929 resultados para Voluntary Contractions
Objective: To test the efficacy of teaching motivational interviewing (MI) to medical students. Methods: Thirteen 4th year medical students volunteered to participate. Seven days before and 7 days after an 8-hour interactive training MI workshop, each student performed a videorecorded interview with two standardized patients: a 60 year old alcohol dependent woman and a 50 year old cigarette smoking man. Students' counseling skills were coded by two blinded clinicians using the Motivational Interviewing Treatment Integrity 3.0 (MITI). Inter-rater reliability was calculated for all interviews and a test-retest was completed in a sub-sample of 10 consecutive interviews three days apart. Difference between MITI scores before and after training were calculated and tested using non-parametric tests. Effect size was approximated by calculating the probability that posttest scores are greater than pretest scores (P*=P(Pre<Post)+1/2P(Pre=Post)), P*>1/2 indicating greater scores in posttest, P*=1/2 no effect, and P*<1/2 smaller scores in posttest. Results: Median differences between MITI scores before and after MI training indicated a general progression in MI skills: MI spirit global score (median difference=1.5, Inter quartile range=1.5, p<0.001, P*=0.90); Empathy global score (med diff=1, IQR=0.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of MI adherent skills (med diff=36.6, IQR=50.5, p<0.001, P*=0.85); Percentage of open questions (med diff=18.6, IQR=21.6, p<0.001, P*=0.96); reflections/ questions ratio (med diff=0.2, IQR=0.4, p<0.001, P*=0.81). Only Direction global score and the percentage of complex reflections were not significantly improved (med diff=0, IQR=1, p=0.53, P*=0.44, and med diff=4.3, IQR=24.8, p=0.48, P*=0.62, respectively). Inter-rater reliability indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.14 for Direction to 0.51 for Collaboration and ICC ranged between 0.28 for Simple reflection to 0.95 for Closed question. Test-retests indicated weighted kappa ranged between 0.27 for Direction to 0.80 for Empathy and ICC ranged between 0.87 for Complex reflection to 0.98 for Closed question. Conclusion: This pilot study indicated that an 8-hour training in MI for voluntary 4th year medical students resulted in significant improvement of MI skills. Larger sample of unselected medical students should be studied to generalize the benefit of MI training to medical students. Interrater reliability and test-retests suggested that coders' training should be intensified.
Immigrant organisations in the City of Oslo receive support from the government for their daily operation. In order to receive such support, each organisation must be membership-based and have internal democratic procedures. This paper raises the question of how we can understand this combination of support for ethnic based organisations and requirements of membership and internal democracy. It explores the usefulness of two partly overlapping ways of understanding this policy and discusses their interrelationship. Firstly, within the context of the crisis of multiculturalism, the paper discusses whether this combination is based on the aim of strengthening the organisations’ procedural commitment to liberal-democratic principles. Secondly, the paper analyses whether requirements of membership and internal democracy can mainly be understood within the framework of the Nordic model of voluntary organisation. By comparing the policy at three empirical levels, the paper concludes that this combination can mainly be understood within the framework of the traditional historical Nordic model, but that there is an ambiguity in this policy related to minority rights.
A national survey showed that Swiss people eat high quantity of salt (9.1 g per day on average). The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has launched a strategy to reduce salt intake in the population in order to decrease cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, mainly via blood pressure reduction. The most effective public health measures are to reduce the salt content of processed food rich in salt because they do not need to change consumers' eating behaviours. The FOPH has chosen to collaborate with the food industry on a voluntary basis. Regular population-based surveys will be needed to monitor the impact of current measures on salt consumption, hypertension prevalence as well as cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the years to come.
