945 resultados para connecticut beaches
Heavy or high-specific gravity minerals make up a small but diagnostic component of sediment that is well suited for determining the provenance and distribution of sediment transported through estuarine and coastal systems worldwide. By this means, we see that surficial sand-sized sediment in the San Francisco Bay Coastal System comes primarily from the Sierra Nevada and associated terranes by way of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and is transported with little dilution through the San Francisco Bay and out the Golden Gate. Heavy minerals document a slight change from the strictly Sierran-Sacramento mineralogy at the confluence of the two rivers to a composition that includes minor amounts of chert and other Franciscan Complex components west of Carquinez Strait. Between Carquinez Strait and the San Francisco Bar, Sierran sediment is intermingled with Franciscan-modified Sierran sediment. The latter continues out the Gate and turns southward towards beaches of the San Francisco Peninsula. The Sierran sediment also fans out from the San Francisco Bar to merge with a Sierran province on the shelf in the Gulf of the Farallones. Beach-sand sized sediment from the Russian River is transported southward to Point Reyes where it spreads out to define a Franciscan sediment province on the shelf, but does not continue southward to contribute to the sediment in the Golden Gate area.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
An analysis of a stretch of coastline shows multiple alterations through environmental climate actions. The narrow, fragile line displays singularities due to three basic causes. The first is the discontinuity in feed or localised loss of solid coastal material. Called massics, their simplest examples are deltas and undersea canyons. The second is due to a brusque change in the alignment of the shoreline’s edge, headlands, groins, harbour and defence works. Given the name of geometric singularities, their simplest uses are artificial beaches in the shelter of a straight groin or spits. The third is due to littoral dynamics, emerged or submerged obstacles which diffract and refract wave action, causing a change in the sea level’s super-elevation in breaker areas. Called dynamics, the simplest examples are salients, tombolos and shells. Discussion of the causes giving rise to variations in the coastline and formation of singularities is the raison d’être of investigation, using actual cases to check the suitability of the classification proposed, the tangential or differential action of waves on the coastal landscape in addition to possible simple, compound and complex shapes detected in nature, both in erosion and deposit processes
The research work as presented in this article covers the design of detached breakwaters since they constitute a type of coastal defence work with which to combat many of the erosion problems found on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. The main aim of this work is to formulate a functional and environmental (but not structural) design method, enabling the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater to be defined as a function of the effect it is wished to induce on the coast, and taking into account variables of a different nature (climate, geomorphology and geometry) influencing the changes the shoreline undergoes after its construction. With this article, it is intended to submit the final result of the investigation undertaken, applying the detached breakwater design method as developed to solving a practical case. Thus it may be shown how the method enables a detached breakwater’s geometric pre-sizing to be tackled at a place on the coast with certain climate, geomorphology and littoral dynamic characteristics, first setting the final state of equilibrium it is wanted to obtain therein after its construction.
In this article we research the design of detached breakwaters, a type of coastal defence work designed to combat erosion on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. Our aim is to formulate a functional and environmental (nonstructural) method of design that defines the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater as a function of the desired effect on the coast whilst meeting social demands and preserving or improving the quality of the littoral environment. We aim to make this method generally applicable by considering relations between variables of different natures (climatic, geomorphologic, and geometric) influencing the changes experienced on the coast after the detached breakwater has been built. We carried out the study of the relations between the different variables on the data from 19 actual, existing detached breakwaters on the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, and we followed a methodology based on the implementation of nondimensional monomials and on a search for relations of dependency between them. Finally, we discussed the results obtained and came up with a proposal for a design method that uses some of the graphic relations found between the variables studied and that achieves the main objective. For example, a case of a detached breakwater’s geometric presizing is solved as a practical demonstration of how the method is applied. La investigación que se presenta en este artículo aborda el diseño de los diques exentos, por constituir estos un tipo de obras de defensa costera con el que poder luchar de una forma estable y sostenible contra muchos de los problemas de erosión que existen en las playas. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es la formulación de un método de diseño funcional y ambiental (no estructural) que permita definir las características fundamentales de un dique exento en función del efecto que se quiera inducir en la costa, satisfaciendo las demandas sociales y preservando o mejorando la calidad del medio ambiente litoral. Además, se busca la aplicabilidad general del método mediante la consideración de relaciones entre variables de distinta naturaleza (climáticas, geomorfológicas y geométricas) que tienen influencia en los cambios que se experimentan en la costa tras la construcción del dique exento. El estudio de las relaciones entre las distintas variables se realiza sobre los datos de una base de diecinueve diques exentos reales, existentes en el litoral mediterráneo español, y sigue una metodología basada en el planteamiento de monomios adimensionales y en la búsqueda de relaciones de dependencia entre ellos. Finalmente, la discusión de los resultados obtenidos conduce a la propuesta de un método de diseño que utiliza algunas de las relaciones graficas encontradas entre las variables estudiadas y con el que se consigue el objetivo principal anteriormente expuesto. Para demostrar la aplicación práctica del método se resuelve un caso de predimensionamiento geométrico de un dique exento a modo de ejemplo.
