982 resultados para beneficial microbe
El WP té com a objectiu examinar per què els països del nord d'Àfrica estan augmentant les seves importacions de Xina i per què la Xina està augmentant les seves inversions estrangeres directes a la zona. la avantatges per als països del nord d'Àfrica es troben en els actuals acords de lliure comerç, el absència de barreres aranzelàries i la seva ubicació geogràfica summament beneficiosa com Hub de la Mediterrània. El paper de la Unió per la Mediterrània és clau per identificar aspectes de la política regional, tenint en compte la participació xinesa a la zona. com conseqüència, concloem que els actors polítics han de trobar un equilibri entre sostenible desenvolupament i els interessos econòmics de la regió.
The overwhelming predominance of sexual reproduction in nature is surprising given that sex is expected to confer profound costs in terms of production of males and the breakup of beneficial allele combinations. Recognition of these theoretical costs was the inspiration for a large body of empirical research-typically focused on comparing sexual and asexual organisms, lineages, or genomes-dedicated to identifying the advantages and maintenance of sex in natural populations. Despite these efforts, why sex is so common remains unclear. Here, we argue that we can generate general insights into the advantages of sex by taking advantage of parthenogenetic taxa that differ in such characteristics as meiotic versus mitotic offspring production, ploidy level, and single versus multiple and hybrid versus non-hybrid origin. We begin by evaluating benefits that sex can confer via its effects on genetic linkage, diversity, and heterozygosity and outline how the three classes of benefits make different predictions for which type of parthenogenetic lineage would be favored over others. Next, we describe the type of parthenogenetic model system (if any) suitable for testing whether the hypothesized benefit might contribute to the maintenance of sex in natural populations, and suggest groups of organisms that fit the specifications. We conclude by discussing how empirical estimates of characteristics such as time since derivation and number of independent origins of asexual lineages from sexual ancestors, ploidy levels, and patterns of molecular evolution from representatives of these groups can be used to better understand which mechanisms maintain sex in natural populations.
Investigating the factors affecting the strength of sexual selection is important for understanding the evolution of sex-specific morphological and behavioural traits. Traditionally, sexual selection studies focus on male ornaments, although recent evidence indicates that sexual selection mechanisms also target organismal performance. In the present study, we investigated the role of sexually dimorphic morphological and performance traits of the common (viviparous) lizard (Zootoca vivipara, Jacquin 1787) with respect to determining mating behaviour. Using an experimental set-up controlling for size differences, we found that males with longer tails had a higher probability of mating a female. Unexpectedly, males with lower bite forces had an advantage over males with higher bite forces, whereas males with bigger heads copulated for a longer time with the female. This shows that predicting mating success is not straightforward and is sometimes counterintuitive because a longer tail appears to be beneficial, whereas biting harder is not, for male Z. vivipara in a male-female interaction context
PURPOSE: Experimental evidence suggests that lactate is neuroprotective after acute brain injury; however, data in humans are lacking. We examined whether exogenous lactate supplementation improves cerebral energy metabolism in humans with traumatic brain injury (TBI). METHODS: We prospectively studied 15 consecutive patients with severe TBI monitored with cerebral microdialysis (CMD), brain tissue PO2 (PbtO2), and intracranial pressure (ICP). Intervention consisted of a 3-h intravenous infusion of hypertonic sodium lactate (aiming to increase systemic lactate to ca. 5 mmol/L), administered in the early phase following TBI. We examined the effect of sodium lactate on neurochemistry (CMD lactate, pyruvate, glucose, and glutamate), PbtO2, and ICP. RESULTS: Treatment was started on average 33 ± 16 h after TBI. A mixed-effects multilevel regression model revealed that sodium lactate therapy was associated with a significant increase in CMD concentrations of lactate [coefficient 0.47 mmol/L, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.31-0.63 mmol/L], pyruvate [13.1 (8.78-17.4) μmol/L], and glucose [0.1 (0.04-0.16) mmol/L; all p < 0.01]. A concomitant reduction of CMD glutamate [-0.95 (-1.94 to 0.06) mmol/L, p = 0.06] and ICP [-0.86 (-1.47 to -0.24) mmHg, p < 0.01] was also observed. CONCLUSIONS: Exogenous supplemental lactate can be utilized aerobically as a preferential energy substrate by the injured human brain, with sparing of cerebral glucose. Increased availability of cerebral extracellular pyruvate and glucose, coupled with a reduction of brain glutamate and ICP, suggests that hypertonic lactate therapy has beneficial cerebral metabolic and hemodynamic effects after TBI.
