977 resultados para atributos químicos


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Better knowledge of the anthropogenic soils can help create future scenarios for the Amazon region through information that supports the sustainable planning. The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial variability of soil physical anthropogenic and not anthropogenic in the region of Manipur, AM. In the study area we selected two, one with no anthropogenic soils (native forest) and another with anthropogenic soils (black earth archaeological). In each area, we established a grid measuring 70 x 70 m and the soils were sampled at the points of intersection of the grid with regular spacing of 10 by 10 feet, making a total of 64 sampling points in each landscape. Soil samples were collected at a depth from 0.0 to 0.10 I did the analyzes physical (texture, bulk density, macroporosity, microporososidade, porosity and aggregate stability). Then, the data were subjected to descriptive statistics and geostatistics. It was found that the anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soils showed different behaviors in relation ace their spatial structures. The spatial variability that prevailed in anthropogenic and non-anthropogenic soil was moderate and weak indicating that these soils are strongly linked to changes in the soil by extrinsic factors. The soil was observed anthropogenic best results for total porosity, microporosity and bulk density, showing superior characteristics compared for agronomic soil not anthropogenic. And the range of values found in the above two areas were used in the mesh, showing greater spatial continuity in these environments.


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The objective of this study was to analyze different intensities of soil sampling for accuracy in geostatistical analysis and interpolation maps for precision agriculture in the sugarcane area. Soil samples were collected at two regular grids at a depth of 0.00 to 0.20m for granulometric analysis (area 1) and soil fertility (area 2). We compared soil sampling intensities: 208, 105, 58 and 24 points in Area 1 and 206, 102 and 53 points in Area 2. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis and geostatistics. The variograms constructed with 105 points didn't differ from variograms with 208 points, which doesn't occur for 58 and 24 points. The increase of sampling interval and reducing the number of points promote greater error in kriging. Samples with more than 100 points per area did not result in significant improvements in the error of kriging, or differed in the amount of fertilizer applied to the field.


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The tillage comprises on average 25% of the cost of deploying a reed, so this cost reduction measures are desirable since they do not compromise the quality of the operation and longevity of sugarcane. The objective was to evaluate the effect of different tillage systems in Acrustox, correlating soil physical properties and characteristics of sugarcane agroindustrial plant cane and ratoon cane. We used five types of soil tillage, over experimental design in blocks with five replications. The particle size was measured every 0.1 m to 0.4 m depth, through deformed soil samples collected at the end of the first growth cycle of the culture. For other soil physical properties: bulk density, total porosity and water content, assessments were performed at the end of each cycle, collecting soil samples in layers of 0-0.20 to 0.21-0.40 m, in addition to performing the penetration resistance, using a penetrometer impact. The response of sugarcane depending on the types of tillage was determined from the evaluation of productivity per hectare of stem (TCH), sugar (TPH), the values of pol % cane (AP), sugar total recoverable (ATR) and fiber samples collected at harvest stalk of sugarcane plant and ratoon cane. In the tillage studied, there was a change of the physical attributes of the soil, causing reduced productivity in 2009/2010 crop, compared with the 2008/2009 season. In tillage system of furrowing direct lowest result was observed for TCH, especially in 2009/2010 crop, when the difference with conventional tillage was 20.53 Mg ha(-1).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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At first, this paper presents the epistemological and theoretical bases that support the inclusion of an operational concept for the findability of information in the field of Information Science. In a second moment, it defines the key attributes and recommendations for the findability of information, with a view to their understanding in a practical perspective, from the epistemological and theoretical support presented. From a theoretical, exploratory, bibliographic and documentary study, the results reveal that epistemologically the findability of information fits in Information Science in post-custodial paradigm that focuses on access to information and is significantly influenced by Information and Communication Technologies. The theoretical conclusions of this concept focus on the evolution of the Web and from the perspective of the dimensions of language, where there is as pragmatic trend, as technological development that combines the actions taken by informational and institutional individuals in digital information environments. Given that these actions turn enable or not the findability of information, these individuals can be understood as mediators. Therefore, the concept of infocommunicational mediation is the basis for the findability of information. For its application in digital information environments, were defined attributes and guidelines which should be considered in the context of Information Architecture. The attributes characterizing the concept and guidelines point at practical actions for the design and for evaluation of the findability of information. Epistemological, theoretical and practical concepts addressed underpin the called operative concept in information science and should be further explored in this scientific field.


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Pós-graduação em Aquicultura - FCAV


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The present study was concerned with checking the water quality, the recovery of the riparian vegetation and vegetation around the springhead of stream Bandeirantes, such as the inadequate disposal of waste along this stream, which is located in Rio Claro, SP, in the period from March to July of 2010. Aiming to propose mitigation measures to reverse the degradation processes and develop activities to help a better awareness of the population directly related to this water resource. The water quality was analyzed by performing monthly sampling in three different points along the stream. The first point of sampling is in the spring of the stream, the second at the region called estradão and the third near its mouth, when it flows into the Ribeirão Claro, a tributary of the right bank of the Corumbataí river. It was calculated from the Water Quality Index (WQI) developed by Cetesb. The results were compared with current law. The riparian vegetation, which is responsible for the protection of rivers and streams, was observed and examined during the field work. The results indicated the stream as class 2 and the WQI has been classified, in the most of the analysis, such as a water of good quality. However, some parameters showed a worrying situation and highlighted the current situation, with waste deposits, furniture and animal waste into the pit of the stream studied


