899 resultados para design methods


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There is increasing pressure on developers to produce usable systems, which requires the use of appropriate methods to support user centred design during development. There is currently no consistent advice on which methods are appropriate in which circumstances, so the selection of methods relies on individual experience and expertise. Considerable effort is required to collate information from various sources and to understand the applicability of each method in a particular situation. Usability Planner is a tool aimed to support the selection of the most appropriate methods depending on project and organizational constraints. Many of the rules employed are derived from ISO standards, complemented with rules from the authors’ experience.


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This paper shows the role that some foresight tools, such as scenario design, may play in exploring the future impacts of global challenges in our contemporary Society. Additionally, it provides some clues about how to reinforce scenario design so that it displays more in-depth analysis without losing its qualitative nature and communication advantages. Since its inception in the early seventies, scenario design has become one of the most popular foresight tools used in several fields of knowledge. Nevertheless, its wide acceptance has not been seconded by the urban planning academic and professional realm. In some instances, scenario design is just perceived as a story telling technique that generates oversimplified future visions without the support of rigorous and sound analysis. As a matter of fact, the potential of scenario design for providing more in-depth analysis and for connecting with quantitative methods has been generally missed, giving arguments away to its critics. Based on these premises, this document tries to prove the capability of scenario design to anticipate the impacts of complex global challenges and to do it in a more analytical way. These assumptions are tested through a scenario design exercise which explores the future evolution of the sustainable development paradigm (SD) and its implications in the Spanish urban development model. In order to reinforce the perception of scenario design as a useful and added value instrument to urban planners, three sets of implications –functional, parametric and spatial— are displayed to provide substantial and in-depth information for policy makers. This study shows some major findings. First, it is feasible to set up a systematic approach that provides anticipatory intelligence about future disruptive events that may affect the natural environment and socioeconomic fabric of a given territory. Second, there are opportunities for innovating in the Spanish urban planning processes and city governance models. Third, as a foresight tool, scenario design can be substantially reinforced if proper efforts are made to display functional, parametric and spatial implications generated by the scenarios. Fourth, the study confirms that foresight offers interesting opportunities for urban planners, such as anticipating changes, formulating visions, fostering participation and building networks


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Lately the short-wave infrared (SWIR) has become very important due to the recent appearance on the market of the small detectors with a large focal plane array. Military applications for SWIR cameras include handheld and airborne systems with long range detection requirements, but where volume and weight restrictions must be considered. In this paper we present three different designs of telephoto objectives that have been designed according to three different methods. Firstly the conventional method where the starting point of the design is an existing design. Secondly we will face design starting from the design of an aplanatic system. And finally the simultaneous multiple surfaces (SMS) method, where the starting point is the input wavefronts that we choose. The designs are compared in terms of optical performance, volume, weight and manufacturability. Because the objectives have been designed for the SWIR waveband, the color correction has important implications in the choice of glass that will be discussed in detail


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Purpose: In this work, we present the analysis, design and optimization of one experimental device recently developed in the UK, called the 'GP' Thrombus Aspiration Device (GPTAD). This device has been designed to remove blood clots without the need to make contact with the clot itself thereby potentially reducing the risk of problems such as downstream embolisation. Method: To obtain the minimum pressure necessary to extract the clot and to optimize the device, we have simulated the performance of the GPTAD analysing the resistances, compliances and inertances effects. We model a range of diameters for the GPTAD considering different forces of adhesion of the blood clot to the artery wall, and different lengths of blood clot. In each case we determine the optimum pressure required to extract the blood clot from the artery using the GPTAD, which is attached at its proximal end to a suction pump. Result: We then compare the results of our mathematical modelling to measurements made in laboratory using plastic tube models of arteries of comparable diameter. We use abattoir porcine blood clots that are extracted using the GPTAD. The suction pressures required for such clot extraction in the plastic tube models compare favourably with those predicted by the mathematical modelling. Discussion & Conclusion: We conclude therefore that the mathematical modelling is a useful technique in predicting the performance of the GPTAD and may potentially be used in optimising the design of the device.


