911 resultados para Web-Centric Expert System


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La web ha evolucionado hacia la participación en la creación de contenido tanto por desarrolladores expertos como por usuarios finales sin un gran conocimiento en esta área. A pesar de que su uso es igual de válido y funcional, las diferencias entre la calidad de los productos desarrollados por ambos puede llegar a ser considerable. Esta característica se observa con mayor claridad cuando se analizan los web components. El trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de un entorno capaz de recoger las métricas de calidad de los componentes, basadas en la interacción con ellos por parte de los usuarios. A partir de las métricas obtenidas, se determinará su calidad para realizar una mejora de la misma, en función de las características valoradas. La selección de las métricas se realiza mediante un estudio de las características que definen a un componente, y permiten ser analizadas. Para poder llevar a cabo la construcción del portal, se ha descrito un prototipo capaz de proporcionar un sistema para permitir que los componentes intercambien información entre ellos. El modelo ha sido integrado en los componentes que se han de evaluar para obtener nuevas métricas sobre esta característica. Se ha desarrollado un dashboard que permite la interacción sin limitaciones de los usuarios con los componentes, facilitándoles un sistema para conectar componentes, utilizando para ello el sistema previamente descrito. Como conclusión del trabajo, se puede observar la necesidad de integrar los componentes web en un entorno real para poder determinar su calidad. Debido a que la calidad está determinada por los usuarios que consumen los componentes, se ha de contar con su opinión en la cuantificación de la misma.---ABSTRACT---Recently, the web has evolved to the collaboration between professional developers and end users with limited knowledge to create web content. Although both solutions are correct and functional, the differences in the quality between them can be appreciable. This feature is shown clearly when the web components are analyzed. The work is composed of the development of a virtual environment which is able to pick the quality measures of the components, based on the interaction between these components and the user. The measures are the starting point to decide the quality, and improve them with the rated measures. The measures selection is done through a study of the main features of a component. This selection can be analyzed. In order to create the website, a prototype has been specified to provide a system in which the components can be trade information between them. The interconnection model has been integrated in the components to evaluate. A dashboard has been developed to allow users interacting with the components without rules, making them possible connecting components through the model. The main conclusion of the work is the necessity of integrating web components in a real environment to decide their quality. Due to the fact that the quality is measured in terms of the rate of the users, it is a must to give them the main roles in the establishment of that quality.


