992 resultados para chiral guanidines


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This thesis describes the synthesis and reactivity of a series of α-diazocarbonyl compounds with particular emphasis on the use of copper-bis(oxazoline)-mediated enantioselective C–H insertion reactions leading to enantioenriched cyclopentanone derivatives. Through the use of additives, the enantioselectivity achieved with the copper catalysts for the first time reaches synthetically useful levels (up to 91% ee). Chapter one provides a comprehensive overview of enantioselective C–H insertions with α-diazocarbonyl compounds from the literature. The majority of reports in this section involve rhodium-catalysed systems with limited reports to date of asymmetric C–H insertion reactions in the presence of copper catalysts. Chapter two focuses on the synthesis and C–H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto sulfones leading to α-sulfonyl cyclopentanones as the major product. Detailed investigation of the impact of substrate structure (both the sulfonyl substitutent and the substituent at the site of insertion), the copper source, ligand, counterion, additive and solvent was undertaken to provide an insight into the mechanistic basis for enantiocontrol in the synthetically powerful C–H insertion process and to enable optimisation of enantiocontrol and ligand design. Perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the enhanced enantioselection achieved through use of additives, substantially improving the synthetic utility of the asymmetric C–H insertion process. In addition to the C–H insertion reaction, mechanistically interesting competing reaction pathways involving hydride transfer are observed. Chapter three reports the extension of the catalyst-additive systems, developed for C–H insertions with α-diazo-β-keto sulfones in chapter two, to C–H insertion in analogous α-diazo-β-keto phosphonate and α-diazo-β-keto ester systems. While similar patterns were seen in terms of ligand effects, the enantiopurities achieved for these reactions were lower than those in the cyclisations with analogous α-diazo-β-keto sulfones. Extension of this methodology to cyclopropanation and oxium ylide formation/[2,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement was also explored. Chapter four contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis and X-ray crystallography are included in the appendix.


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This thesis describes the optimisation of chemoenzymatic methods in asymmetric synthesis. Modern synthetic organic chemistry has experienced an enormous growth in biocatalytic methodologies; enzymatic transformations and whole cell bioconversions have become generally accepted synthetic tools for asymmetric synthesis. Biocatalysts are exceptional catalysts, combining broad substrate scope with high regio-, enantio- and chemoselectivities enabling the resolution of organic substrates with superb efficiency and selectivity. In this study three biocatalytic applications in enantioselective synthesis were explored and perhaps the most significant outcome of this work is the excellent enantioselectivity achieved through optimisation of reaction conditions improving the synthetic utility of the biotransformations. In the first chapter a summary of literature discussing the stereochemical control of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces Cerevisae) mediated reduction of ketones by the introduction of sulfur moieties is presented, and sets the work of Chapter 2 in context. The focus of the second chapter was the synthesis and biocatalytic resolution of (±)-trans-2-benzenesulfonyl-3-n-butylcyclopentanone. For the first time the practical limitations of this resolution have been addressed providing synthetically useful quantities of enantiopure synthons for application in the total synthesis of both enantiomers of 4-methyloctanoic acid, the aggregation pheromone of the rhinoceros beetles of the genus Oryctes. The unique aspect of this enantioselective synthesis was the overall regio- and enantioselective introduction of the methyl group to the octanoic acid chain. This work is part of an ongoing research programme in our group focussed on baker’s yeast mediated kinetic resolution of 2-keto sulfones. The third chapter describes hydrolase-catalysed kinetic resolutions leading to a series of 3-aryl alkanoic acids. Hydrolysis of the ethyl esters with a series of hydrolases was undertaken to identify biocatalysts that yield the corresponding acids in highly enantioenriched form. Contrary to literature reports where a complete disappearance of efficiency and, accordingly enantioselection, was described upon kinetic resolution of sterically demanding 3-arylalkanoic acids, the highest reported enantiopurities of these acids was achieved (up to >98% ee) in this study through optimisation of reaction conditions. Steric and electronic effects on the efficiency and enantioselectivity of the biocatalytic transformation were also explored. Furthermore, a novel approach to determine the absolute stereochemistry of the enantiopure 3-aryl alkanoic acids was investigated through combination of co-crystallisation and X-ray diffraction linked with chiral HPLC analysis. The fourth chapter was focused on the development of a biocatalytic protocol for the asymmetric Henry reaction. Efficient kinetic resolution in hydrolase-mediated transesterification of cis- and trans- β-nitrocyclohexanol derivatives was achieved. Combination of a base-catalysed intramolecular Henry reaction coupled with the hydrolase-mediated kinetic resolution with the view to selective acetylation of a single stereoisomer was investigated. While dynamic kinetic resolution in the intramolecular Henry was not achieved, significant progress in each of the individual elements was made and significantly the feasibility of this process has been demonstrated. The final chapter contains the full experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data of all compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral HPLC analysis are included in the appendix. The data for the crystal structures are contained in the attached CD.


