897 resultados para Weathering of buildings


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Es conocido que la variación del comportamiento dinámico de las estructuras puede ser empleado dentro de un sistema de monitorización de su integridad estructural. Así, este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender el comportamiento dinámico de edificios esbeltos, frente a diferentes agentes ambientales como la temperatura y/o dirección y velocidad del viento. En el marco de esta investigación, se estudian dos edificios: la Torre de la ETSI (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros) de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) y un edificio de viviendas situado en la calle de Arturo Soria de Madrid. Los datos medioambientales antes mencionados, se registraron con sendas estacionales meteorológicas situadas en las azoteas de ambos edificios. Se realiza el análisis modal operacional de ambas estructuras. Este análisis se realiza a partir de las mediciones de las aceleraciones ante excitaciones ambientales, es un análisis basado sólo en la respuesta de la estructura. Por tanto, no es necesario interrumpir el funcionamiento en servicio de la instalación, obteniendo su comportamientos en este estado. A partir de este análisis, se obtienen las frecuencias naturales, los amortiguamientos modales y las formas modales. Así, en este trabajo se ha estudiado la relación existente entre la variación en la estimación de las frecuencias naturales y la variación de los agentes ambientales (fundamentalmente la temperatura). Los ensayos dinámicos en los dos edificios mencionados anteriormente, se han realizado utilizando acelerómetros de alta sensibilidad sincronizados inalámbricamente, lo cual ha simplificado el trabajo experimental si lo comparamos con los sistemas tradicionales. Como resultado del trabajo realizado se pueden destacar los siguientes puntos: (i) se ha visto que con el equipamiento disponible se pueden realizar análisis dinámicos de edificios, (ii) se ha mejorado el conocimiento dinámico de estas estructuras, y (iii) se ha visto la importancia que pueden tener los agentes ambientales dependiendo por un lado del tipo estructura del edificio. A partir del trabajo, se podrían actualizar modelos matemáticos que sirvan para la predicción de daños en las estructuras, y por otro, se podrán eliminar los efectos de los agentes ambientales, lo cual es un punto vital si se quiere emplear los parámetros modales para el cálculo de indices de daño. La aplicación de este tipo de investigación ayudará a tener una información mayor sobre el comportamiento de las estructuras y así, en el futuro, poder realizar distintos tipos de procesos, como la formulación de modelos matemáticos que reflejen con mayor fidelidad el comportamiento real. De esta forma, la monitorización de los agentes medioambientales permitirán valorar la influencia de estas variaciones sobre la estructura pudiéndose eliminar estos efectos. Con ello, se mejora la incertidumbre en la variación de frecuencias que puede ser utilizada como un sistema de activación de alarmas frente a la detección de daños estructurales. It is known that the variation of the dynamic behavior of structures can be used within a system to monitor structural integrity. So, this study aims to understand the dynamic behavior of slender buildings, against different environmental agents such as temperature and / or wind direction and velocity. As part of this investigation, two buildings are studied: the ETSI's (Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros) main tower of Escuela de Caminos, Canales y Puertos of UPM (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) and a residential building located in the streets Arturo Soria Madrid. The environmental data were recorded with weather stations located on the roof of both buildings. In both structures a modal operational analysis has been carried out. This analysis is performed from the measurements of the acceleration to the environmental excitation, this analysis is based only on the response of the structure. Therefore, it is not necessary to interrupt the operation of the structure, getting its behavior in this state. From this analysis, the natural frequencies, modal damping and mode shapes are obtained. So, in this work we have studied the existing relationship between the variation in the estimate of the natural frequencies and the variation of environmental agents (mainly temperature). The dynamic tests in the two buildings mentioned above, have been made using high-sensitivity accelerometers wirelessly synchronized, which has simplified the experimental work when compared to traditional systems. As a result of work performed can highlight the following points: (i) it has been found that with the available equipment can perform dynamic analysis of buildings, (ii) has improved dynamic knowledge of these structures, and, (iii) can be seen the potential importance of environmental agents depending on the type of building structure. From the work, mathematical models can be updated that serve to prediction of damage to structures, and on the other side, may eliminate the effects of environmental agents, which is a vital point if you want to use the modal parameters for calculating damage ratings. The application of this type of research will help to have more information about the behavior of structures and so, in the future, conduct various processes, as the formulation of mathematical models that reflect more accurately an actual behavior. In this way the monitoring of environmental agents will allow evaluate the influence of these variations on the structure being possible eliminate these effects. Thereby, improvement the uncertainty in the frequencies variation that can be used as an alarm activation system from detection of structural damage.


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La producción y el transporte a obra de los productos cerámicos de carácter estructural suponen un importante consumo energético, que conlleva la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero a la atmósfera. El objetivo de la presente Tesis es demostrar la existencia de importantes diferencias en el valor del impacto ambiental asociado a los productos de cerámica estructural fabricados en España, y que estas diferencias podrían quedar cuantificadas y reflejadas mediante un análisis de Huella de Carbono y de la Energía Embebida. Se parte de la inexistencia en España, de base de datos contrastada y consensuada, que establezca las cargas medioambientales en función del tipo de producto cerámico a utilizar. Se realiza en la primera parte del estudio una revisión del estado actual de la Huella de Carbono y la Energía Embebida en el campo de los materiales de construcción, y más concretamente en el sector de la cerámica estructural, que sirve para acotar los límites del estudio y justificar el objeto de la Tesis. La investigación se acota a las etapas de producción y transporte a obra de los productos (estudio cuna a puerta con opciones), al considerar que son éstas, a priori, las que tienen una mayor incidencia en el comportamiento ambiental del producto. Siguiendo los pasos definidos en la normativa aplicable (definición del mapa de procesos – límites y alcance – inventario – cálculo y evaluación), se establece un método específico de identificación y cuantificación de las variables que determinan la Huella de Carbono y Energía Embebida de los productos cerámicos, en función de la tipología de producto. La información necesaria (inventario) se obtiene principalmente con recogida de datos “in situ” de fábricas de productos cerámicos, lo que garantiza que la información tratada en este estudio es de primer nivel. La información se complementa/contrasta con fuentes bibliográficas. Se determinan 6 variables con influencia global en el impacto ambiental, 44 variables principales y 39 secundarias, estableciendo las fórmulas de cálculo a partir de dichas variables. Los resultados de cálculo y evaluación determinan que, para unas mismas condiciones de fabricación, las diferencias entre productos cerámicos llegan hasta un 27% para la Huella de Carbono y un 35% para Energía Embebida. La relevancia que alcanza el impacto asociado al transporte del producto a obra puede llegar hasta un 40% del total. El método de cálculo y las fórmulas desarrolladas se integran en una hoja de cálculo, para el cálculo de Huella de Carbono y Energía Embebida de los productos cerámicos, que permite, a su vez, conocer la repercusión medioambiental que tiene la introducción de modificaciones o innovaciones en el proceso de producción o transporte a obra. Así mismo, el trabajo desarrollado ha servido para poner en relieve una serie de problemas y falta de información en el campo de la cerámica estructural y el medioambiente que pueden ser objeto de futuras líneas de investigación, tanto para el sector de la edificación como para la comunidad científica, pudiendo implementar la metodología desarrollada en otras investigaciones. Se considera que la investigación realizada y sus resultados suponen una aportación importante para conocer y reducir el impacto ambiental de los edificios, desde la perspectiva del ciclo de vida y considerando que el impacto ambiental de un edificio comienza desde el momento en que se extraen las materias primas para la fabricación de los materiales con los que se construyen los edificios. ABSTRACT The production and transport of structural ceramic products involves an important energy consumption, which leads to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. The objective of the research is to demonstrate the existence of significant differences in the value of the environmental impact of structural ceramic products manufactured in Spain, and these differences could be quantified by the Carbon Footprint and Embodied Energy. It starts from the absence in Spain, of contrasted and agreed databases that establish the environmental loads depending on the type of ceramic product. In the first part of the study reviews the current state of the Carbon Footprint and Embedded Energy in the field of building materials, and more specifically in the field of structural ceramics, which serves to limit the scope of the study and justify the purpose of this Thesis. The Research is bounded to production and transportation stages of (cradle to gate with options), considering they are the stages that have a greater impact on the environmental performance of the product. Following the steps defined in applicable rules (definition of process map - boundaries and scope – inventory analysis- calculation and impact assessment), it sets a specific method for the identification and quantification of the variables that determine the Carbon Footprint and Embedded Energy of structural ceramic products, depending on the type of product. The information (inventory) is given mainly with a data collection in ceramic factories (and in a consultation with the manufactures of the products), ensuring that the information handled in this Thesis is a first rate data. It is established 6 variables with a global influence in the environmental impact, 44 primary and 39 secondary variables, establishing calculation formula from these variables. The results of calculation and assessment determined that, for same manufacturing conditions, the differences between ceramic products reach 27% for Carbon Footprint and 35% for Embodied Energy. The relevance that reaches the impact of transport can reach 40% of the total. The method of calculation and formulas developed are integrated into a simple calculation tool, excel base, to calculate the Carbon Footprint and Embodied Energy of structural ceramic products, which allows, know the environmental impact of changes or innovations in the production process or transport to work. The work also has served to find a problems and gaps in the field of structural ceramics and the environment that may well be the subject of future research, both for the building sector to the scientific community, implementing the methodology developed in other research. It is considered that the research and its results represent an important contribution to understand and reduce the environmental impact of buildings from the perspective of the life cycle, considering that the environmental impact of a building starts from the time that the raw materials are extracted for the manufacture of building materials.


