960 resultados para diameter
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica
BACKGROUND: Aneurysm shrinkage has been proposed as a marker of successful endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). Patients with early postoperative shrinkage may experience fewer subsequent complications, and consequently require less intensive surveillance. METHODS: Patients undergoing EVAR from 2000 to 2011 at three vascular centres (in 2 countries), who had two imaging examinations (postoperative and after 6-18 months), were included. Maximum diameter, complications and secondary interventions during follow-up were registered. Patients were categorized according to early sac dynamics. The primary endpoint was freedom from late complications. Secondary endpoints were freedom from secondary intervention, postimplant rupture and direct (type I/III) endoleaks. RESULTS: Some 597 EVARs (71.1 per cent of all EVARs) were included. No shrinkage was observed in 284 patients (47.6 per cent), moderate shrinkage (5-9 mm) in 142 (23.8 per cent) and major shrinkage (at least 10 mm) in 171 patients (28.6 per cent). Four years after the index imaging, the rate of freedom from complications was 84.3 (95 per cent confidence interval 78.7 to 89.8), 88.1 (80.6 to 95.5) and 94.4 (90.1 to 98.7) per cent respectively. No shrinkage was an independent risk factor for late complications compared with major shrinkage (hazard ratio (HR) 3.11; P < 0.001). Moderate compared with major shrinkage (HR 2.10; P = 0.022), early postoperative complications (HR 3.34; P < 0.001) and increasing abdominal aortic aneurysm baseline diameter (HR 1.02; P = 0.001) were also risk factors for late complications. Freedom from secondary interventions and direct endoleaks was greater for patients with major sac shrinkage. CONCLUSION: Early change in aneurysm sac diameter is a strong predictor of late complications after EVAR. Patients with major sac shrinkage have a very low risk of complications for up to 5 years. This parameter may be used to tailor postoperative surveillance.
OBJECTIVE:Endograft mural thrombus has been associated with stent graft or limb thrombosis after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). This study aimed to identify clinical and morphologic determinants of endograft mural thrombus accumulation and its influence on thromboembolic events after EVAR. METHODS: A prospectively maintained database of patients treated by EVAR at a tertiary institution from 2000 to 2012 was analyzed. Patients treated for degenerative infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysms and with available imaging for thrombus analysis were considered. All measurements were performed on three-dimensional center-lumen line computed tomography angiography (CTA) reconstructions. Patients with thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body with a thickness >2 mm and an extension >25% of the main body's circumference were included in the study group and compared with a control group that included all remaining patients. Clinical and morphologic variables were assessed for association with significant thrombus accumulation within the endograft's main body by multivariate regression analysis. Estimates for freedom from thromboembolic events were obtained by Kaplan-Meier plots. RESULTS: Sixty-eight patients (16.4%) presented with endograft mural thrombus. Median follow-up time was 3.54 years (interquartile range, 1.99-5.47 years). In-graft mural thrombus was identified on 30-day CTA in 22 patients (32.4% of the study group), on 6-month CTA in 8 patients (11.8%), and on 1-year CTA in 17 patients (25%). Intraprosthetic thrombus progressively accumulated during the study period in 40 patients of the study group (55.8%). Overall, 17 patients (4.1%) presented with endograft or limb occlusions, 3 (4.4%) in the thrombus group and 14 (4.1%) in the control group (P = .89). Thirty-one patients (7.5%) received an aortouni-iliac (AUI) endograft. Two endograft occlusions were identified among AUI devices (6.5%; overall, 0.5%). None of these patients showed thrombotic deposits in the main body, nor were any outflow abnormalities identified on the immediately preceding CTA. Estimated freedom from thromboembolic events at 5 years was 95% in both groups (P = .97). Endograft thrombus accumulation was associated with >25% proximal aneurysm neck thrombus coverage at baseline (odds ratio [OR], 1.9; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-3.3), neck length ≤ 15 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.2), proximal neck diameter ≥ 30 mm (OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 1.3-4.6), AUI (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.8-5.5), or polyester-covered stent grafts (OR, 4.0; 95% CI, 2.2-7.3) and with main component "barrel-like" configuration (OR, 6.9; 95% CI, 1.7-28.3). CONCLUSIONS: Mural thrombus formation within the main body of the endograft is related to different endograft configurations, main body geometry, and device fabric but appears to have no association with the occurrence of thromboembolic events over time.
Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia is a rare vascular proliferation characterized by single or multiple purplish, brownish papules and subcutaneous nodules, sometimes associated with pain or pruritus. This rare benign process occurs with a female predominance. Approximately 85% of the lesions occur in the skin of the head and neck; most of them are around the ear or on the forehead or scalp. Whether angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia represents a benign neoplasm or an unusual reaction to varied stimuli, including trauma, the etiology remains unclear. Histopathologically, the lesions consist of a proliferation of blood vessels of variable size lined by large epithelioid endothelial cells and a variable inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes and eosinophils, sometimes with lymphoid follicle formation. The lesion is benign but may be persistent and is difficult to eradicate. We report on a case of a 58-year-old Caucasian man who presented a purplish pink dome-shaped tumor of size up to 8 cm in diameter located on the chest. We emphasize this case considering the unusual dimensions of the lesion (8 cm diameter) and the atypical location on the chest.
We report our experience with the diagnosis and treatment of 60 patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. They were infected in Panama (55), Brazil (4) or Colombia (I). Among 35 patients with a 3 week exposure in Panama, the mean maximum incubation period was 33 days (range 4-81 days). Diagnosis was delayed an average of 93 days after onset of skin lesions, due to the patient's delay in seeking medical attention (31 days), medical personnel's delay in considering the diagnosis (45 days), and the laboratory's delay in confirming the diagnosis (17 days). Forty-four patients (73%) developed ulcers typical of cutaneous leishmaniasis. Sixteen additional patients (27%) had atypical macular, papular, squamous, verrucous or acneiform skin lesions that were diagnosed only because leishmanial cultures were obtained. Of the 59 patients treated with pentavalent antimonial drugs, only 34 (58%) were cured after the first course of treatment. Lesions which were at least 2 cm in diameter, ulcerated, or caused by Leishmania braziliensis were less likely to be cured after a single course of treatment than were lesions smaller than 2 cm, nonulcerated or caused by Leishmania mexicana or Leishmania donovani.
RESUMO- Introdução: A obesidade e a Síndrome Metabólica (SM) são atualmente um importante problema de saúde pública, com prevalências crescentes, que se acompanham também por aumento da prevalência de Diabetes Mellitus (DM).Estudos prévios demonstram associação destas entidades com o aumento de risco de eventos cardiovasculares, em particular a DM. A SM tem sido uma entidade muito debatida nos últimos anos, com aparecimento de diversas definições, contribuindo para resultados díspares no que diz respeito à influência da SM nas doenças cardiovasculares. Também têm sido descritas variações étnicas e regionais. Para além de alguns estudos epidemiológicos na população geral, a informação relativamente à sua influência na presença de doença cardiovascular é desconhecida em Portugal, em particular em populações com suspeita de doença coronária. Objetivos - Esclarecimento de questões relacionadas com a prevalência de SM e a sua influência na evolução de doença ateroclerótica arterial por avaliação de uma população com suspeita de doença coronária. População e Métodos - Estudo observacional, transversal, com inclusão prospetiva de indivíduos admitidos letivamente para realização de angiografia coronária por suspeita de doença coronária, tendo sido também efetuadas análises laboratoriais e ecografia carotidea para avaliação da espessura intima-média carotidea (EIMc) e da presença de placas carotídeas. Efetuou-se avaliação dos parâmetros demográficos, antropométricos, determinação do perfil lipídico, glicémia e insulinémia. Os exames angiográficos foram analisados por análise quantitativa semi-automática. Foram excluídos indivíduos com antecedentes conhecidos de doença cardíaca. Resultados - Incluíram-se 300 doentes, com idade média de 64 ± 9 anos, 59% do género masculino. A prevalência de SM de acordo com a definição da AHA/NHLBI foi 48,4% (ajustada para idade e género da população portuguesa) e a prevalência de DM foi 14,8% (ajustada). A concordância global das três definições mais recentes de SM foi de apenas 43%. A prevalência de SM aumenta com a idade e é também mais elevada no género feminino. O componente mais frequente foi a hipertensão arterial, seguido pela obesidade abdominal, a elevação da glicémia e por fim as