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Los sistemas de videoconferencia y colaboración en tiempo real para múltiples usuarios permiten a sus usuarios comunicarse por medio de vídeo, audio y datos. Históricamente estos han sido sistemas caros de obtener y de mantener. El paso de las décadas ha limado estos problemas acercado el mundo de comunicación en tiempo real a un grupo mucho más amplio, llegando a usarse en diversos ámbitos como la educación o la medicina. En este sentido, el último gran salto evolutivo al que hemos asistido ha sido la transición de este tipo de aplicaciones hacia la Web. Varias tecnologías han permitido este viaje hacia el navegador. Las Aplicaciones Ricas de Internet (RIAs), que permiten crear aplicaciones Web interactivas huyendo del clásico esquema de petición y respuesta y llevando funcionalidades propias de las aplicaciones nativas a la Web. Por otro lado, la computación en la nube o Cloud Computing, con su modelo de pago por uso de recursos virtualizados, ha llevado a la creación de servicios que se adaptan mejor a la demanda, han habilitado este viaje hacia el navegador. No obstante, como cada cambio, este salto presenta una serie de retos para los sistemas de videoconferencia establecidos. Esta tesis doctoral propone un conjunto de arquitecturas, mecanismos y algoritmos para adaptar los sistemas de multiconferencia al entorno Web, teniendo en cuenta que este es accedido desde dispositivos diferentes y mediante redes de acceso variadas. Para ello se comienza por el estudio de los requisitos que debe cumplir un sistema de videoconferencia en la Web. Como resultado se diseña, implementa y desarrolla un servicio de videoconferencia que permite la colaboración avanzada entre múltiples usuarios mediante vídeo, audio y compartición de escritorio. Posteriormente, se plantea un sistema de comunicación entre una aplicación nativa y Web, proponiendo técnicas de adaptación entre los dos entornos que permiten la conversación de manera transparente para los usuarios. Estos sistemas permiten facilitar la transición hacia tecnologías Web. Como siguiente paso, se identificaron los principales problemas que existen para la comunicación multiusuario en dispositivos de tamaño reducido (teléfonos inteligentes) utilizando redes de acceso heterogéneas. Se propone un mecanismo, combinación de transcodificación y algoritmos de adaptación de calidad para superar estas limitaciones y permitir a los usuarios de este tipo de dispositivos participar en igualdad de condiciones. La aparición de WebRTC como tecnología disruptiva en este entorno, permitiendo nuevas posibilidades de comunicación en navegadores, motiva la segunda iteración de esta tesis. Aquí se presenta un nuevo esquema de adaptación a la demanda para servidores de videoconferencia diseñado para las necesidades del entorno Web y para aprovechar las características de Cloud Computing. Finalmente, esta tesis repasa las conclusiones obtenidas como fruto del trabajo llevado a cabo, reflejando la evolución de la videoconferencia Web desde sus inicios hasta nuestros días. ABSTRACT Multiuser Videoconferencing and real-time collaboration systems allow users to communicate using video, audio and data streams. These systems have been historically expensive to obtain and maintain. Over the last few decades, technological breakthroughs have mitigated those costs and popularized real time video communication, allowing its use in environments such as education or health. The last big evolutionary leap forward has been the transition of these types of applications towards theWeb. Several technologies have allowed this journey to theWeb browser. Firstly, Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) enable the creation of dynamic Web pages that defy the classical request-response interaction and provide an experience similar to their native counterparts. On the other hand, Cloud Computing brings the leasing of virtualized hardware resources in a pay-peruse model and, with it, better scalability in resource-demanding services. However, as with every change, this evolution imposes a set of challenges on existing videoconferencing solutions. This dissertation proposes a set of architectures, mechanisms and algorithms that aim to adapt multi-conferencing systems to the Web platform, taking into account the variety of devices and access networks that come with it. To this end, this thesis starts with a study concerning the requirements that must be met by new Web videoconferencing systems. The result of this study is the design, development and implementation of a new videoconferencing services that provides advanced collaboration to its user by providing video and audio communication as well as desktop sharing. After this, a new communication system between Web and native applications is presented. This system proposes adaptation mechanisms to bridge the two worlds providing a seamless integration transparent to users who can now access the powerful native application via an easy Web interface. The next step is to identify the main challenges posed by multi-conferencing on small devices (smartphones) with heterogeneous access networks. This dissertation proposes a mechanism that combines transcoding and adaptive quality algorithms to overcome those limitations. A second iteration in this dissertation is motivated by WebRTC. WebRTC appears as a disrupting technology by enabling new real-time communication possibilities in browsers. A new mechanism for flexible videoconferencing server scalability is presented. This mechanism aims to address the strong scalability requirements in the Web environment by taking advantage of Cloud Computing. Finally, the dissertation discusses the results obtained throughout the study, capturing the evolution of Web videoconferencing systems.


