989 resultados para frequency dependence


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The interaction of CO with Cu, Pd, and Ni at different coverages of the metals on solid substrates has been investigated by He II and core-level spectroscopies, after the nature of variation of the metal core-level binding energies with the coverage or the cluster size is established. The separation between the (1 pi + 5 sigma) and 4 sigma levels of CO increases with a decrease in the size of the metal clusters, accompanied by an increase in the desorption temperature. In the case of Cu, the intramolecular shakeup satellite of CO disappears on small clusters. More importantly, CO dissociates on small Ni clusters, clearly confirming that metal-CO interaction strength increases with a decrease in the cluster size.


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A systematic investigation of monatomic spherical sorbates in the supercages of zeolites Y and A by molecular dynamics technique is presented. Rates of intercage diffusion, rates of cage visits, and the diffusion coefficients have been calculated as a function of the sorbate-zeolite interaction strength. These properties exhibit markedly different dependences on interaction strength for the two zeolites. The observed behavior is shown to be a consequence of the two principal mechanisms of intercage diffusion and the energetic barrier associated with them. The diffusion coefficient and other properties associated with intercage diffusion are found to be directly proportional to the reciprocal of the square of the sorbate diameter when the sorbate diameter is significantly smaller than the window diameter. As the sorbate diameter increases, a peak is observed in all the transport properties investigated including the diffusion coefficient. We call this surprising effect as the ring or levitation effect and it explains several anomalous results reported in the literature and suggests a breakdown of the geometrical criterion for diffusion of sorbates. It shows that under certain conditions nongeometrical factors play a major role and geometrical factors become secondary in the determination of the molecular sieve property. A generalized parameter has been proposed which suggests conditions under which one can expect the ring or levitation effect in any porous medium. Inverse size selectivity becomes operative under these conditions.


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Bulk Ge(17)Te83_,JI glasses (05x.5_13), have been found to exhibit memory type electrical switching. The switching voltages (also known as threshold voltage V-th) of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses are found to decrease with increasing thallium content. The rate of decrease of Vtry is greater at lower concentrations and \textbackslashid, falls at a slower rate for higher thallium concentrations (x 6). The addition of thallium to the Ge-Te network fragments the covalent network and introduces ionic nature to it; the reduction in network connectivity leads to the decrease in switching voltages with thallium content. The decrease in the glass transition temperatures of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with increasing thallium concentration supports the idea of decrease in network connectivity with TI addition. The more metallic nature of TI also contributes to the observed reduction in the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses with TI content. Further, there is an interesting correlation seen between the threshold voltage V-th and the average bond energy, as a function of TI content. In addition, the switching voltages of Ge17Te83-xTlx glasses have been found to decrease with sample thickness almost linearly. The set-reset studies indicate that the Ge17Te83-xTl2 sample can be switched for more than 10 cycles, whereas other glasses could not be reset beyond two switching cycles. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An important yet unsolved problem in the field of orientational relaxation in dipolar liquids is the dependence of the correlation functions C(l)(t), C(l)(t) = [4pi/(2l + 1)SIGMA(m = -l)l [Y(lm)(OMEGA(0)Y(lm)(OMEGA(t))] on the rank l (where Y(lm)(OMEGA) are the usual spherical harmonics). The existing theories on this effect differ in their predictions. To investigate this, we have carried out extensive computer simulations of a Brownian dipolar lattice. The dielectric friction was found to decrease rapidly with increasing l, in qualitative agreement with the predictions of Hubbard-Wolynes. However, the observed effect is much stronger than the predictions of the existing theories.


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We present the results of our detailed pseudospectral direct numerical simulation (DNS) studies, with up to 1024(3) collocation points, of incompressible, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in three dimensions, without a mean magnetic field. Our study concentrates on the dependence of various statistical properties of both decaying and statistically steady MHD turbulence on the magnetic Prandtl number Pr-M over a large range, namely 0.01 <= Pr-M <= 10. We obtain data for a wide variety of statistical measures, such as probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the moduli of the vorticity and current density, the energy dissipation rates, and velocity and magnetic-field increments, energy and other spectra, velocity and magnetic-field structure functions, which we use to characterize intermittency, isosurfaces of quantities, such as the moduli of the vorticity and current density, and joint PDFs, such as those of fluid and magnetic dissipation rates. Our systematic study uncovers interesting results that have not been noted hitherto. In particular, we find a crossover from a larger intermittency in the magnetic field than in the velocity field, at large Pr-M, to a smaller intermittency in the magnetic field than in the velocity field, at low Pr-M. Furthermore, a comparison of our results for decaying MHD turbulence and its forced, statistically steady analogue suggests that we have strong universality in the sense that, for a fixed value of Pr-M, multiscaling exponent ratios agree, at least within our error bars, for both decaying and statistically steady homogeneous, isotropic MHD turbulence.


