975 resultados para Vertical wind shear.


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This paper studies the feasibility of utilizing the reactive power of grid-connected variable-speed wind generators to enhance the steady-state voltage stability margin of the system. Allowing wind generators to work at maximum reactive power limit may cause the system to operate near the steady-state stability limit, which is undesirable. This necessitates proper coordination of reactive power output of wind generators with other reactive power controllers in the grid. This paper presents a trust region framework for coordinating reactive output of wind generators-with other reactive sources for voltage stability enhancement. Case studies on 418-bus equivalent system of Indian southern grid indicates the effectiveness of proposed methodology in enhancing the steady-state voltage stability margin.


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The study of a film falling down an inclined plane is revisited in the presence of imposed shear stress. Earlier studies regarding this topic (Smith, J. Fluid Mech., vol. 217, 1990, pp. 469-485; Wei, Phys. Fluids, vol. 17, 2005a, 012103), developed on the basis of a low Reynolds number, are extended up to moderate values of the Reynolds number. The mechanism of the primary instability is provided under the framework of a two-wave structure, which is normally a combination of kinematic and dynamic waves. In general, the primary instability appears when the kinematic wave speed exceeds the speed of dynamic waves. An equality criterion between their speeds yields the neutral stability condition. Similarly, it is revealed that the nonlinear travelling wave solutions also depend on the kinematic and dynamic wave speeds, and an equality criterion between the speeds leads to an analytical expression for the speed of a family of travelling waves as a function of the Froude number. This new analytical result is compared with numerical prediction, and an excellent agreement is achieved. Direct numerical simulations of the low-dimensional model have been performed in order to analyse the spatiotemporal behaviour of nonlinear waves by applying a constant shear stress in the upstream and downstream directions. It is noticed that the presence of imposed shear stress in the upstream (downstream) direction makes the evolution of spatially growing waves weaker (stronger).


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The effect of hydrogen (H) charging on the shear yield strength (tau(max)) and shear transformation zone volume (Omega) of Ni-Nb-Zr metallic glass ribbons, with varying Zr content, were studied through the first pop-in loads during nanoindentation. Weight gain measurements after H charging and desorption studies were utilized to identify how the total H absorbed during charging is partitioned into mobile and immobile (or trapped) parts. These, in turn, indicate the significant role of H mobility in the amorphous structure on the yielding behavior. In high-Zr alloys, tau(max) increases significantly whereas Omega decreases. In low-Zr alloys, a slight decrease in tau(max) and increase in Omega were noted. These experimental observations are rationalized in terms of the mobility of the absorbed H in the amorphous structure and the possible role of it in the shear transformation zone dynamics during deformation of the metallic glass. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seismic site characterization is the basic requirement for seismic microzonation and site response studies of an area. Site characterization helps to gauge the average dynamic properties of soil deposits and thus helps to evaluate the surface level response. This paper presents a seismic site characterization of Agartala city, the capital of Tripura state, in the northeast of India. Seismically, Agartala city is situated in the Bengal Basin zone which is classified as a highly active seismic zone, assigned by Indian seismic code BIS-1893, Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures, Part-1 General Provisions and Buildings. According to the Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi (2002), it is the highest seismic level (zone-V) in the country. The city is very close to the Sylhet fault (Bangladesh) where two major earthquakes (M (w) > 7) have occurred in the past and affected severely this city and the whole of northeast India. In order to perform site response evaluation, a series of geophysical tests at 27 locations were conducted using the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) technique, which is an advanced method for obtaining shear wave velocity (V (s)) profiles from in situ measurements. Similarly, standard penetration test (SPT-N) bore log data sets have been obtained from the Urban Development Department, Govt. of Tripura. In the collected data sets, out of 50 bore logs, 27 were selected which are close to the MASW test locations and used for further study. Both the data sets (V (s) profiles with depth and SPT-N bore log profiles) have been used to calculate the average shear wave velocity (V (s)30) and average SPT-N values for the upper 30 m depth of the subsurface soil profiles. These were used for site classification of the study area recommended by the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP) manual. The average V (s)30 and SPT-N classified the study area as seismic site class D and E categories, indicating that the city is susceptible to site effects and liquefaction. Further, the different data set combinations between V (s) and SPT-N (corrected and uncorrected) values have been used to develop site-specific correlation equations by statistical regression, as `V (s)' is a function of SPT-N value (corrected and uncorrected), considered with or without depth. However, after considering the data set pairs, a probabilistic approach has also been presented to develop a correlation using a quantile-quantile (Q-Q) plot. A comparison has also been made with the well known published correlations (for all soils) available in the literature. The present correlations closely agree with the other equations, but, comparatively, the correlation of shear wave velocity with the variation of depth and uncorrected SPT-N values provides a more suitable predicting model. Also the Q-Q plot agrees with all the other equations. In the absence of in situ measurements, the present correlations could be used to measure V (s) profiles of the study area for site response studies.