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El objetivo principal de crear un espacio web para el Museo Histórico de la Informática (MHI) perteneciente a la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF) de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) es la difusión de la historia de la informática entre el público en general. Si bien es cierto que existe ya una página web de consulta del MHI con algunas imágenes y contenido sobre los objetos que allí se exhiben, es también reseñable que se trata de un espacio obsoleto, lleno de carencias y extremadamente difícil de gestionar y actualizar, por lo que se hacía imprescindible actualizar el diseño del espacio web, los contenidos y el sistema de gestión de los mismos, cosa que es de gran interés para un lugar divulgativo. En la actualidad, existen maneras mucho más amigables para el usuario de navegar por una web; y de la misma manera para un administrador, gestionar el contenido de la misma y mantener a los usuarios bien informados de todo lo que se ofrece en cada momento. Esto es posible gracias a los sistemas de gestión de contenidos o content management system (CMS), de los que se hablará lo largo de todo el documento. Estos sistemas, dan una facilidad mucho mayor a los encargados de llevar al día una página web, sin tener que saber de programación, lenguajes o informática en general, ya que incorporan paneles de control muy intuitivos y fáciles de manejar, que son una ventaja tanto para ellos como para los usuarios. Es por esta razón que, hay páginas web como la de las empresas IKEA, Ubuntu o, en especial para el caso que compete al documento, el museo del Louvre usan gestores de contenidos para sus páginas web. Y es que las ventajas y facilidades que ofrece un CMS son realmente interesantes y se tratará de todas ellas en el documento, de la elección del CMS que mejor se ajusta a los requisitos del museo, las restricciones a la hora del despliegue en el ámbito de la ETSIINF y de cómo mejorará esto la calidad visual y divulgativa del MHI. Este trabajo se desarrolla a lo largo de 11 capítulos, en los que se muestra como construir un sitio web, las posibilidades y la elección final para este caso. En el primer capítulo se hace una pequeña introducción de lo que es el proyecto, se especifican los objetivos, la motivación del mismo y el alcance que tiene. En el segundo capítulo se muestra la información que se ha recopilado en el trabajo de investigación que se hace previo al desarrollo. En él se muestran los distintos tipos de páginas web, que tecnologías y lenguajes se pueden usar para su construcción, una comparativa sobre otras entidades similares al MHI, las limitaciones que presenta el entorno y la elección final que se consideró más adecuada para este caso. En el capítulo tres se empieza a desarrollar la solución a través del diseño. Aquí se puede encontrar el diseño de más bajo nivel que se le presenta al cliente para sentar las bases del trabajo, el diseño de alto nivel con un mayor grado de realidad que el anterior y una preparación de lo que serán los planes de prueba. El capítulo cuatro muestra todo lo que se ha usado en la implementación y la integración de la página web: herramientas, tecnologías, plantillas de diseño y módulos que proporcionan distintas funcionalidades. Llegados al capítulo cinco, se puede ver una detallada documentación de los resultados de las pruebas de usabilidad y accesibilidad realizadas, y las conclusiones que subyacen de estas. Una vez acabada la implementación del sitio web del MHI, en el capítulo seis se intenta hacer una labor de consultoría, mostrando precios y presupuestos de las distintas tareas que se han llevado a cabo para la realización de este proyecto. En el capítulo siete se extraen las conclusiones de todo lo acontecido en los capítulos anteriores y en el ocho unas líneas sobre posibles trabajos futuros que se podrían llevar a cabo en base a lo que ya se tiene en la institución, incluido este trabajo. Para facilitar la comprensión y satisfacer la curiosidad del lector, se ha incluido en el capítulo nueve la bibliografía con toda la documentación consultada y en el diez un glosario de términos para la aclaración de términos y acrónimos más técnicos. Para acabar, en el capítulo once se anexionan tanto el documento que se usó para las pruebas de usabilidad como un manual de administrador para el sitio web, que hace más amigable el entorno para las personas que lo tengan que mantener en un futuro.---ABSTRACT---The main goal of creating a website for the Informatics Historical Museum (“Museo Histórico de la Informática” or MHI) located in the Higher Technical School of Informatics Engineers (“Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos” or ETSIINF) of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (“Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” UPM), is to promote the aforementioned museum as to increase its reach to the public. While it is true that there already is a consulting website with some pictures and information about the items which are displayed in the building, it is outdated and the data is scarce. Moreover, it is extremely complicated to manage and to regularly update the web page, which is very important for informative/broadcasting media. Currently, there are easier ways for the users of a website to consult whatever information they want, as well as it is now easy for a website manager to display new content and to keep the users informed about what is been offered at every moment. This is possible because of content management systems (CMS), which will be discussed throughout the entire paper. These systems make it easier to use for the administrator of a website to keep it up to date without the necessity for them of having any knowledge or skills in programming, languages or computing, because the systems have an intuitive control panel that is easy to use, which is an advantage for both managers and users. Because of all these reasons, there are lots of companies that use this kind of systems, such as IKEA, Ubuntu or, especially, the Louvre Museum, to which we direct our attention all throughout this report. It is easy to notice that these systems have an important and very interesting number of perks and benefits. In the next chapters of the document we will explain the benefits of the program as well as the choice on the kind of CMS that best suits the requirements of the museum and, finally, the restrictions of the school for the deployment and of how all of this will improve the visual and informational qualities of the MHI. This work is developed over 11 chapters, shown how to build up a website, the possibilities and the final choice for this case. In the first chapter a brief introduction of the project, goals, motivation and scope thereof having specified are done. Before the development of the website, the second chapter shows de information of the researching work. It discusses the different types of websites, technologies and languages that can be used for build-up, a comparison of similar entities to MHI, the limitations of the environment and the final choice was considered more appropriate for this case. Chapter three begins to develop the design of the solution. Here there are the lowest level design that presents the customer to fix any problem, the high level design with a higher degree of reality than the last and the test plans. Chapter four shows everything that has been used in the implementation and integration of the website: tools, technologies, design templates and modules that provide different functionalities. Reaching the fifth chapter, you can see a detailed documentation of the results of the usability and accessibility tests made to some users and the conclusions of it. Once the implementation of MHI website is done, in chapter six there is a consultancy work, showing prices and budgets of the different tasks which were carried out for this project. In chapter seven there are the conclusions of what happened in the previous chapters and eight chapter shows possible future works that could be carried out based on what the institution already have, including this work. To make easier to the reader understand this paper and satisfy his curiosity, the chapter nine includes the bibliography consulted with all the documentation and chapter ten has a glossary of terms and an explanation of technical terms and acronyms. Finally, in chapter eleven there are attached both the document that was used for usability testing as a manual administrator for the website, making the environment friendlier for people who have to maintain it in the future.