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This work is based on the prototype High Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) of the Japan Agency of Energy Atomic (JAEA). Its objective is to describe an adequate deterministic model to be used in the assessment of its design safety margins via damage domains. The concept of damage domain is defined and it is shown its relevance in the ongoing effort to apply dynamic risk assessment methods and tools based on the Theory of Stimulated Dynamics (TSD). To illustrate, we present results of an abnormal control rod (CR) withdrawal during subcritical condition and its comparison with results obtained by JAEA. No attempt is made yet to actually assess the detailed scenarios, rather to show how the approach may handle events of its kind


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Los arrays de ranuras son sistemas de antennas conocidos desde los años 40, principalmente destinados a formar parte de sistemas rádar de navíos de combate y grandes estaciones terrenas donde el tamaño y el peso no eran altamente restrictivos. Con el paso de los años y debido sobre todo a importantes avances en materiales y métodos de fabricación, el rango de aplicaciones de este tipo de sistemas radiantes creció en gran medida. Desde nuevas tecnologías biomédicas, sistemas anticolisión en automóviles y navegación en aviones, enlaces de comunicaciones de alta tasa binaria y corta distancia e incluso sistemas embarcados en satélites para la transmisión de señal de televisión. Dentro de esta familia de antennas, existen dos grupos que destacan por ser los más utilizados: las antennas de placas paralelas con las ranuras distribuidas de forma circular o espiral y las agrupaciones de arrays lineales construidos sobre guia de onda. Continuando con las tareas de investigación desarrolladas durante los últimos años en el Instituto de Tecnología de Tokyo y en el Grupo de Radiación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, la totalidad de esta tesis se centra en este último grupo, aunque como se verá se separa en gran medida de las técnicas de diseño y metodologías convencionales. Los arrays de ranuras rectas y paralelas al eje de la guía rectangular que las alimenta son, sin ninguna duda, los modelos más empleados debido a la fiabilidad que presentan a altas frecuencias, su capacidad para gestionar grandes cantidades de potencia y la sencillez de su diseño y fabricación. Sin embargo, también presentan desventajas como estrecho ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno y rápida degradación del diagrama de radiación con la frecuencia. Éstas son debidas a la naturaleza resonante de sus elementos radiantes: al perder la resonancia, el sistema global se desajusta y sus prestaciones degeneran. En arrays bidimensionales de slots rectos, el campo eléctrico queda polarizado sobre el plano transversal a las ranuras, correspondiéndose con el plano de altos lóbulos secundarios. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un método sistemático de diseño de arrays de ranuras inclinadas y desplazadas del centro (en lo sucesivo “ranuras compuestas”), definido en 1971 como uno de los desafíos a superar dentro del mundo del diseño de antennas. La técnica empleada se basa en el Método de los Momentos, la Teoría de Circuitos y la Teoría de Conexión Aleatoria de Matrices de Dispersión. Al tratarse de un método circuital, la primera parte de la tesis se corresponde con el estudio de la aplicabilidad de las redes equivalentes fundamentales, su capacidad para recrear fenómenos físicos de la ranura, las limitaciones y ventajas que presentan para caracterizar las diferentes configuraciones de slot compuesto. Se profundiza en las diferencias entre las redes en T y en ! y se condiciona la selección de una u otra dependiendo del tipo de elemento radiante. Una vez seleccionado el tipo de red a emplear en el diseño del sistema, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de cascadeo progresivo desde el puerto alimentador hacia el cortocircuito que termina el modelo. Este algoritmo es independiente del número de elementos, la frecuencia central de funcionamiento, del ángulo de inclinación de las ranuras y de la red equivalente seleccionada (en T o en !). Se basa en definir el diseño del array como un Problema de Satisfacción de Condiciones (en inglés, Constraint Satisfaction Problem) que se resuelve por un método de Búsqueda en Retroceso (Backtracking algorithm). Como resultado devuelve un circuito equivalente del array completo adaptado a su entrada y cuyos elementos consumen una potencia acorde a una distribución de amplitud dada para el array. En toda agrupación de antennas, el acoplo mutuo entre elementos a través del campo radiado representa uno de los principales problemas para el ingeniero y sus efectos perjudican a las prestaciones globales del sistema, tanto en adaptación como en capacidad de radiación. El empleo de circuito equivalente se descartó por la dificultad que suponía la caracterización de estos efectos y su inclusión en la etapa de diseño. En esta tesis doctoral el acoplo también se ha modelado como una red equivalente cuyos elementos son transformadores ideales y admitancias, conectada al conjunto de redes equivalentes que representa el array. Al comparar los resultados estimados en términos de pérdidas de retorno y radiación con aquellos obtenidos a partir de programas comerciales populares como CST Microwave Studio se confirma la validez del método aquí propuesto, el primer método de diseño sistemático de arrays de ranuras compuestos alimentados por guía de onda rectangular. Al tratarse de ranuras no resonantes, el