970 resultados para film deposition
The combination of nanostenciling with pulsed laser deposition (PLD) provides a flexible, fast approach for patterning the growth of Ge on Si. Within each stencilled site, the morphological evolution of the Ge structures with deposition follows a modified Stranski–Krastanov (SK) growth mode. By systematically varying the PLD parameters (laser repetition rate and number of pulses) on two different substrate orientations (111 and 100), we have observed corresponding changes in growth morphology, strain and elemental composition using scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and μ-Raman spectroscopy. The growth behaviour is well predicted within a classical SK scheme, although the Si(100) growth exhibits significant relaxation and ripening with increasing coverage. Other novel aspects of the growth include the increased thickness of the wetting layer and the kinetic control of Si/Ge intermixing via the PLD repetition rate.
TiO2 films are extensively used in various applications including optical multi-layers, sensors, photo catalysis, environmental purification, and solar cells etc. These are prepared by both vacuum and non-vacuum methods. In this paper, we present the results on TiO2 thin films prepared by a sol-gel spin coating process in non-aqueous solvent. Titanium isopropoxide is used as TiO2 precursor. The films were annealed at different temperatures up to 3000 C for 5 hours in air. The influence of the various deposition parameters like spinning speed, spinning time and annealing temperature on the thickness of the TiO2 films has been studied. The variation of film thickness with time in ambient atmosphere was also studied. The optical, structural and morphological characteristics were investigated by optical transmittance-reflectance measurements, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) respectively. The refractive index and extinction coefficient of the films were determined by envelope technique and spectroscopic ellipsometry. TiO2 films exhibited high transparency (92%) in the visible region with a refractive index of 2.04 at 650 nm. The extinction coefficient was found to be negligibly small. The X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the TiO2 film deposited on glass substrate changes from amorphous to crystalline (anatase) phase with annealing temperature above 2500 C. SEM results show that the deposited films are uniform and crack free.
In the present investigation, two nozzle configurations are used for spray deposition, convergent nozzle (nozzle-A), and convergent nozzle with 2 mm parallel portion attached at its end (nozzle-C) without changing the exit area. First, the conditions for subambient aspiration pressure, i.e., pressure at the tip of the melt delivery tube, are established by varying the protrusion length of the melt delivery tube at different applied gas pressures for both of the nozzles. Using these conditions, spray deposits in a reproducible manner are successfully obtained for 7075 Al alloy. The effect of applied gas pressure, flight distance, and nozzle configuration on various characteristics of spray deposition, viz., yield, melt flow rate, and gas-to-metal ratio, is examined. The over-spray powder is also characterized with respect to powder size distribution, shape, and microstructure. Some of the results are explained with the help of numerical analysis presented in an earlier article.
Self-assembled monolayers of fatty acids were formed on stainless steel by room-temperature solution deposition. The acids are covalently bound to the Surface as carboxylate in a bidentate manner. To explore the effect Of Saturation in the carbon backbone on friction in sliding tribology, we Study the response of saturated stearic acid (SA) and unsaturated linoleic acid (LA) as self-assembled monolayers using lateral force microscopy and nanotribometry and when the molecules are dispersed in hexadecane, using pin-on-disc tribometry. Over a very wide range (10 MPa-2.5 GPa) of contact pressures it is consistently demonstrated that the unsaturated linoleic acid molecules yield friction which is significantly lower than that of the saturated stearic acid. it is argued, using density functional theory predictions and XPS of slid track, that when the molecular backbone of unsaturated fatty acids are tilted and pressed strongly by a probe, in tribological contact, the high charge density of the double bond region of the backbone allows coupling with the steel Substrate. The interaction yields a low friction carboxylate soap film on the substrate. The saturated fatty acid does not show this effect.
Background: Rupture of vulnerable atheromatous plaque in the carotid and coronary arteries often leads to stroke and heart attack respectively. The role of calcium deposition and its contribution to plaque stability is controversial. This study uses both an idealized and a patient-specific model to evaluate the effect of a calcium deposit on the stress distribution within an atheromatous plaque. Methods: Using a finite-element method, structural analysis was performed on an idealized plaque model and the location of a calcium deposit within it was varied. In addition to the idealized model, in vivo high-resolution MR imaging was performed on 3 patients with carotid atheroma and stress distributions were generated. The individual plaques were chosen as they had calcium at varying locations with respect to the lumen and the fibrous cap. Results: The predicted maximum stress was increased by 47.5% when the calcium deposit was located in the thin fibrous cap in the model when compared with that in a model without a deposit. The result of adding a calcium deposit either to the lipid core or remote from the lumen resulted in almost no increase in maximal stress. Conclusion: Calcification at the thin fibrous cap may result in high stress concentrations, ultimately increasing the risk of plaque rupture. Assessing the location of calcification may, in the future, aid in the risk stratification of patients with carotid stenosis.
