836 resultados para body mass Index
The objectives of the study were (a) to examine which information and design elements on dairy product packages operate as cues in consumer evaluations of product healthfulness, and (b) to measure the degree to which consumers voluntarily attend to these elements during product choice. Visual attention was measured by means of eye-tracking. Task (free viewing, product healthfulness evaluation, and purchase likelihood evaluation) and product (five different yoghurt products) were varied in a mixed within-between subjects design. The free viewing condition served as a baseline against which increases or decreases in attention during product healthfulness evaluation and purchase likelihood evaluation were assessed. The analysis revealed that the only element operating as a health cue during product healthfulness evaluation was the nutrition label. The information cues used during purchase likelihood evaluation were the name of the product category and the nutrition label. Taken together, the results suggest that the only information element that consumers consistently utilize as a health cue is the nutrition label and that only a limited amount of attention is devoted to read nutrition labels during purchase likelihood evaluations. The study also revealed that the probability that a consumer will read the nutrition label during the purchase decision process is associated with gender, body mass index and health motivation.
RESUMO:Uma boa parte da mortalidade na idade adulta têm origem em comportamentos iniciados na adolescência, como sedentarismo, obesidade e consumo de tabaco, drogas ou álcool (Lourenço, 2007). O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar os estilos de vida e os comportamentos adoptados pelos alunos da Escola Secundária de São João do Estoril (ESSJE), principalmente o nível de prática de actividade física em função do género, ano de escolaridade e índice de massa corporal (IMC). Porém, conhecer de que forma estes jovens ocupam os seus tempos livres é também um dos objectivos do presente trabalho. A amostra é constituída por 78 alunos da ESSJE, sendo que 27 alunos pertencem ao 10º ano, 25 ao 11º ano e 26 ao 12º ano de escolaridade. Foi aplicado uma parte do questionário da rede Europeia Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) que visa estudar a saúde e os estilos de vida dos adolescentes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que na grande maioria, os alunos praticam actividade física, evidenciando-se diferenças na prática relativamente ao género mas não relativamente ao IMC e ano de escolaridade. Quanto à ocupação dos tempos livres, os alunos adoptam na sua maioria por actividades sedentárias. ABSTRACT: A good part of mortality in adulthood has its origin in behavior start in adolescence, such as physical inactivity, obesity and smoking, drugs or alcohol (Lourenço, 2007). The present study aims to examine the lifestyles and behaviors adopted by students of the School of São João do Estoril, especially the level of physical activity by gender, years of education and body mass index. However, to know how these young people occupy their leisure time is also one of the objectives of this work. The sample consists of 78 students School of São João do Estoril, with 27 students belong to the 10 th year, 25 to 11th years and 26 to 12th grade. We applied a part of the questionnaire of the European network Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) project to study the health and lifestyles of teenagers. The results show that in most cases, students practice physical activity, demonstrating differences in practice on gender but not with regard to BMI and years of schooling. As for leisure time, students take mostly of sedentary activities.
Sabe-se pouco sobre a prevalência da prática de actividade física em Portugal, estratificada por categorias de índice de massa corporal. O objectivo do presente projecto foi verificar a associação da prática de actividade física como (a) características sociodemográficas e (b) índice de massa corporal. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal. Dados recolhidos entre Janeiro/2003 e Janeiro/2005, por questionário estruturado (entrevista face-a-face) e avaliação antropométrica (peso, altura e perímetros da cintura e anca). Amostra representativa da população adulta em Portugal continental. Para avaliação da prática de actividade física, foi utilizado o Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity. Participaram 8116 pessoas. 27.9% referiu praticar algum tipo de actividade desportiva. A proporção dos que fazem desporto diminui com a idade. A proporção de homens que referiram níveis de actividade mais elevados é significativamente superior à encontrada para as mulheres. As pontuações obtidas para a prática de actividade física em qualquer dos contextos (lazer, desporto e trabalho) correlacionam-se significativamente com o nível educacional (principalmente em contextos de lazer). Nas actividades de lazer e de desporto, a pontuação de actividade física está negativamente correlacionada com o índice de massa corporal. Quanto à actividade física no trabalho, esta correlaciona-se positivamente com o índice de massa corporal. Concluímos que são necessárias estratégias de saúde pública que facilitem e promovam a actividade física em contexto de lazer, especialmente dirigidas aos idosos e aos grupos demográficos com níveis educacionais mais baixos.
