978 resultados para hair-plot


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Hydrogeological research usually includes some statistical studies devised to elucidate mean background state, characterise relationships among different hydrochemical parameters, and show the influence of human activities. These goals are achieved either by means of a statistical approach or by mixing modelsbetween end-members. Compositional data analysis has proved to be effective with the first approach, but there is no commonly accepted solution to the end-member problem in a compositional framework.We present here a possible solution based on factor analysis of compositions illustrated with a case study.We find two factors on the compositional bi-plot fitting two non-centered orthogonal axes to the most representative variables. Each one of these axes defines a subcomposition, grouping those variables thatlay nearest to it. With each subcomposition a log-contrast is computed and rewritten as an equilibrium equation. These two factors can be interpreted as the isometric log-ratio coordinates (ilr) of three hiddencomponents, that can be plotted in a ternary diagram. These hidden components might be interpreted as end-members.We have analysed 14 molarities in 31 sampling stations all along the Llobregat River and its tributaries, with a monthly measure during two years. We have obtained a bi-plot with a 57% of explained totalvariance, from which we have extracted two factors: factor G, reflecting geological background enhanced by potash mining; and factor A, essentially controlled by urban and/or farming wastewater. Graphicalrepresentation of these two factors allows us to identify three extreme samples, corresponding to pristine waters, potash mining influence and urban sewage influence. To confirm this, we have available analysisof diffused and widespread point sources identified in the area: springs, potash mining lixiviates, sewage, and fertilisers. Each one of these sources shows a clear link with one of the extreme samples, exceptfertilisers due to the heterogeneity of their composition.This approach is a useful tool to distinguish end-members, and characterise them, an issue generally difficult to solve. It is worth note that the end-member composition cannot be fully estimated but only characterised through log-ratio relationships among components. Moreover, the influence of each endmember in a given sample must be evaluated in relative terms of the other samples. These limitations areintrinsic to the relative nature of compositional data


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Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) is a highly heritable condition and the most common form of hair loss in humans. Susceptibility loci have been described on the X chromosome and chromosome 20, but these loci explain a minority of its heritable variance. We conducted a large-scale meta-analysis of seven genome-wide association studies for early-onset AGA in 12,806 individuals of European ancestry. While replicating the two AGA loci on the X chromosome and chromosome 20, six novel susceptibility loci reached genome-wide significance (p = 2.62×10(-9)-1.01×10(-12)). Unexpectedly, we identified a risk allele at 17q21.31 that was recently associated with Parkinson's disease (PD) at a genome-wide significant level. We then tested the association between early-onset AGA and the risk of PD in a cross-sectional analysis of 568 PD cases and 7,664 controls. Early-onset AGA cases had significantly increased odds of subsequent PD (OR = 1.28, 95% confidence interval: 1.06-1.55, p = 8.9×10(-3)). Further, the AGA susceptibility alleles at the 17q21.31 locus are on the H1 haplotype, which is under negative selection in Europeans and has been linked to decreased fertility. Combining the risk alleles of six novel and two established susceptibility loci, we created a genotype risk score and tested its association with AGA in an additional sample. Individuals in the highest risk quartile of a genotype score had an approximately six-fold increased risk of early-onset AGA [odds ratio (OR) = 5.78, p = 1.4×10(-88)]. Our results highlight unexpected associations between early-onset AGA, Parkinson's disease, and decreased fertility, providing important insights into the pathophysiology of these conditions.


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El projecte tracta de la fabricació d’un robot mòbil que sigui capaç de realitzar el mapeig del seu entorn, evitant els obstacles que es pugui trobar al transcurs del seu recorregut. Per tal d’obtenir els resultats desitjats, s’ha realitzat la caracterització dels seus components emprant algorismes probabilístics ,amb els que s’ha pogut determinar la seva eficiència. Finalment s’han realitzat els algorismes corresponents per graficar el mapeig del recorregut del robot i del seu entorn, aconseguint el objectiu plantejat.


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El projecte tracta de la fabricació d’un robot mòbil que sigui capaç de realitzar el mapeig d’una superfície, evitant els obstacles que es pugui trobar en el transcurs del seu recorregut. És un projecte complex, per aquest motiu la part de procés de dades s'ha fet en un projecte posterior. Aquesta memòria tracta del muntatge i calibració dels components, a més de la realització dels algorismes de control dels mateixos, per tal de realitzar el mapeig de la superfície, aconseguint així l’objectiu plantejat.


