937 resultados para educational hiring practices
[cat] Diversos arguments derivats de la teoria del federalisme fiscal suggereixen que la descentralització pot portar a majors nivells d’eficiència en la provisió de béns i serveis publics. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és contrastar aquesta hipòtesi mitjançant l’avaluació dels efectes de la descentralització sobre els resultats educatius a Espanya. Els resultats educatius es mesuren d’acord amb la taxa de supervivència, que es defineix com el nombre d’estudiants que es matricula en educació secundària no obligatòria en relació als alumnes matriculats a l’últim curs d’educació obligatòria durant l’any acadèmic anterior.
In the Earth's carbon cycle, C stocks in the soil are higher than in vegetation and atmosphere. Maintaining and conserving organic C concentrations in the soil by specific management practices can improve soil fertility and productivity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of agricultural management techniques and influence of water regime (flooded or drained) on the structure of humic substances by excitation/emission matrix fluorescence. Six samples of a Planosol (Planossolo by the Brazilian System of Soil Classification) were collected from a rice field. Humic substances (HS) were extracted from flooded and drained soil under different agricultural management techniques: conventional tillage, reduced tillage and grassland. Two peaks at a long emission wavelength were observed in the EEM spectra of HA whereas those of the corresponding FA contained a unique fluorophore at an intermediate excitation/emission wavelength pair (EEWP) value. The fluorescence intensity measured by total luminescence (FI TL) of HA was lower than that of the corresponding FA. A comparison of all samples (i.e., the HA values compared to each other) revealed only slight differences in the EEWP position, but the FI TL values were significantly different. In this soil, anoxic conditions and reduced tillage (little plowing) seem to favor a higher degree of humification of the soil organic matter compared with aerated conditions and conventional tillage.
[eng] There is a vast literature on intergenerational mobility in sociology and economics. Similar interest has emerged for the phenomenon of over-education in both disciplines. There are no studies, however, linking these two research lines. We study the relationship between social mobility and over-education in a context of educational expansion. Our framework allows for the evaluation of several policies, including those affecting social segregation, early intervention programs and the power of unions. Results show the evolution of social mobility, over-education, income inequality and equality of opportunity under each scenario.
This paper focuses on timing of fertility decisions, conditional on the level of educational attainment of parents. Timing of fertility and educational attainment of parents rationalize the negative relationship observed in the data between hourly wages and childbearing. It is shown how the recent evolution in total fertility rates observed in developed countries could be in part the result of a transition from an early childbearing regime to a late childbearing regime. I develop a general equilibrium overlapping generations model in order to understand the joint determination of timing of childbearing decisions together with other household economic decisions in a life cycle framework. I show how idiosyncratic uncertainty might have asymmetric efects on completed fertility depending on timing of childbearing, generating the diferences in completed fertility observed between households that difer in their level of educational attainment.
[cat] Diversos arguments derivats de la teoria del federalisme fiscal suggereixen que la descentralització pot portar a majors nivells d’eficiència en la provisió de béns i serveis publics. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi és contrastar aquesta hipòtesi mitjançant l’avaluació dels efectes de la descentralització sobre els resultats educatius a Espanya. Els resultats educatius es mesuren d’acord amb la taxa de supervivència, que es defineix com el nombre d’estudiants que es matricula en educació secundària no obligatòria en relació als alumnes matriculats a l’últim curs d’educació obligatòria durant l’any acadèmic anterior.
Intensive agriculture, in which detrimental farming practices lessen food abundance and/or reduce food accessibility for many animal species, has led to a widespread collapse of farmland biodiversity. Vineyards in central and southern Europe are intensively cultivated; though they may still harbour several rare plant and animal species, they remain little studied. Over the past decades, there has been a considerable reduction in the application of insecticides in wine production, with a progressive shift to biological control (integrated production) and, to a lesser extent, organic production. Spraying of herbicides has also diminished, which has led to more vegetation cover on the ground, although most vineyards remain bare, especially in southern Europe. The effects of these potentially positive environmental trends upon biodiversity remain mostly unknown as regards vertebrates. The Woodlark (Lullula arborea) is an endangered, short-distance migratory bird that forages and breeds on the ground. In southern Switzerland (Valais), it occurs mostly in vineyards. We used radiotracking and mixed effects logistic regression models to assess Woodlark response to modern vineyard farming practices, study factors driving foraging micro-habitat selection, and determine optimal habitat profile to inform management. The presence of ground vegetation cover was the main factor dictating the selection of foraging locations, with an optimum around 55% at the foraging patch scale. These conditions are met in integrated production vineyards, but only when grass is tolerated on part of the ground surface, which is the case on ca. 5% of the total Valais vineyard area. In contrast, conventionally managed vineyards covering a parts per thousand yen95% of the vineyard area are too bare because of systematic application of herbicides all over the ground, whilst the rare organic vineyards usually have a too-dense sward. The optimal mosaic with ca. 50% ground vegetation cover is currently achieved in integrated production vineyards where herbicide is applied every second row. In organic production, ca. 50% ground vegetation cover should be promoted, which requires regular mechanical removal of ground vegetation. These measures are likely to benefit general biodiversity in vineyards.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.
The purpose of the newsletter is to communicate with parents and professionals about newborn hearing screening in Iowa. We will share information about: Hearing screenings Intervention Resources available for parents and professionals “Best practices” by hospitals, AEAs (Area Education Agencies), or private practive audiology offices System goals Family stories Highlights from the EHDI Advisory Committee Updates on Iowa’s EHDI program It is important to point out that we are a diverse team of individuals working together to ensure that all newborns and toddlers with hearing loss are identified as early as possible and provided with timely and appropriate audiological, educational and medical intervention. Each newsletter will introduce you to various team members of the EHDI system in Iowa.