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Esta tesis doctoral contribuye al análisis y desarrollo de nuevos elementos constructivos que integran sistemas de generación eléctrica a través de células fotovoltaicas (FV); particularmente, basados en tecnología FV de lámina delgada. Para ello se estudia el proceso de la integración arquitectónica de éstos elementos (conocido internacionalmente como “Building Integrated Photovoltaic – BIPV”) mediante diferentes metodologías. Se inicia con el estudio de los elementos fotovoltaicos existentes y continúa con los materiales que conforman actualmente las pieles de los edificios y su posible adaptación a las diferentes tecnologías. Posteriormente, se propone una estrategia de integración de los elementos FV en los materiales constructivos. En ésta se considera la doble función de los elementos BIPV, eléctrica y arquitectónica, y en especial se plantea el estudio de la integración de elementos de disipación térmica y almacenamiento de calor mediante los materiales de cambio de fase (“Phase Change Materials – PCM”), todo esto con el objeto de favorecer el acondicionamiento térmico pasivo a través del elemento BIPV. Para validar dicha estrategia, se desarrolla una metodología experimental que consiste en el diseño y desarrollo de un prototipo denominado elemento BIPV/TF – PCM, así como un método de medida y caracterización en condiciones de laboratorio. Entre los logros alcanzados, destaca la multifuncionalidad de los elementos BIPV, el aprovechamiento de la energía residual del elemento, la reducción de los excedentes térmicos que puedan modificar el balance térmico de la envolvente del edificio, y las mejoras conseguidas en la producción eléctrica de los módulos fotovoltaicos por reducción de temperatura, lo que hará más sostenible la solución BIPV. Finalmente, como resultado del análisis teórico y experimental, esta tesis contribuye significativamente al estudio práctico de la adaptabilidad de los elementos BIPV en el entorno urbano por medio de una metodología que se basa en el desarrollo y puesta en marcha de una herramienta informática, que sirve tanto a ingenieros como arquitectos para verificar la calidad de la integración arquitectónica y calidad eléctrica de los elementos FV, antes, durante y después de la ejecución de un proyecto constructivo. ABSTRACT This Doctoral Thesis contributes to the analysis and development of new building elements that integrate power generation systems using photovoltaic solar cells (PV), particularly based on thin-film PV technology. For this propose, the architectural integration process is studied (concept known as "Building Integrated Photovoltaic - BIPV") by means of different methodologies. It begins with the study of existing PV elements and materials that are currently part of the building skins and the possible adaptation to different technologies. Subsequently, an integration strategy of PV elements in building materials is proposed. Double function of BIPV elements is considered, electrical and architectural, especially the heat dissipation and heat storage elements are studied, particularly the use Phase Change Materials– PCM in order to favor the thermal conditioning of buildings by means of the BIPV elements. For this propose, an experimental methodology is implemented, which consist of the design and develop of a prototype "BIPV/TF- PCM element" and measurement method (indoor laboratory conditions) in order to validate this strategy. Among the most important achievements obtained of this develop and results analysis includes, in particular, the multifunctionality of BIPV elements, the efficient use of the residual energy of the element, reduction of the excess heat that it can change the heat balance of the building envelope and improvements in electricity production of PV modules by reducing the temperature, are some benefits achieved that make the BIPV element will be more sustainable. Finally, as a result of theoretical and experimental analysis, this thesis contributes significantly to the practical study of the adaptability of BIPV elements in the urban environment by means of a novel methodology based on the development and implementation by computer software of a useful tool which serves as both engineers and architects to verify the quality of architectural integration and electrical performance of PV elements before, during, and after execution of a building projects.


