987 resultados para energy reporting


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Obesity results from chronic energy surplus and excess lipid storage in white adipose tissue (WAT). In contrast, brown adipose tissue (BAT) efficiently burns lipids through adaptive thermogenesis. Studying mouse models, we show that cyclooxygenase (COX)-2, a rate-limiting enzyme in prostaglandin (PG) synthesis, is a downstream effector of beta-adrenergic signaling in WAT and is required for the induction of BAT in WAT depots. PG shifted the differentiation of defined mesenchymal progenitors toward a brown adipocyte phenotype. Overexpression of COX-2 in WAT induced de novo BAT recruitment in WAT, increased systemic energy expenditure, and protected mice against high-fat diet-induced obesity. Thus, COX-2 appears integral to de novo BAT recruitment, which suggests that the PG pathway regulates systemic energy homeostasis.


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The energy and structure of dilute hard- and soft-sphere Bose gases are systematically studied in the framework of several many-body approaches, such as the variational correlated theory, the Bogoliubov model, and the uniform limit approximation, valid in the weak-interaction regime. When possible, the results are compared with the exact diffusion Monte Carlo ones. Jastrow-type correlation provides a good description of the systems, both hard- and soft-spheres, if the hypernetted chain energy functional is freely minimized and the resulting Euler equation is solved. The study of the soft-sphere potentials confirms the appearance of a dependence of the energy on the shape of the potential at gas paremeter values of x~0.001. For quantities other than the energy, such as the radial distribution functions and the momentum distributions, the dependence appears at any value of x. The occurrence of a maximum in the radial distribution function, in the momentum distribution, and in the excitation spectrum is a natural effect of the correlations when x increases. The asymptotic behaviors of the functions characterizing the structure of the systems are also investigated. The uniform limit approach is very easy to implement and provides a good description of the soft-sphere gas. Its reliability improves when the interaction weakens.


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Today, there are still uncertainties about the role of exogenous fat on body fat regulation. Early models of energy utilization (for example, Kleiber's, early 20th century) failed to take into account the nature of substrate oxidized in the control of food intake, whereas more recent models (e.g., Flatt's model, end of 20th century) did. Excess body fat storage is ultimately a problem of chronic positive energy balance mediated by a poor control of energy intake or/and a blunted total energy expenditure. Excess fat storage can stem from exogenous fat and to a more limited extent by nonfat substrates precursors transformed into body fat, mostly from carbohydrates, a process known as de novo lipogenesis. When considered over periods of weeks, months or years, total fat balance is closely related to energy balance. Over periods of days, the net change in fat balance is quantitatively limited as compared to the size of endogenous fat storage. The issues discussed in this article primarily include the stimulation of de novo lipogenesis after acute or prolonged CHO overfeeding and whether de novo lipogenesis is a risk factor for obesity development.


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OBJECTIVE: It is known that exogenous lactate given as an i.v. energy infusion is able to counteract a neuroglycopenic state that developed during psychosocial stress. It is unknown, however, whether the brain under stressful conditions can induce a rise in plasma lactate to satisfy its increased needs during stress. Since lactate is i) an alternative cerebral energy substrate to glucose and ii) its plasmatic concentration is influenced by the sympathetic nervous system, the present study aimed at investigating whether plasma lactate concentrations increase with psychosocial stress in humans. METHODS: 30 healthy young men participated in two sessions (stress induced by the Trier Social Stress Test and a non-stress control session). Blood samples were frequently taken to assess plasma lactate concentrations and stress hormone profiles. RESULTS: Plasma lactate increased 47% during psychosocial stress (from 0.9 ± 0.05 to 1.4 ± 0.1 mmol/l; interaction time × stress intervention: F = 19.7, p < 0.001). This increase in lactate concentrations during stress was associated with an increase in epinephrine (R(2) = 0.221, p = 0.02) and ACTH concentrations (R(2) = 0.460, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Plasma lactate concentrations increase during acute psychosocial stress in humans. This finding suggests the existence of a demand mechanism that functions to allocate an additional source of energy from the body towards the brain, which we refer to as 'cerebral lactate demand'.


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We use the recently obtained theoretical expression for the complete QCD static energy at next-to-next-to-next-to leading-logarithmic accuracy to determine r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) by comparison with available lattice data, where r(0) is the lattice scale and Lambda((MS) over bar) is the QCD scale. We obtain r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) = 0.622(-0.015)(+0.019) for the zero-flavor case. The procedure we describe can be directly used to obtain r(0)Lambda((MS) over bar) in the unquenched case, when unquenched lattice data for the static energy at short distances becomes available. Using the value of the strong coupling alpha(s) as an input, the unquenched result would provide a determination of the lattice scale r(0).