alterações dos triglicéridos e do colesterol HDL. Por outro lado, a presença de doença coronária significativa (lesões ≥50%) ocorreu em apenas 51,3% dos doentes, sendo ainda mais baixa no género feminino. Demonstrou-se também uma baixa capacidade preditiva para doença coronária dos testes não invasivos clássicos, em particular no género feminino. A prevalência de doença coronária significativa foi idêntica nos indivíduos com SM comparativamente com indivíduos sem alterações metabólicas (46,3% vs. 48,2%, respectivamente), sendo mais elevado nos diabéticos (65,2%). Os fatores predizentes independentes de doença coronária significativa foram a idade, o género masculino, a elevação da glicémia e dos triglicéridos. Pelo contrário, o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) mostrou uma associação protetora relativamente à presença de doença coronária. A SM não é fator predizente de doença coronária. Relativamente às dimensões dos vasos coronários, o IMC correlaciona-se positivamente e a glicémia / DM correlacionam-se negativamente. A EIMc aumenta com o aumento da idade e no género masculino. A EIMc foi intermédia nos doentes com SM (0,88 ± 0,31 mm) comparativamente com os doentes diabéticos (0,97 ± 0,34 mm) e os indivíduos “Normais” (0,85 ± 0,34 mm). Os fatores predizentes independentes de EIMc foram a idade, o género masculino, o colesterol HDL e a insulinémia. A EIMc permite predizer com uma acuidade moderada a presença de doença coronária significativa (AUC 0,638), em particular no género feminino, sendo um fator predizente independente de presença de doença coronária (OR 2,35, IC 95% 1,04-5,33. p=0,04). Apesar de não se correlacionar com o número de vasos coronários com doença, correlacionou-se com a gravidade da doença (pelo score de Gensini). A insulinémia e o índice HOMA aumentam diretamente com a idade e com o IMC, sendo contudo sobreponíveis em ambos os géneros. Os fatores predizentes de índice HOMA (resistência à insulina) foram o IMC, bem como os restantes componentes de SM, estando o índice HOMA relacionado com a presença de SM e o número dos seus componentes presentes. O limiar para resistência à insulina foi de 2,66 e para SM foi 2,41. Ao contrário das restantes definições de SM, a definição da AHA/NHLBI não é predizente da presença de DM no género masculino. A associação da resistência à insulina com doença coronária foi limiar (OR 1,13, IC 95% 1,00-1,28, p=0,045). Conclusões - Numa população com suspeita de doença coronária, a prevalência de SM é muito elevada (superior a 50%), sendo a prevalência de DM de 23%. Também a obesidade e o excesso de peso foram extremamente prevalentes nesta população. A concordância entre definições de SM é baixa. A hipertensão arterial e a obesidade abdominal são os componentes mais frequentes de SM, sendo menos prevalentes as alterações lipídicas. Pelo contrário, a presença de doença coronária significativa foi muito baixa, em particular nas mulheres. A SM não se associou à presença de doença coronária significativa, estando esta mais dependente das alterações do metabolismo glicídico e dos triglicéridos, bem como de outros fatores de risco não modificáveis, nomeadamente a idade e o género. A EIMc da carótida comum e a presença de placas carotídeas é mais elevada nos indivíduos diabéticos, estando também ligeiramente aumentada nos doentes com SM, sendo os fatores predizentes de EIMc apenas a idade, o género, a hiperinsulinémia bem como os níveis baixos de colesterol HDL. A utilização da avaliação da EIMc na estratificação de risco pré-angiografia coronária, poderá ser útil no género feminino. A hiperinsulinémia e o índice HOMA (índice de resistência à insulina), estão relacionados com o IMC e consequentemente com a presença de obesidade, embora também se correlacione de forma independente com os outros componentes de SM. A resistência à insulina associou-se à presença de SM. Relativamente à capacidade preditiva da coexistência com DM, verificou-se associação com a definição da NCEP-ATP III e da IDF, contudo, a definição da AHA/NHLBI só foi predizente de DMnas mulheres. -------------ABSTRACT - Introduction: Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome (MS) are a major public health problem, with increasing prevalence, that follows the increase in diabetes prevalence. Previous studies showed an association of both entities with increased cardiovascular risk, particularly diabetes. MS has been debated in the last few years, with several definitions and different results when analysed the influence of MS on cardiovascular diseases. There are also some regional and ethnical variations. Beyond general population epidemiological studies, information about the