945 resultados para clinical characteristics
The rate of diagnosis of colonization/infection of the airways with Achromobacter xylosoxidans has increased in cystic fibrosis patients, but its clinical significance is still controversial. This retrospective, case-control study aimed to evaluate the clinical impact of A. xylosoxidans colonization/infection in cystic fibrosis patients. Individuals who were chronically colonized/infected (n=10), intermittently colonized/infected (n=15), and never colonized/infected with A. xylosoxidans (n=18) were retrospectively evaluated during two periods that were 2 years apart. Demographic characteristics, clinical data, lung function, and chronic bacterial co-colonization data were evaluated. Of the total study population, 87% were pediatric patients and 65.1% were female. Individuals chronically colonized/infected with A. xylosoxidans had decreased forced expiratory volume in 1 s (51.7% in the chronic colonization/infection group vs 82.7% in the intermittent colonization/infection group vs 76% in the never colonized/infected group). Compared with the other two groups, the rate of co-colonization with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus was higher in individuals chronically colonized/infected with A. xylosoxidans (P=0.002). Changes in lung function over 2 years in the three groups were not significant, although a trend toward a greater decrease in lung function was observed in the chronically colonized/infected group. Compared with the other two groups, there was a greater number of annual hospitalizations in patients chronically colonized/infected with A. xylosoxidans (P=0.033). In cystic fibrosis patients, there was an increased frequency of A. xylosoxidans colonization/infection in children, and lung function was reduced in patients who were chronically colonized/infected with A. xylosoxidans. Additionally, there were no differences in clinical outcomes during the 2-year period, except for an increased number of hospitalizations in patients with A. xylosoxidans.
Multiple measures have been devised by clinicians and theorists from many different backgrounds for the purpose of assessing the influence of the frontal lobes on behaviour. Some utilize self-report measures to investigate behavioural characteristics such as risktaking, sensation seeking, impulsivity, and sensitivity to reward and punishment in an attempt to understand complex human decision making. Others rely more on neuroimaging and electrophysiological investigation involving experimental tasks thought to demonstrate executive functions in action, while other researchers prefer to study clinical populations with selective damage. Neuropsychological models of frontal lobe functioning have led to a greater appreciation of the dissociations among various aspects of prefrontal cortex function. This thesis involves (1) an examination of various psychometric and experimental indices of executive functions for coherence as one would predict on the basis of highly developed neurophysiological models of prefrontal function, particularly those aspects of executive function that involve predominantly cognitive abilities versus processes characterized by affect regulation; and (2) investigation of the relations between risk-taking, attentional abilties and their associated characteristics using a neurophysiological model of prefrontal functions addressed in (1). Late adolescence is a stage in which the prefrontal cortices undergo intensive structural and functional maturational changes; this period also involves increases in levels of risky and sensation driven behaviours, as well as a hypersensitivity to reward and a reduction in inhibition. Consequently, late adolescence spears to represent an ideal developmental period in which to examine these decision-making behaviours due to the maximum variability of behavioural characteristics of interest. Participants were 45 male undergraduate 18- to 19-year olds, who completed a battery of measures that included self-report, experimental and behavioural measures designed to assess particular aspects of prefrontal and executive functioning. As predicted, factor analysis supported the grouping of executive process by type (either primarily cognitive or affective), conforming to the orbitofrontal versus dorsolateral typology; risk-taking and associated characteristics were associated more with the orbitofrontal than the dorsolateral factor, whereas attentional and planning abilities tended to correlate more strongly with the dorsolateral factor. Results are discussed in light of future assessment, investigation and understanding of complex human decision-making and executive functions. Implications, applications and suggestions for future research are also proposed.
Hypertension is thought to exist in up to five percent of children. A select number of studies have
investigated the role elevated blood pressure plays in pediatric atherosclerotic progression.
However these studies contain significant methodological flaws and fail to recognize important
confounding factors. Therefore, the influence of elevated blood pressure on arterial health in
children remains to be clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to investigate the
association between blood pressure (BP) and arterial thickness and stiffuess in children. Common
carotid artery (CCA) intima-media thickness (IMT) and distensibility (Dist), as well as systemic
pulse wave velocity (PWV) were measured in 21 elevated blood pressure (EBP; BP ~ 95th
percentile) and 83 normal blood pressure (NBP; BP < 90th percentile) children 11-14 years of age.
