961 resultados para US Occupation of Haiti
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
After realizing two interviews, with distinct managers/businessmen working in the cotton industry, the objective is to put in evidence the political, economical and social factors that contributed to the formation and configuration of the Mato Grosso state, after the trade liberalization that occurred in the early 90's, it's effects and consequences in the eyes of the interviewed. The study of public policies is primordial to the discovery of the configuration of determined place, evaluating advances and possible errors in the social, economical and environmental areas. Through the analysis of the interviews it has been found that the urban centers have been developing with a direct link to the industrial activities related to agriculture and that the labor work force have also been attracted because of these changes, and as a consequence this labor force is now becoming more specialized to be able to accompany the jobs requirements in the industry. Analyzing the interviews, it is possible to highlight some information about the development of Mato Grosso, among those the following factors and public policies. The creation and expansion of the cities in the state are possible through public and private investment in infrastructure the socioeconomic development of the state is linked with the advances made in the private sector that grows because of advances made in crops technology in contrast to the occupation of the cerrado, in relation to the cotton crops. The problems that Mato Grosso is facing are mainly linked to the region infrastructure, that can count on investment plans to transportation and production flow that dates before the globalization era. The pattern that is seen today with top of the line agricultural production, big monoculture with high productivity and the arrival of multinational giants, was implanted because of two important events: the trade liberalization in the 1990's and the cambial depreciation in the 1999's...
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study investigates the structures of layers of amphiphilic diblock copolymers of poly(t-butyl styrene)-poly- (styrene sulfonate) (PtBS-PSS) adsorbed on both the bare mica surface (hydrophilic) and an octadecyltriethoxysilane (OTE)-modified mica surface (hydrophobic). When the surface is rendered hydrophobic, the nonsoluble block exhibits stronger interaction with the surface and higher adsorbed masses are achieved. Interaction forces between two such adsorbed layers on both substrates were measured using the surface forces apparatus. The effect of salt concentration (Cs) and molecular weight (N) on the height of the self-assembled layers (L0) was examined in each case. The resulting scaling relationship is in good agreement with predictions of the brush model, L0 ∞ N1.0 in the low-salt limit and L0N-1 ∞ (Cs/σ)-0.32 in the salted regime, when adsorption takes place onto the hydrophobized mica surface. For adsorption on the bare mica surface, L0N-0.7 ∞ Cs -0.17 agrees with the scaling prediction of the sparse tethering model. The results suggest that, on the hydrophilic bare mica surface, the adsorbed amount is not high enough to form a brush structure and only very little intermolecular stretching of the tethered chains occurs; in contrast, the presence of the hydrophobic OTE layer increases the tethering density such that the polyelectrolyte chains adopt a brush conformation.
Anionic surface-initiated polymerization of ethylene oxide and styrene has been performed using multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) functionalized with anionic initiators. The surface of MWNTs was modified via covalent attachment of precursor anions such as 4-hydroxyethyl benzocyclobutene (BCBEO) and 1-benzocyclobutene-1′-phenylethylene (BCB-PE) through Diels-Alder cycloaddition at 235 °C. Surface-functionalized MWNTs-g-(BCB-EO) n and MWNTs-g-(BCB-PE) n with 23 and 54 wt % precursor initiators, respectively, were used for the polymerizations. Alkoxide anion on the surface of MWNTs-g-(BCB-EO) n was generated through reaction with potassium triphenylmethane for the polymerization of ethylene oxide in tetrahydrofuran and phenyl substituted alkyllithium was generated from the surface of MWNTs-g-(BCB-PE) n using sec-butyllithium for the polymerization of styrene in benzene. In both cases, the initiation was found to be very slow because of the heterogeneous reaction medium. However, the MWNTs gradually dispersed in the reaction medium during the polymerization. A pale green color was noticed in the case of ethylene oxide polymerization and the color of initiator as well as the propagating anions was not discernible visually in styrene polymerization. Polymer grafted nanocomposites, MWNTs-g-(BCB-PEO) n and MWNTs-g-(BCB-PS) n containing a very high percentage of hairy polymer with a small fraction of MWNTs (<1 wt %) were obtained. The conversion of ethylene oxide and the weight percent of PEO on the surface of the MWNTs increased with increasing reaction time indicating a controlled polymerization. The polymer-grafted MWNTs were characterized using FTIR, 1H NMR, Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Size exclusion chromatography of the polymer grafted MWNTs revealed broad molecular weight distributions (1.3 < Mw/Mn < 1.8) indicating the presence of different sizes of polymer nanocomposites. The TEM images showed the presence of thick layers of polymer up to 30 nm around the MWNTs. The living nature of the growing polystyryllithium was used to produce diblock copolymer grafts using sequential polymerization of isoprene on the surface of MWNTs.
