930 resultados para Types of environments


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Background: High-density tiling arrays and new sequencing technologies are generating rapidly increasing volumes of transcriptome and protein-DNA interaction data. Visualization and exploration of this data is critical to understanding the regulatory logic encoded in the genome by which the cell dynamically affects its physiology and interacts with its environment. Results: The Gaggle Genome Browser is a cross-platform desktop program for interactively visualizing high-throughput data in the context of the genome. Important features include dynamic panning and zooming, keyword search and open interoperability through the Gaggle framework. Users may bookmark locations on the genome with descriptive annotations and share these bookmarks with other users. The program handles large sets of user-generated data using an in-process database and leverages the facilities of SQL and the R environment for importing and manipulating data. A key aspect of the Gaggle Genome Browser is interoperability. By connecting to the Gaggle framework, the genome browser joins a suite of interconnected bioinformatics tools for analysis and visualization with connectivity to major public repositories of sequences, interactions and pathways. To this flexible environment for exploring and combining data, the Gaggle Genome Browser adds the ability to visualize diverse types of data in relation to its coordinates on the genome. Conclusions: Genomic coordinates function as a common key by which disparate biological data types can be related to one another. In the Gaggle Genome Browser, heterogeneous data are joined by their location on the genome to create information-rich visualizations yielding insight into genome organization, transcription and its regulation and, ultimately, a better understanding of the mechanisms that enable the cell to dynamically respond to its environment.


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Aims: Surgical staple line dehiscence usually leads to severe complications. Several techniques and materials have been used to reinforce this stapling and thus reduce the related complications. The objective was to compare safety of two types of anastomotic reinforcement in open gastric bypass. Methods: A prospective, randomized study comparing an extraluminal suture, fibrin glue, and a nonpermanent buttressing material, Seamguard (R), for staple line reinforcement. Fibrin glue was excluded from the study and analysis after two leaks, requiring surgical reintervention, antibiotic therapy, and prolonged patient hospitalization. Results: Twenty patients were assigned to the suture and Seamguard reinforcement groups. The groups were similar in terms of preoperative characteristics. No staple line dehiscence occurred in the two groups, whereas two cases of dehiscence occurred in the fibrin glue group. No mortality occurred and surgical time was statistically similar for both techniques. Seamguard made the surgery more expensive. Conclusion: In our service, staple line reinforcement in open bariatric surgery with oversewing or Seamguard was considered to be safe. Seamguard application was considered to be easier than oversewing, but more expensive.


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AIM: To compare the performance of different types of abdominal drains used in bariatric surgery. METHODS: A vertical banded Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was performed in 33 morbidly obese patients. Drainage of the peritoneal cavity was performed in each case using three different types of drain selected in a randomized manner: a latex tubular drain, a Watterman tubulolaminar drain, and a silicone channeled drain. Drain permeability, contamination of the drained fluid, ease of handling, and patient discomfort were evaluated postoperatively over a period of 7 d. RESULTS: The patients with the silicone channeled drain had larger volumes of drainage compared to patients with tubular and tubulolaminar drains between the third and seventh postoperative days. In addition, a lower incidence of discomfort and of contamination with bacteria of a more pathogenic profile was observed in the patients with the silicone channeled drain. CONCLUSION: The silicone channeled drain was more comfortable and had less chance of occlusion, which is important in the detection of delayed dehiscence. (C) 2009 The WJG Press and Baishideng. All rights reserved.


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The cancer is one of the most common and severe problems in clinical medicine, and nervous system tumors represent about 2% of the types of cancer. The central role of the nervous system in the maintenance of vital activities and the functional consequences of the loss of neurons can explain how severe brain cancers are. The cell cycle is a highly complex process, with a wide number of regulatory proteins involved, and such proteins can suffer alterations that transform normal cells into malignant ones. The INK4 family members (CDK inhibitors) are the cell cycle regulators that block the progression of the cycle through the R point, causing an arrest in G1 stage. The p14ARF (alternative reading frame) gene is a tumor suppressor that inhibits p53 degradation during the progression of the cell cycle. The PTEN gene is related to the induction of growth suppression through cell cycle arrest, to apoptosis and to the inhibition of cell adhesion and migration. The purpose of the present study was to assess the mutational state of the genes p14ARF, p15INK4b, p16INK4a, and PTEN in 64 human nervous system tumor samples. Homozygous deletions were found in exon 2 of the p15INK4b gene and exon 3 of the p16INK4a gene in two schwannomas. Three samples showed a guanine deletion (63 codon) which led to a loss of heterozygosity in the p15 gene, and no alterations could be seen in the PTEN gene. Although the group of patients was heterogeneous, our results are in accordance with other different studies that indicate that homozygous deletion and loss of heterozygosity in the INK4 family members are frequently observed in nervous system tumors.