Both EBP and NBP groups demonstrated BP within the normal clinical range, but EBP showed
significantly elevated BP as compared to the NBP group. Independent t-tests failed to show
significant differences between the EBP and NBP groups for CCA IMT (0.43 ± 0.05 mm and
0.42 ± 0.06 mm, respectively) and Dist (0.0058 ± 0.0024 mmHg-1 and 0.0064 ± 0.0019 mmHil
respectively). In contrast, a significantly elevated PWV (p
The current study sought to investigate the nature of empathic responding and emotion processing in persons who have experienced Mild Head Injury (MHI) and how this relationship between empathetic responding and head injury status may differ in those with higher psychopathic characteristics (i.e., subclinical psychopathy). One-hundred university students (36% reporting having a previous MHI) completed an Emotional Processing Task (EPT) using images of neutral and negative valence (IAPS, 2008) designed to evoke empathy; physiological responses were recorded. Additionally, participants completed measures of cognitive competence and various individual differences (empathy - QCAE; Reniers, 2011; Psychopathy - SRP-III, Williams, Paulhus & Hare, 2007) and demographics questionnaires. MHI was found to be associated with lower affective empathy and physiological reactivity (pulse rate) while viewing images irrespective of valence, reflecting a pattern of generalized underarousal. The empathic deficits observed correlated with the individual’s severity of injury such that the greater number of injury characteristics and symptoms endorsed by a subject, the more dampened the affective and cognitive empathy reactions to stimuli and the lower his/her physiological reactivity. Importantly, psychopathy interacted with head injury status such that the effects of psychopathy were significant only for individuals indicating a MHI. This group, i.e., MHI subjects who scored higher on psychopathy, displayed the greatest compromise in empathic responding. Interestingly, the Callous Affect component of psychopathy was found to account for the empathic and emotion processing deficits observed for individuals who report a MHI; in contrast, the Interpersonal Manipulation component emerged as a better predictor of empathic and emotion deficits observed in the No MHI group. These different patterns may indicate the involvement of different underlying processes in the manifestation of empathic deficits associated with head injury or subclinical psychopathy. It also highlights the importance of assessing for prior head injury in populations with higher psychopathic characteristics due to the possible combined/enhanced influences. The results of this study have important social implications for persons who have experienced a concussion or limited neural trauma since even subtle injury to the head may be sufficient to produce dampened emotion processing, thereby impacting one’s social interactions and engagement (i.e., at risk for social isolation or altered interpersonal success). Individuals who experience MHI in conjunction with certain personality profiles (e.g., higher psychopathic characteristics) may be particularly at risk for being less capable of empathic compassion and socially-acceptable pragmatics and, as a result, may not be responsive to another person’s emotional well-being.
Introduction Provoked vestibulodynia (PVD) is suspected to be the most frequent cause of vulvodynia in premenopausal women. Based on the onset of PVD relative to the start of sexual experience, PVD can be divided into primary (PVD1) and secondary PVD (PVD2). Studies comparing these PVD subgroups are inconclusive as to whether differences exist in sexual and psychosocial functioning. Aim The aim of this study was to compare the pain, sexual and psychosocial functioning of a large clinical and community-based sample of premenopausal women with PVD1 and PVD2. Methods A total of 269 women (n = 94 PVD1; n = 175 PVD2) completed measures on sociodemographics, pain, sexual, and psychosocial functioning. Main Outcome Measures Dependent variables were the 0–10 pain numerical rating scale, McGill–Melzack Pain Questionnaire, Female Sexual Function Index, Global Measure of Sexual Satisfaction, Beck Depression Inventory-II, Painful Intercourse Self-Efficacy Scale, Pain Catastrophizing Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory Trait Subscale, Ambivalence over Emotional Expression Questionnaire, Hurlbert Index of Sexual Assertiveness, Experiences in Close Relationships Scale—Revised, and Dyadic Adjustment Scale-Revised. Results At first sexual relationship, women with PVD2 were significantly younger than women with PVD1 (P < 0.01). The average relationship duration was significantly longer in women with PVD2 compared with women with PVD1 (P < 0.01). Although women with PVD1 described a significantly longer duration of pain compared with women with PVD2 (P < 0.01), no significant subtype differences were found in pain intensity during intercourse. When controlling for the sociodemographics mentioned earlier, no significant differences were found in sexual, psychological, and relational functioning between the PVD subgroups. Nevertheless, on average, both groups were in the clinical range of sexual dysfunction and reported impaired psychological functioning. Conclusions The findings show that there are no significant differences in the sexual and psychosocial profiles of women with PVD1 and PVD2. Results suggest that similar psychosocial and sex therapy interventions should be offered to both subgroups of PVD.
