997 resultados para basic income
Diplomityössä selvitettiin Kuopion Energian kaukolämpöliiketoiminnan kustannusten muodostumista. Tilikartan toimivuutta ja kustannusvastaavuuden toteutumista tarkasteltiin kaukolämpöosaston näkökulmasta. Työssä laaditussa raportointisovelluksessa kustannukset jaoteltiin lämmön hankinnan, jakelun ja myyntitoiminnan kesken. Lisäksi tehtiin jako kiinteisiin ja muuttuviin kustannuksiin. Tällä tarkastelulla selvitettiin, vastaavatko perusmaksujen tulot kiinteitä kustannuksia ja energiamaksujen tulot muuttuvia kustannuksia. Energiamarkkinoiden vapautumista tarkasteltiin kaukolämpöliiketoiminnan näkökulmasta. Energiamarkkinavirasto on kehittänyt valvontamallin sähköverkkoliiketoiminnan kohtuullisen tuoton mittaamiseksi. Diplomityössä tarkasteltiin mallin soveltamismahdollisuuksia kaukolämpötoimintaan ja selvitettiin Kuopion Energian kaukolämpöliiketoiminnan tuoton kohtuullisuutta.
Eighty percent of the global 17 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD) occur in low and middle income countries (LMICs). The burden of CVD and other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is expected to markedly increase because of the global aging of the population and increasing exposure to detrimental lifestyle-related risk in LMICs. Interventions to reduce four main risks related to modifiable behaviors (tobacco use, unhealthy diet, low physical activity and excess alcohol consumption) are key elements for effective primary prevention of the four main NCDs (CVD, cancer, diabetes and chronic pulmonary disease). These behaviors are best improved through structural interventions (e.g., clean air policy, taxes on cigarettes, new recipes for processed foods with reduced salt and fat, urban shaping to improve mobility, etc.). In addition, health systems in LMICs should be reoriented to deliver integrated cost-effective treatment to persons at high risk at the primary health care level. The full implementation of a small number of highly cost effective, affordable and scalable interventions ("best buys") is likely to be the necessary and sufficient ingredient for curbing NCDs in LMICs. NCDs are both a cause and a consequence of poverty. It is therefore important to frame NCD prevention and control within the broader context of social determinants and development agenda. The recent emphasis on NCDs at a number of health and economic forums (including the September 2011 High Level Meeting on NCDs at the United Nations) provides a new opportunity to move the NCD agenda forward in LMICs.
Recent research has highlighted the existence of a social bias in the extent to which children have access to childcare. In general, children living in higher income households are more likely to be cared for in childcare centres. While the existence of a social bias in access to childcare services has been clearly demonstrated, we currently lack a clear explanation as to why this is the case. This paper uses a unique dataset based on survey data collected specifically to study patterns of childcare use in the Swiss canton of Vaud (N = 875). The paper exploits the variation in the way childcare is organised within the canton. Childcare is a municipal policy, as a result of which there are twenty-nine different systems in operation. Fees are progressive everywhere, but variation is substantial. Availability is also very different. This peculiar institutional setup provides an ideal situation to examine the determinants of childcare use by different income groups. Our findings suggest that differences in the fees charged to low-income households, as well as the degree of progressivity of the fee structure, are significant predictors of use, while availability seems to matter less.
L'arthrose est une maladie dégénérative des articulations due à une dégradation progressive du cartilage. La calcification de l'articulation (essentiellement due à des dépôts de cristaux de phosphate de calcium basique -cristaux BCP-) est une caractéristique de cette maladie. Cependant, le rôle des cristaux BCP reste à déterminer. Nous avons tout d'abord déterminé en utilisant des cultures primaires de chondrocytes que les cristaux de BCP induisaient la production de la cytokine IL-6, via une signalisation intracellulaire implicant les kinase Syk, PI3 et Jak et Stat3. Les cristaux de BCP induisent également la perte de protéoglycanes et l'expression de IL-6 dans des explants de cartlage humain et ces deux effets peuvent être bloqués par un inhibiteur de IL-6, le Tocilizumab. Par ailleurs, nous avons trouvé que l'IL-6 ajouté à des chondrocytes, favorisait la formation de cristax de BCP et augmentait l'expression de gènes impliqués dans le processus de minéralisation : Ank (codant pour un transporteur de pyrophooshate), Annexin5 (codant pour un canal calcique) et Pit-1 (codant pour un transporteur de phoshate). In vivo, les cristaux de BCP injectés dans l'articulation de souris induisent une érosion du cartilage. Dans un