924 resultados para borenium cations
Diese Doktorarbeit befasst sich mit Ladungsgeneration und – rekombination in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, die spiro-OMeTAD als Lochleiter verwenden. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist in drei Fallstudien unterteilt: i.) Kern-erweiterte Rylen-Farbstoffe, ii.) ein Perylenmonoimid-Farbstoff und iii.) Donor-π verbrückte (Cyclopentadithiophen)-Akzeptor-Farbstoffe. Trotz ihres hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und der hohen Absorbanz der sensibilisierten Filme, zeigen einige dieser Farbstoffmoleküle nur geringe photovoltaischen Effizienzen. Um den Ursprung des geringen Wirkungsgrades herauszufinden, wurde breitbandige, ultraschnelle transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie an Solarzellen durchgeführt.rnInsbesondere die Auswirkungen verschiedender Ankergruppen, Dipolmomente, Photolumineszenzlebenszeiten, Lithium-Kationensensitivität und Ladungsträgerdynamik, die alle einen großen Einfluss auf den Wirkungsgrad der Solarzelle besitzen, wurden untersucht. In der ersten Fallstudie zeigte ein kurzer Rylen-Farbstoff aufgrund deutlich verlängerter Lebenszeiten die beste Effizienz im Vergleich zu größeren Kern-erweiterten Rylen-Farbstoffen. Die Lebenszeit wurde weiter reduziert, wenn Maleinsäure als Ankergruppe unter einer Ringöffnungsreaktion an die mesoporöse Oberfläche des Metalloxid-Halbleiters adsorbierte. Dies konnte mit Hilfe von Berechnungen mittels der Dichtefunktionaltheorie (DFT, B3LYP) auf die Differenz des Dipolmoments zwischen Grundzustand und angeregtem Zustand zurückgeführt werden. Die Berechnungen bekräftigen die unvorteilhafte Injektion von Ladungen durch die Änderung der Richtung des Dipolmoments, wenn eine Ringöffnung der Anhydridgruppe stattfindet. In der zweiten Studie zeigte das Perylenmonoimid-Derivat ID889 einen Wirkungsgrad von 4.5% in Feststoff-Farbstoffsolarzellen, wobei ID889 sogar ohne Zuhilfenahme eines Additivs in der Lage ist langlebige Farbstoffkationen zu bilden. Die Verwendung von Lithium-Kationen stabilisiert jedoch sowohl den Prozess der Ladungsgeneration als auch den der Ladungsregeneration. Des Weiteren wurde in ID889-sensitivierten Bauteilen kein reduktives Löschen beobachtet. Dabei wurde die Dynamik der Exzitonen mittels einer soft-modelling Methode Kurvenanalyse aus den Daten der transienten Absorptionsspektroskopie gewonnen. Zuletzt wurden Strukturen mit Cyclopentadithiophen(CPDT)-Baustein untersucht, die eine typische D-π-A Molekülstruktur bilden. FPH224 und 233 zeigten dabei eine bessere Effizienz als FPH231 und 303 aufgrund einer großen Injektionseffizienz (IE) und längerer Lebenszeit der angeregten Zustände. Dies kann auf reduktives Löschen in FPH231 und 303 zurückgeführt werden, wohingegen FPH224 und 233 einen moderaten Zerfall des Spirokationensignals zeigten.