ancho de banda en pérdidas de retorno es mucho mas amplio que el que presentan arrays de slots rectos. Para arrays bidimensionales, el ángulo de inclinación puede ajustarse de manera que el campo quede polarizado en los planos de bajos lóbulos secundarios. Además de simulaciones se han diseñado, construido y medido dos prototipos centrados en la frecuencia de 12GHz, de seis y diez elementos. Las medidas de pérdidas de retorno y diagrama de radiación revelan excelentes resultados, certificando la bondad del método genuino Method of Moments - Forward Matching Procedure desarrollado a lo largo de esta tésis. Abstract The slot antenna arrays are well known systems from the decade of 40s, mainly intended to be part of radar systems of large warships and terrestrial stations where size and weight were not highly restrictive. Over the years, mainly due to significant advances in materials and manufacturing methods, the range of applications of this type of radiating systems grew significantly. From new biomedical technologies, collision avoidance systems in cars and aircraft navigation, short communication links with high bit transfer rate and even embedded systems in satellites for television broadcast. Within this family of antennas, two groups stand out as being the most frequent in the literature: parallel plate antennas with slots placed in a circular or spiral distribution and clusters of waveguide linear arrays. To continue the vast research work carried out during the last decades in the Tokyo Institute of Technology and in the Radiation Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this thesis focuses on the latter group, although it represents a technique that drastically breaks with traditional design methodologies. The arrays of slots straight and parallel to the axis of the feeding rectangular waveguide are without a doubt the most used models because of the reliability that they present at high frequencies, its ability to handle large amounts of power and their simplicity of design and manufacturing. However, there also exist disadvantages as narrow bandwidth in return loss and rapid degradation of the radiation pattern with frequency. These are due to the resonant nature of radiating elements: away from the resonance status, the overall system performance and radiation pattern diminish. For two-dimensional arrays of straight slots, the electric field is polarized transverse to the radiators, corresponding to the plane of high side-lobe level. This thesis aims to develop a systematic method of designing arrays of angled and displaced slots (hereinafter "compound slots"), defined in 1971 as one of the challenges to overcome in the world of antenna design. The used technique is based on the Method of Moments, Circuit Theory and the Theory of Scattering Matrices Connection. Being a circuitry-based method, the first part of this dissertation corresponds to the study of the applicability of the basic equivalent networks, their ability to recreate the slot physical phenomena, their limitations and advantages presented to characterize different compound slot configurations. It delves into the differences of T and ! and determines the selection of the most suitable one depending on the type of radiating element. Once the type of network to be used in the system design is selected, a progressive algorithm called Forward Matching Procedure has been developed to connect the proper equivalent networks from the feeder port to shorted ending. This algorithm is independent of the number of elements, the central operating frequency, the angle of inclination of the slots and selected equivalent network (T or ! networks). It is based on the definition of the array design as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, solved by means of a Backtracking Algorithm. As a result, the method returns an equivalent circuit of the whole array which is matched at its input port and whose elements consume a power according to a given amplitude distribution for the array. In any group of antennas, the mutual coupling between elements through the radiated field represents one of the biggest problems that the engineer faces and its effects are detrimental to the overall performance of the system, both in radiation capabilities and return loss. The employment of an equivalent circuit for the array design was discarded by some authors because of the difficulty involved in the characterization of the coupling effects and their inclusion in the design stage. In this thesis the coupling has also been modeled as an equivalent network whose elements are ideal transformers and admittances connected to the set of equivalent networks that represent the antennas of the array. By comparing the estimated results in terms of return loss and radiation with those obtained from popular commercial software as CST Microwave Studio, the validity of the proposed method is fully confirmed, representing the first method of systematic design of compound-slot arrays fed by rectangular waveguide. Since these slots do not work under the resonant status, the bandwidth in return loss is much wider than the longitudinal-slot arrays. For the case of two-dimensional arrays, the angle of inclination can be adjusted so that the field is polarized at the low side-lobe level plane. Besides the performed full-wave simulations two prototypes of six and ten elements for the X-band have been designed, built and measured, revealing excellent results and agreement with the expected results. These facts certify that the genuine technique Method of Moments - Matching Forward Procedure developed along this thesis is valid and trustable.