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Using immunocytochemistry and multiunit recording of afferent activity of the whole vestibular nerve, we investigated the role of metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR) in the afferent neurotransmission in the frog semicircular canals (SCC). Group I (mGluR1alpha) and group II (mGluR2/3) mGluR immunoreactivities were distributed to the vestibular ganglion neurons, and this can be attributed to a postsynaptic locus of metabotropic regulation of rapid excitatory transmission. The effects of group I/II mGluR agonist (1S,3R)-1-aminocyclopentane-trans-1,3-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD) and antagonist (R,S)-alpha-methyl-4-carboxyphenylglycine (MCPG) on resting and chemically induced afferent activity were studied. ACPD (10-100 microM) enhanced the resting discharge frequency. MCPG (5-100 microM) led to a concentration-dependent decrease of both resting activity and ACPD-induced responses. If the discharge frequency had previously been restored by L-glutamate (L-Glu) in high-Mg2+ solution, ACPD elicited a transient increase in the firing rate in the afferent nerve suggesting that ACPD acts on postsynaptic receptors. The L-Glu agonists, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), were tested during application of ACPD. AMPA- and NMDA-induced responses were higher in the presence than absence of ACPD, implicating mGluR in the modulation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. These results indicate that activation of mGluR potentiates AMPA and NMDA responses through a postsynaptic interaction. We conclude that ACPD may exert modulating postsynaptic effects on vestibular afferents and that this process is activity-dependent.