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En el año 2014 se publicó, bajo mandato de la Comisión Europea, la Norma Europea EN 301 549, titulada “Requisitos de accesibilidad de productos y servicios TIC aplicables a la contratación pública en Europa”. El objetivo de dicha norma es que los productos o servicios TIC (Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación) adquiridos por cualquier administración pública europea puedan ser utilizados por personas con diversas características y capacidades, incluyendo a personas con discapacidad. La norma EN 301 549 es compleja, ya que contiene más de 200 requisitos y recomendaciones, que se aplican o no a un producto o servicio TIC en función de las características de dicho producto o servicio. Por ello se ha planteado, desde el Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Informática y de las Comunicaciones (CETTICO), el desarrollo de una herramienta de soporte a la evaluación del cumplimiento de la norma. La herramienta permitirá a grupos de trabajo anotar los resultados de la evaluación de accesibilidad de un producto o servicio TIC siguiendo los requisitos de la norma Europea EN 301 549. Este trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en el diseño y codificación del cliente web de la herramienta. Se parte de los resultados de un TFG y un practicum anteriores. En el TFG realizado por Laura Elorrieta [Elorrieta, 2014], se diseñó la interacción del sistema y se evaluó su grado de usabilidad. En el practicum [Montero, 2015], posterior al TFG de Laura Elorrieta, se eligieron las tecnologías web que se iban a utilizar y se realizó el diseño y la implementación mediante prototipos iterativos de la gestión de proyectos de evaluación. El trabajo que se ha realizado en el TFG ha consistido en el diseño de la interfaz de usuario analizando los cambios a realizar en el diseño, debido a los errores de usabilidad conocidos, y la implementación del prototipo funcional de la herramienta. Junto con la parte servidor del TFG de mi compañero Rubén Ortiz Burgos y la interfaz de usuario de este TFG se ha obtenido una aplicación web para realizar evaluaciones de accesibilidad de productos o servicios TIC siguiendo los requisitos de la norma EN 301 549. El prototipo funcional contiene diez páginas web que recogen las diferentes acciones y tareas que pueden realizar los usuarios en función del rol que desempeñen. EL diseño y la implementación se han llevado a cabo empleando las tecnologías web HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery y las librerías de Foundation frontend framework.---ABSTRACT---In 2014, under the European Commission mandate, the European standard EN 301 549 has been published under the title “Accessibility requirements applicable to ICT products and procurement services in Europe”. The goal of this standard is that the products or services ICT (Information Communication Technology) acquires by every European public administration can be used by every person with different characteristics and capacities, including those with disability. The rule EN 301549 is very complex, since it has more than 200 requirements and recommendations that can be or not applied to an ICT product or service based on its characteristics of the given product or service. That’s why a development of a support tool has been proposed to the rating of the compliance of the rule, by the Research Group of Informatics Technology and Communication. This tool will allow working groups to record the results of the compliance of accessibility of a product or service following the requirements of the European Standard EN 301549. This Final Degree Work focuses in the design and the coding of the web customer of this tool. The results of a TFG and previous practicums have been used for this. The TFG performed by Laura Elorrieta [Elorrieta, 2014], the interaction of the system was designed and degree of usability was evaluated. In the practicum [Montero, 2015], after the TFG Laura Elorrieta, web technologies used were chosen and the design and implementation were performed using iterative prototyping project management evaluation. The work done on the TFG was to design the users interface to perform analyzing changes in design due to errors known usability and working prototype implementation of the tool. Together with the server part of the TFG my partner Rubén Ortiz Burgos and the user interface done of this TFG it has obtained a web application for the conduct of evaluations accessibility of products or services ICT following the requirements of the EN 301 549. The functional prototype contains ten web sites that collect the various activities and tasks that users can perform based on the role they perform. The design and implementation have been carried out using the technologies web HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery and the libraries of Foundation fronted framework.


