916 resultados para WASTE OILS
Vegetal origin agro-industrial wastes are seen as a problem since the beginning of the industrial processes; however, they are becoming attractive as raw material for numerous purposes such as active enzymes and in the molecule bioprospecting area. Moreover, it is difficult to understand what the studied residue is consisted of in studies on agro-industrial waste, since the wastes names and constituents may vary according to the used equipment, as for waste from orange and mango processing. Thus, defining a specific waste, including comparisons between botanical and industrial descriptions, can help in understanding studies about wastes. The current review sought to contextualize such a scenario by gathering definitions, relevant information and studies on agro-industrial wastes and by-products, international enzymes market, and recent studies on bioactive compounds. In this context, waste from orange and mango are interesting because of the expression of these fruits on the world market; moreover, the processing does not include steps that could disrupt these biomolecules.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the production of two strains of Ganoderma lucidum on agricultural waste and carry out bromatological analyses of the basidiomata obtained from the cultivation. The experiment was carried out at the Mushroom Module at the School of Agronomic Sciences of the São Paulo State University (FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, Brazil) and two strains were used (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) which were cultivated on waste, oat straw, bean straw, brachiaria grass straw, Tifton grass straw and eucalyptus sawdust under two situations: with (20%) and without (0%) supplementation with wheat bran. All the waste was taken from dumps of agricultural activities in Botucatu-SP. Both treatments were carried out in 10 repetitions, totaling 200 packages. The mushrooms cultivation took 90 days. Next, the biological efficiency of the treatments and the bromatological analysis of the basidiomata were evaluated. The biological efficiency (BE) values (%) varied from 0.0 to 6.7%. In the mushroom bromatological analyses, the results ranged from 8.7 to 13.7%, from 2.0 to 6.7%, from 0.83 to 1.79% and from 38.8 to 54.5%, for total protein, ethereal extract, ash and crude fiber, respectively. Thus, we conclude that the substrates which presented the greater yield were the brachiaria straw, 20% in both strains tested (GLM-09/01 and GLM-10/02) and the bean straw, 20% in the strain GLM-10/02. The mushrooms showed high levels of ethereal extract, fibers and ashes and a low level of proteins.
Avaliação de lubrificantes para aplicação em componentes mecânicos pelo método de compressão do anel
The current lubricants are getting better with advancing technology and more specific to each case of application. Its use is directly linked to the level of waste by friction generated between objects in direct contact and it is essential to promote greater durability of mechanical components. This study refers to behavioral assessment of some types of lubricants and rank among them which one presents the lowest friction between metal components. For this work, will be used the method of ring compression test (RCT), after performed tests and analyzed the results, will be possible to report which lubricant will bring the best reduction in friction. The need for this work was given initially by the observation that some mechanical projects developed at FEG does not conduct in-depth studies the lubricants used. Therefore this study aims to provide better support to these projects. In this work were used five different lubricants, three oils and two greases.
The phrase, “never let a crisis go to waste” may take frugality to a whole new level! That’s the sentiment of Lynda Applegate, Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, in a recent on-line article, Building Businesses in Turbulent Times.
The Livestock Waste Management Act requires all livestock operations with 300 animal units or more to be inspected by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to determine whether livestock wastes contaminate surface or ground water. This NebFact discusses the following parts of the Livestock Waste Management Act: Act (how cited); Terms (defined); Livestock operation, exemption, livestock waste control facility, permit, restriction; Construction permit or operating permit (when required), livestock waste control facilities, classification, restrictions; Section (how construed); Cold water class A streams (designation); Permit (acknowledgment required); Livestock operation (request inspection, when, fees, department, duties); Permits (duration, modification); Permit (application and modification fees, Livestock Waste Management Cash Fund (created, use, investment, report, legislative intent); Applicant (rejection, grounds, application, information required, certification required); Postconstruction inspection requirement; Department (contracts authorized, permit application, notice required); Permit application (approval from Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Quality, powers); Council (rules and regulations); and Enforcement of act (legislative intent).
