950 resultados para guided wave optics
With continuing advances in CMOS technology, feature sizes of modern Silicon chip-sets have gone down drastically over the past decade. In addition to desktops and laptop processors, a vast majority of these chips are also being deployed in mobile communication devices like smart-phones and tablets, where multiple radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs) must be integrated into one device to cater to a wide variety of applications such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFC, wireless charging, etc. While a small feature size enables higher integration levels leading to billions of transistors co-existing on a single chip, it also makes these Silicon ICs more susceptible to variations. A part of these variations can be attributed to the manufacturing process itself, particularly due to the stringent dimensional tolerances associated with the lithographic steps in modern processes. Additionally, RF or millimeter-wave communication chip-sets are subject to another type of variation caused by dynamic changes in the operating environment. Another bottleneck in the development of high performance RF/mm-wave Silicon ICs is the lack of accurate analog/high-frequency models in nanometer CMOS processes. This can be primarily attributed to the fact that most cutting edge processes are geared towards digital system implementation and as such there is little model-to-hardware correlation at RF frequencies.
All these issues have significantly degraded yield of high performance mm-wave and RF CMOS systems which often require multiple trial-and-error based Silicon validations, thereby incurring additional production costs. This dissertation proposes a low overhead technique which attempts to counter the detrimental effects of these variations, thereby improving both performance and yield of chips post fabrication in a systematic way. The key idea behind this approach is to dynamically sense the performance of the system, identify when a problem has occurred, and then actuate it back to its desired performance level through an intelligent on-chip optimization algorithm. We term this technique as self-healing drawing inspiration from nature's own way of healing the body against adverse environmental effects. To effectively demonstrate the efficacy of self-healing in CMOS systems, several representative examples are designed, fabricated, and measured against a variety of operating conditions.
We demonstrate a high-power mm-wave segmented power mixer array based transmitter architecture that is capable of generating high-speed and non-constant envelope modulations at higher efficiencies compared to existing conventional designs. We then incorporate several sensors and actuators into the design and demonstrate closed-loop healing against a wide variety of non-ideal operating conditions. We also demonstrate fully-integrated self-healing in the context of another mm-wave power amplifier, where measurements were performed across several chips, showing significant improvements in performance as well as reduced variability in the presence of process variations and load impedance mismatch, as well as catastrophic transistor failure. Finally, on the receiver side, a closed-loop self-healing phase synthesis scheme is demonstrated in conjunction with a wide-band voltage controlled oscillator to generate phase shifter local oscillator (LO) signals for a phased array receiver. The system is shown to heal against non-idealities in the LO signal generation and distribution, significantly reducing phase errors across a wide range of frequencies.
Researchers have spent decades refining and improving their methods for fabricating smaller, finer-tuned, higher-quality nanoscale optical elements with the goal of making more sensitive and accurate measurements of the world around them using optics. Quantum optics has been a well-established tool of choice in making these increasingly sensitive measurements which have repeatedly pushed the limits on the accuracy of measurement set forth by quantum mechanics. A recent development in quantum optics has been a creative integration of robust, high-quality, and well-established macroscopic experimental systems with highly-engineerable on-chip nanoscale oscillators fabricated in cleanrooms. However, merging large systems with nanoscale oscillators often require them to have extremely high aspect-ratios, which make them extremely delicate and difficult to fabricate with an "experimentally reasonable" repeatability, yield and high quality. In this work we give an overview of our research, which focused on microscopic oscillators which are coupled with macroscopic optical cavities towards the goal of cooling them to their motional ground state in room temperature environments. The quality factor of a mechanical resonator is an important figure of merit for various sensing applications and observing quantum behavior. We demonstrated a technique for pushing the quality factor of a micromechanical resonator beyond conventional material and fabrication limits by using an optical field to stiffen and trap a particular motional mode of a nanoscale oscillator. Optical forces increase the oscillation frequency by storing most of the mechanical energy in a nearly loss-less optical potential, thereby strongly diluting the effects of material dissipation. By placing a 130 nm thick SiO2 pendulum in an optical standing wave, we achieve an increase in the pendulum center-of-mass frequency from 6.2 to 145 kHz. The corresponding quality factor increases 50-fold from its intrinsic value to a final value of Qm = 5.8(1.1) x 105, representing more than an order of magnitude improvement over the conventional limits of SiO2 for a pendulum geometry. Our technique may enable new opportunities for mechanical sensing and facilitate observations of quantum behavior in this class of mechanical