861 resultados para Young, Richard: Talking and testing
To field test the hypothesis that lichen thalli can use environmental sources of carbon, solutions of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were added to intact thalli of Xanthoparmelia conspersa (Ach.) Hale and a yellow species of Rhizocarpon (Rhizocarpon Ram. Em. Th. Fr. subgenus Rhizocarpon). In addition, ribitol and an arabitol/mannitol mixture were added to the marginal hypothalli of Rhizocarpon thalli after removal of the areolae. Carbohydrates were added at the beginning of 2- or 3-month growth periods for up to 15 months at concentrations approximately three times the levels estimated to be in the thalli. Addition of carbohydrates to intact thalli of both species had no effect on total radial growth but addition of mannitol significantly increased growth of X. conspersa thalli in the September/October growth period in one experiment. However, this effect was not repeated in a subsequent experiment in which different concentrations of mannitol were added to intact thalli. Addition of ribitol to hypothalli of Rhizocarpon resulted in significantly increased growth in the first few months of the experiment, growth then declining to levels below that of untreated thalli. The data suggest that although hypothalli of Rhizocarpon may have the ability to utilise exogenous carbohydrates for growth, there was little evidence that intact thalli of either species utilise environmental sources of carbon in the field.
The levels of the soluble carbohydrates ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were measured in individual lobes of the lichen Parmelia conspersa (Ehrh. ex Ach.) Ach. Lobes were collected from a north and a south facing slate rock surface in South Gwynedd, Wales, U.K. on 4 days during 1990-1991. On each day sampled, the most significant variation in soluble carbohydrate levels was between the individual lobes of a thallus. In addition, carbohydrate levels were significantly greater on the south facing rock surface on 2 of the 4 days sampled. Factorial analyses of variance suggested that the levels of individual carbohydrates varied significantly between days but not between north and south facing rock surfaces. Mannitol levels varied less between days than arabitol levels. Levels of ribitol, arabitol and mannitol were positively correlated in individual lobes. A stepwise multiple regression suggested that on the north facing rock surface, arabitol and mannitol levels could be explained by variations in the level of ribitol. By contrast, on the south facing rock surface, the levels of fungal carbohydrates were less dependent on the level of ribitol and there was evidence of a relationship between arabitol and mannitol. Variations in carbohydrate production, allocation and metabolism could help to explain lobe growth variation in foliose lichens and the radial growth of lobes over a longer period of time. Greater carbohydrate production rather than differences in allocation and metabolism may explain the increased growth and frequency of P. conspersa on south facing rock surfaces in South Gwynedd. © 1994.
The laminar distribution of senile plaques (SP) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) was studied in areas B17 and B18 of the visual cortex in 18 cases of Alzheimer’s disease which varied in disease onset and duration. The objective was to test the hypothesis that SP and NFT could spread via either the feedforward or feedback short cortico-cortical projections. In area B17, the mean density of SP and NFT reached a maximum in lamina III and in laminae II and III respectively. In B18, mean SP density was maximal in laminae III and IV and NFT density in laminae II and III. No significant correlations were observed in any cortical lamina between the density of SP and patient age. However, the density of NFT in laminae III, IV and VI in B18 was negatively correlated with patient age. In addition, in B18, the density of SP in lamina II and lamina V was negatively correlated with disease duration and disease onset respectively. Although these results suggest that SP and NFT might spread between B17 and B18 via the feedforward short cortico-cortical projections, it is also possible that the longer cortico-cortical and cortico-subcortical connections may be involved.
The visual evoked magnetic response to half-field stimulation using pattern reversal was studied using a dc-SQUID coupled to a second-order gradiometer. The main component of the magnetic response consisted of a positive wave at around 100ms (P100M). At the same time this component was present the reponse to half-field stimulation consisted of an outgoing field contralateral and extending to the midline. When the left half-field was stimulates the outgoing field was over the posterior right visual cortex and when the right half field was stimulated it was over the left anterior visual cortex. These findings would correltly identify a source located in the contralateral visual cortex. The orientation of the dipoles was not that previously assumed to explain the paradoxical lateralization of the visual evoked potential. The results are discussed in terms of both electrical and magnetic models of the calcarine fissure.
Wardop first described retinoblastoma in 1809. It is the most common intraocular tumour of childhood and the most common tumour of the retina. It was originally thought to be a glioma arising from glial cells of the retina. However, in 1926 it was recognised as a tumour of undifferentiated photoreceptor cells. This article describes the basic clinical and pathological aspects of retinoblastoma, the advances in molecular genetics which have led to the discovery of the gene responsible, and the defects which have been discovered in the retinoblastoma gene.