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Disruption or loss of tumor suppressor gene TP53 is implicated in the development or progression of almost all different types of human malignancies. Other members of the p53 family have been identified. One member, p73, not only shares a high degree of similarity with p53 in its primary sequence, but also has similar functions. Like p53, p73 can bind to DNA and activate transcription. Using PCR-SSCP and gene sequencing, we analyzed the TP53 and TP73 genes in a case of a grade III anaplastic astrocytoma that progressed to glioblastoma. We found a deletion of AAG at position 595-597 of TP53 (exon 6), resulting in the deletion of Glu 199 in the protein and a genomic polymorphism of TP73, identified as an A-to-G change, at position E8/+15 at intron 8 (IVS8-15A>G). The mutation found at exon 6 of the gene TP53 could be associated with the rapid tumoral progression found in this case, since the mutated p53 may inactivate the wild-type p53 and the p73 alpha protein, which was conserved here, leading to an increase in cellular instability.


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We examined the antibacterial activities of several types of propolis, including Africanized honey bee green propolis and propolis produced by meliponini bees. The antibacterial activity of green propolis against Micrococcus luteus and Staphylococcus aureus was superior to that of Melipona quadrifasciata and Scaptotrigona sp propolis. Only two samples of propolis (green propolis and Scaptotrigona sp propolis) were efficient against Escherichia coli. Melipona quadrifasciata propolis was better than green propolis and Scaptotrigona sp propolis against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We concluded that these resins have potential for human and veterinary medicine.


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The p53 tumor suppressor gene is the most frequently mutated gene in human cancer; this gene is mutated in up to 50% of human tumors. It has a critical role in the cell cycle, apoptosis and cell senescence, and it participates in many crucial physiological and pathological processes. Polymorphisms of p53 have been suggested to be associated with genetically determined susceptibility in various types of cancer. Another process involved with the development and progression of tumors is DNA hypermethylation. Aberrant methylation of the promoter is an alternative epigenetic change in genetic mechanisms, leading to tumor suppressor gene inactivation. In the present study, we examined the TP53 Arg72Pro and Pro47Ser polymorphisms using PCR-RFLP and the pattern of methylation of the p53 gene by methylation-specific PCR in 90 extra-axial brain tumor samples. Patients who had the allele Pro of the TP53 Arg72Pro polymorphism had an increased risk of tumor development ( odds ratio, OR = 3.23; confidence interval at 95%, 95% CI = 1.71-6.08; P = 0.003), as did the allele Ser of TP53 Pro47Ser polymorphism (OR = 1.28; 95% CI = 0.03-2.10; P = 0.01). Comparison of overall survival of patients did not show significant differences. In the analysis of DNA methylation, we observed that 37.5% of meningiomas, 30% of schwannomas and 52.6% of metastases were hypermethylated, suggesting that methylation is important for tumor progression. We suggest that TP53 Pro47Ser and Arg72Pro polymorphisms and DNA hypermethylation are involved in susceptibility for developing extra-axial brain tumors.