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It is easy to get frustrated at spoken conversational agents (SCAs), perhaps because they seem to be callous. By and large, the quality of human-computer interaction is affected due to the inability of the SCAs to recognise and adapt to user emotional state. Now with the mass appeal of artificially-mediated communication, there has been an increasing need for SCAs to be socially and emotionally intelligent, that is, to infer and adapt to their human interlocutors’ emotions on the fly, in order to ascertain an affective, empathetic and naturalistic interaction. An enhanced quality of interaction would reduce users’ frustrations and consequently increase their satisfactions. These reasons have motivated the development of SCAs towards including socio-emotional elements, turning them into affective and socially-sensitive interfaces. One barrier to the creation of such interfaces has been the lack of methods for modelling emotions in a task-independent environment. Most emotion models for spoken dialog systems are task-dependent and thus cannot be used “as-is” in different applications. This Thesis focuses on improving this, in which it concerns computational modeling of emotion, personality and their interrelationship for task-independent autonomous SCAs. The generation of emotion is driven by needs, inspired by human’s motivational systems. The work in this Thesis is organised in three stages, each one with its own contribution. The first stage involved defining, integrating and quantifying the psychological-based motivational and emotional models sourced from. Later these were transformed into a computational model by implementing them into software entities. The computational model was then incorporated and put to test with an existing SCA host, a HiFi-control agent. The second stage concerned automatic prediction of affect, which has been the main challenge towards the greater aim of infusing social intelligence into the HiFi agent. In recent years, studies on affect detection from voice have moved on to using realistic, non-acted data, which is subtler. However, it is more challenging to perceive subtler emotions and this is demonstrated in tasks such as labelling and machine prediction. In this stage, we attempted to address part of this challenge by considering the roles of user satisfaction ratings and conversational/dialog features as the respective target and predictors in discriminating contentment and frustration, two types of emotions that are known to be prevalent within spoken human-computer interaction. The final stage concerned the evaluation of the emotional model through the HiFi agent. A series of user studies with 70 subjects were conducted in a real-time environment, each in a different phase and with its own conditions. All the studies involved the comparisons between the baseline non-modified and the modified agent. The findings have gone some way towards enhancing our understanding of the utility of emotion in spoken dialog systems in several ways; first, an SCA should not express its emotions blindly, albeit positive. Rather, it should adapt its emotions to user states. Second, low performance in an SCA may be compensated by the exploitation of emotion. Third, the expression of emotion through the exploitation of prosody could better improve users’ perceptions of an SCA compared to exploiting emotions through just lexical contents. Taken together, these findings not only support the success of the emotional model, but also provide substantial evidences with respect to the benefits of adding emotion in an SCA, especially in mitigating users’ frustrations and ultimately improving their satisfactions. Resumen Es relativamente fácil experimentar cierta frustración al interaccionar con agentes conversacionales (Spoken Conversational Agents, SCA), a menudo porque parecen ser un poco insensibles. En general, la calidad de la interacción persona-agente se ve en cierto modo afectada por la incapacidad de los SCAs para identificar y adaptarse al estado emocional de sus usuarios. Actualmente, y debido al creciente atractivo e interés de dichos agentes, surge la necesidad de hacer de los SCAs unos seres cada vez más sociales y emocionalmente inteligentes, es decir, con capacidad para inferir y adaptarse a las emociones de sus interlocutores humanos sobre la marcha, de modo que la interacción resulte más afectiva, empática y, en definitiva, natural. Una