955 resultados para automatic test and measurement


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Tämän diplomityön tarkoituksena oli asentaa ja kehittää UPM-Kymmene Rauman tehtaiden PK2:lle luotettava ja toimiva ilmanläpäisyprofiilin mittaus. Työn tarkoituksena oli myös kartoittaa tietoja ilmanläpäisyprofiiliin vaikuttavista seikoista sekä mahdollisuuksista säätää ilmanläpäisyprofiilia. Lisäksi työn tavoitteena oli löytää toimiva menetelmä verrata online mitattua ilmanläpäisyprofiilia laboratoriossa mitattuun ilmanläpäisyprofiiliin online mittauksen luotettavuuden näkökulmasta. Työn aikana selvitettiin myös ilmanläpäisyprofiilin mittauksen mahdollisuutta superkalanteroidusta SC paperista. Työn kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin paperin huokoisuutta ja ilmanläpäisyä, huokoisuustasoon ja huokoisuus profiiliin vaikuttavia tekijöitä, ilmanläpäisevyyden merkitystä SC paperin valmistukselle ja SC paperin painettavuudelle sekä ilmanläpäisevyyden laboratorio- sekä online mittausta. Kirjallisessa osassa käsiteltiin myös Honeywellin uutta Poros ilmanläpäisysensoria. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin ilmanläpäisyprofiilimittauksen luotettavuutta CD ja MD suunnassa sekä laboratorio- ja online-mittausten välisiä eroavaisuuksia ennen PK2 uusintaa. PK2 uusinnan jälkeen kokeellisessa osassa keskityttiin luotettavuuden varmentamiseen CD ja MD suunnassa sekä kartoittamaan tekijöitä, jotka aiheuttivat pieniä tasoeroja mittausten välillä. Mittaukset todettiin luotettaviksi ja niiden pohjalta suoritettiin mitattujen online profiilien välisiä vertailuja. Ilmanläpäisyprofiililla todettiin olevan positiivinen korrelaatio neliömassaprofiilin ja kosteusprofiilin kanssa sekä negatiivinen korrelaatio tuhkaprofiilin kanssa. PK2 uusinnan yhteydessä tehtiin koeajoja, jotka liittyivät laadunoptimointiin viira- ja puristinosalla. Koeajoissa tutkittujen asioiden lisäksi tutkittiin muutettujen parametrien vaikutusta ilmanläpäisyprofiiliin. Höyrylaatikon vaikutusta ilmanläpäisyprofiiliin tutkittiin säätöjen virityksen yhteydessä.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia sellumassan suotautumiseen liittyviä tekijöitä Ahlstrom Machineryn Drum Displacer™ -puumassapesurissa (DD-pesuri). Teoriaosassa tarkasteltiin aluksi suotautumisen teoriaa kuitu-vesi-suspensiossa, minkä jälkeen esiteltiin suotautumisnopeuteen vaikuttavia fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia vaikutusmekanismeja. Seuraavaksi kuvattiin massan pesun yleisiä perusteita sekä teoriaa puumassapesureissa. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin pesurien kytkeytymistä muuhun kuitulinjaan sekä prosessista johtuvia pesun toiminnan ulkoisia häiriötekijöitä. Kokeellisen osan aluksi tarkasteltiin paine- ja lämpötilamittauksien avulla massapesurissa vallitsevia prosessioloja. Mittaustulosten perusteella pumppausolot pesurin suodoslinjoissa ovat vaikeahkot ja häiriötilanteita voi esiintyä, mutta käytäntö on osoittanut tästä olevan vain harvoin haittaa prosessin toiminnalle. Pesureissa toteutuneet syrjäytysnopeudet laskettiin ja niitä verrattiin syrjäytystestien antamiin tuloksiin. Kuitulinjasta riippuen testin vastaavuus tehdasprosessiin vaihteli suuresti. Syrjäytystesteillä kokeiltiin myös tehdasprosesseissa usein esiintyvien muuttujien vaikutusta sellukakun syrjäytettävyyteen. Kakun paksuus ja syrjäytyslämpötila vaikuttivat syrjäytysnopeuteen Darcyn lain mukaisesti. Alipaineen massakakun alapuolella havaittiin huonontavan syrjäytysnopeutta verrattuna tilanteeseen, jossa kakun alla vallitsi ilmanpaine. Tämä havainto on selvästi ristiriidassa suotautumisen teorian kanssa. Massakakun muodostumis-pH osoittautui ratkaisevaksi lopulliselle syrjäytysnopeudelle, sillä alkalisissa oloissa muodostetun kuitukakun syrjäytysnopeus ei enää parantunut happamalla syrjäytysnesteellä. Happamissa oloissa muodostetun kakun syrjäytysnopeus oli alkalisista parempi, mutta se alkoi hitaasti alentua, kun syrjäytysneste vaihtui alkaliseen. Massan laimentaminen ennen syrjäytystä alkalisella tehdassuodoksella puhtaan veden sijasta alensi ligniinipitoisella massalla lopullista syrjäytysnopeutta. Shirato-Tillerin mallilla ja Jönssonin staattisella mallilla simuloitiin numeerisesti syrjäytystestiä kahdessa eri pH:ssa, ja simulointituloksia verrattiin vastaavissa oloissa tehtyihin syrjäytystesteihin. Shirato-Tillerin mallin antamien syrjäytysnopeuksien havaittiin olevan lähellä syrjäytystestien nopeuksia, kun Jönssonin mallin antamat tulokset jäivät huomattavasti testituloksia alemmiksi. Herkkyystarkastelussa havaittiin mallien olevan varsin herkkiä parametrien virheille. Hajonta vaadittavien kuituparametrien määrityksissä ja menetelmien työläys rajoittavat numeerisen simuloinnin käytettävyyttä, sillä kuituparametrien määrityksen vaatima työmäärä on ainakin toistaiseksi syrjäytystestiä suurempi. Lopuksi todettiin, että oikeiden syrjäytysolosuhteiden käyttö on ensiarvoisen tärkeää oikeiden tulosten saamiseksi sekä kokeellisessa että numeerisessa simuloinnissa. Nykyinen syrjäytystestilaitteisto on pienin muutoksin käyttökelpoinen, kun massan testaus prosessioloissa tulee rutiininomaiseksi.