Many bird species are attracted to landfills which take domestic or putrescible waste. These sites provide a reliable, rich source of food which can attract large concentrations of birds. The birds may cause conflicts with human interest with respect to noise, birds carrying litter off site, possible transmission of pathogens in bird droppings and the potential for birdstrikes. In the UK there is an 8 mile safeguarding radius around an airfield, within which any planning applications must pass scrutiny from regulatory bodies to show they will not attract birds into the area and increase the birdstrike risk. Peckfield Landfill site near Leeds, West Yorkshire was chosen for a trial of a netting system designed to exclude birds from domestic waste landfills. The site was assessed for bird numbers before the trial, during the netting trial and after the net had been removed. A ScanCord net was installed for 6 weeks, during which time all household waste was tipped inside the net. Gull numbers decreased on the site from a mean of 1074 per hourly count to 29 per hourly count after two days. The gull numbers increased again after the net had been removed. Bird concentrations in the surroundings were also monitored to assess the effect of the net. Bird numbers in the immediate vicinity of the landfill site were higher than those further away. When the net was installed, the bird concentrations adjacent to the landfill site decreased. Corvids were not affected by the net as they fed on covered waste which was available outside the net throughout the trial. This shows that bird problems on a landfill site are complex, requiring a comprehensive policy of bird control. A supporting bird scaring system and clear operating policy for sites near to airports would be required.
Avaliação de lubrificantes para aplicação em componentes mecânicos pelo método de compressão do anel
The current lubricants are getting better with advancing technology and more specific to each case of application. Its use is directly linked to the level of waste by friction generated between objects in direct contact and it is essential to promote greater durability of mechanical components. This study refers to behavioral assessment of some types of lubricants and rank among them which one presents the lowest friction between metal components. For this work, will be used the method of ring compression test (RCT), after performed tests and analyzed the results, will be possible to report which lubricant will bring the best reduction in friction. The need for this work was given initially by the observation that some mechanical projects developed at FEG does not conduct in-depth studies the lubricants used. Therefore this study aims to provide better support to these projects. In this work were used five different lubricants, three oils and two greases.
The contribution of wastewater from a tannery industry to the pollution of a stream was investigated. The main parameters studied were biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, chromium, dissolved oxygen, fecal and total conforms, nitrogen, oils and greases, pH, phosphorous, sulfides, suspended solids, turbidity, and volatile solids. Three sampling points were located: (I) at the discharge point of tannery wastewater, (2) 50 m upstream, and (3) 80 m downstream of discharge point. Also was investigated the pollution at the stream source.
This study evaluated the effects of two lipids sources of fish residue (tilapia and salmon) compared with a vegetable oil source (soybean oil) on the fatty acid profiles of male and female lambari. This experiment was developed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, totaling 6 treatments resulting from the combination of the three experimental diets for both sexes, with four replications for each treatment. This study involved 120 male (2.58 +/- 0.13 g) and 72 female lambari (4.00 +/- 0.09 g), fed the experimental diets twice a day until apparent satiation for a period of 60 days. Oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids were found at higher concentrations in all experimental oils and diets, as well in the muscle of male and female lambari. The low amounts of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the experimental diets and subsequent greater concentrations in muscle tissue, suggested that lambari are able to desaturate and elongate the chain of fatty acids with 18 carbons. The fish of both sexes that received the diet with soybean oil showed high levels of n-6 fatty acids, especially of C18: 2n-6 and low levels of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The diet with salmon residue oil promoted higher levels of fatty acids of the n-3 series and resulted in the best n-3/n-6 ratio in the muscle of male and female lambari. The oils from fish residues can be a substitute for traditional fish oil and its use in the lambari diets does not impair its growth.