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THESIS ABSTRACT : Low-temperature thermochronology relies on application of radioisotopic systems whose closure temperatures are below temperatures at which the dated phases are formed. In that sense, the results are interpreted as "cooling ages" in contrast to "formation ages". Owing to the low closure-temperatures, it is possible to reconstruct exhumation and cooling paths of rocks during their residence at shallow levels of the crust, i.e. within first ~10 km of depth. Processes occurring at these shallow depths such as final exhumation, faulting and relief formation are fundamental for evolution of the mountain belts. This thesis aims at reconstructing the tectono-thermal history of the Aar massif in the Central Swiss Alps by means of zircon (U-Th)/He, apatite (U-Th)/He and apatite fission track thermochronology. The strategy involved acquisition of a large number of samples from a wide range of elevations in the deeply incised Lötschen valley and a nearby NEAT tunnel. This unique location allowed to precisely constrain timing, amount and mechanisms of exhumation of the main orographic feature of the Central Alps, evaluate the role of topography on the thermochronological record and test the impact of hydrothermal activity. Samples were collected from altitudes ranging between 650 and 3930 m and were grouped into five vertical profiles on the surface and one horizontal in the tunnel. Where possible, all three radiometric systems were applied to each sample. Zircon (U-Th)/He ages range from 5.1 to 9.4 Ma and are generally positively correlated with altitude. Age-elevation plots reveal a distinct break in slope, which translates into exhumation rate increasing from ~0.4 to ~3 km/Ma at 6 Ma. This acceleration is independently confirmed by increased cooling rates on the order of 100°C/Ma constrained on the basis of age differences between the zircon (U-Th)/He and the remaining systems. Apatite fission track data also plot on a steep age-elevation curve indicating rapid exhumation until the end of the Miocene. The 6 Ma event is interpreted as reflecting tectonically driven uplift of the Aar massif. The late Miocene timing implies that the increase of precipitation in the Pliocene did not trigger rapid exhumation in the Aar massif. The Messinian salinity crisis in the Mediterranean could not directly intensify erosion of the Aar but associated erosional output from the entire Alps may have tapered the orogenic wedge and caused reactivation of thrusting in the Aar massif. The high exhumation rates in the Messinian were followed by a decrease to ~1.3 km/Ma as evidenced by ~8 km of exhumation during last 6 Ma. The slowing of exhumation is also apparent from apatite (U-Th)1He age-elevation data in the northern part of the Lötschen valley where they plot on a ~0.5km/Ma line and range from 2.4 to 6.4 Ma However, from the apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track data from the NEAT tunnel, there is an indication of a perturbation of the record. The apatite ages are youngest under the axis of the valley, in contrast to an expected pattern where they would be youngest in the deepest sections of the tunnel due to heat advection into ridges. The valley however, developed in relatively soft schists while the ridges are built of solid granitoids. In line with hydrological observations from the tunnel, we suggest that the relatively permeable rocks under the valley floor, served as conduits of geothermal fluids that caused reheating leading to partial Helium loss and fission track annealing in apatites. In consequence, apatite ages from the lowermost samples are too young and the calculated exhumation rates may underestimate true values. This study demonstrated that high-density sampling is indispensable to provide meaningful thermochronological data in the Alpine setting. The multi-system approach allows verifying plausibility of the data and highlighting sources of perturbation. RÉSUMÉ DE THÈSE : La thermochronologie de basse température dépend de l'utilisation de systèmes radiométriques dont la température de fermeture est nettement inférieure à la température de cristallisation du minéral. Les résultats obtenus sont par conséquent interprétés comme des âges de refroidissement qui diffèrent des âges de formation obtenus par le biais d'autres systèmes de datation. Grâce aux températures de refroidissement basses, il est aisé de reconstruire les chemins de refroidissement et d'exhumation des roches lors de leur résidence dans la croute superficielle (jusqu'à 10 km). Les processus qui entrent en jeu à ces faibles profondeurs tels que l'exhumation finale, la fracturation et le faillage ainsi que la formation du relief sont fondamentaux dans l'évolution des chaînes de montagne. Ces dernières années, il est devenu clair que l'enregistrement thermochronologique dans les orogènes peut être influencé par le relief et réinitialisé par l'advection de la chaleur liée à la circulation de fluides géothermaux après le refroidissement initial. L'objectif de cette thèse est de reconstruire l'histoire tectono-thermique du massif de l'Aar dans les Alpes suisses Centrales à l'aide de trois thermochronomètres; (U-Th)/He sur zircon, (U-Th)/He sur apatite et les traces de fission sur apatite. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, nous avons récolté un grand nombre d'échantillons provenant de différentes altitudes dans la vallée fortement incisée de Lötschental ainsi que du tunnel de NEAT. Cette stratégie d'échantillonnage nous a permis de contraindre de manière précise la chronologie, les quantités et les mécanismes d'exhumation de cette zone des Alpes Centrales, d'évaluer le rôle de la topographie sur l'enregistrement thermochronologique et de tester l'impact de l'hydrothermalisme sur les géochronomètres. Les échantillons ont été prélevés à des altitudes comprises entre 650 et 3930m selon 5 profils verticaux en surface et un dans le tunnel. Quand cela à été possible, les trois systèmes radiométriques ont été appliqués aux échantillons. Les âges (U-Th)\He obtenus sur zircons sont compris entre 5.l et 9.4 Ma et sont corrélés de manière positive avec l'altitude. Les graphiques représentant l'âge et l'élévation montrent une nette rupture de la pente qui traduisent un accroissement de la vitesse d'exhumation de 0.4 à 3 km\Ma il y a 6 Ma. Cette accélération de l'exhumation est confirmée par les vitesses de refroidissement de l'ordre de 100°C\Ma obtenus à partir des différents âges sur zircons et à partir des autres systèmes géochronologiques. Les données obtenues par traces de fission sur apatite nous indiquent également une exhumation rapide jusqu'à la fin du Miocène. Nous interprétons cet évènement à 6 Ma comme étant lié à l'uplift tectonique du massif de l'Aar. Le fait que cet évènement soit tardi-miocène implique qu'une augmentation des précipitations au Pliocène n'a pas engendré cette exhumation rapide du massif de l'Aar. La crise Messinienne de la mer méditerranée n'a pas pu avoir une incidence directe sur l'érosion du massif de l'Aar mais l'érosion associée à ce phénomène à pu réduire le coin orogénique alpin et causer la réactivation des chevauchements du massif de l'Aar. L'exhumation rapide Miocène a été suivie pas une diminution des taux d'exhumation lors des derniers 6 Ma (jusqu'à 1.3 km\Ma). Cependant, les âges (U-Th)\He sur apatite ainsi que les traces de fission sur apatite des échantillons du tunnel enregistrent une perturbation de l'enregistrement décrit ci-dessus. Les âges obtenus sur les apatites sont sensiblement plus jeunes sous l'axe de la vallée en comparaison du profil d'âges attendus. En effet, on attendrait des âges plus jeunes sous les parties les plus profondes du tunnel à cause de l'advection de la chaleur dans les flancs de la vallée. La vallée est creusée dans des schistes alors que les flancs de celle-ci sont constitués de granitoïdes plus durs. En accord avec les observations hydrologiques du tunnel, nous suggérons que la perméabilité élevée des roches sous l'axe de la vallée à permi l'infiltration de fluides géothermaux qui a généré un réchauffement des roches. Ce réchauffement aurait donc induit une perte d'Hélium et un recuit des traces de fission dans les apatites. Ceci résulterait en un rajeunissement des âges apatite et en une sous-estimation des vitesses d'exhumation sous l'axe de la vallée. Cette étude à servi à démontrer la nécessité d'un échantillonnage fin et précis afin d'apporter des données thermochronologiques de qualité dans le contexte alpin. Cette approche multi-système nous a permi de contrôler la pertinence des données acquises ainsi que d'identifier les sources possibles d'erreurs lors d'études thermochronologiques. RÉSUMÉ LARGE PUBLIC Lors d'une orogenèse, les roches subissent un cycle comprenant une subduction, de la déformation, du métamorphisme et, finalement, un retour à la surface (ou exhumation). L'exhumation résulte de la déformation au sein de la zone de collision, menant à un raccourcissement et un apaissessement de l'édifice rocheux, qui se traduit par une remontée des roches, création d'une topographie et érosion. Puisque l'érosion agit comme un racloir sur la partie supérieure de l'édifice, des tentatives de corrélation entre les épisodes d'exhumation rapide et les périodes d'érosion intensive, dues aux changements climatiques, ont été effectuées. La connaissance de la chronologie et du lieu précis est d'une importance capitale pour une quelconque reconstruction de l'évolution d'une chaîne de montagne. Ces critères sont donnés par un retraçage des changements de la température de la roche en fonction du temps, nous donnant le taux de refroidissement. L'instant auquel les roches ont refroidit, passant une certaine température, est contraint par l'application de techniques de datation par radiométrie. Ces méthodes reposent sur la désintégration des isotopes radiogéniques, tels que l'uranium et le potassium, tous deux abondants dans les roches de la croûte terrestre. Les produits de cette désintégration ne sont pas retenus dans les minéraux hôtes jusqu'au moment du refroidissement de la roche sous une température appelée 'de fermeture' , spécifique à chaque système de datation. Par exemple, la désintégration radioactive des atomes d'uranium et de thorium produit des atomes d'hélium qui s'échappent d'un cristal de zircon à des températures supérieures à 200°C. En mesurant la teneur en uranium-parent, l'hélium accumulé et en connaissant le taux de désintégration, il est possible de calculer à quel moment la roche échantillonnée est passée sous la température de 200°C. Si le gradient géothermal est connu, les températures de fermeture peuvent être converties en profondeurs actuelles (p. ex. 200°C ≈ 7km), et le taux de refroidissement en taux d'exhumation. De plus, en datant par système radiométrique des échantillons espacés verticalement, il est possible de contraindre directement le taux d'exhumation de la section échantillonnée en observant les différences d'âges entre des échantillons voisins. Dans les Alpes suisses, le massif de l'Aar forme une structure orographique majeure. Avec des altitudes supérieures à 4000m et un relief spectaculaire de plus de 2000m, le massif domine la partie centrale de la chaîne de montagne. Les roches aujourd'hui exposées à la surface ont été enfouies à plus de 10 km de profond il y a 20 Ma, mais la topographie actuelle du massif de l'Aar semble surtout s'être développée par un soulèvement actif depuis quelques millions d'années, c'est-à-dire depuis le Néogène supérieur. Cette période comprend un changement climatique soudain ayant touché l'Europe il y a environ 5 Ma et qui a occasionné de fortes précipitations, entraînant certainement une augmentation de l'érosion et accélérant l'exhumation des Alpes. Dans cette étude, nous avons employé le système de datation (U-TH)/He sur zircon, dont la température de fermeture de 200°C est suffisamment basse pour caractériser l'exhumation du Néogène sup. /Pliocène. Les échantillons proviennent du Lötschental et du tunnel ferroviaire le plus profond du monde (NEAT) situé dans la partie ouest du massif de l'Aar. Considérés dans l'ensemble, ces échantillons se répartissent sur un dénivelé de 3000m et des âges de 5.1 à 9.4 Ma. Les échantillons d'altitude supérieure (et donc plus vieux) documentent un taux d'exhumation de 0.4 km/Ma jusqu'à il y a 6 Ma, alors que les échantillons situés les plus bas ont des âges similaires allant de 6 à 5.4 Ma, donnant un taux jusqu'à 3km /Ma. Ces données montrent une accélération dramatique de l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar il y a 6 Ma. L'exhumation miocène sup. du massif prédate donc le changement climatique Pliocène. Cependant, lors de la crise de salinité d'il y a 6-5.3 Ma (Messinien), le niveau de la mer Méditerranée est descendu de 3km. Un tel abaissement de la surface d'érosion peut avoir accéléré l'exhumation des Alpes, mais le bassin sud alpin était trop loin du massif de l'Aar pour influencer son érosion. Nous arrivons à la conclusion que la datation (U-Th)/He permet de contraindre précisément la chronologie et l'exhumation du massif de l'Aar. Concernant la dualité tectonique-érosion, nous suggérons que, dans le cas du massif de l'Aar, la tectonique prédomine.


