982 resultados para firm strategy
The Rebuild Iowa Transition Strategy has been drafted to provide a comprehensive set of recommended action steps to help the state complete long-term recovery efforts while better preparing the state for future disasters. This report begins with a review of the 12 major Rebuild Iowa Advisory Commission (RIAC) recommendations which have guided RIO’s work, followed by a summary of the major accomplishments toward each recommendation. The identification of remaining needs and issues serves as the basis for the transition strategy. The following outlines the action steps necessary to achieve a successful transition and recovery.
Drug use is a preventable behavior; drug addiction is a treatable disease; and a balanced approach of proven and promising prevention, treatment and enforcement is required to protect Iowans from drugs now and in the future. Drug abuse itself is a two-faceted problem, affected by both the available supply of and the demand for illegal drugs and other substances of abuse. Any strategy dealing with both the supply of and demand for drugs of abuse must be three-fold and involve these coordinated components: 1) Prevention strategies to discourage the initial human demand for drugs, 2) Treatment for those who already abuse or are addicted to drugs, in order to halt their drug-seeking behavior, and 3) Law enforcement actions to decrease the supply of illegal drugs and bring to treatment those who otherwise would not seek help. It is with these three approaches in mind that the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy presents the 2012 Iowa Drug Control Strategy. Mark J. Schouten Director, Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy
ABSTRACTIn normal tissues, a balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors tightly controls angiogenesis. Alterations of this balance may have pathological consequences. For instance, concerning the retina, the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a potent pro-angiogenic factor, and has been identified has a key player during ocular neovascularization implicated in a variety of retinal diseases. In the exudative form (wet-form) of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), neovascularizations occurring from the choroidal vessels are responsible for a quick and dramatic loss of visual acuity. In diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity, sprouting from the retinal vessels leads to vision loss. Furthermore, the aging of the population, the increased- prevalence of diabetes and the better survival rate of premature infants will lead to an increasing rate of these conditions. In this way, anti-VEGF strategy represents an important therapeutic target to treat ocular neovascular disorders.In addition, the administration of Pigmented Epithelial growth factor, a neurotrophic and an anti- angiogenic factor, prevents photoreceptor cell death in a model of retinal degeneration induced by light. Previous results analyzing end point morphology reveal that the light damage (LD) model is used to mimic retinal degenerations arising from environmental insult, as well as aging and genetic disease such as advanced atrophic AMD. Moreover, light has been identified as a co-factor in a number of retinal diseases, speeding up the degeneration process. This protecting effect of PEDF in the LD retina raises the possibility of involvement of the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors not only for angiogenesis, but also in cell survival and maintenance.The aim of the work presented here was to evaluate the importance of this balance in neurodegenerative processes. To this aim, a model of light-induced retinal degeneration was used and characterized, mainly focusing on factors simultaneously controlling neuron survival and angiogenesis, such as PEDF and VEGF.In most species, prolonged intense light exposure can lead to photoreceptor cell damage that can progress to cell death and vision loss. A protocol previously described to induce retinal degeneration in Balb/c mice was used. Retinas were characterized at different time points after light injury through several methods at the functional and molecular levels. Data obtained confirmed that toxic level of light induce PR cell death. Variations were observed in VEGF pathway players in both the neural retina and the eye-cup containing the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), suggesting a flux of VEGF from the RPE towards the neuroretina. Concomitantly, the integrity of the outer blood-retinal-barrier (BRB) was altered, leading to extravascular albumin leakage from