount of heroin being imported into Australia, and an increased demand for treatment for opiate dependence, these data suggest that Australia is experiencing an increase in the use of heroin, particularly among youth.
Objective: This study reports the prevalence and correlates of ICD-10 alcohol- and drug-use disorders in the National Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing (NSMHWB) and discusses their implications for treatment. Method: The NSMHWB was a nationally representative household survey of 10 641 Australian adults that assessed participants for symptoms of the most prevalent ICD-10 and DSM-IV mental disorders, including alcohol- and drug-use disorders. Results: In the past 12 months 6.5% of Australian adults met criteria for an ICD-10 alcohol-use disorder and 2.2% had another ICD-10 drug-use disorder. Men were at higher risk than women of developing alcohol- and drug-use disorders and the prevalence of both disorders decreased with increasing age. There were high rates of comorbidity between alcohol- and other drug-use disorders and mental disorders and low rates of treatment seeking. Conclusions: Alcohol-use disorders are a major mental health and public health issue in Australia. Drug-use disorders are less common than alcohol-use disorders, but still affect a substantial minority of Australian adults. Treatment seeking among persons with alcohol- and other drug-use disorders is low. A range of public health strategies (including improved specialist treatment services) are needed to reduce the prevalence of these disorders.
Most Western countries have, for some time, provided income support and/or taxation relief to parents with children in their care. The significant amount of research into the costs of children to couple and sole parent households has been important in assessing and developing family support policies. Changing societal expectations about the level of involvement of fathers in child rearing activities has highlighted the need to understand the costs facing usually male non-resident parents in having contact with their children. The budget standards methodology is used in this paper to estimate the costs for non-resident parents exercising regular contact with their children. Costs of contact are found to be high. For contact with one child for 20 per cent of the year, costs of contact represent about 40 per cent of the costs of that same child in an intact couple household with a medium income and more than half of the costs of that child in a household with low income. Household infrastructure and transportation is the reason for high costs. One implication of this finding is that the total cost of children substantially increases when parents separate. The article discusses some policy implications of these findings. This research is of relevance to social security, taxation, family law and child support policies and administration.
A local cultural practice that may enhance sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV transmission is vaginal douching and vaginal substance use. These activities also have potential implications for the acceptability of HIV-prevention strategies such as the use of condoms and vaginal microbicides. We aimed to establish the prevalence, determinants and reasons for these practices among sex workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A structured questionnaire was administered to 150 sex workers, who were being screened for a vaginal microbicide-effectiveness trial in the province. The questionnaire sought information on the frequency, reasons for and nature of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use and was drawn up on the basis of findings from a pilot study. Seventy per cent (95% CI: 62.0-77.2%) of the sex workers were HIV positive and on average they had five sexual partners per day. Vaginal douching and vaginal substance use were common among the sex workers. Vaginal douching was reported by 97% (n = 146) of the respondents and 94% reported vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'. A combination of traditional remedies, patent medicines, antiseptics and household detergents was used to clean and make the vagina dry and tight. The primary reasons reported for dry sex were to increase men's sexual pleasure (53%) and to attract clients and generate more money (20%). Sixty-five per cent of the women reported the practice of douching mainly for hygienic purposes and 13% for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Douching and dry-sex practices may increase women's risk of HIV and STI infection, and may have implications for the acceptability and development of HIV-prevention barrier methods such as microbicides and the use of condoms. These barrier methods may enhance or reduce sexual pleasure for men and women who engage in the practice of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'.
Giardia duodenalis isolates recovered from humans and clogs living in the same locality in a remote tea-growing community of northeast India were characterized at 3 different loci; the SSU-rDNA, elongation factor 1-alpha (ef1-alpha) and triose phosphate isomerase (tpi) gene. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU-rDNA and ef1-alpha genes provided poor genetic resolution of the isolates within various assemblages, stressing the importance of using multiple loci when inferring genotypes to Giardia. Analysis of the tpi gene provided better genetic resolution and placed canine Giardia isolates within the genetic groupings of human isolates (Assemblages A and B). Further evidence for zoonotic transmission was supported by epidemiological data showing a highly significant association between the prevalence of Giardia in humans and presence of it Giardia-positive dog in the same household (odds ratio 3.01, 95%) CI, 1.11, 8.39, P = 0.0000).
The object of this article is to estimate demand elasticities for a basket of staple food important for providing the caloric needs of Brazilian households. These elasticities are useful in the measurement of the impact of structural reforms on poverty. A two-stage demand system was constructed, based on data from Household Expenditure Surveys (POF) produced by IBGE (The Brazilian Bureau of Statistics) in 1987/88 and 1995/96. We have used panel data to estimate the model, and have calculated income, own-price, and cross-price elasticities for eight groups of goods and services and, in the second stage, for 11 sub groups of staple food products. We estimated those elasticities for the whole sample of consumers and for two income groups.