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Comparative analysis of gene fragments of six housekeeping loci, distributed around the two chromosomes of Vibrio cholerae, has been carried out for a collection of 29 V. cholerae O139 Bengal strains isolated from India during the first epidemic period (1992 to 1993). A toxigenic O1 ElTor strain from the seventh pandemic and an environmental non-O1/non-O139 strain were also included in this study. All loci studied were polymorphic, with a small number of polymorphic sites in the sequenced fragments. The genetic diversity determined for our O139 population is concordant with a previous multilocus enzyme electrophoresis study in which we analyzed the same V. cholerae O139 strains. In both studies we have found a higher genetic diversity than reported previously in other molecular studies. The results of the present work showed that O139 strains clustered in several lineages of the dendrogram generated from the matrix of allelic mismatches between the different genotypes, a finding which does not support the hypothesis previously reported that the O139 serogroup is a unique clone. The statistical analysis performed in the V. cholerae O139 isolates suggested a clonal population structure. Moreover, the application of the Sawyer's test and split decomposition to detect intragenic recombination in the sequenced gene fragments did not indicate the existence of recombination in our O139 population.


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Työn tavoitteena oli saada tietoa yleisesti partikkelivirtauksessa tapahtuvasta näytteenotosta ja näytteenottomenetelmistä. Työssä tutkittiin UPM-Kymmenen Kaukaan tehtaan nykyisen ostohakkeen automaattisen näytteenottimen toimintaa sekä sen ottamien näytteiden luotettavuutta kokeellisesti ja tilastollisesti. Lopuksi tutkimuksessa ideoitiin uusi näytteenottimen konstruktio. Uuden konstruktion suunnittelun lähtökohtana oli, että näytteenottimen konstruktiolla tulisi voida ottaa toistuvasti ja turvallisesti luotettavia hakenäytteitä aiheuttamatta muulle vastaanottoaseman toiminnalle häiriöitä Tutkimusta varten tehtiin eri haketoimittajien kanssa koenäytteenottoja. Hakenäytteet otettiin kolmessa eri haketoimituksen vaiheessa niiden keskinäistä vertailua varten. Hakenäytteistä määritettiin kuiva-ainepitoisuus ja laatuanalyysin tekoa varten palakokojakauma koeseulonnoilla. Palakokojakauma-analyysistä saatuja jakaumapainoprosenttiosuuksien ja niistä laskettujen laatuarvojen pohjalta tutkittiin automaattisen näytteenottimen ottaman näytteen luotettavuutta ja näytteenottimen toimintaa. Konstruointityössä noudatettiin pääpiirteittäin ohjeistoa VDI 2221. Uuden näytteenottimen suunnittelutyön tavoitteet määriteltiin tutkimuksessa tehtyjen päätelmien ja kokeiden pohjalta. Uudelle näytteenottimen konstruktiolle etsittiin toteutuskelpoisia ratkaisuja jo olemassa olevista laitteistoista ja uusista ideoista. Uudet konstruktiovaihtoehdot suunniteltiin noudattamaan näytteenottoteoriaa ja sijoituspaikan asettamia vaatimuksia.