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Air Mines The sky over the city's port was the color of a faulty screen, only partly lit up. As the silhouette of nearby buildings became darker, but more clearly visible against the fading blur-filter of a background, the realization came about how persistent a change had been taking place. Slowly, old wooden water reservoirs and rattling HVAC systems stopped being the only inhabitants of roofs. Slightly trembling, milkish jellyfish-translucent air volumes had joined the show in multiples. A few years ago artists and architects seized upon the death of buildings as their life-saving media. Equipped with constructive atlases and instruments they started disemboweling their subjects, poking about their systems, dumping out on the street the battered ugliness of their embarrassing bits and pieces, so rightly hidden by facades and height from everyday view. But, would you believe it? Even ?old ladies?, investment bankers or small children failed to get upset. Of course, old ladies are not what they used to be. It was old ladies themselves that made it happen after years of fights with the town hall, imaginative proposals and factual arguments. An industry with little financial gains but lots of welcome externalities was not, in fact, the ground for investment bankers. But they too had to admit that having otherwise stately buildings make fine particulate pencils with their facades was not the worse that could happen. Yes, making soot pencils had been found an interesting and visible end product of the endeavor, a sort of mining the air for vintage writing tools one can actually touch. The new view from the street did not seem as solid or dignified as that of old, and they hated that the market for Fine Particulates Extraction (FPE, read efpee) had to be applied on a matrix of blocks and streets that prevented undue concentration of the best or worse solutions. It had to be an evenly distributed city policy in order for the city to apply for cleaning casino money. Once the first prototypes had been deployed in buildings siding Garden Avenue or Bulwark Street even fast movers appreciated the sidekick of flower and plant smell dripping down the Urban Space Stations (USS, read use; USSs, read uses) as air and walls cooled off for a few hours after sunset. Enough. It was all nice to remember, but it was now time to go up and start the lightweight afternoon maintenance of their USS. Coop discussions had taken place all through the planning and continued through the construction phase as to how maintenance was going to be organized. Fasters had voted for a pro, pay a small amount and let them use it for rent and produce. In the end some neighbors decided they were slow enough to take care and it was now the turn. Regret came periodically, sometimes a week before, and lasted until work actually started. But lately it had been replaced by anxiety when it needed to be passed over to the next caretaker. It did not look their shift was good enough and couldn?t wait to fix it. Today small preparations needed to be made for a class visit next day from a nearby cook school. They were frequenters. It had not been easy, but it shouldn?t have been that hard. In the end, even the easiest things are hard if they involve a city, buildings and neighbors. On the face of the data, the technicalities and the way final designs had been worked out for adaptation to the different settings, the decision of where to go was self evident, but organization issues and the ever-growing politics of taste in a city of already-gentrified-rodents almost put the project in the frozen orbit of timeless beautiful future possibilities. This is how it was. A series of designs by XClinic and OSS had made it possible to adapt to different building structures, leave in most cases the roof untouched and adapted a new technology of flexing fiberglass tubes that dissipated wind pressure in smooth bending.......


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Una de las aplicaciones más interesantes de las tecnologías de Realidad Acústica Virtual es la posibilidad de recuperar el patrimonio cultural del sonido de los recintos históricos que se han perdido o cuyas características se han modificado a lo largo de los siglos. En este trabajo, las tecnologías de realidad acústica virtual se utilizan para tratar de reconstruir virtualmente el sonido producido en las actividades litúrgicas del antiguo rito hispánico. Bajo este nombre se conoce a la liturgia que celebraban los cristianos de la península ibérica hasta su prohibición, en favor del culto romano, a mediados del siglo XI. El rito hispánico -también conocido como rito visigótico-mozárabe- es una de las manifestaciones culturales más interesantes de la Alta Edad Media en occidente. Se trata de un patrimonio cultural desaparecido, tanto desde el punto de vista de las señales sonoras que lo integraban -ya que la mayoría de las melodías que conformaban el rito se han perdido- como desde el punto de vista de los espacios en los que se desarrollaba, debido a que las iglesias conservadas de la época han experimentado modificaciones a lo largo de los siglos que alteran sus condiciones acústicas con respecto a las que tenían en el periodo de vigencia de esta liturgia. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto, se han realizado modelos acústicos digitales de un grupo representativo de iglesias prerrománicas de la Península Ibérica en su estado primitivo. Se ha procurado que las iglesias seleccionadas representen la variedad de comportamientos acústicos esperables en este tipo de edificios. Con este objetivo, se han elegido cinco iglesias prerrománicas que presentan diferencias sustanciales en los parámetros que, a priori, van a influir en mayor manera a su comportamiento acústico: el volumen del recinto, la forma de la planta y el tipo de cubierta. El proceso de creación de los modelos acústicos digitales de las iglesias se ha dividido en dos fases: en la primera se han creado modelos de los edificios en su estado actual, que se han validado a partir de los datos obtenidos en mediciones acústicas realizadas in situ; a partir de los modelos validados de las iglesias en su estado actual, en la segunda fase se han generado los modelos acústicos digitales correspondientes al estado primitivo de las mismas, modificando los modelos anteriores de acuerdo con las hipótesis de reconstrucción propuestas en las investigaciones arqueológicas más recientes. Se han realizado grabaciones en cámara anecoica de una serie de piezas del repertorio original del canto mozárabe. Las grabaciones se han llevado a cabo con un array esférico compuesto por 32 micrófonos, con objeto de obtener información sobre la directividad de la emisión sonora de los cantantes, que se aplicará en las auralizaciones. Finalmente, se han realizado diversas auralizaciones, teniendo en cuenta diferentes configuraciones litúrgicas que eran usuales en este rito. ABSTRACT One of the most interesting applications of the Acoustic Virtual Reality technologies is the possibility to recover the cultural heritage of the sound of the historical sites that have been lost or whose characteristics have been modified through time. In this work, Acoustic Virtual Reality technologies are used to try to reconstruct virtually the sound produced in the liturgical activities of the Hispanic Rite. This is the name given to the liturgy celebrated by Christians of the Iberian Peninsula prior to the introduction of the Roman cult in the mid-eleventh century. The Hispanic Rite (also known as Visigothic or Mozarabic rite) is one of the most interesting cultural manifestations of the Middle Ages. It is a lost cultural heritage, both from the point of view of the sound signals that were used since the majority of the melodies that conformed the rite have been lost, and from the point of view of the spaces in which this liturgy was celebrated, because the churches preserved from that era have changed over the centuries altering its acoustic conditions respect to which they were in the period in which this liturgy was in effect. To carry out this project, acoustic models of a representative group of the pre-Romanesque churches in the Iberian Peninsula have been made in his primitive state. To select the sample of buildings to study, efforts have been made to ensure that the selected churches were representative of the range of expected acoustic behaviors in this type of buildings. Five churches have been selected, showing differences in the parameters that have the greatest influence on their acoustic behavior: the enclosure volume, the shape of the floor plan and the type of roof. The process of creating digital acoustic models of the churches has been divided into two phases. In the first phase acoustic models of the churches in its current state have been created. These models have been validated with the data obtained from in situ acoustic measurements. From the validated models of churches in its current state, in the second phase, changes in the acoustic models have been performed in order to represent the primitive state of the churches, according to the historical reconstruction hypothesis that have been proposed in the most recent archaeological investigations. Anechoic recordings of a series of pieces of the original Mozarabic Chant repertoire have been recorded. The recordings were made with a spherical array composed of 32 microphones, in order to obtain information on the directivity of the sound emission of the singers. These directivity data will be used to simulate the directional radiation of the sound sources in the auralizations. Finally, auralizations were produced corresponding to different liturgical configurations which were common in this rite.


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The "Bio-climatic Design Handbook: guidelines for the development of planning regulations" is a tool for urban planning and design professionals planning for the construction of public space taking into account bioclimatic and environmental standards. Based on environmental conditions assessment, urban design guidelines are given. These take into account various scales; from the territory to the microclimatic reality. From these general keys for the design of public space the handbook performs recommendations on specific case studies. The application of bioclimatic techniques in urban design promotes comfort in the public space and the respect for the existing environment, while it influences the energy consumption of buildings that conform this open space. The tool was developed in the context of BIOURB project, where Spain and Portugal cooperate writing this bilingual handbook. The case studies are located in this cross-border region.