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Chapter 1 of this thesis is a brief introduction to the preparation and reactions of α-diazocarbonyl compounds, with particular emphasis on the areas relating to the research undertaken: C-H insertion, addition to aromatics, and oxonium ylide generation and rearrangement. A short summary of catalyst development illustrates the importance of rhodium(II)carboxylates for α-diazocarbonyl decomposition. Chapter 2 describes intramolecular C-H insertion reactions of α-diazo-β-keto sulphones to form substituted cyclopentanones. Rhodium(II) carboxylates derived from homochiral carboxylic acids were used as catalysts in these reactions and enantioselection achieved through their use is discussed. Chapter 3 describes intramolecular Buchner cyclisation of aryl diazoketones with emphasis on the stereochemical aspects of the cyclisation and subsequent reaction of the bicyclo[5.3.0]decatrienones produced. The partial asymmetric synthesis achieved through use of chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates as catalysts is discussed. The application of the intramolecular Buchner reaction to the synthesis of hydroazulene lactones is illustrated. Chapter 4 demonstrates oxonium ylide formation and rearrangement in the decomposition of an α-diazoketone. The consequences of the use of chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates as catalysts are described. Particularly significant was the discovery that rhodium(II) (S)-mandelate acts as a very efficient catalyst for α-diazoketone decompositions, in general. Moderate asymmetric induction was possible in the decomposition of α-diazoketones with chiral rhodium(II) carboxylates, with rhodium(II) (S)-mandelate being one of the more enantioselective catalysts investigated. However, the asymmetric induction obtained was very dependent on the exact structure of the α-diazoketone, the catalyst, and the nature of the reaction. Chapter 5 contains the experimental details, and the spectral and analytical data for all new compounds reported.


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This thesis is focused on transition metal catalysed reaction of α-diazoketones leading to aromatic addition to form azulenones, with particular emphasis on enantiocontrol through use of chiral copper catalysts. The first chapter provides an overview of the influence of variation of the substituent at the diazo carbon on the outcome of subsequent reaction pathways, focusing in particular on C-H insertion, cyclopropanation, aromatic addition and ylide formation drawing together for the first time input from a range of primary reports. Chapter two describes the synthesis of a range of novel α-diazoketones. Rhodium and copper catalysed cyclisation of these to form a range of azulenones is described. Variation of the transition metal catalyst was undertaken using both copper and rhodium based systems and ligand variation, including the design and synthesis of a novel bisoxazoline ligand. The influence of additives, especially NaBARF, on the enantiocontrol was explored in detail and displayed an interesting impact which was sensitive to substituent effects. Further exploration demonstrated that it is the sodium cation which is critical in the additive effects. For the first time, enantiocontrol in the aromatic addition of terminal diazoketones was demonstrated indicating enantiofacial control in the aromatic addition is feasible in the absence of a bridgehead substituent. Determination of the enantiopurity in these compounds was particularly challenging due to the lability of the products. A substantial portion of the work was focused on determining the stereochemical outcome of the aromatic addition processes, both the absolute stereochemistry and extent of enantiopurity. Formation of PTAD adducts was beneficial in this regard. The third chapter contains the full experimental details and spectral characterisation of all novel compounds synthesised in this project, while details of chiral stationary phase HPLC and 1H NMR analysis are included in the appendix.