systems. We then give a detailed overview of the techniques used to produce high-aspect-ratio nanostructures with applications in a wide range of quantum optics experiments. The ability to fabricate such nanodevices with high precision opens the door to a vast array of experiments which integrate macroscopic optical setups with lithographically engineered nanodevices. Coupled with atom-trapping experiments in the Kimble Lab, we use these techniques to realize a new waveguide chip designed to address ultra-cold atoms along lithographically patterned nanobeams which have large atom-photon coupling and near 4π Steradian optical access for cooling and trapping atoms. We describe a fully integrated and scalable design where cold atoms are spatially overlapped with the nanostring cavities in order to observe a resonant optical depth of d0 ≈ 0.15. The nanodevice illuminates new possibilities for integrating atoms into photonic circuits and engineering quantum states of atoms and light on a microscopic scale. We then describe our work with superconducting microwave resonators coupled to a phononic cavity towards the goal of building an integrated device for quantum-limited microwave-to-optical wavelength conversion. We give an overview of our characterizations of several types of substrates for fabricating a low-loss high-frequency electromechanical system. We describe our electromechanical system fabricated on a Si3N4 membrane which consists of a 12 GHz superconducting LC resonator coupled capacitively to the high frequency localized modes of a phononic nanobeam. Using our suspended membrane geometry we isolate our system from substrates with significant loss tangents, drastically reducing the parasitic capacitance of our superconducting circuit to ≈ 2.5$ fF. This opens up a number of possibilities in making a new class of low-loss high-frequency electromechanics with relatively large electromechanical coupling. We present our substrate studies, fabrication methods, and device characterization.
Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma formulação apropriada à análise de guias de ondas eletromagnéticos, cobrindo do espectro de microondas até o da óptica. Nas regiões a partir do ultravioleta, os comprimentos de onda são equivalentes às dimensões atômicas e a formulação necessita de uma abordagem quântica, que não é considerada neste estudo. A formulação é fundamentada nos métodos vetorial magnético e dos elementos finitos (MEF), em meios não homogêneos, anisotrópicos e não dissipativos, embora a dissipação possa ser facilmente introduzida na análise. Deu-se preferência à formulação com o campo magnético em vez do elétrico, pelo fato do campo magnético ignorar descontinuidades elétricas. Ele é contínuo em regiões de permeabilidade homogênea, propriedade dos meios dielétricos em geral ( = 0), independente da permissividade dos respectivos meios, conquanto os campos elétricos sejam descontínuos entre regiões de permissividades diferentes.
We demonstrate the guiding of neutral atoms with two parallel microfabricated current-carrying wires on the atom chip and a vertical magnetic bias field. The atoms are guided along a magnetic field minimum parallel to the current-carrying wires and confined in the other two directions. We describe in detail how the precooled atoms are efficiently loaded into the two-wire guide. We present a detailed experimental study of the motional properties of the atoms in the guide and the relationship between the location of the guide and the vertical bias field. This two-wire guide with vertical bias field can be used to realize large area atom interferometer.
Red fluorescent proteins (RFPs) have attracted significant engineering focus because of the promise of near infrared fluorescent proteins, whose light penetrates biological tissue, and which would allow imaging inside of vertebrate animals. The RFP landscape, which numbers ~200 members, is mostly populated by engineered variants of four native RFPs, leaving the vast majority of native RFP biodiversity untouched. This is largely due to the fact that native RFPs are obligate tetramers, limiting their usefulness as fusion proteins. Monomerization has imposed critical costs on these evolved tetramers, however, as it has invariably led to loss of brightness, and often to many other adverse effects on the fluorescent properties of the derived monomeric variants. Here we have attempted to understand why monomerization has taken such a large toll on Anthozoa class RFPs, and to outline a clear strategy for their monomerization. We begin with a structural study of the far-red fluorescence of AQ143, one of the furthest red emitting RFPs. We then try to separate the problem of stable and bright fluorescence from the design of a soluble monomeric β-barrel surface by engineering a hybrid protein (DsRmCh) with an oligomeric parent that had been previously monomerized, DsRed, and a pre-stabilized monomeric core from mCherry. This allows us to use computational design to successfully design a stable, soluble, fluorescent monomer. Next we took HcRed, which is a previously unmonomerized RFP that has far-red fluorescence (λemission = 633 nm) and attempted to monomerize it making use of lessons learned from DsRmCh. We engineered two monomeric proteins by pre-stabilizing HcRed’s core, then monomerizing in stages, making use of computational design and directed evolution techniques such as error-prone mutagenesis and DNA shuffling. We call these proteins mGinger0.1 (λem = 637 nm / Φ = 0.02) and mGinger0.2 (λem = 631 nm Φ = 0.04). They are the furthest red first generation monomeric RFPs ever developed, are significantly thermostabilized, and add diversity to a small field of far-red monomeric FPs. We anticipate that the techniques we describe will be facilitate future RFP monomerization, and that further core optimization of the mGingers may allow significant improvements in brightness.