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The present discussion tries to bring out the importance of clay mineralogical composition of fine-grained soils on their liquid limit behaviour. It reinforces the author's observation that the undrained shear strengths at liquid limit water content and at plastic limit water content are not unique.


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First-principles density functional theory has been used to evaluate the shear and cleavage strength in terms of Griffith work and generalized stacking fault energy (GSF) of (001) plane for gamma, gamma' and gamma-gamma' system as a function of distance from the gamma/gamma' interface. Calculation of Griffith work suggests higher cleavage energy for bulk gamma as compared to gamma' while the GSF calculation suggests higher shear strength for bulk gamma' as compared to gamma. It has been found that the shear strength of the cubic plane of the gamma/gamma' interface is marginally lower than those of bulk gamma and gamma' phases. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of the present work is to understand the vertical electric field stimulation of the bacterial cells, when grown on amorphous carbon substrates in vitro. In particular, the antibacterial activity against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli are studied using MTTassay, live/dead assay and inner membrane permeabilization assays. In our experiments, the carbon substrate acts as one electrode and the counter electrode is positioned outside the culture medium, thus suppressing the current, electrokinetic motions and chemical reactions. Guided by similar experiments conducted in our group on neuroblastoma cells, the present experimental results further establish the interdependence of field strength and exposure duration towards bacterial growth inactivation in vitro. Importantly, significant reduction in bacterial viability was recorded at the 2.5 V/cm electric field stimulation conditions, which does not reduce the neural cell viability to any significant extent on an identical substrate. Following electrical stimulation, the bacterial growth is significantly inhibited for S. aureus bacterial strain in an exposure time dependent manner. In summary, our experiments establish the effectiveness of the vertical electric field towards bacterial growth inactivation on amorphous carbon substrates, which is a cell type dependent phenomenon (Gram-positive vs. Gram-negative). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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High wind poses a number of hazards in different areas such as structural safety, aviation, and wind energy-where low wind speed is also a concern, pollutant transport, to name a few. Therefore, usage of a good prediction tool for wind speed is necessary in these areas. Like many other natural processes, behavior of wind is also associated with considerable uncertainties stemming from different sources. Therefore, to develop a reliable prediction tool for wind speed, these uncertainties should be taken into account. In this work, we propose a probabilistic framework for prediction of wind speed from measured spatio-temporal data. The framework is based on decompositions of spatio-temporal covariance and simulation using these decompositions. A novel simulation method based on a tensor decomposition is used here in this context. The proposed framework is composed of a set of four modules, and the modules have flexibility to accommodate further modifications. This framework is applied on measured data on wind speed in Ireland. Both short-and long-term predictions are addressed.