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En este documento se van a desarrollar las técnicas para la creación de páginas web utilizando uno de los sistemas de gestión de contenido, también llamado CMS, por sus siglas en inglés, Content Manager System, más potentes del mercado, y open source, es decir de código abierto, como es el caso de Drupal. Se usará este sistema de gestión en su versión 7, y la actualización 37, o lo que es lo mismo, se usará Drupal 7.37, aunque se actualizará a la versión 38, puesto que esta versión fue publicada a mitad de los desarrollos y la versión 8 todavía está en versión beta y no es suficientemente estable como para crear una página web robusta con esa versión del CMS. Estas explicaciones están basadas en dos páginas web creadas en dicho gestor de contenidos, una de ellas ya en producción, www.lrl.es, que también podrá ser accedida desde www.luqueagentescomerciales.es, página web diseñada para un agente comercial de herramientas. La segunda, todavía no está en producción pero se puede acceder a ella desde el servidor wamp montado en local,, que es una mejora de la página www.elpactoinvisible.es, diseñada para una galería de arte de Málaga. A lo largo del documento se verán distintas opciones que se pueden llegar a utilizar gracias a Drupal para obtener el resultado esperado y se darán las explicaciones pertinentes para saber cuál de ellas usar para focalizar distintos aspectos según se decida ir por una vía u otra de desarrollo, y se mostraran, con código cuando sea necesario, las soluciones utilizadas en las distintas páginas, de las que se ha hablado en el párrafo precedente, y el porqué de usar esa solución en vez de otras alternativas que también son viables para dichos objetivos. ABSTRACT This paper will develop techniques for creating web pages using one of the systems content management, also called CMS, for its acronym in English, Content Manager System, and the most powerful in the market, and open source, as is the case of Drupal. This management system in its version 7, and updating 37, or as it is called, Drupal 7.37 is used, although it will be updated to version 38, because this version was published in the middle of the developments and version 8 is still in beta and is not stable enough to create a robust site with this version of CMS. These explanations are based on two websites created in this CMS, one of them already in production, www.lrl.es, which also can be accessed from www.luqueagentescomerciales.es, web page designed for a tools commercial agent. The second one, is not yet in production but can be accessed from the WAMP server installed locally,, which is an improvement to www.elpactoinvisible.es page, designed for an art gallery in Malaga. Throughout the document you can get several options to be used thanks to Drupal in order to achieve result and explanations will be given to indicate one of theme to use for targeting different aspects and which developing method or path to follow and will be shown, in code if it should be necessary, the solutions used in different pages which have been discussed in the preceding paragraph, and why to use that solution instead of other alternatives are also viable for such purposes.


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Background The aim of this study is to present face, content, and constructs validity of the endoscopic orthogonal video system (EndoViS) training system and determines its efficiency as a training and objective assessment tool of the surgeons’ psychomotor skills. Methods Thirty-five surgeons and medical students participated in this study: 11 medical students, 19 residents, and 5 experts. All participants performed four basic skill tasks using conventional laparoscopic instruments and EndoViS training system. Subsequently, participants filled out a questionnaire regarding the design, realism, overall functionality, and its capabilities to train hand–eye coordination and depth perception, rated on a 5-point Likert scale. Motion data of the instruments were obtained by means of two webcams built into a laparoscopic physical trainer. To identify the surgical instruments in the images, colored markers were placed in each instrument. Thirteen motion-related metrics were used to assess laparoscopic performance of the participants. Statistical analysis of performance was made between novice, intermediate, and expert groups. Internal consistency of all metrics was analyzed with Cronbach’s α test. Results Overall scores about features of the EndoViS system were positives. Participants agreed with the usefulness of tasks and the training capacities of EndoViS system (score >4). Results presented significant differences in the execution of three skill tasks performed by participants. Seven metrics showed construct validity for assessment of performance with high consistency levels. Conclusions EndoViS training system has been successfully validated. Results showed that EndoViS was able to differentiate between participants of varying laparoscopic experience. This simulator is a useful and effective tool to objectively assess laparoscopic psychomotor skills of the surgeons.


