925 resultados para Verstak, Tania
We apply Stochastic Dynamics method for a differential equations model, proposed by Marc Lipsitch and collaborators (Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 260, 321, 1995), for which the transmission dynamics of parasites occurs from a parent to its offspring (vertical transmission), and by contact with infected host (horizontal transmission). Herpes, Hepatitis and AIDS are examples of diseases for which both horizontal and vertical transmission occur simultaneously during the virus spreading. Understanding the role of each type of transmission in the infection prevalence on a susceptible host population may provide some information about the factors that contribute for the eradication and/or control of those diseases. We present a pair mean-field approximation obtained from the master equation of the model. The pair approximation is formed by the differential equations of the susceptible and infected population densities and the differential equations of pairs that contribute to the former ones. In terms of the model parameters, we obtain the conditions that lead to the disease eradication, and set up the phase diagram based on the local stability analysis of fixed points. We also perform Monte Carlo simulations of the model on complete graphs and Erdös-Rényi graphs in order to investigate the influence of population size and neighborhood on the previous mean-field results; by this way, we also expect to evaluate the contribution of vertical and horizontal transmission on the elimination of parasite. Pair Approximation for a Model of Vertical and Horizontal Transmission of Parasites.
Drug dependence is a major health problem in adults and has been recognized as a significant problem in adolescents. We previously demonstrated that repeated treatment with a behaviorally sensitizing dose of ethanol in adult mice induced tolerance or no sensitization in adolescents and that repeated ethanol-treated adolescents expressed lower Fos and Egr-1 expression than adult mice in the prefrontal cortex (PFC). In the present work, we investigated the effects of acute and repeated ethanol administration on cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response element-binding protein (CREB) DNA-binding activity using the electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) and the phosphorylated CREB (pCREB)/CREB ratio using immunoblotting in both the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent and adult mice. Adult mice exhibited typical locomotor sensitization after 15 days of daily treatment with 2.0 g/kg ethanol, whereas adolescent mice did not exhibit sensitization. Overall, adolescent mice displayed lower CREB binding activity in the PFC compared with adult mice, whereas opposite effects were observed in the hippocampus. The present results indicate that ethanol exposure induces significant and differential neuroadaptive changes in CREB DNA-binding activity in the PFC and hippocampus in adolescent mice compared with adult mice. These differential molecular changes may contribute to the blunted ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization observed in adolescent mice.
Adolescence has been linked to greater risk-taking and novelty-seeking behavior and a higher prevalence of drug abuse and risk of relapse. Decreases in cyclic adenosine monophosphate response element binding protein (CREB) and phosphorylated CREB (pCREB) have been reported after repeated cocaine administration in animal models. We compared the behavioral effects of cocaine and abstinence in adolescent and adult mice and investigated possible age-related differences in CREB and pCREB levels. Adolescent and adult male Swiss mice received one daily injection of saline or cocaine (10 mg/kg, i.p.) for 8 days. On day 9, the mice received a saline injection to evaluate possible environmental conditioning. After 9 days of withdrawal, the mice were tested in the elevated plus maze to evaluate anxiety-like behavior. Twelve days after the last saline/cocaine injection, the mice received a challenge injection of either cocaine or saline, and locomotor activity was assessed. One hour after the last injection, the brains were extracted, and CREB and pCREB levels were evaluated using Western blot in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. The cocaine-pretreated mice during adolescence exhibited a greater magnitude of the expression of behavioral sensitization and greater cocaine withdrawal-induced anxiety-like behavior compared with the control group. Significant increases in CREB levels in the PFC and hippocampus and pCREB in the hippocampus were observed in cocaine-abstinent animals compared with the animals treated with cocaine in adulthood. Interestingly, significant negative correlations were observed between cocaine sensitization and CREB levels in both regions. These results suggest that the behavioral and neurochemical consequences of psychoactive substances in a still-developing nervous system can be more severe than in an already mature nervous system
Over the last few years, low-level light therapy (LLLT) has shown an incredible suitability for a wide range of applications for central nervous system (CNS) related diseases. In this therapeutic modality light dosimetry is extremely critical so the study of light propagation through the CNS organs is of great importance. To better understand how light intensity is delivered to the most relevant neural sites we evaluated optical transmission through slices of rat brain point by point. We experimented red (λ = 660 nm) and near infrared (λ = 808 nm) diode laser light analyzing the light penetration and distribution in the whole brain. A fresh Wistar rat (Rattus novergicus) brain was cut in sagittal slices and illuminated with a broad light beam. A high-resolution digital camera was employed to acquire data of transmitted light. Spatial profiles of the light transmitted through the sample were obtained from the images. Peaks and valleys in the profiles show sites where light was less or more attenuated. The peak intensities provide information about total attenuation and the peak widths are correlated to the scattering coefficient at that individual portion of the sample. The outcomes of this study provide remarkable information for LLLT dose-dependent studies involving CNS and highlight the importance of LLLT dosimetry in CNS organs for large range of applications in animal and human diseases.