A modified method has been developed for the deposition of transparent semiconducting thin films of tin oxide, involving the chemical vapour phase oxidation of tin iodide. These films show sheet resistances greater than 100 Ω/□ and an average optical transmission in the visible range exceeding 80%. The method avoids uncontrolled contamination, resulting in better reproducibility of the films. The films showed direct and indirect transitions and the possibility of an indirect forbidden transition. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are polycrystalline. The low mobility values of the films have been attributed to the grain boundary scattering effect.
This project provides a steppingstone to comprehend the mechanisms that govern particulate fouling in metal foam heat exchangers. The method is based on development of an advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics model in addition to performing analytical validation. This novel method allows an engineer to better optimize heat exchanger designs, thereby mitigating fouling, reducing energy consumption caused by fouling, economize capital expenditure on heat exchanger maintenance, and reduce operation downtime. The robust model leads to the establishment of an alternative heat exchanger configuration that has lower pressure drop and particulate deposition propensity.
Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten Berliinin suurkaupunki vaikutti Weimarin tasavallan loppuaikoina yksilöön. Tutkimusaineistona on Alfred Döblinin romaani Berlin Alexanderplatz sekä Walter Ruttmannin elokuva Berlin. Die Sinfonie der Großstadt ja kuunnelma Weekend. Teoreettisena taustana hyödynnetään kulttuuri- ja mediahistorian mentaliteetti- ja sosiaalihistoriaa. Aihetta käsitellään myös historiallis-temaattisesta lähtökohdasta, eli työssä tutkitaan todellisen Berliinin asemaa kyseisenä aikana, modernin metropolin olemusta, modernin ajan murrosvaihetta sekä uusasiallisen taidesuuntauksen vaikutusta teoksiin. Weimarin tasavallan aikana Saksassa elettiin murroksen keskellä. Toisaalta yhteiskunta oli poliittisesti pirstoutunut ja taloudellisesti epävakaa, mutta toisaalta kulttuurielämä oli lyhyen aikaa rikasta. Suurkaupungin asukkailla oli enemmän vapaa-aikaa ja mahdollisuuksia toteuttaa itseään omassa ympäristössään. Toisaalta ajan ristiriitaisuus kuitenkin vaikeutti yksilöllisen elämäntavan toteutumista; ihmiset odottivat murroskauden päättymiseltä materiaalista tyydytystä, jolloin henkiselle kehitykselle jäi vähän tilaa. Tärkein kysymyksenasettelu koskee suurkaupungin roolia oman aikansa tuotteena: missä määrin kaupunki oli ihmisen todellinen vastustaja ja missä määrin sen asema oli kuviteltua? Todellisen Berliinin suhdetta reflektoidaan fiktiiviseen suurkaupunkiympäristöön. Ensin tarkastellaan Berliiniä toimijana murroskaudella ja sitten käsitellään ajan ja tilan havainnointia. Koska teokset ovat fiktiivisiä, erityisen tarkastelun kohteena on todellisuuden, fiktion ja simulaation suhde. Tässä yhteydessä tarkastellaan myös kaupungin ja maaseudun välistä problematiikkaa. Kolmannessa osassa esille nousee yksilön ja massan välinen suhde, joka sekin vaikuttaa ihmisen ja suurkaupungin väliseen vastakkainasetteluun. Ilmensikö koneiden ja liikenteen dominoiva asema futuristista asetelmaa? Lisäksi käsitellään alamaailman ja kultaisen 20-luvun välistä kuilua. Kaikkia kolmea teosta yhdistää 24 tunnin aikakäsite; ajalla on selkeästi rajattu alku ja loppu, ja myös tilan käsite on tarkastelussa tärkeä. Kaikissa teoksissa on hyödynnetty montaasitekniikkaa. Kohtaukset vaihtuvat hyvinkin nopeasti, jolloin lukija, katsoja tai kuulija vieraantuu varsinaisesta kohteestaan. Montaasi vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti myös kaupungin ja yksilön suhteen kuvaukseen. Suurkaupungista muotoutuu lähes hirviömäinen, personifioitu subjekti, joka konemaisella olemuksellaan pyrkii nujertamaan pienen ihmisen. Döblinin romaanissa kertoja toimii ikään kuin yksilöä vastaan liittämällä kerronnan väliin uutisaiheita, säätiedotuksia ja kohtalokertomuksia. Elokuvassa ja kuunnelmassa teknologisen kehityksen ihannointi on noussut etualalle: ihmiset muistuttavat sekä yksilöinä että massana koneita, jotka liikkuvat hektisen mekaanisesti eteenpäin kuin liikennevälineet. He eivät kyseenalaista ympäristöään eivätkä koe olevansa oravanpyörässä. Romaanin päähenkilö on heijastanut omat pelkonsa konkreettisesti suurkaupungin infrastruktuuriin, kerrostaloihin, jotka tuntuvat kaatuvan hänen päälleen. Yksilöllinen kehitys on vaarassa pysähtyä, sillä koneistuminen tekee yksilöistä massaa. Elokuvassa ja kuunnelmassa kamppailu suurkaupunkiorganismin ja ihmisten välillä jatkuu, mutta romaanissa kamppailu päättyy päähenkilön parantumiseen. Hänestä tulee mallikansalainen - vaiennettu ja kuuliainen. Kaikkien kolmen teoksen hahmoja kuvataan modernin ajan uhreina. Heiltä puuttuu mekanismi, jolla he voisivat käsitellä kokonaisuuksia. Modernin ajan hahmojen elämä on lopulta kuin tanssia tulivuoren päällä - epävarmaa ja riskialtista.