influence on cardiovascular disease in Portugal is unknown, particularly in patients with suspected coronary disease. Objectives- To clarify several questions regarding the prevalence of MS and the influence in arterial atherosclerotic disease by evaluation of a population with suspected coronary artery disease. Population and Methods- Observational, cross-sectional study with prospective inclusion of individuals admitted electively for coronary angiography with suspicion of coronary artery disease. All individuals also performed laboratorial evaluation and carotid ultrasound to evaluate carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT) and carotid plaques. We also evaluated demographic, anthropometric parameters, lipid profile, blood glucose and blood insulin. Angiographic data was obtained by semi-automated quantitation. Individuals with previously known cardiac history were excluded from the study. Results- We included 300 individuals with a mean age of 64 ± 9 years, 59% males. MS prevalence according to AHA/NHLBI definition was 48.4% (adjusted for age and gender of the Portuguese population) and the adjusted prevalence of diabetes was 14.8%. Global agreement between the more recent three definitions of MS was only 43%. MS prevalence increases with age and is also higher in women. The most frequent components were hypertension and abdominal obesity, followed by elevated glucose and triglicerides and low HDL-cholesterol. Significant coronary artery disease (stenosis ≥50%) was present in only 51.3% of patients, being lower in females. Non-invasive tests also had a low predictive capacity, particularly in females. The prevalence of significant coronary disease was identical in patients with MS compared with normal metabolism individuals (46.3% vs. 48.2%, respectively), being higher in diabetics (65.2%). Independent predictive factors for coronary disease were age, male gender, high blood glucose and triglycerides. On the contrary, Body Mass Index (BMI) was a protective factor for coronary disease. MS wasn’t a predictor of coronary disease. BMI showed a positive correlation with coronary vessel diameter and glucose /diabetes had a negative correlation. CIMT increased with age and was higher in males. CIMT was intermediate in patients with MS (0.88 ± 0.31 mm) when compared to diabetic patients (0.97 ± 0.34 mm) and “Normal” individuals (0.85 ± 0.34 mm). Independent predictors for cIMT were age, male gender, HDL-cholesterol and insulin. CIMT had a moderate predictive accuracy for coronary disease (AUC 0,638), particularly in females and is an independent predictor of the presence of significant coronary disease (OR 2.35, 95% CI 1.04-5.33. p=0.04). Although it did not correlate with the number of diseased coronary arteries, it correlated with coronary disease severity by the Gensini score. Insulin and HOMA index increase directly with age and BMI, but were identical in both genders. Predictive factors for HOMA index (insulin resistance) were BMI as well as the other MS components. HOMA index is related to MS and the number of its components. The cut-off for insulin resistance was 2.66 and for MS 2.41. Unlike other MS definitions, AHA/NHLBI definition is not a predictor of diabetes in males. There was a borderline association between insulin resistance and coronary disease (OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00-1.28, p=0.045). Conclusions - In a population of patients with suspected coronary disease, MS prevalence is extremely high (above 50%) with a diabetes prevalence of 23%. Also obesity and overweight are very prevalent in this population. Global agreement between MS definitions is however low. Hypertension and abdominal obesity are the most frequent components, with a lower prevalence of lipid abnormalities. Coronary disease prevalence was low, particularly in women. MS wasn’t associated with coronary disease. Coronary disease was related to glucose and triglycerides, as well as with other non-modifiable factors such as age and gender. CIMT and carotid plaques are increased in diabetic patients, and also slightly elevated in patients with MS, but cIMT independent predictors were age, male gender, insulin and HDLcholesterol. CIMT can be useful in risk stratification before coronary angiography particularly in women. Elevated insulin and HOMA index (an insulin resistance index) are related with BMI and consequently with obesity, and it was also correlated with other MS components. Insulin resistance was associated with MS. The presence of diabetes was associated with the presence of MS by NCEP-ATP III and IDF definitions; however, AHA/NHLBI definition was only predictive of diabetes in females.
