954 resultados para harvester simulator
We propose a robotics simulation platform, named S-Educ, developed specifically for application in educational robotics, which can be used as an alternative or in association with robotics kits in classes involving the use of robotics. In the usually known approach, educational robotics uses robotics kits for classes which generally include interdisciplinary themes. The idea of this work is not to replace these kits, but to use the developed simulator as an alternative, where, for some reason, the traditional kits cannot be used, or even to use the platform in association with these kits. To develop the simulator, initially, we conducted research in the literature on the use of robotic simulators and robotic kits, facing the education sector, from which it was possible to define a set of features considered important for creating such a tool. Then, on the software development phase, the simulator S-Educ was implemented, taking into account the requirements and features defined in the design phase. Finally, to validate the platform, several tests were conducted with teachers, students and lay adults, in which it was used the simulator S-Educ, to evaluate its use in educational robotics classes. The results show that robotic simulator allows a reduction of financial costs, facilitate testing and reduce robot damage inherent to its use, in addition to other advantages. Furthermore, as a contribution to the community, the proposed tool can be used to increase adhesion of Brazilian schools to the methodologies of educational robotics or to robotics competitions
Nowadays there has been a major breakthrough in the aerospace area, with regard to rocket launches to research, experiments, telemetry system, remote sensing, radar system (tracking and monitoring), satellite communications system and insertion of satellites in orbit. This work aims at the application of a circular cylindrical microstrip antenna, ring type, and other cylindrical rectangular in structure of a rocket or missile to obtain telemetry data, operating in the range of 2 to 4 GHz, in S-band. Throughout this was developed just the theoretical analysis of the Transverse transmission line method which is a method of rigorous analysis in spectral domain, for use in rockets and missiles. This analyzes the spread in the direction "ρ" , transverse to dielectric interfaces "z" and "φ", for cylindrical coordinates, thus taking the general equations of electromagnetic fields in function of e [1]. It is worth mentioning that in order to obtain results, simulations and analysis of the structure under study was used HFSS program (High Frequency Structural Simulator) that uses the finite element method. With the theory developed computational resources were used to obtain the numerical calculations, using Fortran Power Station, Scilab and Wolfram Mathematica ®. The prototype was built using, as a substrate, the ULTRALAM ® 3850, of Rogers Corporation, and an aluminum plate as a cylindrical structure used to support. The agreement between the measured and simulated results validate the established processes. Conclusions and suggestions are presented for continuing this work
We propose in this work a software architecture for robotic boats intended to act in diverse aquatic environments, fully autonomously, performing telemetry to a base station and getting this mission to be accomplished. This proposal aims to apply within the project N-Boat Lab NatalNet DCA, which aims to empower a sailboat navigating autonomously. The constituent components of this architecture are the memory modules, strategy, communication, sensing, actuation, energy, security and surveillance, making these systems the boat and base station. To validate the simulator was developed in C language and implemented using the graphics API OpenGL resources, whose main results were obtained in the implementation of memory, performance and strategy modules, more specifically data sharing, control of sails and rudder and planning short routes based on an algorithm for navigation, respectively. The experimental results, shown in this study indicate the feasibility of the actual use of the software architecture developed and their application in the area of autonomous mobile robotics
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi selecionar genótipos de cana-de-açúcar por meio de inibidores da PROTOX e antioxidantes para indução do acúmulo de protoporfirina IX (PROTO IX) e/ou de seus precursores em plantas. Esses compostos podem ser utilizados como agentes sensibilizantes em terapia fotodinâmica (TFD), os quais possibilitam uma fonte de baixo custo para o tratamento de neoplasias e carcinomas. O experimento foi montado em câmara climatizada, com aplicação de nove tratamentos (1. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 2. oxyfluorfen + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 3. oxyfluorfen; 4. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E; 5. carfentrazone + glutamato monossódico + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; 6. carfentrazone; 7. testemunha + vitaminas C e E; 8. testemunha + vitaminas C e E + ácido levulênico; e 9. testemunha) em oito genótipos de cana-de-açúcar (PO933499, RB806043, RB470355, PO830698, SP701143, PO901387, PO894414 e SP903414), dispostos em esquema fatorial 9 x 8, com quatro repetições. As repetições constituíram-se de folhas (20 cm) destacadas de cada genótipo, sendo estas pulverizadas com os tratamentos mencionados, em simulador estacionário. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 2 DAA (dias após aplicação) e, no fim do estudo, determinações analíticas via extração da biomassa fresca, verificando os teores de protoporfirina IX por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência. Os resultados mostraram que em curto prazo foram detectados aumentos significativos nas concentrações de PROTO IX para os genótipos RB470355 e SP903414 submetidos ao tratamento 2 e para o genótipo SP701143 submetido ao tratamento 8, indicando que eles podem ser utilizados como fontes acumuladoras de protoporfirina IX.