This article describes the recent advances that have been made in understanding the molecular genetics of retinitis pigmentosa (RP). The basic clinical and pathological aspects of RP will be described, together with the patterns of inheritance exhibited by the disorder. In addition, the most important genes that have been linked to RP will be discussed as well as the advances in molecular genetics which have led to the identification of mutations in these genes.
Down's syndrome, first described by J. Langdon Down in 1866, is the most common chromosomal abnormality to occur in the human population. Its incidence is approximately 1/650 of all births although the risk of having a Down's child increases markedly with the age of the mother. It occurs with equal frequency in all racial groups. The risk to a mother 16-26 years old is 1 in 1,300 but the risk increases to 1 in 30 for a mother 45-47 years old. The life expectancy of people with Down's syndrome has risen since the 1920s and many individuals are now living to the 5th decade or beyond. Consequently optometrists are increasingly likley to see Down's patients of all ages in the practice.
Rolls-Royce fuel cell systems is developing megawatt scale power systems based on solid oxide fuel cell technology. The hybrid design promises to meet challenging energy efficiency, cost and performance targets in a grid friendly fashion. Analysis and testing to date indicate that those targets can be met and enable a wealth of fuel cell applications to meet customer and existing grid and modern grid requirements. Working with a global development team, a series of laboratory tests and evaluations are completed and future field test and evaluation and demonstration planned.
In this second article, statistical ideas are extended to the problem of testing whether there is a true difference between two samples of measurements. First, it will be shown that the difference between the means of two samples comes from a population of such differences which is normally distributed. Second, the 't' distribution, one of the most important in statistics, will be applied to a test of the difference between two means using a simple data set drawn from a clinical experiment in optometry. Third, in making a t-test, a statistical judgement is made as to whether there is a significant difference between the means of two samples. Before the widespread use of statistical software, this judgement was made with reference to a statistical table. Even if such tables are not used, it is useful to understand their logical structure and how to use them. Finally, the analysis of data, which are known to depart significantly from the normal distribution, will be described.
In some studies, the data are not measurements but comprise counts or frequencies of particular events. In such cases, an investigator may be interested in whether one specific event happens more frequently than another or whether an event occurs with a frequency predicted by a scientific model.
PCA/FA is a method of analyzing complex data sets in which there are no clearly defined X or Y variables. It has multiple uses including the study of the pattern of variation between individual entities such as patients with particular disorders and the detailed study of descriptive variables. In most applications, variables are related to a smaller number of ‘factors’ or PCs that account for the maximum variance in the data and hence, may explain important trends among the variables. An increasingly important application of the method is in the ‘validation’ of questionnaires that attempt to relate subjective aspects of a patients experience with more objective measures of vision.
The key to the correct application of ANOVA is careful experimental design and matching the correct analysis to that design. The following points should therefore, be considered before designing any experiment: 1. In a single factor design, ensure that the factor is identified as a 'fixed' or 'random effect' factor. 2. In more complex designs, with more than one factor, there may be a mixture of fixed and random effect factors present, so ensure that each factor is clearly identified. 3. Where replicates can be grouped or blocked, the advantages of a randomised blocks design should be considered. There should be evidence, however, that blocking can sufficiently reduce the error variation to counter the loss of DF compared with a randomised design. 4. Where different treatments are applied sequentially to a patient, the advantages of a three-way design in which the different orders of the treatments are included as an 'effect' should be considered. 5. Combining different factors to make a more efficient experiment and to measure possible factor interactions should always be considered. 6. The effect of 'internal replication' should be taken into account in a factorial design in deciding the number of replications to be used. Where possible, each error term of the ANOVA should have at least 15 DF. 7. Consider carefully whether a particular factorial design can be considered to be a split-plot or a repeated measures design. If such a design is appropriate, consider how to continue the analysis bearing in mind the problem of using post hoc tests in this situation.
The dimethyl-xanthine derivative pentoxifylline (PTX) increases blood flow through capillaries. In elderly humans the drug leads to improvement in a number of imapired neuropsychological parameters. We now report that oral administration to 29-month female mice (C57, black and tan) over six days induced four different patterns of behavioural reponse: (1) consistent improvement in grooming behaviour throughout the six day trial; (2) significant improvement in light/dark zone curiosity and curiosity towards a strange object on day three, which declined but remained significantly above pre-treatment levels at day 6; (3) an improvement in general activity which only becomes detectable on day six; (4) a significant improvement in rod-walking, rearing an shuttle-box crosses on day three which returned to pre-treatment levels by day 6. Age-related deficits in general activity, grooming and curiosity were completely eliminated by the drug - the mean group performance levels attained those seen in 9-12 month individuals of this strain.