the choroid throughout the photoreceptor layer.To evaluate the importance of VEGF during light-induced retinal degeneration process, a lentiviral vector encoding the cDNA of a single chain antibody directed against all VEGF-A isoforms was developed (LV-V65). The bioactivity of this vector to block VEGF was validated in a mouse model of laser-induced choroidal neovascularization mediated by VEGF upregulation. The vector was then used in the LD model. The administration of the LV-V65 contributed to the maintenance of functional photoreceptors, which was assessed by ERG recording, visual acuity measurement and histological analyses. At the RPE level, the BRB integrity was preserved as shown by the absence of albumin leakage and the maintenance of RPE cell cohesion.These results taken together indicate that the VEGF is a mediator of light induced PR degeneration process and confirm the crucial role of the balance between pro- and anti-angiogenic factors in the PR cell survival. This work also highlights the prime importance of BRB integrity and functional coupling between RPE and PR cells to maintain the PR survival. VEGF dysregulation was already shown to be involved in wet AMD forms and our study suggests that VEGF dysregulation may also occur at early stages of AMD and could thus be a potential therapeutic target for several RPE related diseases.RESUMEDans les différents tissues de l'organisme, l'angiogenèse est strictement contrôlée par une balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques. Des modifications survenant dans cette balance peuvent engendrer des conséquences pathologiques. Par exemple, concernant la rétine, le facteur de croissance de l'endothélium vasculaire (VEGF) est un facteur pro-angiogénique important. Ce facteur a été identifié comme un acteur majeur dans les néovascularisations oculaires et les processus pathologiques angiogéniques survenant dans l'oeil et responsables d'une grande variété de maladies rétiniennes. Dans la forme humide de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA), la néovascularisation choroïdienne est responsable de la perte rapide et brutale de l'acuité visuelle chez les patients affectés. Dans la rétinopathie diabétique et celle lié à la prématurité, l'émergence de néovaisseaux rétiniens est la cause de la perte de la vision. Les néovascularisations oculaires représentent la principale cause de cécité dans les pays développés. De plus, l'âge croissant de la population, la progression de la prévalence du diabète et la meilleure survie des enfants prématurés mèneront sans doute à l'augmentation de ces pathologies dans les années futures. Dans ces conditions, les thérapies anti- angiogéniques visant à inhiber le VEGF représentent une importante cible thérapeutique pour le traitement de ces pathologies.Plusieurs facteurs anti-angiogéniques ont été identifiés. Parmi eux, le facteur de l'épithélium pigmentaire (PEDF) est à la fois un facteur neuro-trophique et anti-angiogénique, et l'administration de ce facteur au niveau de la rétine dans un modèle de dégénérescence rétinienne induite par la lumière protège les photorécepteurs de la mort cellulaire. Des études antérieures basées sur l'analyse morphologique ont révélé que les modifications survenant lors de la dégénération induite suite à l'exposition à des doses toxiques de lumière représente un remarquable modèle pour l'étude des dégénérations rétiniennes suite à des lésions environnementales, à l'âge ou encore aux maladies génétiques telle que la forme atrophique avancée de la DMLA. De plus, la lumière a été identifiée comme un co-facteur impliqué dans un grand nombre de maladies rétiniennes, accélérant le processus de dégénération. L'effet protecteur du PEDF dans les rétines lésées suite à l'exposition de des doses toxiques de lumière suscite la possibilité que la balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques soit impliquée non seulement dans les processus angiogéniques, mais également dans le maintient et la survie des cellules.Le but de ce projet consiste donc à évaluer l'implication de cette balance lors des processus neurodégénératifs. Pour cela, un modèle de dégénération induite par la lumière à été utilisé et caractérisé, avec un intérêt particulier pour les facteurs comme le PEDF et le VEGF contrôlant simultanément la survie des neurones et l'angiogenèse.Dans la plupart des espèces, l'exposition prolongée à une lumière intense peut provoquer des dommages au niveau des cellules photoréceptrices de l'oeil, qui peut mener à leur mort, et par conséquent à la perte de la vision. Un protocole préalablement décrit a été utilisé pour induire la