modèle murin d'arthrose du genou induit par ménisectomie, nous avons observé la formation progressive de cristaux de BCP. Fait intéressant, la présence de ces cristaux dans l'articulation précédait la destruction du cartilage. Un agent susceptible de bloquer les calcifications tel que le sodium thiosulfate (STS), administré à des souris ménisectomisées, inhibait le dépôt intra-articulaire de ces cristaux ainsi que l'érosion du cartilage. Nous avons identifié ainsi un cercle vicieux dans l'arthrose, les cristaux induisant l'interleukine-6 et l'interleukine-6 induisant la formation de ces cristaux. Nous avons étudié si on pouvait bloquer cette boucle cristaux de BCP-IL6 soit par des agents décalcifiants, soit par des inhibiteurs d'IL-6. In vitro, des anticorps anti IL- 6 ou des inhibiteurs de signalisation, inhibaient significativement IL-6 et la minéralisation induite par IL-6. De même le STS inhibait la formation de ces cristaux et la production de l'IL-6. Tout récemment, nous avons trouvé que des inhibiteurs de la xanthine oxidoréductase étaient aussi capables d'inhiber à la fois la production d'IL-6 et la minéralization des chondrocytes. Finalement, nous avons pu exclure un rôle du système IL-1 dans le modèle d'arthrose induite par ménisectomie, les souris déficientes pour IL-1a/ß, MyD88 et l'inflammasome NLRP3 n'étant pas protégées dans ce modèle d'arthrose. L'ensemble de nos résultats montre que les cristaux BCP sont pathogéniques dans l'arthrose et qu'un inhibiteur de minéralisation tel que le STS ou un inhibiteur de l'interleukine-6 constitueraient des nouvelles thérapies pour l'arthrose. -- Osteoarthritis (OA), the most common degenerative disorder of the joints, results from an imbalance between the breakdown and repair of the cartilage and surrounding articular structures. Joint calcification (essentially due to basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystal deposition) is a characteristic feature of OA. However, the role of BCP crystal deposition in the pathogenesis of OA remains unclear[1][1]. We first demonstrated that in primary murine chondrocytes exogenous BCP crystals led to IL-6 up-modulation and that BCP crystal signaling pathways involved Syk and PI3 kinases, and also gp130 associated molecules, Jak2 and Stat3. BCP crystals also induced proteoglycan loss and IL-6 expression in human cartilage expiants, (which were significantly reduced by an IL-6 inhibitor). In addition, we found that in chondrocytes exogenous IL-6 promoted calcium-containing crystal formation and up- regulation of genes codifying for proteins involved in the calcification process: the inorganic pyrophosphate transport channel Ank, the calcium channel Annexinö and the sodium/phosphate cotransporter Piti. In vivo, BCP crystals injected into murine knee joints induced cartilage erosion. In the menisectomy model, increasing deposits, identified as BCP crystals, were progressively observed around the joint before cartilage erosion. These deposits strongly correlated with cartilage degradation and IL-6 expression. These results demonstrated that BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production are mutually reinforcing in the osteoarthritic pathogenic process. We then investigated if we could block the BCP-IL6 loop by either targeting IL-6 production or BCP crystal deposits. Treatment of chondrocytes with anti-IL-6 antibodies or inhibitors of IL-6- signaling pathway significantly inhibited IL-6-induced crystal formation. Similarly, sodium thiosulfate (STS), a well-known systemic calcification inhibitor, decreased crystal deposition as well as HA-induced IL-6 secretion in chondrocytes and, in vivo, it decreased crystal deposits size and cartilage erosion in menisectomized knees. Interestingly, we also found that xanthine-oxidoreductase (XO) inhibitors inhibited both IL-6 production and calcium crystal depositis in chondrocytes. We began to unravel the mechanisms involved in this coordinate modulation of IL-6 and mineralization. STS inhibited Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) generation and we are currently investigating whether XO represents a major source of ROS in chondrocyte mineralization. Finally, we ruled out that IL-1 activation/signaling plays a role in the murine model of OA induced by menisectomy, as IL-1a/ß, the IL-1 R associated molecule MyD88 and NLRP3 inflammasome deficient mice were not protected in this model of OA. Moreover TLR-1, -2, -4,-6 deficient mice had a phenotype similar to that of wild-type mice. Altogether our results demonstrated a self-amplification loop between BCP crystals deposition and IL-6 production, which represents an aggravating process in OA pathogenesis. As currently prescribed OA drugs are addressing OA symptoms,our results highlight a potential novel treatment strategy whereby inhibitors of calcium- containing crystal formation and IL-6 could be combined to form the basis of a disease modifying treatment and alter the course of OA.
