945 resultados para Water--Pollution--Ontario--Lake Gibson watershed.
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management.
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and
This is a list of actions taken against businesses that are not in compliance with environmental regulations including underground storage tanks, hazardous waste, drinking water, water pollution and solid waste. It is broken down by enforcement by various divisions of DHEC including the Bureau of Land and Waste Management, Bureau of Water, Bureau of Air Quality, Bureau of Environmental Health Services and Division of Ocean and
Marine litter has become a worldwide environmental problem, tainting all ocean habitats. The abundance, distribution and composition of litter and its interactions with fauna were evaluated in the upper S. Vicente canyon using video images from 3 remote operated vehicle exploratory dives. Litter was present in all dives and the abundance was as high as 3.31 items100m(-1). Mean abundance of litter over rock bottom was higher than on soft substrate. Mean litter abundance was slightly higher than reported for other canyons on the Portuguese margin, but lower in comparison to more urbanized coastal areas of the world. Lost fishing gear was the prevalent type of litter, indicating that the majority of litter originates from maritime sources, mainly fishing activity. Physical contact with sessile fauna and entanglement of specimens were the major impacts of lost fishing gear. Based on the importance of this region for the local fishermen, litter abundance is expected to increase.
Unter Einfluss des gegenwärtigen Klimawandels sowie dem Anstieg der Erdbevölkerung ist der effiziente Umgang mit den vorhandenen Wasserressourcen ein zentrales Thema in der Bewässerungslandwirtschaft. Die Unterflurbewässerung ist ein seit Jahrtausenden bekanntes Verfahren, bei dem das Bewässerungswasser unterhalb der Erdoberfläche aufgebracht wird und der Pflanze direkt im Wurzelraum zur Verfügung steht. Die Gefäßbewässerung ist ein selbststeuerndes Verfahren wobei die Wassergabe aus dem unglasierten Tongefäß aufgrund der im umgebenden Boden anliegenden Saugspannung erfolgt. Diese wassersparende und dem Wasserbedarf der Pflanze angepasste Bewässerungsweise ist Grundlage der Überlegungen und Untersuchungen der vorliegenden Arbeit. Ausgehend von dem Gedanken der Kombination der Vorteile der Gefäßbewässerung mit denen moderner Materialien, die eine maschinelle Installation ermöglichen und eine lange Lebensdauer aufweisen, wurde die Entwicklung einer selbststeuernden Bewässerung verfolgt. Materialrecherchen und eine Auswahl als geeignet identifizierter Materialien führten zu Laboruntersuchungen an Hand derer die Darcy-Eigenschaften (linearer Zusammenhang zwischen Volumenstrom und anliegendem Druck) überprüft wurden. Membranen erwiesen sich danach als geeignet, so dass an einer ausgewählten Schlauchmembran weitergehende Untersuchungen zum Einsatz für die Bewässerung vorgenommen wurden. Diese umfassten Langzeitlaborversuche im Boden zur Untersuchung der Entwicklung der Durchlässigkeit der Schlauchmembran über die Zeit, sowie zum Nachweis der Selbststeuerung des Systems. Mit den gewonnenen Ergebnissen war es möglich großmaßstäbliche Versuche im Gewächshaus zu realisieren, bei der die Schlauchmembran im Vergleich zur Tropfbewässerung hinsichtlich Wasserverbrauch und Ernteertrag an Standorten in Deutschland und Algerien getestet wurde. Diese Gewächshausversuche zeigten vielversprechende Ergebnisse für die Membranschlauchbewässerung mit im Vergleich zur Tropfbewässerung erhöhten Erträgen bei gleichzeitig geringerem Wasserverbrauch. Dies wurde besonders bei Verwendung von Bewässerungswasser mit erhöhtem Salzgehalt deutlich. Sorgfältiger Beachtung bedarf die Wasserqualität, da die Membranschlauchbewässerung auf Wasserverunreinigungen mit Durchflussverminderung reagiert, die sich nachteilig auf die Pflanzenentwicklung auswirkt. Aufgabe weiterer Forschungen muss es demnach sein, technische Verfahren zu entwickeln, die die langfristige Leistungsfähigkeit der Membran im Bewässerungsbetrieb aufrechterhalten.