Actinomycetes are gram-positive, free-living, saprophytic bacteria widely distributed in soil, water and colonizing plants showing marked chemical and morphological diversity. They are potential source of many bioactive compounds, which have diverse clinical effects and important applications in human medicine. In the present work, we have studied some of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of 36 actinomycete strains isolated from the shola soils of tropical montane forest; a relatively unexplored biodiversity hotspot. Ability of actinomycetes isolates to ferment and produce acids from various carbohydrate sources such as innositol, mannose, sorbitol, galactose, mannitol, xylose, rhamnose, arabinose, lactose and fructose were studied. Almost all the carbon compounds were utilized by one or other actinomycete isolates. The most preferred carbon sources were found to be xylose (94.44%) followed by fructose and mannose (91.66%). Only 41.76% of the isolates were able to ferment lactose. The ability of actinomycetes isolates to decompose protein and amino acid differ considerably. 72.22% of the isolates were able to decompose milk protein casein and 61.11% of the isolates decompose tyrosine. Only 8.33% of the strains were able to decompose amino acid hypoxanthine and none of them were able to decompose amino acid xanthine. Potential of the actinomycetes isolates to reduce esculin, urea and hippurate and to resist lysozyme was also checked. 91.66% of the isolates showed ability to decompose esculin and 63.88% of the isolates had the capacity to produce urease and to decompose urea. Only 25% of the isolate were able to decompose hippurate and 94.44% showed lysozyme resistance
Non-specific Occupational Low Back Pain (NOLBP) is a health condition that generates a high absenteeism and disability. Due to multifactorial causes is difficult to determine accurate diagnosis and prognosis. The clinical prediction of NOLBP is identified as a series of models that integrate a multivariate analysis to determine early diagnosis, course, and occupational impact of this health condition. Objective: to identify predictor factors of NOLBP, and the type of material referred to in the scientific evidence and establish the scopes of the prediction. Materials and method: the title search was conducted in the databases PubMed, Science Direct, and Ebsco Springer, between1985 and 2012. The selected articles were classified through a bibliometric analysis allowing to define the most relevant ones. Results: 101 titles met the established criteria, but only 43 metthe purpose of the review. As for NOLBP prediction, the studies varied in relation to the factors for example: diagnosis, transition of lumbar pain from acute to chronic, absenteeism from work, disability and return to work. Conclusion: clinical prediction is considered as a strategic to determine course and prognostic of NOLBP, and to determine the characteristics that increase the risk of chronicity in workers with this health condition. Likewise, clinical prediction rules are tools that aim to facilitate decision making about the evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis and intervention for low back pain, which should incorporate risk factors of physical, psychological and social.
An unusual Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, catalase-positive, diphtheroid-shaped organism originating from an unknown human clinical source was characterized by biochemical, molecular chemical and molecular phylogenetic methods. Based on its morphological and biochemical characteristics and the presence of a murein based on meso-diaminopimelic acid, the unidentified organism was tentatively assigned to the genus Corynebacterium. However, the unknown organism was found to lack the distinctive, short-chain corynomycolic acids that are considered to be characteristic of this genus. Despite the absence of these characteristic lipids, comparative 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that the unknown bacterium was phylogenetically a member of the genus Corynebacterium and was distinct from all currently known species. Based on both phenotypic and 16S rRNA sequence considerations, it is proposed that the unknown organism be classified as a novel species, Corynebacterium atypicum sp. nov. The type strain of C. atypicum is strain R2070(T) (= CCUG 45804(T) = CIP 107431(T)).
Background: The paper reports the findings from a follow-up study of the factors that contribute to whether young people dropout or continue once-weekly psychotherapy at a voluntary sector psychotherapy service for young people aged 12 to 21 years. Method: The study uses data from an ongoing audit of the psychotherapy service that started in 1993; 882 young people were included in the study. Premature termination of treatment was defined as dropping out before the 21st session. Continuation in treatment was defined as remaining in therapy after 20 sessions. Measures and areas of interest used in the study include diagnostic measures, the Youth Self Report Form and Young Adult Self Report Form, demographic characteristics and treatment related information. Results: Young people who continued in treatment were more likely to be older, have anxieties about sexual and relationship issues and have higher scores on self-reported anxiety-depression. Young people who dropped out of treatment were more likely to be younger, have higher self-reported delinquency scores, have a diagnosis of hyperactivity-conduct disorder and be homeless. Conclusions: The study of treatment termination has demonstrated the value of service audit and has led to a significant change in clinical practice.
Background: There has been increasing research interest in parenting by anxious adults; however, little is known about anxiety-subtype effects, or effects of the context in which parenting is assessed. Methods: Two groups of anxious mothers, social phobia (N = 50), generalised anxiety disorder (N = 38), and nonanxious controls (N = 62) were assessed with their 4.9-year-old children in three tasks: two presented threat specifically relevant to each maternal disorder, namely, a social threat task where the child had to give a speech, and a nonsocial threat task where the child had to explore potentially scary objects; the third was a nonthreat task (playing with play dough). Seven parenting dimensions were scored. Effects on parenting of maternal anxiety subgroup and task, and their interactions, were examined, as were effects of earlier child behavioural inhibition and currently manifest anxiety. Results: There were no parenting differences between maternal groups in the nonthreat play-dough task; parenting difficulties in the two anxious groups were principally evident in the disorder-specific challenge. Parenting differences between nonanxious and anxious mothers occurred independently of child characteristics. There was little evidence for particular forms of parenting difficulty being unique to maternal disorder. Conclusions: Anxious mothers’ parenting difficulties emerge when occurring under challenge, especially when this is disorder-specific. These effects should be considered in research and clinical practice.
