871 resultados para alternative fertilizer
In a letter to Nature (February, 2011), Xunlai Yuan and collaborators recorded carbon compression fossils from black shales of the Lantian Formation (Ediacaran), southern Anhui Province, South China. The new fossils, described under five morphological types (Types A to E), exhibit degrees of morphological differentiation suggesting that they were multicellular eukaryotes. Some of the Lantian macrofossils were interpreted as algae, but others are of unknown affinities. For reasons noted in this discussion, Type A fossils attracted our particular attention, and we suggest an alternative interpretation of their affinities. According to our view, some of them (at least those with three faces and no globose holdfast at their base) may represent conulariid cnidarians or close medusozoan relatives. The undistorted organism probably was a three-sided cone in life. We believe that our suggested alternative interpretations of the anatomy and affinities of the fossils in question can be useful in guiding future research on the oldest currently known fossil assemblage of multicellular organisms. Copyright © 2012.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The purpose of this study was to develop a mucoadhesive stimuli-sensitive drug delivery system for nasal administration of zidovudine (AZT). The system was prepared by formulating a low viscosity precursor of a liquid crystal phase, taking advantage of its lyotropic phase behavior. Flow rheology measurements showed that the formulation composed of PPG-5-CETETH-20, oleic acid and water (55, 30, 15% w/w), denominated P, has Newtonian flow behavior. Polarized light microscopy (PLM) revealed that formulation P is isotropic, whereas its 1:1 (w/w) dilution with artificial nasal mucus (ANM) changed the system to an anisotropic lamellar phase (PD). Oscillatory frequency sweep analysis showed that PD has a high storage modulus (G′) at nasal temperatures. Measurement of the mucoadhesive force against excised porcine nasal mucosa or a mucin disk proved that the transition to the lamellar phase tripled the work of mucoadhesion. Ex vivo permeation studies across porcine nasal mucosa exhibited an 18-fold rise in the permeability of AZT from the formulation. The Weibull mathematical model suggested that the AZT is released by Fickian diffusion mechanisms. Hence, the physicochemical characterization, combined with ex vivo studies, revealed that the PPG-5-CETETH-20, oleic acid, and water formulation could form a mucoadhesive matrix in contact with nasal mucus that promoted nasal absorption of the AZT. For an in vivo assessment, the plasma concentrations of AZT in rats were determined by HPLC method following intravenous and intranasal administration of AZT-loaded P formulation (PA) and AZT solution, respectively, at a dose of 8 mg/kg. The intranasal administration of PA resulted in a fast absorption process (Tmax = 6.7 min). Therefore, a liquid crystal precursor formulation administered by the nasal route might represent a promising novel tool for the systemic delivery of AZT and other antiretroviral drugs. In the present study, the uptake of AZT absorption in the nasal mucosa was demonstrated, providing new foundations for clinical trials in patients with AIDS. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The use of biofertilizers is interesting for agriculture as being an economical alternative as well as it is environmentally friendly by using organic waste and reducing the application of mineral fertilizers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of biofertilizer doses of bovine origin (biodigester effluent) applied on the ground and two levels of irrigation on lettuce. The experiment was conducted under protection of a greenhouse in pots, applying to the soil different doses of biofertilizer of bovine origin obtained from anaerobic reactor (10, 20, 40 and 60 m3 ha-1) and mineral fertilizer as a witness in two irrigation levels calculated at 50 and 100% of reference evapotranspiration. The lettuce plants were analyzed in their: Height, leaves number, crown diameter, fresh weight and dry weight of shoots. The biofertilizer treatments showed better results than the mineral fertilizer and has increased with increasing doses of biofertilizer, the highest dose (60 m3 ha-1) showed the best results in all variables. For dry, mineral fertilization showed higher values. The irrigation levels had no effect on plant growth.