São vários, e ainda mal compreendidos, os factores que contribuem para a obesidade. Em Portugal, há simultaneamente uma elevada prevalência de obesidade e um elevado consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. A associação entre consumo de álcool e obesidade não é clara. Este artigo analisa a associação entre a frequência auto-relatada de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas (vinho, cerveja e bebidas brancas/espirituosas) e a prevalência de pré-obesidade e/ou obesidade na população adulta (entre os 18 e os 64 anos) em Portugal. Trata-se de um estudo observacional e transversal, representativo a nível de Portugal continental. No total, recolheram-se dados relativamente a 8116 portugueses. As frequências de consumo das várias bebidas estão fortemente correlacionadas entre si. Foi encontrada uma associação significativa entre as frequências auto-relatadas de consumo de álcool e o excesso de peso, a obesidade e as medidas do perímetro da cintura. A frequência auto-relatada de consumo para todas as bebidas aumenta com as categorias de índice de massa corporal. As categorias de perímetro da cintura associadas a risco cardiovascular estão associadas a maior frequência auto-relatada de consumo de todas as bebidas alcoólicas em estudo, à excepção das bebidas brancas/espirituosas. Embora a associação entre álcool e obesidade ainda esteja por clarificar, vários estudos revelaram associações positivas entre o consumo de álcool e a obesidade. Esta descoberta é apoiada pelos dados aqui descritos, recolhidos em Portugal continental, que sugerem um efeito sinergético do consumo (auto-relatado) do vinho e da cerveja tanto no IMC como no perímetro da cintura. Os resultados sugerem uma ligação importante entre a frequência autorelatada de consumo de álcool e o peso excessivo e a obesidade abdominal na população adulta portuguesa.
Uma formulação oral sob a forma de cápsulas contendo um extrato de Ascophyllum nodosum, foi testada em mulheres com execesso de peso e obesas (n=42) numa dieta hipocalórica. A vinte e um indivíduos foi atribuído, para além da dieta hipocalórica, o extrato de algas castanhas comestíveis, enquanto que outros 21 indivíduos seguiram apenas a dieta hipocalórica. Após 8 semanas de suplementação, foi observada no grupo que recebeu o extrato de algas castanhas comestíveis uma diminuição nas médias de: perda de peso, índice de massa coporal e perímetro da anca. O consumo de extrato de Ascophyllum nodosum, durante a restrição energética ao longo de 8 semanas, mudou a antropometria nestas mulheres com excesso de peso e obesas.
O presente trabalho pretende caraterizar os hábitos alimentares, a prática de atividade física e o índice de massa corporal (IMC) dos alunos de Análises Clínicas e Saúde Pública, Enfermagem, Radiologia e Farmácia da ERISA e de Ciências Farmacêuticas da ULHT em Lisboa, no ano letivo 2010/2011.Através de um inquérito obtivemos uma amostragem de 134 alunos, estratificada por curso e ano curricular. Destes, 117 são do sexo feminino (87,3%) e 17 (12,7%) do sexo masculino, com idades entre os 18 e os 38 anos. Em relação ao IMC, verificou-se que na ERISAe na ULHTa maioria dos alunos se encontra dentro do peso normal (76% e 87,5% respectivamente). Em relação à prática de atividade física, a maior parte dos alunos (42,5%) pratica uma a três vezes por semana. Os hábitos alimentares destes alunos são adequados a uma vida saudável, uma vez que consomem sopa várias vezes por semana e fruta, água (acima de 1 L) e leite, diariamente. 51,5% (69/134) dos inquiridos reconheceram o pequeno-almoço como a sua refeição mais importante . Não consomem alimentos fritos nem “fast-food”. Em conclusão, a maioria dos alunos está sensibilizada para uma alimentação equilibrada e variada e pratica atividade física (58,9%).