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The research work in this thesis reports rapid separation of biologically important low molecular weight compounds by microchip electrophoresis and ultrahigh liquid chromatography. Chapter 1 introduces the theory and principles behind capillary electrophoresis separation. An overview of the history, different modes and detection techniques coupled to CE is provided. The advantages of microchip electrophoresis are highlighted. Some aspects of metal complex analysis by capillary electrophoresis are described. Finally, the theory and different modes of the liquid chromatography technology are presented. Chapter 2 outlines the development of a method for the capillary electrophoresis of (R, S) Naproxen. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized (i.e. buffer concentration and pH, concentration of chiral selector additives, applied voltage and injection condition).The method was validated in terms of linearity, precision, and LOD. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system. Two different types of injection i.e. gated and pinched, were investigated. This microchip method represents the fastest reported chiral separation of Naproxen to date. Chapter 3 reports ultra-fast separation of aromatic amino acid by capillary electrophoresis using the short-end technique. Variable parameters of the separation were optimized and validated. The optimized method was then transferred to a microchip electrophoresis system where the separation time was further reduced. Chapter 4 outlines the use of microchip electrophoresis as an efficient tool for analysis of aluminium complexes. A 2.5 cm channel with linear imaging UV detection was used to separate and detect aluminium-dopamine complex and free dopamine. For the first time, a baseline, separation of aluminium dopamine was achieved on a 15 seconds timescale. Chapter 5 investigates a rapid, ultra-sensitive and highly efficient method for quantification of histamine in human psoriatic plaques using microdialysis and ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. The method utilized a sub-two-micron packed C18 stationary phase. A fluorescent reagent, 4-(1-pyrene) butyric acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester was conjugated to the primary and secondary amino moieties of histamine. The dipyrene-labeled histamine in human urine was also investigated by ultrahigh pressure liquid chromatography using a C18 column with 1.8 μm particle diameter. These methods represent one of the fastest reported separations to date of histamine using fluorescence detection.


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The primary focus of this thesis was the asymmetric peroxidation of α,β-unsaturated aldehydes and the development of this methodology to include the synthesis of bioactive chiral 1,2-dioxane and 1,2-dioxalane rings. In Chapter 1 a review detailing the new and improved methods for the acyclic introduction of peroxide functionality to substrates over the last decade was discussed. These include a detailed examination of metal-mediated transformations, chiral peroxidation using organocatalytic means and the improvements in methodology of well-established peroxidation pathways. The second chapter discusses the method by which peroxidation of our various substrates was attempted and the optimisation studies associated with these reactions. The method by which the enantioselectivity of our β-peroxyaldehydes was determined is also reviewed. Chapters 3 and 4 focus on improving the enantioselectivity associated with our asymmetric peroxidation reaction. A comprehensive analysis exploring the effect of solvent, concentration and temperature on enantioselectivity was examined. The effect that different catalytic systems have on enantioselectivity and reactivity was also investigated in depth. Chapter 5 details the various transformations that β-peroxyaldehydes can undergo and the manipulation of these transformations towards the establishment of several routes for the formation of chiral 1,2-dioxane and 1,2-dioxalane rings. Chapter 6 details the full experimental procedures, including spectroscopic and analytical data for the compounds prepared during this research.


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The primary objective of this thesis was the preparation of a series of pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds and subsequent investigation of the reactivity of these compounds on exposure to transition metal catalysts. In particular, the reactivity of the pyridyl α-diazocarbonyls was compared to that of the analogous phenyl α-diazocarbonyl compounds to ascertain the impact of replacement of the phenyl ring with pyridine. The first chapter initially provides a brief introduction into α-diazocarbonyl chemistry, comprising a compendium of well-established and recently developed methods in the preparation of these compounds, as well as an outline of the reactivity of these versatile substrates. The substantive element of this introductory chapter comprises a detailed review focused on transition metal-catalysed transformations of heterocyclic α-diazocarbonyl compounds, highlighting the extraordinary diversity of reaction products which can be accessed. This review is undertaken to set the work of this thesis in context. The results of this research are discussed in the second and third chapters together with the associated experimental details, including spectroscopic and analytical data obtained in the synthesis of all compounds during this research. The second chapter describes the preparation of a range of novel pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds via a number of synthetic strategies including both acylation and diazo transfer methodologies. In contrast to the phenyl analogues, the generation of the pyridine α-diazocarbonyl substrates was complicated by a number of factors including the inherent basicity of the pyridine ring, tautomerism and existence of rotamers. Rhodium- and copper-mediated transformations of the pyridine-containing α-diazocarbonyl compounds is discussed in detail displaying very different reactivity patterns to those seen with the phenyl analogues; oxidation to 2,3- diketones, 1,2-hydride shift to form enones and oxonium and sulfonium ylide formation/rearrangement are prominent in the pyridyl series, with no evidence of aromatic addition to the pyridine ring. The third chapter focuses on exploration of novel chiral rhodium(II) catalysts, developed in the Maguire team, in both intermolecular cyclopropanations and intramolecular C–H insertion reactions. In this chapter, the studies are focused on standard α-diazocarbonyl compounds without heteroaryl substituents. The most notable outcome was the achievement of high enantiopurities for intramolecular C–H insertions, which were competitive with, and even surpassed, established catalyst systems in some cases. This work has provided insight into solvent and temperature effects on yields as well as enantio- and diastereoselectivity, thereby providing guidance for future development and design of chiral rhodium carboxylate catalysts. While this is a preliminary study, the significance of the results lie in the fact that these are the first reactions to give substantial asymmetric induction with these novel rhodium carboxylates. While the majority of the α-diazocarbonyl compounds explored in this work were α-diazoketones, a number of α-diazoesters are also described. Details of chiral stationary phase HPLC analysis, single crystal analysis and 2D NMR experiments are included in the Appendix (Appendix III-V).