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The height at which an unloaded column will fail under its own weight was calculated for first time by Galileo for cylindrical columns. Galileo questioned himself if there exists a shape function for the cross-section of the column with which the latter can attains a greater height than the cylindrical column. The problem is not solved since then, although the definition of the so named “constant maximum strength” solids seems to give an affirmative answer to Galileo’s question, in the form of shapes than can attains infinite height, even when loaded with a useful load at the top. The main contribution of this work is to show that Galileo’s problem is (i) an important problem for structural design theory of buildings and other structures, (ii) not solved by the time being in any sense and (iii) a interesting problem for mathematicians involved in related but very different problems (as Euler’s tallest column). A contemporary formulation of the problem is included as a result of a research on the subject.


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RESUMEN Su objetivo esencial: Regular el proceso de la edificación, está basado en 3 grandes pilares: 1.- Completar la configuración legal de los agentes que intervienen en el mismo, fijando sus obligaciones para así establecer las responsabilidades. 2.- Fomentar la calidad de los edificios. 3.- Fijar las garantías a los usuarios frente a los posibles daños. Estos tres fundamentos están intensamente relacionados, ya que, las obligaciones y responsabilidades de los agentes son la base de la constitución de las garantías a los usuarios, definidas mediante los requisitos básicos que deben satisfacer los edificios. Partiendo del análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del grado de cumplimiento del objetivo de la nueva Ley, elaborado a través del estudio de sus tres pilares fundamentales, proponemos medidas tendentes a la plena entrada en vigor de la misma. Para ello se deberá desarrollar el Real Decreto previsto en la Disposición Adicional 2ª, una vez conseguido el grado de madurez de los sectores de la edificación y del seguro. En todo este proceso de estudio hemos podido apreciar que la objetiva identificación de los daños y en especial los que afectan la estabilidad del edificio, constituye una herramienta fundamental para la correcta atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes, basada en la aplicación de los tres grados de responsabilidad “ex lege” por daños materiales y sus plazos de prescripción surgidos del nuevo régimen impuesto por el art. 17 LOE Para avalar esta propuesta hemos analizado: 1.- El entorno económico, general y pormenorizado al sector de la edificación, en Europa y España durante el período comprendido entre los años 1990 y 2013, años previos y posteriores a la entrada en vigor de la Ley, dada la influencia de los ciclos de actividad producidos en la regulación del sector, las responsabilidades atribuidas a los agentes, el fomento de la calidad y las garantías ofrecidas a los adquirentes. 2.- Las diversas legislaciones sobre responsabilidades y garantías de los agentes de la edificación en los países de nuestro entorno económico. 3.- La gestación de la LOE, incidiendo en la evolución de los últimos borradores y su tramitación parlamentaria. 4.- El desarrollo doctrinal de la Transición desde el régimen de responsabilidades, fijado por el art. 1591 de Código Civil, y su Jurisprudencia, hacia el nuevo régimen de responsabilidades establecido por el art. 17 LOE. En esta tarea además de apreciar la asimilación, por parte de los Jueces y Magistrados, de los principios doctrinales de la LOE, hemos observado la labor de los peritos, de cuya experta identificación de las causas de los daños depende la justa y eficaz atribución de responsabilidades. 5 -. El grado de eficacia de la LOE a la vista de la estadística siniestral, de la que ya hay datos consolidados, tras la cancelación de casi 15.000 expedientes de reclamación a Arquitectos. 6 -. También hemos estudiado el grado de cumplimiento con el usuario y propietario de las garantías previstas en el art. 19 de la Ley y en la D.A. 1ª, los efectos reales alcanzados y las tareas pendientes por delante. Analizando la atribución de responsabilidades a los agentes de la edificación, dentro del primer pilar fundamental de la LOE, hemos estudiado las actuaciones de los peritos expertos y su incidencia en este objetivo, previa selección de casos de gran interés y dificultad. Fruto de ello se han formulado propuestas tendentes a la especialización de este colectivo, evitando conductas “irregulares” que tanto daño provocan a los agentes reclamados como a los propietarios afectados. Este daño es evidente pudiendo ocasionar condenas injustas, enriquecimientos ilícitos o bien falsas expectativas de satisfacción de daños mal dictaminados y costosas e ineficaces reparaciones. De cara a la consecución del pilar de la calidad de la edificación, mediante los requisitos básicos planteados por la LOE y desarrollados por el Código Técnico de la Edificación (Real Decreto 314/2006, de 17 de marzo), hemos procesado datos de expedientes de reclamaciones por daños que afectan a edificios ejecutados bajo el nuevo régimen LOE. Con esta base se han analizado las causas generadoras de las diversas lesiones y su frecuencia para que de este análisis puedan establecerse pautas de actuación para su prevención. Finalmente, tras demostrar que las garantías obligatorias impuestas por la LOE sólo abarcan un pequeño porcentaje de los posibles daños a la edificación, insistimos en la necesidad de la plena eficacia de la Ley mediante la aprobación de todas las garantías previstas y para todo tipo de edificaciones. En suma, se ha diseñado la tesis como una matriz abierta en la que podremos continuar incorporando datos de la evolución de la doctrina, la jurisprudencia y la estadística de los daños en la edificación. ABSTRACT The approval of Law 38/1999 on November 5, 1999, (Official Gazette BOE 266/1999 of 11.6.1999, p. 38925), was the culmination of a long period of over 20 years of gestation for which deep agreements were needed between all stakeholders affected. Although several parliamentary groups denounced its incomplete approval, regarding mandatory guarantees to the purchaser, its enactment caused general satisfaction among most of the the building agents. This assessment remains after fourteen years since its partial enactment. Its essential purpose, “to regulate the building process”, is based on 3 pillars: 1.- To complete the legal configuration of the agents involved in it, setting their obligations in order to establish their responsibilities. 2.- To promote the buildings quality. 3.- To specify users´guarantees against possible buildings damage. These three issues are strongly related, since the obligations and responsibilities of the actors are the basis of the users’guarantees constitution, defined by the basic performance required by buildings. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the fulfillment of the new law’s objectives, made by monitoring the three pillars, we propose measures to the full enactment of this Directive, by the development of the Royal Decree, provided in its Second Additional Provision, once maturity in the sectors of the building and insurance is achieved. Throughout this process of study we have seen that the skill identification of damage, particularly those affecting the stability of the building, is an essential tool for the proper allocation of responsibilities of the new regime installed by the art. 17 LOE, based on the application of the three degrees of responsibility "ex lege" for property damage and limitation periods. To support this proposal, we have analyzed: 1.- The evolution of the building sector in Europe and Spain during the years before and after the enactment of the Law, due to the influence of cycles of activity produced in industry regulation, the responsibilities attributed to agents, promotion of the quality and the assurances given to acquirers. 2.- The scope of various laws on liability and building agents warranties in the countries of our economic environment. 3.- The long period of LOE generation, focusing on the developments in recent drafts and parliamentary procedure. 4.- The doctrinal development in the Transition from the regime of responsibilities, set by art. 1591 of the Civil Code, and its Jurisprudence, to the new liability regime established by art. 17 LOE. In this task, while we have noted assimilation by the Judges and Magistrates of the doctrinal principles of the LOE, we have also analyzed the work of experts, whose skilled identification of the damage causes helps the fair and efficient allocation of responsibilities. 5 - The effectiveness of the LOE based on knowledge of the siniestral statistics, which are already consolidated data, after the cancellation of nearly 15,000 claims to Architects. 6.- We have also studied the degree of compliance with the user and owner guarantees, established in art. 19 and the D.A. 1th of the LOE, exposing the real effects achieved and the pending tasks ahead. Analyzing the allocation of the building agents´ responsibilities, within the first cornerstone of the LOE, we have studied the expert witnesses actions and their impact on this duty, selecting cases of great interest and difficulty in this aim. The result of this enterprise has been to propose the specialization of this group, avoiding "irregular" behaviors that create as much damage as the agents claimed to affected owners. This damage is evident and can cause wrong convictions, illicit enrichment, false expectations and inefficient and costly damage repairs. In order to achieve the pillar of building quality through the basic requirements set by the LOE and developed by the Technical Building Code (Royal Decree 314/ 2006 of 17 March), we have analyzed records of damage claims involving buildings executed under the new regime LOE. On this basis we have analyzed the root causes of various damages and their frequency, from these data it will be easy to propose lines of action for prevention. Finally, after demonstrating that mandatory warranties imposed by LOE cover only a small percentage of the potential building damage, we emphasize the need for the full effectiveness of the Law by the obligation all the guarantees provided in the art. 19 LOE, and for all types of buildings. In conclusion, this thesis is designed as an open matrix in which we will continue including data on the evolution of the doctrine, jurisprudence and the statistics of the damage to the building.