interacción mejorada en este sentido permitiría reducir la posible frustración de los usuarios y, en consecuencia, mejorar el nivel de satisfacción alcanzado por los mismos. Estos argumentos justifican y motivan el desarrollo de nuevos SCAs con capacidades socio-emocionales, dotados de interfaces afectivas y socialmente sensibles. Una de las barreras para la creación de tales interfaces ha sido la falta de métodos de modelado de emociones en entornos independientes de tarea. La mayoría de los modelos emocionales empleados por los sistemas de diálogo hablado actuales son dependientes de tarea y, por tanto, no pueden utilizarse "tal cual" en diferentes dominios o aplicaciones. Esta tesis se centra precisamente en la mejora de este aspecto, la definición de modelos computacionales de las emociones, la personalidad y su interrelación para SCAs autónomos e independientes de tarea. Inspirada en los sistemas motivacionales humanos en el ámbito de la psicología, la tesis propone un modelo de generación/producción de la emoción basado en necesidades. El trabajo realizado en la presente tesis está organizado en tres etapas diferenciadas, cada una con su propia contribución. La primera etapa incluyó la definición, integración y cuantificación de los modelos motivacionales de partida y de los modelos emocionales derivados a partir de éstos. Posteriormente, dichos modelos emocionales fueron plasmados en un modelo computacional mediante su implementación software. Este modelo computacional fue incorporado y probado en un SCA anfitrión ya existente, un agente con capacidad para controlar un equipo HiFi, de alta fidelidad. La segunda etapa se orientó hacia el reconocimiento automático de la emoción, aspecto que ha constituido el principal desafío en relación al objetivo mayor de infundir inteligencia social en el agente HiFi. En los últimos años, los estudios sobre reconocimiento de emociones a partir de la voz han pasado de emplear datos actuados a usar datos reales en los que la presencia u observación de emociones se produce de una manera mucho más sutil. El reconocimiento de emociones bajo estas condiciones resulta mucho más complicado y esta dificultad se pone de manifiesto en tareas tales como el etiquetado y el aprendizaje automático. En esta etapa, se abordó el problema del reconocimiento de las emociones del usuario a partir de características o métricas derivadas del propio diálogo usuario-agente. Gracias a dichas métricas, empleadas como predictores o indicadores del grado o nivel de satisfacción alcanzado por el usuario, fue posible discriminar entre satisfacción y frustración, las dos emociones prevalentes durante la interacción usuario-agente. La etapa final corresponde fundamentalmente a la evaluación del modelo emocional por medio del agente Hifi. Con ese propósito se llevó a cabo una serie de estudios con usuarios reales, 70 sujetos, interaccionando con diferentes versiones del agente Hifi en tiempo real, cada uno en una fase diferente y con sus propias características o capacidades emocionales. En particular, todos los estudios realizados han profundizado en la comparación entre una versión de referencia del agente no dotada de ningún comportamiento o característica emocional, y una versión del agente modificada convenientemente con el modelo emocional propuesto. Los resultados obtenidos nos han permitido comprender y valorar mejor la utilidad de las emociones en los sistemas de diálogo hablado. Dicha utilidad depende de varios aspectos. En primer lugar, un SCA no debe expresar sus emociones a ciegas o arbitrariamente, incluso aunque éstas sean positivas. Más bien, debe adaptar sus emociones a los diferentes estados de los usuarios. En segundo lugar, un funcionamiento relativamente pobre por parte de un SCA podría compensarse, en cierto modo, dotando al SCA de comportamiento y capacidades emocionales. En tercer lugar, aprovechar la prosodia como vehículo para expresar las emociones, de manera complementaria al empleo de mensajes con un contenido emocional específico tanto desde el punto de vista léxico como semántico, ayuda a mejorar la percepción por parte de los usuarios de un SCA. Tomados en conjunto, los resultados alcanzados no sólo confirman el éxito del modelo emocional, sino xv que constituyen además una evidencia decisiva con respecto a los beneficios de incorporar emociones en un SCA, especialmente en cuanto a reducir el nivel de frustración de los usuarios y, en última instancia, mejorar su satisfacción.