El mayor consumo de agua en Costa Rica ocurre en el Valle Central, pues ahíestá asentada cerca del 60% de la población del país. Sin embargo, la disponibilidad de agua está disminuyendo debido al crecimiento demográfico y al decreciente volumen de los ríos y aguas subterráneas.El Valle Central posee cerca de 57 ríos que podrían utilizarse como fuente de agua potable. pero sólo 10 de ellos tienen sus nacientes ubicadas en bosques primarios y son adecuadas para este fin. Las nacientes de la mayoría de los otros ríos se encuentran en tierras económicamente improductivas, tales como pastizales y áreas de bosques muy alterados, que pierden su volumen de agua durante la estación seca.Las proyecciones de crecimiento demográfico hasta el año 2100 permiten visualizar un marcado incremento en la demanda de agua, el cual se mantendrá durante los próximos 50 años. Consecuentemente, para proporcionar un adecuado suministro de agua para esta creciente población. es fundamental detener la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas y recobrar el volumen de agua de los ríos.En este trabajo se propone un plan sencillo para aumentar el volumen de agua de los ríos del Valle Central y para proteger nuestros acuíferos. Se mencionan también otros beneficios económicos y sociales que tendría la aplicación de esta propuesta.Abstract: About 60% of the popuiation of Costa Rica lives in the Central Valley where consequcntly occurs the highest water consumption. As a contrast water shortness is increasing in this country due to population growth and diminishing volume of river and subterranean water.There are about 57 rivers in the Central Valley that could be used as a source of water but only 10 of them have their headwaters inside primary forest and are appropriate for this purpose. The headwaters of mosi of the nvers lay in underproductive lands such as grass fields and very disturbed forest and bose their water volume during dry season.Population growth estimates until year 2100 allow foreseeing a high rate of increase in water demand for the next 50 years. In order to have an adequate supply of water for ihis expanding population it is mandatory to stop subterranean water pollution and to recovcr nver water volume.In this paper 1 propose a simple plan to augment the water volume of the headwaters of the rivers of the Central Valley and to protect our subterranean water sources. Other social and economic benefits that stem from this plan are also analyzed.
Este artículo desarrolla el diagnostico de los impactos del turismo en el ambiente, en Montezuma, Puntarenas. Se evaluó los efectos de la actividad turísticas en los recursos hídricos, fauna, vegetación y tenencia de la tierra, encontrando que el desarrollo de la actividad, en Montezuma, ha sido sin ninguna planificación y ha venido a alterar la cotidianidad de este pueblo. Aunque se han presentado algunos efectos positivos como son el nacimiento de una conciencia ambiental entre los diversos grupos de la comunidad, se han desarrollado varios problemas ambientales que están íntimamente ligados a la falta de planificación.Este problema es la alta contaminación del agua, porque no existen sistemas de tratamiento de la misma, además que los antes responsables no supervisan el tratamiento de las aguas tanto potables como servidas en las instalaciones turísticas, las cuales aumentaron aceleradamente durante los últimos cinco años. Por otro lado, se han presentado cambios en el paisaje, han introducido especies exóticas que alteran las condiciones naturales del medio. En cuanto a la tenencia de la tierra en la zona marítima terrestre, ésta se encuentra bajo el dominio de los extranjeros, los costarricenses tienen más números de concesiones pero los extranjeros tienen más superficie (69%). Todos los efectos negativos de turismo en Montezuma, se relaciona con la falta de planificación, por lo que resulta urgente realizar una estrategia de turismo sustentable para el área.ABSTRACTS This article diagnosed the tourism impacts on the environment, in Montezuma, Puntarenas. It e evaluated the effects of tourism in water, wildlife, vegetation and land tenure. It found that tourism in Montezuma have been without planning and it altered the routine life of this town, Even there have been some positive effects like increasing of environmental education, there have been several problems that are very related to the planning lack. Those problems are high water pollution because there is not any system to treat water and also none monitored the water treatment in the hotels, even those increased very fast during the last five years. Changing in the landscape are provoking to loose species even plants or animal, due they have used exotic species in the new hotel. The land tenure in the marine terrestrial zone is controled by foreigners, Costa Ricans have more numbers of concessions but foreigners have more surface (More 69%). Because, all the negative effects of tourism in Montezuma, are related to lack of planning, it is urgent to carry out a management plan for a sustainable tourism in this place.