The central objective of this work was to generate weakly coordinating cations of unprecedented molecular size providing an inherently stable hydrophobic shell around a central charge. It was hypothesized that divergent dendritic growth by means of thermal [4+2] Diels-Alder cycloaddition might represent a feasible synthetic method to circumvent steric constraints and enable a drastic increase in cation size.rnThis initial proposition could be verified: applying the divergent dendrimer synthesis to an ethynyl-functionalized tetraphenylphosphonium derivative afforded monodisperse cations with precisely nanoscopic dimensions for the first time. Furthermore, the versatile nature of the applied cascade reactions enabled a throughout flexible design and structural tuning of the desired target cations. The specific surface functionalization as well as the implementation of triazolyl-moieties within the dendrimer scaffold could be addressed by sophisticated variation of the employed building block units (see chapter 3). rnDue to the steric screening provided by their large, hydrophobic and shape-persistent polyphenylene shells, rigidly dendronized cations proved more weakly coordinating compared to their non-dendronized analogues. This hypothesis has been experimentally confirmed by means of dielectric spectroscopy (see chapter 4). It was demonstrated for a series of dendronized borate salts that the degree of ion dissociation increased with the size of the cations. The utilization of the very large phosphonium cations developed within this work almost achieved to separate the charge carriers about the Bjerrum length in solvents of low polarity, which was reflected by approaching near quantitative ion dissociation even at room temperature. In addition to effect the electrolyte behavior in solution, the steric enlargement of ions could be visualized by means of several crystal structure analyses. Thus an insight into lattice packing under the effect of extraordinary large cations could be gathered. rnAn essential theme of this work focused on the application of benzylphosphonium salts in the classical Wittig reaction, where the concept of dendronization served as synthetic means to introduce an exceptionally large polyphenylene substituent at the -position. The straightforward influence of this unprecedented bulky group on the Wittig stereochemistry was investigated by NMR-analysis of the resulting alkenes. Based on the obtained data a valuable explanation for the origin of the observed selectivity was brought in line with the up-to-date operating [2+2] cycloaddition mechanism. Furthermore, a reliable synthesis protocol for unsymmetrically substituted polyphenylene alkenes and stilbenes was established by the design of custom-built polyphenylene precursors (see chapter 5).rnFinally, fundamental experiments to functionalize a polymer chain with sterically shielded ionic groups either in the pending or internal position were outlined within this work. Thus, inherently hydrophobic polysalts shall be formed so that future research can invesigate their physical properties with regard to counter ion condensation and charge carrier mobility.rnIn summary, this work demonstrates how the principles of dendrimer chemistry can be applied to modify and specifically tailor the properties of salts. The numerously synthesized dendrimer-ions shown herein represent a versatile interface between classic organic and inorganic electrolytes, and defined macromolecular structures in the nanometer-scale. Furthermore the particular value of polyphenylene dendrimers in terms of a broad applicability was illustrated. This work accomplished in an interdisciplinary manner to give answer to various questions such as structural modification of ions, the resulting influence on the electrolyte behavior, as well as the stereochemical control of organic syntheses via polyphenylene phosphonium salts. rn
Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst die Synthese und Charakterisierung phosphonsäurehaltiger, organischer Kristalle als ionenleitende Verbindungen in Brennstoffzellen-Anwendungen. Sie zielt dabei einerseits auf die Darstellung von protonenleitenden Polyphenylenverbindungen und deren Verwendung als Linker für den Aufbau protonenleitender Aluminium-Phosphonat-Netzwerke ab und behandelt andererseits die Einführung stark polarer Phosphonsäuregruppen in einen diskreten Nanographenkern sowie deren Einfluss auf die ionen- und elektronenleitenden Eigenschaften, um diese als gemischt-leitende Kompatibilisatoren an der isolierenden Elektrode/ Membran-Grenzfläche in einer Brennstoffzelle zu verwenden. Am Beispiel eines