Myocardialexsudate CD4+ andCD8+ lymphocytes were counted in transmural left ventricular free wall frozen sections taken from 10 necropsied chronic cardiac chagasic patients. The cells were labeled with monoclonal antibodies using a streptavidin-biotin technique. We counted: 1) lymphocytes in the total exsudate (LTE) and, separately, 2) the lymphocytes touching orvery near to my oc ells (LTVNM). Lymphocytes were considered very near whenever their own nuclear shortest nuclear diameter was larger than their distance from myocells. CD8+ lymphocytes were more numerous than CD4+ lymphocytes, especially among the LTVNM. The LTE CD4/CD8 ratio was 0,37 ± 0,20, but the LTVNM CD4/CD8 ratio was smaller (0,23 ± 0,11). Among theLTE, 34 ± 11% ofCD8+ (against24 + 12% of CD4+) were LTVNM. All these differences were statistically significant. Both subtypes ofT-lymphocytes were found to have an intimate relationship with both ruptured and unruptured myocells, and parasites were not seen. These findings are in accordance with the idea that the myocardial cell lesions in the cardiac form of human Chagas' disease are mediated mainly by T- cytotoxic lymphocytes.
Dissertation to obtain a Master degree in Biotechnology
We report a rapid method for the flow cytometric quantitation of phagocytosis in heparinized complete peripherial blood (HCPB), using commercially available phycoerythrin-conjugated latex particles of 1µm diameter. The method is faster and shows greater reproducibility than Bjerknes' (1984) standard technique using propidium iodide-stained Candida albicans, conventionally applied to the leukocytic layer of peripherial blood but here modified for HCPB. We also report a modification of Bjerknes' Intracellular Killing Test to allow its application to HCPB.
Dissertation to obtain master degree in Biotechnology
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Física
RESUMO: A operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, é considerada a cirurgia antirefluxo mais adequada por ser a que melhor replica a fisiologia normal da válvula gastresofágica na maioria dos doentes com sintomas típicos de doença do refluxo gastresofágico (DRGE). São critérios técnicos o encerramento seguro dos pilares do diafragma e a criação de fundoplicatura completa (360 graus), curta (inferior a dois centímetros), lassa e sem tensão – desiderando para o qual a laqueação proximal dos vasos curtos gástricos é crucial. Realizei a operação de Nissen, por laparoscopia, em sessenta mulheres e quarenta homens com DRGE, sem mortalidade operatória, no Serviço de Cirurgia 6 do Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. Os cem doentes apresentavam média etária de 46 anos e queixas, com tempo de evolução entre 1 e 43 anos, de pirose (90%), regurgitação (80%), azia (73%), epigastralgias (54%). A endoscopia alta revelou esofagite de grau Savary-Miller 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%); hérnia de deslizamento (71%), hérnia paraesofágica (8%), sem hérnia (21%); a pHmetria de 24h diagnosticou padrão misto (38%), levantado (20%), deitado (20%), inconclusiva (22%) e a manometria diagnosticou EEI hipotónico (35%), peristálise esofágica normal (88%), hipomotilidade ligeira (5%) e foi omissa (7%). Hérnia hiatal, esofagite grave, ineficácia do controlo sintomático com inibidor da bomba de protões e desejo de descontinuidade terapêutica constituíram as indicações para tratamento cirúrgico. Por celioscopia, efetuei laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos (70%), cruroplastia e fundoplicatura total (seda 2/0), curta (dimensão média 1,5-2 cm), lassa, sem tensão e sem calibração intraoperatória do esófago. A fundoplicatura de Nissen laparoscópica mostrou-se segura e eficaz no tratamento da DRGE. A sua idoneidade foi ainda comprovada pela normalização da pHmetria de 24 horas e da manometria pós-operatórias, com significado estatístico, num grupo de catorze voluntários assintomáticos. Em catamnese com recuo médio 30,7 meses 94% dos indivíduos persistem assintomáticos. Interrogando-me acerca das repercussões desta operação sobre a microcirculação do fundo gástrico coloquei, como premissa, a possibilidade de na operação de Nissen a laqueação dos vasos curtos poder induzir modificação no diâmetro arteriolar da parede do fundo gástrico. Para pesquisar a influência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e da fundoplicatura total sobre o calibre arteriolar da parede do estômago no cárdia, no fundo e na região dos vasos curtos gástricos, idealizei um Projeto de investigação experimental em cobaias. O Projeto foi desenvolvido no Centro de Investigação do Departamento de Anatomia da FCM-UNL. Para a sua realização obtive autorização da Comissão Científica e Pedagógica da