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Biological traits that are advantageous under specific ecological conditions should be present in a large proportion of the species within an ecosystem, where those specific conditions prevail. As climatic conditions change, the frequency of certain traits in plant communities is expected to change with increasing altitude. We examined patterns of change for 13 traits in 120 exhaustive inventories of plants along five altitudinal transects (520-3100 m a.s.l.) in grasslands and in forests in western Switzerland. The traits selected for study represented the occupation of space, photosynthesis, reproduction and dispersal. For each plot, the mean trait values or the proportions of the trait states were weighted by species cover and examined in relation to the first axis of a PCA based on local climatic conditions. With increasing altitude in grasslands, we observed a decrease in anemophily and an increase in entomophily complemented by possible selfing; a decrease in diaspores with appendages adapted to ectozoochory, linked to a decrease in achenes and an increase in capsules. In lowlands, pollination and dispersal are ensured by wind and animals. However, with increasing altitude, insects are mostly responsible for pollination, and wind becomes the main natural dispersal vector. Some traits showed a particularly marked change in the alpine belt (e.g., the increase of capsules and the decrease of achenes), confirming that this belt concentrates particularly stressful conditions to plant growth and reproduction (e.g. cold, short growing season) that constrain plants to a limited number of strategies. One adaptation to this stress is to limit investment in dispersal by producing capsules with numerous, tiny seeds that have appendages limited to narrow wings. Forests displayed many of the trends observed in grasslands but with a reduced variability that is likely due to a shorter altitudinal gradient.