phosphonsäurefunktionalisierten, phenylenisch-expandierten Hexaphenylbenzols konnte ein solvothermisch stabiler Protonenleiter mit einer Selbstorganisation in kolumnare, supramolekulare Strukturen und hoher, temperaturunabhängiger Leitfähigkeit mit dominierendem Grotthuss-Anteil präsentiert werden. Durch einen Wechsel dieser 1D-radialen Phosphonsäureanordnung in der Molekülhülle hin zu 2D- und 3D-H2PO3-funktionalisierten, dendritischen Stäbchen- bzw. Kugelstrukturen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine kolumnare Molekülanordnung jedoch kein notwendiges Kriterium für einen Grotthuss-artigen Protonentransport darstellt. Durch die mehrdimensionale Orientierung der Phosphonsäuren in der Außenhülle der Dendrimere garantieren die synthetisierten Strukturen hochaggregierte Phosphonsäurecluster, die als dichtes Säurekontinuum die eigentlichen protonenleitfähigen Kanäle darstellen und somit als entscheidendes Kriterium für das Auftreten eines Grotthuss-artigen Mechanismus definiert werden müssen. Eine signifikante Erhöhung der Leitfähigkeit konnte durch den Aufbau poröser, organisch-anorganischer Netzwerke (Al-HPB-NETs) über Komplexierung einer unterstöchiometrischen Menge an Aluminium-Kationen mit der Polyphosphonsäureverbindung Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linkereinheit erfolgen, die anschließend mit kleinen intrinsischen Protonenleitern wie Phosphonsäure dotiert wurden. Diese dotierten Netzwerke wiesen außergewöhnliche Leitfähigkeit auf, da sie die σ-Werte des Referenzpolymers Nafion® bereits in einem Temperaturbereich oberhalb von 135°C übertrafen, aber gleichzeitig ein sehr gutes Säureretentionsverhalten von einem Gew.-% Säuredesorption über eine Immersionsdauer von 14 h gegenüber wässrigem Medium zeigten. Durch Mischen dieser Aluminiumphosphonate mit einer dotierten Polymermatrix wie PBI konnten synergistische Effekte durch zusätzliche attraktive H-Brückenbindungen zwischen molekular angebundener Phosphonsäure und mobiler H3PO4 an Hand eines signifikanten Leitfähigkeitsanstiegs für die resultierenden Membranen beobachtet werden. Die Protonenleitfähigkeit lag in diesen Materialien in dem gesamten untersuchten Temperaturbereich oberhalb von Nafion®. Durch das Einbringen der NETs in PBI konnte ebenfalls die Säureretention von PBI um etwa 9 % bei kurzen Immersionszeiten (bis 1 min) verbessert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit die synthetische Kombination eines hydrophoben, elektronenleitenden Nanographenkerns mit einer, durch eine isolierende Peripherie getrennten, stark polaren, protonenleitenden Außenhülle realisiert. Am Beispiel von zwei phosphonsäurefunktionalisierten Triphenylenen, die sich in Länge und Planarität der gewählten Peripheriebausteine unterschieden, sollten polycyclische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe mit gemischt protonen- und elektronenleitenden Eigenschaften hergestellt werden, die über Impedanzspektroskopie und Vierpunktmessungen untersucht wurden. Da es sich bei der Anwendung solcher gemischtleitenden Verbindungen um grenz-flächenaktive Substanzen handelt, die das ohne verbesserte Anbindung bestehende Dielektrikum zwischen Elektrode und protonenleitender Membran überbrücken sollen, wurde die Untersuchung eines möglichen Elektronentransportes durch eine Molekülmonolage ebenfalls über kombinatorische STM- und STS-Technik durchgeführt.
In this thesis we have identified two electrochemical procedures for preparing two compounds of copper hexacyanoferrate (CuHCF) films with different compositions and structures. The deposition were carried out using a “two steps” method consisting in electrochemical oxidation of previously deposited metallic copper on carbon substrates (glassy carbon and graphite foil electrodes) in K3[Fe(CN)6] solution. Both films, CuHCF-methodA and CuHCF-methodB, were characterized by cyclic voltammetry (GC) and their study using XANES spectroscopy revealed evidence of different structures. Additionally, insertion and extraction of different cations (Na+, K+, Mg2+, Al3+ and Cs+) were performed and the results indicate that CuHCF-methodA has slightly better performances and operational stability than CuHCF-methodB. Data from galvanostatic charge-discharge tests confirme the latter observation. An application for amperometric detection of H2O2 and SEM micrographs are also reported for both films (method A and B). Comparing these results with a previous work of our research group, seems that the deposition of two different compounds using methodA and methodB is due to the different stoichiometry of ions Cu2+ e [Fe(CN)6]3– created near electrode surface during the dissolution step.