Insect storage proteins accumulate at high levels during larval development of holometabolous insects. During metamorphosis they are degraded, supplying energy and amino acids for the completion of adult development. The genome of Culex quinquefasciatus contains eleven storage protein-coding genes. Their transcripts are more abundant in larvae than in pupae and in adults. In fact, only four of these genes are transcribed in adults, two of which in blood-fed adult females but not in adult males. Transcripts corresponding to all Cx. quinquefasciatus storage proteins were detected by RT-PCR, while mass spectrometric analysis of larval and pupal proteins identified all storage proteins with the exception of one encoded by Cq LSP1.8. Our results indicate that the identified Cx. quinquefasciatus storage protein-coding genes are candidates for identifying regulatory sequences for the development of molecular tools for vector control
Máster en Oceanografía
Directora: Ángeles Mateo del Pino. Programa de doctorado: Estudios lingüísticos y literarios en sus contextos socioculturales (DELLCOS)
Doctorado en Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria. Instituto Universitario de Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria.
Although bacteria represent the simplest form of life on Earth, they have a great impact on all living beings. For example the degrader bacterium Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 is used in bioremediation procedures for the recovery of polluted sites. Indeed, KF707 strain is know for its ability to degrade biphenyl and polychlorinated biphenyls - to which is chemotactically attracted - and to tolerate the oxydative stress due to toxic metal oxyanions such as tellurite and selenite. Moreover, in bioremediation processes, target compounds can be easily accessible to KF707 through biofilm formation. All these considerations suggest that KF707 is such a unique microorganism and this Thesis work has been focused on determining the molecular nature of some of the peculiar physiological traits of this strain. The genome project provided a large set of informations: putative genes involved in the degradation of aromatic and toxic compounds and associated to stress response were identified. Notably, multiple chemotactic operons and cheA genes were also found. Deleted mutants in the cheA genes were constructed and their role in motility, chemotaxis and biofilm formation were assessed and compared to those previously attributed to a cheA1 gene in a KF707 mutant constructed by a mini-Tn5 transposon insertion and which was impaired in motility and biofilm development. The results of this present Thesis work, taken together, were interpreted to suggest that in Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 strain, multiple factors are involved in these networks and they might play different roles depending on the environmental conditions. The ability of KF707 strain to produce signal molecules possibly involved in cell-to-cell communication, was also investigated: lack of a lux-like QS system - which is conversely widely present in Gram negative bacteria – keeps open the question about the actual molecular nature of KF707 quorum sensing mechanism.
