992 resultados para estimating animal abundance
El objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente de materia seca (MS), proteína y energía de alimentos de origen animal y vegetal, utilizados en raciones para cachama (Piaractus brachypomus). Fueron formuladas 15 dietas experimentales, compuestas por 69,5% de una dieta referencia semipurificada, 0,5% de óxido de cromo y 30% del ingrediente a evaluar. En cada experimento, fueron utilizados 90 peces que se alimentaron durante cinco días con la correspondiente dieta; al quinto día, los animales fueron trasladados a tanques cónicos para recolección de heces. Los coeficientes de digestibilidad aparente (CDA) de proteína variaron de 92,1 a 84,7% entre los ingredientes proteicos de origen vegetal, de 85,0 a 68,5% en los proteicos de origen animal, y de 83,7 a 57,6% entre los de origen vegetal con baja proteína. Los CDA de energía de torta de soya, gluten de maíz, harina de yuca integral y de todos los ingredientes de origen animal arrojaron valores superiores a 76%. Los máximos CDA de MS variaron entre 71 y 78% y fueron observados en gluten, harina de yuca y en los ingredientes de origen animal. La cachama tiene alta capacidad para aprovechar eficientemente ingredientes de origen animal y vegetal.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o acúmulo de forragem, a estrutura do dossel, o valor nutritivo, o consumo de forragem e a produção animal, em pastos de Urochloa humidicola sob lotação contínua. As cultivares BRS Tupi e Comum foram avaliadas durante os períodos de seca e das águas (julho de 2011 a agosto de 2012), em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com dois tratamentos e seis repetições. Mensalmente, os animais foram pesados e os pastos amostrados para a determinação de: taxa de acúmulo de forragem (TAF); massa de forragem; percentagens de folha (PF), colmo e material morto (PM); e valor nutritivo. O consumo de matéria seca (CMS) foi determinado uma vez a cada período. 'BRS Tupi' apresentou maiores TAF e PF e menor PM do que a 'Comum', durante o período das águas. O valor nutritivo, o CMS e o ganho médio diário foram semelhantes entre as duas cultivares. O conteúdo de proteína bruta da forragem - 6,0 e 5,0%, respectivamente, para os períodos das águas e seco - foi o principal fator limitante ao CMS. 'BRS Tupi' recebeu maior taxa de lotação e, consequentemente, possibilitou maior ganho de peso vivo por área (192 kg ha-1 por ano) do que a 'Comum' (126 kg ha-1 por ano). A 'BRS Tupi' é uma boa alternativa para a diversificação de pastagens em solos de baixa fertilidade sujeitos a alagamento temporário.
The objective of this work was to select semivariogram models to estimate the population density of fig fly (Zaprionus indianus; Diptera: Drosophilidae) throughout the year, using ordinary kriging. Nineteen monitoring sites were demarcated in an area of 8,200 m2, cropped with six fruit tree species: persimmon, citrus, fig, guava, apple, and peach. During a 24 month period, 106 weekly evaluations were done in these sites. The average number of adult fig flies captured weekly per trap, during each month, was subjected to the circular, spherical, pentaspherical, exponential, Gaussian, rational quadratic, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable semivariogram models, using ordinary kriging interpolation. The models with the best fit were selected by cross-validation. Each data set (months) has a particular spatial dependence structure, which makes it necessary to define specific models of semivariograms in order to enhance the adjustment to the experimental semivariogram. Therefore, it was not possible to determine a standard semivariogram model; instead, six theoretical models were selected: circular, Gaussian, hole effect, K-Bessel, J-Bessel, and stable.
Tämä diplomityö käsittelee työkaluja, jotka on suunniteltu kustannusten ennakointiin ja hinnan asetantaan. Aluksi on käyty läpi perinteisen ja toimintoperusteisen kustannuslaskennan perusteita. Näiden menetelmien välisiä eroja on tarkasteltu ja toimintoperusteisen kustannuslaskennan paremmin sopivuus nykypäivän yrityksille on perusteltu. Toisena käsitellään hinnoittelu. Hinnan merkitys, hinnoittelumenetelmät ja päätös lopullisesta hinnasta on käyty läpi. Hinnoittelun jälkeen esitellään kustannusjärjestelmät ja kustannusten arviointi. Nämä asiat todistavat, että tarkat kustannusarviot ovat elintärkeitä yritykselle. Tuotteen kustannusarviointi, hinnan asetanta ja tarjoaminen ovat erittäin merkityksellisiä asioita ottaen huomioon koko projektin elinkaaren ja tulevat tuotot. Nykyään on yleistä käyttää työkaluja kustannusarvioinnissa ja joskus myös hinnoittelussa. Työkalujen luotettavuus on tiedettävä, ennenkuin työkalut otetaan käyttöön. Myös työkalujen käyttäjät täytyy perehdyttää hyvin. Muuten yritys todennäköisesti kohtaa odottamattomia ja epämiellyttäviä yllätyksiä.
Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor modelos que considerem estrutura irregular dos dados e avaliá-los em relação a modelos utilizados com tempos regulares. Foram considerados os modelos de crescimento Gompertz, Logístico e Von Bertalanffy com estruturas regular e irregular para os erros. A metodologia foi exemplificada com o uso de dados reais e simulados. Foram utilizados 16 pesos médios de 160 animais da raça Hereford, com pesagens do nascimento até aproximadamente 2 anos de idade. Para cada modelo, os parâmetros do melhor ajuste foram utilizados para simulação. O ajuste dos modelos melhora quando a estrutura original dos dados é levada em consideração, com redução na soma de quadrados dos resíduos e no valor do critério de Akaike.
BACKGROUND: Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. Outdoor workers are at particular risk because they spend long working hours outside, may have little shade available and be bound to take their lunch at their workplace. Despite epidemiological evidence of a doubling in risk of squamous cell carcinoma in outdoor workers, the recognition of skin cancer as an occupational disease remains scarce. OBJECTIVE: To assess occupational solar UV doses and its contribution to skin cancer risk. METHODS: A numerical model (SimUVEx) was used to assess occupational and lunch break exposures, characterize exposure patterns and anatomical distribution. Risk of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was estimated from an existing epidemiological model. RESULTS: Horizontal body locations received 2.0-2.5 times more UV than vertical locations. Dose associated to lunch outdoor every day was similar to outdoor work one day per week but only half of a seasonal worker. Outdoor workers are associated with an increased risk of SCC but also of frequent acute episodes. CONCLUSION: Occupational solar exposure contributes largely to the overall lifetime UV dose, resulting in an excess risk of SCC. The magnitude of the estimated excess in risk supports the recognition of SCC as an occupational disease.
Converging evidence favors an abnormal susceptibility to oxidative stress in schizophrenia. Decreased levels of glutathione (GSH), the major cellular antioxidant and redox regulator, was observed in cerebrospinal-fluid and prefrontal cortex of patients. Importantly, abnormal GSH synthesis of genetic origin was observed: Two case-control studies showed an association with a GAG trinucleotide repeat (TNR) polymorphism in the GSH key synthesizing enzyme glutamate-cysteine-ligase (GCL) catalytic subunit (GCLC) gene. The most common TNR genotype 7/7 was more frequent in controls, whereas the rarest TNR genotype 8/8 was three times more frequent in patients. The disease associated genotypes (35% of patients) correlated with decreased GCLC protein, GCL activity and GSH content. Similar GSH system anomalies were observed in early psychosis patients. Such redox dysregulation combined with environmental stressors at specific developmental stages could underlie structural and functional connectivity anomalies. In pharmacological and knock-out (KO) models, GSH deficit induces anomalies analogous to those reported in patients. (a) morphology: spine density and GABA-parvalbumine immunoreactivity (PV-I) were decreased in anterior cingulate cortex. KO mice showed delayed cortical PV-I at PD10. This effect is exacerbated in mice with increased DA from PD5-10. KO mice exhibit cortical impairment in myelin and perineuronal net known to modulate PV connectivity. (b) physiology: In cultured neurons, NMDA response are depressed by D2 activation. In hippocampus, NMDA-dependent synaptic plasticity is impaired and kainate induced g-oscillations are reduced in parallel to PV-I. (c) cognition: low GSH models show increased sensitivity to stress, hyperactivity, abnormal object recognition, olfactory integration and social behavior. In a clinical study, GSH precursor N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) as add on therapy, improves the negative symptoms and decreases the side effects of antipsychotics. In an auditory oddball paradigm, NAC improves the mismatched negativity, an evoked potential related to pre-attention and to NMDA receptors function. In summary, clinical and experimental evidence converge to demonstrate that a genetically induced dysregulation of GSH synthesis combined with environmental insults in early development represent a major risk factor contributing to the development of schizophrenia
Alteration of natural habitats as a result of agricultural intensification is detrimental for wildlife. There is, however, growing evidence that land use and management can be wildlife friendly. In Europe, agricultural areas cover two-thirds of the land and therefore play a major role in maintaining biodiversity. Agricultural land use is very intense in vineyard-dominated landscapes but there are no refuges for wildlife in the form of ecological compensation areas. In our study, we assessed spatial variation in abundance of salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larvae in relation to land use and stream characteristics in vineyard-dominated landscapes. Abundance of larval salamanders depended positively on weirs, amount of riparian vegetation along the streams and environment-friendly agricultural practice in the vineyards. Surprisingly, road density also had positive effects, presumably through indirect effects (stone walls along roads may serve as refugia). Thus, abundance is determined by characteristics of both the aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Our results suggest that fire salamanders can persist in landscapes dominated by intensive agriculture like viticulture, indicate wildlife-friendly management options and highlight that man-made habitat can be valuable for wildlife.
Twelve variables were identified to define morphology in 109 calves sired by eight Pirenaica bulls widely used in artificial insemination. The effect of selection for weight at 210 days of age (W210) was detected from the regression coefficient between the 12 variables and the selection index for W210 used in the breeding plan. Unbiased estimates of the genetic correlated responses on the morphology were obtained without previously estimating the genetic correlation among traits. In Pirenaica cattle, selection for W210 increased slaughter live weight, chest depth and corporal length. The expected changes on height (withers, back and rump), rump width and thoracic perimeter were lower but positive and statistically significant.