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Laboratory of Chemical Waste Management programs are being implemented in various universities of the country and the world, in recognition of the urgent need to change the reality of disregard for the environment, together with objective responsibility of the generator, and especially the awareness of sustainability. Analysis and research laboratories involve a range of waste in developing their studies with intrinsic characteristics related to their form of generation. The amount of waste generated in this segment is negligible compared to industrial activities, but the environmental issue is that these residues do not have a standard technique for treatment due to the potential variation of its composition. This research project, aiming their suitability and continuous improvement, aims to diagnose and analyze the current situation of the management and disposal of chemical waste generated by the laboratories IGCE UNESP, Campus Rio Claro / SP. Universities, through their research, teaching and extension, end up generating potentially hazardous chemicals that may contaminate the environment when they are disposed of improperly, with no concern for the environment and / or public health. Aiming to assist in improvements with respect to this issue, the purpose of this study is to understand the management and disposal of chemical waste from the IGCE, laboratories UNESP - Rio Claro / SP, in order to discuss the situation of such waste, and present proposals to reduce generation of the same and minimizing the environmental impact, thereby increasing the local hygiene through proper disposal. The research instrument used interviews, questionnaires, review of recent literature and observations were made in order to develop proposals for the management and disposal of waste. These proposals based on prevention and corrective control, where the preventive approach aims at lifting techniques and actions to reduce the generating sources and...


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Nowadays, bamboo is being studied because of their strength properties according with their specific mass and speed of growth, which makes it an important alternative as a new resource that will help reduce pressure on forests and helpping them favoring the minimization of uncontrolled deforestation in many regions of Brazil. This study aimed, in general, to analyze physical and mechanical properties of the material with the divulgation of its potential for industrial application. To do so, in this research were determined in relation to the physical properties, moisture content, dimensional stability and the apparent densities and the mechanics and basic, just a tension parallel to grain, in order to observe the interference of various kinds of treatments (chemical, thermal and natural) on the strength and modulus of elasticity in this request. The species used was the Guadua angustifolia, a species native of Brazil. All tests were performed at Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus Experimental Itapeva in the laboratory of Materials Properties. The methodology used for testing of moisture, density and tension parallel to grain were based on NBR 7190/1997 for the wood, and dimensional stability tests were based on much the same as in COPANT 462/1972 (South American) . The preservative treatments conducted followed the recommendation of each manufacturer. The values obtained in tests of physical properties were satisfactory especially with respect to density and dimensional stability analyzed by the coefficient of anisotropy, showed that, compared to wood, excellent quality for the shrinkage test, obtaining a coefficient of 1.2. With respect to parallel tensile tests to fibre results showed, in most cases, that test specimens with the presence of us have lower values of resistance and modulus of elasticity when compared with those without us. In the treatment of thermal-treatment there was an apparent treatment there was an apparent increase in...


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Pressure drop and energy efficiency of compressors in chemical plants are the focus of this study. Its objective is an analysis of possible sources of energy loss through the study of pressure loss in pipes, calculation of thermodynamic efficiency of the compressors. Important issues are raised for this analysis such as the types of compressors, the operating range of each compressor, compression types, as well as a study of accessories such as filters and valves. After studying these issues was carried out calculations of pressure drop step-bystep and with a software WIPCD. Followed by the calculation of efficiency of compressors and monthly energy cost of each compressor in operation. Finally, the study shows some suggestions for immediate improvements, changes and suggestions for possible future purchases of compressors


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The Bonito oil field, located on southwest of Campos Basin-RJ, has been explored since 1982. The main reservoir is composed by calcarenites of Quissamã Formation (Macaé Group) from Albian, but two other carbonate levels are present on the field, firsts is Coqueiros Formation (Aptian) and the second Siri Member (Oligo-Miocene). In this context and considering that carbonates reservoirs are a challenge for exploratory geoscientists, since the difficulty on recognize the effective reservoir distribution. This work aim to characterize the geophysical/geological facies based on seismic attributes responses, related to reservoir geometrical distribution, for the tree carbonates intervals on Bonito oil Field. A tree dimensional interpretation of the levels has been developed, based on well cross correlation and a 3D seismic interpretation, resulting on the stratigraphic and structural framework of the field, which showed a NE-SW fault trend controlling the Aptian carbonates reservoirs, and halocnetics structures showing a structural trap on Albian carbonates reservoirs. The definition of the structural/ stratigraphic framework possibly the seismic attributes calculations over the reservoir intervals. To select the best response in comparison with the reservoir distribution, obtained by seismic interpretation, the attributes response were compared with isopachs maps of each carbonate stratigraphic level. The attributes Maximum Amplitude, Maximum Magnitude and Rms Amplitude showed a good answer to reservoir distribution. The Rms Amplitude also showed a good correlation with physical rock properties, like RHOB bulk density, for the Albian and Aptian carbonates, as consequence it is possible make a characterization of reservoir distribution based on seismic attribute answer


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV