989 resultados para culture (sociology)


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The spread of culture and language in human populations is explained by two alternative models: the demic diffusion model, which involves mass movement of people; and the cultural diffusion model, which refers to cultural impact between populations and in


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Mahseer, Tor putitora with 12.75, 12.11, and 12.02g of initial weight were fou · J to attain a net weight gain of 12.0 kg, ll.5 kg, and 11.4 kg respectively in pond-1 (commercial feed), pond-2 (farm-made feed), and pond-3 (farm-made feed), respectively against 78.2 kg, 70.3 kg, and 68.1 kg feed fed. Gross energy contents in fish were 1359.3 Kcal/kg, 1281.5 Kcal/kg and 1266.6 Kcal/kg, respectively in pond-1, pond-2, and pond-3 against 3630.4, 3876.9 and 3570.5 Kcal/kg energy in the feed fed. Only 9.4%, 10.5% and 13.7% of the protein, and 8.9%, 3.4% and 3.3% of the lipid fed to fish were converted into muscle respectively in pond-1, pond-2 and pond-3. It was observed that the higher the protein content in feed, the lower the rate of conversion in muscle; the same was also true for lipid. It is supposed that feed derived wastes contribute potentially to water quality deterioration and eutrophication. Lower feed conversion, higher nitrogenous and phosphatic concentrations and higher plankton biomass in the ponds are all supportive to this observation.


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Culture experiment of African catfish ( Clarias gariepinus) and Thai pangas (Pangasius hypopthalamus) with indigenous stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis) was conducted in the laboratory. The study was conducted for two experiments, where C. gariepinus and P. hypopthalamus were used separately with H fossilis for a duration of 2l days with three feeding treatments, viz. Tubificid worms (T1), SABINCO feed (T2), and no supplemental feed (T3). In experiment 1, the initial length and weight of 4.4cm and 0.60g of C. gariepinus became 6.74cm and 2.33g when fed Tubificid worms, 7.07cm and 2.84g when fed SABINCO feed in the treatment without supplemental feed the final length and weight were 3.67cm and 0.3lg at the end of 21 days of trial. The final length and weight of H fossilis reached 4.55cm and 0.53g from the initial 3.3cm and 0.25g under the treatment fed Tubificid worms while those fed SABINCO feed showed a length and weight of 4.37cm and 0.45g respectively. However, both the initial length and weight were reduced to 2.85cm and 0.12g respectively in the treatment without supplemental feed. In experiment 2, the initial length and weight of 4.37cm and 0.57g of P. hypopthalamus became 5.57cm and 0.57g when fed Tubificid worms, 4.85cm and 0.82g when fed SABINCO feed in the treatment without supplemental feed the final length and weight reduced to 3.95cm and 0.34g at the end of 21 days of trial. The final length and weight of H fossilis reached 5.19cm and 0.82g from the initial 3.25cm and 0.20g under treatment fed Tubificid worms while those fed SABINCO feed showed the final length and weight of 4.93cm and 0.70g respectively. And both the initial length and weight were reduced to 3.07cm and 0.04g respectively in the treatment without supplemental feed. No predatory effect of C. gariepinus and P. hypopthalamus on H fossilis was observed in the experiments.


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A ten-month study on mixed culture of mud crab Scylla serrata with tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was performed in brackish water earthen ponds using live tilapia fry as the only feed for crab. The monthly growth rate varied from 9.07-19.llg among four treatments. Treatment T 1, cw: 0.68cm (±0.72) and bw: 19.11 gm (±12.97) showed highest performance which was followed by T 3, cw: 0.62cm (±0.60) and bw: 13.42 gm (±10.51), T4, cw: 0.65cm (±0.64) and bw: 13.20 gm (±9.89) and T2, cw: 0.36cm (± 0.25) and bw: 9.07 gm (±8.05). Highest survivability of crabs was also recorded in T 1 (21.5%) which was followed by T 2 (15.65%), T4 (14.95%) and T 3 (14.15%). In terms of survivability, significant differences (p<0.05) were observed among the treatments whereas these were recorded as insignificant difference (p<0.05) in final weight, weight gain and production of crabs and tilapia. Mixed culture of mud crab with tilapia could make more rewarding than crab monoculture but the study suggests that only tilapia fry can not fulfill the feed requirement of crabs in respects of survivability, final body weight and weight gain. Besides, existed salinity level of 4-12 ppt during experimental period might be the another key factor for low survivability and weight gain.