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD), mainly heart attack and stroke, is the leading cause of premature mortality in low and middle income countries (LMICs). Identifying and managing individuals at high risk of CVD is an important strategy to prevent and control CVD, in addition to multisectoral population-based interventions to reduce CVD risk factors in the entire population. Methods: We describe key public health considerations in identifying and managing individuals at high risk of CVD in LMICs. Results: A main objective of any strategy to identify individuals at high CVD risk is to maximize the number of CVD events averted while minimizing the numbers of individuals needing treatment. Scores estimating the total risk of CVD (e.g. ten-year risk of fatal and non-fatal CVD) are available for LMICs, and are based on the main CVD risk factors (history of CVD, age, sex, tobacco use, blood pressure, blood cholesterol and diabetes status). Opportunistic screening of CVD risk factors enables identification of persons with high CVD risk, but this strategy can be widely applied in low resource settings only if cost effective interventions are used (e.g. the WHO Package of Essential NCD interventions for primary health care in low resource settings package) and if treatment (generally for years) can be sustained, including continued availability of affordable medications and funding mechanisms that allow people to purchase medications without impoverishing them (e.g. universal access to health care). This also emphasises the need to re-orient health systems in LMICs towards chronic diseases management.
This article presents the results of a study involving 2445 recently retired persons from the Canton of Vaud in Switzerland who choose to forego health care. These persons of modest means barely qualify for government assistance programs and do not benefit from the social safety net that is provided to the truly destitute. 17.9% of the respondents to the questionnaire said that they forego health care for financial reasons. Interviews reveal the complex reasons that lie behind such a choice, as well as the compensation strategies that are sometimes used to get medical treatment. These strategies show that the people are able to act when the circumstances require them to do so. Despite that, their situation remains insecure. Cet article analyse les résultats d'une étude sur le renoncement aux soins menée auprès de 2445 Vaudois∙e∙s récemment retraité∙e∙s. Ces personnes de situation modeste sont proches des limites d'accès aux aides étatiques et ne bénéficient pas du même filet de protection sociale que d'autres plus démunies. 17.9% des répondant∙e∙s au questionnaire déclarent renoncer à des soins pour raisons financières. Des entretiens mettent en évidence la complexité du renoncement, ainsi que les stratégies compensatoires que les personnes adoptent pour accéder à certains soins. Ces dernières démontrent une capacité d'agir en situation qui reste toutefois précaire.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella kansainvälisillä rahoitusmarkkinoilla nopeasti yleistynyttä arvopaperistamista prosessina sekä arvopaperistamalla muodostettuja sijoitustuotteita pääomamarkkinainstrumentteina ja sijoituskohteina. Yksittäisistä arvopaperistamalla luoduista sijoitusinstrumenteista tutkielmassa keskitytään erityisesti collateralized debt obligation -tyyppiin. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa selvitetään arvopaperistamistoiminnan perusrakenteita sekä erilaisten arvopaperistamistapojen eroja toisiinsa nähden. Toisessa osassa perehdytään collateralized debt obligaton instrumenttiin, sen ominaispiirteisiin ja eroihin perinteisiin joukkovelkakirjalainoihin ja sijoitusrahastoihin verrattuna. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa selvitetään institutionaalisen sijoittajan kannalta mahdollisuuksia ja ongelmia sijoitettaessa arvopaperistettuihin sijoitusinstrumentteihin. Viimeisessä osassa tarkastellaan arvopaperistettujen sijoitustuotteiden markkinaa yleisesti ja sen aiheuttamien ongelmien vaikutusta koko rahoitusmarkkinoihin.
In recent years, technological advances have allowed manufacturers to implement dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) on clinical scanners. With its unique ability to differentiate basis materials by their atomic number, DECT has opened new perspectives in imaging. DECT has been used successfully in musculoskeletal imaging with applications ranging from detection, characterization, and quantification of crystal and iron deposits; to simulation of noncalcium (improving the visualization of bone marrow lesions) or noniodine images. Furthermore, the data acquired with DECT can be postprocessed to generate monoenergetic images of varying kiloelectron volts, providing new methods for image contrast optimization as well as metal artifact reduction. The first part of this article reviews the basic principles and technical aspects of DECT including radiation dose considerations. The second part focuses on applications of DECT to musculoskeletal imaging including gout and other crystal-induced arthropathies, virtual noncalcium images for the study of bone marrow lesions, the study of collagenous structures, applications in computed tomography arthrography, as well as the detection of hemosiderin and metal particles.
In recent years, technological advances have allowed manufacturers to implement dual-energy computed tomography (DECT) on clinical scanners. With its unique ability to differentiate basis materials by their atomic number, DECT has opened new perspectives in imaging. DECT has been successfully used in musculoskeletal imaging with applications ranging from detection, characterization, and quantification of crystal and iron deposits, to simulation of noncalcium (improving the visualization of bone marrow lesions) or noniodine images. Furthermore, the data acquired with DECT can be postprocessed to generate monoenergetic images of varying kiloelectron volts, providing new methods for image contrast optimization as well as metal artifact reduction. The first part of this article reviews the basic principles and technical aspects of DECT including radiation dose considerations. The second part focuses on applications of DECT to musculoskeletal imaging including gout and other crystal-induced arthropathies, virtual noncalcium images for the study of bone marrow lesions, the study of collagenous structures, applications in computed tomography arthrography, as well as the detection of hemosiderin and metal particles.
