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Risks of significant infant drug exposure through human milk arepoorly defined due to lack of large-scale PK data. We propose to useBayesian approach based on population PK (popPK)-guided modelingand simulation for risk prediction. As a proof-of-principle study, weexploited fluoxetine milk concentration data from 25 women. popPKparameters including milk-to-plasma ratio (MP ratio) were estimatedfrom the best model. The dose of fluoxetine the breastfed infant wouldreceive through mother's milk, and infant plasma concentrations wereestimated from 1000 simulated mother-infant pairs, using randomassignment of feeding times and milk volume. A conservative estimateof CYP2D6 activity of 20% of the allometrically-adjusted adult valuewas assumed. Derived model parameters, including MP ratio were consistentwith those reported in the literature. Visual predictive check andother model diagnostics showed no signs of model misspecifications.The model simulation predicted that infant exposure levels to fluoxetinevia mother's milk were below 10% of weight-adjusted maternal therapeuticdoses in >99% of simulated infants. Predicted median ratio ofinfant-mother serum levels at steady state was 0.093 (range 0.033-0.31),consistent with literature reported values (mean=0.07; range 0-0.59).Predicted incidence of relatively high infant-mother ratio (>0.2) ofsteady-state serum fluoxetine concentrations was <1.3%. Overall, ourpredictions are consistent with clinical observations. Our approach maybe valid for other drugs, allowing in silico prediction of infant drugexposure risks through human milk. We will discuss application of thisapproach to another drug used in lactating women.
Bisphosphonates are known for their strong inhibitory effect on bone resorption. Their influence on bone formation however is less clear. In this study we investigated the spatio-temporal effect of locally delivered Zoledronate on peri-implant bone formation and resorption in an ovariectomized rat femoral model. A cross-linked hyaluronic acid hydrogel was loaded with the drug and applied bilaterally in predrilled holes before inserting polymer screws. Static and dynamic bone parameters were analyzed based on in vivo microCT scans performed first weekly and then biweekly. The results showed that the locally released Zoledronate boosted bone formation rate up to 100% during the first 17 days after implantation and reduced the bone resorption rate up to 1000% later on. This shift in bone remodeling resulted in an increase in bone volume fraction (BV/TV) by 300% close to the screw and 100% further away. The double effect on bone formation and resorption indicates a great potential of Zoledronate-loaded hydrogel for enhancement of peri-implant bone volume which is directly linked to improved implant fixation.
BACKGROUND: The race- and sex-specific epidemiology of incident heart failure (HF) among a contemporary elderly cohort are not well described. METHODS: We studied 2934 participants without HF enrolled in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study (mean [SD] age, 73.6 [2.9] years; 47.9% men; 58.6% white; and 41.4% black) and assessed the incidence of HF, population-attributable risk (PAR) of independent risk factors for HF, and outcomes of incident HF. RESULTS: During a median follow-up of 7.1 years, 258 participants (8.8%) developed HF (13.6 cases per 1000 person-years; 95% confidence interval, 12.1-15.4). Men and black participants were more likely to develop HF. No significant sex-based differences were observed in risk factors. Coronary heart disease (PAR, 23.9% for white participants and 29.5% for black participants) and uncontrolled blood pressure (PAR, 21.3% for white participants and 30.1% for black participants) carried the highest PAR in both races. Among black participants, 6 of 8 risk factors assessed (smoking, increased heart rate, coronary heart disease, left ventricular hypertrophy, uncontrolled blood pressure, and reduced glomerular filtration rate) had more than 5% higher PAR compared with that among white participants, leading to a higher overall proportion of HF attributable to modifiable risk factors in black participants vs white participants (67.8% vs 48.9%). Participants who developed HF had higher annual mortality (18.0% vs 2.7%). No racial difference in survival after HF was noted; however, rehospitalization rates were higher among black participants (62.1 vs 30.3 hospitalizations per 100 person-years, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Incident HF is common in older persons; a large proportion of HF risk is attributed to modifiable risk factors. Racial differences in risk factors for HF and in hospitalization rates after HF need to be considered in prevention and treatment efforts.