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The freshwater giant prawn (golda), Macrobrachium rosenbergii and tiger shrimp (bagda), Penaeus monodon were stocked together with or without fin fishes at different stocking rates in semi-saline waters at Khulna region and their growth, survival, yield and costreturn analysis were made. Survival rate of golda and bagda ranged from 23.0 to 36.8% and 8.2 to 24%, respectively. The both species were significantly affected by their own stocking density. The average final weight of golda and bagda ranged from 62.4 to 73.3 g and 32.0 to 66.4 g. The bivariate analysis of average final weight of both golda and bagda revealed that golda positively and bagda negatively influenced by the total stocking density. However, the results of the individual sizes of both golda and bagda showed an increase in the proportions of smaller animals and a decrease in the proportion of larger ones with increasing stocking rates. The harvesting weights of all animals in the experimental ghers were in marketable sizes although their prices varied with the individual size. The total production comprised of both golda and bagda ranged from 514.6 to 952.8 kg ha·1, over a culture period of 10 months. Return on investment ranged from 51.0 to 125.7%.


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A simple costs and return analysis was done to determine the profitability of pond fish culture in three selected thanas namely Nertakona Sadar, Purbadhala and Kendua under Netrakona district. Cobb-douglas production function model was used to estimate the contribution of key variables to the production process of pond fish culture. It was found that cost of pond fish production was Tk. 10,103/ha/yr and the per hectare fish yield was 943 kgl/yr and the average gross and net return were Tk. 49,515 and Tk. 39,412 respectively. It was found that medium and small farms had the higher yield because of efficient use of production inputs compared to large farms. It was also observed that ownership of pond, number of species and human labour had negative impact on pond fish output, while depth of pond water, farm size, fish seed, fertilizer and artificial feed had significant positive effects on pond fish output.


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An experiment was conducted in the laboratory condition to determine the effect of organic (poultry drop, cow dung and mustard oil cake) and inorganic fertilizer (urea) on production, reproduction rate and maturation time of Moina species. Production rate was also determined in both aerated and non-aerated system in plastic containers with carrying capacity of 2.5-liter each. Total production was significantly higher in both aerated (2475 individuals/2.5 l water) and non-aerated (3253 individuals/2.5 l water) containers using poultry manure compared to other fertilizers. Moreover, the reproduction rate and maturation time in poultry drops showed distinct efficacy in Moina species. Reproduction rate of 11 individuals was the maximal while lowest maturation time was found 78 hours. Reproduction and maturation were induced surprisingly in test tube where the aeration system was absent.


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PLEASE ALSO CHECK THE FULL TEXT ABSTRACT. Semi-intensive grow-out trials on monoculture of gulsha (Mysrus cavasius) were conducted to assess the production potentials for the period of six months from March through August 2002. Three stocking densities such as 40,000 (T-1), 50,000 (T-2) and 60,000/ha (T-3) were tested in three replications. The production of gulsha was 1,~·74±52, 1,535±71 and 1,370±60 in treatment-I, 2 and 3, respectively and they were significantly different (p


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Effect of water depth on recovery rate, growth performance and fish yield of GIFT in the rice-fish production systems was studies in experimental plots of 123 m2 with a pond refuge of I meter deep which covered 10% of the total land area. Mortality rate of fish was very low ranging from 0.81-1.63%. However, at harvest, recovery rate ranged from 76.69-82.93% with the highest recovery at 11-15 em of water depth. Significantly the highest absolute growth (99.97) and specific growth rate (2.42%) were found at 21-25 cm water depth. The same treatment also produced significantly higher fish yield (909.76 kg/ha) although statistically similar to the fish yield (862.60 kg/ha) obtained at ll-15 em of water depth. Results also suggested that higher water depth can produce bigger fish but no significant effects of water depth was found on fish yield in the treatments 11-15 cm and 21-25 cm water depths of this experiment.