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The Protein Information Resource, in collaboration with the Munich Information Center for Protein Sequences (MIPS) and the Japan International Protein Information Database (JIPID), produces the most comprehensive and expertly annotated protein sequence database in the public domain, the PIR-International Protein Sequence Database. To provide timely and high quality annotation and promote database interoperability, the PIR-International employs rule-based and classification-driven procedures based on controlled vocabulary and standard nomenclature and includes status tags to distinguish experimentally determined from predicted protein features. The database contains about 200 000 non-redundant protein sequences, which are classified into families and superfamilies and their domains and motifs identified. Entries are extensively cross-referenced to other sequence, classification, genome, structure and activity databases. The PIR web site features search engines that use sequence similarity and database annotation to facilitate the analysis and functional identification of proteins. The PIR-Inter­national databases and search tools are accessible on the PIR web site at http://pir.georgetown.edu/ and at the MIPS web site at http://www.mips.biochem.mpg.de. The PIR-International Protein Sequence Database and other files are also available by FTP.


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ACTIVITY is a database on DNA/RNA site sequences with known activity magnitudes, measurement systems, sequence-activity relationships under fixed experimental conditions and procedures to adapt these relationships from one measurement system to another. This database deposits information on DNA/RNA affinities to proteins and cell nuclear extracts, cutting efficiencies, gene transcription activity, mRNA translation efficiencies, mutability and other biological activities of natural sites occurring within promoters, mRNA leaders, and other regulatory regions in pro- and eukaryotic genomes, their mutant forms and synthetic analogues. Since activity magnitudes are heavily system-dependent, the current version of ACTIVITY is supplemented by three novel sub-databases: (i) SYSTEM, measurement systems; (ii) KNOWLEDGE, sequence-activity relationships under fixed experimental conditions; and (iii) CROSS_TEST, procedures adapting a relationship from one measurement system to another. These databases are useful in molecular biology, pharmacogenetics, metabolic engineering, drug design and biotechnology. The databases can be queried using SRS and are available through the Web, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/systems/Activity/.


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rSNP_Guide is a novel curated database system for analysis of transcription factor (TF) binding to target sequences in regulatory gene regions altered by mutations. It accumulates experimental data on naturally occurring site variants in regulatory gene regions and site-directed mutations. This database system also contains the web tools for SNP analysis, i.e., active applet applying weight matrices to predict the regulatory site candidates altered by a mutation. The current version of the rSNP_Guide is supplemented by six sub-databases: (i) rSNP_DB, on DNA–protein interaction caused by mutation; (ii) SYSTEM, on experimental systems; (iii) rSNP_BIB, on citations to original publications; (iv) SAMPLES, on experimentally identified sequences of known regulatory sites; (v) MATRIX, on weight matrices of known TF sites; (vi) rSNP_Report, on characteristic examples of successful rSNP_Tools implementation. These databases are useful for the analysis of natural SNPs and site-directed mutations. The databases are available through the Web, http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/mgs/systems/rsnp/.


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This dissertation introduces an approach to generate tests to test fail-safe behavior for web applications. We apply the approach to a commercial web application. We build models for both behavioral and mitigation requirements. We create mitigation tests from an existing functional black box test suite by determining failure type and points of failure in the test suite and weaving required mitigation based on weaving rules to generate a test suite that tests proper mitigation of failures. A genetic algorithm (GA) is used to determine points of failure and type of failure that needs to be tested. Mitigation test paths are woven into the behavioral test at the point of failure based on failure specific weaving rules. A simulator was developed to evaluate choice of parameters for the genetic algorithm. We showed how to tune the fitness function and performed tuning experiments for GA to determine what values to use for exploration weight and prospecting weight. We found that higher defect densities make prospecting and mining more successful, while lower mitigation defect densities need more exploration. We compare efficiency and effectiveness of the approach. First, the GA approach is compared to random selection. The results show that the GA performance was better than random selection and that the approach was robust when the search space increased. Second, we compare the GA against four coverage criteria. The results of comparison show that test requirements generated by a genetic algorithm (GA) are more efficient than three of the four coverage criteria for large search spaces. They are equally effective. For small search spaces, the genetic algorithm is less effective than three of the four coverage criteria. The fourth coverage criteria is too weak and unable to find all defects in almost all cases. We also present a large case study of a mortgage system at one of our industrial partners and show how we formalize the approach. We evaluate the use of a GA to create test requirements. The evaluation includes choice of initial population, multiplicity of runs and a discussion of the cost of evaluating fitness. Finally, we build a selective regression testing approach based on types of changes (add, delete, or modify) that could occur in the behavioral model, the fault model, the mitigation models, the weaving rules, and the state-event matrix. We provide a systematic method by showing the formalization steps for each type of change to the various models.