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This paper describes an evaluation framework that allows a standardized and quantitative comparison of IVUS lumen and media segmentation algorithms. This framework has been introduced at the MICCAI 2011 Computing and Visualization for (Intra)Vascular Imaging (CVII) workshop, comparing the results of eight teams that participated. We describe the available data-base comprising of multi-center, multi-vendor and multi-frequency IVUS datasets, their acquisition, the creation of the reference standard and the evaluation measures. The approaches address segmentation of the lumen, the media, or both borders; semi- or fully-automatic operation; and 2-D vs. 3-D methodology. Three performance measures for quantitative analysis have been proposed. The results of the evaluation indicate that segmentation of the vessel lumen and media is possible with an accuracy that is comparable to manual annotation when semi-automatic methods are used, as well as encouraging results can be obtained also in case of fully-automatic segmentation. The analysis performed in this paper also highlights the challenges in IVUS segmentation that remains to be solved.


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Frequency converters have started to gain new market areas in the field of motion control applications. The communication and control properties of frequency converters have reached the properties of traditional servo amplifiers during the past few years. In this thesis a motion control system was examined. This particular system consists of frequency converters, permanent magnet synchronous motors and linear belt drives. The properties and prerequisites for packing are discussed. A test setup was build and measurement sets were done to examine the performance of the system. Speed and accuracy measurements were done in all three dimensions. Based on the measurement results applicability of the system for packing industry was evaluated.


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The main objective of this dissertation is to create new knowledge on an administrative innovation, its adoption, diffusion and finally its effectiveness. In this dissertation the administrative innovation is approached through a widely utilized management philosophy, namely the total quality management (TQM) strategy. TQM operationalizes a self-assessment procedure, which is based on continual improvement principles and measuring the improvements. This dissertation also captures the theme of change management as it analyzes the adoption and diffusion of the administrative innovation. It identifies innovation characteristics as well as organisational and individual factors explaining the adoption and implementation. As a special feature, this study also explores the effectiveness of the innovation based on objective data. For studying the administrative innovation (TQM model), a multinational Case Company provides a versatile ground for a deep, longitudinal analysis. The Case Company started the adoption systematically in the mid 1980s in some of its units. As part of their strategic planning today, the procedure is in use throughout the entire global company. The empirical story begins from the innovation adoption decision that was made in the Case Company over 22 years ago. In order to be able to capture the right atmosphere and backgrounds leading to the adoption decision, key informants from that time were interviewed, since the main target was to clarify the dynamics of how an administrative innovation develops. In addition, archival material was collected and studied, available memos and data relating to the innovation, innovation adoption and later to the implementation contained altogether 20500 pages of documents. A survey was furthermore conducted at the end of 2006 focusing on questions related to the innovation, organization and leadership characteristics and the response rate totalled up to 54%. For measuring the effectiveness of the innovation implementation, the needed longitudinal objective performance data was collected. This data included the profit unit level experience of TQM, the development of the self assessment scores per profit unit and performance data per profit unit measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. The data covered the years 1995-2006. As a result, the prerequisites for the successful adoption of an administrative innovation were defined, such as the top management involvement, support of the change agents and effective tools for implementation and measurement. The factors with the greatest effect on the depth of the implementation were the timing of the adoption and formalization. The results also indicated that the TQM model does have an effect on the company performance measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. Consequently this thesis contributes to the present literature (i) by taking into its scope an administrative innovation and focusing on the whole innovation implementation process, from the adoption, through diffusion until its consequences, (ii) because the studied factors with an effect on the innovation adoption and diffusion are multifaceted and grouped into individual, organizational and environmental factors, and a strong emphasis is put on the role of the individual change agents and (iii) by measuring the depth and consistency of the administrative innovation. This deep analysis was possible due to the availability of longitudinal data with triangulation possibilities.


