946 resultados para geodetic number
Background: Artistic Gymnastics is a sport where athletes are frequently fatigued. One element that might influence this aspect is carbohydrate, an important energy substrate for the muscles and the CNS. Our goal was to investigate the influence of fatigue over artistic gymnastics athlete's performance and the effects of a carbohydrate supplementation on their performance. Methods: We evaluated 15 athletes divided in 2 groups (control and fatigue) from 12 to 14 years old in two different experimental days. On the first day (water day), they did 5 sets of exercises on the balance beam (experimental protocol) ingesting only water, CG (control group) warmed up before the experimental protocol and FG (fatigue group) did a fatigue circuit, warm up exercises and then the experimental protocol. On the second day (carbohydrate day), we used the same protocol but CG ingested a sugar free flavored juice and FG ingested a 20% concentration maltodextrin solution before the protocol on the balance beam. Results: We observed a greater number of falls from the balance beam from the FG on the first day (5.40 ± 1.14 FG vs 3.33 ± 1.37 CG; p = 0.024) and a decrease in the number of falls on the second day (2.29 ± 1.25 FG water day vs 5.40 ± 1.14 FG carbohydrate day; p = 0.0013). Carbohydrate solution was able to supply muscle demands and improve the athlete's focus showed by the reduced number of falls. © 2013 Batatinha et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
A multiyear solution of the SIRGAS-CON network was used to estimate the strain rates of the earth surface from the changing directions of the velocity vectors of 140 geodetic points located in the South American plate. The strain rate was determined by the finite element method using Delaunay triangulation points that formed sub-networks; each sub-network was considered a solid and homogeneous body. The results showed that strain rates vary along the South American plate and are more significant on the western portion of the plate, as expected, since this region is close to the subduction zone of the Nazca plate beneath the South American plate. After using Euler vectors to infer Nazca plate movement and to orient the velocity vectors of the South American plate, it was possible to estimate the convergence and accommodation rates of the Nazca and South American plates, respectively. Strain rate estimates permitted determination of predominant contraction and/or extension regions and to establish that contraction regions coincide with locations with most of the high magnitude seismic events. Some areas with extension and contraction strains were found to the east within the stable South American plate, which may result from different stresses associated with different geological characteristics. These results suggest that major movements detected on the surface near the Nazca plate occur in regions with more heterogeneous geological structures and multiple rupture events. Most seismic events in the South American plate are concentrated in areas with predominant contraction strain rates oriented northeast-southwest; significant amounts of elastic strain can be accumulated on geological structures away from the plate boundary faults; and, behavior of contractions and extensions is similar to what has been found in seismological studies. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Introduction: Hydrogen peroxide tooth bleaching is claimed to cause alterations in dental tissue structures. This study investigated the influence of the number of bleaching sessions on pulp tissue in rats. Methods: Male Wistar rats were studied in 5 groups (groups 1S-5S) of 10 each, which differed by the number (1-5) of bleaching sessions. In each session, the animals were anesthetized, and 35% hydrogen peroxide gel was applied to 3 upper right molars. Two days after the experimental period, the animals were killed, and their jaws were processed for light microscope evaluation. Pulp tissue reactions were scored as follows: 1, no or few inflammatory cells and no reaction; 2, <25 cells and a mild reaction; 3, between 25 and 125 cells and a moderate reaction; and 4, 125 or more cells and a severe reaction. Results from each experimental group were compared between groups and within groups to the corresponding unbleached upper left molars and analyzed for significant differences using the Kruskal-Wallis test (P < .05). Results: All tissue sections showed significant bleaching-induced changes in the dental pulp. After 1 bleaching session, necrotic tissue in the pulp horns and underlying inflammatory changes were observed. The extent and intensity of these changes increased with the number of bleaching sessions. After 5 sessions, the changes included necrotic areas in the pulp tissue involving the second third of the radicular pulp and intense inflammation in the apical third. Conclusions: The number of bleaching sessions directly influenced the extent of pulp damage. © 2013 American Association of Endodontists.
Known number theoretical constructions of the lattice E8 use the cyclotomic fields Q(ζ15), Q(ζ20), and Q(ζ24). In this work, an infinite family of Abelian number fields yielding rotated versions of the lattice E 8 is exhibited. © 2012 The Managing Editors.
Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Cartográficas - FCT
The goal of this paper is to present a methodology for quality control of horizontal geodetic networks through robustness and covariance analysis. In the proposed methodology, the positional accuracy of each point is estimated by a possible bias in their position (based on robustness analysis), in addition to its own positional precision (uncertainty) (through covariance analysis), being a measure independently from the choice of the datum. Besides presenting the theoretical development of the method, its application is demonstrated in a numerical example. The results indicate that, in general, the greater the distance of an unknown point to the control(s) point(s) of the network, the greater is the propagation of random errors on this unknown point, and the smaller the number of redundant observations around a unknown point, the greater the influence of possible (undetected) non-random errors on this point.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study evaluated the influence of follicular fluid (FF) added to the maturation medium on the quality of bovine embryos produced in vitro. In the first experiment, oocytes were matured in media containing five different FF concentrations with different maturation times and classified according to meiotic progression and migration of cortical granules. In the second experiment, oocytes matured in the same media were fertilized at three different maturation times; thereafter, cleavage and blastocyst rates were evaluated. In the third experiment, oocytes were matured in media containing three different FF concentrations at two different maturation times, and embryo quality, inferred by the ratio of inner cell mass and trophectoderm cells compared with total cell number, was evaluated. Higher FF concentration (75 - 100% FF) slowed meiotic progression and CG migration (control - 78.13% vs. treated - 52.58% and control - 52.7% vs. treated - 11.59%, respectively, at 24 h of maturation). Also, FF at concentration of 75% or 100% had a negative influence on cleavage and blastocyst rates (control - 90.13% vs. treated - 82.64% and control - 35.73% vs. treated - 11.57%, respectively, at 24 h of maturation). The 50% FF resulted in embryos with increased inner cell mass numbers (control - 29.91 vs. treated - 35.49, at 24 h of maturation) and total cell numbers (control - 109.53 vs. treated - 120.67, at 26 h of maturation). Even though higher concentration of FF added to the maturation medium reduced embryonic development rates, in lower concentrations, FF slowed the meiotic progression and migration of CG and contributed to increases in inner cell mass number. Thus, FF added to the maturation medium enhances the number of cells in bovine embryos produced in vitro, especially for inner cell mass.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of season of the year (summer and winter) and parity (heifers and cows) on oocyte quality and number in buffaloes. For this purpose, 71 buffaloes had follicular wave emergence synchronized before OPU. OPU of all follicles >= 2mm was done 5 days after the beginning of the hormonal protocol, in 4 replicates (two for each season). Data were analyzed by ANOVA using PROC GLIMMIX, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. No interactions were observed in following variables: number of follicles, number of total and viable oocytes, recovery rate, percentage of viable oocytes, grade I oocytes, grade II oocytes, grade III oocytes, denuded oocytes, expanded cumulus oocytes, and atretic/degenerated oocytes. Number of follicles visualized at OPU and recovery rate were not affected by parity or season. Relative to parity, number of total and viable oocytes were greater in heifers than in cows, respectively. Concerning season of the year, number of viable oocytes and viable oocyte rate were increased in winter. In conclusion, better oocyte quality can be obtained from heifers and during winter in buffaloes. However, the number of total oocytes seems to be more influenced by parity than by season of the year in this species.