947 resultados para Vascular Remodeling
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a type of therapy used primarily for analgesia, but also presents changes in the cardiovascular system responses; its effects are dependent upon application parameters. Alterations to the cardiovascular system suggest that TENS may modify venous vascular response. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of TENS at different frequencies (10 and 100 Hz) on venous vascular reactivity in healthy subjects. Twenty-nine healthy male volunteers were randomized into three groups: placebo (n=10), low-frequency TENS (10 Hz, n=9) and high-frequency TENS (100 Hz, n=10). TENS was applied for 30 min in the nervous plexus trajectory from the superior member (from cervical to dorsal region of the fist) at low (10 Hz/200 μs) and high frequency (100 Hz/200 μs) with its intensity adjusted below the motor threshold and intensified every 5 min, intending to avoid accommodation. Venous vascular reactivity in response to phenylephrine, acetylcholine (endothelium-dependent) and sodium nitroprusside (endothelium-independent) was assessed by the dorsal hand vein technique. The phenylephrine effective dose to achieve 70% vasoconstriction was reduced 53% (P<0.01) using low-frequency TENS (10 Hz), while in high-frequency stimulation (100 Hz), a 47% increased dose was needed (P<0.01). The endothelium-dependent (acetylcholine) and independent (sodium nitroprusside) responses were not modified by TENS, which modifies venous responsiveness, and increases the low-frequency sensitivity of α1-adrenergic receptors and shows high-frequency opposite effects. These changes represent an important vascular effect caused by TENS with implications for hemodynamics, inflammation and analgesia.
O-GlcNAcylation is a modification that alters the function of numerous proteins. We hypothesized that augmented O-GlcNAcylation levels enhance myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) and reduce myosin light chain phosphatase (MLCP) activity, leading to increased vascular contractile responsiveness. The vascular responses were measured by isometric force displacement. Thoracic aorta and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rats were incubated with vehicle or with PugNAc, which increases O-GlcNAcylation. In addition, we determined whether proteins that play an important role in the regulation of MLCK and MLCP activity are directly affected by O-GlcNAcylation. PugNAc enhanced phenylephrine (PE) responses in rat aortas (maximal effect, 14.2±2 vs 7.9±1 mN for vehicle, n=7). Treatment with an MLCP inhibitor (calyculin A) augmented vascular responses to PE (13.4±2 mN) and abolished the differences in PE-response between the groups. The effect of PugNAc was not observed when vessels were preincubated with ML-9, an MLCK inhibitor (7.3±2 vs 7.5±2 mN for vehicle, n=5). Furthermore, our data showed that differences in the PE-induced contractile response between the groups were abolished by the activator of AMP-activated protein kinase (AICAR; 6.1±2 vs 7.4±2 mN for vehicle, n=5). PugNAc increased phosphorylation of myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT-1) and protein kinase C-potentiated inhibitor protein of 17 kDa (CPI-17), which are involved in RhoA/Rho-kinase-mediated inhibition of myosin phosphatase activity. PugNAc incubation produced a time-dependent increase in vascular phosphorylation of myosin light chain and decreased phosphorylation levels of AMP-activated protein kinase, which decreased the affinity of MLCK for Ca2+/calmodulin. Our data suggest that proteins that play an important role in the regulation of MLCK and MLCP activity are directly affected by O-GlcNAcylation, favoring vascular contraction.