Monepantel is the first drug of a new family of anthelmintics, the amino acetonitrile derivatives (AAD), presently used to treat ruminants infected with gastrointestinal nematodes such as Haemonchus contortus. Monepantel shows an excellent tolerability in mammals and is active against multidrug-resistant parasites, indicating that its molecular target is absent or inaccessible in the host and is different from those of the classic anthelmintics. Genetic approaches with mutant nematodes have suggested acetylcholine receptors of the DEG-3 subfamily as the targets of AADs, an enigmatic clade of ligand-gated ion channels that is specific to nematodes and does not occur in mammals. Here we demonstrate direct interaction of monepantel, its major active metabolite monepantel sulfone, and other AADs with potential targets of the DEG-3 subfamily of acetylcholine receptors. H. contortus DEG-3/DES-2 receptors were functionally expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes and were found to be preferentially activated by choline, to permeate monovalent cations, and to a smaller extent, calcium ions. Although monepantel and monepantel sulfone did not activate the channels by themselves, they substantially enhanced the late currents after activation of the channels with choline, indicating that these AADs are type II positive allosteric modulators of H. contortus DEG-3/DES-2 channels. It is noteworthy that the R-enantiomer of monepantel, which is inactive as an anthelmintic, inhibited the late currents after stimulation of H. contortus DEG-3/DES-2 receptors with choline. In summary, we present the first direct evidence for interaction of AADs with DEG-3-type acetylcholine receptors and discuss these findings in the context of anthelmintic action of AADs.
Charge transfer reactivities of hydrocarbon ions have been measured with time-of-flight techniques, and results correlated with theoretical structures computed by self-consistent field molecular orbital methods. Recombination energies, ion structures, heats of formation, reaction energetics and relative charge transfer cross-sections are presented for molecular and fragment ions produced by electron bombardment ionization of CH4, C2H4, C2H6, C3H8 and C4H10 molecules. Even-electron bridged cations have low ion recombination energies and relatively low charge transfer cross-sections as compared with odd-electron hydrocarbon cations.
We have investigated the thermodynamics of sulfuric acid dimer hydration using ab initio quantum mechanical methods. For (H2SO4)2(H2O)n where n = 0−6, we employed high-level ab initio calculations to locate the most stable minima for each cluster size. The results presented herein yield a detailed understanding of the first deprotonation of sulfuric acid as a function of temperature for a system consisting of two sulfuric acid molecules and up to six waters. At 0 K, a cluster of two sulfuric acid molecules and one water remains undissociated. Addition of a second water begins the deprotonation of the first sulfuric acid leading to the di-ionic species (the bisulfate anion HSO4−, the hydronium cation H3O+, an undissociated sulfuric acid molecule, and a water). Upon the addition of a third water molecule, the second sulfuric acid molecule begins to dissociate. For the (H2SO4)2(H2O)3 cluster, the di-ionic cluster is a few kcal mol−1 more stable than the neutral cluster, which is just slightly more stable than the tetra-ionic cluster (two bisulfate anions, two hydronium cations, and one water). With four water molecules, the tetra-ionic cluster, (HSO4−)2(H3O+)2(H2O)2, becomes as favorable as the di-ionic cluster H2SO4(HSO4−)(H3O+)(H2O)3 at 0 K. Increasing the temperature favors the undissociated clusters, and at room temperature we predict that the di-ionic species is slightly more favorable than the neutral cluster once three waters have been added to the cluster. The tetra-ionic species competes with the di-ionic species once five waters have been added to the cluster. The thermodynamics of stepwise hydration of sulfuric acid dimer is similar to that of the monomer; it is favorable up to n = 4−5 at 298 K. A much more thermodynamically favorable pathway forming sulfuric acid dimer hydrates is through the combination of sulfuric acid monomer hydrates, but the low concentration of sulfuric acid relative to water vapor at ambient conditions limits that process.
Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, n(e), or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tau(r), in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both n(e) and tau(r) have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes. Copyright 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Extensive research conducted over the past several decades has indicated that semipermeable membrane behavior (i.e., the ability of a porous medium to restrict the passage of solutes) may have a significant influence on solute migration through a wide variety of clay-rich soils, including both natural clay formations (aquitards, aquicludes) and engineered clay barriers (e.g., landfill liners and vertical cutoff walls). Restricted solute migration through clay membranes generally has been described using coupled flux formulations based on nonequilibrium (irreversible) thermodynamics. However, these formulations have differed depending on the assumptions inherent in the theoretical development, resulting in some confusion regarding the applicability of the formulations. Accordingly, a critical review of coupled flux formulations for liquid, current, and solutes through a semipermeable clay membrane under isothermal conditions is undertaken with the goals of explicitly resolving differences among the formulations and illustrating the significance of the differences from theoretical and practical perspectives. Formulations based on single-solute systems (i.e., uncharged solute), single-salt systems, and general systems containing multiple cations or anions are presented. Also, expressions relating the phenomenological coefficients in the coupled flux equations to relevant soil properties (e.g., hydraulic conductivity and effective diffusion coefficient) are summarized for each system. A major difference in the formulations is shown to exist depending on whether counter diffusion or salt diffusion is assumed. This difference between counter and salt diffusion is shown to affect the interpretation of values for the effective diffusion coefficient in a clay membrane based on previously published experimental data. Solute transport theories based on both counter and salt diffusion then are used to re-evaluate previously published column test data for the same clay membrane. The results indicate that, despite the theoretical inconsistency between the counter-diffusion assumption and the salt-diffusion conditions of the experiments, the predictive ability of solute transport theory based on the assumption of counter diffusion is not significantly different from that based on the assumption of salt diffusion, provided that the input parameters used in each theory are derived under the same assumption inherent in the theory. Nonetheless, salt-diffusion theory is fundamentally correct and, therefore, is more appropriate for problems involving salt diffusion in clay membranes. Finally, the fact that solute diffusion cannot occur in an ideal or perfect membrane is not explicitly captured in any of the theoretical expressions for total solute flux in clay membranes, but rather is generally accounted for via inclusion of an effective porosity, ne, or a restrictive tortuosity factor, tr, in the formulation of Fick's first law for diffusion. Both ne and tr have been correlated as a linear function of membrane efficiency. This linear correlation is supported theoretically by pore-scale modeling of solid-liquid interactions, but experimental support is limited. Additional data are needed to bolster the validity of the linear correlation for clay membranes.
The new crystalline compound, Li2PO2N, was synthesized using high temperature solid state methods starting with a stoichiometric mixture of Li2O, P2O5, and P3N5. Its crystal structure was determined ab initio from powder X-ray diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Cmc2(1) (# 36) with lattice constants a = 9.0692(4) angstrom, b = 53999(2) angstrom, and c = 4.6856(2) angstrom. The crystal structure of SD-Li2PO2N consists of parallel arrangements of anionic chains formed of corner sharing (PO2N2) tetrahedra. The chains are held together by Li+ cations. The structure of the synthesized material is similar to that predicted by Du and Holzwarth on the basis of first principles calculations (Phys. Rev. B 81,184106 (2010)). The compound is chemically and structurally stable in air up to 600 degrees C and in vacuum up to 1050 degrees C. The Arrhenius activation energy of SD-Li2PO2N in pressed pellet form was determined from electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements to be 0.6 eV, comparable to that of the glassy electrolyte LiPON developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The minimum activation energies for Li ion vacancy and interstitial migrations are computed to be 0.4 eV and 0.8 eV, respectively. First principles calculations estimate the band gap of SD-Li2PO2N to be larger than 6 eV. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High resolution friction force maps of the benzylammonium terminated crystalline surface of a layer compound are presented. The lateral force map acquired with an atomic force microscope, reveals a significant contrast between different molecular orientations yielding molecular rows which differ from their neighboring ones. The single crystals are formed by stacks of copper oxalate sheets sandwiched between stereoregular organic cations, resulting in highly organized surface structures. Single molecular defects are observed at small loads. The experimental results are compared with numerical calculations which indicate a transition from an unperturbed state at small loads to a distorted state at higher loads. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics.