The agricultural use of sewage sludge as organic fertilizer is considered nowadays as on alternative of disposal, in the end of the residue in addition to possible environmental problems, it's using can decrease the mineral fertilizers and avoid provide organic matter to the soil. The objective of this study it was to evaluate the parameters of soil fertility under different managements and doses of sewage sludge after the third application of the residue. The experiment was carried out in São Manuel - SP, with the cultivation of sunflower in two consecutives cycles, followed by wheat and triticale without application of the residual, and in the following year with the application of sewage sludge and cultivated the black oats. It was adopted a randomized complete block design, consisting of six treatments and five repetitions defined as follows: T0 - without fertilization; T1 - mineral fertilizer nitrogen according to crop need, T2 - 50% of N from sewage sludge and 50% in mineral form, T3 - 100% of N from sewage sludge, T4 - 150% of N from sewage sludge, T5 - 200% of N derived from sewage sludge. Soil samples were collected in the end of the trial of oats. There were an increase in the levels of P, H + Al, CEC and OM, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn as a function of increasing dose of sewage sludge. To V% and pH were decreased the values in the proportional soil to the increase of sludge dose until 24 and 22 t ha-1, respectively and after increasing the pH and V%.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The introduction of nitrogen fixing species (NFS) in fast-growing tree plantations is an alternative option to reduce fertilizer inputs. However, the success of mixed-species plantations depends on the balance between positive interactions among species (resulting from facilitation and/or complementarity) and the negative effects of interspecific competition.Using a carbon budget approach and coupling measurements of standing biomass, aboveground litterfall and soil CO2 efflux, we assessed the influence of replacing half of eucalypt trees by Acacia mangium on total belowground carbon flux (TBCF), net primary production (NPP) and its partitioning between above- and belowground growth at two tropical sites in Brazil (Itatinga) and in Congo (Kissoko) exhibiting contrasting climates, edaphic conditions and wood productions.Annual soil CO2 efflux (FS) was significantly lower in the acacia monocultures than in eucalypt monocultures and mixed-species stands at both sites. Annual FS was significantly lower at Itatinga compared to Kissoko for all stands while TBCF was significantly lower in the eucalypt stands only. In the eucalypt monocultures we found a significantly lower aboveground NPP (ANPP) and wood production (wood NPP) at Kissoko compared to Itatinga that was almost fully balanced by a significantly higher belowground NPP (BNPP), leading to similar NPP. Similarly, acacia monocultures exhibited significantly higher ANPP and wood NPP at Itatinga than at Kissoko. The mixed-species stands exhibited a significantly lower wood NPP and ANPP than the eucalypt monocultures at the Brazilian site while NPP of the mixture was not significantly different than the average NPP of the two monocultures. At the Congolese site, NPP of the mixture was significantly higher than the average NPP of the two monocultures. NPP was similar in the mixed-species stand and the eucalypt monoculture with a significantly lower partitioning of NPP to belowground production, leading to a one third higher wood biomass at harvest in the mixed-species stand.A positive effect of growing eucalypts with the nitrogen fixing acacia trees on stand wood production occurred at Kissoko but not at Itatinga. Mixed-species plantations with NFS can be advocated at sites where the productive gains resulting from nitrogen fixation are not compromised by other resource limitations. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.
The increased production of urban sewage sludge requires alternative methods for final disposal. A very promising choice is the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer in agriculture, since it is rich in organic matter, macro and micronutrients. However, urban sewage sludge may contain toxic substances that may cause deleterious effects on the biota, water and soil, and consequently on humans. There is a lack of studies evaluating how safe the consumption of food cultivated in soils containing urban sewage sludge is. Thus, the aim of this paper was to evaluate biochemical and redox parameters in rats fed with corn produced in a soil treated with urban sewage sludge for a long term. For these experiments, maize plants were grown in soil amended with sewage sludge (rates of 5, 10 and 20. t/ha) or not (control). Four different diets were prepared with the corn grains produced in the field experiment, and rats were fed with these diets for 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. Biochemical parameters (glucose, total cholesterol and fractions, triglycerides, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) as well the redox state biomarkers such as reduced glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase, glutathione peroxidase and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) were assessed. Our results show no differences in the biomarkers over 1 or 2 weeks. However, at 4 weeks BuChE activity was inhibited in rats fed with corn grown in soil amended with sewage sludge (5, 10 and 20. t/ha), while MDA levels increased. Furthermore, prolonged exposure to corn cultivated in the highest amount per hectare of sewage sludge (8 and 12 weeks) was associated with an increase in MDA levels and a decrease in GSH levels, respectively. Our findings add new evidence of the risks of consuming food grown with urban sewage sludge. However, considering that the amount and type of toxic substances present in urban sewage sludge varies considerably among different sampling areas, further studies are needed to evaluate sludge samples collected from different sources and/or undergoing different types of treatment. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.
Stillage is the main wastewater from ethanol production, containing a high chemical oxygen demand in addition to acidic and corrosive characteristics. Though stillage may be used as a soil fertilizer, its land application may be considered problematic due its high polluting potential. Anaerobic digestion represents an effective alternative treatment to reduce the pollution load of stillage. In addition, the methane gas produced within the process may be converted to energy, which can be directly applied to the treatment plant. The objective of this paper was to investigate the energetic potential of anaerobic digestion applied to stillage in the sugarcane ethanol industry. An overall analysis of the results indicates energy recovery capacity (ERC) values for methane ranging from 3.5% to 10%, respectively, for sugarcane juice and molasses. The processes employed to obtain the fermentable broth, as well as the distillation step, represent the main limiting factors to the energetic potential feasibility. Considering financial aspects the annual savings could reach up to US$ 30 million due to anaerobic digestion of stillage in relatively large-scale distilleries (365,000 m3 of ethanol per year). The best scenarios were verified for the association between anaerobic digestion of stillage and combustion of bagasse. In this case, the fossil fuels consumption in distilleries could be fully ceased, such the ERC of methane could reach values ranging from 140% to 890%. © 2013 Taylor & Francis.
We report on the fabrication of novel lead-germanate glasses and fibers. We have characterized these glasses in terms of their thermal properties, Raman spectra and refractive indices (both linear and nonlinear) and present them as viable alternatives to tellurite glasses for applications requiring highly nonlinear optical fibers. © 2013 Optical Society of America.