Considerando que a prática de exercício físico com uma intensidade pelo menos moderada melhora a capacidade funcional (Maines et al., 1997; Clara et al., 2002; Olney et al., 2006), a qualidade de vida (Leal et al., 2005; Azevedo & Leal, 2009; Flynn et al., 2009) e diminui os fatores de risco coronários (Maines et al., 1997; Squires & Hamm, 2007; Perk, 2009; Pimenta, 2010), propõe-se com o presente estudo analisar o efeito do exercício físico supervisionado, em fase ambulatório precoce, realizada na comunidade, ao nível da recuperação de doentes cardíacos. Método: Aplicar-se-á um estudo experimental, em doentes cardíacos de ambos os sexos, entre os 28 e os 80 anos. Atribuir-se-á particular ênfase às alterações induzidas pela aplicação do programa de exercício físico nos parâmetros bioquímicos (colesterol total, C-LDL, C-HDL, triglicéridos e glicose), na composição corporal (peso, índice de massa corporal, perímetro da cintura), na capacidade funcional (consumo de oxigénio pico –V02 pico, equivalente metabólico, duplo produto), no nível de atividade física, na ingestão alimentar e na qualidade de vida. O estudo terá uma duração superior a três meses, comparando dois grupos, um grupo submetido ao exercício físico supervisionado (ES) e outro aos cuidados usuais (CU), os quais serão alvo de duas avaliações (inicial e final), avaliando-se a média e o desvio-padrão para todas as variáveis em estudo e recorrendo-se aos testes não paramétricos e paramétricos, para um nível de significância de p< .05. Resultados: Foram elegidos 52 doentes, sendo que 22 participaram no grupo cuidados usuais (CU) e 30 no grupo exercício físico supervisionado (ES), observando-se que o grupo ES apresentou melhorias mais acentuadas quando comparadas com o grupo CU, ao nível dos seguintes indicadores: dispêndio de kcal/semana (+697.22% vs +320.20%); PC (-3.19% vs +5.85%); CT (-23.92% vs -9.29%), C-LDL (-32.52% vs -8.92%); total de kcal/dia ingeridas (-33,31% vs -2.58%); VO2 pico (+30.88% vs -3.57%); qualidade de vida geral (+53.86% vs +2.96%). Conclusão: Concluindo que o exercício físico multicomponente, inserido na fase de ambulatório precoce na comunidade, potencia a recuperação de doentes cardíacos influenciando positivamente os fatores de risco de progressão da doença coronária, a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida fundamentais para que o doente possa, pelos seus próprios meios, retomar a sua vida na comunidade.
Introduction Health promotion (HP) aims to enhance good health while preventing ill-health at three levels of activity; primary (preventative), secondary (diagnostic) and tertiary (management).1 It can range from simple provision of health education to ongoing support, but the effectiveness of HP is ultimately dependent on its ability to influence change. HP as part of the Community Pharmacy Contract (CPC) aims to increase public knowledge and target ‘hard-to-reach’ individuals by focusing mainly on primary and tertiary HP. The CPC does not include screening programmes (secondary HP) as a service. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the UK. While there is evidence to support the effectiveness of some community pharmacy HP strategies in CHD, there is paucity of research in relation to screening services.2 Against this background, Alliance Pharmacy introduced a free CHD risk screening programme to provide tailored HP advice as part of a participant–pharmacist consultation. The aim of this study is to report on the CHD risk levels of participants and to provide a qualitative indication of consultation outcomes. Methods Case records for 12 733 people who accessed a free CHD risk screening service between August 2004 and April 2006 offered at 217 community pharmacies were obtained. The service involved initial self-completion of the Healthy Heart Assessment (HHA) form and measurement of height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, total cholesterol and highdensity lipoprotein levels by pharmacists to calculate CHD risk.3 Action taken by pharmacists (lifestyle advice, statin recommendation or general practitioner (GP) referral) and qualitative statements of advice were recorded, and a copy provided to the participants. The service did not include follow-up of participants. All participants consented to taking part in evaluations of the service. Ethical committee scrutiny was not required for this service development evaluation. Results Case records for 10 035 participants (3658 male) were evaluable; 5730 (57%) were at low CHD risk (<15%); 3636 (36%) at moderate-to-high CHD risk (≥15%); and 669 (7%) had existing heart disease. A significantly higher proportion of male (48% versus 30% female) participants were at moderate- to-high risk of CHD (chi-square test; P < 0.005). A range of outcomes resulted from consultations. Lifestyle advice was provided irrespective of participants’ CHD risk or existing disease. In the moderate-to-high-risk group, of which 52% received prescribed medication, lifestyle advice was recorded for 62%, 16% were referred and 34% were advised to have a re-assessment. Statin recommendations were made in 1% of all cases. There was evidence of supportive and motivational statements in the advice recorded. Discussion Pharmacists were able to identify individuals’ level of CHD risk and provide them with bespoke advice. Identification of at-risk participants did not automatically result in referrals or statin recommendation. One-third of those accessing the screening service had moderate-to-high risk of CHD, a significantly higher proportion of whom were men. It is not known whether these individuals had been previously exposed to HP but presumably by accessing this service they may have contemplated change. As effectiveness of HP advice will depend among other factors on ability to influence change, future consultations may need to explore patients’ attitude towards change in relation to the Trans Theoretical Model4 to better tailor HP advice. The high uptake of the service by those at moderate-to-high CHD risk indicates a need for this type of screening programme in community pharmacy, perhaps specifically to reach men who access medical services less.