Com o objetivo de avaliar a deposição e distribuição de solução traçante em plantas de feijoeiro e capim-braquiária, foi conduzido experimento no NuPAM-FCA/ UNESP, campus de Botucatu-SP, utilizando um simulador de pulverização em ambiente controlado. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v); bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS); e bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4). em todos os tratamentos foi aplicada uma solução de NaCl (0,5% p/v) + corante Poliglow laranja (0,5% p/v) + mancozeb (0,5% p/v). As unidades experimentais constituíram-se de vasos com duas plantas-alvo de capim-braquiária posicionadas sob uma planta-alvo de feijoeiro. A visualização da distribuição das gotas nas folhas de capim-braquiária foi efetuada com auxílio de luz negra, e o depósito da calda na superfície das plantas foi quantificado através da condutividade elétrica da solução aplicada e coletada por meio de lavagem de ambos os alvos. Os bicos de pulverização, jato plano (XR Teejet) e cônico (Conejet), não apresentaram diferença no depósito nos folíolos totais de feijoeiro quando submetidos a mesma condição de calda de pulverização. No entanto, o bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) e o bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) proporcionaram aumento de 67,1 e 61,5% na deposição da calda em relação a área foliar e 106,4 e 66,9% para matéria seca, respectivamente, em relação ao bico jato plano XR Teejet (XR110.02VS) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v) e ao bico jato cônico Conejet (TXVK-4) + surfactante Aterbane BR (0,5% v/v). Para o capim-braquiária, o bico cônico Conejet proporcionou deposição superior e distribuição mais uniforme em relação ao jato plano XR Teejet.
Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de herbicidas em diferentes acessos de aguapé coletados em reservatórios de hidrelétricas do Estado de São Paulo, foi realizado um estudo no Núcleo de Pesquisas Avançadas em Matologia da FCA-UNESP, campus de Botucatu. A escolha das plantas geneticamente diferentes foi feita com base em estudos de variabilidade genética, nos quais se utilizou a técnica de RAPD. Avaliou-se o efeito dos herbicidas imazapyr nas doses de 62,5 e 125,0 g e.a. ha-1, glyphosate a 1.680 e 3.360 g e.a. ha-1 + 0,5% V/V de Extravon, diquat a 480 e 960 g i.a. ha-1 e 2,4-D a 670 e 1.340 g e.a. ha-1. Os seis acessos escolhidos foram colocados em caixas plásticas de 28,0 x 14,0 x 12,0 cm, contendo 4 litros de água. A aplicação dos produtos foi realizada com um simulador de pulverização pressurizado com ar comprimido, equipado com barra de aplicação com quatro bicos de jato plano Teejet 110.02 VS. A pressão constante de trabalho foi de 1,6 bar, e o consumo de calda, de 193 L ha-1. A velocidade de aplicação foi de 3,69 km h-1. Durante as aplicações, a temperatura do ar foi de 25 ºC e a umidade relativa de 73%. Foram realizadas avaliações visuais de controle aos 3, 5, 7, 11, 21 e 28 dias, nas quais 0 consistiu em nenhum controle e 100 em morte de plantas. Todos os herbicidas e doses testados proporcionaram controle eficiente das plantas de aguapé, e os seis acessos estudados responderam de forma semelhante.
Thermal methods made heavy oil production possible in fields where primary recovery failed. Throughout the years steam injection became one of the most important alternatives to increase heavy oil recovery. There are many types of steam injection, and one of them is the cyclic steam injection, which has been used with success in several countries, including Brazil. The process involves three phases: firstly, steam is injected, inside of the producing well; secondly, the well is closed (soak period); and finally, the well is put back into production. These steps constitute one cycle. The cycle is repeated several times until economical production limit is reached. Usually, independent of reservoir type, as the number of cycles increases the cyclic injection turns less efficient. This work aims to analyze rock and reservoir property influence in the cyclic steam injection. The objective was to study the ideal number of cycles and, consequently, process optimization. Simulations were realized using the STARS simulator from the CMG group based in a proposed reservoir model. It was observed that the reservoir thickness was the most important parameter in the process performance, whilst soaking time influence was not significant
This dissertation aims to assess the representativeness of the manual chilled mirror analyzer (model II Chanscope 13-1200-CN-2) used for the determination of condensed hydrocarbons of natural gas compared to the indirect methods, based on thermodynamic models equation of state. Additionally, it has been implemented in this study a model for calculating the dew point of natural gas. The proposed model is a modification of the equation of state of Peng-Robinson admits that the groups contribution as a strategy to calculate the binary interaction parameters kij (T) temperature dependence. Experimental data of the work of Brown et al. (2007) were used to compare the responses of the dew point of natural gas with thermodynamic models contained in the UniSim process simulator and the methodology implemented in this study. Then two natural gas compositions were studied, the first being a standard gas mixture gravimetrically synthesized and, second, a mixture of processed natural gas. These experimental data were also compared with the results presented by UniSim process simulator and the thermodynamic model implemented. However, data from the manual analysis results indicated significant differences in temperature, these differences were attributed to the formation of dew point of water, as we observed the appearance of moisture on the mirror surface cooling equipment