Negli ultimi anni, l’introduzione di tipologie alternative di dettato ha permesso di superare il dettato tradizionale, un esercizio che opprimeva gli studenti, angosciati dal timore dell’errore, segno indelebile che sanziona la mancata acquisizione di una regola ortografica, e scoraggiati a migliorare per l’inappropriata constatazione di colpevolezza, e che, in quanto tale, rischiava di essere eliminato dall'istituzione scolastica. Le nuove tipologie di dettato, contraddistinte da specifiche finalità e caratterizzate da modalità innovative, consentono, infatti, di rivalutare questo esercizio: da mero strumento di valutazione, diviene un pratico momento di apprendimento. L’errore non è più considerato come il marchio che, agli occhi dell’insegnante, contrassegna in modo permanente l’alunno. La nozione di positività che si associa all'errore riconosce lo sforzo compiuto dall'alunno nel ricorrere alle conoscenze linguistiche in suo possesso poiché, seppure il suo ragionamento non abbia portato a scegliere la forma ortografica corretta, l’attività mentale, che implicitamente ha voluto creare una connessione logica tra aspetti linguistici distinti, testimonia che lo studio della lingua non è e non richiede unicamente un ingente lavoro di memorizzazione, diversamente da ciò che si è sempre creduto. L’insegnante è dunque chiamato ad affiancare lo studente guidandolo nell'analisi dei singoli passaggi del suo ragionamento per indicare come dovrà risolvere il problema, in una futura occorrenza di quella espressione, e arrivare così ad automatizzare le conoscenze linguistiche. Inoltre, la recente valorizzazione del dettato ha attribuito altri pregi a questo insegnamento, quali l'acquisizione essenziale del rigore, della fiducia in se stessi e della modestia.
La realizzazione di cinque sezioni stratigrafiche nel territorio padano, orientate SSW-NNE e con profondità di circa 200 m, ha consentito lo studio della successione sedimentaria tardo-quaternaria della Pianura Padana centrale e dei suoi acquiferi, in particolare quelli più superficiali. La ricostruzione, ottenuta utilizzando le stratigrafie di pozzi per acqua fornite dall’archivio del Servizio Geologico, Sismico e dei Suoli di Regione Emilia-romagna, ha permesso di evidenziare una ciclicità deposizionale del 4° ordine, controllata da fattori glacio-eustatici. Grazie al riconoscimento di cicli trasgressivo-regressivi sono stati individuati cinque subsintemi corrispondenti ad altrettanti complessi acquiferi. La ricostruzione di pattern ciclici all’interno del Bacino Padano ha permesso la ricostruzione geometrica dei corpi sedimentari di channel-belt del Fiume Po, spessi corpi sabbiosi confinati da materiale impermeabile in cui sono contenute le falde acquifere. Alle informazioni stratigrafiche e litologiche si è unito lo studio delle caratteristiche idrochimiche ed isotopiche degli acquiferi, in modo tale da ottenere una chiave di lettura integrata dei depositi padani. Basandosi sulle diverse caratteristiche isotopiche delle acque è possibile risalire alla provenienza delle acque negli acquiferi. In questo modo si ottengono informazioni circa le modalità di ricarica dell'acquifero e la sorgente della ricarica. Un'applicazione secondaria di questo metodo è la verifica della vulnerabilità degli acquiferi padani. Lo studio delle facies idrochimiche è stato sovrapposto a quello dei valori isotopici delle acque, con l'obiettivo di definire una correlazione tra i due fattori chimici all’interno degli acquiferi. L'obiettivo di questa correlazione è quello di identificare la provenienza di un'acqua di ricarica senza la necessità di dati di natura isotopica.
Il disegno del verde acquisisce un ruolo imprescindibile nell’intera area soggetta a studio. Se in prossimità delle zone edificate di progetto esso assume una dialettica propria, derivata dallo studio dei tracciati urbani sopra citati, in adiacenza di Via Carlo Tosi, prospiciente all’ospedale San Carlo, va ad assumere un carattere affine alla griglia ortogonale sopra descritta, rispondendo non più alle giaciture del costruito esistente ma all’inclinazione dei campi risalenti al 1878, epoca a cui corrisponde la carta di Manovra.
Patients with GH deficiency (GHD) are insulin resistant with an increase in visceral fat mass (FM). Whether this holds true when sedentary control subjects (CS) are matched for waist has not been documented. GH replacement therapy (GHRT) results in a decrease in FM. Whether the decrease in FM is mainly related to a reduction in visceral FM remains to be proven. The aim was to separately assess visceral and subcutaneous FM in relation to insulin resistance (IR) in GHD patients before and after GHRT and in sedentary CS.
High protein diets have been shown to improve hepatic steatosis in rodent models and in high-fat fed humans. We therefore evaluated the effects of a protein supplementation on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and fasting plasma triglycerides in obese non diabetic women.