968 resultados para V. amurensis complex


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS MW and RVD have been supported by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) via the Young Investigators Group CoSy-CC2 (grant no. 01LN1306A). JFD thanks the Stordalen Foundation and BMBF (project GLUES) for financial support. JK acknowledges the IRTG 1740 funded by DFG and FAPESP. MT Gastner is acknowledged for providing his data on the airline, interstate, and Internet network. P Menck thankfully provided his data on the Scandinavian power grid. We thank S Willner on behalf of the entire zeean team for providing the data on the world trade network. All computations have been performed using the Python package pyunicorn [41] that is available at https://github.com/pik-copan/pyunicorn.


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Acknowledgments This paper was developed within the scope of the IRTG 1740/TRP 2011/50151-0, funded by the DFG/FAPESP, and supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 14.Z50.31.0033 with the Institute of Applied Physics RAS). The first author thanks Dr Roman Ovsyannikov for valuable discussions regarding estimation of the mistake probability.


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Here we describe the in vitro reconstitution of photosystem I light-harvesting complexes with pigments and proteins (Lhca1 and Lhca4) obtained by overexpression of tomato Lhca genes in Escherichia coli. Using Lhca1 and Lhca4 individually for reconstitution results in monomeric pigment-proteins, whereas a combination thereof yields a dimeric complex. Interactions of the apoproteins is highly specific, as reconstitution of either of the two constituent proteins in combination with a light-harvesting protein of photosystem II does not result in dimerization. The reconstituted Lhca1/4, but not complexes obtained with either Lhca1 or Lhca4 alone, closely resembles the native LHCI-730 dimer from tomato leaves with regard to spectroscopic properties, pigment composition, and stoichiometry. Monomeric complexes of Lhca1 or Lhca4 possess lower pigment/protein ratios, indicating that interactions of the two subunits not only facilitates pigment reorganization but also recruitment of additional pigments. In addition to higher averages of chlorophyll a/b ratios in monomeric complexes than in LHCI-730, comparative fluorescence and CD spectra demonstrate that heterodimerization involves preferential ligation of more chlorophyll b.


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It is shown that restoration of photoinduced electron flow and O2 evolution with Mn2+ in Mn-depleted photosystem II (PSII) membrane fragments isolated from spinach chloroplasts is considerably increased with bicarbonate in the region pH 5.0–8.0 in bicarbonate-depleted medium. In buffered solutions equilibrated with the atmosphere (nondepleted of bicarbonate), the bicarbonate effect is observed only at pH lower than the pK of H2CO3 dissociation (6.4), which indicates that HCO3− is the essential species for the restoration effect. The addition of just 2 Mn2+ atoms per one PSII reaction center is enough for the maximal reactivation when bicarbonate is present in the medium. Analysis of bicarbonate concentration dependence of the restoration effect reveals two binding sites for bicarbonate with apparent dissociation constant (Kd) of ≈2.5 μM and 20–34 μM when 2,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone is used as electron acceptor, while in the presence of silicomolybdate only the latter one remains. Similar bicarbonate concentration dependence of O2 evolution was obtained in untreated Mn-containing PSII membrane fragments. It is suggested that the Kd of 20–34 μM is associated with the donor side of PSII while the location of the lower Kd binding site is not quite clear. The conclusion is made that bicarbonate is an essential constituent of the water-oxidizing complex of PSII, important for its assembly and maintenance in the functionally active state.


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F- and V-type ATPases are central enzymes in energy metabolism that couple synthesis or hydrolysis of ATP to the translocation of H+ or Na+ across biological membranes. They consist of a soluble headpiece that contains the catalytic sites and an integral membrane-bound part that conducts the ion flow. Energy coupling is thought to occur through the physical rotation of a stalk that connects the two parts of the enzyme complex. This mechanism implies that a stator-like structure prevents the rotation of the headpiece relative to the membrane-bound part. Such a structure has not been observed to date. Here, we report the projected structure of the V-type Na+-ATPase of Clostridium fervidus as determined by electron microscopy. Besides the central stalk, a second stalk of 130 â„« in length is observed that connects the headpiece and membrane-bound part in the periphery of the complex. This additional stalk is likely to be the stator.