Living anionic polymerization of 4-vinylbenzocylobutene was performed in benzene at room temperature using sec-butyllithium as the initiator. Results of the kinetic studies indicated the termination- and transfer-free nature of the polymerization. Homopolymers with predictable molecular weights and narrow molecular weight distributions were produced, excluding the interference of the cyclobutene rings during initiation and propagation. Thermogravimetric analysis of poly(4-vinylbenzocyclobutene) in air showed a small weight gain at ~200 °C, a rapid decomposition at ~455 °C, and a gradual decomposition at ~566 °C. This behavior was attributed to the formation of radicals from the pendent benzocyclobutene functionality through o-quinodimethane intermediates and simultaneous decomposition/cross-linking reactions at high temperature. The living nature of the polymerization was also examined via sequential copolymerization with butadiene to form diblock copolymers.
It is a real pleasure to have this opportunity to visit Bluebird Nurseries and talk with everyone gathered here, and I join John Trumbull in welcoming you this morning. I am looking forward to learning more about the Nebraska nursery industry today, and I look forward to visiting and working with you now, and in the days ahead. Getting to know Nebraska and its residents is one of the real pleasures of my new job, and has been since I started in January. My wife Virginia and I literally slid into the state one snowy day last December - almost hard to remember that icy, snowy winter, given the past few months - and ever since our arrival we have been impressed and delighted by the friendliness and warmth of Nebraska's residents. This is a great state, and we are very happy to be here. As I welcome you I also want to offer Chancellor Harvey Perlman's regrets that he could not accept the invitation to be here, too; he is unable to join us because of conflicts in schedule.
Members of the Academic Planning Committee, and others here today, it is my responsibility to speak with you about the budget cuts we are recommending in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. This is a difficult task, because I must speak for cuts that I would prefer not to make, cuts I know are opposed by constituents and colleagues whom I hold in high regard, cuts imposed upon us because of the current status of the Nebraska economy.
The Michigan Departments of Agriculture, Community Health, and Natural Resources, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Michigan State University work cooperatively together as the bovine TB eradication project partners. The interagency group combines expertise in epidemiology, veterinary and human medicine, pathology, wildlife biology, animal husbandry, regulatory law and policy and risk communications. The stakeholders, those impacted by the disease, include agriculture and tourism industry representatives, “Mom-and-Pop” businesses, hunters, wildlife enthusiasts, farmers, Local Health Departments and legislators. The regulatory agencies are the above mentioned project partners, excluding MSU and USDA Wildlife Services, both of which offer services to agencies and stakeholders. Eradicating bovine TB would not be difficult if there were no social issues surrounding it. The economy, hunting traditions, animal management, tourism and human health are all impacted by regulatory response to the disease. Often the social issues play a large role in decision making, therefore it is important to understand your clientele and anticipate public reaction to policy changes and requirements.
On behalf of the California Vertebrate Pest Committee, which sponsors these conferences, I wish to thank all of the speakers for their contribution to the program and the session chairmen who kept the meeting moving so smoothly. We would like to extend a special thanks to the speakers and participants who have come from other countries to share with us some of their knowledge concerning vertebrate pest problems and their solutions. Hopefully, the acquaintances made here and the exchange of information with our colleagues from distant places will be the beginning of long-lasting friendships and will foster better communications between those with mutual interests.