960 resultados para check-all-that-apply (CATA)
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia do Ambiente, Perfil de Engenharia Sanitária
This dissertation presents an approach aimed at three-dimensional perception’s obstacle detection on all-terrain robots. Given the huge amount of acquired information, the adversities such environments present to an autonomous system and the swiftness, thus required, from each of its navigation decisions, it becomes imperative that the 3-D perceptional system to be able to map obstacles and passageways in the most swift and detailed manner. In this document, a hybrid approach is presented bringing the best of several methods together, combining the lightness of lesser meticulous analyses with the detail brought by more thorough ones. Realizing the former, a terrain’s slope mapping system upon a low resolute volumetric representation of the surrounding occupancy. For the latter’s detailed evaluation, two novel metrics were conceived to discriminate the little depth discrepancies found in between range scanner’s beam distance measurements. The hybrid solution resulting from the conjunction of these two representations provides a reliable answer to traversability mapping and a robust discrimination of penetrable vegetation from that constituting real obstructions. Two distinct robotic platforms offered the possibility to test the hybrid approach on very different applications: a boat, under an European project, the ECHORD Riverwatch, and a terrestrial four-wheeled robot for a national project, the Introsys Robot.
The European Union, as a regional actor and an example of stability and well-being, has embraced a set of principles it has stood for and which constitute its own identity. The diffusion of these values among third countries is one of the objectives of EU’s External Policy. Democracy can be found among the principles that are sought to be exported through comprehensive and complex strategies within different frameworks, such as neighbourhood relations, trade partnerships and the accession process. Focusing on the latter, candidates are object of an intensive process of Europeanisation that operates through different mechanisms like socialisation and conditionality. Turkey, on the other side, has decided to apply for full membership several decades ago and, ever since, it has been pressured to Europeanise, which includes improving its unstable democracy. This case, however, is different from all other previous enlargements; for its special socio-cultural and civilisational features, Turkey constitutes a more complex novelty for the European Union. Therefore, this thesis aims to study the influence of the European Union on the democratisation process of Turkey, focusing on the period ranging between 1999, the year the European Council recognised Turkey’s candidacy status, and 2009 that marks the 10-year period of that condition. It is the intention of this project to assess the impact of the European Union at that level through the study of the democratic evolution of the country and its co-relation with other variables related to the presence or pressure of the EU. As this is a challenging objective, it will require a deep reflection upon central concepts like democracy and democratic consolidation, and a diversified use of methodological techniques, such as statistical analysis and mathematical co-relations, historical analysis, literature review and in-depth interviews. This study will privilege a Constructivist approach, emphasising the social construction of reality and the role of the ideational aspects – identity, perceptions and the broader socio-cultural dimension – in Turkey-EU relations.
This work studies the combination of safe and probabilistic reasoning through the hybridization of Monte Carlo integration techniques with continuous constraint programming. In continuous constraint programming there are variables ranging over continuous domains (represented as intervals) together with constraints over them (relations between variables) and the goal is to find values for those variables that satisfy all the constraints (consistent scenarios). Constraint programming “branch-and-prune” algorithms produce safe enclosures of all consistent scenarios. Special proposed algorithms for probabilistic constraint reasoning compute the probability of sets of consistent scenarios which imply the calculation of an integral over these sets (quadrature). In this work we propose to extend the “branch-and-prune” algorithms with Monte Carlo integration techniques to compute such probabilities. This approach can be useful in robotics for localization problems. Traditional approaches are based on probabilistic techniques that search the most likely scenario, which may not satisfy the model constraints. We show how to apply our approach in order to cope with this problem and provide functionality in real time.