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The present study combines field and satellite observations to investigate how hydrographical transformations influence phytoplankton size structure in the southern Bay of Bengal during the peak Southwest Monsoon/Summer Monsoon (July-August). The intrusion of the Summer Monsoon Current (SMC) into the Bay of Bengal and associated changes in sea surface chemistry, traceable eastward up to 90 degrees E along 8 degrees N, seems to influence biology of the region significantly. Both in situ and satellite (MODIS) data revealed low surface chlorophyll except in the area influenced by the SMC During the study period, two well-developed cydonic eddies (north) and an anti-cyclonic eddy (south), closely linked to the main eastward flow of the SMC, were sampled. Considering the capping effect of the low-saline surface water that is characteristic of the Bay of Bengal, the impact of the cyclonic eddy, estimated in terms of enhanced nutrients and chlorophyll, was mostly restricted to the subsurface waters (below 20 m depth). Conversely, the anti-cyclonic eddy aided by the SMC was characterized by considerably higher nutrient concentration and chlorophyll in the upper water column (upper 60 m), which was contrary to the general characteristic of such eddies. Albeit smaller phytoplankton predominated the southern Bay of Bengal (60-95% of the total chlorophyll), the contribution of large phytoplankton was double in the regions influenced by the SMC and associated eddies. Multivariate analysis revealed the extent to which SMC-associated eddies spatially influence phytoplankton community structure. The study presents the first direct quantification of the size structure of phytoplankton from the southern Bay of Bengal and demonstrates that the SMC-associated hydrographical ramifications significantly increase the phytoplankton biomass contributed by larger phytoplankton and thereby influence the vertical opal and organic carbon flux in the region. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Combustion instabilities can cause serious problems which limit the operating envelope of low-emission lean premixed combustion systems. Predicting the onset of combustion instability requires a description of the unsteady heat release driving the instability, i.e., the heat release response transfer function of the system. This study focuses on the analysis of fully coupled two-way interactions between a disturbance field and a laminar premixed flame that incorporates gas expansion effects by solving the conservation equations of a compressible fluid. Results of the minimum and maximum flame front deflections are presented to underline the impact of the hydrodynamic instability on the flame and the shear layer effect on the initial flame front wrinkling which is increased at decreasing gas expansion. These phenomena influence the magnitude of the burning area and burning area rate response of the flame at lower frequency excitation more drastically than reduced-order model (ROM) predictions even for low temperature ratios. It is shown that the general trend of the flame response magnitudes can be well captured at higher frequency excitation, where stretch effects are dominant. The phase response is influenced by the DL mechanism, which cannot be captured by the ROM, and by the resulting discrepancy in the flame pocket formation and annihilation process at the flame tip. (C) 2014 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved,


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The linear stability analysis of a plane Couette flow of an Oldroyd-B viscoelastic fluid past a flexible solid medium is carried out to investigate the role of polymer addition in the stability behavior. The system consists of a viscoelastic fluid layer of thickness R, density rho, viscosity eta, relaxation time lambda, and retardation time beta lambda flowing past a linear elastic solid medium of thickness HR, density rho, and shear modulus G. The emphasis is on the high-Reynolds-number wall-mode instability, which has recently been shown in experiments to destabilize the laminar flow of Newtonian fluids in soft-walled tubes and channels at a significantly lower Reynolds number than that for flows in rigid conduits. For Newtonian fluids, the linear stability studies have shown that the wall modes become unstable when flow Reynolds number exceeds a certain critical value Re c which scales as Sigma(3/4), where Reynolds number Re = rho VR/eta, V is the top-plate velocity, and dimensionless parameter Sigma = rho GR(2)/eta(2) characterizes the fluid-solid system. For high-Reynolds-number flow, the addition of polymer tends to decrease the critical Reynolds number in comparison to that for the Newtonian fluid, indicating a destabilizing role for fluid viscoelasticity. Numerical calculations show that the critical Reynolds number could be decreased by up to a factor of 10 by the addition of small amount of polymer. The critical Reynolds number follows the same scaling Re-c similar to Sigma(3/4) as the wall modes for a Newtonian fluid for very high Reynolds number. However, for moderate Reynolds number, there exists a narrow region in beta-H parametric space, corresponding to very dilute polymer solution (0.9 less than or similar to beta < 1) and thin solids (H less than or similar to 1.1), in which the addition of polymer tends to increase the critical Reynolds number in comparison to the Newtonian fluid. Thus, Reynolds number and polymer properties can be tailored to either increase or decrease the critical Reynolds number for unstable modes, thus providing an additional degree of control over the laminar-turbulent transition.