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(SPA) El terremoto de Lorca (11-05-2011) fue el movimiento sísmico más destructivo registrado en España, a pesar de su moderada magnitud. Este artículo describe la simulación numérica de la respuesta dinámica, al registro principal del terremoto de Lorca, de seis edificios de tres y seis plantas con forjados unidireccionales de hormigón con vigas planas; estos edificios fueron proyectados sin tener en cuenta la acción sísmica. Se ha elegido esta tipología constructiva por presentar, potencialmente, una elevada vulnerabilidad sísmica. Los seis edificios han sido seleccionados para representar un número importante de edificios de este tipo existentes en zonas de sismicidad baja o media (como Lorca) de España y correspondientes a los años 1974-1994, posteriores a la PDS-1 1974 y previos a la NCSE-94. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que estos edificios, aun contando con la cooperación de los muros, no poseen capacidad para resistir la componente más intensa del registro de Lorca. (ENG)The recent earthquake in Lorca (11-05-2011) was the most destructive recorded event in Spain, despite its moderate magnitude. This paper describes the numerical simulation of the dynamic response to the main record of the Lorca earth-quake of six 3 and 6-story buildings with one-way concrete slabs with wide beams; these buildings were designed without any seismic consideration. We have chosen this type of construction because it is potentially highly vulnerable. The six considered buildings were selected to represent a large number of buildings of this type in areas of low-to-medium seismicity (as Lorca) of Spain along the period 1974-1994. The results show that these buildings, even with the cooperation of the walls, do not have sufficient capacity to withstand the most severe component of the Lorca record.


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Civil buildings are not specifically designed to support blast loads, but it is important to take into account these potential scenarios because of their catastrophic effects, on persons and structures. A practical way to consider explosions on reinforced concrete structures is necessary. With this objective we propose a methodology to evaluate blast loads on large concrete buildings, using LS-DYNA code for calculation, with Lagrangian finite elements and explicit time integration. The methodology has three steps. First, individual structural elements of the building like columns and slabs are studied, using continuum 3D elements models subjected to blast loads. In these models reinforced concrete is represented with high precision, using advanced material models such as CSCM_CONCRETE model, and segregated rebars constrained within the continuum mesh. Regrettably this approach cannot be used for large structures because of its excessive computational cost. Second, models based on structural elements are developed, using shells and beam elements. In these models concrete is represented using CONCRETE_EC2 model and segregated rebars with offset formulation, being calibrated with continuum elements models from step one to obtain the same structural response: displacement, velocity, acceleration, damage and erosion. Third, models basedon structural elements are used to develop large models of complete buildings. They are used to study the global response of buildings subjected to blast loads and progressive collapse. This article carries out different techniques needed to calibrate properly the models based on structural elements, using shells and beam elements, in order to provide results of sufficient accuracy that can be used with moderate computational cost.


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This paper introduces a road map for ICTs (Information and communication technologies) supporting planning, operation and management of energy systems in smart cities. The road map summarises different elements that form energy systems in cities and proposes research and technical development (RTD) and innovation activities for the development and innovation of ICTs for holistic design, planning and operation of energy systems. In addition, synergies with other ICT systems for smart cities are considered. There are four main target groups for the road map: 1) citizen; 2) building sector; 3) energy sector; and 4) municipality level. As an example for enabling active participation of citizens, the road map proposes how ICT can enable citizens? involvement among others into building design. The building sector roadmap proposes how ICTs can support the planning of buildings and renovations in the future, as well as how to manage building energy systems. The energy sector road map focuses on city?s energy systems and their planning and management, including e.g. demand side management, management of different district level energy systems, energy performance validation and management, energy data models, and smarter use of open energy data. Moreover, the municipality level road map proposes among others ICTs for better integration of city systems and city planning enabling maximised energy efficiency. In addition, one road map section suggests development needs related to open energy data, including among others the use of energy data and the development and harmonisation of energy data models. The road map has been assembled in the READY4SmartCities project (funded by EU 7th Framework Programme), which focuses on the energy system at the city level, consisting of centralised energy systems and connections to the national level energy grids, as well as interconnections to the neighbourhood and building level energy systems.