Based on the report for the unit “Foresight Methods Analysis” of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. António B. Moniz
RESUMO: O presente estudo, enquadra-se, no domínio do exercício profissional dos enfermeiros e na formação em serviço destes profissionais e teve por objectivo avaliar, num grupo de enfermeiros de um serviço de medicina, o impacto de uma intervenção educativa na melhoria dos procedimentos a executar na prática da terapêutica inalatória. A amostra do estudo (amostra por conveniência) foi constituída por oito enfermeiros do serviço de medicina do Hospital Curry Cabral (idades compreendidas entre os 24 a 43 anos de idade), sem anterior formação específica na área da terapêutica inalatória, mas com experiencia profissional prévia com doentes respiratórios. O estudo decorreu em dois momentos de avaliação: avaliação 0 (antes da intervenção educativa) e avaliação 1 (após a intervenção educativa). Entre estes dois momentos, foi ministrada, a todos os enfermeiros, uma acção de formação sobre terapêutica inalatória, com componente teórico-prática. Antes e depois da intervenção educativa foram aplicados dois instrumentos: para avaliação dos conhecimentos teóricos, construi-se e aplicou-se, um questionário de auto-avaliação de conhecimentos sobre terapêutica inalatória ao grupo dos enfermeiros, e para avaliação dos conhecimentos práticos e execução de procedimentos, uma grelha de observação da demonstração da técnica de inalação com três dispositivos inalatórios: MDI, MDI com câmara expansora ACE e DPI turbohaler®. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que o grupo dos enfermeiros da nossa amostra detinha já alguns conhecimentos de carácter teórico, de âmbito geral, sobre a terapêutica inalatória, mas conhecimentos pouco sólidos, nomeadamente no que concerne aos fármacos utilizados por via inalatória. Verificou-se, ainda, um deficiente domínio de conteúdos de carácter mais específico e prático sobre terapêutica inalatória, por exemplo a importância de determinados procedimentos - agitação do inalador, tempo de pausa entre cada inalação, cuidados de manutenção da câmara expansora, higienização da cavidade bucal após a inalação dos corticosteróides. Quanto à observação da técnica de inalação, o grupo dos enfermeiros revelou algumas lacunas, quer relativamente à técnica de inalação com MDI, quer do MDI com câmara expansora, observando-se a execução de passos incorrectos e mesmo omissão de passos por parte dos enfermeiros, antes da intervenção educativa.Não nos foi possível realizar a observação da técnica de inalação com dispositivo de pó seco turbohaler®, dado que nenhum dos enfermeiros da nossa amostra se sentiu capaz de manusear de forma correcta este dispositivo, antes e após a formação. Em termos globais, achamos que a formação dada sobre terapêutica inalatória, mostrou melhorar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos dos enfermeiros neste âmbito. Esta melhoria ficou claramente demonstrada no aumento do número de respostas correctas dadas pelos enfermeiros no questionário efectuado, após a formação. Do mesmo modo, após a formação, registou-se uma melhoria considerável dos conhecimentos específicos e práticos, no que concerne à importância de determinados procedimentos na prática da terapêutica inalatória - agitação do inalador, tempo de pausa entre cada inalação, cuidados de manutenção da câmara expansora, higienização da cavidade bucal após a inalação dos corticosteróides - observando-se, um maior número de respostas correctas assinaladas no questionário. Em contrapartida, os conhecimentos sobre fármacos administrados por via inalatória, ficaram um pouco aquém das expectativas, pois o número de respostas correctas dadas pelos enfermeiros após a formação não foi significativo. Poderemos mesmo dizer que, a acção de formação com maior grau de especificidade sobre fármacos não se revelou eficaz e gerou até alguma ―confusão‖ neste grupo de enfermeiros, parecendo que os conhecimentos anteriores sobre fármacos por via inalatória não estariam consolidados antes da formação. De igual modo, após a formação, registou-se no grupo dos enfermeiros do estudo uma melhoria na performance da técnica de inalação com o MDI e MDI com a câmara expansora. Os enfermeiros do estudo, não só corrigiram os passos ou itens de avaliação da técnica inalatória, anteriormente executados incorrectamente, mas também, mostraram um melhor conhecimento dos passos ou itens de avaliação da técnica de inalação, com menor número de passos ou itens de avaliação omissos, após a formação. Em contrapartida, a acção de formação, no que diz respeito ao dispositivo de pó seco turbohaler®, não cumpriu o seu objectivo, dado que nenhum dos enfermeiros da amostra foi capaz de demonstrar a técnica de inalação com este dispositivo, antes e após a formação. Poderemos dizer que, não sendo um dispositivo da sua prática clínica, os enfermeiros não sentiram necessidade de adquirir estes conhecimentos. Em síntese, podemos concluir que na sua globalidade, a formação dada (com informação actualizada sobre as orientações mais adequadas neste domínio) e o treino formal dos enfermeiros neste âmbito, foi bastante proveitoso, uma vez que, mostrou melhorar os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos na prática da terapêutica inalatória do grupo de enfermeiros doserviço de medicina. Realça-se, no entanto, a importância de uma formação adequada, sentida como útil pelos enfermeiros, faseada, ligada à prática dos profissionais e alternando com momentos de exercício profissional. Os conhecimentos e os procedimentos dos enfermeiros deverão ainda ser monitorizados e avaliados ao longo do tempo, para a detecção de eventuais desvios que a rotina pode introduzir e para levantamento de novas necessidades de formação.