977 resultados para coherent detection


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Present study performs the spatial and temporal trend analysis of annual, monthly and seasonal maximum and minimum temperatures (t(max), t(min)) in India. Recent trends in annual, monthly, winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon and post-monsoon extreme temperatures (t(max), t(min)) have been analyzed for three time slots viz. 1901-2003,1948-2003 and 1970-2003. For this purpose, time series of extreme temperatures of India as a whole and seven homogeneous regions, viz. Western Himalaya (WH), Northwest (NW), Northeast (NE), North Central (NC), East coast (EC), West coast (WC) and Interior Peninsula (IP) are considered. Rigorous trend detection analysis has been exercised using variety of non-parametric methods which consider the effect of serial correlation during analysis. During the last three decades minimum temperature trend is present in All India as well as in all temperature homogeneous regions of India either at annual or at any seasonal level (winter, pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon). Results agree with the earlier observation that the trend in minimum temperature is significant in the last three decades over India (Kothawale et al., 2010). Sequential MK test reveals that most of the trend both in maximum and minimum temperature began after 1970 either in annual or seasonal levels. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The H-1 NMR spectroscopic discrimination of enantiomers in the solution state and the measurement of enantiomeric composition is most often hindered due to either very small chemical shift differences between the discriminated peaks or severe overlap of transitions from other chemically non-equivalent protons. In addition the use of chiral auxiliaries such as, crown ether and chiral lanthanide shift reagent may often cause enormous line broadening or give little degree of discrimination beyond the crown ether substrate ratio, hampering the discrimination. In circumventing such problems we are proposing the utilization of the difference in the additive values of all the chemical shifts of a scalar coupled spin system. The excitation and detection of appropriate highest quantum coherence yields the measurable difference in the frequencies between two transitions, one pertaining to each enantiomer in the maximum quantum dimension permitting their discrimination and the F-2 cross section at each of these frequencies yields an enantiopure spectrum. The advantage of the utility of the proposed method is demonstrated on several chiral compounds where the conventional one dimensional H-1 NMR spectra fail to differentiate the enantiomers.


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Border basis detection (BBD) is described as follows: given a set of generators of an ideal, decide whether that set of generators is a border basis of the ideal with respect to some order ideal. The motivation for this problem comes from a similar problem related to Grobner bases termed as Grobner basis detection (GBD) which was proposed by Gritzmann and Sturmfels (1993). GBD was shown to be NP-hard by Sturmfels and Wiegelmann (1996). In this paper, we investigate the computational complexity of BBD and show that it is NP-complete.


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Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) intercept the traffic at an organization's network periphery to thwart intrusion attempts. Signature-based NIDS compares the intercepted packets against its database of known vulnerabilities and malware signatures to detect such cyber attacks. These signatures are represented using Regular Expressions (REs) and strings. Regular Expressions, because of their higher expressive power, are preferred over simple strings to write these signatures. We present Cascaded Automata Architecture to perform memory efficient Regular Expression pattern matching using existing string matching solutions. The proposed architecture performs two stage Regular Expression pattern matching. We replace the substring and character class components of the Regular Expression with new symbols. We address the challenges involved in this approach. We augment the Word-based Automata, obtained from the re-written Regular Expressions, with counter-based states and length bound transitions to perform Regular Expression pattern matching. We evaluated our architecture on Regular Expressions taken from Snort rulesets. We were able to reduce the number of automata states between 50% to 85%. Additionally, we could reduce the number of transitions by a factor of 3 leading to further reduction in the memory requirements.


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This paper presents the chemical synthesis of 3-Aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) modified graphene oxide (GO) and its application to the electrochemical detection of glycated hemoglobin (GHb). The compound (GO-APBA) was synthesized by forming an amide linkage between the amino group (-NH2) of APBA and the carboxylic group (-COOH) of GO. The compound was characterized using IR spectroscopy. Detection of GHb was carried out using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic (EIS) measurements with GO-APBA modified glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode.