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Using immunohistochemistry in combination with confocal laser scanning microscopy, we studied the ontogeny of neuropeptide Y-Y1 receptor (Y1-R) expression in the trigeminal system of the rat. The study was limited to the nerve fibers innervating the mystacial pad and the trigeminal ganglia. In the trigeminal ganglia, Y1-R-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were first observed at E16.5. At this same stage some nerve fibers in the trigeminal ganglia also exhibited Y1-R-like immunoreactivity (LI). Strongly Y1-R-IR nerve fibers innervating the follicles of the mystacial vibrissae were first observed at E18. After double labeling, the Y1-R-LI was found to be colocalized with the neuronal marker protein gene product 9.5. At P1 only weak labeling for the Y1-R was found around the vibrissae follicles, whereas the neurons in the trigeminal ganglia were intensely labeled. The same was true for the adult rat, but at this stage no Y1-R labeling at all was observed in nerve fibers around the vibrissal follicles. These results strongly support an axonal localization of the Y1-R at this developmental stage. The transient expression of the Y1-R during prenatal mystacial pad development suggests a role for the Y1-R in the functional development of the vibrissae.


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Inner ear hair cells and supporting cells arise from common precursors and, in mammals, do not show phenotypic conversion. Here, we studied the role of the homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 in the inner ear sensory epithelia. Adenoviral-mediated Prox1 transduction into hair cells in explant cultures led to strong repression of Atoh1 and Gfi1, two transcription factors critical for hair cell differentiation and survival. Luciferase assays showed that Prox1 can repress transcriptional activity of Gfi1 independently of Atoh1. Prox1 transduction into cochlear outer hair cells resulted in degeneration of these cells, consistent with the known phenotype of Gfi1-deficient mice. These results together with the widespread expression of endogenous Prox1 within the population of inner ear supporting cells point to the role for Prox1 in antagonizing the hair cell phenotype in these non-sensory cells. Further, in vivo analyses of hair cells from Gfi1-deficient mice suggest that the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p57(Kip2) mediates the differentiation- and survival-promoting functions of Gfi1. These data reveal novel gene interactions and show that these interactions regulate cellular differentiation within the inner ear sensory epithelia. The data point to the tight regulation of phenotypic characteristics of hair cells and supporting cells.