Behçet's disease (BD) is universally recognized as a multisystemic inflammatory disease of unknown etiology with chronic course and unpredictable exacerbations: its clinical spectrum varies from pure vasculitic manifestations with thrombotic complications to protean inflammatory involvement of multiple organs and tissues. Treatment has been revolutionized by the progressed knowledge in the pathogenetic mechanisms of BD, involving dysfunction and oversecretion of multiple proinflammatory molecules, chiefly tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) α, interleukin- (IL-) 1β, and IL-6. However, although biological treatment with anti-TNF-α agents has been largely demonstrated to be effective in BD, not all patients are definite responders, and this beneficial response might drop off over time. Therefore, additional therapies for a subset of refractory patients with BD are inevitably needed. Different agents targeting various cytokines and their receptors or cell surface molecules have been studied: the IL-1 receptor has been targeted by anakinra, the IL-1 by canakinumab and gevokizumab, the IL-6 receptor by tocilizumab, the IL12/23 receptor by ustekinumab, and the B-lymphocyte antigen CD-20 by rituximab. The aim of this review is to summarize all current experiences and the most recent evidence regarding these novel approaches with biological drugs other than TNF-α blockers in BD, providing a valuable addition to the actually available therapeutic armamentarium.
Critical limb ischemia in diabetic patients is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Suboptimal responses to the available medical and surgical treatments are common in these patients, who also demonstrate limited vascular homeostasis. Neovasculogenesis induced by stem cell therapy could be a useful approach for these patients. Neovasculogenesis and clinical improvement were compared at baseline and at 3 and 12 months after autologous bone marrow-derived mononuclear cell (BMMNC) transplantation in diabetic patients with peripheral artery disease. We conducted a prospective study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intra-arterial administration of autologous BMMNCs (100-400 × 10(6) cells) in 20 diabetic patients with severe below-the-knee arterial ischemia. Although the time course of clinical effects differed among patients, after 12 months of follow-up all patients presented a notable improvement in the Rutherford-Becker classification, the University of Texas diabetic wound scales, and the Ankle-Brachial Index in the target limb. The clinical outcome was consistent with neovasculogenesis, which was assessed at 3 months by digital subtraction angiography and quantified by MetaMorph software. Unfortunately, local cell therapy in the target limb had no beneficial effect on the high mortality rate in these patients. In diabetic patients with critical limb ischemia, intra-arterial perfusion of BMMNCs is a safe procedure that generates a significant increase in the vascular network in ischemic areas and promotes remarkable clinical improvement.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Nutrition and dietary patterns have been shown to have direct impact on health of the population and of selected patient groups. The beneficial effects have been attributed to the reduction of oxidative damage caused by the normal or excessive free radical production. The papers aims at collecting evidence of successful supplementation strategies. METHODS: Review of the literature reporting on antioxidant supplementation trials in the general population and critically ill patients. RESULTS: Antioxidant vitamin and trace element intakes have been shown to be particularly important in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, age related ocular diseases and in aging. In animal models, targeted interventions have been associated with reduction of tissue destruction is brain and myocardium ischemia-reperfusion models. In the critically ill antioxidant supplements have resulted in reduction of organ failure and of infectious complications. CONCLUSIONS: Antioxidant micronutrients have beneficial effects in defined models and pathologies, in the general population and in critical illness: ongoing research encourages this supportive therapeutic approach. Further research is required to determined the optimal micronutrient combinations and the doses required according to timing of intervention.
Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) is considered a standard of care in the post-resuscitation phase of cardiac arrest. In experimental models of traumatic brain injury (TBI), TH was found to have neuroprotective properties. However, TH failed to demonstrate beneficial effects on neurological outcome in patients with TBI. The absence of benefits of TH uniformly applied in TBI patients should not question the use of TH as a second-tier therapy to treat elevated intracranial pressure. The management of all the practical aspects of TH is a key factor to avoid side effects and to optimize the potential benefit of TH in the treatment of intracranial hypertension. Induction of TH can be achieved with external surface cooling or with intra-vascular devices. The therapeutic target should be set at a 35°C using brain temperature as reference, and should be maintained at least during 48 hours and ideally over the entire period of elevated intracranial pressure. The control of the rewarming phase is crucial to avoid temperature overshooting and should not exceed 1°C/day. Besides its use in the management of intracranial hypertension, therapeutic cooling is also essential to treat hyperthermia in brain-injured patients. In this review, we will discuss the benefit-risk balance and practical aspects of therapeutic temperature management in TBI patients.