The flow assurance has become one of the topics of greatest interest in the oil industry, mainly due to production and transportation of oil in regions with extreme temperature and pressure. In these operations the wax deposition is a commonly problem in flow of paraffinic oils, causing the rising costs of the process, due to increased energy cost of pumping, decreased production, increased pressure on the line and risk of blockage of the pipeline. In order to describe the behavior of the wax deposition phenomena in turbulent flow of paraffinic oils, under different operations conditions, in this work we developed a simulator with easy interface. For that we divided de work in four steps: (i) properties estimation (physical, thermals, of transport and thermodynamics) of n-alkanes and paraffinic mixtures by using correlations; (ii) obtainment of the solubility curve and determination the wax appearance temperature, by calculating the solid-liquid equilibrium of parafinnic systems; (iii) modelling wax deposition process, comprising momentum, mass and heat transfer; (iv) development of graphic interface in MATLAB® environment for to allow the understanding of simulation in different flow conditions as well as understand the matter of the variables (inlet temperature, external temperature, wax appearance temperature, oil composition, and time) on the behavior of the deposition process. The results showed that the simulator developed, called DepoSim, is able to calculate the profile of temperature, thickness of the deposit, and the amount of wax deposited in a simple and fast way, and also with consistent results and applicable to the operation
The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the Macro System of Regional Water Distribution Natal North (RNN) and Southern Regional Natal (RNS), covering 35% and 65% respectively of the Natal-RN City. The terms of the quality and quantity of water (surface and groundwater) were also evaluated in order to adjust the parameters that contribute to proper distribution and control in water reserves. The methodology of the work took place from collecting volumetric data of production capacity and distribution of the two treatment plants for Regional as well as the flow rates of wells. Yet the quantitative capacity of reservation, distribution and consumption of the main reservoirs, population numbers and consumption of members neighborhoods were collected. Data were tabulated and used in computational simulator EPANET to diagnose possible through the water balance, the offers and demands on the water supply system in the neighborhoods of the capital, linking them to specific distribution points. We also evaluated the wells in the levels of nitrate in water consumed. As a result it was found that some neighborhoods in the South Regional Natal, was ranked as critical supply situation: City of Hope, Lagoa Nova and Nova Descoberta, where demand exceeds supply. While in most Northern Regional Natal present deficiency in the supply system as: Lagoa Azul, the Parque dos Coqueiros, igapó, Amarante and Salinas. The rates of nitrate in the city were significant, but manageable with corrective and preventive measures. The averages were 12 mg /l-N in Candelária, 10 mg/l-N in Lagoa Nova, 9 mg/l-N in Satelite, 20 mg/l-N in Gramore and 15 mg/l-N in N. Sra. Apresentação. Therefore proper distribution of water abstracted and implementation of quality control ensures the supply required by the system, associated with preservation of Water Resources of the Metropolitan Region of Natal
This study evaluates the influence of different cartographic representations of in-car navigation systems on visual demand, subjective preference, and navigational error. It takes into account the type and complexity of the representation, maneuvering complexity, road layout, and driver gender. A group of 28 drivers (14 male and 14 female) participated in this experiment which was performed in a low-cost driving simulator. The tests were performed on a limited number of instances for each type of representation, and their purpose was to carry out a preliminary assessment and provide future avenues for further studies. Data collected for the visual demand study were analyzed using non-parametric statistical analyses. Results confirmed previous research that showed that different levels of design complexity significantly influence visual demand. Non-grid-like road networks, for example, influence significantly visual demand and navigational error. An analysis of simple maneuvers on a grid-like road network showed that static and blinking arrows did not present significant differences. From the set of representations analyzed to assess visual demand, both arrows were equally efficient. From a gender perspective, women seem to took at the display more than men, but this factor was not significant. With respect to subjective preferences, drivers prefer representations with mimetic landmarks when they perform straight-ahead tasks. For maneuvering tasks, landmarks in a perspective model created higher visual demands.
On-line learning methods have been applied successfully in multi-agent systems to achieve coordination among agents. Learning in multi-agent systems implies in a non-stationary scenario perceived by the agents, since the behavior of other agents may change as they simultaneously learn how to improve their actions. Non-stationary scenarios can be modeled as Markov Games, which can be solved using the Minimax-Q algorithm a combination of Q-learning (a Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm which directly learns an optimal control policy) and the Minimax algorithm. However, finding optimal control policies using any RL algorithm (Q-learning and Minimax-Q included) can be very time consuming. Trying to improve the learning time of Q-learning, we considered the QS-algorithm. in which a single experience can update more than a single action value by using a spreading function. In this paper, we contribute a Minimax-QS algorithm which combines the Minimax-Q algorithm and the QS-algorithm. We conduct a series of empirical evaluation of the algorithm in a simplified simulator of the soccer domain. We show that even using a very simple domain-dependent spreading function, the performance of the learning algorithm can be improved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper presents interactive simulation tools to support the enhancement of power electronics education considering DC to DC converters. These interactive tools make use of the benefits of Java language to provide a dynamic and interactive visualization of simulations in steady-state for idealized non-isolated DC to DC converters. Additionally, this paper discusses the features and the usage of the interactive educational tools to serve as a first design tool for the laboratory experiments in the power electronics courses. In this way, some results were confronted with a well-known simulator package and with experimental results in order to validate the developed interactive simulation tools.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)