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The as-deposited and annealed radio frequency reactive magnetron sputtered tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) films were characterized by studying the chemical binding configuration, structural and electrical properties. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis of the films elucidate that the film annealed at 673 K was stoichiometric with orthorhombic beta-phase Ta2O5. The dielectric constant values of the tantalum oxide capacitors with the sandwich structure of Al/Ta2O5/Si were in the range from 14 to 26 depending on the post-deposition annealing temperature. The leakage current density was < 20 nA cm(-2) at the gate bias voltage of 0.04 MV/cm for the annealed films. The electrical conduction mechanism observed in the films was Poole-Frenkel. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Molecular dynamics investigation of model diatomic species confined to the alpha-cages of zeolite NaY is reported. The dependence of self-diffusivity on the bond length of the diatomic species has been investigated. Three different sets of runs have been carried out. In the first set, the two atoms of the diatomic molecule interact with the zeolite atoms with equal strength (example, O-2, the symmetric case). In the second and third sets which correspond to asymmetric cases, the two atoms of the diatomic molecule interact with unequal strengths (example, CO). The result for the symmetric case exhibits a well-defined maximum in self-diffusivity for an intermediate bond length. In contrast to this, the intermediate asymmetry leads to a less pronounced maximum. For the large asymmetric case, the maximum is completely absent. These findings are analyzed by computing a number of related properties. These results provide a direct confirmation at the microscopic level of the suggestion by Derouane that the supermobility observed experimentally by Kemball has its origin in the mutual cancellation of forces. The maximum in diffusivity from molecular dynamics is seen at the value predicted by the levitation effect. Further, these findings suggest a role for symmetry in the existence of a diffusivity maximum as a function of diameter of the diffusant often referred to as the levitation effect. The nature of the required symmetry for the existence of anomalous diffusivity is interaction symmetry which is different from that normally encountered in crystallography.


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The issue of dynamic spectrum scene analysis in any cognitive radio network becomes extremely complex when low probability of intercept, spread spectrum systems are present in environment. The detection and estimation become more complex if frequency hopping spread spectrum is adaptive in nature. In this paper, we propose two phase approach for detection and estimation of frequency hoping signals. Polyphase filter bank has been proposed as the architecture of choice for detection phase to efficiently detect the presence of frequency hopping signal. Based on the modeling of frequency hopping signal it can be shown that parametric methods of line spectral analysis are well suited for estimation of frequency hopping signals if the issues of order estimation and time localization are resolved. An algorithm using line spectra parameter estimation and wavelet based transient detection has been proposed which resolves above issues in computationally efficient manner suitable for implementation in cognitive radio. The simulations show promising results proving that adaptive frequency hopping signals can be detected and demodulated in a non cooperative context, even at a very low signal to noise ratio in real time.


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A theoretical study of the dynamics of photo-electron transfer reactions in the Marcus inverted regime is presented. This study is motivated partly by the recent proposal of Barbara et al. (J. Phys. Chem. 96, 3728, 1991) that a minimal model of an electron transfer reaction should consist of a polar solvent mode (X), a low frequency vibrational mode (Q) and one high frequency mode (q). Interplay between these modes may be responsible for the crossover observed in the dynamics from a solvent controlled to a vibrational controlled electron transfer. The following results have been obtained. (i) In the case of slowly relaxing solvents, the proximity of the point of excitation to an effective sink on the excited surface is critical in determining the decay of the reactant population. This is because the Franck-Condon overlap between the reactant ground and the product excited states decreases rapidly with increase in the quantum number of the product vibrational state. (ii) Non-exponential solvation dynamics has an important effect in determining the rates of electron transfer. Especially, a biphasic solvation and a large coupling between the reactant and the product states both may be needed to explain the experimental results. ©1996 American Institute of Physics


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The basis set dependence of the topographical structure of the molecular electrostatic potential (MESP), as well as the effect of substituents on the MESP distribution, has been investigated with substituted benzenes as test cases. The molecules are studied at HF-SCF 3�21G and 6�31G** levels, with a further MESP topographical investigation at the 3�21G, double-zeta, 6�31G*, 6�31G**, double-zeta polarized and triple-zeta polarized levels. The MESP critical points for a 3�21G optimized/6�31G** basis are similar to the corresponding 6�31G** optimized/6�31G** ones. More generally, the qualitative features of the MESP topography computed at the polarized level are independent of the level at which optimization is carried out. For a proper representation of oxygen lone pairs, however, optimization using a polarized basis set is required. The nature of the substituent drastically changes the MESP distribution over the phenyl ring. The values and positions of MESP minima indicate the most active site for electrophilic attack. This point is strengthened by a study of disubstituted benzenes.