FCM-UNL, requeri a acreditação como investigador à Direção Geral de Veterinária e, por recorrer à utilização de animais, submeti-o à Comissão de Ética da FCM-UNL, que o aprovou por unanimidade. Para limitar o número de animais utilizados ao mínimo necessário, calculei, por método estatístico, a quantidade de cobaias necessárias. Subdividindo-as num grupo de ensaio (GE), onde realizei a operação de Nissen, e num grupo de controlo (GC), onde apenas procedi a tração gástrica, defini e apliquei protocolos de anestesia, de cirurgia e de eutanásia, segundo os princípios dos 3R – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement da técnica de experimentação humana de Russell e Burch (1959) – uma estrutura ética amplamente aceite para a realização de experimentação científica humanizada com animais. A utilização das técnicas de estudo angiomorfológico permitiu-me analisar e descrever a anatomia normal, a vascularização arterial macroscópica, a microangioarquitetura, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento de moldes de corrosão vascular, e a histologia da parede do estômago da cobaia. Procedi, também, à definição dos critérios morfológicos que considerei suscetíveis de validação deste modelo animal para o estudo proposto. Por razões académicas, foi necessário abreviar o Projeto encurtando, em cerca de dois anos, o prazo disponível para conclusão do estudo. Apreciando-o com o Gabinete de Análise Epidemiológica e Estatística do Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE, optou-se, perante a escassez de elementos após já terem sido recrutados 46 animais, por uma amostra, suplementar, de dimensão de conveniência de oito cobaias (quatro em cada grupo), condicionada pelo limite temporal universitário e pelo respeito pela dignidade dos animais. Neste subgrupo procedi, por microscopia eletrónica de varrimento, à medição dos calibres arteriolares nos moldes vasculares do cárdia, do fundo e da zona dos vasos curtos gástricos tanto no GC como no GE efetuando 469 medições no primeiro e 461 no último. Os dados foram enviados ao Centro de Investigação do CHLC, EPE que procedeu à sua análise estatística (ANOVA). A referida análise revelou que as arteríolas do plexo mucoso e as do plexo submucoso do cárdia, do fundo e da região dos vasos curtos gástricos, mostraram aumento de calibre no GE. O aumento foi, estatisticamente, significativo por ser superior a 50% do calibre do GC. Nos vasos curtos, a diferença foi mais pequena, mas persistiu sendo, estatisticamente, significativa. Os vasos retos dilataram na base, na sua emergência do plexo seroso, apenas no fundo gástrico. Na cobaia a operação de Nissen – fundoplicatura total com laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos –, provocou vasodilatação arteriolar do fundo gástrico. Considero que essa vasodilatação constituiu acomodação à modificação introduzida e infiro que o mesmo possa acontecer no ser humano. Admito, assim, que também ocorra vasodilatação no ser humano, na sequência da laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos, pela analogia microvascular entre as duas espécies e que essa vasodilatação corresponda, igualmente, a um mecanismo de adaptação arteriolar visando, por exemplo, suprir a perda incorrida pela laqueação. A associação experimental entre laqueação dos vasos curtos gástricos e realização de fundoplicatura total, que exerce aumento inerente de pressão sobre a JEG, não só não provocou défice da microcirculação do esófago distal ou do estômago proximal como desencadeou um mecanismo de vasodilatação fúndica que reforça o conceito de segurança da operação de Nissen para tratamento da DRGE. -------------- ABSTRACT: The laparoscopic Nissen operation is considered to be the most appropriate antirefluxsurgery because it suitably replicates the standard physiology of the gastroesophageal valve in most patients with typical symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The technical criteria includes the safe shutdown of the diafragmatic crura(cruroplasty) and the creation of a complete fundoplication (360 degrees), short (lesser than two inches), floppy and without tension – a goal for which the proximal ligation of the gastric short vessels is crucial. The laparoscopic Nissen operation was performed in sixty women and forty men with GERD, without any operative mortality, at the Surgical Department of the Hospital dos Capuchos, CHLC, EPE. The one hundred patients, averaged 46 years old, complained of heartburn (90%), regurgitation (80%) and upper abdominal pain (54 %). The endoscopy process revealed Savary-Miller esophagitis of grade 0-I (62%), II (23%), III (8%), IV (7%), sliding hernia (71%), paraesophageal hernia (8%) or no herniation (21%). The pHmetry/24h diagnosed