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The objective of this study was to characterize acrosomal ultrastructure following discontinuous Percoll gradient centrifugation of cryopreserved bovine sperm. Semen was collected from six bulls of different breeds and three ejaculates per bull were evaluated. Frozen semen samples were thawed and the acrosomal region of sperm cells was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) before (n = 18) and after (n = 18) Percoll centrifugation. The evaluation of 20 sperm heads from each of the 36 samples analyzed ensured that a large number of cells were investigated. The data were subjected to analysis of variance at a level of significance of 5%. Percoll centrifugation reduced the percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes (from 61.77 to 30.24%), reduced the percentage of sperm presenting atypical acrosome reactions (from 28.38 to 4.84%) and increased the percentage of sperm exhibiting damage in the acrosome (from 6.14 to 64.26%). The percentage of sperm with typical acrosome reactions was not significantly different before (3.70%) and after (0.67%) centrifugation. TEM distinguished four different types of acrosomal status and enabled ultrastructural characterization of acrosomal injuries. The percentage of sperm exhibiting normal acrosomes decreased and damage in the acrosome was the most frequent acrosomal injury with the Percoll gradient centrifugation protocol utilized.


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Objective: To verify the effects of laser energy on intracanal dentin surfaces, by analyzing the morphologic changes and removal of debris in the apical third of 30 extracted human teeth, prepared and irradiated with the Nd:YAG laser and diode laser. Background Data: Lasers have been widely used in endodontics. The morphologic changes in dentin walls caused by Nd: YAG and diode laser irradiation could improve apical seals and cleanliness. Materials and Methods: The protocol used for Nd: YAG laser irradiation was 1.5 W, 100 mJ, and 15 Hz, in pulsed mode, and for diode laser was 2.5 W in continuous mode. Each specimen was irradiated four times at a speed of 2 mm/sec with a 20-sec interval between applications. Five calibrated examiners scored the morphologic changes and debris removal on a 4-point scale. Results: In analyzing the scores, there were no statistically significant differences between the two types of laser for either parameter, according to Kruskal-Wallis testing at p = 0.05. The SEM images showed fusion and resolidification of the dentin surface, with partial removal of debris on the specimens irradiated with the Nd: YAG laser and the diode laser, compared with controls. Conclusion: Both lasers promote morphologic changes and debris removal. These alterations of the dentin surface appeared to be more evident in the Nd: YAG laser group, but the diode laser group showed more uniform changes.


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Premise of the study: The phloem is a plant tissue with a critical role in plant nutrition and signaling. However, little is still known about the evolution of this tissue. In lianas of the Bignoniaceae, two distinct types of phloem coexist: a regular and a variant phloem. The cells associated with these two phloem types are known to be anatomically different; however, it is still unclear what steps were involved in the evolution of such differences. Methods: Here we studied the anatomical development of the regular and variant phloem in representatives of all 21 genera of Bignonieae and used a phylogenetic framework to investigate the timing of changes associated with the evolution of each phloem type. Key results: We found that the variant phloem always appears in a determinate location, between the leaf orthostichies. Furthermore, the variant phloem was mostly occupied by very wide sieve tubes and generally included a higher concentration of fibers, indicating an increase in conduction and mechanical support. On the other hand, the regular phloem included much more parenchyma, more and wider rays, and tiny sieve tubes that resembled terminal sieve tubes from plants with seasonal formation of vascular tissues; these findings suggest reduced conduction and higher storage capacity in the regular phloem. Conclusions: Overall, differences between the regular and variant phloem increased over time, leading to further specialization in conduction in the variant phloem and an increase in storage specialization in the regular phloem.


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Chrysotile is one of the six types of asbestos, and it is the only one that can still be commercialized in many countries. Exposure to other types of asbestos has been associated with serious diseases, such as lung carcinomas and pleural mesotheliomas. The association of chrysotile exposure with disease is controversial. However, in vitro studies show the mutagenic potential of chrysotile, which can induce DNA and cell damage. The present work aimed to analyze alterations in lung small cell carcinoma cultures after 48 h of chrysotile exposure, followed by 2, 4 and 8 days of recovery in fiber-free culture medium. Some alterations, such as aneuploid cell formation, increased number of cells in G2/M phase and cells in multipolar mitosis were observed even after 8 days of recovery. The presence of chrysotile fibers in the cell cultures was detected and cell morphology was observed by laser scanning confocal microscopy. After 4 and 8 days of recovery, only a few chrysotile fragments were present in some cells, and the cellular morphology was similar to that of control cells. Cells transfected with the GFP-tagged alpha-tubulin plasmid were treated with chrysotile for 24 or 48 h and cells in multipolar mitosis were observed by time-lapse microscopy. Fates of these cells were established: retention in metaphase, cell death, progression through M phase generating more than two daughter cells or cell fusion during telophase or cytokinesis. Some of them were related to the formation of aneuploid cells and cells with abnormal number of centrosomes.