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This paper presents a model of a control system for robot systems inspired by the functionality and organisation of human neuroregulatory system. Our model was specified using software agents within a formal framework and implemented through Web Services. This approach allows the implementation of the control logic of a robot system with relative ease, in an incremental way, using the addition of new control centres to the system as its behaviour is observed or needs to be detailed with greater precision, without the need to modify existing functionality. The tests performed verify that the proposed model has the general characteristics of biological systems together with the desirable features of software, such as robustness, flexibility, reuse and decoupling.


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Robotics is an emerging field with great activity. Robotics is a field that presents several problems because it depends on a large number of disciplines, technologies, devices and tasks. Its expansion from perfectly controlled industrial environments toward open and dynamic environment presents a many new challenges. New uses are, for example, household robots or professional robots. To facilitate the low cost, rapid development of robotic systems, reusability of code, its medium and long term maintainability and robustness are required novel approaches to provide generic models and software systems who develop paradigms capable of solving these problems. For this purpose, in this paper we propose a model based on multi-agent systems inspired by the human nervous system able to transfer the control characteristics of the biological system and able to take advantage of the best properties of distributed software systems. Specifically, we model the decentralized activity and hormonal variation.


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The robotics is one of the most active areas. We also need to join a large number of disciplines to create robots. With these premises, one problem is the management of information from multiple heterogeneous sources. Each component, hardware or software, produces data with different nature: temporal frequencies, processing needs, size, type, etc. Nowadays, technologies and software engineering paradigms such as service-oriented architectures are applied to solve this problem in other areas. This paper proposes the use of these technologies to implement a robotic control system based on services. This type of system will allow integration and collaborative work of different elements that make up a robotic system.


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El sistema ciencia, tecnología y sociedad no está consolidado en España por el desequilibrio que existe entre el desarrollo de la investigación y su divulgación. Además, la cultura científica de la sociedad está por debajo de la media europea y en la última década han descendido las vocaciones científicas entre los más jóvenes. En este contexto, se ha analizado si las instituciones de investigación utilizan las herramientas de la Web 2.0, principal canal de comunicación de los jóvenes entre 15 y 24 años, para mostrar a la sociedad los resultados de sus trabajos. Para ello, se han seleccionado como objeto de estudio los centros de investigación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas en Andalucía y Cataluña. Entre los principales resultados obtenidos, a través del diseño de una checklist ad hoc, destaca el escaso uso que hacen de este canal de comunicación, ya que solo un 4,5% de los centros analizados utilizan todas las herramientas estudiadas. La efectividad de la comunicación ha sido otro de los valores observados, en este caso, en función de la conectividad (seguidores en sus perfiles sociales) e intensidad (número de publicaciones). Ambos ítems presentan también valores muy bajos. Por otro lado se observa un escaso nivel de popularidad de sus sitios web (número de enlaces que reciben) y una casi inexistente relación entre los mismos a través de hipervínculos que los conecten. Este último aspecto, se ha determinado con las herramientas webmétricas Webometric Analyst y ScoSciBot.


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The great amount of text produced every day in the Web turned it as one of the main sources for obtaining linguistic corpora, that are further analyzed with Natural Language Processing techniques. On a global scale, languages such as Portuguese - official in 9 countries - appear on the Web in several varieties, with lexical, morphological and syntactic (among others) differences. Besides, a unified spelling system for Portuguese has been recently approved, and its implementation process has already started in some countries. However, it will last several years, so different varieties and spelling systems coexist. Since PoS-taggers for Portuguese are specifically built for a particular variety, this work analyzes different training corpora and lexica combinations aimed at building a model with high-precision annotation in several varieties and spelling systems of this language. Moreover, this paper presents different dictionaries of the new orthography (Spelling Agreement) as well as a new freely available testing corpus, containing different varieties and textual typologies.