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The use of seismic hysteretic dampers for passive control is increasing exponentially in recent years for both new and existing buildings. In order to utilize hysteretic dampers within a structural system, it is of paramount importance to have simplified design procedures based upon knowledge gained from theoretical studies and validated with experimental results. Non-linear Static Procedures (NSPs) are presented as an alternative to the force-based methods more common nowadays. The application of NSPs to conventional structures has been well established; yet there is a lack of experimental information on how NSPs apply to systems with hysteretic dampers. In this research, several shaking table tests were conducted on two single bay and single story 1:2 scale structures with and without hysteretic dampers. The maximum response of the structure with dampers in terms of lateral displacement and base shear obtained from the tests was compared with the prediction provided by three well-known NSPs: (1) the improved version of the Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) from FEMA 440; (2) the improved version of the Displacement Coefficient Method (DCM) from FEMA 440; and (3) the N2 Method implemented in Eurocode 8. In general, the improved version of the DCM and N2 methods are found to provide acceptable accuracy in prediction, but the CSM tends to underestimate the response.


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This article describes the results of an investigation aimed at the analysis methods used in the design of the protections against scour phenomenon on offshore wind farms in transitional waters, using medium and large diameter monopile type deep foundations.


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An investigation was undertaken consisting of a state-of-the-art and comparative analysis of currently available methods for calculating the structural stability of wave walls in sloping breakwaters. A total of six design schemes are addressed. The conditions under which the formulations and ranges of validity are explicitly indicated by their authors, are given. The lack of definition in parameters to be used and aspects not taken into account in their investigations are discussed and the results of this analysis are given in a final table.


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The SMS, Simultaneous Multiple Surfaces, design was born to Nonimaging Optics applications and is now being applied also to Imaging Optics. In this paper the wave aberration function of a selected SMS design is studied. It has been found the SMS aberrations can be analyzed with a little set of parameters, sometimes two. The connection of this model with the conventional aberration expansion is also presented. To verify these mathematical model two SMS design systems were raytraced and the data were analyzed with a classical statistical methods: the plot of discrepancies and the quadratic average error. Both the tests show very good agreement with the model for our systems.


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Abstract. The ASSERT project de?ned new software engineering methods and tools for the development of critical embedded real-time systems in the space domain. The ASSERT model-driven engineering process was one of the achievements of the project and is based on the concept of property- preserving model transformations. The key element of this process is that non-functional properties of the software system must be preserved during model transformations. Properties preservation is carried out through model transformations compliant with the Ravenscar Pro?le and provides a formal basis to the process. In this way, the so-called Ravenscar Computational Model is central to the whole ASSERT process. This paper describes the work done in the HWSWCO study, whose main objective has been to address the integration of the Hardware/Software co-design phase in the ASSERT process. In order to do that, non-functional properties of the software system must also be preserved during hardware synthesis. Keywords : Ada 2005, Ravenscar pro?le, Hardware/Software co-design, real- time systems, high-integrity systems, ORK


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In this paper we report the process of designing and building the EYEFLY 1, a real UAS platform which has just performed its maiden flight. For the development of this aircraft, 30 groups of students from successive years at the Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica Aeronáutica (EUITA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) carried out their compulsory End of Degree Project as a coordinated Project Based learning activity. Our conclusions clearly indicate that Project Based Learning activities can provide a valid complement to more conventional, theoretically-based, teaching methods. The combination of both approaches will allow us to maintain traditional but well-tested methods for providing our students with a sound knowledge of fundamental engineering disciplines and, at the same time, to introduce our students to exciting and relevant engineering situations and sceneries where social and business skills, such as communication skills, team-working or decision-taking, can be put into practice.


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Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used in this paper to predict the power production from entire wind farms in complex terrain and to shed some light into the wake flow patterns. Two full three-dimensional Navier–Stokes solvers for incompressible fluid flow, employing k − ϵ and k − ω turbulence closures, are used. The wind turbines are modeled as momentum absorbers by means of their thrust coefficient through the actuator disk approach. Alternative methods for estimating the reference wind speed in the calculation of the thrust are tested. The work presented in this paper is part of the work being undertaken within the UpWind Integrated Project that aims to develop the design tools for next generation of large wind turbines. In this part of UpWind, the performance of wind farm and wake models is being examined in complex terrain environment where there are few pre-existing relevant measurements. The focus of the work being carried out is to evaluate the performance of CFD models in large wind farm applications in complex terrain and to examine the development of the wakes in a complex terrain environment.