Resumo: Predição da concentração de baixo risco de diflubenzuron para organismos aquáticos e avaliação da argila e brita na redução da toxicidade. O diflubenzuron é um inseticida que além de ser usado agricultura, tem sido amplamente empregado na piscicultura, apesar do seu uso ser proibido nesta atividade. Este composto não consta na lista da legislação brasileira que estabelece limites máximos permissíveis em corpos de água para a proteção das comunidades aquáticas. No presente trabalho, a partir da toxicidade do diflubenzuron em organismos não-alvo, foi calculada a concentração de risco para somente 5% das espécies (HC5). O valor deste parâmetro foi estimado em aproximadamente 7 x 10-6 mg L-1 . Este baixo valor é devido à extremamente alta toxicidade do diflubenzuron para dafnídeos e à grande variação de sensibilidade entre as espécies testadas. Dois matérias de relativamente baixo custo se mostraram eficientes na remoção da toxicidade do diflubenzuron de soluções contendo este composto. Dentre esses materiais, a argila expandida promoveu a redução em aproximadamente 50% da toxicidade de uma solução contendo diflubenzuron. Os resultados podem contribuir para políticas públicas no Brasil relacionadas ao estabelecimento de limites máximos permissíveis de xenobióticos no compartimento aquático. Também, para a pesquisa de matérias inertes e de baixo custo com potencial de remoção de xenobióticos presentes em efluentes da aquicultura ou da agricultura. Abstract: Diflubenzuron is an insecticide that, besides being used in the agriculture, has been widely used in fish farming. However, its use is prohibited in this activity. Diflubenzuron is not in the list of Brazilian legislation establishing maximum permissible limits in water bodies for the protection of aquatic communities. In this paper, according toxicity data of diflubenzuron in non-target organisms, it was calculated an hazardous concentration for only 5% of the species (HC5) of the aquatic community. This parameter value was estimated to be about 7 x 10 -6 mg L -1 . The low value is due to the extreme high toxicity of diflubenzuron to daphnids and to the large variation in sensitivity among the species tested. Two relatively low cost and inert materials were efficient in removing the diflubenzuron from solutions containing this compound. Among these materials, expanded clay shown to promote reduction of approximately 50% of the toxicity of a solution containing diflubenzuron. The results may contribute to the establishment of public policies in Brazil associated to the definition of maximum permissible limits of xenobiotics in the aquatic compartment. This study is also relevant to the search of low cost and inert materials for xenobiotics removal from aquaculture or agricultural effluents.
"EPA-905/9-91-006B"--Vol. 2.
In January 2006 the Maumee Remedial Action Plan (RAP) Committee submitted a State II Watershed Restoration Plan for the Maumee River Great Lakes Area of Concern (AOC) area located in NW Ohio to the State of Ohio for review and endorsement (MRAC, 2006). The plan was created in order to fulfill the requirements, needs and/or use of five water quality programs including: Ohio Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Watershed Coordinator Program; Ohio EPA Great Lakes RAP Program; Ohio DNR Coastal Non-point Source Pollution Control Program; Ohio EPA Total Maximum Daily Load Program; and US Fish & Wildlife Service Natural Resources Damage Program. The plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive regional management approach for all jurisdictions, agencies, organizations, and individuals who are working to restore the watershed, waterways and associated coastal zone. The plan includes: background information and mapping regarding hydrology, geology, ecoregions, and land use, and identifies key causes and sources for water quality concerns within the six 11-digit hydrological units (HUCs), and one large river unit that comprise the Maumee AOC. Tables were also prepared that contains detailed project lists for each major watershed and was organized to facilitate the prioritization of research and planning efforts. Also key to the plan and project tables is a reference to the Ohio DNR Coastal Management Measures that may benefit from the implementation of an identified project. This paper will examine the development of the measures and their importance for coastal management and watershed planning in the Maumee AOC. (PDF contains 4 pages)
Lake of the Woods (LOW) is an international waterbody spanning the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Manitoba, and the U.S. state of Minnesota. In recent years, there has been a perception that water quality has deteriorated in northern regions of the lake, with all increase in the frequency and intensity of toxin-producing cyanobacterial blooms. However, given the lack of long-term data these trends are difficult to verify. As a first step, we examine spatial and seasonal patterns in water quality in this highly complex lake on the Canadian Shield. Further, we examine surface sediment diatom assemblages across multiple sites to determine if they track within-take differences in environmental conditions. Our results show that there are significant spatial patterns in water quality in LOW. Principal Component Analysis divides the lake into three geographic zones based primarily on algal nutrients (i.e., total phosphorus, TP), with the highest concentrations at sites proximal to Rainy River. This variation is closely tracked by sedimentary diatom assemblages, with [TP] explaining 43% of the variation in diatom assemblages across sites. The close correlation between water quality and the surface sediment diatom record indicate that paleoecological models could be used to provide data on the relative importance of natural and anthropogenic sources of nutrients to the lake.