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La Arquitectura industrial del tabaco en España está representada por dos tipos de construcciones, que corresponden a las dos fases en las que se divide el proceso de producción del tabaco: los secaderos (arquitectura bioclimática donde se realiza el secado), y las fábricas (centros donde se elabora el tabaco procedente de los secaderos). Las fábricas se repartieron por todo el territorio español, ocupando preferiblemente los lugares costeros, aunque existen casos en los que su localización obedecía a razones políticas. Estos edificios, en su mayoría, incluidos en los centros históricos de las ciudades, han cambiando de uso, y las antiguas fábricas de tabaco se han transformado en su mayoría, en centros de cultura, o centros sociales y representativos. La tesis surge del análisis de las características constructivas de la arquitectura industrial del tabaco: de los secaderos y de las fábricas, por tratarse de una tipología con suficiente entidad y un ejemplo de arquitectura bioclimática de producción en el caso de los secaderos, y por conseguir haberse adaptado a otros usos en el caso de las fábricas. La arquitectura de producción emplea un lenguaje acorde con los avances de la industrialización, anticipando materiales y estructuras, y condensando en una tipología específica las complejas relaciones establecidas entre producto, hombres y espacio. Estos edificios tuvieron una extensa implantación en el territorio, y se caracterizan por una serie de valores tecnológicos, arquitectónicos, sociológicos y paisajísticos, que hacen de ellos un documento de primera magnitud para conocer: la evolución e implantación de las técnicas constructivas (materiales y estructuras), los procesos de innovación tipológica y la estructura económica y procedimientos técnicos utilizados. El territorio en el que se insertan constituye su contexto territorial, por lo que no sería adecuado considerar estos edificios como elementos aislados, sin analizar la relación con el entorno en el que se generaron. Por este motivo, se analizan las condiciones higrotérmicas ambientales de los secaderos para compararlas con las de confort humano y establecer relaciones y parámetros compatibles. Los ejemplos analizados de secaderos son todos de fábrica. El uso del ladrillo como módulo principal para la elaboración de un edificio, supone la consideración de un “grado cero” de todo el aparato constructivo y compositivo de la arquitectura. Dejar el ladrillo visto, supone hacer explícitos todos los procesos acumulativos. Este elemento mínimo, permite unas posibilidades enormemente abiertas, pero no absolutamente aleatorias, que definen su propia lógica combinatoria. La exigencia de sinceridad, característica de la arquitectura industrial, en la exposición de los materiales, exhibiéndolos en su propia naturaleza y en el modo real de ser utilizados, se hace patente en este tipo de construcción. Se realiza un estudio de permeabilidad en las fachadas de los secaderos, para determinar el grado de ventilación y su relación con la orientación, el patrón de celosía empleado y el volumen total. Este sistema de acondicionamiento climático específico, puede servir de recurso a otras construcciones, por lo que se podría trasladar el sistema constructivo y formal de los secaderos a otros usos, desde una doble vertiente: Arquitectura para la adaptación climática al entorno. Arquitectura como generadora de condiciones climáticas específicas, en el interior. La utilidad de los secaderos es fundamentalmente: proporcionar sombra, ventilación y un espacio cubierto, pero permeable en sus fachadas. La arquitectura industrial debe ser reconocida dentro del conjunto patrimonial, debido a sus características propias que permiten su diferenciación del resto de la arquitectura. Conocer la estructura productiva permite analizar correctamente estas construcciones, ya que el programa inicial es básico para entender la organización del espacio interior. Las fábricas no se situaron cerca de las zonas de producción del tabaco, excepto en dos casos: Cádiz y Palazuelo, en los que existen secaderos y campos de cultivo de hoja de tabaco en las áreas cercanas. La principal causa de esta separación es que el proceso de obtención de tabaco es un proceso dividido en dos fases principales: proceso primario y proceso secundario. En el proceso primario la hoja de tabaco se seca en los secaderos, en los que es determinante el clima, pero únicamente en el caso del secado del tabaco al aire. En el proceso secundario sin embargo, el tabaco llega previamente tratado a las fábricas, por lo que no influye el clima en esta parte del proceso. Esta razón determina que en las áreas climáticas donde se centra el estudio, haya zonas en las que existen fábrica y secaderos y otras en las que únicamente existe fábrica, o sólo secaderos. La localización de las fábricas atendía a razones de muy diferente índole, las más importantes fueron: geográficas, estratégicas, y políticas. En la mayoría de las fábricas la elección de la ciudad de emplazamiento estaba ligada a la recepción de la materia prima, que principalmente se hacía por vía marítima, o acuática (el caso de Sevilla), y por vía terrestre, utilizando como medio de transporte el ferrocarril. Sólo dos casos, de las antiguas fábricas, corresponden a razones políticas, son las dos únicas que no están en la costa: Madrid y Logroño. La de Madrid se construyó por centralidad política, y porque geográficamente ocupaba el punto central de todas las comunicaciones terrestres por carretera y ferrocarril. Muchas de las fábricas se situaron cercanas a las estaciones de ferrocarril. La de Logroño atendió, sin embargo, a razones políticas. Para finalizar, se realiza un estudio comparativo de las fábricas de Sevilla, Madrid y San Sebastián. Las razones que justifican esta elección son: - La de Sevilla fue históricamente la primera fábrica y la más importante. - La de Madrid fue la más importante a nivel administrativo, la sede de Tabacalera se instaló en la capital, y después de la de Sevilla, fue la que sirvió de modelo al resto de las fábricas. - La de San Sebastián era la más grande del Norte. Los análisis que se han realizado son de: volumen y superficies de patios, superficies de cubierta, permeabilidad o huecos en fachadas, orientación y soleamiento de patios, distribución espacial interior y organización, y evolución de usos. Podemos observar que en la mayoría de estas fábricas ha habido una transformación en el uso, pasando de ser edificios industriales a edificios culturales. Estas construcciones se pueden considerar como infraestructuras adaptables, por ser útiles, sostenibles y funcionales. ABSTRACT The Spanish industrial architecture of tobacco is represented by two construction types that correspond to the two phases of tobacco production: the drying sheds (bioclimatic constructions where the drying process takes place) and factories (centres where tobacco is processed after the drying process). The factories were distributed throughout the Spanish territory, preferably occupying coastal locations, although some of them were located elsewhere following political reasons. Most of the buildings inside city centres have suffered changes in their use, becoming cultural, social or representative centres. This thesis attempts the analysis of the constructive systems employed in tobacco industrial architecture, from drying sheds to factories. The drying sheds are an example of bioclimatic industrial architecture. The factories are a typology that have successfully adapted to new uses. Industrial architecture uses a language that follows the advances in industrialization, anticipating new materials and structures, and merging the complex relationships established among products, human beings, space and locations. These buildings were promoted extensively in the country. They are characterized by technological architectural sociological and landscaping innovations. They are considered as important examples of the evolution and the implementation of construction techniques (building materials and structures). They are also considered as examples of innovation in the building typology, in their economic structure and in the technologies that they have applied. The settings in which the drying sheds are placed have an important influence in them. They cannot be considered as isolated elements. Instead, there is a close relationship between drying sheds and the surroundings in which they are located. Drying sheds’ hygrotermal and environmental conditions are analyzed in this thesis to compare them with the values of human comfort and find suitable relationships and parameters. All the drying sheds that have been analyzed are constructed with brick. This implies a consideration of “zero degree” for both the construction and the composition of the architectural process. The detailing - entails making all the accumulative processes explicit as the brick walls are left exposed. This minimal component allows a wide range of options that are never random but based on the logic of the way in which it is combined. The “sincerity” in the exposition of material, displaying them in their very nature and showing how they are really used, is a basic characteristic of industrial architecture, and it is even more expressive in these types of buildings. The walls of the drying sheds undergo a permeability assessment in order to determine the degree of ventilation and orientation, the lattice pattern used and the overall volume. This specific conditioning system can serve as a resource for other buildings, and consequently, it could be transferred to other uses within a two-pronged approach: -Climatically adapted architecture that takes into account the surroundings. -Architecture as a generator of specific climatic conditions indoors. Drying sheds’ main purposes / aims deal with how to provide shade, ventilation and a covered space as well as permeability. The industrial architecture must be recognized as historical valuable buildings due to its intrinsic and distinctive characteristics. Knowing the productive structure, allow us to make a proper analysis of these buildings, since the basic aim, is to understand the spatial organization indoors. Factories did not come close to the tobacco production, with the exception of Cádiz and Palazuelo, where there are sheds and tobacco croplands nearby. The main reason for this separation is that the process of obtaining tobacco has two processes: the primary process and the secondary process. In the primary process tobacco leaves are left to dry. In the secondary process, previously manufactured tobacco allocated in the factories where the weather conditions are not important. This fact determines that in the climate areas where this study tales place there are some cases in which we can find both factories and drying sheds, and others where there are either factories or drying sheds only. The location of these factories met various demands, being the most outstanding the ones related to geographic, strategic and political reasons. In most factories the choice of its location was often linked to the incoming of raw goods, mainly delivered through waterways –it is the case of Seville,) and by land, using railways. The location of the factories was linked to political reasons in only two cases Madrid and Logroño, which are the only ones that are not placed near the coast. The one in Madrid was built due to its political centrality and because geographically speaking, it was the reference landmark of means of land and rail transports. Many factories, in fact, were settled nearby rail stations. For the factory in Logroño, only political reasons were taken into consideration. I should like to close by undertaking a comparative study of factories in Seville, Madrid and San Sebastian. There are a number of reasons to substantiate this choice: -The factory in Seville was historically speaking the first that was built and the most important one. -The factory in Madrid was the most important one administratively. This factory was the headquarters as well as being, after Seville, the one which provided a model for other factories. -The factory in San Sebastian is the biggest in the North of Spain. The analysis carried out are related to the volume of the buildings and the surface areas of the courtyards, the surface of the roofs, the permeability of the walls and the openings of the façade, the orientation and the sun exposure, the indoor spatial distribution and organization and evolution of the uses (formerly and currently) I observe that in most of these factories there has been a change in the use of the buildings, from industrial cultural purposes. These buildings can be considered as adaptable infrastructures based on a combination of architectural practicability, sustainability and functionality.