-------------------ABSTRACT: This study fits in the domain of in-service training of professional nurses. It was aimed to assess the impact of an educational intervention and the consequent improvement of the practice of inhalation therapy in a group of nurses from a medical service The study sample (convenience sample) was consituted by eight nurses from the medical service, Hospital Curry Cabral (aged 24-43 years) without previous special training in the field of inhalation therapy, but with prior experience with patients with respiratory diseases. The study ran in two moments of evaluation: evaluation 0 (before the educational intervention) and evaluation 1 (post-intervention). Between these two moments, a training program about therapeutic inhalation was administered to all nurses, with a double component of theory and practice. Before and after the educational intervention two evaluation tools were applied: for the assessment of theoretical knowledge, the nurses had to fill a self-assessment questionnaire and in order to evaluate their knowledge related to procedural skills as well as their performance, they were observed (and their behaviour recorded on a check-list) during a demonstration of three inhalation techniques with devices: metered dose inhaler, metered dose inhaler with a spacer device ACE® and device turbohaler® The study results showed that the group of nurses in our sample had already some knowledge of theoretical nature (general scope of the inhalation therapy) but little solid knowledge, particularly in regard to drugs used in inhalation. In fact, a relatively weaker knowledge was registerd in what concerns specific and practical knowledge about inhalation therapy, for example, the importance of certain procedures - shaking the inhaler, pause between each inhalation, maintenance care of spacer device, mouth cavity hygiene after inhalation of corticosteroids. As for the observation of the inhaler technique, it was found that the group of nurses had a poor inhalation technique, in what concerns inhalation technique with MDI or MDI with spacer device, with a performance with several incorrect steps, or even omission of steps by nurses before the educational intervention. Finally, as the observation technique of the dry powder device turbohaler ®, we were unable to analyze the observation concerning this device, since none of the nurses in our sample, wast able to handlle it correctly, before and after training.In general terms, we found that the training given on inhalation therapy had a positive impact either in the theorical or the pratical knowledge on inhalation therapy (higher number of correct answers after training). Similarly, after training, there was the considerable improvement of specific and practical skills, namely the importance of certain procedures in the practice of inhalation therapy - shaking the inhaler, pause time between each inhalation, maintenance care of spacer device, sanitizing the buccal cavity after inhalation of corticosteroids. In contrast, knowledge about drugs administered by inhalation, were slightly below expectations, showing a lower number of correct answers given by the nurses after training. The training seemed to be a factor of "confusion" for this group of nurses, whose prior knowledge in this domais was not probably very solid to begin with. After training, the group of nurses in the study improved the performance of inhalation technique with MDI and MDI with spacer device. They not only correcty performed the steps or itens for the assessment of inhalation technique, previously performed incorrectly, but also showed a better understanding of the steps or itens for assessing the inhalation technique, with fewer steps missing (after training). In contrast, training with regard to the device turbohaler ® dry powder, was also below expectations, given that none of the nurses in the sample was able to demonstrate inhaler technique with this device before and after training. This was probably due to the fact that, the nurses did not feel the need to acquire this knowledge and the related practice. In summary, we can say that, overall, the training (with updated information on the appropriate policies in this field) showed an improvement in knowledge and performance in the practice of inhalation therapy. It is however crucial to underline the importance of in-service adequate training programmes, perceived as useful by the nurses, developped in different phases, linked to the nurses’ practice and combining with professional practices. The nurses’ knowledge and skills should also be further monitorized and evaluated in order to detect deviations introduced by the rotinization of procedures and to identify new training needs.