High rates of nutrient loading from agricultural and urban development have resulted in surface water eutrophication and groundwater contamination in regions of Ontario. In Lake Simcoe (Ontario, Canada), anthropogenic nutrient contributions have contributed to increased algal growth, low hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations, and impaired fish reproduction. An ambitious programme has been initiated to reduce phosphorus loads to the lake, aiming to achieve at least a 40% reduction in phosphorus loads by 2045. Achievement of this target necessitates effective remediation strategies, which will rely upon an improved understanding of controls on nutrient export from tributaries of Lake Simcoe as well as improved understanding of the importance of phosphorus cycling within the lake. In this paper, we describe a new model structure for the integrated dynamic and process-based model INCA-P, which allows fully-distributed applications, suited to branched river networks. We demonstrate application of this model to the Black River, a tributary of Lake Simcoe, and use INCA-P to simulate the fluxes of P entering the lake system, apportion phosphorus among different sources in the catchment, and explore future scenarios of land-use change and nutrient management to identify high priority sites for implementation of watershed best management practises.
Background. The Cypress Creek is one of the main tributaries of Lake Houston, which provides drinking water to 21.4 million customers. Furthermore, the watershed is being utilized for contact and non-contact recreation, such as canoeing, swimming, hiking trail, and picnics. Water along the creek is impacted by numerous wastewater outfalls from both point and non-point sources. As the creek flows into Lake Houston, it carries both organic and inorganic contaminants that may affect the drinking water quality of this important water source reservoir. Objective. This study was carried out to evaluate the inorganic chemical load of the water in Cypress Creek along its entire length, from the headwaters in Waller County and up to the drainage into Lake Houston. The purpose was to determine whether there are hazardous concentrations of metals in the water and what would be the likely sources. Method. Samples were collected at 29 sites along the creek and analyzed for 29 metals, 17 of which were on the Environmental Protection Agency priority pollution list. Public access sites primarily at bridges were used for sample collection. Samples were transported on ice to the University Of Texas School Of Public Health laboratory, spiked with 2 ml HNO3 kept overnight in the refrigerator, and the following day transported to the EPA laboratory for analysis. Analysis was done by EPA Method 200.7-ICP, Method 200.8ICP/MS and Method 245.1-CVAAS. Results. Metals were present above the detection limits at 65% of sites. Concentrations of aluminum, iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium, were particularly high at all sites. Aluminum, sodium, and iron concentrations greatly exceeded the EPA secondary drinking water standards at all sites. ^ Conclusion. The recreational water along Cypress Creek is impacted by wastewater from both permitted and non-permitted outfalls, which deposit inorganic substances into the water. Although a number of inorganic contaminants were present in the water, toxic metals regulated by the EPA were mostly below the recommended limits. However, high concentrations of aluminum, sodium, and iron in the Cypress Creek bring forward the issue of unauthorized discharges of salt water from mining, as well as industrial and domestic wastewater.^