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In this paper, we are interested in high spectral efficiency multicode CDMA systems with large number of users employing single/multiple transmit antennas and higher-order modulation. In particular, we consider a local neighborhood search based multiuser detection algorithm which offers very good performance and complexity, suited for systems with large number of users employing M-QAM/M-PSK. We apply the algorithm on the chip matched filter output vector. We demonstrate near-single user (SU) performance of the algorithm in CDMA systems with large number of users using 4-QAM/16-QAM/64-QAM/8-PSK on AWGN, frequency-flat, and frequency-selective fading channels. We further show that the algorithm performs very well in multicode multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) CDMA systems as well, outperforming other linear detectors and interference cancelers reported in the literature for such systems. The per-symbol complexity of the search algorithm is O(K2n2tn2cM), K: number of users, nt: number of transmit antennas at each user, nc: number of spreading codes multiplexed on each transmit antenna, M: modulation alphabet size, making the algorithm attractive for multiuser detection in large-dimension multicode MIMO-CDMA systems with M-QAM.


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Compressive Sensing (CS) is a new sensing paradigm which permits sampling of a signal at its intrinsic information rate which could be much lower than Nyquist rate, while guaranteeing good quality reconstruction for signals sparse in a linear transform domain. We explore the application of CS formulation to music signals. Since music signals comprise of both tonal and transient nature, we examine several transforms such as discrete cosine transform (DCT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT), Fourier basis and also non-orthogonal warped transforms to explore the effectiveness of CS theory and the reconstruction algorithms. We show that for a given sparsity level, DCT, overcomplete, and warped Fourier dictionaries result in better reconstruction, and warped Fourier dictionary gives perceptually better reconstruction. “MUSHRA” test results show that a moderate quality reconstruction is possible with about half the Nyquist sampling.


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Low-complexity near-optimal detection of signals in MIMO systems with large number (tens) of antennas is getting increased attention. In this paper, first, we propose a variant of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm which i) alleviates the stalling problem encountered in conventional MCMC algorithm at high SNRs, and ii) achieves near-optimal performance for large number of antennas (e.g., 16×16, 32×32, 64×64 MIMO) with 4-QAM. We call this proposed algorithm as randomized MCMC (R-MCMC) algorithm. Second, we propose an other algorithm based on a random selection approach to choose candidate vectors to be tested in a local neighborhood search. This algorithm, which we call as randomized search (RS) algorithm, also achieves near-optimal performance for large number of antennas with 4-QAM. The complexities of the proposed R-MCMC and RS algorithms are quadratic/sub-quadratic in number of transmit antennas, which are attractive for detection in large-MIMO systems. We also propose message passing aided R-MCMC and RS algorithms, which are shown to perform well for higher-order QAM.


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This paper proposes an algorithm for joint data detection and tracking of the dominant singular mode of a time varying channel at the transmitter and receiver of a time division duplex multiple input multiple output beamforming system. The method proposed is a modified expectation maximization algorithm which utilizes an initial estimate to track the dominant modes of the channel at the transmitter and the receiver blindly; and simultaneously detects the un known data. Furthermore, the estimates are constrained to be within a confidence interval of the previous estimate in order to improve the tracking performance and mitigate the effect of error propagation. Monte-Carlo simulation results of the symbol error rate and the mean square inner product between the estimated and the true singular vector are plotted to show the performance benefits offered by the proposed method compared to existing techniques.


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Low-complexity near-optimal detection of large-MIMO signals has attracted recent research. Recently, we proposed a local neighborhood search algorithm, namely reactive tabu search (RTS) algorithm, as well as a factor-graph based belief propagation (BP) algorithm for low-complexity large-MIMO detection. The motivation for the present work arises from the following two observations on the above two algorithms: i) Although RTS achieved close to optimal performance for 4-QAM in large dimensions, significant performance improvement was still possible for higher-order QAM (e.g., 16-, 64-QAM). ii) BP also achieved near-optimal performance for large dimensions, but only for {±1} alphabet. In this paper, we improve the large-MIMO detection performance of higher-order QAM signals by using a hybrid algorithm that employs RTS and BP. In particular, motivated by the observation that when a detection error occurs at the RTS output, the least significant bits (LSB) of the symbols are mostly in error, we propose to first reconstruct and cancel the interference due to bits other than LSBs at the RTS output and feed the interference cancelled received signal to the BP algorithm to improve the reliability of the LSBs. The output of the BP is then fed back to RTS for the next iteration. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the RTS algorithm, and semi-definite relaxation (SDR) and Gaussian tree approximation (GTA) algorithms.