dégénération rétinienne dans les souris albinos Balb/c. Les rétines ont été analysées à différents moments après la lésion par différentes techniques, aussi bien au niveau moléculaire que fonctionnel. Les résultats obtenus ont confirmé que des doses toxiques de lumière induisent la mort des photorécepteurs, mais altèrent également la voie de signalisation du VEGF, aussi bien dans la neuro-rétine que dans le reste de l'oeil, contenant l'épithélium pigmentaire (EP), et suggérant un flux de VEGF provenant de ΙΈΡ en direction de la neuro-rétine. Simultanément, il se produit une altération de l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne externe, menant à la fuite de protéine telle que l'albumine, provenant de la choroïde et retrouvée dans les compartiments extravasculaires de la rétine, telle que dans la couche des photorécepteurs.Pour déterminer l'importance et le rôle du VEGF, un vecteur lentiviral codant pour un anticorps neutralisant dirigée contre tous les isoformes du VEGF a été développé (LV-V65). La bio-activité de ce vecteur a été testé et validée dans un modèle de laser, connu pour induire des néovascularisations choroïdiennes chez la souris suite à l'augmentation du VEGF. Ce vecteur a ensuite été utilisé dans le modèle de dégénération induite par la lumière. Les résultats des électrorétinogrammes, les mesures de l'acuité visuelle et les analyses histologiques ont montré que l'injection du LV-V65 contribue à la maintenance de photorécepteurs fonctionnels. Au niveau de l'EP, l'absence d'albumine et la maintenance des jonctions cellulaires des cellules de l'EP ont démontré que l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne externe est préservée suite au traitement.Par conséquent, tous les résultats obtenus indiquent que le VEGF est un médiateur important impliquée dans le processus de dégénération induit par la lumière et confirme le rôle cruciale de la balance entre les facteurs pro- et anti-angiogéniques dans la survie des photorécepteurs. Cette étude révèle également l'importance de l'intégrité de la barrière hémato-rétinienne et l'importance du lien fonctionnel et structurel entre l'EP et les photorécepteurs, essentiel pour la survie de ces derniers. Par ailleurs, Cette étude suggère que des dérèglements au niveau de l'équilibre du VEGF ne sont pas seulement impliqués dans la forme humide de la DMLA, comme déjà démontré dans des études antérieures, mais pourraient également contribuer et survenir dans des formes précoces de la DMLA, et par conséquent le VEGF représente une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour les maladies associées à des anomalies au niveau de l'EP.
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the renal function outcome in children with unilateral hydronephrosis and urinary flow impairment at the pelviureteral junction with respect to the therapeutic strategy. METHODS: We retrospectively selected 45 children with iodine-123-hippuran renography performed at diagnosis and after 3 or more years of follow-up. All children had bilateral nonobstructive pattern findings on diuretic renography at follow-up. Eleven children were treated conservatively, and 34 underwent unilateral pyeloplasty. Split and individual renal function, measured by an accumulation index, was computed from background-corrected renograms for the affected and contralateral kidneys at diagnosis and the follow-up examination. RESULTS: Of 11 children treated conservatively, 9 had normal bilateral function at diagnosis, all had reached normal function at follow-up. Of the 34 operated kidneys, 12 (38%) had initially normal function that remained normal at the follow-up examination, and 22 had impaired function that had normalized at the follow-up examination in 15 (68%). The function of the contralateral kidneys was increased in 5 of 8 children with persistently abnormal affected kidneys. Pyeloplasty was performed in 23 children (68%) and 11 children (32%) younger and older than 1 year, respectively. The function of the affected kidneys increased in both groups, but normalization occurred only in the younger children. CONCLUSIONS: Of the children selected for conservative treatment, 82% had normal bilateral renal function at diagnosis that was normal in all at the follow-up examination. Of the children treated surgically, 65% had initially impaired function of the affected kidney that improved in 87% after pyeloplasty. Normalization of function was observed only in children who were younger than 1 year old at surgery. Persistently low function of the affected kidney was compensated for by the contralateral one regardless of the age at surgery.