BACKGROUND: Risks of significant infant drug exposurethrough breastmilk are poorly defined for many drugs, and largescalepopulation data are lacking. We used population pharmacokinetics(PK) modeling to predict fluoxetine exposure levels ofinfants via mother's milk in a simulated population of 1000 motherinfantpairs.METHODS: Using our original data on fluoxetine PK of 25breastfeeding women, a population PK model was developed withNONMEM and parameters, including milk concentrations, wereestimated. An exponential distribution model was used to account forindividual variation. Simulation random and distribution-constrainedassignment of doses, dosing time, feeding intervals and milk volumewas conducted to generate 1000 mother-infant pairs with characteristicssuch as the steady-state serum concentrations (Css) and infantdose relative to the maternal weight-adjusted dose (relative infantdose: RID). Full bioavailability and a conservative point estimate of1-month-old infant CYP2D6 activity to be 20% of the adult value(adjusted by weigth) according to a recent study, were assumed forinfant Css calculations.RESULTS: A linear 2-compartment model was selected as thebest model. Derived parameters, including milk-to-plasma ratios(mean: 0.66; SD: 0.34; range, 0 - 1.1) were consistent with the valuesreported in the literature. The estimated RID was below 10% in >95%of infants. The model predicted median infant-mother Css ratio was0.096 (range 0.035 - 0.25); literature reported mean was 0.07 (range0-0.59). Moreover, the predicted incidence of infant-mother Css ratioof >0.2 was less than 1%.CONCLUSION: Our in silico model prediction is consistent withclinical observations, suggesting that substantial systemic fluoxetineexposure in infants through human milk is rare, but further analysisshould include active metabolites. Our approach may be valid forother drugs. [supported by CIHR and Swiss National Science Foundation(SNSF)]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:1 8500 00], 120 Kilomètres de 111 au Degré dont un égale 1000 Mètres [= 5,4 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:1 850 000], 120 Kilomètres de 111 au Degré dont un égale 1000 Mètres [= 5,4 cm]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, une bactérie environnementale ubiquitaire, est un des pathogènes nosocomiaux les plus fréquents aux soins intensifs. La source de ce microorganisme peut être soit endogène, 2,6 à 24 % des patients hospitalisés étant colonisés au niveau digestif, soit exogène. La proportion des cas d'infections à P. aeruginosa d'origine exogène, donc secondaires à une transmission par manuportage ou par l'eau du réseau utilisée pour la toilette ou d'autres soins, reste débattue. Or une meilleure évaluation du taux d'infections exogènes est importante pour la mise en place de mesures de contrôle appropriées. Le but de cette étude était de déterminer sur une période de 10 ans les rôles respectifs des sources exogènes (robinets, autres patients) et endogène dans la colonisation et/ou l'infection par P.aeruginosa chez les patients des Soins Intensifs, ainsi que de documenter les variations épidémiologiques au cours du temps. L'étude a été menée dans les unités de Soins Intensifs du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV). Les patients colonisés et/ou infectés par P. aeruginosa entre 1998 et 2007ont été identifiés via la base de données du laboratoire de microbiologie. Ils ont été inclus dans l'étude s'ils étaient hospitalisés dans une des unités de Soins Intensifs, Durant cette période, des prélèvements pour recherche de P. aeruginosa ont été effectués sur des robinets des soins intensifs. Un typage moléculaire a été effectué sur toutes les souches cliniques et environnementales isolées en 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004 et 2007. Les patients inclus dans l'étude ont été répartis en quatre catégories (A-D) selon le résultat du typage moléculaire leur souche de P. aeruginosa. La catégorie A inclut les cas pour lesquels le génotype de P. aeruginosa est identique à un des génotypes retrouvé dans l'environnement. La catégorie B comprend les cas pour lesquels le génotype est identique à celui d'au moins un autre patient. La catégorie C comprend les cas avec un génotype unique et la catégorie D comprend les cas pour lesquels la souche était non disponible pour le typage. Les cas des catégories A et B sont considérés comme ayant une origine exogène. Au cours des années de l'étude, le nombre d'admissions aux soins intensifs est resté stable. En moyenne, 86 patients par année ont été identifiés colonisés ou infectés par P. aeruginosa aux Soins Intensifs. Durant la première année d'investigation, un grand nombre de patients colonisés par une souche de P. aeruginosa identique à une de celles retrouvées dans l'environnement a été mis en évidence. Par la suite, possiblement suite à l'augmentation de la température du réseau d'eau chaude, le nombre de cas dans la catégorie A a diminué. Dans la catégorie B, le nombre de cas varie de 1,9 à 20 cas/1000 admissions selon les années. Ce nombre est supérieur à 10 cas/1000 admissions en 1998, 2003 et 2007 et correspond à des situations épidémiques transitoires. Tout au long des 10 ans de l'étude, le nombre de cas dans la catégorie C (source endogène) est demeuré stable et indépendant des variations du