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The direct addition of enolizable aldehydes and a-halo thioesters to produce beta-hydroxy thioesters enabled by reductive soft enolization is reported. The transformation is operationally simple and efficient and has the unusual feature of giving high syn-selectivity, which is the opposite of that produced for (thio)esters under conventional conditions. Moreover, excellent diastereoselectivity results when a chiral nonracemic alpha-hydroxy aldehyde derivative is used.


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Summary: This chapter contains sections titled: * Introduction * Chiral Palladacycles in Aldol and Related Transformations * Catalytic Allylic Rearrangements * Catalytic C-C Bond-Forming Reactions * Oxidations Involving Palladacycles * Conclusion * References


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A chiral gas chromatographic assay has been developed for quantitative analysis of ethosuximide and its major metabolites in rat urine. The extraction procedure was found to be precise and reproducible. Recovery was in the range of 94-98%, intraday CV(%) was 0.92% for (S)-ethosuximide (50 mug/ml) and 0.51% for (R)-ethosuximide (50 mug/ml). Interday CV(%) was 1.12% for (S)-ethosuximide and 0.72% for (R)-ethosuximide. The limit of detection was determined to be around 0.01 mug/ml for each enantiomer. Following administration of rac-ethosuximide by i.v., i.p. and oral routes, unchanged ethosuximide was detected in urine up to 72h after drug administration. The appearance of all detected metabolites occurred Within 24h of drug administration. Significantly more (S)-ethosuximide was excreted unchanged than (R)-ethosuximide with all three routes studied. A substantial amount of the drug was eliminated as the 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylsuccinimide (2 pairs of diastereoisomers). Much less drug was eliminated as the 2-ethyl-3-hydroxy-2-methylsuccinimide with only one diastereoisomer observed. Examination of the one pair of diastereoisomers of 2-(1-hydroxyethyl)-2-methylsuccinimide that was resolved showed preferential excretion of one isomer. Comparison of both pairs of diastereoisomers showed that one pair was formed in preference to the other with a ratio of approximately 0.8:1. It is concluded that stereoselective metabolism of ethosuximide occurs. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Author Keywords: chiral pharmacokinetics; ethosuximide enantiomers; metabolism; rat; urinary excretion; gas chromatography