Angiotensin II is a key player in the pathogenesis of renovascular hypertension, a condition associated with endothelial dysfunction. We investigated aliskiren (ALSK) and L-arginine treatment both alone and in combination on blood pressure (BP), and vascular reactivity in aortic rings. Hypertension was induced in 40 male Wistar rats by clipping the left renal artery. Animals were divided into Sham, 2-kidney, 1-clip (2K1C) hypertension, 2K1C+ALSK (ALSK), 2K1C+L-arginine (L-arg), and 2K1C+ALSK+L-arginine (ALSK+L-arg) treatment groups. For 4 weeks, BP was monitored and endothelium-dependent and independent vasoconstriction and relaxation were assessed in aortic rings. ALSK+L-arg reduced BP and the contractile response to phenylephrine and improved acetylcholine relaxation. Endothelium removal and incubation with N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) increased the response to phenylephrine in all groups, but the effect was greater in the ALSK+L-arg group. Losartan reduced the contractile response in all groups, apocynin reduced the contractile response in the 2K1C, ALSK and ALSK+L-arg groups, and incubation with superoxide dismutase reduced the phenylephrine response in the 2K1C and ALSK groups. eNOS expression increased in the 2K1C and L-arg groups, and iNOS was increased significantly only in the 2K1C group compared with other groups. AT1 expression increased in the 2K1C compared with the Sham, ALSK and ALSK+L-arg groups, AT2 expression increased in the ALSK+L-arg group compared with the Sham and L-arg groups, and gp91phox decreased in the ALSK+L-arg group compared with the 2K1C and ALSK groups. In conclusion, combined ALSK+L-arg was effective in reducing BP and preventing endothelial dysfunction in aortic rings of 2K1C hypertensive rats. The responsible mechanisms appear to be related to the modulation of the local renin-angiotensin system, which is associated with a reduction in endothelial oxidative stress.
The present study aimed to study the effects of exercise training (ET) performed by rats on a 10-week high-fructose diet on metabolic, hemodynamic, and autonomic changes, as well as intraocular pressure (IOP). Male Wistar rats receiving fructose overload in drinking water (100 g/L) were concomitantly trained on a treadmill for 10 weeks (FT group) or kept sedentary (F group), and a control group (C) was kept in normal laboratory conditions. The metabolic evaluation comprised the Lee index, glycemia, and insulin tolerance test (KITT). Arterial pressure (AP) was measured directly, and systolic AP variability was performed to determine peripheral autonomic modulation. ET attenuated impaired metabolic parameters, AP, IOP, and ocular perfusion pressure (OPP) induced by fructose overload (FT vs F). The increase in peripheral sympathetic modulation in F rats, demonstrated by systolic AP variance and low frequency (LF) band (F: 37±2, 6.6±0.3 vs C: 26±3, 3.6±0.5 mmHg2), was prevented by ET (FT: 29±3, 3.4±0.7 mmHg2). Positive correlations were found between the LF band and right IOP (r=0.57, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=0.64, P=0.003). Negative correlations were noted between KITT values and right IOP (r=-0.55, P=0.01) and left IOP (r=-0.62, P=0.005). ET in rats effectively prevented metabolic abnormalities and AP and IOP increases promoted by a high-fructose diet. In addition, ocular benefits triggered by exercise training were associated with peripheral autonomic improvement.
Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are thought to play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). However, it is not understood if inflammatory lymphangiogenesis is a pathological consequence or a productive attempt to resolve the inflammation. This study investigated the effect of lymphangiogenesis on intestinal inflammation by overexpressing a lymphangiogenesis factor, vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C), in a mouse model of acute colitis. Forty eight-week-old female C57BL/6 mice were treated with recombinant adenovirus overexpressing VEGF-C or with recombinant VEGF-C156S protein. Acute colitis was then established by exposing the mice to 5% dextran sodium sulfate (DSS) for 7 days. Mice were evaluated for disease activity index (DAI), colonic inflammatory changes, colon edema, microvessel density, lymphatic vessel density (LVD), and VEGFR-3mRNA expression in colon tissue. When acute colitis was induced in mice overexpressing VEGF-C, there was a significant increase in colonic epithelial damage, inflammatory edema, microvessel density, and neutrophil infiltration compared to control mice. These mice also exhibited increased lymphatic vessel density (73.0±3.9 vs 38.2±1.9, P<0.001) and lymphatic vessel size (1974.6±104.3 vs 1639.0±91.5, P<0.001) compared to control mice. Additionally, the expression of VEGFR-3 mRNA was significantly upregulated in VEGF-C156S mice compared to DSS-treated mice after induction of colitis (42.0±1.4 vs 3.5±0.4, P<0.001). Stimulation of lymphangiogenesis by VEGF-C during acute colitis promoted inflammatory lymphangiogenesis in the colon and aggravated intestinal inflammation. Inflammatory lymphangiogenesis may have pleiotropic effects at different stages of IBD.