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OBJECTIVE: It has been suggested that Schistosoma mansoni, which is endemic in African fishing communities, might increase susceptibility to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) acquisition. If confirmed, this would be of great public health importance in these high HIV-risk communities. This study was undertaken to determine whether S. mansoni infection is a risk factor for HIV infection among the fishing communities of Lake Victoria, Uganda. We conducted a matched case-control study, nested within a prospective HIV incidence cohort, including 50 HIV seroconverters (cases) and 150 controls during 2009-2011. METHODS: S. mansoni infection prior to HIV seroconversion was determined by measuring serum circulating anodic antigen (CAA) in stored serum. HIV testing was carried out using the Determine rapid test and infection confirmed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. RESULTS: About 49% of cases and 52% of controls had S. mansoni infection prior to HIV seroconversion (or at the time of a similar study visit, for controls): odds ratio, adjusting for ethnicity, religion, marital status, education, occupation, frequency of alcohol consumption in previous 3 months, number of sexual partners while drunk, duration of stay in the community, and history of schistosomiasis treatment in the past 2 years was 1.23 (95% CI 0.3-5.7) P = 0.79. S. mansoni infections were chronic (with little change in status between enrolment and HIV seroconversion), and there was no difference in median CAA concentration between cases and controls. CONCLUSIONS: These results do not support the hypothesis that S. mansoni infection promotes HIV acquisition.


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The purpose of this research was to do a repeated cross-sectional research on class teachers who study in the 4th year and also graduated at the Faculty of Education, University of Turku between the years of 2000 through 2004. Specifically, seven research questions were addressed to target the main purpose of the study: How do class teacher education masters’ degree senior students and graduates rate “importance; effectiveness; and quality” of training they have received at the Faculty of Education? Are there significant differences between overall ratings of importance; effectiveness and quality of training by year of graduation, sex, and age (for graduates) and sex and age (for senior students)? Is there significant relationship between respondents’ overall ratings of importance; effectiveness and their overall ratings of the quality of training and preparation they have received? Are there significant differences between graduates and senior students about importance, effectiveness, and quality of teacher education programs? And what do teachers’ [Graduates] believe about how increasing work experience has changed their opinions of their preservice training? Moreover the following concepts related to the instructional activities were studied: critical thinking skills, communication skills, attention to ethics, curriculum and instruction (planning), role of teacher and teaching knowledge, assessment skills, attention to continuous professional development, subject matters knowledge, knowledge of learning environment, and using educational technology. Researcher also tried to find influence of some moderator variables e.g. year of graduation, sex, and age on the dependent and independent variables. This study consisted of two questionnaires (a structured likert-scale and an open ended questionnaire). The population in study 1 was all senior students and 2000-2004 class teacher education masters’ degree from the departments of Teacher Education Faculty of Education at University of Turku. Of the 1020 students and graduates the researcher was able to find current addresses of 675 of the subjects and of the 675 graduates contacted, 439 or 66.2 percent responded to the survey. The population in study 2 was all class teachers who graduated from Turku University and now work in the few basic schools (59 Schools) in South- West Finland. 257 teachers answered to the open ended web-based questions. SPSS was used to produce standard deviations; Analysis of Variance; Pearson Product Moment Correlation (r); T-test; ANOVA, Bonferroni post-hoc test; and Polynomial Contrast tests meant to analyze linear trend. An alpha level of .05 was used to determine statistical significance. The results of the study showed that: A majority of the respondents (graduates and students) rated the overall importance, effectiveness and quality of the teacher education programs as important, effective and good. Generally speaking there were only a few significant differences between the cohorts and groups related to the background variables (gender, age). The different cohorts were rating the quality of the programs very similarly but some differences between the cohorts were found in the importance and effectiveness ratings. Graduates of 2001 and 2002 rated the importance of the program significantly higher than 2000 graduates. The effectiveness of the programs was rated significantly higher by 2001 and 2003 graduates than other groups. In spite of these individual differences between cohorts there were no linear trends among the year cohorts in any measure. In respondents’ ratings of the effectiveness of teacher education programs there was significant difference between males and females; females rated it higher than males. There were no significant differences between males’ and females’ ratings of the importance and quality of programs. In the ratings there was only one difference between age groups. Older graduates (35 years or older) rated the importance of the teacher training significantly higher that 25-35 years old graduates. In graduates’ ratings there were positive but relatively low correlations between all variables related to importance, effectiveness and quality of Teacher Education Programs. Generally speaking students’ ratings about importance, effectiveness and quality of teacher education program were very positive. There was only one significant difference related to the background variables. Females rated higher the effectiveness of the program. The comparison of students’ and graduates’ perception about importance, effectiveness, and quality of teacher education programs showed that there were no significant differences between graduates and students in the overall ratings. However there were differences in some individual variables. Students rated higher in importance of “Continuous Professional Development”, effectiveness of “Critical Thinking Skills” and “Using Educational Technology” and quality of “Advice received from the advisor”. Graduates rated higher in importance of “Knowledge of Learning Environment” and effectiveness of “Continuous Professional Development”. According to the qualitative data of study 2 some graduates expressed that their perceptions have not changed about the importance, effectiveness, and quality of training that they received during their study time. They pointed out that teacher education programs have provided them the basic theoretical/formal knowledge and some training of practical routines. However, a majority of the teachers seems to have somewhat critical opinions about the teacher education. These teachers were not satisfied with teacher education programs because they argued that the programs failed to meet their practical demands in different everyday situations of the classroom e.g. in coping with students’ learning difficulties, multiprofessional communication with parents and other professional groups (psychologists and social workers), and classroom management problems. Participants also emphasized more practice oriented knowledge of subject matter, evaluation methods and teachers’ rights and responsibilities. Therefore, they (54.1% of participants) suggested that teacher education departments should provide more practice-based courses and programs as well as closer collaboration between regular schools and teacher education departments in order to fill gap between theory and practice.