Among biocontrol agents that are able to suppress root diseases caused by fungal pathogens, root-colonizing fluorescent pseudomonads have received particular attention because many strains of these bacteria trigger systemic resistance in host plants and produce antifungal compounds and exoenzymes. In general, the expression of these plant-beneficial traits is regulated by autoinduction mechanisms and may occur on roots when the pseudomonads form microcolonies. Three major classes of antibiotic compounds reviewed here in detail (2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, pyoluteorin and various phenazine compounds) are all produced under cell population density-dependent autoinduction control acting at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels. This regulation can either be reinforced or attenuated by a variety of chemical signals emanating from the pseudomonads themselves, other microorganisms or root exudates. Signals stimulating biocontrol factor expression via the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway in the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 are synthesized by many different plant-associated bacteria, warranting a more detailed investigation in the future.
The threat of punishment usually promotes cooperation. However, punishing itself is costly, rare in nonhuman animals, and humans who punish often finish with low payoffs in economic experiments. The evolution of punishment has therefore been unclear. Recent theoretical developments suggest that punishment has evolved in the context of reputation games. We tested this idea in a simple helping game with observers and with punishment and punishment reputation (experimentally controlling for other possible reputational effects). We show that punishers fully compensate their costs as they receive help more often. The more likely defection is punished within a group, the higher the level of within-group cooperation. These beneficial effects perish if the punishment reputation is removed. We conclude that reputation is key to the evolution of punishment.
OBJECTIVES: To compare immunological, virological and clinical outcomes in persons initiating combination antiretroviral therapy (cART of different durations within 6 months of seroconversion (early treated) with those who deferred therapy (deferred group). DESIGN: CD4 cell and HIV-RNA measurements for 'early treated' individuals following treatment cessation were compared with the corresponding ART-free period for the 'deferred' group using piecewise linear mixed models. Individuals identified during primary HIV infection were included if they seroconverted from 1st January 1996 and were at least 15 years of age at seroconversion. Those with at least 2 CD4 less than 350 cells/microl or AIDS within the first 6 months following seroconversion were excluded. RESULTS: Of 348 'early treated' patients, 147 stopped cART following treatment for at least 6 (n = 38), more than 6-12 (n = 40) or more than 12 months (n = 69). CD4 cell loss was steeper for the first 6 months following cART cessation, but subsequent loss rate was similar to the 'deferred' group (n = 675, P = 0.26). Although those treated for more than 12 months appeared to maintain higher CD4 cell counts following cART cessation, those treated for 12 months or less had CD4 cell counts 6 months after cessation comparable to those in the 'deferred' group. There was no difference in HIV-RNA set points between the 'early' and 'deferred' groups (P = 0.57). AIDS rates were similar but death rates, mainly due to non-AIDS causes, were higher in the 'deferred' group (P = 0.05). CONCLUSION: Transient cART, initiated within 6 months of seroconversion, seems to have no effect on viral load set point and limited beneficial effect on CD4 cell levels in individuals treated for more than 12 months. Its long-term effects remain inconclusive and need further investigation.
Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is a subtype of stroke characterized by a haematoma within the brain parenchyma resulting from blood vessel rupture and with a poor outcome. In ICH, the blood entry into the brain triggers toxicity resulting in a substantial loss of neurons and an inflammatory response. At the same time, blood-brain barrier (BBB) disruption increases water content (edema) leading to growing intracranial pressure, which in turn worsens neurological outcome. Although the clinical presentation is similar in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, the treatment is different and the stroke type needs to be determined beforehand by imaging which delays the therapy. C-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are a family of kinases activated in response to stress stimuli and involved in several pathways such as apoptosis. Specific inhibition of JNK by a TAT-coupled peptide (XG-102) mediates strong neuroprotection in several models of ischemic stroke in rodents. Recently, we have observed that the JNK pathway is also activated in a mouse model of ICH, raising the question of the efficacy of XG-102 in this model. Method: ICH was induced in the mouse by intrastriatal injection of bacterial collagenase (0,1 U). Three hours after surgery, animals received an intravenous injection of 100 mg/kg of XG-102. The neurological outcome was assessed everyday until sacrifice using a score (from 0 to 9) based on 3 behavioral tests performed daily until sacrifice. Then, mice were sacrificed at 6 h, 24 h, 48 h, and 5d after ICH and histological studies performed. Results: The first 24 h after surgery are critical in our ICH mice model, and we have observed that XG-102 significantly improves neurological outcome at this time point (mean score: 1,8 + 1.4 for treated group versus 3,4+ 1.8 for control group, P<0.01). Analysis of the lesion volume revealed a significant decrease of the lesion area in the treated group at 48h (29+ 11mm3 in the treated group versus 39+ 5mm3 in the control group, P=0.04). XG-102 mainly inhibits the edema component of the lesion. Indeed, a significant inhibition Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2009) 29, S490-S493 & 2009 ISCBFM All rights reserved 0271-678X/09 $32.00 www.jcbfm.com of the brain swelling was observed in treated animals at 48h (14%+ 13% versus 26+ 9% in the control group, P=0.04) and 5d (_0.3%+ 4.5%versus 5.1+ 3.6%in the control group, P=0.01). Conclusions: Inhibition of the JNK pathway by XG- 102 appears to lead to several beneficial effects. We can show here a significant inhibition of the cerebral edema in the ICH model providing a further beneficial effect of the XG-102 treatment, in addition to the neuroprotection previously described in the ischemic model. This result is of interest because currently, clinical treatment for brain edema is limited. Importantly, the beneficial effects observed with XG-102 in models of both stroke types open the possibility to rapidly treat stroke patients before identifying the stroke subtype by imaging. This will save time which is precious for stroke outcome.