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Solar radiation sustains and affects all life forms on Earth. In recent years, the increase in environmental levels of solar-UV radiation due to depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer, as a result of anthropogenic emission of destructive chemicals, has highlighted serious issues of social concern. This becomes still more dramatic in tropical and subtropical regions, where the intensity of solar radiation is higher. To better understand the impact of the harmful effects of solar-UV radiation on the DNA molecule, we developed a reliable biological monitoring system based on the exposure of plasmid DNA to artificial UV lamps and sunlight. The determination and quanti. cation of different types of UV photoproducts were performed through the use of specific DNA repair enzymes and antibodies. As expected, a significant number of CPDs and 6-4PPs was observed when the DNA-dosimeter system was exposed to increasing doses of UVB radiation. Moreover, CPDs could also be clearly detected in plasmid DNA when this system was exposed to either UVA or directly to sunlight. Interestingly, although less abundant, 6-4PPs and oxidative DNA damage were also generated after exposure to both UVA and sunlight. These results confirm the genotoxic potential of sunlight, reveal that UVA may also produce CPDs and 6-4PPs directly in naked DNA and demonstrate the applicability of a DNA-dosimeter system for monitoring the biological effects of solar-UV radiation.


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A network can be analyzed at different topological scales, ranging from single nodes to motifs, communities, up to the complete structure. We propose a novel approach which extends from single nodes to the whole network level by considering non-overlapping subgraphs (i.e. connected components) and their interrelationships and distribution through the network. Though such subgraphs can be completely general, our methodology focuses on the cases in which the nodes of these subgraphs share some special feature, such as being critical for the proper operation of the network. The methodology of subgraph characterization involves two main aspects: (i) the generation of histograms of subgraph sizes and distances between subgraphs and (ii) a merging algorithm, developed to assess the relevance of nodes outside subgraphs by progressively merging subgraphs until the whole network is covered. The latter procedure complements the histograms by taking into account the nodes lying between subgraphs, as well as the relevance of these nodes to the overall subgraph interconnectivity. Experiments were carried out using four types of network models and five instances of real-world networks, in order to illustrate how subgraph characterization can help complementing complex network-based studies.


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A great part of the interest in complex networks has been motivated by the presence of structured, frequently nonuniform, connectivity. Because diverse connectivity patterns tend to result in distinct network dynamics, and also because they provide the means to identify and classify several types of complex network, it becomes important to obtain meaningful measurements of the local network topology. In addition to traditional features such as the node degree, clustering coefficient, and shortest path, motifs have been introduced in the literature in order to provide complementary descriptions of the network connectivity. The current work proposes a different type of motif, namely, chains of nodes, that is, sequences of connected nodes with degree 2. These chains have been subdivided into cords, tails, rings, and handles, depending on the type of their extremities (e.g., open or connected). A theoretical analysis of the density of such motifs in random and scale-free networks is described, and an algorithm for identifying these motifs in general networks is presented. The potential of considering chains for network characterization has been illustrated with respect to five categories of real-world networks including 16 cases. Several interesting findings were obtained, including the fact that several chains were observed in real-world networks, especially the world wide web, books, and the power grid. The possibility of chains resulting from incompletely sampled networks is also investigated.


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The properties of the localized states of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a nonlinear periodic potential (nonlinear optical lattice) are investigated. We discuss the existence of different types of solitons and study their stability by means of analytical and numerical approaches. The symmetry properties of the localized states with respect to nonlinear optical lattices are also investigated. We show that nonlinear optical lattices allow the existence of bright soliton modes with equal symmetry in both components and bright localized modes of mixed symmetry type, as well as dark-bright bound states and bright modes on periodic backgrounds. In spite of the quasi-one-dimensional nature of the problem, the fundamental symmetric localized modes undergo a delocalizing transition when the strength of the nonlinear optical lattice is varied. This transition is associated with the existence of an unstable solution, which exhibits a shrinking (decaying) behavior for slightly overcritical (undercritical) variations in the number of atoms.