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En la interacción con el entorno que nos rodea durante nuestra vida diaria (utilizar un cepillo de dientes, abrir puertas, utilizar el teléfono móvil, etc.) y en situaciones profesionales (intervenciones médicas, procesos de producción, etc.), típicamente realizamos manipulaciones avanzadas que incluyen la utilización de los dedos de ambas manos. De esta forma el desarrollo de métodos de interacción háptica multi-dedo dan lugar a interfaces hombre-máquina más naturales y realistas. No obstante, la mayoría de interfaces hápticas disponibles en el mercado están basadas en interacciones con un solo punto de contacto; esto puede ser suficiente para la exploración o palpación del entorno pero no permite la realización de tareas más avanzadas como agarres. En esta tesis, se investiga el diseño mecánico, control y aplicaciones de dispositivos hápticos modulares con capacidad de reflexión de fuerzas en los dedos índice, corazón y pulgar del usuario. El diseño mecánico de la interfaz diseñada, ha sido optimizado con funciones multi-objetivo para conseguir una baja inercia, un amplio espacio de trabajo, alta manipulabilidad y reflexión de fuerzas superiores a 3 N en el espacio de trabajo. El ancho de banda y la rigidez del dispositivo se han evaluado mediante simulación y experimentación real. Una de las áreas más importantes en el diseño de estos dispositivos es el efector final, ya que es la parte que está en contacto con el usuario. Durante este trabajo se ha diseñado un dedal de bajo peso, adaptable a diferentes usuarios que, mediante la incorporación de sensores de contacto, permite estimar fuerzas normales y tangenciales durante la interacción con entornos reales y virtuales. Para el diseño de la arquitectura de control, se estudiaron los principales requisitos para estos dispositivos. Entre estos, cabe destacar la adquisición, procesado e intercambio a través de internet de numerosas señales de control e instrumentación; la computación de equaciones matemáticas incluyendo la cinemática directa e inversa, jacobiana, algoritmos de detección de agarres, etc. Todos estos componentes deben calcularse en tiempo real garantizando una frecuencia mínima de 1 KHz. Además, se describen sistemas para manipulación de precisión virtual y remota; así como el diseño de un método denominado "desacoplo cinemático iterativo" para computar la cinemática inversa de robots y la comparación con otros métodos actuales. Para entender la importancia de la interacción multimodal, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio para comprobar qué estímulos sensoriales se correlacionan con tiempos de respuesta más rápidos y de mayor precisión. Estos experimentos se desarrollaron en colaboración con neurocientíficos del instituto Technion Israel Institute of Technology. Comparando los tiempos de respuesta en la interacción unimodal (auditiva, visual y háptica) con combinaciones bimodales y trimodales de los mismos, se demuestra que el movimiento sincronizado de los dedos para generar respuestas de agarre se basa principalmente en la percepción háptica. La ventaja en el tiempo de procesamiento de los estímulos hápticos, sugiere que los entornos virtuales que incluyen esta componente sensorial generan mejores contingencias motoras y mejoran la credibilidad de los eventos. Se concluye que, los sistemas que incluyen percepción háptica dotan a los usuarios de más tiempo en las etapas cognitivas para rellenar información de forma creativa y formar una experiencia más rica. Una aplicación interesante de los dispositivos hápticos es el diseño de nuevos simuladores que permitan entrenar habilidades manuales en el sector médico. En colaboración con fisioterapeutas de Griffith University en Australia, se desarrolló un simulador que permite realizar ejercicios de rehabilitación de la mano. Las propiedades de rigidez no lineales de la articulación metacarpofalange del dedo índice se estimaron mediante la utilización del efector final diseñado. Estos parámetros, se han implementado en un escenario que simula el comportamiento de la mano humana y que permite la interacción háptica a través de esta interfaz. Las aplicaciones potenciales de este simulador están relacionadas con entrenamiento y educación de estudiantes de fisioterapia. En esta tesis, se han desarrollado nuevos métodos que permiten el control simultáneo de robots y manos robóticas en la interacción con entornos reales. El espacio de trabajo alcanzable por el dispositivo háptico, se extiende mediante el cambio de modo de control automático entre posición y velocidad. Además, estos métodos permiten reconocer el gesto del usuario durante las primeras etapas de aproximación al objeto para su agarre. Mediante experimentos de manipulación avanzada de objetos con un manipulador y diferentes manos robóticas, se muestra que el tiempo en realizar una tarea se reduce y que el sistema permite la realización de la tarea con precisión. Este trabajo, es el resultado de una colaboración con investigadores de Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. ABSTRACT When we interact with the environment in our daily life (using a