Green roof mitigation of volume and peak flow-rate of stormwater runoff has been studied extensively. However, due to the common practice of green roof fertilization, there is the potential for introduction of nutrients into local bodies of water. Therefore, this study compares green roof runoff quality with the water quality of precipitation and runoff from a bare shingle roof. The runoff from a demonstration-scale extensive green roof was analyzed during the summer of 2011 for its effect on runoff volume and analyzed during eleven storm events in the fall and winter for concentrations of copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, nitrogen species, total nitrogen, total organic carbon, sulfate, orthophosphate, and other monovalent and divalent ions. The green roof reduced the overall volume of runoff and served as a sink for NO3 - and NH4 +. However, the green roof was also a source for the pollutants PO4 3-, SO4 2-, TOC, cations, and total nitrogen. Metals such as zinc and lead showed trends of higher mass loads in the bare roof runoff than in precipitation and green roof runoff, although results were not statistically significant. The green roof also showed trends, although also not statistically significant, of retaining cadmium and copper. With the green roof serving as a source of phosphorous species and a sink for nitrogen species, and appearing to a retain metals and total volume, the life cycle impact analysis shows minimum impacts from the green roof, when compared with precipitation and bare roof runoff, in all but fresh water eutrophication. Therefore, the best environments to install a green roof may be in coastal environments.
Clay minerals have a fundamental importance in many processes in soils and sediments such as the bioavailability of nutrients, water retention, the adsorption of common pollutants, and the formation of an impermeable barrier upon swelling. Many of the properties of clay minerals are due to the unique environment present at the clay mineral/water interface. Traditional techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and absorption isotherms have provided a wealth of information about this interface but have suffered from limitations. The methods and results presented herein are designed to yield new experimental information about the clay mineral/water interface.A new method of studying the swelling dynamics of clay minerals was developed using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM). The preliminary results presented here demonstrate that this technique allows one to study individual clay mineral unit layers, explore the natural heterogeneities of samples, and monitor swelling dynamics of clay minerals in real time. Cation exchange experiments were conducted monitoring the swelling change of individual nontronite quasi-crystals as the chemical composition of the surrounding environment was manipulated several times. A proof of concept study has shown that the changes in swelling are from the exchange of interlayer cations and not from the mechanical force of replacing the solution in the fluid cell. A series of attenuated total internal reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) experiments were performed to gain a better understanding of the organization of water within the interlayer region of two Fe-bearing clay minerals. These experiments made use of the Subtractive Kramers-Kronig (SKK) Transform and the calculation of difference spectra to obtain information about interfacial water hidden within the absorption bands of bulk water. The results indicate that the reduction of structural iron disrupts the organization of water around a strongly hydrated cation such as sodium as the cation transitions from an outer-sphere complex with the mineral surface to an inner-sphere complex. In the case of a less strongly hydrated cation such as potassium, reduction of structural iron actually increases the ordering of water molecules at the mineral surface. These effects were only noticed with the reduction of iron in the tetrahedral sheet close to the basal surface where the increased charge density is localized closer to the cations in the interlayer.