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Fiber-reinforced composite as oral implant material: Experimental studies of glass fiber and bioactive glass in vitro and in vivo Department of Prosthetic Dentistry and Biomaterials Science, Institute of Dentistry, University of Turku, Turku, Finland 2008. Biocompatibility and mechanical properties are important variables that need to be determined when new materials are considered for medical implants. Special emphasis was placed on these characteristics in the present work, which aimed to investigate the potential of fiber-reinforced composite (FRC) material as an oral implant. Furthermore, the purpose of this study was to explore the effect of bioactive glass (BAG) on osseointegration of FRC implants. The biocompatibility and mechanical properties of FRC implants were studied both in vitro and in vivo. The mechanical properties of the bulk FRC implant were tested with a cantilever bending test, torsional test and push-out test. The biocompatibility was first evaluated with osteoblast cells cultured on FRC substrates. Bone bonding was determined with the mechanical push-out test and histological as well as histomorplanimetric evaluation. Implant surface was characterized with SEM and EDS analysis. The results of these studies showed that FRC implants can withstand the static load values comparably to titanium. Threaded FRC implants had significantly higher push-out strength than the threaded titanium implants. Cell culture study revealed no cytotoxic effect of FRC materials on the osteoblast-like-cells. Addition of BAG particles enhanced cell proliferation and mineralization of the FRC substrates The in vivo study showed that FRC implants can withstand static loading until failure without fracture. The results also suggest that the FRC implant is biocompatible in bone. The biological behavior of FRC was comparable to that of titanium after 4 and 12 weeks of implantation. Furthermore, addition of BAG to FRC implant increases peri-implant osteogenesis and bone maturation.


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We have studied the motor abilities and associative learning capabilities of adult mice placed in different enriched environments. Three-month-old animals were maintained for a month alone (AL), alone in a physically enriched environment (PHY), and, finally, in groups in the absence (SO) or presence (SOPHY) of an enriched environment. The animals' capabilities were subsequently checked in the rotarod test, and for classical and instrumental learning. The PHY and SOPHY groups presented better performances in the rotarod test and in the acquisition of the instrumental learning task. In contrast, no significant differences between groups were observed for classical eyeblink conditioning. The four groups presented similar increases in the strength of field EPSPs (fEPSPs) evoked at the hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapse across classical conditioning sessions, with no significant differences between groups. These trained animals were pulse-injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to determine hippocampal neurogenesis. No significant differences were found in the number of NeuN/BrdU double-labeled neurons. We repeated the same BrdU study in one-month-old mice raised for an additional month in the above-mentioned four different environments. These animals were not submitted to rotarod or conditioned tests. Non-trained PHY and SOPHY groups presented more neurogenesis than the other two groups. Thus, neurogenesis seems to be related to physical enrichment at early ages, but not to learning acquisition in adult mice.