The region of greatest variability on soil maps is along the edge of their polygons, causing disagreement among pedologists about the appropriate description of soil classes at these locations. The objective of this work was to propose a strategy for data pre-processing applied to digital soil mapping (DSM). Soil polygons on a training map were shrunk by 100 and 160 m. This strategy prevented the use of covariates located near the edge of the soil classes for the Decision Tree (DT) models. Three DT models derived from eight predictive covariates, related to relief and organism factors sampled on the original polygons of a soil map and on polygons shrunk by 100 and 160 m were used to predict soil classes. The DT model derived from observations 160 m away from the edge of the polygons on the original map is less complex and has a better predictive performance.
Long-Term Community Recovery Targeted Technical Assistance Strategy is an outcome of the coordinated effort of the city, Rebuild Iowa Office and Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Support Function. In partnership with City officials and RIO and informed by community outreach efforts, provided Targeted Technical Assistance to the community. This support helped the community identify and provide visibility to recovery issues, needs and opportunities that when addressed can result in a more effective long-term recovery for the community.
Long-Term Community Recovery Targeted Technical Assistance Strategy is an outcome of the coordinated effort of the city, Rebuild Iowa Office and Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Support Function. In partnership with City officials and RIO and informed by community outreach efforts, provided Targeted Technical Assistance to the community. This support helped the community identify and provide visibility to recovery issues, needs and opportunities that when addressed can result in a more effective long-term recovery for the community.
Long-Term Community Recovery Targeted Technical Assistance Strategy is an outcome of the coordinated effort of the city, Rebuild Iowa Office and Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Support Function. In partnership with City officials and RIO and informed by community outreach efforts, provided Targeted Technical Assistance to the community. This support helped the community identify and provide visibility to recovery issues, needs and opportunities that when addressed can result in a more effective long-term recovery for the community.
Long-Term Community Recovery Targeted Technical Assistance Strategy is an outcome of the coordinated effort of the city, Rebuild Iowa Office and Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Support Function. In partnership with City officials and RIO and informed by community outreach efforts, provided Targeted Technical Assistance to the community. This support helped the community identify and provide visibility to recovery issues, needs and opportunities that when addressed can result in a more effective long-term recovery for the community.
It is well-known nowadays that soil variability can influence crop yields. Therefore, to determine specific areas of soil management, we studied the Pearson and spatial correlations of rice grain yield with organic matter content and pH of an Oxisol (Typic Acrustox) under no- tillage, in the 2009/10 growing season, in Selvíria, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, in the Brazilian Cerrado (longitude 51º24' 21'' W, latitude 20º20' 56'' S). The upland rice cultivar IAC 202 was used as test plant. A geostatistical grid was installed for soil and plant data collection, with 120 sampling points in an area of 3.0 ha with a homogeneous slope of 0.055 m m-1. The properties rice grain yield and organic matter content, pH and potential acidity and aluminum content were analyzed in the 0-0.10 and 0.10-0.20 m soil layers. Spatially, two specific areas of agricultural land management were discriminated, differing in the value of organic matter and rice grain yield, respectively with fertilization at variable rates in the second zone, a substantial increase in agricultural productivity can be obtained. The organic matter content was confirmed as a good indicator of soil quality, when spatially correlated with rice grain yield.