Clay mineral-rich sedimentary formations are currently under investigation to evaluate their potential use as host formations for installation of deep underground disposal facilities for radioactive waste (e.g. Boom Clay (BE), Opalinus Clay (CH), Callovo-Oxfordian argillite (FR)). The ultimate safety of the corresponding repository concepts depends largely on the capacity of the host formation to limit the flux towards the biosphere of radionuclides (RN) contained in the waste to acceptably low levels. Data for diffusion-driven transfer in these formations shows extreme differences in the measured or modelled behaviour for various radionuclides, e. g. between halogen RN (Cl-36, I-129) and actinides (U-238,U-235, Np-237, Th-232, etc.), which result from major differences between RN of the effects on transport of two phenomena: diffusion and sorption. This paper describes recent research aimed at improving understanding of these two phenomena, focusing on the results of studies carried out during the EC Funmig IP on clayrocks from the above three formations and from the Boda formation (HU). Project results regarding phenomena governing water, cation and anion distribution and mobility in the pore volumes influenced by the negatively-charged surfaces of clay minerals show a convergence of the modelling results for behaviour at the molecular scale and descriptions based on electrical double layer models. Transport models exist which couple ion distribution relative to the clay-solution interface and differentiated diffusive characteristics. These codes are able to reproduce the main trends in behaviour observed experimentally, e.g. D-e(anion) < D-e(HTO) < D-e(cation) and D-e(anion) variations as a function of ionic strength and material density. These trends are also well-explained by models of transport through ideal porous matrices made up of a charged surface material. Experimental validation of these models is good as regards monovalent alkaline cations, in progress for divalent electrostatically-interacting cations (e.g. Sr2+) and still relatively poor for 'strongly sorbing', high K-d cations. Funmig results have clarified understanding of how clayrock mineral composition, and the corresponding organisation of mineral grain assemblages and their associated porosity, can affect mobile solute (anions, HTO) diffusion at different scales (mm to geological formation). In particular, advances made in the capacity to map clayrock mineral grain-porosity organisation at high resolution provide additional elements for understanding diffusion anisotropy and for relating diffusion characteristics measured at different scales. On the other hand, the results of studies focusing on evaluating the potential effects of heterogeneity on mobile species diffusion at the formation scale tend to show that there is a minimal effect when compared to a homogeneous property model. Finally, the results of a natural tracer-based study carried out on the Opalinus Clay formation increase confidence in the use of diffusion parameters measured on laboratory scale samples for predicting diffusion over geological time-space scales. Much effort was placed on improving understanding of coupled sorption-diffusion phenomena for sorbing cations in clayrocks. Results regarding sorption equilibrium in dispersed and compacted materials for weakly to moderately sorbing cations (Sr2+, Cs+, Co2+) tend to show that the same sorption model probably holds in both systems. It was not possible to demonstrate this for highly sorbing elements such as Eu(III) because of the extremely long times needed to reach equilibrium conditions, but there does not seem to be any clear reason why such elements should not have similar behaviour. Diffusion experiments carried out with Sr2+, Cs+ and Eu(III) on all of the clayrocks gave mixed results and tend to show that coupled diffusion-sorption migration is much more complex than expected, leading generally to greater mobility than that predicted by coupling a batch-determined K-d and Ficks law based on the diffusion behaviour of HTO. If the K-d measured on equivalent dispersed systems holds as was shown to be the case for Sr, Cs (and probably Co) for Opalinus Clay, these results indicate that these cations have a D-e value higher than HTO (up to a factor of 10 for Cs+). Results are as yet very limited for very moderate to strongly sorbing species (e.g. Co(II), Eu(III), Cu(II)) because of their very slow transfer characteristics. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
With increasing life expectancy and active lifestyles, the longevity of arthroplasties has become an important problem in orthopaedic surgery and will remain so until novel approaches to joint preservation have been developed. The sensitivity of the recipient to the metal alloys may be one of the factors limiting the lifespan of implants. In the present study, the response of human monocytes from peripheral blood to an exposure to metal ions was investigated, using the method of real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based low-density arrays. Upon stimulation with bivalent (Co2+ and Ni2+) and trivalent (Ti3+) cations and with the calcium antagonist LaCl3, the strength of the elicited monocytic response was in the order of Co2+ > or = Ni2+ > Ti3+ > or = LaCl3. The transcriptional regulation of the majority of genes affected by the exposure of monocytes to Co2+ and Ni2+ was similar. Some genes critically involved in the processes of inflammation and bone resorption, however, were found to be differentially regulated by these bivalent cations. The data demonstrate that monocytic gene expression is adapted in response to metal ions and that this response is, in part, specific for the individual metals. It is suggested that metal alloys used in arthroplasties may affect the extent of inflammation and bone resorption in the peri-implant tissues in dependence of their chemical composition.