The extreme runup is a key parameter for a shore risk analysis in which the accurate and quantitative estimation of the upper limit reached by waves is essential. Runup can be better approximated by splitting the setup and swash semi-amplitude contributions. In an experimental study recording setup becomes difficult due to infragravity motions within the surf zone, hence, it would be desirable to measure the setup with available methodologies and devices. In this research, an analysis is made of evaluated the convenience of direct estimation setup as the medium level in the swash zone for experimental runup analysis through a physical model. A physical mobile bed model was setup in a wave flume at the Laboratory for Maritime Experimentation of CEDEX. The wave flume is 36 metres long, 6.5 metres wide and 1.3 metres high. The physical model was designed to cover a reasonable range of parameters, three different slopes (1/50, 1/30 and 1/20), two sand grain sizes (D50 = 0.12 mm and 0.70 mm) and a range for the Iribarren number in deep water (ξ0) from 0.1 to 0.6. Best formulations were chosen for estimating a theoretical setup in the physical model application. Once theoretical setup had been obtained, a comparison was made with an estimation of the setup directly as a medium level of the oscillation in swash usually considered in extreme runup analyses. A good correlation was noted between both theoretical and time-averaging setup and a relation is proposed. Extreme runup is analysed through the sum of setup and semi-amplitude of swash. An equation is proposed that could be applied in strong foreshore slope-dependent reflective beaches.
Space applications of electrodynamic tethers, and basic issues and constraints on their operation are reviewed. The status of the bare-tether solution to the problem of effective electron collection from a rarefied magnetized plasma is revisited. Basic modes of tether operation are analyzed; design parameters and parametric domains where a bare electrodynamic tether is most efficient in deorbiting, rebooking, or power generation, are determined. Use of bare tethers for Radiation Belt Remediation and generation of electron beams for ionospheric research is considered. Teiher heating, arcing, and bowing or breaking, as well deployment strategies are discussed.
El remonte extremo o remonte del 2% es un parámetro clave en la ingeniería costera dado que permite acometer actuaciones en las playas bajo criterios de sostenibilidad económico y socioambiental. Estas actuaciones van desde el diseño de estructuras en el trasdós de la playa a planes de actuación urbanística en la costa tal que se determine adecuadamente los límites de dominio público. El adecuado diseño de estas actuaciones adquiere más relevancia hoy en día debido a las nuevas amenazas que se ponen de relieve debido al cambio climático, y que en el caso concreto de la costa se materializa en inundaciones que provocan pérdidas económicas. Estudios precedentes han realizado ensayos in situ o en modelo físico para la determinación del remonte extremo en playas. Al comparar estas formulaciones la dispersión es alta lo que implica que la precisión en la obtención del remonte no sea suficiente. Esta dispersión se justifica debido al amplio espectro de playas existentes y la alta variabilidad del clima marítimo. Este problema cobra más relevancia debido a las actuaciones preventivas o correctivas a acometer frente al cambio climático bajo un criterio de sostenibilidad. Con el fin de realizar actuaciones sostenibles bajo el contexto actual del probable aumento de inundaciones costeras por cambio climático no deben obtenerse ni magnitudes sobredimensionadas con el consecuente consumo de recursos y afección a las actividades económicas, ni magnitudes subestimadas que pongan en riesgo la estabilidad y/o la funcionalidad de las actuaciones para un periodo de diseño. El principal