Tämä insinöörityö tehtiin Kuulonhuoltoliitto ry:n Esteetön kuuntelu -projektille. Työ käsittelee kuulolaitteen käyttäjän apuvälineenä käytettäviä induktiosilmukkajärjestelmiä. Induktiivisen äänensiirtojärjestelmän avulla huonokuuloinen saa kuunteluympäristöstään paremman signaali-kohinasuhteen ilman tilan kaikua ja taustahälyä. Tämä helpottaa kuuntelua esimerkiksi puhetilaisuuksissa. Työn tarkoituksena oli päivittää aiempia tutkimuksia kokoamalla uusin tietous induktiosilmukoiden tekniikasta. Kirjallisuustutkimuksen lisäksi kartoitettiin nykyinen silmukkavahvistinkanta haastattelemalla maahantuojia ja jälleenmyyjiä. Silmukkavahvistimien hintakartoituksen tarkoituksena oli rakentaa perusteet sopivan tehoisen ja hintaisen vahvistimen hankintaa varten suunniteltaessa induktiivisella äänensiirtojärjestelmällä varustettavia tiloja. Työ tarkastelee induktiivisen äänensiirtojärjestelmän ensisijaisen kohderyhmän, kuulokojeita käyttävien huonokuuloisten keskeisiä tarpeita ja heidän käyttämäänsä apuvälinetekniikkaa. Työ käy läpi audiotekniikan perusteita, sähkömagneettisen induktioilmiön, induktiivisen äänensiirtojärjestelmän rakenteen, sen ylikuulumisongelmat ja häiriötekijät sekä IEC:n 60118-4 edition 2.0 standardin CDV-luonnoksen mukaiset periaatteelliset asennusja mittausohjeet. IEC:n tuleva standardi tekee työstä ajankohtaisen. Työn tuloksena saatua tietoa voidaan käyttää Kuulonhuoltoliitto ry:n opas- ja tiedotusmateriaalin uudistamisessa, pohjana hyvän kuunteluympäristön malliratkaisujen ja esteettömyyskriteerien soveltamisessa. Työstä on hyötyä erityisesti Kuulonhuoltoliitto ry:n vapaaehtoiskartoittajille kuten myös kenelle tahansa aiheesta syvemmin kiinnostuneelle.
Renew mandate of voluntary Iowa Council for Children.
We argue that when stakeholder protection is left to the voluntary initiative of managers, concessions to social activists and pressure groups can turn into a self-entrenchment strategy for incumbent CEOs. Stakeholders other than shareholders thus benefit from corporate governance rules putting managers under a tough replacement threat. We show that a minimal amount of formal stakeholder protection, or the introduction of explicit covenants protecting stakeholder rights in the firm charter, may deprive CEOs of the alliance with powerful social activists, thus increasing managerial turnover and shareholder value. These results rationalize a recent trend whereby well-known social activists like Friends of the Earth and active shareholders like CalPERS are showing a growing support for each other s agendas.
The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult basic education and literacy services.
The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult basic education and literacy services.
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employment, retention, earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • streamlining services; • empowering individuals; • universal access; • increased accountability; • new roles for local boards; • state and local flexibility; • improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • assist adults to become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. The major purposes of Iowa’s Adult Literacy Program State Plan Extension for Program Year 2006 are: • provide a comprehensive blue print for implementation of Title II of the Act; • serve as a basis for both immediate and long-range planning and continuous, systematic evaluation of program effectiveness; • provide basis for common understanding among Iowa’s literacy partners, other interested entities and the U.S. Department of Education. The plan extension is designed to update Iowa’s Adult Literacy State Plan for Program Year 2006 in line with the guidelines provided by the United States Department of Education: Division of Adult Education and Literacy (USDE:DAEL).
The passage of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 [Public Law 105-220] by the 105th Congress has ushered in a new era of collaboration, coordination, cooperation and accountability. The overall goal of the Act is “to increase the employability, retention, and earnings of participants, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, and, as a result improve the quality of the workforce, reduce welfare dependency, and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the Nation.” The key principles inculcated in the Act are: • Streamlining services; • Empowering individuals; • Universal access; • Increased accountability; • New roles for local boards; • State and local flexibility; • Improved youth programs. The purpose of Title II, The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA), of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 is to create a partnership among the federal government, states, and localities to provide, on a voluntary basis, adult education and literacy services in order to: • Assist adults become literate and obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for employment and self-sufficiency; • Assist adults who are parents obtain the educational skills necessary to become full partners in the educational development of their children; • Assist adults in the completion of a secondary school education. Adult education is an important part of the workforce investment system. Title II restructures and improves programs previously authorized by the Adult Education Act. AEFLA focuses on strengthening program quality by requiring States to give priority in awarding funds to local programs that are based on a solid foundation of research, address the diverse needs of adult learners, and utilize other effective practices and strategies. To promote continuous program involvement and to ensure optimal return on the Federal investment, AEFLA also establishes a State performance accountability system. Under this system, the Secretary and each State must reach agreement on annual levels of performance for a number of “core indicators” specified in the law: • Demonstrated improvements in literacy skill levels in reading, writing, and speaking the English language, numeracy, problem solving, English language acquisition, and other literacy skills. • Placement in, retention in, or completion of postsecondary education, training, unsubsidized employment or career advancement. • Receipt of a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. Iowa’s community college based adult basic education program has implemented a series of proactive strategies in order to effectively and systematically meet the challenges posed by WIA. The Iowa TOPSpro Data Dictionary is a direct result of Iowa’s pro-active efforts in this educational arena.
