996 resultados para geotechnical


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The stress regime in a cutting (slope) is complex, with different principle stresses acting in different directions along the potential failure plane. For example, stresses may be primarily in extension near the toe and in compression near the crest of a slope. Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive failure which usually starts at the toe of the slope. Softening and the development of rupture surfaces have been observed in the field and are well documented for London Clays. However, this failure mechanism is yet to be established for glacial tills. To better understand the progressive failure mechanism, this paper discusses a series of laboratory tests conducted on reconstituted glacial till samples from Northern Ireland. Initial observations indicate that, a soil with insitu stress states between 80-90% of peak strength may undergo significant viscoplastic straining as a result of the combination of pore-pressure cycling and elevated stress level.


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As a consequence of increased levels of flooding, largely attributable to urbanization of watersheds (and perhaps climate change, more frequent extreme rainfall events are occurring and threatening existing critical infrastructure. Many of which are short-span bridges over relatively small waterways (e.g., small rivers, streams and canals). Whilst these short-span bridges were designed, often many years ago, to pass relatively minor the then standard return-period floods, in recenttimes the failure incidence of such short-span bridges has been noticeably increasing. This is suggestive of insufficient hydraulic capacity or alternative failure mechanism not envisaged at the time of design e.g. foundation scour or undermining. This paper presen ts, and draws lessons, from bridge failures in Ireland and the USA. For example, in November 2009, the UK and Ireland were subjected to extraordinarily severe weather conditions for several days. The resulting flooding led to the collapse of three UK bridges that were generally 19th century masonry arch bridges, withrelatively shallow foundations. Parallel failure events have been observed in the USA. To date, knowledge of the combined effect of waterway erosion, bridge submergence, and geotechnical collapse has not been adequately studied. Recent research carried out considered the hydraulic analysis of short span bridges under flood conditions, but no consideration was given towards the likely damage to these structures due to erosive coupling of hydraulic and geotechnical factors. Some work has been done to predict the discharge downstream of an inundated arch, focusing onpredicting afflux, as opposed to bridge scour, under both pressurized and free-surface flows, but no ! predictive equation for scour under pressurized conditions was ever considered. The case studies this paper presents will be augmented by the initial findings from the laboratory experiments investigating the effects of surcharged flow and subsequent scour within the vicinity of single span arch bridges. Velocities profiles will be shown within the vicinity of the arch, in addition to the depth of consequent scour, for a series of flows and model spans. The data will be presented and correlated to the most recent predictive equations for submerged contraction and abutment scour. The accuracy of these equations is examined, and the findings used as a basis for developing further studies in relation to short span bridges.


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Indirect bridge monitoring methods, using the responses measured from vehicles passing over bridges, are under development for about a decade. A major advantage of these methods is that they use sensors mounted on the vehicle, no sensors or data acquisition system needs to be installed on the bridge. Most of the proposed methods are based on the identification of dynamic characteristics of the bridge from responses measured on the vehicle, such as natural frequency, mode shapes, and damping. In addition, some of the methods seek to directly detect bridge damage based on the interaction between the vehicle and bridge. This paper presents a critical review of indirect methods for bridge monitoring and provides discussion and recommendations on the challenges to be overcome for successful implementation in practice.


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Deep-seated progressive failures of cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays have been observed in the field and are well documented, especially for London Clays (Potts, Kovacevic, & Vaughan, 1997; Smethurst, Powrie, & Clarke, 2006; Take, 2003), however, the process of softening and the development of a rupture surface in other clays, including the clay fraction of glacial tills, is still to be established. Recent decades have witnessed extreme weather conditions in Northern Ireland with dry summers and wet winters. The dynamics of this pore pressure variation can trigger strength reduction and progressive plastic straining, both of which will lead to slope failure. The aim of this research is to evaluate the effect of pore pressure variations on the deformation and long-term stability of large cuttings in glacial tills in Northern Ireland. This paper outlines the overall research program and presents initial laboratory findings (Carse, 2013).


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Landslides and debris flows, commonly triggered by rainfall, pose a geotechnical risk causing disruption to transport routes and incur significant financial expenditure. With infrastructure maintenance budgets becoming ever more constrained, this paper provides an overview of some of the developing methods being implemented by Queen’s University, Belfast in collaboration with the Department for Regional Development to monitor the stability of two distinctly different infrastructure slopes in Northern Ireland. In addition to the traditional, intrusive ground investigative and laboratory testing methods, aerial LiDAR, terrestrial LiDAR, geophysical techniques and differential Global Positioning Systems have been used to monitor slope stability. Finally, a comparison between terrestrial LiDAR, pore water pressure and soil moisture deficit (SMD) is presented to outline the processes for a more informed management regime and to highlight the season relationship between landslide activity and the aforementioned parameters.