mixed pattern (38%), raised (20%), lying (20%) or inconclusive (22%). The manometry diagnosed hypotensive LES (35%), normal esophageal peristalsis (88%), mild hypomotility (5%) and was absent (7%). Hiatal hernia, severe esophagitis, ineffective symptomatic control with proton pump inhibitor and request for treatment discontinuation were the signs for surgical action. A laparoscopic ligation of short gastric vessels (70%), cruroplasty and fundoplication (silk 2/0), short (average size 1.5–2 cm) and floppy, without tension and without intraoperative calibration of the esophagus were thus performed. The laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication behaved safe and effective in treating GERD. In a group of 14 asymptomatic volunteers its reputation was confirmed with statistical significance by normalization of postoperative pHmetry/24h and manometry. 94% of the individuals remained asymptomatic up to 30.7 months (average) in the follow-up. Interrogating myself about the impact of this operation on the microcirculation of the gastric fundus I put premised on the possibility of the ligation of the short gastric vessels in the Nissen procedure can induce changes in the arteriolar diameter in the Wall of the gastric fundus. To explore the influence of ligation of the short gastric vessels and the fundoplication at the arteriolar caliber of the cardia, the fundus and the region of the short vessels of the gastric wall, I designed a project of experimental research in guinea pigs with two interdependent components: one veterinary and another technical where I applied angiomorphological studies. The project was developed at the Research Centre of the Department of Anatomy FCMUNL. For its accomplishment I got permission from the Scientific and Pedagogical Committee of the FCM-UNL, I requested for accreditation as a researcher at the General Directorate of Veterinary and, by resorting to the use of animals I submitted it to the Ethics Committee of the FCM-UNL, which approved it unanimously. The guinea pigs were divided into two experimental groups: an experimental group (EG), in which the Nissen procedure was performed and a control group (CG) in which only a gastric traction was done. Protocols of anesthesia, surgery and euthanasia were applied according to the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction, Refinement of the technique of human experimentation of Burch and Russell (1959) – a widely accepted ethical framework for conducting scientific experiments using animals humanely. Using histological and angiomorphological techniques, I performed the analysis and the description of the normal, macro and microvascular, anatomy of the guinea pig stomach and I defined the morphological criteria that I considered susceptible for validation of this animal model for the proposed study. By means of scanning electron microscopy I measured the arteriolar calibers of the vascular casts of the cardia, of the fundus and of the short gastric vessels in both CG and EG, making 469 measurements in the former and 461 in the latter. The data were sent to the Research Center of the CHLC which conducted the statistical analysis (ANOVA). The data were sent to the Centre for Research of the CHLC, EPE which proceeded to statistical analysis (ANOVA). This analysis revealed that the arterioles plexus of the mucosal and submucosal plexus of the cardia, fundus and region of the short gastric vessels, showed increased caliber in EG. The increase was statistically significant for being greater than 50% CG gauge. In the short gastric vessels, the difference was smaller, but persisted and statistically significant. Straight vessels were dilated at the base, on its emergence of the plexus serous only in the fundus. In the guinea pig, the Nissen procedure - complete fundoplication with ligation of the short gastric vessels - caused arteriolar vasodilation on the gastric fundus. I believe that this vasodilation constituted some accommodation to the modification introduced and infer that the same might happen in humans. I admit therefore that vasodilation also occurs in humans following the ligation of the short gastric vessels by microvascular analogy between the two species and that this vasodilation corresponds also to na adaptation mechanism arteriolar, for example, to compensate the loss incurred by ligation. The association of experimental ligation of the short gastric vessels with conducting complete fundoplication, which exerts increased pressure on the EGJ, not only did not cause a microcirculation deficit of the distal esophagus or proximal stomach as triggered a mechanism of fundic vasodilation which reinforces the security concept of the Nissen procedure for treatment of GERD.