Este trabalho mostra que a contabilidade pode não estar a evidenciar o real valor do património das empresas (um dos seus objectivos), constatamos nos últimos tempos, que os relatórios fornecidos pela contabilidade financeira não retratam certas realidades das empresas, visto que o valor contabilístico se distancia cada vez mais do valor de mercado, principalmente nas empresas de alta tecnologia e serviços, assim sendo as demonstrações financeiras podem estar experimentando uma perda de relevância para a tomada de decisões de investimentos, de crédito e de gestão. Dentro deste contexto, ressaltamos a necessidade de a contabilidade evidenciar naquelas demonstrações tais informações para que possa divulgar aos vários utentes da informação o real valor da empresa. Visto que o Capital Intelectual é importante para as empresas, torna-se necessário relatar não só informações financeiras como também não financeiras. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo descritivo/quantitativo da empresa CVTelecom, com o objectivo de avaliar o grau de divulgação do Capital Intelectual na empresa. A principal constatação foi o seguinte: uma participação activa da empresa em divulgar o Capital Intelectual, uma forma não normalizada através da divulgação voluntária do Capital Intelectual cujo veículo de divulgação, é o Relatório de Gestão e o Balanço Social. This work shows that the Accounting cannot be evidencing the Real value of the patrimony of the enterprises (one of their objectives), we verified in the last times, that the reports supplied by the Financial Accounting don't portray certain realities of the enterprises, because the value Accounting of the enterprises go away more and more of his market value, mainly in the companies of high technology and services, soon the financial demonstrations are trying a loss of relevance for socket of decisions of investments, of credit and of administration. Inside of this context, we emphasized the need of the Accounting to evidence in the demonstrations such financial information so that it can publish to the several users of the information the Real value of the company. Because the Intellectual Capital is important for the enterprises, it becomes necessary to tell not only financial information as well as any financial. This work presents a descriptive-quantitative study of the enterprise CVtelecom, with the objective of evaluating the degree of popularization of the Intellectual Capital in the enterprise and the impact in the performance of this enterprise. The main verification was the following: A participation active of the company in publishing the Intellectual Capital in spite of being in a way no normalized but a voluntary popularization of the Intellectual Capital, whose popularization vehicle is the Report of Administration and the Social Swinging.
This article studies the influence of the procedural justice resulting from participation in decision-making on employees' affective commitment in social enterprises. It also examines whether any potential link between participation and commitment is due to social exchange, as is the case with for-profit companies. The study is based on data from employees of French work integration social enterprises. The results confirm the positive relationship between procedural justice and affective commitment and the mediating role of perceived organizational support and leader-member exchanges. Managerial recommendations are then given to best maintain or increase employees' involvement in the decision-making processes of social enterprises.
We use a Colombian TV game show to test gender differences in competitivebehavior where there is no opportunity for discrimination and females face no genderspecificexternal constraints. Each game started with six contestants who had toanswer general knowledge questions in private. There were five rounds of questionsand, at the end of each, one participant was eliminated. Despite equality in startingnumbers, women earn less than men and exit the game at a faster rate. In particular,there are more voluntary withdrawals by women than men. We draw an analogybetween the game and the process by which employees rise through the levels of acorporation. As such, we note that glass ceilings may result, in part, from women sown behavior and this raises the issue of how women are socialized to behave. At thesame time, our results illustrate that maintaining and promoting gender diversity at thelower/middle ranks of organizations is necessary to obtain gender diversity at the top.
We examine the relationship between institutions, culture and cyclical fluctuations for a sampleof 45 European, Middle Eastern and North African countries. Better governance is associated withshorter and less severe contractions and milder expansions. Certain cultural traits, such as lack ofacceptance of power distance and individualism, are also linked business cycle features. Businesscycle synchronization is tightly related to similarities in the institutional environment. Mediterraneancountries conform to these general tendencies.
This paper studies the dynamics of the distribution of wealth in ageneral equilibrium framework. It considers an overlapping generationsmodel with production and altruistic preferences in which individualsface an uncertain lifetime and annuity markets do not exist. Thispaper focuses on the role that accidental bequests, voluntary bequests,and non--negativity constraints on bequests play in the dynamics of thedistribution of wealth. It is proved that the equilibrium interestrate is lower than the one that satisfies the modified goldenrule. In this economy, a social security system not only plays aninsurance role, but also prevents capital overaccumulation. In fact,this paper shows that a pay--as--you--go social security systemdecentralizes the social planner solution as a competitive equilibrium.