A sequential study design generally makes more efficient use of available information than a fixed sample counterpart of equal power. This feature is gradually being exploited by researchers in genetic and epidemiological investigations that utilize banked biological resources and in studies where time, cost and ethics are prominent considerations. Recent work in this area has focussed on the sequential analysis of matched case-control studies with a dichotomous trait. In this paper, we extend the sequential approach to a comparison of the associations within two independent groups of paired continuous observations. Such a comparison is particularly relevant in familial studies of phenotypic correlation using twins. We develop a sequential twin method based on the intraclass correlation and show that use of sequential methodology can lead to a substantial reduction in the number of observations without compromising the study error rates. Additionally, our approach permits straightforward allowance for other explanatory factors in the analysis. We illustrate our method in a sequential heritability study of dysplasia that allows for the effect of body mass index and compares monozygotes with pairs of singleton sisters. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Context: Evidence is limited on the effects of different patterns of use of postmenopausal hormone therapy on fracture incidence and particularly on the effects of ceasing use. Objective: To investigate the effect of different patterns of hormone therapy use on fracture incidence. Design, Setting, and Participants: Prospective study of 138737 postmenopausal women aged 50 to 69 years recruited from the UK general population in 19961998 (the Million Women Study) and followed up for 1.9 to 3.9 years (average, 2.8 years) for fracture incidence. Main Outcome Measure: Adjusted relative risk (RR) for incident fracture (except fracture of the fingers, toes, and ribs) in hormone therapy users compared with never users at baseline. Results: A total of 5197 women (3.7%) reported 1 or more fractures, 79% resulting from falls. Current users of hormone therapy at baseline had a significantly reduced incidence of fracture (RR, 0.62; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.58-0.66; P<.001). This protection was evident soon after hormone therapy began, and the RR decreased with increasing duration of use (P=.001). Among current users at baseline the RR of fracture did not vary significantly according to whether estrogen-only, estrogen-progestin, or other types of hormones were used (RR [95% CI], 0.64 [0.58-0.71], 0.58 [0.53-0.64], and 0.67 [0.56-0.80], respectively; P=19), nor did it vary significantly according to estrogen dose or estrogen or progestin constituents. The RR associated with current use of hormone therapy did not vary significantly according to 11 personal characteristics of study participants, including their age at menopause, body mass index, and physical activity. Past users of hormone therapy at baseline experienced no significant protection against fractures (RR, 1.07; 95% CI, 0.99-1.15); incidence rates returned to those of never-users within about a year of ceasing use. Conclusions: All types of hormone therapy studied confer substantial protection against fracture while they are used. This protection appears rapidly after use commences and wears off rapidly after use ceases. The older women are, the greater is their absolute reduction in fracture incidence while using hormone therapy.