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PURPOSE: We aimed to a) introduce a new Test to Exhaustion Specific to Tennis (TEST) and compare performance (test duration) and physiological responses to those obtained during the 20-m multistage shuttle test (MSST), and b) determine to which extent those variables correlate with performance level (tennis competitive ranking) for both test procedures. METHODS: Twenty-seven junior players (8 males, 19 females) members of the national teams of the French Tennis Federation completed MSST and TEST, including elements of the game (ball hitting, intermittent activity, lateral displacement), in a randomized order. Cardiorespiratory responses were compared at submaximal (respiratory compensation point) and maximal loads between the two tests. RESULTS: At the respiratory compensation point oxygen uptake (50.1 +/- 4.7 vs. 47.5 +/- 4.3 mL.min-1.kg-1, p = 0.02), but not minute ventilation and heart rate, was higher for TEST compared to MSST. However, load increment and physiological responses at exhaustion did not differ between the two tests. Players' ranking correlated negatively with oxygen uptake measured at submaximal and maximal loads for both TEST (r = -0.41; p = 0.01 and -0.55; p = 0.004) and MSST (r = -0.38; P = 0.05 and -0.51; p = 0.1). CONCLUSION: Using TEST provides a tennis-specific assessment of aerobic fitness and may be used to prescribe aerobic exercise in a context more appropriate to the game than MSST. Results also indicate that VO2 values both at submaximal and maximal load reached during TEST and MSST are moderate predictors of players competitive ranking.


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Background New recommendations for rabies postexposure prophylaxis (rPEP) were published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization in 2010. In view of these new recommendations, the adequacy of rPEP among patients consulting the travel clinic of the University Hospital of Lausanne has been investigated and 6,8% of patients have been identified as non-responders with the new rPEP regimen. In this study we have selected the non-responders for a complete immunologic work up. Method Clinical and paraclinical immunologic investigations have been done to the non- responders patients. Those investigations have been conducted to look for an increased susceptibility to infections and an immunodeficiency. The investigations included a clinical evaluation, a full blood count, measurement of the immunoglobulin levels, a numeration of the subpopulations of the lymphocytes, a HIV test and an evaluation of the humoral response to tetanus, pneumococcal, and hepatitis B vaccinations. A lymphocyte proliferation assay with rabies antigen was performed to assess the cellular immune response. Results 9 subjects with rabies antibody titers ≤0,5 IU/ml after an rPEP with 4 doses were included in this study (=non-responders). 8/9 of these non-responders had an unremarkable medical history. 9/9 of them had normal paraclinical tests that did not suggest an immunodeficiency. The results of the lymphocyte proliferation assay with rabies antigen showed a significant correlation between the level of the humoral and cellular response. Conclusion These results suggest that a 4 dose intramuscular rPEP elicits in some patients a relatively poor humoral and cellular response, even in the absence of any immunosuppression. A serology on day 21 of the rPEP seems therefore useful to identify the patients who don't respond appropriately. Those non-responders should receive additional doses until they reach an antibody titer above 0.5 IU/ml.


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Phase encoded nano structures such as Quick Response (QR) codes made of metallic nanoparticles are suggested to be used in security and authentication applications. We present a polarimetric optical method able to authenticate random phase encoded QR codes. The system is illuminated using polarized light and the QR code is encoded using a phase-only random mask. Using classification algorithms it is possible to validate the QR code from the examination of the polarimetric signature of the speckle pattern. We used Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test and Support Vector Machine algorithms to authenticate the phase encoded QR codes using polarimetric signatures.


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Abstract Background HIV-1 infection increases plasma levels of inflammatory markers. Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) does not restore inflammatory markers to normal levels. Since intensification of cART with raltegravir reduced CD8 T-cell activation in the Discor-Ral and IntegRal studies, we have evaluated the effect of raltegravir intensification on several soluble inflammation markers in these studies. Methods Longitudinal plasma samples (0–48 weeks) from the IntegRal (n = 67, 22 control and 45 intensified individuals) and the Discor-Ral studies (44 individuals with CD4 T-cell counts<350 cells/µl, 14 control and 30 intensified) were assayed for 25 markers. Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon, Spearman test and linear mixed models were used for analysis. Results At baseline, different inflammatory markers were strongly associated with HCV co-infection, lower CD4 counts and with cART regimens (being higher in PI-treated individuals), but poorly correlated with detection of markers of residual viral replication. Although raltegravir intensification reduced inflammation in individuals with lower CD4 T-cell counts, no effect of intensification was observed on plasma markers of inflammation in a global analysis. An association was found, however, between reductions in immune activation and plasma levels of the coagulation marker D-dimer, which exclusively decreased in intensified patients on protease inhibitor (PI)-based cART regimens (P = 0.040). Conclusions The inflammatory profile in treated HIV-infected individuals showed a complex association with HCV co-infection, the levels of CD4 T cells and the cART regimen. Raltegravir intensification specifically reduced D-dimer levels in PI-treated patients, highlighting the link between cART composition and residual viral replication; however, raltegravir had little effect on other inflammatory markers.