强外加电场与大调制度在光折变效应的研究中已经得到了广泛应用。采用PDECOL算法, 严格求解光折变带输运方程, 得到外加电场时不同调制度下光折变晶体中随时间变化的空间电荷场、载流子浓度, 并讨论了外加电场对它们的影响。通过将物质方程与耦合波方程联立数值求解, 可得到光折变光栅形成过程中两波耦合增益系数以及光束条纹相位的变化。模拟结果表明, 在强外加电场作用下, 两束记录光之间的光强与相位耦合都得到了增强, 而原有的解析式忽视了强外加电场与大调制度对空间电荷场相位耦合的影响, 此时不再适用。同时发现折射率光
基于动量守恒和光参变过程中的三波耦合波方程, 和负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10的色散方程, 研究了在光参变效应中超短激光脉冲由于群速度色散引起的展宽和形变。数值模拟显示, 在超短脉冲波形为双曲正割形和无啁啾调制时, 高阶群速度色散引起的超短脉冲为50 fs时, 晶体长度为10 mm, 紫外光213 nm作为基波入射时的脉冲展宽是波长为532 nm绿光在同等条件下的1.6倍。脉冲展宽程度与入射波长和晶体长度有关, 波长越短和晶体长度越长则脉冲展宽和波形变化越严重,高阶色散引起的超短高斯脉冲展宽, 将
We analyze mutual alignment errors due to wave-front aberrations. To solve the central obscured problem, we introduce modified Zernike polynomials, which are a set of complete orthogonal polynomials. It is found that different aberrations have different effects on mutual alignment errors. Some aberrations influence only the line of sight, while some aberrations influence both the line of sight and the intensity distributions. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America
基于能量守恒和三波耦合波方程, 建立了超短脉冲在参变过程中二次谐波产生时的I类和II类相位匹配条件、基波与谐波之间的群速延迟时间、以及群速失配对晶体长度限制的理论基础。以负单轴非线性光学晶体CsLiB6O10为例, 分析和数值计算了超短脉冲宽度为100 fs时, 谐波的群速匹配长度随基波波长变化的规律。研究结果表明在I类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为642 nm时, 群速延迟最小, 相应的群速匹配晶体长度最长为19.1 mm;在II类相位匹配条件下, 基波波长为767 nm, 群速延迟最小, 群速匹配长度最
The LIGO gravitational wave detectors are on the brink of making the first direct detections of gravi- tational waves. Noise cancellation techniques are described, in order to simplify the commissioning of these detectors as well as significantly improve their sensitivity to astrophysical sources. Future upgrades to the ground based detectors will require further cancellation of Newtonian gravitational noise in order to make the transition from detectors striving to make the first direct detection of gravitational waves, to observatories extracting physics from many, many detections. Techniques for this noise cancellation are described, as well as the work remaining in this realm.
We present a theoretical model in which the band-transport equations and the coupled-wave equations are considered to study the two thermal-fixing methods (simultaneous fixing and postfixing) in Fe:LiNbO3. We found that, in simultaneous fixing, the existing ionic-grating affects the writing of the electronic grating by reduction of the coupling gain, and the grating envelope of the fixed-index grating is quite uniform inside the photorefractive crystal in comparison with the method of postfixing. The resulting diffraction efficiency of the fixed-volume grating is dependent mainly on the initial intensity modulation of the two writing beams. A set of experiments is also presented. (C) 1998 Optical Society of America.
The application of a Michelson interferometer with a self-pumped phase-conjugate mirror to measure small vibration amplitudes of a rough surface is described. The distorted wave front of the light that is diffusely reflected from the rough surface is restored by phase conjugation to provide an interference signal with a high signal-to-noise ratio. The vibration amplitudes of a stainless-steel sample are measured with a precision of similar to 5 nm. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.3180, 190.5040, 120.7280.