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We study energy-weighted sum rules of the pion and kaon propagator in nuclear matter at finite temperature. The sum rules are obtained from matching the Dyson form of the meson propagator with its spectral Lehmann representation at low and high energies. We calculate the sum rules for specific models of the kaon and pion self-energy. The in-medium spectral densities of the K and (K) over bar mesons are obtained from a chiral unitary approach in coupled channels that incorporates the S and P waves of the kaon-nucleon interaction. The pion self-energy is determined from the P-wave coupling to particle-hole and Delta-hole excitations, modified by short-range correlations. The sum rules for the lower-energy weights are fulfilled satisfactorily and reflect the contributions from the different quasiparticle and collective modes of the meson spectral function. We discuss the sensitivity of the sum rules to the distribution of spectral strength and their usefulness as quality tests of model calculations.


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A simple expression for the Gibbs free energy of formation of a pure component or a eutectic alloy glass, relative to the stable crystalline phase (or phases) at the same temperature is deduced by use of thermodynamic arguments. The expression obtained is supposed to apply to both monocomponent and multicomponent liquid alloys that might become glasses from the supercooled liquid state, irrespective of the critical cooling rate needed to avoid crystallization.


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A dual-Regge model with a nonlinear proton Regge trajectory in the missing mass (MX2) channel, describing the experimental data on low-mass single diffraction dissociation (SDD), is constructed. Predictions for the LHC energies are given.


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Starting Jan. 30, 2012, the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) will implement new federal regulations that require all CDL holders and applicants to certify the type of driving they do, and require interstate CDL holders that carry a Medical Examiner’s Certificate to give the Iowa DOT a copy of their certificate, produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation.


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Selostus: Metioniinin ja energian saannin rajoittamisen vaikutukset kananmunan painoon ja laatuun


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Using Monte Carlo simulations we study the dynamics of three-dimensional Ising models with nearest-, next-nearest-, and four-spin (plaquette) interactions. During coarsening, such models develop growing energy barriers, which leads to very slow dynamics at low temperature. As already reported, the model with only the plaquette interaction exhibits some of the features characteristic of ordinary glasses: strong metastability of the supercooled liquid, a weak increase of the characteristic length under cooling, stretched-exponential relaxation, and aging. The addition of two-spin interactions, in general, destroys such behavior: the liquid phase loses metastability and the slow-dynamics regime terminates well below the melting transition, which is presumably related with a certain corner-rounding transition. However, for a particular choice of interaction constants, when the ground state is strongly degenerate, our simulations suggest that the slow-dynamics regime extends up to the melting transition. The analysis of these models leads us to the conjecture that in the four-spin Ising model domain walls lose their tension at the glassy transition and that they are basically tensionless in the glassy phase.


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Audit report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting of the State University of Iowa as of and for the year ended June 30, 2011


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Independent auditor’s report of the State of Iowa on internal control over financial reporting and on compliance and other matters based on an audit of financial statements performed in accordance with government auditing standards for the year ended June 30, 2011


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An extension of the spin density functional theory simultaneously accounting for dielectric mismatch between neighboring materials and nonparabolicity corrections originating from interactions between conduction and valence bands is presented. This method is employed to calculate ground state and addition energy spectra of homogeneous and multishell spherical quantum dots. Our calculations reveal that corrections become especially relevant when they come into play simultaneously in strong regimes of spatial confinement.


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To explore the changes in resting energy expenditure (REE) and whole body protein turnover induced by malaria, 23 children aged 6 to 14 y (23.9 +/- 1.0 kg, 1.3 +/- 0.02 m) were studied on three separate days after treatment (d 1, d 2, and 15 d later). REE was assessed by indirect calorimetry (hood), whereas whole body protein turnover was estimated using a single dose of [15N]glycine administered p.o. by measuring the isotopic enrichment of [15N]ammonia in urine over 12 h. Within the first 3.5 h after treatment, the body temperature dropped from 39.8 +/- 0.1 to 37.8 +/- 0.1 degrees C (p < 0.0001), and REE followed the same pattern, decreasing rapidly from 223 +/- 6 to 187 +/- 4 kJ/kg/d (p < 0.0001). Whole body protein synthesis and breakdown were significantly higher during the 1st day (5.65 +/- 0.38 and 6.21 +/- 0.43 g/kg/d, respectively) than at d 15 (2.95 +/- 0.17 and 2.77 +/- 0.2 g/kg/d). It is concluded that Gambian children suffering from an acute episode of malaria have an increased REE averaging 37% of the control value (d 15) and that this was associated with a substantial increase (by a factor of 2) in whole body protein turnover. A rapid normalization of the hypermetabolism and protein hypercatabolism states after treatment was observed.