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NMR studies were conducted with the aim of determining the diastereoisomeric ratio of a commercially supplied sample of mesoridazine (MES) and to compare the results with a freshly synthesised sample of MES. The results indicated that the commercially supplied MES consisted almost entirely of one diastereoisomeric pair, which was in agreement with previous findings reported by Eap et al. (J Chromatogr 669:271-279, 1995). The synthesised sample of MES was analysed by NMR in two stages: 1) as the initial product isolated as the free base from the direct synthesis, and 2) as the free base isolated from the crystallised besylate salt of the synthetic product. The NMR results show that the initial synthetic product consisted of two equal pairs of diastereoisomers. The diastereoisomeric pairs were further separated by the addition of the chiral shift reagent (R)-(-)-N-(3,5 dinitrobenzoyl)-alpha-benzylamine to reveal equal quantities of all four enantiomers, clearly observed at the methyl sulfoxide proton peak of the NMR scan. The sample obtained from the crystallisation of MES besylate, however, indicated a significant difference, with a diastereoisomeric ratio of 75:25. The results suggest that MES besylate undergoes preferential crystallisation of one pair of diastereoisomers, with the other pair remaining in solution. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The enantiomerically pure ligands LRR and LSS (N,N'-bis(-2,2'-bipyridyl-5-yl)carbonyl-(1S/R,2S/R)-(+/-)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane) have been synthesised by linking two 2,2'-bipyridine units by (R,R)- and (S,S)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane respectively. The crystal structure confirmed that the ligand had a twisted orientation between the two chelating units. The reaction of LRR and LSS with Fe(II), Co(III), Cd(II) and Zn(II) afforded dinuclear complexes confirmed by ES mass spectroscopy. CD spectroscopy indicated that the chiral diaminocyclohexane conferred helicity to the metal centre giving a dominant triple helicate diastereoisomer, with the LRR ligand giving a delta-configuration of each metal centre (P helicate) and the LSS ligand a lambda configuration (M helicate). 1H NMR spectroscopy confirmed a dominant major diastereoisomer with cadmium. The Zn(II) and Cd(II) complexes however were observed to undergo rapid ligand dissociation in solution.


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Monomeric ruthenium(II) complexes [Ru(L)3]2+ containing unsymmetric bipyridine ligands [Where L = 5-methyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L1), 5-ethyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L2), 5-propyl-2,2'-bipyridine (L3), 5-(2-methylpropyl)-2,2'-bipyridine (L4), 5-(2,2-dimethylpropyl)-2,2'-bipyridine (L5) and 5-(carbomethoxy)-2,2'-bipyridine (L6)] have been studied and the meridional and facial isomers isolated by the use of cation-exchange column chromatography (SP Sephadex C-25) eluting with either sodium toluene-4-sulfonate or sodium hexanoate. The relative yield of the facial isomer was found to decrease with increasing steric bulk, preventing the isolation of fac-[Ru(L5)3]2+. The two isomeric forms were characterized by 1H NMR, with the complexes [Ru(L1-3)3]2+ demonstrating an unusually large coupling between the H6 and H4 protons. Crystals suitable for X-ray structural analysis of [Ru(L1)3]2+ were obtained as a mixture of the meridional and facial isomers, indicating that separation of this isomeric mixture could not be achieved by fractional crystallisation. The optical isomers of the complex [Ru(L3)3]2+ were chromatographically separated on SP Sephadex C-25 relying upon the inherent chirality of the support. It is apparent that chiral interactions can inhibit geometric isomer separation using this technique.


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A previously unreported alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme in the mutant soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida UV4 catalyses the reduction of 2-, 3- and 4-acylpyridines to afford the corresponding (S)-1-pyridyl alkanols, with moderate to high e.e., whilst under the same conditions 2,6-diacetylpyridine is readily converted to the corresponding enantiopure C2-symmetric (S,S)-diol in one step. In contrast, the toluene dioxygenase enzyme in the same organism catalyses the hydroxylation of 2- and 3-alkylpyridines to (R)-1-(2-pyridyl) and (R)-1-(3-pyridyl)alkanols. This combination of oxidative and reductive biotransformations thus provides a method for preparing both enantiomers of chiral 1-pyridyl alkanols using one biocatalyst.


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NMR studies were conducted with the aim of determining the diastereoisomeric ratio of a commercially supplied sample of mesoridazine (MES) and to compare the results with a freshly synthesised sample of MES. The results indicated that the commercially supplied MES consisted almost entirely of one diastereoisomeric pair, which was in agreement with previous findings reported by Eap et al. (J Chromatogr 669:271-279, 1995). The synthesised sample of MES was analysed by NMR in two stages: 1) as the initial product isolated as the free base from the direct synthesis, and 2) as the free base isolated from the crystallised besylate salt of the synthetic product. The NMR results show that the initial synthetic product consisted of two equal pairs of diastereoisomers. The diastereoisomeric pairs were further separated by the addition of the chiral shift reagent (R)-(-)-N-(3,5 dinitrobenzoyl)-alpha-benzylamine to reveal equal quantities of all four enantiomers, clearly observed at the methyl sulfoxide proton peak of the NMR scan. The sample obtained from the crystallisation of MES besylate, however, indicated a significant difference, with a diastereoisomeric ratio of 75:25. The results suggest that MES besylate undergoes preferential crystallisation of one pair of diastereoisomers, with the other pair remaining in solution. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.