We compare experimental and predicted differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) curves for palm oil (PO), peanut oil (PeO) and grapeseed oil (GO). The predicted curves are computed from the solid-liquid equilibrium modelling and direct minimization of the Gibbs free energy. For PO, the lower the scan rate, the better the agreement. The temperature transitions of PeO and GO were predicted with an average deviation of -0.72 degrees C and -1.29 degrees C respectively, in relation to experimental data from literature. However, the predicted curves showed other peaks not reported experimentally, as computed DSC curves correspond to equilibrium hypothesis which is reached experimentally for an infinitely small scan rate. The results revealed that predicted transitions temperatures using equilibrium hypotheses can be useful in pre-experimental evaluation of vegetable oils formulations seeking for desired melting profiles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective in this experiment was to determine the effects of feeding diets with canola, sunflower or castor oils on intake, nutrient apparent digestibility and ruminal constituents of crossbred Dorper x Santa Ines sheep. Four rumen-cannulated animals of 90.2 +/- 11.4 kg average body weight were assigned to a 4 x 4 latin square. Animals remained individually in cages for the metabolism assay and were fed diets containing roughage at 500 g/kg and concentrate based on ground corn and soybean meal also at 500 g/kg. No oil was added to the control diet, whereas the others had canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg (DM basis). There was no difference for the intake of DM and nutrients, except for ether extract, which was greater when animals received oil. The digestibility coefficients of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, non-fiber carbohydrates and neutral detergent fiber were not changed; however, the addition of oil increased the ether extract digestibility. The values of total digestible nutrients (TDN, g/kg of DM), digestible energy (DE, Mcal/kg of DM), TDN intake and DE intake also did not change with the addition of lipids. Concerning the ruminal constituents, the addition of vegetable oils reduced the concentrations of acetate, butyrate and total short-chain fatty acids. Adding canola, sunflower or castor oils at 30 g/kg in diets with 500 g roughage/kg and 500 g concentrate/kg does not impair the intake or digestibility of nutrients in sheep, although it reduces the concentration of short-chain fatty acids in the rumen.
A contaminated site from a downstream municipal solid waste disposal site in Brazil was investigated by using a 3D resistivity and induced polarization (IP) imaging technique. This investigation purpose was to detect and delineate contamination plume produced by wastes. The area was selected based on previous geophysical investigations, and chemical analyses carried out in the site, indicating the presence of a contamination plume in the area. Resistivity model has successfully imaged waste presence (rho < 20 Omega m), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A conductive anomaly (rho < 20 Omega m) outside wastes placement was interpreted as a contamination plume. Chargeability model was also able to imaging waste presence (m > 31 mV/V), water table depth, and groundwater flow direction. A higher chargeability zone (m > 31 mV/V) outside wastes placement and following conductive anomaly was interpreted as a contamination plume. Normalized chargeability (MN = m/rho) confirmed polarizable zone, which could be an effect of a salinity increase (contamination plume), and the clay presence in the environment.
Syntesis of carbon nanomaterials from corn waste (DDGS). The world's largest ethanol producer (USA) uses corn as feedstock. DDGS (distillers dried grains with solubles) is the main waste generated from this process (around 32 million t/year). DDGS samples were pyrolyzed at 1000 degrees C in a furnace with controlled atmosphere. The effluent was channeled to a second furnace, in which catalyst substrates were placed. Chromatographic analysis was used to evaluate the gaseous effluents, showing that the catalyst reduced hydrocarbon emissions. The solid products formed were analyzed by SEM and TEM. Graphitic structures and carbon nanofibers, 50 mu m in length and with diameters of 80-200 nm, were formed.
Electrophysiological responses based on electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and electroantennography (EAG) analysis of Naupactus bipes beetles (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) were used to test volatile oils of Piper gaudichaudianum, P. regnellii and P. hispidum. In the EAG experiments, female and male beetles showed significant EAG response to the three volatile oils of Piper species, with the females' responses slightly higher than the males'. The experiments with GC-EAD revealed that some terpenoids (namely, alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, myrcene, alpha-copaene and germacrene) present in the leaf essential oils of the Piper species are perceptible to female and male beetles.
In this study rice husk ash (RHA) and broiler bed ash from rice husk (BBA), two agricultural waste materials, have been assessed for use as partial cement replacement materials for application in lightweight concrete. Physical and chemical characteristics of RHA and BBA were first analyzed. Three similar types of lightweight concrete were produced, a control type in which the binder was just CEMI cement (CTL) and two other types with 10% cement replacement with, respectively, RHA and BBA. All types of similar lightweight concrete were prepared to present the same workability by adjusting the amount of superplasticizer. Properties of concrete investigated were compressive and flexural strength at different ages, absorption by capillarity, resistivity and resistance to chloride ion penetration (CTH method) and accelerated carbonation. Test results obtained for 10% cement replacement level in lightweight concrete indicate that although the addition of BBA conducted to lower performance in terms of the degradation indicative tests, RHA led to the enhancement of mechanical properties, especially early strength and also fast ageing related results, further contributing to sustainable construction with energy saver lightweight concrete.