We develop a forward-looking version of the recursive dynamic MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model, and apply it to examine the economic implications of proposals in the US Congress to limit greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We find that shocks in the consumption path are smoothed out in the forward-looking model and that the lifetime welfare cost of GHG policy is lower than in the recursive model, since the forward-looking model can fully optimize over time. The forward-looking model allows us to explore issues for which it is uniquely well suited, including revenue-recycling and early action crediting. We find capital tax recycling to be more welfare-cost reducing than labor tax recycling because of its long-term effect on economic growth. Also, there are substantial incentives for early action credits; however, when spread over the full horizon of the policy they do not have a substantial effect on lifetime welfare costs.
This paper develops a multi-regional general equilibrium model for climate policy analysis based on the latest version of the MIT Emissions Prediction and Policy Analysis (EPPA) model. We develop two versions so that we can solve the model either as a fully inter-temporal optimization problem (forward-looking, perfect foresight) or recursively. The standard EPPA model on which these models are based is solved recursively, and it is necessary to simplify some aspects of it to make inter-temporal solution possible. The forward-looking capability allows one to better address economic and policy issues such as borrowing and banking of GHG allowances, efficiency implications of environmental tax recycling, endogenous depletion of fossil resources, international capital flows, and optimal emissions abatement paths among others. To evaluate the solution approaches, we benchmark each version to the same macroeconomic path, and then compare the behavior of the two versions under a climate policy that restricts greenhouse gas emissions. We find that the energy sector and CO(2) price behavior are similar in both versions (in the recursive version of the model we force the inter-temporal theoretical efficiency result that abatement through time should be allocated such that the CO(2) price rises at the interest rate.) The main difference that arises is that the macroeconomic costs are substantially lower in the forward-looking version of the model, since it allows consumption shifting as an additional avenue of adjustment to the policy. On the other hand, the simplifications required for solving the model as an optimization problem, such as dropping the full vintaging of the capital stock and fewer explicit technological options, likely have effects on the results. Moreover, inter-temporal optimization with perfect foresight poorly represents the real economy where agents face high levels of uncertainty that likely lead to higher costs than if they knew the future with certainty. We conclude that while the forward-looking model has value for some problems, the recursive model produces similar behavior in the energy sector and provides greater flexibility in the details of the system that can be represented. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE To determine the prevalence, intensity and associated risk factors for infection with Ascaris, hookworms and Trichuris in three tea-growing communities in Assam, India. METHODS Single faecal samples were collected from 328 individuals and subjected to centrifugal floatation and the Kato Katz quantitation technique and prevalence and intensities of infection with each parasite calculated. Associations between parasite prevalence, intensity and host and environmental factors were then made using both univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS The overall prevalence of Ascaris was 38% [95% confidence interval (CI): 33, 43], and the individual prevalence of hookworm and Trichuris was 43% (95% CI: 38, 49). The strongest predictors for the intensity of one or more geohelminths using multiple regression (P less than or equal to 0.10) were socioeconomic status, age, household crowding, level of education, religion, use of footwear when outdoors, defecation practices, pig ownership and water source. CONCLUSION A universal blanket treatment with broad-spectrum anthelmintics together with promotion of scholastic and health education and improvements in sanitation is recommended for helminth control in the communities under study.
There is a need for improved monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of participatory research with smallholder farmers, in particular to help differentiate between different types of farm household with different needs. This paper reports some of the results of a study to develop participatory M&E tools for the Forages for Smallholders Project in Southeast Asia, focusing on an upland commune in central Vietnam with a highly diverse crop-livestock system. Participatory rural appraisal techniques were used within a rural livelihoods framework to assess the differing livelihoods of poor, average, and better-off households. There were found to be marked differences between households, particularly in human resources, landholdings, and cattle numbers, affecting the livelihood strategies pursued. The improved understanding of livelihood strategies was gained in a cost-effective way and could be readily used by project participants to monitor the impacts of the introduced forages within the commune, enabling better focusing of the participatory research process on the needs and circumstances of poor farmers. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper takes as its starting point recent claims by Beck-Gernsheim (2002) that we are living in an era of post-familial families. Beck-Gernsheim (2002) argues that our lives are no longer structured as they once were by tradition, class, religion and kin. Instead the family has become a transitional phase as individuals strive for fulfillment of personal goals and personal life projects. The demographic evidence to support these claims is clearly evident in relation to changing patterns of family formation and dissolution, as well as the movement of married women into paid employment. But what is less evident is a decline in traditional patterns of gender stratification within families. This paper uses recent national data from Australia to examine the relationship between post-familial status, as indicated by marital status and employment, and time spent on housework. The results show that gender is still a clear predictor of time spent on housework, but that within gender there is evidence that gender inequality may be declining in non-traditional households.