The work presented in this thesis was developed in collaboration with a Portuguese company, BeyonDevices, devoted to pharmaceutical packaging, medical technology and device industry. Specifically, the composition impact and surface modification of two polymeric medical devices from the company were studied: inhalers and vaginal applicators. The polyethylene-based vaginal applicator was modified using supercritical fluid technology to acquire self-cleaning properties and prevent the transport of bacteria and yeasts to vaginal flora. For that, in-situ polymerization of 2-substituted oxazolines was performed within the polyethylene matrix using supercritical carbon dioxide. The cationic ring-opening polymerization process was followed by end-capping with N,N-dimethyldodecylamine. Furthermore, for the same propose, the polyethylene matrix was impregnated with lavender oil in supercritical medium. The obtained materials were characterized physical and morphologically and the antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts was accessed. Materials modified using 2-substituted oxazolines showed an effective killing ability for all the tested microorganisms, while the materials modified with lavender oil did not show antimicrobial activity. Only materials modified with oligo(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) maintain the activity during the long term stability. Furthermore, the cytotoxicity of the materials was tested, confirming their biocompatibilty. Regarding the inhaler, its surface was modified in order to improve powder flowability and consequently, to reduce powder retention in the inhaler´s nozzle. New dry powder inhalers (DPIs), with different needle’s diameters, were evaluated in terms of internal resistance and uniformity of the emitted dose. It was observed that they present a mean resistance of 0.06 cmH2O0.5/(L/min) and the maximum emitted dose obtained was 68.9% for the inhaler with higher needle´s diameter (2 mm). Thus, this inhaler was used as a test and modified by the coating with a commonly-used force control agent, magnesium stearate, dried with supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO2) and the uniformity of delivered dose tests were repeated. The modified inhaler showed an increase in emitted dose from 68.9% to 71.3% for lactose and from 30.0% to 33.7% for Foradil.
In this work, biocompatible and biodegradable poly(D-L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microparticles with the potential for use as a controlled release system of vaccines and other drugs to the lung were manufactured using supercritical CO2, through the Supercritical Assisted Atomization (SAA) technique. After performing a controlled variance in production parameters (temperature, pressure, CO2/solution flow ratio) PLGA microparticles were characterized and later used to encapsulate active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was chosen as model protein and vaccine, while sildenafil was the chosen drug to treat pulmonary artery hypertension and their effect on the particles characteristics was evaluated. All the produced formulations were characterized in relation to their morphology (Morphologi G3 and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM)), to their physical-chemical properties (X-ray diffraction (XRD, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)) and aerodynamic performance using an in vitro aerosolization study – Andersen cascade impactor (ACI) - to obtain data such as the fine particle fraction (FPF) and the mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD). Furthermore, pharmacokinetic, biodegradability and biocompatibility tests were performed in order to verify the particle suitability for inhalation. The resulting particles showed aerodynamic diameters between the 3 and 5 μm, yields up to 58% and FPF percentages rounding the 30%. Taken as a whole, the produced microparticles do present the necessary requests to make them appropriate for pulmonary delivery.
Rupture of aortic aneurysms (AA) is a major cause of death in the Western world. Currently, clinical decision upon surgical intervention is based on the diameter of the aneurysm. However, this method is not fully adequate. Noninvasive assessment of the elastic properties of the arterial wall can be a better predictor for AA growth and rupture risk. The purpose of this study is to estimate mechanical properties of the aortic wall using in vitro inflation testing and 2D ultrasound (US) elastography, and investigate the performance of the proposed methodology for physiological conditions. Two different inflation experiments were performed on twelve porcine aortas: 1) a static experiment for a large pressure range (0 – 140 mmHg); 2) a dynamic experiment closely mimicking the in vivo hemodynamics at physiological pressures (70 – 130 mmHg). 2D raw radiofrequency (RF) US datasets were acquired for one longitudinal and two cross-sectional imaging planes, for both experiments. The RF-data were manually segmented and a 2D vessel wall displacement tracking algorithm was applied to obtain the aortic diameter–time behavior. The shear modulus G was estimated assuming a Neo-Hookean material model. In addition, an incremental study based on the static data was performed to: 1) investigate the changes in G for increasing mean arterial pressure (MAP), for a certain pressure difference (30, 40, 50 and 60 mmHg); 2) compare the results with those from the dynamic experiment, for the same pressure range. The resulting shear modulus G was 94 ± 16 kPa for the static experiment, which is in agreement with literature. A linear dependency on MAP was found for G, yet the effect of the pressure difference was negligible. The dynamic data revealed a G of 250 ± 20 kPa. For the same pressure range, the incremental shear modulus (Ginc) was 240 ± 39 kPa, which is in agreement with the former. In general, for all experiments, no significant differences in the values of G were found between different image planes. This study shows that 2D US elastography of aortas during inflation testing is feasible under controlled and physiological circumstances. In future studies, the in vivo, dynamic experiment should be repeated for a range of MAPs and pathological vessels should be examined. Furthermore, the use of more complex material models needs to be considered to describe the non-linear behavior of the vascular tissue.