nombre de cas dans les catégories A et B. En conclusion, la contribution relative des réservoirs endogène et exogène dans la colonisation et/ou l'infection des patients de soins Intensifs varie au cours du temps. Les facteurs principaux qui contribuent à de telles variations sont probablement le degré de contamination de l'environnement, la compliance des soignants aux mesures de contrôle des infections et la génétique du pathogène lui-même. Etant donné que ce germe est ubiquitaire dans l'environnement aqueux et colonise jusqu'à 15% des patients hospitalisés, la disparition de son réservoir endogène semble difficile. Cependant, cette étude démontre que son contrôle est possible dans l'environnement, notamment dans les robinets en augmentant la température de l'eau. De plus, si une souche multi-résistante est retrouvée de manière répétée dans l'environnement, des efforts doivent être mis en place pour éliminer cette souche. Des efforts doivent être également entrepris afin de limiter la transmission entre les patients, qui est une cause importante et récurrente de contamination exogène. - Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the leading nosocomial pathogens in intensive care units (ICUs). The source of this microorganism can be either endogenous or exogenous. The proportion of cases as a result of transmission is still debated, and its elucidation is important for implementing appropriate control measures. To understand the relative importance of exogenous vs. endogenous sources of P. aeru¬ginosa, molecular typing was performed on all available P. aeruginosa isolated from ICU clinical and environmental specimens in 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004 and 2007. Patient samples were classified according to their P. aeruginosa genotypes into three categories: (A) identical to isolate from faucet; (B) identical to at least one other patient sample and not found in faucet; and (C) unique genotype. Cases in cat¬egories A and Β were considered as possibly exogenous, and cases in category C as possibly endogenous. A mean of 34 cases per 1000 admissions per year were found to be colonized or infected by P. aeruginosa. Higher levels of faucet contamination were correlated with a higher number of cases in category A. The number of cases in category Β varied from 1.9 to 20 cases per 1000 admissions. This num¬ber exceeded 10/1000 admissions on three occasions and was correlated with an outbreak on one occasion. The number of cases con¬sidered as endogenous (category C) was stable and independent of the number of cases in categories A and B. The present study shows that repeated molecular typing can help identify variations in the epidemiology of P. aeruginosa in ICU patients and guide infection control measures.
Community College Audit Reports
Objective: We assessed the awareness, treatment and control of hypertension in the Seychelles between 1989 and 2013. In the Seychelles, heath care is free to all inhabitants within a national health system, inclusive all hypertension medications. Design and method: Four surveys were conducted in 1989, 1994, 2004 and 2013 (Seychelles Heart Studies I, II, III and IV) in random samples of the population aged 25-64 (N >1000 and participation rate >75% in each sur acceptance of the program, though no objective index could be calculated. In total, 15% of device measurements were above high normal values and would correspond to either newly diagnosed HNT (second measurement required) or to poorly controlled known HTN. It should be stressed that 53 women without HTN who completed the questionnaire had abnormal BP values, including the 29 women who also contacted the research team. It could be speculated that approximately 2% of women would be first diagnosed with HTN following the completion of the initial phase of the screening program. Conclusions: Hypertension screening in the hair salon setting was proved to be conveniently applicable and well accepted both by owners and by customers and could lead to the new diagnosis of hypertension for 2% of the female clients. Further research is warranted to assess the effectiveness of the program.
En 2006, un total de 1306 interruptions de grossesse ont été pratiquées dans le canton de Vaud, soit 89 (7%) de plus que l'année précédente. La grande majorité (93%) de ces interruptions de grossesse concernent des femmes résidant dans le canton de Vaud. Si le nombre absolu d'interruptions de grossesse est en nette augmentation, le taux pour 1000 résidentes âgées de 15 à 49 ans ne marque qu'une légère progression, passant de 6,7 pour-mille en 2004 à 7,2 pour-mille en 2006. Un écart important se maintient entre les femmes de nationalité étrangère (2006 : 12,1 pour-mille) et les Suissesses (4,6 pour-mille). Dans les deux groupes, néanmoins, l'augmentation des interruptions de grossesse parmi les adolescentes (15-19 ans) semble se confirmer. Depuis 2003, les taux sont passés de 4,4 pour-mille à 6,2 pour-mille chez les Suissesses et de 9,1 pour-mille à 14,4 pour-mille chez les femmes de nationalité étrangère. [Extrait des conclusions, p. 26]
Albinus (41 v). - Amandus (1). - Benedictus (85 v). - Cyriacus (115 v). - Donatus (46). - Euphrasia (4 v). - Felicitas et Perpetua (64). - Focas (55 v). - Nestor (22 v). - Patricius (72). - Vodoalus cognomento Benedictus (25 v). - Yventius (1).