Introduction: mild head trauma (MHT) is defined as a transient neurological deficit after trauma with a history of impairment or loss of consciousness lasting less than 15 min and/or posttraumatic amnesia, and a Glasgow Coma Scale between 13 and 15 on hospital admission. We evaluated 50 MHT patients 18 months after the trauma, addressing signs and symptoms of post-concussion syndrome, quality of life and the presence of anxiety and depression. We correlate those findings with the S100B protein levels and cranial CT scan performed at hospital admission after the trauma. Method: patients were asked to fill out questionnaires to assess quality of life (SF36), anxiety and depression (HADS), and signs and symptoms of post-concussion syndrome. For the control group, we asked the patient`s household members, who had no history of head trauma of any type, to answer the same questionnaires for comparison. Results: total quality of life index for patients with MHT was 58.16 (+/-5), lower than the 73.47 (+/-4) presented by the control group. Twenty patients (55.2%) and four (11.1%) controls were depressed. Seventeen patients (47.2%) presented anxiety, whereas only eight (22.2%) controls were considered anxious. Victims of MHT complained more frequently of loss of balance, dry mouth, pain in the arms, loss of memory and dizziness than their respective controls (p < 0.05). We found no correlation between the presence of these signs and symptoms, quality of life, presence of anxiety and depression with S100B protein levels or with presence of injury in the cranial CT performed at hospital admission. Conclusion: MHT is associated with a higher incidence of post-concussion syndrome symptoms, lower quality of life and anxiety than their respective controls even 18 months after the trauma. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The current study aims to ascertain the fate of the melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH) receptor and its ligand [Nle(4), D-Phe(7)]alpha-MsH (NDP-MSH) following binding to murine B16 melanoma cells. Cells were incubated with [I-125]-NDP-MSH for up to 180 min and binding, internalization and degradation determined. Intracellular trafficking of the radiolabel was assessed !using Percoll density gradient centrifugation of homogenized cells. Receptor down-regulation and receptor mRNA levels were also measured over 96 hr after exposure to 1 mu M ligand. NDP-MSH accumulation increased with time in a temperature-dependent manner and was inhibited by excess peptide. The ligand was rapidly internalized and translocated to the lysosomal compartment where it was degraded. Internalization was accompanied by a loss or down-regulation of cell surface receptors, suggesting internalization of the NDP-MSH-receptor complex. No recycling of the receptors between the plasma membrane and intracellular compartments could be detected in this cell-hue. Approximately 15% of the surface receptors were resistant to down-regulation, possibly indicating receptor heterogeneity. Down-regulation persisted ibr up to 96 hr and was accompanied by a decrease in MSH receptor mRNA levels 48 hr after treatment. However, before this time, transcript levels were the same in treated and control cells. In contrast to what was seen with NDP-MSH, cell surface receptors removed with trypsin wc:re rapidly replaced. These results show that NDP-MSH not only induced MSH receptor :internalization but also inhibited receptor turnover, resulting in a prolonged down-regulation. It is concluded that, in B16 cells, the MSH receptor undergoes ligand-dependent internalization, resulting in a prolonged down-regulation. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
This paper examines men's and women's participation in housework in the United States, Sweden, Norway, Canada and Australia. While there has been considerable research into the factors relating to the division of housework between husbands and wives within countries, very little research has examined the way in which housework patterns vary across countries. The results show that women continue to undertake the bulk of domestic labor in all five countries, and that the factors determining men's and women's participation in housework do not vary markedly across countries. This suggests that variations across countries in levels of gender equality at a broader level have only very limited effects on levels of gender equality in the home.
To estimate the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD) and factors associated with these disorders among pregnant women of low socio-economic status (SES) in Sao Paulo. We performed a cross-sectional study with 831 women in their 20th to 30th weeks of pregnancy, who were attending antenatal clinics in primary care in Sao Paulo, Brazil. CMD were assessed with the Clinical Interview Schedule-Revised. Crude and adjusted prevalence ratios and 95% CI were calculated to examine the association between CMD and exposure variables. The prevalence of CMD was 20.2% (95% CI 17.5 to 23.0). Age at current pregnancy and at first delivery, current obstetric complications, not having friends in the community, living in a crowded household, lower occupational status and history of previous psychiatric treatment were all independently associated with increased prevalence of CMD. CMD is highly prevalent among pregnant women of low SES seen in primary care settings in Sao Paulo. A combination of distal and proximal psychosocial factors increase the risk for CMD. Primary health care professionals need to be aware of how common CMD in such settings and properly trained to deal with CMD during pregnancy.