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Polypyrrole exhibits reversible changes in their direct current resistance on exposure to organic volatiles. However, one needs to employ an array of such sensors to discriminate organic volatiles present in a mixture. Hence, polypyrrole based gas sensor is designed for the detection and discrimination of different organic volatiles. Multi frequency impedance measurement technique is used to detect the organic vapors, such as acetone, ethanol and Isopropyl alcohol, in the gas phase, over a frequency range 10 Hz to 2 MHz. The sensor response is monitored by measuring the changes in its capacitance, resistance and the dissipation factor upon exposure to organic volatiles. It is observed that the capacitive property of the sensor is more sensitive to these volatiles than its resistive property. Each volatile responds to the sensor in terms of dissipation factor at specific frequency and found that the peak magnitude has a linear relationship with their concentrations.


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The SUMO ligase activity of Mms21/Nse2, a conserved member of the Smc5/6 complex, is required for resisting extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. We report that the Mms21 SUMO ligase activity is also required during the unchallenged mitotic cell cycle in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. SUMO ligase-defective cells were slow growing and spontaneously incurred DNA damage. These cells required caffeine-sensitive Mec1 kinase-dependent checkpoint signaling for survival even in the absence of extrinsically induced genotoxic stress. SUMO ligase-defective cells were sensitive to replication stress and displayed synthetic growth defects with DNA damage checkpoint-defective mutants such as mec1, rad9, and rad24. MMS21 SUMO ligase and mediator of replication checkpoint 1 gene (MRC1) were epistatic with respect to hydroxyurea-induced replication stress or methyl methanesulfonate-induced DNA damage sensitivity. Subjecting Mms21 SUMO ligase-deficient cells to transient replication stress resulted in enhancement of cell cycle progression defects such as mitotic delay and accumulation of hyperploid cells. Consistent with the spontaneous activation of the DNA damage checkpoint pathway observed in the Mms21-mediated sumoylation-deficient cells, enhanced frequency of chromosome breakage and loss was detected in these mutant cells. A mutation in the conserved cysteine 221 that is engaged in coordination of the zinc ion in Loop 2 of the Mms21 SPL-RING E3 ligase catalytic domain resulted in strong replication stress sensitivity and also conferred slow growth and Mec1 dependence to unchallenged mitotically dividing cells. Our findings establish Mms21-mediated sumoylation as a determinant of cell cycle progression and maintenance of chromosome integrity during the unperturbed mitotic cell division cycle in budding yeast.


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Theoretical and computer simulation studies of orientational relaxation in dense molecular liquids are presented. The emphasis of the study is to understand the effects of collective orientational relaxation on the single-particle orientational dynamics. The theoretical analysis is based on a recently developed molecular hydrodynamic theory which allows a self-consistent description of both the collective and the single-particle orientational relaxation. The molecular hydrodynamic theory can be used to derive a relation between the memory function for the collective orientational correlation function and the frequency-dependent dielectric function. A novel feature of the present work is the demonstration that this collective memory function is significantly different from the single-particle rotational friction. However, a microscopic expression for the single-particle rotational friction can be derived from the molecular hydrodynamic theory where the collective memory function can be used to obtain the single-particle orientational friction. This procedure allows, us to calculate the single-particle orientational correlation function near the alpha-beta transition in the supercooled liquid. The calculated correlation function shows an interesting bimodal decay below the bifurcation temperature as the glass transition is approached from above. Brownian dynamics simulations have been carried out to check the validity of the above procedure of translating the memory function from the dielectric relaxation data. We have also investigated the following two issues important in understanding the orientational relaxation in slow liquids. First, we present an analysis of the ''orientational caging'' of translational motion. The value of the translational friction is found to be altered significantly by the orientational caging. Second, we address the question of the rank dependence of the dielectric friction using both simulation and the molecular hydrodynamic theory.


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Electron transfer reactions between donor-acceptor pairs in solution and in organized media exhibit diverse behaviour. Recent experiments have indicated an interesting breakdown of the Marcus parabolic energy gap dependence in the normal regime for back electron transfer from contact ion pairs. A novel explanation of this breakdown has recently been proposed (M. Tachiya and S. Murata, J. Am. Chem. Sec., 116(1994) 2434) which attributes the breakdown to the interplay between the relaxation in the reactant well and the reaction. A particularly interesting aspect of the model is that it envisages the electron transfer in the normal regime to take place from a completely non-equilibrium condition. In this article a time dependent solution of the model is presented for the first time, after generalizing it to include a realistic initial population distribution. The decay of the contact ion pair population is completely non-exponential. This can be used to check the validity of the Tachiya-Murata model. The dynamics of electron transfer from the solvent separated ion pair, which seem to obey the Marcus relation, is exponential.