The ability to enter torpor at low ambient temperature, which enables insectivorous bats to survive seasonal food shortage, is often seen as a prerequisite for colonizing cold environments. Free-tailed bats (Molossidae) show a distribution with a maximum latitudinal extension that appears to be intermediate between truly tropical and temperate-zone bat families. We therefore tested the hypothesis that Tadarida teniotis, the molossid species reaching the highest latitude worldwide (46 degrees N), lacks the extreme physiological adaptations to cold that enable other sympatric bats to enter further into the temperate zone. We studied the metabolism of individuals subjected to various ambient temperatures in the laboratory by respirometry, and we monitored the body temperature of free-ranging individuals in winter and early spring in the Swiss Alps using temperature-sensitive radio-tags. For comparison, metabolic data were obtained from Nyctalus noctula, a typically hibernating vespertilionid bat of similar body size and convergent foraging tactics. The metabolic data support the hypothesis that T. teniotis cannot experience such low ambient temperatures as sympatric temperate-zone vespertilionid bats without incurring much higher energetic costs for thermogenesis. The minimum rate of metabolism in torpor was obtained at 7.5 degrees-10 degrees C in T. teniotis, as compared to 2.5 degrees-5 degrees C in N. noctula. Field data showed that T. teniotis behaves as a classic thermo-conforming hibernator in the Alps, with torpor bouts lasting up to 8 d. This contradicts the widely accepted opinion that Molossidae are nonhibernating bars. However, average body temperature (10 degrees-13 degrees C) and mean arousal frequency (3.4 d in one bat in January) appear to be markedly higher than in other temperate-zone bat species. At the northern border of its range T. teniotis selects relatively warm roosts (crevices in tall, south-exposed limestone cliffs) in winter where temperatures oscillate around 10 degrees C. By this means, T. teniotis apparently avoids the risk of prolonged exposure to energetically critical ambient temperatures in torpor (<6.5 degrees-7.5 degrees C) during cold spells. Possibly shared by other Molossidae, the physiological pattern observed in T. teniotis may clearly be linked to the intermediate latitudinal extension of this bat family.
PAPER 1: A THEORY ON THE EFFECTS OF INTERNATIONALIZATION ON FIRM ENTREPRENEURIAL BEHAVIOR AND GROWTH Abstract This article addresses the relationship. Past findings reveal that the direct effects of internationalization on performance are mixed and inconclusive. Our framework integrates firm entrepreneurial behavior as a mediating force of the troublesome Drawing on the tension between the entrepreneurship literature and the organizational inertia theory, we argue that internationalization is key to minimizing the stifling effects of inertia and in engendering entrepreneurial behavior towards growth. We suggest that firms that internationalize at a young age and enjoy an intense degree of internationalization tend to become more entrepreneurial than do late and weakly internationalized firms. As a consequence, early and intense internationalizers experience superior growth. Aware of the inherent endogeneity of our propositions, we also discuss how consistent estimates can be obtained when testing the model empirically. PAPER 2: DOES INTERNATIONALIZATION MATTER FOR GROWTH? THE CASE OF SWISS SOFTWARE FIRMS. Abstract This paper seeks to address the issue of whether early and intense internationalization leads to superior firm growth. We revisit the hypotheses of previous studies within the emerging research domain of international entrepreneurship. Empirical analyses on the performance implications of internationalization have so far been limited and inconsistent. Our paper intends to make two contributions to the international entrepreneurship literature. First, we bring additional empirical evidence as to the inconclusive firm performance endogeneity in our causal model, using a sample of 103 Swiss international small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). On one hand, we find that the degree of internationalization significantly increases perceived firm growth (i.e., relative firm performance in a market); however, age at internationalization was unrelated to perceived firm growth. On the other hand, we reproduced the causal path of a highly cited study that showed how age at internationalization was significantly and negatively associated with objective firm growth (i.e., sales). Interestingly, our results support the study similar setting (OLS regression with comparable control variables); however, the effect for age at internationalization reverses when we correct for endogeneity. PAPER 3: EFFECT OF INTERNATIONALIZATION ON FIRM ENTREPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION AND PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF SWISS SOFTWARE FIRMS. Abstract How does internationalization influence a firm orientation (EO) and is this related to firm growth? This paper inquires into the performance theorizing, we test a process model in which EO plays a mediating role in accounting for the relationship between internationalization and growth. We position this paper on the tension zone between the entrepreneurship literature and the organizational inertia theory. We lay out the argument that internationalization is source of opportunities that drives a firm and thus mitigates inertial pressure. Using a sample of Swiss software small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), we found that degree of internationalization (but not age of internationalization) increases EO, which subsequently increased firm growth.