Background: The relationship between continuity of care and user characteristics or outcomes has rarely been explored. The ECHO study operationalized and tested a multi-axial definition of continuity of care, producing a seven-factor model used here. Aims: To assess the relationship between user characteristics and established components of continuity of care, and the impact of continuity on clinical and social functioning. Methods: The sample comprised 180 community mental health team users with psychotic disorders who were interviewed at three annual time-points, to assess their experiences of continuity of care and clinical and social functioning. Scores on seven continuity factors were tested for association with user-level variables. Results: Improvement in quality of life was associated with better Experience & Relationship continuity scores (better user-rated continuity and therapeutic relationship) and with lower Meeting Needs continuity factor scores. Higher Meeting Needs scores were associated with a decrease in symptoms. Conclusion: Continuity is a dynamic process, influenced significantly by care structures and organizational change.
Recently, in order to accelerate drug development, trials that use adaptive seamless designs such as phase II/III clinical trials have been proposed. Phase II/III clinical trials combine traditional phases II and III into a single trial that is conducted in two stages. Using stage 1 data, an interim analysis is performed to answer phase II objectives and after collection of stage 2 data, a final confirmatory analysis is performed to answer phase III objectives. In this paper we consider phase II/III clinical trials in which, at stage 1, several experimental treatments are compared to a control and the apparently most effective experimental treatment is selected to continue to stage 2. Although these trials are attractive because the confirmatory analysis includes phase II data from stage 1, the inference methods used for trials that compare a single experimental treatment to a control and do not have an interim analysis are no longer appropriate. Several methods for analysing phase II/III clinical trials have been developed. These methods are recent and so there is little literature on extensive comparisons of their characteristics. In this paper we review and compare the various methods available for constructing confidence intervals after phase II/III clinical trials.
Background: Evidence exists for a relationship between individual characteristics and both job and training performance; however relationships may not be generalizable. Little is known about the impact of therapist characteristics on performance in postgraduate therapist training programmes. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between the grades of trainee Low-Intensity and High-Intensity cognitive behavioural therapists and individual characteristics. Method: Trainee Low-Intensity (n=81) and High-Intensity (n=59) therapists completed measures of personality and cognitive ability; demographic and course grade data for participants were collected. Results: Degree classification emerged as the only variable to be significantly associated with performance across assessments and courses. Higher undergraduate degree classifications were associated with superior academic and clinical performance. Agreeableness was the only dimension of personality to be associated (positively) with clinical skill. Age was weakly and negatively associated with performance. Conclusions: Relationships between individual characteristics and training outcomes are complex and may be context specific. These results could have important implications for the selection and development of therapists for Low or High-Intensity cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) training.
Background: We and others have described the neurodegenerative disorder caused by G51D SNCA mutation which shares characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). The objective of this investigation was to extend the description of the clinical and neuropathological hallmarks of G51D mutant SNCA-associated disease by the study of two additional cases from a further G51D SNCA kindred and to compare the features of this group with a SNCA duplication case and a H50Q SNCA mutation case. Results: All three G51D patients were clinically characterised by parkinsonism, dementia, visual hallucinations, autonomic dysfunction and pyramidal signs with variable age at disease onset and levodopa response. The H50Q SNCA mutation case had a clinical picture that mimicked late-onset idiopathic PD with a good and sustained levodopa response. The SNCA duplication case presented with a clinical phenotype of frontotemporal dementia with marked behavioural changes, pyramidal signs, postural hypotension and transiently levodopa responsive parkinsonism. Detailed post-mortem neuropathological analysis was performed in all cases. All three G51D cases had abundant α-synuclein pathology with characteristics of both PD and MSA. These included widespread cortical and subcortical neuronal α-synuclein inclusions together with small numbers of inclusions resembling glial cytoplasmic inclusions (GCIs) in oligodendrocytes. In contrast the H50Q and SNCA duplication cases, had α-synuclein pathology resembling idiopathic PD without GCIs. Phosphorylated α-synuclein was present in all inclusions types in G51D cases but was more restricted in SNCA duplication and H50Q mutation. Inclusions were also immunoreactive for the 5G4 antibody indicating their highly aggregated and likely fibrillar state. Conclusions: Our characterisation of the clinical and neuropathological features of the present small series of G51D SNCA mutation cases should aid the recognition of this clinico-pathological entity. The neuropathological features of these cases consistently share characteristics of PD and MSA and are distinct from PD patients carrying the H50Q or SNCA duplication.