This paper is the author’s Master’s Thesis. It aims to study the content of lexarbitri, i.e. the relevant law regarding international arbitration. Under both Portuguese law and UNCITRAL model law, the seat’s legal provisions shall be applied at all times. Contrarily, French and Swiss legislations allow parties and arbitrators to apply any arbitration law to international arbitration, whether the seat law or a foreign arbitration law. There is not a sole understanding towards the criteria to determine the legal provisions that shall govern international arbitration. Traditionally, the lexarbitri would correspond to the arbitration law of the seat of the arbitration. The territorialist criteria remains in force under the majority of arbitration laws that the author has consulted. However, it has been criticized by several authorities in international arbitration, who suggest that the arbitration shall be governed by the law of the seat or of the place in which the award is to be enforcement, whichever better grants its enforcement – the cumulative doctrine; or the arbitration shall be governed by a set of provisions that make up the autonomous transnational legal, regardless of the legal provisions of the law of the seat – the transnational doctrine. The author intends to debate the three mentioned understandings regarding the lexarbitriand further explains why the territorialist criteria is the most adequate to the characteristics and demands of international arbitration, to the governing instruments in force and to the need for a useful award.
RESUMO: O Brasil em 2001 aprovou a Lei de Saúde Mental, n° 10.216, e vem implantando um conjunto de regulamentações focado na atenção integral à saúde e nos Direitos Humanos. Esta pesquisa descritiva tem como intuito conhecer e identificar o conteúdo desta lei, objetivando analisar a abrangência e adequação desse conteúdo a partir do Checklist da OMS (2005) destinado a assegurar os Direitos Humanos assinados em protocolos internacionais. Para tal, um grupo focal foi constituído com diferentes atores envolvidos com a saúde mental no Brasil, em dois encontros, com até duas horas cada. O grupo realizou um debate sobre o conteúdo da Lei 10.216/01, o Checklist foi o roteiro e norteador dos debates, tendo sido considerado minuciosamente cada ponto de checagem da lei. Ao final, buscou-se uma resposta-consenso do grupo a cada item. Optou-se ainda por observar outros dois dados complementares: os discursos públicos do deputado Paulo Delgado e a as recomendações da IV Conferência Nacional de Saúde Mental. A apreciação dos dados foi conduzida por meio de análise de conteúdo, pela qual foi possível identificar 16 temas (a partir dos 27 itens do Checklist) e organizá-los em quatro categorias de análise: Teórico-Conceitual, Técnico-Assistencial, Jurídico-Político e Sociocultural. Ficou evidente que o conteúdo da Lei, em geral, está adequado por conseguir operar e sustentar boa parte das questões da Saúde Mental no Brasil. O texto em si garante e promove os direitos das pessoas com sofrimento mental. Foi possível identificar recomendações para a gestão federal, movimento social e outros atores, tanto para aplicar e interpretar coerentemente a Lei quanto para qualificar a legislação que se desdobra a partir dela. Ficou evidente a importância da CRPD – Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, cuja aplicação à saúde mental tem sido pouco debatida no Brasil.-----------------ABSTRACT: In 2001 Brazil approved the Mental Health Law, number 10.216 and has been implanting, a group of regulations focused on the attention to health and Human Rights. This descriptive research intends to get to know and identify the contents of the above mentioned law, in order to analyze its scope and conformity to the OMS’ Checklist (2005) in assuring the Human Rights signed in international protocols. For such a proposition, a focal checking group was formed by different actors involved in mental health in Brazil, in two meetings, during average to two hours each. The group has realized a debate on the contents of the Law 10.216/2001, the Checklist from OMS, was the script and the north for the debates considering each check point of the law. At the end, a consensual group answer was given to each of the items on the checklist. Decided to observe two other complementary data: the public speeches by Deputy Paulo Delgado and the recommendations of the IV National Conference on Mental health. The Data appreciation, conducted through the analysis of the contents: it was possible to identify 17 themes (based on the 27 items on the Checklist) and organize them into four categories: Theoretical-Conceptual, Technical-Assistance, Legal-Politics and Sociocultural. It is clear that generally the law’s content is adequate; it can operate and sustain a big part of the mental health issues in Brazil. The text itself ensures and promotes the rights of the ones with mental disorder. It was possible to identify recommendations for the federal management, social movement and other actors, both to apply and interpret the law consistently as to qualify the legislation that unfolds from it. It was evident the importance of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities-CRPD, whose application to mental health have been little debated in Brazil.