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RÉSUMÉ Une espèce est rarement composée d'une population unique. Parce que les individus ont des capacités de dispersion limitées et que les paysages sont des mosaïques d'habitats, la plupart des espèces sont plutôt composées de sous-populations connectées par la migration. Cette variation spatiale influence directement la distribution de la variabilité génétique dans et entre les populations. Durant ce travail, nous avons abordé certains des processus populationnels qui ont joué un rôle supposé dans l'apparition de nouvelles espèces au sein du genre Trochulus. Plus précisément, nous avons tenté d'évaluer les impacts respectifs de l'isolement passé (facteurs historiques) et présent (facteurs locaux). Nous avons d'abord pu montrer que les faibles capacités de dispersion des escargots terrestres ont directement influencé leur histoire évolutive à toutes les échelles spatiales et temporelles. En réduisant l'effet homogénéisant de la migration, une faible dispersion maintient dans les populations les traces génétiques d'évènements passés. A l'échelle de la distribution globale de Trochulus villosus, ces traces ont permis de reconstruire une histoire faite d'isolements et d'expansions de populations. En combinant des données génétiques avec une modélisation de la niche climatique passée, il a été possible de proposer un scénario significativement meilleur que toutes les hypothèses alternatives que nous avons testées. A l'échelle locale par contre, l'héritage historique est difficile à distinguer de la dynamique actuelle. Ce fut le cas des lignées mitochondriales du complexe sericeus-hispidus : les deux principales lignées étaient phylogénétiquement éloignées, avaient eu des démographies passées différentes et corrélaient avec des différences morphologiques. D'un autre côté, le flux de gène nucléaire était fort, contredisant l'idée de deux espèces cryptiques isolées reproductivement. Pour pouvoir conclure à la présence ou non de deux espèces, il nous a manqué des informations locales sur la dynamique des populations et les conditions écologiques que l'on trouve dans la région d'étude. Enfin, nous avons pu souligner que la connectivité entre populations d'escargots est soumise à la qualité des habitats et à leur organisation spatiale. Les escargots sont dépendants d'un habitat et s'y adaptent, comme l'indiquent la présence de «poils » uniquement sur la coquille d'espèces vivant dans des habitats humides ou la corrélation entre morphologie et habitat au sein du complexe sericeus-hispidus. Logiquement donc, les escargots migrent préférentiellement au travers d'habitats favorables comme l'a montré la réduction de flux de gènes au travers des prairies chez T. villosus (une espèce forestière). De ces données, nous pouvons supposer que les populations d'escargots en particulier, et des espèces à faible dispersion en général, ont de fortes chances d'être affectées par les changements climatiques, avec de probables implications pour leurs histoires évolutives. SUMMARY : Species rarely consists in a single population. Because individuals have limited dispersal abilities, because landscapes are habitat patchworks, most species are made of several subpopulations connected by migration. This spatial variation has consequences on the distribution of genetic diversity within and between populations, creating a structure among the populations. During the present work, we investigated some of the population processes assumed to have played an important role on the speciation within the genus Trochulus. More specifically, we questioned the respective impacts of past (historical factors) or present (local factors) population isolations. We first could show that the poor dispersal abilities of land snails have had profound impacts on their evolutionary histories at all spatial and temporal scales. Low dispersal maintains a strong signature of past events in the populations by minimising the homogenising effects of geneflow. At the scale of Trochulus villosus global distribution, they allowed to retrieve the detailed history of this species population isolations and expansions. Combining a large genetic dataset with paleo-climatic niche modelling ended up with a historical scenario significantly better than all traditional alternatives we tested. At local scale on the contrary, past events become difficult to tease apart from ongoing processes. This was the case for the divergent mitochondria) lineages within the sericeus-hispidus complex: the two principal lineages appeared to be phylogenetically distant, to have experienced different demographic histories and to correlate with morphological differences. On the other hand, nuclear (present day) geneflow was high, contradicting the idea of two reproductively isolated cryptic species. Information on the local population dynamics and environmental conditions are lacking to be able to decide whether past isolation has indeed resulted here in new species. Finally, we emphasised the importance of the habitat types present in a landscape as well as their spatial organisation for the population connectivity of land snails. These species are tightly dependent on a habitat and adapt to it as shown by thé occurrence of hair-like structures only in species living in humid environments or by the correlation between shell morphology and habitat in the sericeus-hispidus complex. As a result, land snails preferentially migrate through favourable habitats: Trochulus villosus, a forest species, had its geneflow significantly reduced across meadows. From these data, we can hypothesise that the populations of land snails in particular and of low dispersing species in general are likely to be strongly affected by the ongoing climate changes, with potential major consequences on their evolutionary histories.