objetivo de esta tesis es proponer una formulación de aplicación en la obtención del remonte extremo tal que se cumplan los criterios de seguridad para el servicio y funcionalidad de la obra y los criterios de sostenibilidad económico y socio-ambiental que se requieren hoy en día. Es decir, una fórmula que no sobredimensione el cálculo de este valor pero que pueda cubrir la casuística que acontece en las distintas tipologías de playas. Complementariamente a este objetivo se ejemplifica la aplicación de estas formulaciones en casos reales tal que se reduzca la incertidumbre y ambigüedad en la obtención de las variables independientes de las formulaciones. Para la consecución de estos objetivos se realiza un estado del arte en el que se estudia tanto los estudios estadísticos en la obtención de este parámetro como los modelos numéricos propuestos para ello, tal que se deduzca la mejor línea de investigación en la consecución del fin de esta tesis. Tras este estudio del arte se concluye que la mejor línea de investigación sigue la vía estadística y se diseña un modelo físico con fondo de arena en contraste con modelos físicos con fondo impermeable fijo. Los resultados de dicho modelo se han comparado con las formulaciones precedentes y se proponen las fórmulas de aplicación más convenientes para la obtención del remonte extremo. Complementariamente a la propuesta de formulaciones se desarrolla una metodología de aplicación de dichas formulaciones a casos de la costa española que ejemplifican convenientemente su uso para una adecuada predicción de este valor en las playas. The extreme runup is a key parameter in coastal management. This parameter allows to develop sustainability actions at the coast that meet economical and environmental criteria. At the coast the actions can be either design of structures at the shore or actions plans delimiting reclamation areas. The climate change has given more relevance to accomplish an appropriate design for the coastal management actions. At the coast the threaten are mainly focused on more frequent floods that cause economic losses. Previous studies have carried out field or physical model experiments to accomplish an equation for the extreme runup prediction. Although dispersion remains high when comparing the different proposals so the accuracy in the prediction might be risky. This scattering comes from the wide sort of beaches and the high variability of the maritime climate. The new actions that are needed to develop to counteract the effects of the climate change need a more efficient criteria. Hence formulations should not overestimate or underestimate the values of the extreme runup. The overestimation implies to consume resources that are not needed and the underestimation means in a structure risk to support safely the loads. The main goal of this thesis is to propose a formulation for the extreme runup prediction so the safety of the structure can be accomplished but at the same time the sustainability of the action is ensured under economical and environmental criteria that are demanded nowadays. So the formulation does not overestimate the extreme value but cover with enough confidence the different sort of beaches. The application of the formulation is also explained in order to reduce uncertainty when the input values are obtained. In order to accomplish the goal of this research firstly a literature review is done. Statistical and numerical models are studied. The statistical model is selected as the most convenient research guideline. In order to obtain runup results a physical model with sand bed is carried out. The bed differs from those that used impermeable slope in previous experiments. Once the results are obtained they are compared with the previous equations and a final formulation is proposed. Finally a methodology to apply the deduced formulation to the Spanish beaches is addressed.