Introduction Vector seasonality knowledge is important for monitoring and controlling of vector-borne diseases. Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lu. longipalpis) is the main vector of Leishmania (Leishmania) infantum Nicolle, 1908, which is the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis in the Americas. Methods Lu. longipalpis was monitored for 3 consecutive nights each month using light traps from the Centers for Disease Control in the peridomiciles and intradomiciles of 18 residences from January 2005 to December 2012 in the urban area of Dracena, a medium-sized city located in the western region of São Paulo, Brazil. Results A total of 54,820 Lu. longipalpis specimens were collected, and the proportion of positive samples was significantly higher in the peridomiciles than in the intradomiciles (p<0.05) in all 8 years of the study, except for 2005. The vector was present in all study years in the 9 sub-regions of the city, and the male/female ratio ranged from 3.19 to 4.26. The greatest vector abundance occurred in the first semester and peaked in March, confirming its seasonality. Conclusions The maintenance of this high abundance over an 8-year surveillance period demonstrates the vector adaptation to the urban conditions of the city. These characteristics present a major challenge for preventing human and canine contact with the vector and, consequently, controlling the spread of disease.
Economics is a social science which, therefore, focuses on people and on the decisions they make, be it in an individual context, or in group situations. It studies human choices, in face of needs to be fulfilled, and a limited amount of resources to fulfill them. For a long time, there was a convergence between the normative and positive views of human behavior, in that the ideal and predicted decisions of agents in economic models were entangled in one single concept. That is, it was assumed that the best that could be done in each situation was exactly the choice that would prevail. Or, at least, that the facts that economics needed to explain could be understood in the light of models in which individual agents act as if they are able to make ideal decisions. However, in the last decades, the complexity of the environment in which economic decisions are made and the limits on the ability of agents to deal with it have been recognized, and incorporated into models of decision making in what came to be known as the bounded rationality paradigm. This was triggered by the incapacity of the unboundedly rationality paradigm to explain observed phenomena and behavior. This thesis contributes to the literature in three different ways. Chapter 1 is a survey on bounded rationality, which gathers and organizes the contributions to the field since Simon (1955) first recognized the necessity to account for the limits on human rationality. The focus of the survey is on theoretical work rather than the experimental literature which presents evidence of actual behavior that differs from what classic rationality predicts. The general framework is as follows. Given a set of exogenous variables, the economic agent needs to choose an element from the choice set that is avail- able to him, in order to optimize the expected value of an objective function (assuming his preferences are representable by such a function). If this problem is too complex for the agent to deal with, one or more of its elements is simplified. Each bounded rationality theory is categorized according to the most relevant element it simplifes. Chapter 2 proposes a novel theory of bounded rationality. Much in the same fashion as Conlisk (1980) and Gabaix (2014), we assume that thinking is costly in the sense that agents have to pay a cost for performing mental operations. In our model, if they choose not to think, such cost is avoided, but they are left with a single alternative, labeled the default choice. We exemplify the idea with a very simple model of consumer choice and identify the concept of isofin curves, i.e., sets of default choices which generate the same utility net of thinking cost. Then, we apply the idea to a linear symmetric Cournot duopoly, in which the default choice can be interpreted as the most natural quantity to be produced in the market. We find that, as the thinking cost increases, the number of firms thinking in equilibrium decreases. More interestingly, for intermediate levels of thinking cost, an equilibrium in which one of the firms chooses the default quantity and the other best responds to it exists, generating asymmetric choices in a symmetric model. Our model is able to explain well-known regularities identified in the Cournot experimental literature, such as the adoption of different strategies by players (Huck et al. , 1999), the inter temporal rigidity of choices (Bosch-Dom enech & Vriend, 2003) and the dispersion of quantities in the context of di cult decision making (Bosch-Dom enech & Vriend, 2003). Chapter 3 applies a model of bounded rationality in a game-theoretic set- ting to the well-known turnout paradox in large elections, pivotal probabilities vanish very quickly and no one should vote, in sharp contrast with the ob- served high levels of turnout. Inspired by the concept of rhizomatic thinking, introduced by Bravo-Furtado & Côrte-Real (2009a), we assume that each per- son is self-delusional in the sense that, when making a decision, she believes that a fraction of the people who support the same party decides alike, even if no communication is established between them. This kind of belief simplifies the decision of the agent, as it reduces the number of players he believes to be playing against { it is thus a bounded rationality approach. Studying a two-party first-past-the-post election with a continuum of self-delusional agents, we show that the turnout rate is positive in all the possible equilibria, and that it can be as high as 100%. The game displays multiple equilibria, at least one of which entails a victory of the bigger party. The smaller one may also win, provided its relative size is not too small; more self-delusional voters in the minority party decreases this threshold size. Our model is able to explain some empirical facts, such as the possibility that a close election leads to low turnout (Geys, 2006), a lower margin of victory when turnout is higher (Geys, 2006) and high turnout rates favoring the minority (Bernhagen & Marsh, 1997).