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Introduction: Increased respiratory pattern variability is associated with improved oxygenation. Pressure support (PS) is a widely used partial-assist mechanical ventilation (MV) mode, in which each breathing cycle is initiated by flow or pressure variation at the airway due to patient inspiratory effort. Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is relatively new and uses the electrical activity of the diaphragm (Eadi) to deliver ventilatory support proportional to the patient's inspiratory demand. We hypothesize that respiratory variability should be greater with NAVA compared with PS.Methods: Twenty-two patients underwent 20 minutes of PS followed by 20 minutes of NAVA. Flow and Eadi curves were used to obtain tidal volume (Vt) and ∫Eadi for 300 to 400 breaths in each patient. Patient-specific cumulative distribution functions (CDF) show the percentage Vt and ∫Eadi within a clinically defined (±10%) variability band for each patient. Values are normalized to patient-specific medians for direct comparison. Variability in Vt (outcome) is thus expressed in terms of variability in ∫Eadi (demand) on the same plot.Results: Variability in Vt relative to variability in ∫Eadi is significantly greater for NAVA than PS (P = 0.00012). Hence, greater variability in outcome Vt is obtained for a given demand in ∫Eadi, under NAVA, as illustrated in Figure 1 for a typical patient. A Fisher 2 × 2 contingency analysis showed that 45% of patients under NAVA had a Vt variability in equal proportion to ∫Eadi variability, versus 0% for PS (P < 0.05).Conclusions: NAVA yields greater variability in tidal volume, relative to ∫Eadi demand, and a better match between Vt and ∫Eadi. These results indicate that NAVA could achieve improved oxygenation compared with PS when sufficient underlying variability in ∫Eadi is present, due to its ability to achieve higher tidal volume variability from a given variability in ∫Eadi.


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Impaired ectodysplasin A (EDA) receptor (EDAR) signaling affects ectodermally derived structures including teeth, hair follicles, and cutaneous glands. The X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (XLHED), resulting from EDA deficiency, can be rescued with lifelong benefits in animal models by stimulation of ectodermal appendage development with EDAR agonists. Treatments initiated later in the developmental period restore progressively fewer of the affected structures. It is unknown whether EDAR stimulation in adults with XLHED might have beneficial effects. In adult Eda mutant mice treated for several weeks with agonist anti-EDAR antibodies, we find that sebaceous gland size and function can be restored to wild-type levels. This effect is maintained upon chronic treatment but reverses slowly upon cessation of treatment. Sebaceous glands in all skin regions respond to treatment, although to varying degrees, and this is accompanied in both Eda mutant and wild-type mice by sebum secretion to levels higher than those observed in untreated controls. Edar is expressed at the periphery of the glands, suggesting a direct homeostatic effect of Edar stimulation on the sebaceous gland. Sebaceous gland size and sebum production may serve as biomarkers for EDAR stimulation, and EDAR agonists may improve skin dryness and eczema frequently observed in XLHED.