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Stiffness values in geotechnical structures can range over many orders of magnitude for relatively small operational strains. The typical strain levels where soil stiffness changes most dramatically is in the range 0.01-0.1%, however soils do not exhibit linear stress-strain behaviour at small strains. Knowledge of the in situ stiffness at small strain is important in geotechnical numerical modelling and design. The stress-strain regime of cut slopes is complex, as we have different principle stress directions at different positions along the potential failure plane. For example, loading may be primarily in extension near the toe of the slope, while compressive loading is predominant at the crest of a slope. Cuttings in heavily overconsolidated clays are known to be susceptible to progressive failure and subsequent strain softening, in which progressive yielding propagates from the toe towards the crest of the slope over time. In order to gain a better understanding of the rate of softening it would be advantageous to measure changes in small strain stiffness in the field.


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The UK’s transportation network is supported by critical geotechnical assets (cuttings/embankments/dams) that require sustainable, cost-effective management, while maintaining an appropriate service level to meet social, economic, and environmental needs. Recent effects of extreme weather on these geotechnical assets have highlighted their vulnerability to climate variations. We have assessed the potential of surface wave data to portray the climate-related variations in mechanical properties of a clay-filled railway embankment. Seismic data were acquired bimonthly from July 2013 to November 2014 along the crest of a heritage railway embankment in southwest England. For each acquisition, the collected data were first processed to obtain a set of Rayleigh-wave dispersion and attenuation curves, referenced to the same spatial locations. These data were then analyzed to identify a coherent trend in their spatial and temporal variability. The relevance of the observed temporal variations was also verified with respect to the experimental data uncertainties. Finally, the surface wave dispersion data sets were inverted to reconstruct a time-lapse model of S-wave velocity for the embankment structure, using a least-squares laterally constrained inversion scheme. A key point of the inversion process was constituted by the estimation of a suitable initial model and the selection of adequate levels of spatial regularization. The initial model and the strength of spatial smoothing were then kept constant throughout the processing of all available data sets to ensure homogeneity of the procedure and comparability among the obtained VS sections. A continuous and coherent temporal pattern of surface wave data, and consequently of the reconstructed VS models, was identified. This pattern is related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil water content measured on site.


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A significant portion of the UK’s transportation system relies on a network of geotechnical earthworks (cuttings and embankments) that were constructed more than 100 years ago, whose stability is affected by the change in precipitation patterns experienced over the past few decades. The vulnerability of these structures requires a reliable, cost- and time-effective monitoring of their geomechanical condition. We have assessed the potential application of P-wave refraction for tracking the seasonal variations of seismic properties within an aged clay-filled railway embankment, located in southwest England. Seismic data were acquired repeatedly along the crest of the earthwork at regular time intervals, for a total period of 16 months. P-wave first-break times were picked from all available recorded traces, to obtain a set of hodocrones referenced to the same spatial locations, for various dates along the surveyed period of time. Traveltimes extracted from each acquisition were then compared to track the pattern of their temporal variability. The relevance of such variations over time was compared with the data experimental uncertainty. The multiple set of hodocrones was subsequently inverted using a tomographic approach, to retrieve a time-lapse model of VPVP for the embankment structure. To directly compare the reconstructed VPVP sections, identical initial models and spatial regularization were used for the inversion of all available data sets. A consistent temporal trend for P-wave traveltimes, and consequently for the reconstructed VPVP models, was identified. This pattern could be related to the seasonal distribution of precipitation and soil-water content measured on site.


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This paper describes the hydrogeological processes which caused unexpected instability and quick conditions during the excavation of a 25m deep cutting through a drumlin in County Down, Northern Ireland. A conceptual hydrogeological model of the cutting, based on pore pressures monitored during and after the excavation demonstrates how quick conditions at the toe of the cutting caused liquefaction of the till. Stability of the cutting was re-established by draining the highly permeable, weathered Greywacke which underlies the drumlin, through the use of a deep toe drain. In spite of this drainage, the cutting was only marginally stable due to the presence of a low permeability zone in the till above the bedrock which limits the reduction of elevated pore pressures within the upper to mid-depths of the drumlin. The factor of safety has been further improved by the addition of vertical relief drains at the crest and berm of the cutting to relieve the pore-pressures within the upper till by intercepting the weathered bedrock. The paper also highlights the importance of carrying out an adequate site investigation compliant with Eurocode 7 and additional monitoring in excavations in stiff, low permeability till.