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The interaction between v-SNAREs on transport vesicles and t-SNAREs on target membranes is required for membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells. Here we identify Vti1p as the first v-SNARE protein found to be required for biosynthetic traffic into the yeast vacuole, the equivalent of the mammalian lysosome. Certain vti1-ts yeast mutants are defective in alkaline phosphatase transport from the Golgi to the vacuole and in targeting of aminopeptidase I from the cytosol to the vacuole. VTI1 interacts genetically with the vacuolar t-SNARE VAM3, which is required for transport of both alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase I to the vacuole. The v-SNARE Nyv1p forms a SNARE complex with Vam3p in homotypic vacuolar fusion; however, we find that Nyv1p is not required for any of the three biosynthetic pathways to the vacuole. v-SNAREs were thought to ensure specificity in membrane traffic. However, Vti1p also functions in two additional membrane traffic pathways: Vti1p interacts with the t-SNAREs Pep12p in traffic from the TGN to the prevacuolar compartment and with Sed5p in retrograde traffic to the cis-Golgi. The ability of Vti1p to mediate multiple fusion steps requires additional proteins to ensure specificity in membrane traffic.


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The multipotential cytokine transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is secreted in a latent form. Latency results from the noncovalent association of TGF-β with its processed propeptide dimer, called the latency-associated peptide (LAP); the complex of the two proteins is termed the small latent complex. Disulfide bonding between LAP and latent TGF-β–binding protein (LTBP) produces the most common form of latent TGF-β, the large latent complex. The extracellular matrix (ECM) modulates the activity of TGF-β. LTBP and the LAP propeptides of TGF-β (isoforms 1 and 3), like many ECM proteins, contain the common integrin-binding sequence RGD. To increase our understanding of latent TGF-β function in the ECM, we determined whether latent TGF-β1 interacts with integrins. A549 cells adhered and spread on plastic coated with LAP, small latent complex, and large latent complex but not on LTBP-coated plastic. Adhesion was blocked by an RGD peptide, and cells were unable to attach to a mutant form of recombinant LAP lacking the RGD sequence. Adhesion was also blocked by mAbs to integrin subunits αv and β1. We purified LAP-binding integrins from extracts of A549 cells using LAP bound to Sepharose. α²1 eluted with EDTA. After purification in the presence of Mn2+, a small amount of α²5 was also detected. A549 cells migrated equally on fibronectin- and LAP-coated surfaces; migration on LAP was α²1 dependent. These results establish α²1 as a LAP-β1 receptor. Interactions between latent TGF-β and α²1 may localize latent TGF-β to the surface of specific cells and may allow the TGF-β1 gene product to initiate signals by both TGF-β receptor and integrin pathways.


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The docking and fusion of cargo-containing vesicles with target membranes of eukaryotic cells is mediated by the interaction of SNARE proteins present on both vesicle and target membranes. In many cases, the target membrane SNARE, or t-SNARE, exists as a complex of syntaxin with a member of the SNAP-25 family of palmitoylated proteins. We have identified a novel human kinase SNAK (SNARE kinase) that specifically phosphorylates the nonneuronal t-SNARE SNAP-23 in vivo. Interestingly, only SNAP-23 that is not assembled into t-SNARE complexes is phosphorylated by SNAK, and phosphorylated SNAP-23 resides exclusively in the cytosol. Coexpression with SNAK significantly enhances the stability of unassembled SNAP-23, and as a consequence, the assembly of newly synthesized SNAP-23 with syntaxin is augmented. These data demonstrate that phosphorylation of SNAP-23 by SNAK enhances the kinetics of t-SNARE assembly in vivo.


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The products of the recF, recO, and recR genes are thought to interact and assist RecA in the utilization of single-stranded DNA precomplexed with single-stranded DNA binding protein (Ssb) during synapsis. Using immunoprecipitation, size-exclusion chromatography, and Ssb protein affinity chromatography in the absence of any nucleotide cofactors, we have obtained the following results: (i) RecF interacts with RecO, (ii) RecF interacts with RecR in the presence of RecO to form a complex consisting of RecF, RecO, and RecR (RecF–RecO–RecR); (iii) RecF interacts with Ssb protein in the presence of RecO. These data suggested that RecO mediates the interactions of RecF protein with RecR and with Ssb proteins. Incubation of RecF, RecO, RecR, and Ssb proteins resulted in the formation of RecF–RecO–Ssb complexes; i.e., RecR was excluded. Preincubation of RecF, RecO, and RecR proteins prior to addition of Ssb protein resulted in the formation of complexes consisting of RecF, RecO, RecR, and Ssb proteins. These data suggest that one role of RecF is to stabilize the interaction of RecR with RecO in the presence of Ssb protein. Finally, we found that interactions of RecF with RecO are lost in the presence of ATP. We discuss these results to explain how the RecF–RecO–RecR complex functions as an anti-Ssb factor.