Las playas sustentadas por medio de un pie sumergido son una atractiva alternativa de diseño de regeneración de playas especialmente cuando las condiciones física del emplazamiento o las características de la arena nativa y de préstamo producen perfiles de alimentación que no se intersectan. La observación y propuesta de este tipo de solución data de los años 1960’s, así como la experiencia internacional en la construcción de este tipo de playas. Sin embargo, a pesar de su utilización y los estudios en campo y laboratorio, no se dispone de criterios ingenieriles que apoyen el diseño de las mismas. Esta tesis consiste en un análisis experimental del perfil de playas sustentadas en un pie sumergido (o colgadas) que se concreta en una propuesta de directrices de diseño general que permiten estimar la ubicación y características geométricas del pie sumergido frente a un oleaje y material que constituye la playa determinados. En la tesis se describe el experimento bidimensional realizado en el modelo físico de fondo móvil, donde se combinan cinco tipos de oleaje con tres configuraciones del pie sumergido (“Sin estructura”, configuración baja o “Estructura 1” y configuración alta o “Estructura 2”), se presentan los resultados obtenidos y se realiza una discusión detallada de las implicaciones de los resultados desde el punto de vista hidrodinámico utilizando monomios adimensionales. Se ha realizado un análisis detallado del estado del arte sobre playas colgadas, presentando el concepto y las experiencias de realizaciones en distintos países. Se ha realizado una cuidadosa revisión de la literatura publicada sobre estudios experimentales de playas colgadas, modelos teóricos y otras cuestiones auxiliares, necesarias para la formulación de la metodología de la tesis. El estudio realizado se ha estructurado en dos fases. En la primera fase se ha realizado una experimentación en un modelo físico de fondo móvil construido en las instalaciones del Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC) del Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX), consistente en un canal de 36 m de longitud, 3 m de anchura y 1.5 m de altura, provisto de un generador de oleaje de tipo pistón. Se ha diseñado una campaña de 15 ensayos, que se obtienen sometiendo a cinco tipos de oleaje tres configuraciones distintas de playa colgada. En los ensayos se ha medido el perfil de playa en distintos instantes hasta llegar al equilibrio, determinando a partir de esos datos el retroceso de la línea de costa y el volumen de sedimentos perdido. El tiempo total efectivo de ensayo asciende a casi 650 horas, y el número de perfiles de evolución de playa obtenidos totaliza 229. En la segunda fase se ha abordado el análisis de los resultados obtenidos con la finalidad de comprender el fenómeno, identificar las variables de las que depende y proponer unas directrices ingenieriles de diseño. Se ha estudiado el efecto de la altura de ola, del periodo del oleaje, del francobordo adimensional y del parámetro de Dean, constatándose la dificultad de comprensión del funcionamiento de estas obras ya que pueden ser beneficiosas, perjudiciales o inocuas según los casos. También se ha estudiado la respuesta del perfil de playa en función de otros monomios adimensionales, tales como el número de Reynolds o el de Froude. En el análisis se ha elegido el monomio “plunger” como el más significativo, encontrando relaciones de éste con el peralte de oleaje, la anchura de coronación adimensional, la altura del pie de playa adimensional y el parámetro de Dean. Finalmente, se propone un método de diseño de cuatro pasos que permite realizar un primer encaje del diseño funcional de la playa sustentada frente a un oleaje de características determinadas. Las contribuciones más significativas desde el punto de vista científico son: - La obtención del juego de resultados experimentales. - La caracterización del comportamiento de las playas sustentadas. - Las relaciones propuestas entre el monomio plunger y las distintas variables explicativas seleccionadas, que permiten predecir el comportamiento de la obra. - El método de diseño propuesto, en cuatro pasos, para este tipo de esquemas de defensa de costas. Perched beaches are an attractive beach nourishment design alternative especially when either the site conditions or the characteristics of both the native and the borrow sand lead to a non-intersecting profile The observation and suggestion of the use of this type of coastal defence scheme dates back to the 1960’s, as well as the international experience in the construction of this type of beaches. However, in spite of its use and the field and laboratory studies performed to-date, no design engineering guidance is available to support its design. This dissertation is based on the experimental work performed on a movable bed physical model and the use of dimensionless parameters in analyzing the results to provide general functional design guidance that allow the designer, at a particular stretch of coast - to estimate the location and geometric characteristics of the submerged sill as well as to estimate the suitable sand size to be used in the nourishment. This dissertation consists on an experimental analysis of perched beaches by means of a submerged sill, leading to the proposal of general design guidance that allows to estimate the location and geometric characteristics of the submerged sill when facing a wave condition and for a given beach material. The experimental work performed on a bi-dimensional movable bed physical model, where five types of wave conditions are combined with three configurations of the submerged sill (“No structure”, low structure or “Structure 1”, and high structure or “Structure 2”) is described, results are presented, and a detailed discussion of the results - from the hydrodynamic point of view – of the implications of the results by using dimensionless parameters is