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The British standard constant-head triaxial test for measuring the permeability of fine-grained soils takes a relatively long time. A quicker test could provide savings to the construction industry, particularly for checking the quality of landfill clay liners. An accelerated permeability test has been developed, but the method often underestimates the permeability values compared owing to structural changes in the soil sample. This paper reports on an investigation
into the accelerated test to discover if the changes can be limited by using a revised procedure. The accelerated test is assessed and compared with the standard test and a ramp-accelerated permeability test. Four different finegrained materials are compacted at various water contents to produce analogous samples for testing using the three different methods. Fabric analysis is carried out on specimens derived from post-test samples using mercury intrusion porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy to assess the effects of testing on soil structure. The results show that accelerated testing in general underestimates permeability compared with values derived from the standard test, owing to changes in soil structure caused by testing. The ramp-accelerated test is shown to provide an improvement in terms of these structural changes.


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Nos últimos anos têm sido construídas e estão projectadas para a construção várias obras de engenharia civil na região de Aveiro, destacando-se algumas infra-estruturas rodoviárias, ferroviárias e portuárias cujo funcionamento em pleno reveste-se de particular importância dados os seus impactos globalmente positivos na estruturação do tecido socioeconómico da região e do país. Por outro lado, aspectos como a localização geográfica litoral e o enquadramento geológico da cidade de Aveiro, cuja paisagem geomorfológica é dominada pela denominada laguna de Aveiro, são condicionadores da natureza mole, compressível e de baixa capacidade resistente dos terrenos de fundação que ocorrem nesta zona da cidade. A escolha do tema do presente trabalho de investigação, do domínio geotécnico, está associada ao reconhecido comportamento problemático desses solos quando solicitados pelas obras de engenharia civil. Deste modo, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a compreensão do comportamento geomecânico que caracteriza os depósitos de solos naturais de origem aluvionar, localizados na zona lagunar da cidade de Aveiro. São investigadas as relações entre o comportamento descrito para estes solos e a sua história geológica e as suas propriedades micro e macro estruturais no estado de ocorrência. Foram seleccionados quatro locais da cidade representativos da ocorrência de depósitos de solos moles nos quais foram realizados ensaios geotécnicos de campo e procedeu-se a recolha de amostras a várias profundidades para estudos geotécnicos de laboratório. Com os ensaios, foram avaliadas as características de identificação e do comportamento reológico (tensãodeformação- resistência ao corte) e a parametrização geotécnica derivada foi interpretada à luz do conhecimento adquirido em outros estudos também realizados do âmbito da geologia e da mineralogia.


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A perfuração é uma das operações envolvidas no desmonte de rocha com explosivos. A forma como esta operação é executada é determinante para o sucesso do desmonte. Quando é realizada correctamente o desmonte produz superfícies limpas com o mínimo de sobrescavação e perturbação. A selecção das ferramentas de perfuração é um dos factores preponderantes para os custos do desmonte de maciços rochosos. O objectivo deste trabalho é demonstrar a interdependência entre os parâmetros petrofísicos, geotécnicos e geomecânicos do maciço rochoso e as tecnologias de perfuração de forma a optimizar tanto técnica como economicamente. A forma como a perfuração é executada é determinante para a boa fragmentação do maciço rochoso. Este estudo irá centrar-se na perfurabilidade do maciço, linearidade dos furos, rendimento e desgaste das ferramentas de perfuração e desenvolvimento de metodologias do ciclo de perfuração. Neste trabalho, discute-se a importância de uma abordagem integrativa para fins de geoengenhara mineira em que foi aplicada a técnica de amostragem linear em superfícies expostas do maciço num ambiente de uma exploração granítica. As áreas seleccionadas para este estudo — Pedreira de Serdedelo (Ribeira, Ponte de Lima) e pedreira do Fojo (Ferreira, Paredes de Coura), NW de Portugal — estão situadas nas proximidades de falhas geológicas regionais. Em todo os casos de estudo foram desenvolvidos numa plataforma SIG usando as seguintes ferramentas: cartografia geo-aplicada, técnicas de geologia estrutural, da geotecnia e da geomecânica mineiras e avaliação de geotecnologias. Esta abordagem leva-nos a compreender a relevância da heterogeneidade do maciço rochoso para o dimensionamento da exploração a diferentes escalas. O controlo geomecânico do desmonte do maciço rochoso através de uma perfuração alinhada é salientado com o intuito de uma abordagem de geoengenharia integrada nos maciços rochosos.