Mutable state can be useful in certain algorithms, to structure programs, or for efficiency purposes. However, when shared mutable state is used in non-local or nonobvious ways, the interactions that can occur via aliases to that shared memory can be a source of program errors. Undisciplined uses of shared state may unsafely interfere with local reasoning as other aliases may interleave their changes to the shared state in unexpected ways. We propose a novel technique, rely-guarantee protocols, that structures the interactions between aliases and ensures that only safe interference is possible. We present a linear type system outfitted with our novel sharing mechanism that enables controlled interference over shared mutable resources. Each alias is assigned separate, local roles encoded in a protocol abstraction that constrains how an alias can legally use that shared state. By following the spirit of rely-guarantee reasoning, our rely-guarantee protocols ensure that only safe interference can occur but still allow many interesting uses of shared state, such as going beyond invariant and monotonic usages. This thesis describes the three core mechanisms that enable our type-based technique to work: 1) we show how a protocol models an alias’s perspective on how the shared state evolves and constrains that alias’s interactions with the shared state; 2) we show how protocols can be used while enforcing the agreed interference contract; and finally, 3) we show how to check that all local protocols to some shared state can be safely composed to ensure globally safe interference over that shared memory. The interference caused by shared state is rooted at how the uses of di↵erent aliases to that state may be interleaved (perhaps even in non-deterministic ways) at run-time. Therefore, our technique is mostly agnostic as to whether this interference was the result of alias interleaving caused by sequential or concurrent semantics. We show implementations of our technique in both settings, and highlight their di↵erences. Because sharing is “first-class” (and not tied to a module), we show a polymorphic procedure that enables abstract compositions of protocols. Thus, protocols can be specialized or extended without requiring specific knowledge of the interference produce by other protocols to that state. We show that protocol composition can ensure safety even when considering abstracted protocols. We show that this core composition mechanism is sound, decidable (without the need for manual intervention), and provide an algorithm implementation.
Nowadays, safety and security regarding the tourism and events industries are a fundamental subject to society. Portugal’s tourism has significantly increased its number of visitors, whether due to the increasing number of cruisers docking in Lisbon, or due to visitors arriving by air, travelling the country from North to South and staying in the most varied accommodation units. Issues like human security and internal security of the different countries, even the security in the world, as development factors of a modern society, are discussed on a daily basis. On the contrary, few deal with tourism and major events security as being part of internal security, as well as the existing barriers tourism encounters to integrate the system for fighting terrorism. Although two distinct activities, they are complementary and may influence the country’s economy, provided that they can offer certainty to all actors involved. It is this substance that organised crime groups look for when planning terror acts. Therefore, as tourism can offer deception and shelter opportunities and events the theatre of a possible attack, those events assemble all the necessary conditions for an attack to achieve its goals.