carried out. A detailed state of the art analysis about perched beaches has been performed, presenting the “perched beach concept” and the case studies of different countries. Besides, a careful revision of the literature about experimental studies on perched beaches, theoretical models, and other topics deemed necessary to formulate the methodology of this work has been completed. The study has been divided into two phases. Within the first phase, experiments on a movable-bed physical model have been developed. The physical model has been built in the Centro de Estudios de Puertos y Costas (CEPYC) facilities, Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX). The wave flume is 36 m long, 3 m wide and 1.5 m high, and has a piston-type regular wave generator available. The test plan consisted of 15 tests resulting from five wave conditions attacking three different configurations of the perched beach. During the development of the tests, the beach profile has been surveyed at different intervals until equilibrium has been reached according to these measurements. Retreat of the shoreline and relative loss of sediment in volume have been obtained from the measurements. The total effective test time reaches nearly 650 hours, whereas the total number of beach evolution profiles measured amounts to 229. On the second phase, attention is focused on the analysis of results with the aim of understanding the phenomenon, identifying the governing variables and proposing engineering design guidelines. The effect of the wave height, the wave period, the dimensionless freeboard and of the Dean parameter have been analyzed. It has been pointed out the difficulty in understanding the way perched beaches work since they turned out to be beneficial, neutral or harmful according to wave conditions and structure configuration. Besides, the beach profile response as a function of other dimensionless parameters, such as Reynolds number or Froude number, has been studied. In this analysis, the “plunger” parameter has been selected as the most representative, and relationships between the plunger parameter and the wave steepness, the dimensionless crest width, the dimensionless crest height, and the Dean parameter have been identified. Finally, an engineering 4-step design method has been proposed, that allows for the preliminary functional design of the perched beach for a given wave condition. The most relevant contributions from the scientific point of view have been: - The acquisition of a consistent set of experimental results. - The characterization of the behavior of perched beaches. - The proposed relationships between the plunger parameter and the different explanatory variables selected, that allow for the prediction of the beach behavior. - The proposed design method, four-step method, for this type of coastal defense schemes.
no. 01-18
Recent studies of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation among marine turtle populations are consistent with the hypothesis that females return to beaches in their natal region to nest as adults. In contrast, less is known about breeding migrations of male marine turtles and whether they too are philopatric to natal regions. Studies of geographic structuring of restriction fragment and microsatellite polymorphisms at anonymous nuclear loci in green turtle (Chelonia mydas) populations indicate that nuclear gene flow is higher than estimates from mtDNA analyses. Regional populations from the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef were distinct for mtDNA but indistinguishable at nuclear loci, whereas the Gulf of Carpentaria (northern Australia) population was distinct for both types of marker. To assess whether this result was due to reduced philopatry of males across the Great Barrier Reef, we determined the mtDNA haplotypes of breeding males at courtship areas for comparison with breeding females from the same three locations. We used a PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism approach to determine control region haplotypes and designed mismatch primers for the identification of specific haplotypes. The mtDNA haplotype frequencies were not significantly different between males and females at any of the three areas and estimates of Fst among the regions were similar for males and females (Fst = 0.78 and 0.73, respectively). We conclude that breeding males, like females, are philopatric to courtship areas within their natal region. Nuclear gene flow between populations is most likely occurring through matings during migrations of both males and females through nonnatal courtship areas.
Predators of herbivorous animals can affect plant populations by altering herbivore density, behavior, or both. To test whether the indirect effect of predators on plants arises from density or behavioral responses in a herbivore population, we experimentally examined the dynamics of terrestrial food chains comprised of old field plants, leaf-chewing grasshoppers, and spider predators in Northeast Connecticut. To separate the effects of predators on herbivore density from the effects on herbivore behavior, we created two classes of spiders: (i) risk spiders that had their feeding mouth parts glued to render them incapable of killing prey and (ii) predator spiders that remained unmanipulated. We found that the effect of predators on plants resulted from predator-induced changes in herbivore behavior (shifts in activity time and diet selection) rather than from predator-induced changes in grasshopper density. Neither predator nor risk spiders had a significant effect on grasshopper density relative to a control. This demonstrates that the behavioral response of prey to predators can have a strong impact on the dynamics of terrestrial food chains. The results make a compelling case to examine behavioral as well as density effects in theoretical and empirical research on food chain dynamics.