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This dissertation introduces several methodological approaches which integrate a proposed coastal management model in an interdisciplinary perspective. The research presented herein is displayed as a set of publications comprising different thematic outlooks. The thesis develops an integrated coastal geoengineering approach which is intrinsically linked to the studied maritime environments. From sandy coasts and marine works to rocky platforms and sea cliffs, this study includes field work between Caminha – Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) and Galicia (NW Spain). The research also involves an analysis and geological-geotechnical characterisation of natural rock (armourstone) and artificial units (concrete blocks) applied to coastal structures. The main goal is to contribute to the characterisation and re-evaluation of georesources and to determine armourstone suitability and availability from its source (quarry). It was also important to diagnose the geomaterials in situ concerning their degradation/deterioration level on the basis of the current status of the coastal protection works in order to facilitate more efficient monitoring and maintenance, with economic benefits. In the rocky coast approach the coastal blocks were studied along the platform, but also the geoforms were studied from a coastal morphodynamics point of view. A shoreline evolution analysis was developed for sandy coasts through Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) extension. In addition, the spatial and statistical analysis applied to sea cliffs allowed the establishment of susceptibility zones to erosion and hazardous areas. All of these studies have different purposes and results however, there is a common denominator – GIS mapping. Hence, apart from the studied coastal environment, there is an integrated system which includes a sequence of procedures and methodologies that persisted during the research period. This is a step forward in the study of different coastal environments by using almost the same methodologies. This will allow the characterisation, monitoring and assessment of coastal protection works, rocky coasts, and shore platforms. With such data, it is possible to propose or recommend strategies for coastal and shoreline management based on several justifications in terms of social, economic, and environmental questions, or even provide a GIS-based planning support system reinforced by geocartographic decisions. Overall the development of the applied cartography embraces six stages which will allow the production of detailed maps of the maritime environment: (1) high-resolution aerial imagery surveys; (2) visual inspection and systematic monitoring; (3) applied field datasheet; (4) in situ evaluation; (5) scanline surveying; and (6) GIS mapping. This thesis covers fundamental matters that were developed over the course of scientific publication and as a consequence they represent the results obtained and discussed. The subjects directly related to the thesis architecture are: (i) cartography applied to coastal dynamics (including an art historical analysis as a tool to comprehend the coastal evolution and the littoral zone); (ii) georesources assessment (the role of cartography in georesources zoning, assessment and armourstone durability); (iii) coastal geoengineering applications and monitoring (Espinho pilot site in NW Portugal as an experimental field); (iv) rocky coast and shore platform studies and characterisation; (v) sandy and mixed environment approaches; (vi) coastal geosciences GIS mapping and photogrammetric surveying (coastal geoengineering); and (vii) shoreline change mapping and coastal management strategies (the CartGalicia Project as an example – NW Spain). Finally, all of these thematic areas were crucial to generate the conceptual models proposed and to shape the future of integrated coastal coastal geoengineering management.


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La construction dans l’Arctique nécessite une connaissance précise des propriétés thermiques et géotechniques du pergélisol. La connaissance de ces propriétés est également nécessaire pour le paramétrage des modèles de transfert de chaleur. Des études antérieures ont démontré le grand potentiel de l’utilisation de la tomodensitométrie pour les mesures du volume des composantes du pergélisol et la visualisation de la cryostructure. Une nouvelle approche est proposée pour mesurer la conductivité thermique du pergélisol. Les objectifs généraux de ce projet sont (1) d’élaborer une nouvelle méthode de caractérisation du pergélisol à l’aide de la tomodensitométrie et de modèle éprouvés et (2) de comparer et mettre au point une méthode novatrice pour mesurer la conductivité thermique et des paramètres géotechniques. Les résultats démontrent que les tests effectués à l’aide de la tomodensitométrie donnent des résultats d’une valeur scientifique comparable aux autres méthodes existantes de mesure de déjà existantes de conductivité thermique du pergélisol.