There has been increasing interest in health benefits of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) based on findings with laboratory animals. Some human studies have also suggested health benefits of CLA, but because of the mixes used these could not be readily associated with a particular isomer of CLA. A recent study examined the separate effects of near-pure cis-9,trans-11 CLA (c9,t11 CLA) or trans-10,cis-12 CLA (t10,c12 CLA) on health-related outcomes in healthy young males. The CLA isomers were provided in capsules and at three doses (up to about 2.5 g/day) each for 8 weeks. Both c9,t11 and t10,c12 CLA were incorporated in a dose–response fashion into blood lipids and cells. At the doses and durations used, neither isomer of CLA affected bodyweight, body mass index or body composition, insulin sensitivity, immune function or markers of inflammation. However, at the doses and durations used, c9,t11 and t10,c12 CLA had opposing effects on blood lipid concentrations. Altered dairy cow-feeding practices were used to produce c9,t11 CLA-rich milk and, from this ultra heat-treated milk, cheese and butter were produced. The milk and the dairy products made from it had ninefold higher contents of c9,t11 CLA, higher contents of n-3 fatty acids and lower contents of total fat and of saturated fatty acids. They also contained much higher contents of trans-vaccenic acid (tVA). The modified dairy products were used in a 6-week controlled dietary intervention study in healthy middle-aged males. c9,t11 CLA and tVA were incorporated from dairy products into blood lipids and cells. Consumption of the CLA-rich (and tVA-rich) dairy products did not affect bodyweight or body mass index, insulin sensitivity or inflammatory markers. However, there were some detrimental effects on blood lipids. These effects may be due to tVA rather than to c9,t11 CLA, as they are consistent with the effects of trans fatty acids and not consistent with the effects of c9,t11 CLA identified in the earlier study with c9,t11 CLA in capsules.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the positive statistical associations between measures of total and regional adiposity and measures of glucose, insulin and triacylglycerol ( TAG) metabolism reported in Caucasian men, are also observed in UK Sikhs. DESIGN: A matched cross-sectional study in which each volunteer provided a blood sample after a 12-h overnight fast and had anthropometric measurements taken. SUBJECTS: A total of 55 healthy Caucasian and 55 healthy UK Sikh men were recruited. The Caucasian and Sikh men were matched for age ( 48.7 +/- 10.9 and 48.3 +/- 10.0 y, respectively) and body mass index (BMI) ( 26.1 +/- 2.8 and 26.3 +/- 3.2 kg/m(2), respectively). MEASUREMENTS: Anthropometric measurements were performed to assess total and regional fat depots. The concentrations of plasma total cholesterol, high-density cholesterol (HDL- C), low-density cholesterol (LDL-C) and small dense LDL (LDL3), TAG, glucose, fasting insulin (ins) and nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) were analysed in fasted plasma. Surrogate measures of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and insulin sensitivity (RQUICKI) were calculated from insulin and glucose (HOMA-IR) and insulin, glucose and NEFA ( RQUICKI) measurements. RESULTS: The Sikh men had significantly higher body fat, with the sum of the four skinfold measurements (Ssk) ( P = 0.0001) and subscapular skinfold value (P = 0.009) higher compared with the Caucasian men. The Sikh volunteers also had characteristics of the metabolic syndrome: lower HDL-C (P = 0.07), higher TAG (P = 0.004), higher % LDL3 (P = 0.0001) and insulin resistance (P = 0.05). Both ethnic groups demonstrated positive correlations between insulin and waist circumference (Caucasian: r = 0.661, P = 0.0001; Sikh: r = 0.477, P = 0.0001). The Caucasian men also demonstrated significant positive correlations between central adiposity (r = 0.275, P = 0.04), other measures of adiposity (BMI and suprailiac skinfold) and plasma TAG, whereas the Sikh men showed no correlation for central adiposity (r = 0.019, ns) and TAG with a trend to a negative relationship between other measures ( Ssk and suprailiac) which reached near significance for subscapular skinfold and TAG (r = - 0.246, P = 0.007). The expected positive association between insulin and TAG was observed in the Caucasian men (r = 0.318, P = 0.04) but not in the Sikh men (r = 0.011, ns). CONCLUSIONS: In the Caucasian men, the expected positive association between plasma TAG and centralized body fat was observed. However, a lack of association between centralized, or any other measure of adiposity, and plasma TAG was observed in the matched Sikh men, although both ethnic groups showed the positive association between centralized body fat and insulin resistance, which was less strong for Sikhs. These findings in the Sikh men were not consistent with the hypothesis that there is a clear causal relationship between body fat and its distribution, insulin resistance, and lipid abnormalities associated with the metabolic syndrome, in this ethnic group.