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a novel intracoronary imaging application for the assessment of native lesions and coronary stents. The purpose of this thesis was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of frequency-domain OCT (FD-OCT) based on experiences of the Satakunta Central Hospital (I). Early vascular healing was evaluated after implantation of endothelial progenitor cell capturing (II) and bio-active titanium-nitride-oxide coated stents (III) in two studies, each with 20 patients. Vascular healing was also compared after implantation of bio-active and everolimus-eluting stents on 28 patients after 9-month follow-up (IV). Long-term vascular healing of bio-active and paclitaxel-eluting stents was assessed in the last study with 18 patients (V). The results indicate that FD-OCT is safe and feasible (I). Both bio-active and endothelial progenitor cell capturing stents showed near-complete endothelialisation after one-month follow-up, which is desirable when prolonged dual anti-platelet therapy needs to be avoided after stenting (II and III). Endothelialisation of bio-active stents showed a predictable pattern at mid-term and long-term follow up (IV and V). Endothelialisation of everolimus-eluting stents was not complete at 9 months follow-up, which may suggest that interruption of dual antiplatelet therapy at this time point may not be safe (IV). Finally, delayed vascular healing may be present in patients treated with paclitaxel-eluting stents as long as 4 years from implantation, which reinforces the previously raised concerns on the long-term safety of this device (V).
INTRODUÇÃO: Pouco se conhece sobre a evolução de pacientes que iniciam DP como única alternativa. OBJETIVOS: Descrever o perfil clínico-demográfico e a ocorrência de peritonite em uma amostra de pacientes convertidos de HD para DP por exaustão de acesso vascular. MÉTODOS: Revisão dos prontuários de todos os pacientes do programa de DP do HGRS. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 22 pacientes com idade mediana de 47,9 anos, 54,5% de homens, 84,2% de negros ou mulatos, 68,2% procedentes do interior da Bahia. DP foi a modalidade inicial de TRS em apenas quatro pacientes. Os 18 pacientes restantes iniciaram TRS através de HD; neste grupo, predominou o início de HD de forma emergencial e através de cateter duplo-lúmen (CDL). Em uma mediana de 7,7 meses em HD, a maioria dos pacientes (64,7%) usou mais de quatro CDL. Em apenas 7/18 (39%) pacientes, a conversão de HD para DP foi feita por escolha do paciente; na maioria dos casos, 11/18 (61%), o motivo de conversão foi exaustão de acesso vascular para HD. Peritonite foi mais frequente nos pacientes que entraram em HD por exaustão de acesso vascular que no restante do grupo. CONCLUSÕES: O início de TRS de forma emergencial através de HD utilizando CDL pode levar a uma rápida exaustão de acesso vascular, deixando a DP como única alternativa viável. Este modo inadequado de "seleção" de pacientes para DP está associado a maiores chances de ocorrência de peritonite.
INTRODUÇÃO: As intercorrências do acesso vascular têm sido a maior causa de internação entre os pacientes com estágio V da doença renal crônica (DRC) em hemodiálise (HD). Apesar de campanhas para a diminuição do uso de cateter venoso central (CVC) como via de acesso para HD, este ainda representa a principal via de acesso para crianças e adolescentes que iniciam HD. OBJETIVOS E MÉTODOS: Este estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar, por meio de um coorte retrospectivo, o tipo de acesso vascular inicial, a incidência de complicações dos acessos vasculares e as razões de falência dos acessos em crianças e adolescentes com idade entre 0 e 18 anos que iniciaram HD no período de 1997 a 2007. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 251 acessos em 61 pacientes, sendo 97 fístulas arteriovenosas (FAV) e 154 CVC de curta permanência. Dos pacientes do estudo 51 % iniciaram HD pelo CVC. A média de idade dos pacientes no início da HD foi de 12,5 anos. A doença de base predominante foi glomerulopatia (46%). A principal causa de retirada de CVC foi infecção, em 35%. A sobrevida média do CVC foi de 40 dias. A falência primária da FAV foi detectada em 37,8% das FAV confeccionadas. Para as FAV funcionantes, a principal causa de falência foi a trombose (84%). A infecção não foi a causa de nenhuma falência de FAV. Comparando-se os tipos de acesso, constatou-se risco de infecção 34 vezes maior para os pacientes em uso de CVC em relação aos em uso de FAV. CONCLUSÃO: A infecção foi a maior causa de retirada de CVC temporário. Esse estudo sugere que o CVC temporário deve ser evitado, e, sempre que possível, substituído por FAV ou CVC de longa permanência. A trombose foi a principal causa de perda da FAV, reforçando a importância de um programa para a detecção precoce da disfunção do acesso.
Pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) frequentemente apresentam calcificação vascular (CV) - um forte e independente fator preditor de risco cardiovascular. O grau da CV tem proporcionado maior valor prognóstico quando comparado a outros marcadores mais tradicionais de risco. Há muito interesse em aprimorar nosso conhecimento sobre os mecanismos, estabelecer métodos diagnósticos e desenvolver modalidades mais eficazes de prevenção e tratamento. Sabe-se que a anormalidade metabólica encontrada na DRC facilita a progressão da CV juntamente com alterações nas atividades dos inibidores da CV. Possíveis medidas para se evitar a CV incluem o controle do cálcio e fosfato séricos, assim como outros fatores envolvidos em sua progressão, incluindo ésteres da vitamina D, hormônio da paratireoide, fator 23 de crescimento de fibroblastos, klotho e inibidores da CV. Além disso, discutimos novas abordagens terapêuticas para interromper a progressão da CV e reverter sua ação. O principal objetivo dessa revisão é proporcionar uma atualização sobre a CV em pacientes com DRC, concentrando-se mais especificamente em sua fisiopatologia, diagnóstico, prevenção e tratamento.
Calcificações vasculares têm sido associadas aos distúrbios minerais e ósseos. As alterações nas concentrações séricas de cálcio e fosfato são fatores importantes implicados no processo da calcificação arterial na doença renal crônica. A patogênese da calcificação vascular é um mecanismo complexo e não completamente claro, podendo corresponder a um processo ativo de transformação celular e ossificação heterotópica. Além da hipercalcemia e hiperfosfatemia, estão envolvidos neste processo alterações no metabolismo de substâncias inibidoras e promotoras de calcificação como a fetuína A, osteopontina, osteoprotegerina e proteína de matriz gla. Para o diagnóstico da lesão arterial calcificada, estão disponíveis diversos métodos, um método de estimativa do risco cardiovascular baseado em radiografias simples de coluna lombar e outro método baseado em radiografias simples da pelve e das mãos. Apresentamos, a seguir, uma revisão abordando a relação entre calcificações vasculares e os distúrbios minerais.
AbstractWe observed a case of recombinant human erythropoietin resistance caused by Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia in a 40-year-old female with ESRD on hemodialysis. Some associated factors such as autoimmune disease, hemolysis, heart and liver disease were discarded on physical examination and complementary tests. The diagnosis is based on the clinical history and endoscopic appearance of watermelon stomach. The histologic findings are fibromuscular proliferation and capillary ectasia with microvascular thrombosis of the lamina propria. However, these histologic findings are not necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia is a serious condition and should be considered in ESRD patients on hemodialysis with anemia and resistance to recombinant human erythropoietin because GAVE is potentially curable with specific endoscopic treatment method or through surgical procedure.
AbstractWe observed a case of recombinant human erythropoietin resistance caused by Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia in a 40-year-old female with ESRD on hemodialysis. Some associated factors such as autoimmune disease, hemolysis, heart and liver disease were discarded on physical examination and complementary tests. The diagnosis is based on the clinical history and endoscopic appearance of watermelon stomach. The histologic findings are fibromuscular proliferation and capillary ectasia with microvascular thrombosis of the lamina propria. However, these histologic findings are not necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia is a serious condition and should be considered in ESRD patients on hemodialysis with anemia and resistance to recombinant human erythropoietin because GAVE is potentially curable with specific endoscopic treatment method or through surgical procedure.