RESUMO: Resumo Uma prestação de serviços de saúde mental para crianças e adolescentes (CAMHS) oportuna, eficaz e baseada na evidência pode evitar incapacidade a longo prazo. No entanto, estes serviços são criticamente sub-financiados em todo o mundo. É um imperativo garantir que este precioso recurso não seja desperdiçado. Os governos e outras partes interessadas relevantes na área da saúde mental precisam de conhecer o estado de saúde mental da população, quais os recursos disponíveis e como melhor utilizar os recursos disponíveis para orientar uma política e decisões efectivas sobre os níveis de serviços. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é explorar o papel da acuidade, gravidade e complexidade na determinação dos cuidados em saúde mental especializados recebidos por crianças e adolescentes que sofrem perturbações mentais. Métodos: Este estudo é exploratório envolvendo uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com palavras-chave utilizando bases de dados PsychINFO, EMBASE, PubMed e MEDLINE. A literatura cinzenta também foi investigada com um enfoque nas abordagens sistémicas, organizacionais e políticas para a organização e comissionamento de CAMHS. Foram selecionados apenas documentos escritos em Inglês. Três países, Bélgica, Reino Unido e Estados Unidos, todos eles com modelos muito diferentes de organização de CAMHS, foram revistos para investigar de que forma os conceitos de acuidade, gravidade e complexidade foram utilizados na sua concepção de serviços para determinar o nível da assistência prestada. Resultados: Nem a Bélgica, nem o modelo norte-americano de CAMHS organização de serviço parecem estar alinhados com os principais conceitos na determinação do nível de prestação de serviços. O sistema de serviços do Reino Unido de CAMHS está mais estreitamente alinhado com esses conceitos e tem uma alocação de recursos mais equilibrada entre o hospital e a comunidade. O seu ponto fraco está na falta de flexibilidade entre os níveis de serviço e na falta de apoio para com o sector dos cuidados de saúde primários. Conclusões: A variabilidade na alocação de recursos a diferentes níveis especializados de CAMHS (em regime de internamento, ambulatório, e na comunidade) e o modelo diferente de estrutura de serviços entre os países estudados indica uma inconsistência na forma como as crianças e adolescentes que apresentam aos CAMHS são referenciados para os cuidados que recebem. Isto põe em questão se as crianças e adolescentes com perturbações mentais estão a receber o nível e tipo de cuidados concordantes com as suas necessidades. A concepção e o comissionamento de sistemas de CAMHS levam-nos à discussão de uma série de princípios fundamentais que devem ser considerados. O sistema perfeito no entanto, ainda está para ser encontrado. -------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Provision of timely, effective, evidence based mental health services to children and adolescents can prevent long term impairment, but they are critically underfunded across the globe. There is an imperative to ensure this precious resource is not wasted. Governments and other relevant mental health stakeholders need to know the mental health status of the population, what resources are available and how best to use the resources available to guide effective policy and decisions about service levels. Aim: The aim of this paper is to explore the role of acuity, severity and complexity in determining the specialist mental health care that children and adolescents experiencing mental disorders receive. Methods: This study is exploratory involving a systematic scan of the literature. A key word search was conducted using databases PSYCHINFO, EMBASE, PUBMED and MEDLINE. Grey literature was also searched to focus on systemic, organisational and policy approaches to the organisation and commissioning of CAMHS. Only documents written in English were selected. Three countries Belgium, UK and the US all with very different models of service organisation for CAMHS were reviewed to investigate how well the concepts of acuity, severity and complexity were used to determine the level of care delivered in their service design. Findings: Neither the Belgium nor the US model of CAMHS service organisation appear to align with the key concepts driving intensity of level of service provision. The UK CAMHS service system most closely aligns with the concepts. It has a more balanced resource allocation between hospital and community. Its downfall is in its lack of flexibility between service levels and its lack of support for the primary care sector. Conclusions: The variability in resource allocation to different service levels (inpatient, outpatient, community) within specialist CAMHS and the differing model of service structure across countries indicates an inconsistency in how children and adolescents presenting to CAMHS are allocated to the care they receive. This puts into question whether children and adolescent with mental disorders are receiving a level and type of care commensurate with their needs. In commissioning and designing CAMHS systems a number of key principles that should be considered are discussed. The perfect system however, is yet to be found.
The work conelete of a survey of the mvaewe plants which appeared during the first six months of seedling stage in foreet plantations of second and third rotation, in the Jari area, Brazil. The resulting list showed two types of invasives: (1) true weeds - those cosmopolitan species that are typical of disturbed habitats; and (2) pioneer species - those which were probably remnants from the original natural vegetation of the studied area.