toothbrush, opening doors, using cell-phones, etc.), or in professional situations (medical interventions, manufacturing processes, etc.) we typically perform dexterous manipulations that involve multiple fingers and palm for both hands. Therefore, multi-Finger haptic methods can provide a realistic and natural human-machine interface to enhance immersion when interacting with simulated or remote environments. Most commercial devices allow haptic interaction with only one contact point, which may be sufficient for some exploration or palpation tasks but are not enough to perform advanced object manipulations such as grasping. In this thesis, I investigate the mechanical design, control and applications of a modular haptic device that can provide force feedback to the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user. The designed mechanical device is optimized with a multi-objective design function to achieve a low inertia, a large workspace, manipulability, and force-feedback of up to 3 N within the workspace; the bandwidth and rigidity for the device is assessed through simulation and real experimentation. One of the most important areas when designing haptic devices is the end-effector, since it is in contact with the user. In this thesis the design and evaluation of a thimble-like, lightweight, user-adaptable, and cost-effective device that incorporates four contact force sensors is described. This design allows estimation of the forces applied by a user during manipulation of virtual and real objects. The design of a real-time, modular control architecture for multi-finger haptic interaction is described. Requirements for control of multi-finger haptic devices are explored. Moreover, a large number of signals have to be acquired, processed, sent over the network and mathematical computations such as device direct and inverse kinematics, jacobian, grasp detection algorithms, etc. have to be calculated in Real Time to assure the required high fidelity for the haptic interaction. The Hardware control architecture has different modules and consists of an FPGA for the low-level controller and a RT controller for managing all the complex calculations (jacobian, kinematics, etc.); this provides a compact and scalable solution for the required high computation capabilities assuring a correct frequency rate for the control loop of 1 kHz. A set-up for dexterous virtual and real manipulation is described. Moreover, a new algorithm named the iterative kinematic decoupling method was implemented to solve the inverse kinematics of a robotic manipulator. In order to understand the importance of multi-modal interaction including haptics, a subject study was carried out to look for sensory stimuli that correlate with fast response time and enhanced accuracy. This experiment was carried out in collaboration with neuro-scientists from Technion Israel Institute of Technology. By comparing the grasping response times in unimodal (auditory, visual, and haptic) events with the response times in events with bimodal and trimodal combinations. It is concluded that in grasping tasks the synchronized motion of the fingers to generate the grasping response relies on haptic cues. This processing-speed advantage of haptic cues suggests that multimodalhaptic virtual environments are superior in generating motor contingencies, enhancing the plausibility of events. Applications that include haptics provide users with more time at the cognitive stages to fill in missing information creatively and form a richer experience. A major application of haptic devices is the design of new simulators to train manual skills for the medical sector. In collaboration with physical therapists from Griffith University in Australia, we developed a simulator to allow hand rehabilitation manipulations. First, the non-linear stiffness properties of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger were estimated by using the designed end-effector; these parameters are implemented in a scenario that simulates the behavior of the human hand and that allows haptic interaction through the designed haptic device. The potential application of this work is related to educational and medical training purposes. In this thesis, new methods to simultaneously control the position and orientation of a robotic manipulator and the grasp of a robotic hand when interacting with large real environments are studied. The reachable workspace is extended by automatically switching between rate and position control modes. Moreover, the human hand gesture is recognized by reading the relative movements of the index, thumb and middle fingers of the user during the early stages of the approximation-to-the-object phase and then mapped to the robotic hand actuators. These methods are validated to perform dexterous manipulation of objects with a robotic manipulator, and different robotic hands. This work is the result of a research collaboration with researchers from the Harvard BioRobotics Laboratory. The developed experiments show that the overall task time is reduced and that the developed methods allow for full dexterity and correct completion of dexterous manipulations.