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We compared magnetoencephalographic responses for natural vowels and for sounds consisting of two pure tones that represent the two lowest formant frequencies of these vowels. Our aim was to determine whether spectral changes in successive stimuli are detected differently for speech and nonspeech sounds. The stimuli were presented in four blocks applying an oddball paradigm (20% deviants, 80% standards): (i) /α/ tokens as deviants vs. /i/ tokens as standards; (ii) /e/ vs. /i/; (iii) complex tones representing /α/ formants vs. /i/ formants; and (iv) complex tones representing /e/ formants vs. /i/ formants. Mismatch fields (MMFs) were calculated by subtracting the source waveform produced by standards from that produced by deviants. As expected, MMF amplitudes for the complex tones reflected acoustic deviation: the amplitudes were stronger for the complex tones representing /α/ than /e/ formants, i.e., when the spectral difference between standards and deviants was larger. In contrast, MMF amplitudes for the vowels were similar despite their different spectral composition, whereas the MMF onset time was longer for /e/ than for /α/. Thus the degree of spectral difference between standards and deviants was reflected by the MMF amplitude for the nonspeech sounds and by the MMF latency for the vowels.


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A protein engineering strategy based on efficient and focused mutagenesis implemented by codon-based mutagenesis was developed. Vitaxin, a humanized version of the antiangiogenic antibody LM609 directed against a conformational epitope of the α²3 integrin complex, was used as a model system. Specifically, focused mutagenesis was used in a stepwise fashion to rapidly improve the affinity of the antigen binding fragment by greater than 90-fold. In the complete absence of structural information about the Vitaxin-α²3 interaction, phage-expressed antibody libraries for all six Ig heavy and light chain complementarity-determining regions were expressed and screened by a quantitative assay to identify variants with improved binding to α²3. The Vitaxin variants in these libraries each contained a single mutation, and all 20 amino acids were introduced at each complementarity-determining region residue, resulting in the expression of 2,336 unique clones. Multiple clones displaying 2- to 13-fold improved affinity were identified. Subsequent expression and screening of a library of 256 combinatorial variants of the optimal mutations identified from the primary libraries resulted in the identification of multiple clones displaying greater than 50-fold enhanced affinity. These variants inhibited ligand binding to receptor more potently as demonstrated by inhibition of cell adhesion and ligand competition assays. Because of the limited mutagenesis and combinatorial approach, Vitaxin variants with enhanced affinity were identified rapidly and required the synthesis of only 2,592 unique variants. The use of such small focused libraries obviates the need for phage affinity selection approaches typically used, permitting the use of functional assays and the engineering of proteins expressed in mammalian cell culture.


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Glycoprotein (GP) V is a major substrate cleaved by the protease thrombin during thrombin-induced platelet activation. Previous analysis of platelets from GP V-null mice suggested a role for GP V as a negative modulator of platelet activation by thrombin. We now report the mechanism by which thrombin activates GP V −/− platelets. We show that proteolytically inactive forms of thrombin induce robust stimulatory responses in GP V null mouse platelets, via the platelet GP Ib–IX–V complex. Because proteolytically inactive thrombin can activate wild-type mouse and human platelets after treatment with thrombin to cleave GP V, this mechanism is involved in thrombin-induced platelet aggregation. Platelet activation through GP Ib–IX depends on ADP secretion, and specific inhibitors demonstrate that the recently cloned P2Y12 ADP receptor (Gi-coupled ADP receptor) is involved in this pathway, and that the P2Y1 receptor (Gq-coupled ADP receptor) may play a less significant role. Thrombosis was generated in GP V null mice only in response to catalytically inactive thrombin, whereas thrombosis occurred in both genotypes (wild type and GP V null) in response to active thrombin. These data support a thrombin receptor function for the platelet membrane GP Ib–IX–V complex, and describe a novel thrombin signaling mechanism involving an initiating proteolytic event followed by stimulation of the GP Ib–IX via thrombin acting as a ligand, resulting in platelet activation.