BACKGROUND: Most studies of family attitudes and burden have been conducted in developed countries. Thus it is important to test the generalizability of this research in other contexts where social conditions and extended family involvement may be different. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and the burden they experience in such a context, namely Arica, a town located in the northernmost region of Chile, close to the border with Peru and Bolivia. METHODS: We assessed attitudes towards schizophrenia (including affective, cognitive and behavioural components) and burden (including subjective distress, rejection and competence) in 41 main caregivers of patients with schizophrenia, all of whom were users of Public Mental Health Services in Arica. RESULTS: Attitude measures differed significantly according to socio-demographic variables, with parents (mainly mothers) exhibiting a more negative attitude towards the environment than the rest of the family (t = 4.04; p = 0.000).This was also the case for caregivers with a low educational level (t = 3.27; p < 0.003), for the oldest caregivers (r = 0.546; p = 0.000) and for those who had spent more time with the patient (r = 0.377; p = 0.015). Although attitudes had significant association with burden, their explanatory power was modest (R2 = .104, F = 4,55; p = .039). CONCLUSIONS: Similar to finding developed countries, the current study revealed a positive and significant relationship between the attitudes of caregivers and their burden. These findings emphasize the need to support the families of patients with schizophrenia in this social context.
The Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is the combination of at least three antiretroviral compounds. The combination purpose is to reduce the likelihood of drug resistance. However in the long-term the resistance to the first-line combination occurs and leads to treatment failure. Thus, a second-line and even a third-line regimen are recommended in the long run. [...] [P. 5] The two treatment alternatives under comparison: Tenofovir (300 mg) CO-formulated with Emtricitabine (200 mg) and Efavirenz (600 mg) currently known under the brand name Atripla (R) was introduced in July 2006 in the United States market. The excellent safety profile and ease of use make this combination a perfect first-line regimen in low-income settings. Therefore, this treatment option was recommended in WHO 2006 reviewed guidelines. Unfortunately, Tenofovir and Emtricitabine compounds are still costly and not yet widely available. For a matter of simplification this regimen is referred in this report as "the recent" therapy. Initially, we had in mind to consider the most frequently used first-line regimen in low-income countries (Stavudine / Larnivudme / Nevirapine) as a comparator for this economic evaluation. Unfortunately, according to the literature review results (see Annex 3); there was no data available comparing head to head the effectiveness of this regimen with the recent one. Instead, we selected a less frequently but commonly used first-line regimen in low-income countries as a comparator: Zidovudine, Lamivudine, Efavirenz. This combination has extensive experience in durability, safety and toxicity and seems to be an optimal choice for a first-line regimen according to the clinical trial group 384 team. Furthermore, Zidovudine, one of the compounds of this combination is now recommended as one of the preferred NNRTI [Non Nucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors] options to be considered by countries instead of Stavudine (the most used NNRTI in limited-income countries). As this combination has been included in the WHO guidelines as a first-line therapy since 2003 when WHO launched the "3 by 5" scaling-up initiative, this combination of drugs is referred in this report as the "old" therapy. Objectives: The primary objective of this economic evaluation is to compare the two first-line HAARTs introduced above, in a low-income setting context. Both of these combinations are recommended by the 2006 WHO guidelines as potential first-line regimens. The secondary objective is to provide a simplified and comprehensible cost-effectiveness modeling tool in order to help policy makers, in resource-limited settings, make decisions about which first-line HAART to fund using the scarce resources available. [P. 6-7]
While obesity continues to rise globally, the associations between body size, gender, and socioeconomic status (SES) seem to vary in different populations, and little is known on the contribution of perceived ideal body size in the social disparity of obesity in African countries. We examined the gender and socioeconomic patterns of body mass index (BMI) and perceived ideal body size in the Seychelles, a middle-income small island state in the African region. We also assessed the potential role of perceived ideal body size as a mediator for the gender-specific association between SES and BMI. A population-based survey of 1,240 adults aged 25 to 64 years conducted in December 2013. Participants' BMI was calculated based on measured weight and height; ideal body size was assessed using a nine-silhouette instrument. Three SES indicators were considered: income, education, and occupation. BMI and perceived ideal body size were both higher among men of higher versus lower SES (p< .001) but lower among women of higher versus lower SES (p< .001), irrespective of the SES indicator used. Multivariate analysis showed a strong and direct association between perceived ideal body size and BMI in both men and women (p< .001) and was consistent with a potential mediating role of perceived ideal body size in the gender-specific associations between SES and BMI. Our study emphasizes the importance of gender and socioeconomic differences in BMI and ideal body size and suggests that public health interventions that promote perception of healthy weight could help mitigate SES-related disparities in BMI.