South Asian populations living in the UK have a high prevalence of the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes which impacts greatly on the morbidity and mortality of this ethnic group. The identification of ‘at risk’ individuals is essential to initiate reventative treatment. However, this is considerably hindered by the lack of appropriate cut-off values for anthropometric measures. CVD risk is significantly higher at a lower body mass index (BMI) in many Asian groups compared with Caucasians and adiposity (particularly central deposition) is higher at similar BMI levels. The definition of adiposity in Asians needs to be firmly established and appropriate lower BMI and waist circumference cut-offs implemented in ethnic subpopulations to facilitate appropriate treatment strategies.
Cigarette smoking is associated with increased oxidative stress and increased risk of degenerative disease. As the major lipophilic antioxidant, requirements for vitamin E may be higher in smokers due to increased utilisation. In this observational study we have compared vitamin E status in smokers and non-smokers using a holistic approach by measuring plasma, erythrocyte, lymphocyte and platelet alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, as well as the specific urinary vitamin E metabolites alpha- and gamma-carboxyethylhydroxychroman (CEHC). Fifteen smokers (average age 27 years, smoking time 7.5 years) and non-smokers of comparable age, gender and body mass index (BMI) were recruited. Subjects completed a 7-day food diary and on the final day they provided a 24 h urine collection and a 20 ml blood sample for measurement of urinary vitamin E metabolites and total vitamin E in blood components, respectively. No significant differences were found between plasma and erythrocyte alpha- and gamma-tocopherol in smokers and non-smokers. However, smokers had significantly lower ce-tocopherol (mean +/-SD, 1.34+/-0.31 mumol/g protein compared with 1.94+/-0.54, P = 0.001) and gamma-tocopherol (0.19 +/- 0.04 mumol/g protein compared with 0.26 +/- 0.08, P = 0.026) levels in their lymphocytes, as well as significantly lower (alpha-tocopherol levels in platelets (1.09 +/- 0.49 mumol/g protein compared with 1.60 +/- 0.55, P = 0.014; gamma-tocopherol levels were similar). Interestingly smokers also had significantly higher excretion of the urinary gamma-tocopherol metabolite, gamma-CEHC (0.49 +/- 0.25 mg/g creatinine compared with 0.32 +/- 0.16, P = 0.036) compared to non-smokers, while their (alpha-CEHC (metabolite of a-tocopherol) levels were similar. There was no significant difference between plasma ascorbate, urate and F-2-isoprostane levels. Therefore in this population of cigarette smokers (mean age 27 years, mean smoking duration 7.5 years), alterations to vitamin E status can be observed even without the more characteristic changes to ascorbate and F-2-isoprostanes. We suggest that the measurement of lymphocyte and platelet vitamin E may represent a valuable biomarker of vitamin E status in relation to oxidative stress conditions.
Dysregulation of lipid and glucose metabolism in the postprandial state are recognised as important risk factors for the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Our objective was to create a comprehensive, standardised database of postprandial studies to provide insights into the physiological factors that influence postprandial lipid and glucose responses. Data were collated from subjects (n = 467) taking part in single and sequential meal postprandial studies conducted by researchers at the University of Reading, to form the DISRUPT (DIetary Studies: Reading Unilever Postprandial Trials) database. Subject attributes including age, gender, genotype, menopausal status, body mass index, blood pressure and a fasting biochemical profile, together with postprandial measurements of triacylglycerol (TAG), non-esterified fatty acids, glucose, insulin and TAG-rich lipoprotein composition are recorded. A particular strength of the studies is the frequency of blood sampling, with on average 10-13 blood samples taken during each postprandial assessment, and the fact that identical test meal protocols were used in a number of studies, allowing pooling of data to increase statistical power. The DISRUPT database is the most comprehensive postprandial metabolism database that exists worldwide and preliminary analysis of the pooled sequential meal postprandial dataset has revealed both confirmatory and novel observations with respect to the impact of gender and age on the postprandial TAG response. Further analysis of the dataset using conventional statistical techniques along with integrated mathematical models and clustering analysis will provide a unique opportunity to greatly expand current knowledge of the aetiology of inter-individual variability in postprandial lipid and glucose responses.