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Mammals are characterized by specific phenotypic traits that include lactation, hair, and relatively large brains with unique structures. Individual mammalian lineages have, in turn, evolved characteristic traits that distinguish them from others. These include obvious anatom¬ical differences but also differences related to reproduction, life span, cognitive abilities, be¬havior. and disease susceptibility. However, the molecular basis of the diverse mammalian phenotypes and the selective pressures that shaped their evolution remain largely unknown. In the first part of my thesis, I analyzed the genetic factors associated with the origin of a unique mammalian phenotype lactation and I studied the selective pressures that forged the transition from oviparity to viviparity. Using a comparative genomics approach and evolutionary simulations, I showed that the emergence of lactation, as well as the appear¬ance of the casein gene family, significantly reduced selective pressure on the major egg-yolk proteins (the vitellogenin family). This led to a progressive loss of vitellogenins, which - in oviparous species - act as storage proteins for lipids, amino acids, phosphorous and calcium in the isolated egg. The passage to internal fertilization and placentation in therian mam¬mals rendered vitellogenins completely dispensable, which ended in the loss of the whole gene family in this lineage. As illustrated by the vitellogenin study, changes in gene content are one possible underlying factor for the evolution of mammalian-specific phenotypes. However, more subtle genomic changes, such as mutations in protein-coding sequences, can also greatly affect the phenotypes. In particular, it was proposed that changes at the level of gene reg¬ulation could underlie many (or even most) phenotypic differences between species. In the second part of my thesis, I participated in a major comparative study of mammalian tissue transcriptomes, with the goal of understanding how evolutionary forces affected expression patterns in the past 200 million years of mammalian evolution. I showed that, while com¬parisons of gene expressions are in agreement with the known species phylogeny, the rate of expression evolution varies greatly among lineages. Species with low effective population size, such as monotremes and hominoids, showed significantly accelerated rates of gene expression evolution. The most likely explanation for the high rate of gene expression evolution in these lineages is the accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations in regulatory regions, due to the low efficiency of purifying selection. Thus, our observations are in agreement with the nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution. I also describe substantial differences in evolutionary rates between tissues, with brain being the most constrained (especially in primates) and testis significantly accelerated. The rate of gene expression evolution also varies significantly between chromosomes. In particular, I observed an acceleration of gene expression changes on the X chromosome, probably as a result of adaptive processes associated with the origin of therian sex chromosomes. Lastly, I identified several individual genes as well as co-regulated expression modules that have undergone lineage specific expression changes and likely under¬lie various phenotypic innovations in mammals. The methods developed during my thesis, as well as the comprehensive gene content analyses and transcriptomics datasets made available by our group, will likely prove to be useful for further exploratory analyses of the diverse mammalian phenotypes.


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Background: There is evidence that exposure to passive smoking in general, and in babies in particular, is an important cause of morbimortality. Passive smoking is related to an increased risk of pediatric diseases such as sudden death syndrome, acute respiratory diseases, worsening of asthma, acute-chronic middle ear disease and slowing of lung growth.The objective of this article is to describe the BIBE study protocol. The BIBE study aims to determine the effectiveness of a brief intervention within the context of Primary Care, directed to mothers and fathers that smoke, in order to reduce the exposure of babies to passive smoking (ETS).Methods/DesignCluster randomized field trial (control and intervention group), multicentric and open. Subject: Fathers and/or mothers who are smokers and their babies (under 18 months) that attend pediatric services in Primary Care in Catalonia.The measurements will be taken at three points in time, in each of the fathers and/or mothers who respond to a questionnaire regarding their baby's clinical background and characteristics of the baby's exposure, together with variables related to the parents' tobacco consumption. A hair sample of the baby will be taken at the beginning of the study and at six months after the initial visit (biological determination of nicotine). The intervention group will apply a brief intervention in passive smoking after specific training and the control group will apply the habitual care.Discussion: Exposure to ETS is an avoidable factor related to infant morbimortality. Interventions to reduce exposure to ETS in babies are potentially beneficial for their health. The BIBE study evaluates an intervention to reduce exposure to ETS that takes advantage of pediatric visits. Interventions in the form of advice, conducted by pediatric professionals, are an excellent opportunity for prevention and protection of infants against the harmful effects of ETS.


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The inner ear is responsible for the perception of motion and sound in vertebrates. Its functional unit, the sensory patch, contains mechanosensory hair cells innervated by sensory neurons from the statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) that project to the corresponding nuclei in the brainstem. How hair cells develop at specific positions, and how otic neurons are sorted to specifically innervate each endorgan and to convey the extracted information to the hindbrain is not completely understood. In this work, we study the generation of macular sensory patches and investigate the role of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling in the production of their neurosensory elements. Using zebrafish transgenic lines to visualize the dynamics of hair cell and neuron production, we show that the development of the anterior and posterior maculae is asynchronic, suggesting they are independently regulated. Tracing experiments demonstrate the SAG is topologically organized in two different neuronal subpopulations, which are spatially segregated and innervate specifically each macula. Functional experiments identify the Hh pathway as crucial in coordinating the production of hair cells in the posterior macula, and the formation of its specific innervation. Finally, gene expression analyses suggest that Hh influences the balance between different SAG neuronal subpopulations. These results lead to a model in which Hh orients functionally the development of inner ear towards an auditory fate in all vertebrate species.