STUDY OBJECTIVE: Frequent users of emergency departments (EDs) are a relatively small group of vulnerable patients accounting for a disproportionally high number of ED visits. Our objective is to perform a systematic review of the type and effectiveness of interventions to reduce the number of ED visits by frequent users. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, the Cochrane Library, and ISI Web of Science for randomized controlled trials, nonrandomized controlled trials, interrupted time series, and controlled and noncontrolled before-and-after studies describing interventions targeting adult frequent users of EDs. Primary outcome of interest was the reduction in ED use. We also explored costs analyses and various clinical (alcohol and drug use, psychiatric symptoms, mortality) and social (homelessness, insurance status, social security support) outcomes. RESULTS: We included 11 studies (3 randomized controlled trials, 2 controlled and 6 noncontrolled before-and-after studies). Heterogeneity in both study designs and definitions of frequent users precluded meta-analyses of the results. The most studied intervention was case management (n=7). Only 1 of 3 randomized controlled trials showed a significant reduction in ED use compared with usual care. Six of the 8 before-and-after studies reported a significant reduction in ED use, and 1 study showed a significant increase. ED cost reductions were demonstrated in 3 studies. Social outcomes such as reduction of homelessness were favorable in 3 of 3 studies, and clinical outcomes trended toward positive results in 2 of 3 studies. CONCLUSION: Interventions targeting frequent users may reduce ED use. Case management, the most frequently described intervention, reduced ED costs and seemed to improve social and clinical outcomes. It appears to be beneficial to patients and justifiable for hospitals to implement case management for frequent users in the framework of a clear and consensual definition of frequent users and standardized outcome measures.
Death receptors (DRs) of the TNFR superfamily contribute to antiviral immunity by promoting apoptosis and regulating immune homeostasis during infection, and viral inhibition of DR signaling can alter immune defenses. Here we identify the human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) UL141 glycoprotein as necessary and sufficient to restrict TRAIL DR function. Despite showing no primary sequence homology to TNF family cytokines, UL141 binds the ectodomains of both human TRAIL DRs with affinities comparable to the natural ligand TRAIL. UL141 binding promotes intracellular retention of the DRs, thus protecting virus infected cells from TRAIL and TRAIL-dependent NK cell-mediated killing. The identification of UL141 as a herpesvirus modulator of the TRAIL DRs strongly implicates this pathway as a regulator of host defense to HCMV and highlights UL141 as a pleiotropic inhibitor of NK cell effector function.
Angiotensin II is a potent arterial vasoconstrictor and induces hypertension. Angiotensin II also exerts a trophic effect on cardiomyocytes in vitro. The goals of the present study were to document an in vivo increase in cardiac angiotensins in the absence of elevated plasma levels or hypertension and to investigate prevention or regression of ventricular hypertrophy by renin-angiotensin system blockade. We demonstrate that high cardiac angiotensin II is directly responsible for right and left ventricular hypertrophy. We used transgenic mice overexpressing angiotensinogen in cardiomyocytes characterized by cardiac hypertrophy without fibrosis and normal blood pressure. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevent or normalize ventricular hypertrophy. Surprisingly, in control mice, receptor blockade decreases tissue angiotensin II despite increased plasma levels. This suggests that angiotensin II may be protected from metabolization by binding to its receptor. Blocking of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor rather than enhanced stimulation of the angiotensin II type 2 receptor may prevent remodeling and account for the beneficial effects of angiotensin antagonists.