995 resultados para Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748


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Référence bibliographique : Dacier et Vuaflart, 3


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Poème masnavī compose de deux parties, l’histoire (qiṣṣa) de la chute, puis de la mort, du vizir Sayyid ‛Alī Hān (f. 7v- 59), assassiné le 9 octobre 1720 et remplacé par Muḥ. Amīn Hān I‛timād al-Dawla. Cette partie compte 919 bayt. La seconde (f. 61- 102v) en compte 763 et raconte les circonstances de la mort de Lāla Laliyān Mal, fils de l’auteur (f. 62), survenue dix mois après, alors qu’il avait 30 ans, et les campagnes militaires de cette période. Cette qiṣṣ̣a aurait été rédigée vers 1723 (f. 102).Une préface en prose (dībāča), rédigée (f. 5v) par Zōrāvar Singh [comparer à Supplément persan 247] occupe les f. 1v à 6v. Celui-ci indique qu’il édita, après sa mort l’œuvre du poète Rāy Kirpārām (f. 3v), et dédie cette édition (f. 2v) au moghol Abū l-Fatḥ Nāṣir al-Dīn Muḥ. Šāh (m. en 1161H./1748). Ce serait Rāy Kirpārām l’auteur des deux qiṣṣa.


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Malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, is characterized by a predominant mutation in the BRAF gene. Drugs that target tumours carrying this mutation have recently entered the clinic. Accordingly, patients are routinely screened for mutations in this gene to determine whether they can benefit from this type of treatment. The current gold standard for mutation screening uses real-time polymerase chain reaction and sequencing methods. Here we show that an assay based on microcantilever arrays can detect the mutation nanomechanically without amplification in total RNA samples isolated from melanoma cells. The assay is based on a BRAF-specific oligonucleotide probe. We detected mutant BRAF at a concentration of 500 pM in a 50-fold excess of the wild-type sequence. The method was able to distinguish melanoma cells carrying the mutation from wild-type cells using as little as 20 ng µl(-1) of RNA material, without prior PCR amplification and use of labels.


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F. 1-15v : Rabbi Meïr Halevi Abulafia, commentaire du livre d'Esther. F. 16r-39v : Isaac ben Shem Tov ibn Shem Tov (14..-15..), commentaire du livre des Proverbes. F. 40r-108v : Joseph ben Abraham Hayoun, commentaire sur le Cantique des cantiques. F. 110r-250v : Salomon ben Moïse Alkabetz , שרש ישי. F. 251r-263v : commentaire des Prophètes et des Hagiographes. F. 264 : florilèges. F. 265r-284v : Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi, בחינת עולם


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F. 1r-108r : Isaac Arondi, commentaire du livre de Job. F. 108r-131v : Isaac ben Moïse Duran, épître אל תהי כאבותיך. F. 132v-144r : Moïse Maïmonide, épître תחית המתים. F. 144v-173v : Moïse Maïmonide, préface au commentaire de la Mishnah.


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Abstract Sitting between your past and your future doesn't mean you are in the present. Dakota Skye Complex systems science is an interdisciplinary field grouping under the same umbrella dynamical phenomena from social, natural or mathematical sciences. The emergence of a higher order organization or behavior, transcending that expected of the linear addition of the parts, is a key factor shared by all these systems. Most complex systems can be modeled as networks that represent the interactions amongst the system's components. In addition to the actual nature of the part's interactions, the intrinsic topological structure of underlying network is believed to play a crucial role in the remarkable emergent behaviors exhibited by the systems. Moreover, the topology is also a key a factor to explain the extraordinary flexibility and resilience to perturbations when applied to transmission and diffusion phenomena. In this work, we study the effect of different network structures on the performance and on the fault tolerance of systems in two different contexts. In the first part, we study cellular automata, which are a simple paradigm for distributed computation. Cellular automata are made of basic Boolean computational units, the cells; relying on simple rules and information from- the surrounding cells to perform a global task. The limited visibility of the cells can be modeled as a network, where interactions amongst cells are governed by an underlying structure, usually a regular one. In order to increase the performance of cellular automata, we chose to change its topology. We applied computational principles inspired by Darwinian evolution, called evolutionary algorithms, to alter the system's topological structure starting from either a regular or a random one. The outcome is remarkable, as the resulting topologies find themselves sharing properties of both regular and random network, and display similitudes Watts-Strogtz's small-world network found in social systems. Moreover, the performance and tolerance to probabilistic faults of our small-world like cellular automata surpasses that of regular ones. In the second part, we use the context of biological genetic regulatory networks and, in particular, Kauffman's random Boolean networks model. In some ways, this model is close to cellular automata, although is not expected to perform any task. Instead, it simulates the time-evolution of genetic regulation within living organisms under strict conditions. The original model, though very attractive by it's simplicity, suffered from important shortcomings unveiled by the recent advances in genetics and biology. We propose to use these new discoveries to improve the original model. Firstly, we have used artificial topologies believed to be closer to that of gene regulatory networks. We have also studied actual biological organisms, and used parts of their genetic regulatory networks in our models. Secondly, we have addressed the improbable full synchronicity of the event taking place on. Boolean networks and proposed a more biologically plausible cascading scheme. Finally, we tackled the actual Boolean functions of the model, i.e. the specifics of how genes activate according to the activity of upstream genes, and presented a new update function that takes into account the actual promoting and repressing effects of one gene on another. Our improved models demonstrate the expected, biologically sound, behavior of previous GRN model, yet with superior resistance to perturbations. We believe they are one step closer to the biological reality.


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