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El incremento de la contaminación acústica se ha convertido en un problema medioambiental lo cual ha generado un aumento en la demanda del aislamiento de los edificios para lograr el confort acústico. Existen métodos de medición de aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo de fachadas bajo ensayo “in situ” pero no para techos. El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en determinar el aislamiento acústico de prototipos de techos ecológicos multicapas adaptando la metodología recomendada por normas internacionales. Se propusieron cuatro prototipos de techos con distintos materiales naturales como especies vegetales y sustratos de fibra de coco, superpuestos sobre un techo base liviano. Al sustrato se le varió su espesor de 10 a 20 cm, sus condiciones seca o húmeda y su densidad: 100%, 66% y 33% fibra de coco. En los resultados se determinó que las especies vegetales no aportaron aislamiento, pero al incrementar el espesor y densidad del sustrato mejoró el aislamiento sonoro. También se determinó que el aislamiento acústico en condición seca fue mejor que en condición húmeda. Se planteó una metodología para determinar el aislamiento acústico a ruido aéreo en techos bajo ensayo “in situ” empleando el método global con altavoz, ésta se estructuró en tres partes: la primera describe el módulo experimental y la plataforma tecnológica; la segunda aborda procedimientos para medir los niveles de presión sonora, niveles de ruido de fondo y los tiempos de reverberación, en bandas de frecuencia de tercios de octava; en la tercera se explica el cálculo de los promedios de estos parámetros, así como también la diferencia de niveles estandarizada, el índice de reducción sonora aparente con sus valores globales y su incertidumbre. Así mismo, se determinó un algoritmo de predicción del aislamiento acústico, analizando los valores obtenidos en las mediciones “in situ” como la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada ponderada y el Índice ponderado de reducción sonora, los cuales se relacionaron con el peso y el espesor de los materiales de las diferentes multicapas. A través de un análisis de regresión se establecieron modelos para predecir la Diferencia de nivel estandarizada y el Índice de reducción sonora aparente en bandas de octavas. Los resultados del modelo propuesto son cercanos a los datos medidos “in situ”. Por otra parte, se realizaron mediciones térmicas en un módulo experimental y otro de referencia en tres períodos del día. En el módulo experimental se construyeron los prototipos de techos ecológicos y en el de referencia un techo de construcción tradicional, se compararon los resultados de ambos módulos y su interacción con la temperatura exterior. Se detectó que las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental en condición seca tienden a mantener sus valores durante todo el día, en horas de la mañana sus valores son superiores a los del módulo de referencia y temperatura exterior. Al mediodía y en la tarde las temperaturas internas del módulo experimental son inferiores a las del módulo de referencia, incrementándose esta última a medida que aumenta temperatura exterior. Finalmente, a partir de las mediciones “in situ” se realizaron cuatro modelos de correlación acústica-térmica, los tres primeros relacionando la temperatura y el nivel de presión sonora en tres momentos del día, en la tarde se aprecia que a medida que aumenta la temperatura aumentan los niveles de presión sonora. En el cuarto modelo se estableció una correlación acústica-térmica entre la resistencia térmica de los materiales de las multicapas con su índice de reducción sonora, obteniéndose un coeficiente de correlación moderado. La presente investigación plantea retos desde el punto de vista ambiental, permite cuantificar el aislamiento acústico de los techos y mejorar la calidad de vida en áreas urbanas; el empleo de los materiales de procedencia local como los utilizados fomenta el respeto por la naturaleza y producen un menor impacto ambiental. ABSTRACT Sound contamination increase has generated a raise in insulation demand of buildings in order to achieve a sound comfort, and this has become into an environmental problem. There are measurements methods for air borne soundproofing in facades through “in situ” test but there are not for roofs. The purpose of this research is to determine sound insulation of multilayer green roof prototypes following the methodology suggested by international standards. Four prototypes of roofs with different types of vegetation and overlapped coconut fiber substrates over a light roof were proposed. Thickness of substrate varied from 10 to 20 cm, as well as its dry a humid condition and its density: 100%, 66% y 33% of coconut fiber. Results determined that vegetation did not contribute to insulation but when increasing substrate’s thickness and density, sound insulation was improved. Likewise, it was determined that sound insulation in dry condition was greater than in humid condition. A methodology to determine airborne sound insulation in roofs through “in situ” test using a speaker global method was stated. This was structured in three parts: the first part describes the experimental module and the technological platform; the second one establishes the procedures to measure sound pressure levels; levels of background noise and time of reverberation in frequency bands of thirds of octave, and in the third part, averages of these parameters, as well as the difference of standardized levels, the apparent sound reduction with its global values and uncertainty were calculated. Likewise, a prediction algorithm of sound insulation was determined by analyzing values obtained in “in-situ” measures such as the difference of weighted standardized level and the weighted index of sound reduction which they were related to weight and thickness of different multilayer materials. Models to predict the standardized level difference and the apparent sound reduction index in bands of octaves were established by a regression analysis. Results for the proposed model are close to data measured “in situ”. On the other hand, thermal measures were done in an experimental module, as well as in another as for reference in three periods of the day. Green prototypes roofs were built in the experimental module and a traditional roof were built in the reference one. Results of both modules were compared as well as the interaction with outside temperature. Internal temperatures of the experimental module in dry condition tend to keep their values throughout the day; in the morning, its values are higher than those of the reference module and external temperatures. Finally, four models of sound-thermal correlation were done from measures “in situ”. The first three were related to temperature and sound pressure level in three moments of the day. In the afternoon, it is observed that when temperature increases, sound pressure levels increases too. In the fourth model, a sound and thermal correlation was established between thermal resistance of multilayer materials with their sound reduction index, and a moderated correlation coefficient was obtained. This research poses challenges from the environmental point of view, and it allows quantifying sound insulation of roofs as well as improving quality of life in urban areas; the use of local vegetation promotes respect for nature and it produces a smaller environmental impact as well.