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A 14 nt DNA sequence 5′-AGAATGTGGCAAAG-3′ from the zinc finger repeat of the human KRAB zinc finger protein gene ZNF91 bearing the intercalator 2-methoxy,6-chloro,9-amino acridine (Acr) attached to the sugar–phosphate backbone in various positions has been shown to form a specific triple helix (triplex) with a 16 bp hairpin (intramolecular) or a two-stranded (intermolecular) duplex having the identical sequence in the same (parallel) orientation. Intramolecular targets with the identical sequence in the antiparallel orientation and a non-specific target sequence were tested as controls. Apparent binding constants for formation of the triplex were determined by quantitating electrophoretic band shifts. Binding of the single-stranded oligonucleotide probe sequence to the target led to an increase in the fluorescence anisotropy of acridine. The parallel orientation of the two identical sequence segments was confirmed by measurement of fluorescence resonance energy transfer between the acridine on the 5′-end of the probe strand as donor and BODIPY-Texas Red on the 3′-amino group of either strand of the target duplex as acceptor. There was full protection from OsO4-bipyridine modification of thymines in the probe strand of the triplex, in accordance with the presumed triplex formation, which excluded displacement of the homologous duplex strand by the probe–intercalator conjugate. The implications of these results for the existence of protein-independent parallel triplexes are discussed.


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The DAN/TIR mannoprotein genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (DAN1, DAN2, DAN3, DAN4, TIR1, TIR2, TIR3 and TIR4) are expressed in anaerobic cells while the predominant cell wall proteins Cwp1 and Cwp2 are down-regulated. Elements involved in activation and repression of the DAN/TIR genes were defined in this study, using the DAN1 promoter as a model. Nested deletions in a DAN1/lacZ reporter pinpointed regions carrying activation and repression elements. Inspection revealed two consensus sequences subsequently shown to be independent anaerobic response elements (AR1, consensus TCGTTYAG; AR2, consensus AAAAATTGTTGA). AR1 is found in all of the DAN/TIR promoters; AR2 is found in DAN1, DAN2 and DAN3. A 120 bp segment carrying two copies of AR1 preferentially activated transcription of lacZ under anaerobic conditions. A fusion of three synthetic copies of AR1 to MEL1 was also expressed anaerobically. Mutations in either AR1 site within the 120 bp segment caused a drastic loss of expression, indicating that both are necessary for activation and implying cooperativity between adjacent transcriptional activation complexes. A single AR2 site carried on a 46 bp fragment from the DAN1 promoter activated lacZ transcription under anaerobic conditions, as did a 26 bp synthetic AR2 fragment fused to MEL1. Nucleotide substitutions within the AR2 sequence eliminated the activity of the 46 bp segment. Ablation of the AR2 sequences in the full promoter caused a partial reduction of expression. The presence of the ATTGTT core (recognized by HMG proteins) in the AR2 sequence suggests that an HMG protein may activate through AR2. One region was implicated in aerobic repression of DAN1. It contains sites for the heme-induced Mot3 and Rox1 repressors.


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The accessory protein negative factor (Nef) from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is required for optimal viral infectivity and the progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Nef interacts with the endocytic machinery, resulting in the down-regulation of cluster of differentiation antigen 4 (CD4) and major histocompatibility complex class I (MHCI) molecules on the surface of infected cells. Mutations in the C-terminal flexible loop of Nef result in a lower rate of internalization by this viral protein. However, no loop-dependent binding of Nef to adaptor protein-2 (AP-2), which is the adaptor protein complex that is required for the internalization of proteins from the plasma membrane, could be demonstrated. In this study we investigated the relevance of different motifs in Nef from SIVmac239 for its internalization, CD4 down-regulation, binding to components of the trafficking machinery, and viral infectivity. Our data suggest that the binding of Nef to the catalytic subunit H of the vacuolar membrane ATPase (V-ATPase) facilitates its internalization. This binding depends on the integrity of the whole flexible loop. Subsequent studies on Nef mutant viruses revealed that the flexible loop is essential for optimal viral infectivity. Therefore, our data demonstrate how Nef contacts the endocytic machinery in the absence of its direct binding to AP-2 and suggest an important role for subunit H of the V-ATPase in viral infectivity.