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Influence of stocking density on the production of freshwater catfish Pangasius pangasius with formulated feed in ponds was studied. The fish fry were collected from the Meghna river near Chandpur which is a natural breeding ground of this fish. Three stocking densities chosen during this experiment were 5000, 8000 and 11000 fry/ha with an initial weight of 42.57 ±2.51 g. The formulated feed was prepared in the laboratory which contained 45% fish meal, 30% mustard oil cake, 15% wheat bran and 10% rice bran to supply 40.48% protein in feed. The growth of P. pangasius in terms of net weight gain was 409.49, 266.49 and 236.37 g at the 5000/ha, 8000/ha and 11000/ha stocking densities respectively, which was statistically significant (p<0.05). High food conversion ratio (FCR) was also observed during this research study which ranged between 7.06 to 7.72. A production of 2.6 tons/ha at the stocking density of 11000/ha; 2.13 tons/ha at the stocking density of 8000/ha and 2.04 tons/ha at the stocking density of 5000/ha was obtained, while the growth of individual fish at the end of experiment was in opposite order. The result of this experiment indicates that stocking density has significant influence on the culture potential of freshwater catfish P.pangasius.


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This study compared success of in-vitro maturation of rhesus monkey oocytes in protein-free versus serum-containing culture systems, assessed by embryo development subsequent to IVF. Four media were tested: (i) modified Connaught Medical Research Laborato


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An experiment was conducted to assess the performance of mola (Amblyphmyngodon mola) in rice fish culture system with freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii), Thai silver barb (Bm·bades ganianotus) and common carp (Cyprinus cmpia) for a period of 4 months at the Agronomy Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Four treatments viz., treatment-I (T1) with A. mala and M. rosenbergii; treatmen t-II (T2) with A. mala, M. rosenbergii and B. gonianatus ; treatmentIII (T3) with A. mala, 1Vf. rosenbergii and C. cmpia, and treatment- IV (T4) as control (without fish) were used in triplicate. All treatments were equally fertilized with urea (200 kg/ha), TSP (150 kg/ha) and MP (75 kg/ha). The mean values of water quality parameters viz., temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, nitrate-nitrogen showed a very small variations among different treatments, but phosphate-phosphorus and chlorophyll-a were relatively higher in T4 without fish (i.e., control). The fish production of 480.5 kg/ha in T3 was significantly higher than that of 355.6 kg/ha T2 and 223.8 kg/ha in T 1• The values of soil organic matter, total-nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium at harvest were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish than without fish, but pH did not show any significant differences. The yield of rice grain and straw was also obtained significantly (P<0.05) higher in the treatments with fish. The increase in grain was higher over the control by 11.81%, 9.41% and 14.76% and that in straw was by 9.83%, 4.77% and 13.29% in Tl> T2, and T3 respectively.


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A rice-fish culture experiment with four treatments viz., T 1 with Amblyphmyngadan mala alone, T 2 with A. mala and Barbodes gonionotus, T3 with A. mala and Cyprinis carpio and T4 as control (without fish) was carried out in the rice fields during April through August1999. The recovery rate of A. mala were 42%, 37% and 42% in treatments 1, 2 and 3 respectively and the same recorded for B. gonionotus and C. cmpio were 62% and 55% respectively. Among the three species of fish, B. gonionotus showed much higher recovery rate than both of A. mala and C. carpio. The production of A. nwla was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months in monoculture, and 7.92 kglha/3 months and 8.86 kglha/3 months in combination with B. gonionotus and C. carpio, respectively. The production of B. gonionotus in T2 was 169.29 kg/ha/3 months and C. cmpio in T 3 was 252.92 kg/ha/3 months. The total fish production was 12.50 kg/ha/3 months, 175.21 kg/ha/3 months and 261.88 kg/ha/3 months in Tp T2 and T3, respectively. The highest yields of rice grain (5.78 ton/ha) and straw (7.83 ton/ha) were recorded in T3 and the lowest of the same was in T4 (grain 4.96 ton/ha and straw 6.62 ton/ha). Rice yield increased by about 12.10% in T1, 13.30% in T2 and 16.33% in T3 in context to T4, rice-alone culture. The results demonstrated that the culture of fish in rice fields had profound beneficial impact on the production of rice grain and straw.


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To assess the production potentials of small indigenous fish species (SIS) in semi-intensive monoculture system, an experiment was carried out with Amblypharyngadan mala, Chela cachius and Puntius sophore. Three treatments each with three replications were tested with mola, chela and punti individually and the stocking density of each species was 100,000/ha. Organic fertilizer was applied to the ponds at the rate of 1,000 kg/ha at fortnightly and rice bran was supplemented daily at 3% of the total fish biomass. Partial harvesting was made after three months of stocking. Gross production of 805±52.94, 1,120±41.62 and 509±48.81 kg/ha, respectively for mola, chela and punti over a period of six months were obtained. The yield of punti was found to vary significantly (P < 0.05) from that of mola and chela.