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Para el análisis de la respuesta estructural, tradicionalmente se ha partido de la suposición de que los nudos son totalmente rígidos o articulados. Este criterio facilita en gran medida los cálculos, pero no deja de ser una idealización del comportamiento real de las uniones. Como es lógico, entre los nudos totalmente rígidos y los nudos articulados existe una gama infinita de valores de rigidez que podrían ser adoptados. A las uniones que presentan un valor distinto de los canónicos se les denomina en sentido general uniones semirrígidas. La consideración de esta rigidez intermedia complica considerablemente los cálculos estructurales, no obstante provoca cambios en el reparto de esfuerzos dentro de la estructura, así como en la configuración de las propias uniones, que en ciertas circunstancias pueden suponer una ventaja económica. Del planteamiento expuesto en el párrafo anterior, surgen dos cuestiones que serán el germen de la tesis. Estas son: ¿Qué ocurre si se aplica el concepto de uniones semirrígidas a las naves industriales? ¿Existen unos valores determinados de rigidez en sus nudos con los que se logra optimizar la estructura? Así, surge el objetivo principal de la tesis, que no es otro que conocer la influencia de la rigidez de los nudos en los costes de los pórticos a dos aguas de estructura metálica utilizados típicamente en edificios de uso agroindustrial. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto, se plantea una metodología de trabajo que básicamente consiste en el estudio de una muestra representativa de pórticos sometidos a tres estados de carga: bajo, medio y alto. Su rango de luces abarca desde los 8 a los 20 m y el de la altura de pilares desde los 3,5 a los 10 m. Además, se considera que sus uniones pueden adoptar valores intermedios de rigidez. De la combinatoria de las diferentes configuraciones posibles se obtienen 46.656 casos que serán objeto de estudio. Debido al fin economicista del trabajo, se ha prestado especial atención a la obtención de los costes de ejecución de las diferentes partidas que componen la estructura, incluidas las correspondientes a las uniones. Para acometer los cálculos estructurales ha sido imprescindible contar con un soporte informático, tanto existente como de creación ex profeso, que permitiese su automatización en un contexto de optimización. Los resultados del estudio consisten básicamente en una cantidad importante de datos que para su interpretación se hace imprescindible tratarlos previamente. Este tratamiento se fundamenta en su ordenación sistemática, en la aplicación de técnicas estadísticas y en la representación gráfica. Con esto se obtiene un catálogo de gráficos en los que se representa el coste total de la estructura según los diferentes valores de rigidez de sus nudos, unas matrices resumen de resultados y unos modelos matemáticos que representan la función coste total - rigideces de nudos. Como conclusiones se puede destacar: por un lado que los costes totales de los pórticos estudiados son mínimos cuando los valores de rigidez de sus uniones son bajos, concretamente de 5•10³ a 10•10³ kN•m/rad; y por otro que la utilización en estas estructuras de uniones semirrígidas con una combinación idónea de sus rigideces, supone una ventaja económica media del 18% con respecto a las dos tipologías que normalmente se usan en este tipo de edificaciones como son los pórticos biempotrados y los biarticulados. ABSTRACT Analyzing for structural response, traditionally it started from the assumption that joints are fully rigid or pinned. This criterion makes the design significantly easier, but it is also an idealization of real joint behaviour. As is to be expected, there is an almost endless range of stiffnes value between fully rigid and pinned joints, wich could be adopted. Joints with a value other than traditional are referred to generally as semi-rigid joints. If middle stiffness is considered, the structural design becomes much more complicated, however, it causes changes in the distribution of frame stresses, as well as on joints configuration, that under certain circumstances they may suppose an economic advantage. Two questions arise from the approach outlined in the preceding subparagraph, wich are the seeds of the doctoral thesis. These are: what happens when the concept of semirigid joints is applied to industrial buildings? There are certain stiffness values in their joints with which optimization of frame is achieved? This way, the main objective of the thesis arise, which is to know the influence of stiffness of joints in the cost of the steel frames with gabled roof, that they are typically used in industrial buildings. In order to achieve the proposed goal, a work methodology is proposed, which consists in essence in a study of a representative sample of frames under three load conditions: low, middle and high. Their range of spans comprises from 8 to 20 m and range of the height of columns cover from 3,5 to 10 m. Furthermore, it is considered that their joints can adopt intermediate values of stiffness. The result of the combination of different configurations options is 46.656 cases, which will be subject of study. Due to the economic aim of this work, a particular focus has been devoted for obtaining the execution cost of the different budget items that make up the structure, including those relating to joints. In order to do the structural calculations, count with a computing support has been indispensable, existing and created expressly for this purpose, which would allows its automation in a optimization context. The results of the study basically consist in a important amount of data, whose previous processing is necesary. This process is based on his systematic arrangement, in implementation of statistical techniques and in graphical representation. This give a catalogue of graphics, which depicts the whole cost of structure according to the different stiffness of its joints, a matrixes with the summary of results and a mathematical models which represent the function whole cost - stiffness of the joints. The most remarkable conclusions are: whole costs of the frames studied are minimum when the stiffness values of their joints are low, specifically 5•10³ a 10•10³ kN•m/rad; and the use of structures with semi-rigid joints and a suitable combination of their stiffness implyes an average economic advantage of 18% over other two typologies which are used typically in this kind of buildings; these are the rigid and bi-articulated frames.


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Poelzig affirmed that the technical ideal consisted of using the least amount of shapes and materials possible. He understood architecture as an art, as the expression of form; In contrast to the indifference of the most widely recognized values of modernism: technical innovation in construction along with the functionality of buildings. The Haus des Rundfunks is a powerful hermetic factory in the shape of a triangle and of uniform height. Mass, geometric rigidity and the absence of textures make up a building which relinquishes expressing the new media, with a perimeter ring consisting of offices and larger spaces that are more characteristic towards their inside. Geometry is used as a means to organize and limit the shapes of the buildings. The arrangement and division of different intercommunicating spaces are subjected to the crudeness of their geometric limits. Interior spaces ranging from the most static to the most dynamic are defined through the qualities of materials and geometries. This turns the spaces into geometric grids which decompose the wall, floor and ceiling planes into fragments, regardless of the constructive reality provided by a metallic frame structure. Its polyhedral lamps enclose artificial and emphasize the value of the grid. Poelzig limits himself to dealing with planes within a closed volume of uniform height, and maintains geometric rigidity compatible with a certain degree of figurativeness. This article tries to bring to life this exemplary building, marked by its passivity and hermetism.