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We investigated the site response characteristics of Kachchh rift basin over the meizoseismal area of the 2001, Mw 7.6, Bhuj (NW India) earthquake using the spectral ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of ambient vibrations. Using the available knowledge on the regional geology of Kachchh and well documented ground responses from the earthquake, we evaluated the H/V curves pattern across sediment filled valleys and uplifted areas generally characterized by weathered sandstones. Although our HIV curves showed a largely fuzzy nature, we found that the hierarchical clustering method was useful for comparing large numbers of response curves and identifying the areas with similar responses. Broad and plateau shaped peaks of a cluster of curves within the valley region suggests the possibility of basin effects within valley. Fundamental resonance frequencies (f(0)) are found in the narrow range of 0.1-2.3 Hz and their spatial distribution demarcated the uplifted regions from the valleys. In contrary, low HIV peak amplitudes (A(0) = 2-4) were observed on the uplifted areas and varying values (2-9) were found within valleys. Compared to the amplification factors, the liquefaction indices (kg) were able to effectively indicate the areas which experienced severe liquefaction. The amplification ranges obtained in the current study were found to be comparable to those obtained from earthquake data for a limited number of seismic stations located on uplifted areas; however the values on the valley region may not reflect their true amplification potential due to basin effects. Our study highlights the practical usefulness as well as limitations of the HIV method to study complex geological settings as Kachchh. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Results from interface shear tests on sand-geosynthetic interfaces are examined in light of surface roughness of the interacting geosynthetic material. Three different types of interface shear tests carried out in the frame of direct shear-test setup are compared to understand the effect of parameters like box fixity and symmetry on the interface shear characteristics. Formation of shear bands close to the interface is visualized in the tests and the bands are analyzed using image-segmentation techniques in MATLAB. A woven geotextile with moderate roughness and a geomembrane with minimal roughness are used in the tests. The effect of surface roughness of the geosynthetic material on the formation of shear bands, movement of sand particles, and interface shear parameters are studied and compared through visual observations, image analyses, and image-segmentation techniques.


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Strength and stiffness properties of municipal solid waste (MSW) are important in landfill design. This paper presents the results of comprehensive testing of shear strength properties of mechanically biologically treated municipal solid waste (MBT-MSW) in laboratory. Changes in shear strength of MSW as a function of unit weight and particle size were investigated by performing laboratory studies on the MSW collected from Mavallipura landfill site in Bangalore. Direct shear tests, small scale and large scale consolidated undrained and drained triaxial tests were conducted on reconstituted compost reject MSW samples. The triaxial test results showed that the MSW samples exhibited a strain-hardening behaviour and the strength of MSW increased with increase in unit weight. Consolidated drained tests showed that the mobilized shear strength of the MSW increased by 40% for a unit weight increase from 7.3 kN/m(3) to 10.3 kN/m(3) at 20% strain levels. The mobilized cohesion and friction angle ranged from 5 to 9 kPa and 8 degrees to 33 degrees corresponding to a strain level of 20%. The consolidated undrained tests exhibited reduced friction angle values compared to the consolidated drained tests. The friction angle increased with increase in the unit weight from 8 degrees to 55 degrees in the consolidated undrained tests. Minor variations were found in the cohesion values. Relationships for strength and stiffness of MSW in terms of strength and stiffness ratios are developed and discussed. The stiffness ratio and the strength ratio of MSW were found to be 10 and 0.43. (c) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.