Surface composition and depth profile studies of hemiplated thin film CdS:CuzS solar cells have been carried out using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) techniques. These studies indicate that the junction is fairly diffused in the as-prepared cell. However, heat treatment of the cell at 210°C in air relatively sharpens the junction and improves the cell performance. Using the Cu(2p3p)/S(2p) ratio as well as the Cu(LVV)/(LMM) Auger intensity ratio, it can be inferred that the nominal valency of copper in the layers above the junction is Cut and it is essentially in the CUSS form. Copper signals are observed from layers deep down in the cell. These seem to appear mostly from the grain boundary region. From the observed concentration of Cd, Cu and S in these deeper layers and the Cu(LVV)/(LMM) ratio it appears that the signals from copper essentially originate partly from copper in CuS and partly from Cu2t trapped in the lattice. It is significant to note that the nominal valence state of copper changes rather abruptly from Cut to Cuz+ across the junction.
In 2013 QUT Interior Design and Fashion Disciplines partnered to design the Catwalk for the QUT After Darkly Graduate Fashion Show. The ephemeral work (catwalk canopy and cinematic affects) was developed through collaboration between the authors based upon an undergraduate interior design unit ‘Filmic Interiors’ in which students were tasked with designing a fashion show. Filmic Interiors exploited the potential of film to influence, understand, and develop novel interior spaces through consideration of mise-en-scene, cinematic effects and atmospheric design strategies engaged by key film directors Jean Pierre Jeunet and Darren Aronofsky. The design outcome represents a hybridisation of student design proposals, contemplating both film and emerging collections from graduate fashion students. The work explored a number of iterations each testing material qualities and immaterial cinematic affects, as a means to develop new space. The process was led by experimentation undertaken by the designers through previous studio explorations surrounding the theme of ‘Strange Space’ and design practice ‘Making Strange’(Lindquist & Pytel, 2012). In doing so, the work paralleled the material formations of ‘obsessive collections’ and ‘making do’ evident in Jeunet’s scenography, rendering uncanny hybrid space (Ezra, 2008). Evocation of the immaterial found in much of director Aronofsky’s work, also became critical in the atmospheric experience intended for the show. This paper explores the process of collaboration and material experimentation in design, approached through a filmic lens. It provides insight into what happens when one enters into what can be termed an ‘ecology of production’, whereby the experimental making becomes the collaborative agent between designers, disciplines, and between stage and spectators. Finally it underlines the importance of ‘finding the work’ through material making and testing rather than through more controlled formalistic responses.
The optimum conditions for the electrode position of cobalt were arrived at, from a study of the effect or variables on the planning characteristics of cobalt flu borate solutions.
PVC-graphite polymer thick-film resistors were trimmed by a conventional air abrasive technique and the post-trim drift in resistance with time was found to be negative. The net decrease in resistance of trimmed resistors in a given time was found to be a function of resistor composition, cutting speed and temperature. Detailed studies showed this decrease to be due to a decrease in cut width with time. Two new methods, namely bombardment trimming and radiation trimming, were also tried for adjusting the resistance of these resistors and the results were compared with those obtained from abrasive trimming studies.