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This paper illustrates the application of a new technique, based on Support Vector Clustering (SVC) for the direct identification of coherent synchronous generators in a large interconnected Multi-Machine Power Systems. The clustering is based on coherency measures, obtained from the time domain responses of the generators following system disturbances. The proposed clustering algorithm could be integrated into a wide-area measurement system that enables fast identification of coherent clusters of generators for the construction of dynamic equivalent models. An application of the proposed method is demonstrated on a practical 15 generators 72-bus system, an equivalent of Indian Southern grid in an attempt to show the effectiveness of this clustering approach. The effects of short circuit fault locations on coherency are also investigated.


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We address the problem of detecting cells in biological images. The problem is important in many automated image analysis applications. We identify the problem as one of clustering and formulate it within the framework of robust estimation using loss functions. We show how suitable loss functions may be chosen based on a priori knowledge of the noise distribution. Specifically, in the context of biological images, since the measurement noise is not Gaussian, quadratic loss functions yield suboptimal results. We show that by incorporating the Huber loss function, cells can be detected robustly and accurately. To initialize the algorithm, we also propose a seed selection approach. Simulation results show that Huber loss exhibits better performance compared with some standard loss functions. We also provide experimental results on confocal images of yeast cells. The proposed technique exhibits good detection performance even when the signal-to-noise ratio is low.


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Signal acquisition under a compressed sensing scheme offers the possibility of acquisition and reconstruction of signals sparse on some basis incoherent with measurement kernel with sub-Nyquist number of measurements. In particular when the sole objective of the acquisition is the detection of the frequency of a signal rather than exact reconstruction, then an undersampling framework like CS is able to perform the task. In this paper we explore the possibility of acquisition and detection of frequency of multiple analog signals, heavily corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise. We improvise upon the MOSAICS architecture proposed by us in our previous work to include a wider class of signals having non-integral frequency components. This makes it possible to perform multiplexed compressed sensing for general frequency sparse signals.


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We propose an iterative algorithm to detect transient segments in audio signals. Short time Fourier transform(STFT) is used to detect rapid local changes in the audio signal. The algorithm has two steps that iteratively - (a) calculate a function of the STFT and (b) build a transient signal. A dynamic thresholding scheme is used to locate the potential positions of transients in the signal. The iterative procedure ensures that genuine transients are built up while the localised spectral noise are suppressed by using an energy criterion. The extracted transient signal is later compared to a ground truth dataset. The algorithm performed well on two databases. On the EBU-SQAM database of monophonic sounds, the algorithm achieved an F-measure of 90% while on our database of polyphonic audio an F-measure of 91% was achieved. This technique is being used as a preprocessing step for a tempo analysis algorithm and a TSR (Transients + Sines + Residue) decomposition scheme.


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Background: Development of sensitive sequence search procedures for the detection of distant relationships between proteins at superfamily/fold level is still a big challenge. The intermediate sequence search approach is the most frequently employed manner of identifying remote homologues effectively. In this study, examination of serine proteases of prolyl oligopeptidase, rhomboid and subtilisin protein families were carried out using plant serine proteases as queries from two genomes including A. thaliana and O. sativa and 13 other families of unrelated folds to identify the distant homologues which could not be obtained using PSI-BLAST. Methodology/Principal Findings: We have proposed to start with multiple queries of classical serine protease members to identify remote homologues in families, using a rigorous approach like Cascade PSI-BLAST. We found that classical sequence based approaches, like PSI-BLAST, showed very low sequence coverage in identifying plant serine proteases. The algorithm was applied on enriched sequence database of homologous domains and we obtained overall average coverage of 88% at family, 77% at superfamily or fold level along with specificity of similar to 100% and Mathew's correlation coefficient of 0.91. Similar approach was also implemented on 13 other protein families representing every structural class in SCOP database. Further investigation with statistical tests, like jackknifing, helped us to better understand the influence of neighbouring protein families. Conclusions/Significance: Our study suggests that employment of multiple queries of a family for the Cascade PSI-BLAST searches is useful for predicting distant relationships effectively even at superfamily level. We have proposed a generalized strategy to cover all the distant members of a particular family using multiple query sequences. Our findings reveal that prior selection of sequences as query and the presence of neighbouring families can be important for covering the search space effectively in minimal computational time. This study also provides an understanding of the `bridging' role of related families.