Agnes (184). - Ascla (205). - Babillus (206 v). - Balthildis regina (243 v). - Concordius (20). -Emerentiana (204). - Felix, 19 kl. febr. (105). - Firminus (101). - Fructuosus etc. (189). - Furseus (114). - Genovefa (21 v). - Hilarius (92). - Julianus et Bas. (67). - Leucus, Tyrsus et Galenicus (227). -Lutianus (62). - Macra (59). - Marcellus papa (107 v). - Martina (7 v). - Nicolaus (258 v). - Patroclus (190 v). - Paula (213 v). - Policarpus (209 v). - Quintinus (34 v). - Remigius (98). - Rigobertus (36 v). - Sabinianus (239 v). - Saturninus, Davitus etc. (142). - Sebastianus (154 v). - Speusipphus El. et Mel. (132 v). - Sulpitius (138 v). - Symeon (49 v). - Theogenius (32). - Timotheus (202 v). - Vincentius (194).
Whether providing additional resources to local communities leads to improved public services and better outcomes more generally, given existing management capacity and incentive and accountability structures, is an unresolved yet important question for public policy. This paper uses a regression-discontinuity design to evaluate the effect of unrestricted fiscal transfers on local spending (including on education), schooling and learning in Brazil. Results show that transfers increase local public spending almost one for one with no evidence of crowding out own revenue or other revenue sources. Extra per capita transfers of 1000 Reais lead to about 0.42 additional years of elementary schooling and student literacy rates increase by about 5.6 percentage points on average. Part of this effect arises through higher teacher-student ratios in municipal elementary school systems. Results also suggest that additional resources have stronger effects in more rural and less developed parts of Brazil.
Neste trabalho estudou-se a lixiviação de um concentrado de sulfureto de zinco e a recuperação de Fe(III) de soluções sulfúricas por extracção líquido-líquido. Nos estudos de lixiviação utilizou-se o ião férrico (sulfato de ferro ou cloreto de ferro) como agente oxidante e avaliaram-se os efeitos da razão sólido/líquido, concentração do ião Fe(III) e o tipo do meio (sulfúrico e clorídrico) na eficiência da lixiviação. Os resultados mostraram que para uma razão sólido/líquido de 5% foi possível lixiviar 48% de zinco e 15% do cobre em 2h de lixiviação com uma solução de 0,5 M H2SO4 e 0,11 M Fe2(SO4)3 a 80 ºC. A lixiviação do cobre é favorecida em meio clorídrico onde cerca de 23% de cobre foi lixiviado, após 2h, com uma razão sólido/líquido de 20% e uma solução de 0,5 M FeCl3, 2 M HCl e 1 M NaCl a 80 ºC, quando em meio sulfúrico tinha sido possível lixiviar apenas 6% deste metal. A realização de dois andares de lixiviação, sendo o primeiro em meio sulfúrico e o segundo em meio clorídrico, permitiu aumentar as taxas de lixiviação dos metais, tendo-se obtido um rendimento global de 45% de Zn e 23% de Cu nas seguintes condições experimentais: s/l=20% (p/v), T=80ºC, v=350 rpm, 1º andar com [Fe2(SO4)3]=0,25 M; [H2SO4]=2 M e 2º andar com [FeCl3]=0,5 M; [HCl]=2 M; [NaCl]=1 M. Nos estudos de extracção líquido-líquido para a recuperação de Fe(III) de meios sulfúricos utilizaram-se misturas de extractantes, i.e. um ácido organofosforado (Ionquest ou DEHPA) com uma amina primária (JMT). Foi, ainda, testada a presença de um modificador (isotridecanol) no solvente. As várias misturas revelaram uma elevada afinidade para o ferro na gama de pH’s 1,04 a 1,74 e elevada selectividade para a separação ferro/zinco. Os factores de separação Fe/Zn atingem valores na gama 1000-8000, sendo favorecidos pelas elevadas concentrações de ferro na fase orgânica. A presença de modificador no solvente dificultou a extracção de ferro da fase aquosa mas favoreceu a respectiva reextracção da fase orgânica carregada que foi efectuada com uma solução 50 g/L de H2SO4.
Community College Audit Reports