843 resultados para crucian carp (Carassius auratus)


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Analisou–se o crescimento dos peixes, a composição das espécies e a produtividade de quatro policultivos (P75, P78, P87 e P207), visando melhorar o manejo e a produtividade pesqueira dos pequenos açudes (0,1–5,0ha) do Semi–Árido brasileiro. Simulou–se as condições desses açudes em viveiros com 120 e 5.000 m2 de área, sem renovação de água, utilizando moderada quantidade de adubo e fertilizante. A biomassa inicial variou de 75 a 207kg há–1, sendo formada por: tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), curimatã pacu (Prochilodus argenteus), carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e tucunaré (Cichla ocellaris). Os peixes apresentaram baixo crescimento (< 0,01g g–1d–1) após 75 dias de criação (P78 e 87). O crescimento do tambaqui, da tilápia e da curimatã foi reduzido após 53 dias (P75). Em moderada biomassa, o crescimento do tambaqui foi inferior ao da carpa e da curimatã (P207). A produtividade da tilápia atingiu 720 kg ha–1ano–1 (P78), sendo reduzida para 220 kg ha–1ano–1 devido ao processo reprodutivo (P75 e P207). A produtividade da carpa de 1.600 kg ha–1ano–1 foi superior a dos outros peixes (P87). A biomassa inicial de 75 kg ha–1 (60:30:4:3:3% de tilápia, tambaqui, carpa, curimatã e tucunaré, respectivamente) otimizou o crescimento e a produtividade dos peixes. A utilização de tilápias monossexadas e o fornecimento da alimentação suplementar ao tambaqui tornam–se imprescindíveis ao policultivo.


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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The focus of this study was to evaluate the effect of lysine on the productive (weight and length gain, apparent feed conversion, specific growth rate and condition factor) and reproductive performance of Rhamdia voulezi males confined in net cages during the first reproductive cycle. The following parameters were assessed: seminal parameters (motility rate and duration, survival, sperm concentration, morphology, pH and osmolarity), hormonal parameters (cortisol and testosterone), testicular tissue (histomorphology), organosomatic indices (gonadosomatic, hepatosomatic and viscerosomatic indices) and composition of essential amino acids, crude protein and moisture of whole carcass. Four hundred fish were used, distributed in a random experimental design with four treatments and four replications in 16 net cages with 25 fish each. The treatments consisted of four different diets prepared so as to contain the following levels of lysine: 1.20, 1.40, 1.60 and 1.80%, with 30% crude protein and 3500 kcal kg(-1) digestible energy for 185 days (Jul./12-Jan./13). Eighteen males were selected per treatment, and they all released semen after slight abdominal pressure. The males were weighed, measured, submitted to hypophysation (2.5 mg kg(-1) carp pituitary extract), and then had their semen and blood collected. The fish were sacrificed by cervical dislocation, dissected, and the testes, liver, fat and guts were removed and weighed. The effects (p < 0.05) for the means of final weight, weight gain, apparent feed conversion and condition factor were observed for the analysis of productive performance. With regard to the reproductive parameters, only the seminal volume was affected (p < 0.05). Thus, the levels of testosterone showed quadratic effect (p < 0.05). The anatomy and the histomorphology of the testes were similar between the treatments during the spermiation period. With regard to the organosomatic indices, there was no influence (p > 0.05) between the treatments. The amino acids in the carcass were not affected (p > 0.05). The increment of lysine in the diet provided linear increase for weight gain and seminal volume and linear decrease for feed conversion in R. voulezi broodstocks confined in net cages. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBB


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to characterize biopsied and stripped oocytes from the Brazilian endangered teleost pirapitinga (Brycon nattereri) using histochemical and morphological analyses. Biopsied oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.225 mm (modal diameter: 2.312 mm), complete vitellogenesis and a central or slightly eccentric nucleus. Neutral polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells, zona radiata and yolk globules, while acidic polysaccharides were detected in the follicular cells and cortical alveoli. Ten out of the 19 females treated with two doses of carp pituitary extract (cPE) released oocytes, which were also analysed. Stripping occurred 292 +/- 39 degree-hours after the second dose of cPE and led to a mean spawning weight of 36.2 g, 10% spawning index, 241 oocytes/g of ova, 8222 oocytes/female and 23 oocytes/g of body weight. Stripped oocytes had a mean diameter of 2.33 mm and a mode at 2.375 mm, were weakly adhesive and coloration ranged from wine to brown. Under scanning electron microscopy, stripped oocytes exhibited a single funnel-shaped micropyle located at the animal pole and a zona radiata that measured 7.7 m in thickness with eight pore canals/m(2). Oocyte morphology in Brycon nattereri is similar to that found in other species of the genus, except for the larger size and weaker adhesiveness. These findings provide essential information for a better understanding of the reproductive biology of B. nattereri and the establishment of conservation measures for this threatened species.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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We verified the relevance of measuring fecal glucocorticoid metabolites (FGM) to assess the stress response of the Syrian hamster. Male and female hamsters (n = 10 each) were submitted to an adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) challenge test, whereas animals in the control group received 0.5 mL of sterile isotonic saline solution. All feces voided by each animal were collected at 4 h intervals from 24 h before (baseline) until 48 h after injections. FGM were quantified using an 11-oxoetiocholanolone enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Basal concentrations of FGM were almost four times higher in males than in females. Following ACTH administration, FGM levels started rising from 8 h onwards, reaching peak concentrations 20 or 28 h post injection in males and females, respectively. Despite the much higher absolute concentrations present in males, the relative increase (500%) in response to the ACTH stimulation was similar in both sexes. Sex differences in FGM levels are in accordance with results reported by others regarding the hamster adrenal physiology. The comparison of the adrenocortical response of males and females to an ACTH challenge provided new information about the amplitude and the timing of such a response and the excretion of glucocorticoids in both sexes. We demonstrated for the first time in the Syrian hamster that adrenocortical activity can be monitored in fecal samples in a noninvasive way. Our study provides a humane, practical, and noninvasive alternative to blood removal and therefore a powerful tool for stress-related studies in a species frequently used as an animal model in medical research.


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Nulliparous female Syrian hamsters were used to investigate the effect of two different breeding systems on the fertility of the female Syrian hamster. We hypothesized that females submitted to a harem system (HS) would deliver smaller and more female-biased litters than in a monogamic system. Ten female and 10 adult male hamsters housed individually (G1) were kept in a monogamic temporary breeding system, while 10 females and five males (G2) were submitted to HS with two females and a male permanently housed together since female weaning. Females from G1 and G2 delivered, respectively, 47 and 50 litters, and produced 364 (G1) and 383 (G2) weaned pups without any difference in litter size, mean weight of weaned pups and body condition of dams. Interparturition intervals were shorter and the percentage of male pups per litter was higher in the HS possibly as a result of different endocrine conditions provided by different breeding systems. Besides providing evidence that housing conditions can influence the sex of hamster offspring, our findings suggest a mechanism for the non-random distribution of male and female pups in hamster litters.